Rusia utiliza bombas FAB-1500 solo inferiores a las nucleares contra las tropas ¿Qué significa?

  • hace 6 meses
El Ministerio de Defensa ruso anunció repentinamente el uso de munición detonante volumétrica de aviación, incluida una versión particularmente poderosa, la ODAB-3000, lo que sorprendió a muchos analistas, ya que anteriormente no se fabricaban en serie diseños tan potente.
00:21, I think NATO is not aware of the path it has taken in Ukraine, nor how far
00:27it can stretch the rubber band without causing an absolute disaster. Now France says it is going to bring
00:33to Ukraine hundreds of old troop transport vehicles that it had in its warehouses
00:38disused due to their age. I usually say that in the Borrelian garden of Europe, from
00:43looking at ourselves so much, we do not know anything about what is happening around us,
00:48nor about the signals they send us. If we looked up from time to time we would be aware
00:54of the signs that come from Russia, and some are already old, but like all the signs
00:59that come from Russia in the EU we pass through the triumphal arch, we are going to remember the
01:054 main ones starting with the most recent ones.
01:08First. Russia has begun a very destructive phase of the war against all of
01:16Ukraine's vital infrastructure, indicating that there is no turning back. Second. Russia has
01:24for the first time begun to use monstrous guided thermobaric bombs against troops
01:29on the front, at the same time that it announced a few days ago that it had begun
01:34mass manufacturing of these bombs. This is simply interpreted by many analysts as a message
01:40that these bombs are the ones that would give way to the next phase, which would be nuclear.
01:44Third. When Russia launched its army against Ukraine, it clearly said that among
01:51other things, it was to demilitarize Ukraine and break NATO's hegemony in the world.
01:56demanding security for Russia that would consist of the US withdrawing its armies to the borders
02:02agreed with Gorbachev. And a quarter. that although it is already old because it dates back to January 2018,
02:10that security requires that the US withdraw its entire nuclear arsenal from Europe and repatriate it
02:15to its territory. But of course, since we are very prone to not paying a single damn attention, as happened
02:21with the warnings that Putin sent us in Munich in 2007, well, that, from those
02:26forgotten dusts, this mud in which we are mired now has arrived, we will remember here
02:31why it came Russia's demand that the US repatriate its nuclear bombs. but
02:37we go in parts.
02:39Ukrainian formations on the front have to retreat under attacks from
02:45Russian glide bombs, or hold their positions suffering huge losses. Austrian military analyst
02:51Tom Cooper, who supports Ukraine, writes about this in a post on
02:56the website. says that Ukrainian formations on the front have to retreat
03:03under attacks from Russian glide bombs or resist. He notes that “the events
03:09of the last few days in Ukraine have been really sad to see,” and overall,
03:14“the situation remains unpleasant.” The Russian Aerospace Forces continue
03:20to attack with gliding bombs, allowing more and more assault groups of the
03:25Russian Armed Forces to not only continue the offensive, but also force the
03:30Ukrainians to continue their gradual withdrawal. Because if the Ukrainian Armed Forces do not
03:36withdraw, they will suffer very strong hits from guided gliding bombs and will suffer too many
03:44"Also in Germany they were horrified by the Russian ODAB-1500 bomb, whose smoke mushroom
03:49rose up to a kilometer in height." During the attacks on the Sumy region,
03:55Russian troops used the heavy aerial bomb for the first time in this Ukrainian war. ODAB-1500.
04:02The columnist for the military publication Bild, Julian Ropke, described with great emotion
04:06the consequences of the explosion of this bomb. He said that during the ongoing fighting
04:12in Ukraine, Russian troops may have used high-volume detonating bombs
04:17(ODAB) weighing 1,500 kg. According to him, this was the first time this bomb was used
04:25during the special operation. It is assumed that Russia could have used them near
04:31the village of Velikaya Pisarevka, in the Sumy region, where the
04:36Ukrainian Armed Forces were located.
04:39Roepke also pointed out that the Russian army normally used bombs with a
04:43mass not exceeding 500 kg. What kind of beast is ODAB-1500? With the advent
04:51of new launch technologies, the variety of weapons is also increasing.
04:57If we were previously surprised by the RBK-500 guided aerial bombs, now they have appeared in the
05:03Russian aerospace forces. the ODAB-1500 volumetric detonating aerial bombs, Let's see
05:10what kind of ammunition it is, what capabilities it has and why they started using it recently.
05:17It is worth noting that volumetric detonating ammunition has been used for quite some time,
05:23with multiple launchers "Solntsepyok" and "Tosochka", However, compared
05:28to ground equipment, aviation versions of this type of ammunition are
05:32much more powerful .
05:34For example, the "filling" of a launcher missile is three times less than that of a
05:41standard ODAB-500PMV bomb. This allows you to cause damage quite effectively over a huge area of ​​up to
05:46300 meters using a single ammunition. These impressive figures, as well as the
05:53visual effect, allow us to compare volumetric detonating munitions with nuclear ones. They are often
06:00described as second in power only to nuclear weapons, which, while
06:06not entirely accurate, generally reflects the power of FAB, and the demoralizing effect
06:12it can have. However, these ammunition have a special operating principle
06:18that makes them unique. It is no secret that this ammunition uses a mixture that
06:24is sprayed and mixed with air several tens of meters, before contact with the ground
06:29and subsequently a spark is produced that causes the mixture to react violently.
06:34and the resulting cloud also penetrates various cavities and spaces, such as trenches, fortifications
06:41and buildings, leaving a significant footprint on a large surface.
06:46The Russian Defense Ministry suddenly announced the use of
06:51aviation volumetric detonating munitions, including a particularly powerful version, the ODAB-1500, surprising
06:58many analysts. since previously there were no serial products of
07:03such a powerful design. It is not difficult to assume that as the power of the munitions increases,
07:10their destructive capabilities increase. If a standard aerial bomb weighing 500 kg
07:15has an effect at a distance of 300 meters, then one can only imagine how destructive
07:21the effects of a one and a half ton ammunition like the ODAB 1500.
07:27Exact figures are not given, since this novelty is a rather rare case, but
07:32its effective damage radius is likely to be 500 meters or even more.
07:37It is evident that the appearance of the ODAB-1500 clearly indicates preparation for its
07:42massive use in the very near future, meaning that it would fully enter one of the
07:48previously mentioned points of the demilitarization of Ukraine. Some sources see the debut of this
07:53new product as the last warning before the use of nuclear weapons. but in
07:58reality this is a preliminary test of capabilities: it is clear that the VKS
08:05are preparing to introduce new ammunition in the next offensive. and to think that in its
08:11arsenal, Russia has the ODAB-3000, and even the ODAB-9000, is terrifying, and it will be
08:18sending some message to NATO. Which I interpret as if more power would be needed,
08:23then only nuclear is left.
08:26However, French Defense Minister Sébastien Lecornu said yesterday that "To maintain
08:31such a large front line, the Ukrainian army needs, for example, our
08:37armored personnel carriers. This is absolutely necessary for the mobility
08:43of troops. These old but still in service equipment will be able to directly benefit
08:49Ukraine in significant quantities. We are talking about hundreds in 2024 and early 2025,"
08:56said French Defense Minister Sébastien Lecornu. He also stated that France wants
09:02to help strengthen Ukraine's air defense, so it is preparing a new batch
09:07of Aster 30 anti-aircraft missiles, for the SAMPT air defense system.
09:12And now we go to the last point, the one related to the nuclear weapons that the United States has introduced
09:19into Europe and that Russia requested that it repatriate them all, this is the story. On December 15
09:25, 2017, in the Italian newspaper Il Manifesto, a news article by Manlio Dinucci appeared, which
09:32said that the United States was beginning the deployment of thirty F-35 fighters to transport 60
09:38atomic bombs in Italy. and that due to those coincidences of life, it is precisely a
09:44newspaper that, since its birth in 1969, has been of communist ideology. I make this observation
09:52because it is important to highlight that neither in Falsimedia, nor in the important agencies, nor in the
09:58official media is information about this event found, or it appears very hidden. it
10:04which comes to ratify the theory that in NATO nations, citizens
10:08have no idea what our governments do behind our backs, if we want to read
10:14this type of news it will have to be in Blocs and independent newspapers.
10:20These atomic weapons are deployed on Italian soil in violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
10:25, which by the way Donald Trump had already brushed off. The participation of the
10:31Italian industry in the assembly of the new American warplane makes it, in
10:36fact, part of the gigantic military-industrial complex of the United States, under the leadership of Lockheed
10:41Martin. The Ghedi military airport, in the Italian province of Brescia, is preparing
10:48to become one of the main bases for the United States' F-35 aircraft.
10:55The Italian Ministry of Defense at that time published in the Official Gazette of its
11:00country, the announcement about the construction at a cost of 2.5 million euros, and the construction
11:06at a cost of 60.7 million euros, of the new infrastructure for the F-35. The
11:143-story building will be used as the command center with the operations rooms and
11:18flight simulators, the hangar for the maintenance of the aforementioned war planes, is
11:243,460 square meters with a 5-ton rolling bridge, in addition to others. 2800 M2 of
11:32various structures; a storage area of ​​1100 M2 that will have a small
11:382-story office building as annexes. It will also house the technology center with an
11:45electric cabin, and fire pools, in addition to 15 smaller hangars of 440 M2 where
11:52the F-35s will be parked ready for takeoff. As each of these hangars will be able to accommodate
11:59two F-35s, the total capacity will be 30 of these warplanes.
12:06All the buildings will be concentrated in a single closed area, monitored with
12:11video cameras and separated from the rest of the airport. In other words, it will be a base within the base, to
12:17which not even the airport's military personnel will have access. Only
12:23personnel who work directly with the new planes will be able to enter there. Because?. Because
12:29alongside the conventional takeoff and landing F-35A, of which Italy was purchasing
12:3660 copies, in addition to thirty short takeoff and vertical landing F-35B, there will be
12:43the new American B61-12 atomic bombs.
12:48Like the B-61 nuclear bombs, also American, currently deployed in
12:54Italy, the B61-12 can also be used by the PA-200 Tornado. But, to guide these
13:02atomic bombs with the greatest precision and exploit their anti-bunker capabilities,
13:07F-35A aircraft are needed, equipped with special digital systems. Each F-35 can carry 2
13:17nuclear bombs, which means that 60 B61-12 atomic bombs can be deployed in Ghedi (Italy),
13:24multiplying the number of current B-61s by 3.
13:29Like their predecessors, the B61-12 will be under the control of the
13:35US special unit, the 704th Ammunition Support Squadron, of the US Air Force.
13:43responsible for the receipt, storage, and maintenance of
13:48US war reserve weapons destined for the
13:52Italian Air Force's 6th NATO Squadron. The role of this United States Air Force unit is to
13:59directly support the attack mission of the 6th Squadron. Italian pilots are already training
14:04at the Eglin (Florida) and Luke (Arizona) air bases in the use of the F-35,
14:10and training includes carrying out nuclear strike missions.
14:16Several Italian F-35s armed with the American B61-12 atomic bombs, or at least
14:23capable of using them, will also be deployed at the Amendola base (
14:28Italian province of Foggia), where the first F-35 arrived, and at others. In addition to those
14:36Italian F-35s, there will be the Air Force F-35s deployed at the Aviano base, (also
14:42in Italy) along with the B61-12 nuclear bombs.
14:47Italy's participation in the F-35 program reinforces Italy's submission to the
14:52United States. The Italian military industry, headed by the Leonardo firm, which runs
14:58the F-35 assembly complex in Cameri. It is now even more tied to the
15:04gigantic American military-industrial complex, under the direction of Lockheed Martin, manufacturer
15:11of the F-35. today converted into the largest war industry in the world, with 16,000 companies
15:18who work for her in the United States and another 1,500 in 65 other countries.
15:23The deployment in Italy of F-35 warplanes armed with American
15:30B61-12 atomic bombs increases Italy's subordination to the Pentagon chain of command, depriving
15:36the Italian parliament of all real decision-making power. So, friends, this is a
15:42real shame, that the workers, who are the ones who put the dead in all
15:46the wars imposed by the bourgeoisie, allow our rulers to tease us
15:52in this way. and I have the right to protest even if I am not Italian, since we belong
15:58to the same two blocs, the EU and NATO, which are the ones that are provoking
16:04Russia again and will not stop. Because the day those planes leave loaded with B61-12 bombs
16:09, on an attack mission, within half an hour, neither the Aviano base,
16:16nor the Rota base in Spain, nor Italy, nor any nation in Europe. These
16:22vitally important decisions would have to be discussed in parliaments and then ratified
16:27in a referendum of the entire population. Can you imagine when the missiles were launched against Syria
16:33from Spanish waters, they were intercepted by the Russian navy, but if the launch
16:39had been massive and Russia retaliated against Rota, what would have happened?
16:45Russia took very little time to respond to that decision of the Italian government, well, forgive friends
16:51but Italian is just a euphemism for American. Not even a month passed
16:56after the news, that in January 2018 Russia urged the US to withdraw all its
17:03nuclear weapons from the territory of Europe. From Moscow they pointed out that Washington should have
17:08returned the nuclear arsenal to its territory a long time ago. Moscow has urged
17:14Washington to withdraw all nuclear weapons it currently possesses in European territory,
17:20according to the words of the director of the Department for Non-Proliferation
17:24and Arms Control of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Mikhail Ulyanov. "Russia, for its part
17:31, has already returned all its nuclear weapons to its national territory, and we believe that the
17:36American side should have done the same a long time ago," Ulyanov told
17:40RIA Novosti, pointing out that Washington currently maintains some 200 atomic bombs on European territory
17:49The modernized US B61 bomb makes a nuclear war more possible. However, the
17:55diplomat stressed that Washington shows no signs of reducing this weaponry on the continent,
18:01but instead intends to modernize it. He also reiterated that the US and other countries that participate
18:07in nuclear missions NATO are omitting non-proliferation treaty obligations. If this
18:13actually means deploying an additional number of nuclear warheads in Europe
18:18beyond what we currently have, this can only aggravate the situation,"
18:23Ulyanov said at the time.
18:26That is why everything explained here becomes relevant and topical, because
18:31the Third World War has already begun, and NATO has expanded by two more nations such as Sweden and Finland.
18:37and creating more bases with F-35s equipped with nuclear weapons at the very gates of Moscow,
18:43in addition to the F-16s that they want to take to Ukraine, and which can also transport nuclear weapons.
18:50Given this, can there be any doubt that Russia's use of ODAB bombs
18:55has significance?
18:58This is all friends, receive greetings.
