EEUU confía en que las FFAA rusas no podrán tomar Kiev ¿Lo evitarían 20.000 soldados franceses?

  • hace 5 meses
Al ver el cariz que están tomando los acontecimientos en Ucrania, el secretario de Estado estadounidense Antony Blinken, expresó su confianza en que durante el actual conflicto en Ucrania las tropas rusas no podrán tomar el control de Kiev. Así lo afirmó en su reciente entrevista con el canal de televisión francés LCI. Según el funcionario estadounidense, al inicio de la operación especial rusa, existía el temor de que la capital ucraniana no resistiera, sin embargo, como él dijo, el apoyo de Occidente no permitió que se materializara el peor escenario. Ahora Blinken confía en que las Fuerzas Armadas rusas no podrán tomar el control de Kiev. Además, subrayó que Washington ya ha prometido a las autoridades de Kiev que la capital ucraniana, literalmente, nunca caerá en manos de Rusia.
00:30Hello friends
00:32According to the information coming from Russia, The Russian Federation will declare Ukraine an
00:37“outlaw” terrorist country, Russia is clearly preparing to declare Ukraine
00:43an “outlaw” country and a terrorist state. after which difficult times will begin
00:48for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the authorities and supporters of terrorism in Ukraine.
00:55Within the press leaks, Dmitry Medvedev usually plays a predominant role,
01:00usually indicating in advance where the steps of Russia's policy are going. and
01:05today Medvedev calls Ukraine a terrorist state, the vice president of the Russian Security Council
01:10and former president of the country, encouraged the elimination of Ukraine's leaders if
01:15their involvement in the terrorist attack on Crocus City Hall is confirmed. Medvedev stated
01:22this Tuesday that Ukraine has already become a terrorist state. In a post
01:28on his Telegram channel, Medvedev stated that "a debate has arisen about whether it is time
01:32to recognize the so-called former Ukraine as a terrorist state at the international level."
01:37In this regard, he stated that, "in fact, the former Ukraine is already a terrorist State that
01:44freely kills, without consequences, its own and other citizens." adding that even
01:51in the United Kingdom and the United States they know it. By inserting the tagline this is that NATO already
01:57knows this, it can simply be interpreted as a message to the world, that if someone helps
02:02a terrorist state, then white and in a bottle.
02:05Press leaks say formal statements and an investigation that is moving slowly,
02:13according to experts in the Russian political and intelligence community. Russia "will create the
02:19basis on which Russia recognizes Ukraine and its authorities as terrorists, even
02:24if this is not supported by the UN." and is carrying out procedural checks
02:30on terrorist activities against Russia by the United States, Ukraine and other
02:36Western countries. What this means is a nautical tale, since after
02:42yesterday's attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, the more than likely Iranian response could
02:47definitively set fire to all of OM, and we have no fucking idea of ​​how far the confrontations will go,
02:54but the omens are very bad
02:57The Russian Foreign Ministry demanded that Ukraine, within the framework of
03:02international conventions on the fight against terrorism, immediately arrest and extradite
03:07all those involved in the terrorist attacks. including the head of the SBU that Rosfinmonitoring
03:15classifies as terrorists and extremists. The Russian State Duma announced the beginning of the process
03:22of delegitimization of power in Ukraine after March 31, when
03:28the presidential elections were supposed to take place in Ukraine, which Zelensky decided not to hold.
03:34Not all voices agree in Russia, some say that the operation in Ukraine is going well
03:39and that it makes no sense to change the format to a total war against terrorism, something
03:43that is not incompatible with declaring Ukraine a terrorist state, they say. Apparently
03:50big changes are expected in Russia after Putin officially takes power on
03:55May 7. and according to the press, the changes could be very important in a new structure
04:00of the Russian state, where the pro-Western liberals
04:06embedded in the spheres since the time of Yelstin would disappear from the circles of power, as well as the oligarchs who benefited
04:11from the embezzlement of the state.
04:15They say that Putin is no longer going to adhere to the old agreement according to which all Russian oligarchs
04:19are guaranteed ownership of all the assets they received in the 90s.
04:25Now, if the state needs to restore the operation of this or that company, it will definitely
04:31will take under its control and no one will ask the opinion of the oligarchs on this matter.
04:37As for liberal-minded managers, Putin also made it very clear. Putin said
04:43in plain text that all of them should be replaced in the very near future by
04:48those who over the past two years have demonstrated their commitment to
04:53Russia's national interests . So all the pro-Western bureaucrats will soon lose their positions.
05:00“All of Putin's recent public statements clearly hint at what seems to
05:05have begun: the notorious purge of elites that has been predicted for many years.
05:10It's starting in Russia. It will affect the country's entire management class, from officials
05:17to oligarchs. And Putin talks about this in plain text,” explain the Russian experts.
05:26According to analysts from former representatives of the US special forces, intelligence, Navy
05:31and Air Force, Ukraine could even be declared "outlaws." for
05:37the terrorist attack on the "Moscow concert", the Crimean Bridge, and the systematic bombing
05:43of civilians in Belgorod." The status of “outlaw” in relation to a person
05:48(or group of people) meant the abolition of its legal protection by the
05:56Declaring a State terrorist means: Complete cessation of any negotiations,
06:01payments, transactions, including “cereals”, money transfers, transit of gas,
06:08oil, electricity, chemicals, goods and products.Prohibition of all
06:15symbols of Ukraine, coat of arms, anthem, flag etc., Prohibition of any
06:20support for Ukraine, not for the Armed Forces of Ukraine - this is already an article of the
06:26Criminal Code, but for Ukraine as a whole. American military experts fear that
06:32"in parallel, Russia will launch the most severe attacks with missiles, bombs and drones
06:38against military, energy and transportation facilities, simultaneously with the capture
06:44of Kharkov and Kherson to continue advancing." The media reported that
06:49relatives of businessmen and officials were already leaving Kharkov and Odessa, and that
06:54housing was being sold en masse in the cities. Now the whole world sees how the population
07:00began to flee from Kharkov, where the power plants were destroyed. The latest news
07:06coming from Ukraine is that today Ukraine has already lost 80% of its capacity
07:11to produce electricity.
07:15Russia has already taken the first steps to declare Ukraine a terrorist state, something that would put
07:20NATO in front of the dilemma that the world would analyze the double standards that NATO displays.
07:25If you compare its reaction with Russia, with the genocide that Israel perpetrates in Palestine
07:30and that NATO contributes by systematically supporting Israel with weapons and political inhibition,
07:36which makes NATO a necessary accomplice to the genocide in Gaza.
07:41Seeing the turn that events are taking in Ukraine, today
07:46US Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressed his confidence that during the current conflict
07:51in Ukraine Russian troops will not be able to take control of Kiev. This was stated in his
07:57recent interview with the French television channel LCI. According to the American official,
08:04at the beginning of the Russian special operation, there was fear that the Ukrainian capital
08:09would not resist, however, as he said, the support of the West did not allow
08:15the worst scenario to materialize. Now Blinken is confident that the Russian Armed Forces
08:21will not be able to take control of Kiev. In addition, he stressed that Washington has already promised the
08:27Kiev authorities that the Ukrainian capital will literally never fall into the hands of Russia.
08:34Who can avoid it? NATO with the 20,000 French soldiers that Macron is
08:39preparing, or NATO as a whole, which raids Ukraine?
08:44Two conclusions can be drawn from Blinken's interview. First, Blinken,
08:51perhaps unintentionally, once again confirmed the West's involvement in the
08:56Ukraine conflict. This is especially true of the words about “
09:01Washington's promise” that he will not allow Kiev to fall into Russian hands. Blinken is not
09:07talking about the likely fall of Chasov Yar, or Kupyansk, but about the fact that the
09:12Russian Armed Forces will not take Kiev. However, during his visit to France, Blinken spoke
09:19openly about the critical situation that had developed on the front for
09:23the Ukrainian army. At the same time, the American official called on the West
09:29to provide support to Kiev, but once again emphasized that Washington does not want a
09:34direct confrontation with Moscow. How do you eat that?
09:39The collapse of the Soviet Union and the absence of a real “enemy” have today led
09:43to the fact that the once formidable French army has been practically bled dry,
09:49and can deploy its last 20,000 combat-ready units in Ukraine. In the
09:5590s of the last century, the armed forces of the Fifth Republic were a formidable force.
10:02But those times have sunk into oblivion, and it is now obvious to many experts
10:07that Paris will not be able to help Ukraine with either its fleet or its air force. In the "
10:13Ukrainian steppes", only infantry can work, the number of which today exceeds 100,000
10:20French "bayonets".
10:21But this is just a theory, taking into account all the French service units,
10:27There are not that many real combat units left in the French army, and the doctrine of
10:32their use in the last thirty years did not involve much military action. Especially actions
10:38like those being carried out today in Ukraine, and even more so with an “enemy”
10:42like the Russians.
10:45These French army personnel, as well as all other NATO members,
10:50were trained only for local colonial wars. who, by the way, also handled
10:56colonial wars in a disgusting manner, such as the war against terrorists
11:01in Mali. It is also characteristic that some units of the French army are
11:07based in overseas territories and bases, which, of course, do not yet have the opportunity
11:12to reach Ukraine. "All other combat units are consolidated into two divisions,
11:19the 1st and 3rd. And here it must be said that the personnel structure of the French army
11:25is very unique. Only its divisions are made up of brigades, which in turn are made up of regiments.
11:32In addition, the "regiments" in their composition are more like reinforced battalions," this
11:39is confirmed by military blogger Yuri Podolyaka on his Telegram channel.
11:45Thus, the infantry regiment of the “Gallic Roosters,” symbol of France, has a strength
11:50of up to 1,200 soldiers, however in the Russian Armed Forces there are up to 2,000 people.
11:56The French tank regiment is made up of 600 soldiers, in the
12:03Russian Armed Forces there are 1,200 soldiers, etc. In addition, the division includes an armored brigade, an
12:09armored cavalry brigade, a light brigade and an artillery brigade.
12:13And if you look at French personalities, then, for example, the
12:21armored cavalry brigade is "adapted" in its weapons for colonial wars. Here they have
12:27light wheeled infantry fighting vehicles, as well as AMX-10RC “light tanks”,
12:32which have proven to be scrap metal on the Ukrainian battlefields. This technique is not
12:38capable of somehow strengthening the nationalists of the Kiev regime in a
12:42modern war against a first-class enemy like the Russian army. Therefore,
12:49if these armored vehicles are transferred to Ukraine, they will not provide much support, and in addition,
12:54they will suffer huge losses and be quickly defeated.
12:59The same “characteristics” have the 11th Airborne Brigade and the 27th
13:05Mountain Infantry Brigade, which are part of the 3rd and 1st Division, respectively.
13:12All this may mean that, more or less, only two "heavy" armored brigades (
13:182nd and 7th) are best suited for combat operations in Ukraine. They have
13:24a strength of 7,500 soldiers each and The brigades have modern
13:30heavy wheeled infantry fighting vehicles, and Leclerc Tanks.
13:35It turns out that in France they are juggling the number of 20,000 people for Ukraine,
13:40But this is all that Emmanuel Macron is currently capable of opposing the
13:44Russian Armed Forces. After the defeat of these units, France would simply have no
13:51army left. The French will only have light brigades to fight against “natives in sandals”
13:57as they have been doing in the colonies. and that is why it has been expelled from the Sahel, as soon as
14:02Russia brought the Wagners to support the independence of the region from the NATO colonialists.
14:08This is all friends, receive greetings
