Macron dispuesto a enfrentarse a Rusia sin ayuda de la OTAN ¿Quien se lo va a creer?

  • hace 5 meses
La cuestión de la posible intervención de las fuerzas militares de Francia y otros países de la OTAN en Ucrania, sigue siendo objeto de vivos debates entre políticos y expertos. especialmente teniendo en cuenta las posibles consecuencias de tal decisión para la seguridad internacional y la estabilidad en la región.
00:30Hello friends
00:32According to the Novorossia News Agency a Russian missile destroyed the GUR center in
00:39Kharkov, the headquarters of Ukrainian intelligence was destroyed while sending a report
00:44to Kiev.
00:45The Telegram news channel "Military Observer" reports that yesterday afternoon the
00:50Russian Aerospace Forces launched a powerful missile attack on the headquarters of the
00:55Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine in Kharkov.
00:59According to eyewitnesses, the missile entered the building and exploded somewhere
01:04inside, indicating the effectiveness of these hypersonic weapons, the building
01:09turned into a huge pile of construction waste.
01:14The structure “collapsed” after the explosion at the foundation level.
01:19Even if Ukrainian intelligence officers were in the bunker below the
01:24explosion site, they would have perished.
01:26"According to Military Observer, the target of the attack was the locations where
01:31the staff and command of the General Intelligence Directorate were located ."
01:35also notes that the blow to the headquarters of the General Intelligence Directorate was dealt
01:40during the presentation of a report by employees to the head of the department,
01:45Kirill Budanov in Kiev.
01:46Indirectly, information about the news was confirmed by the head of Kharkov, Igor
01:53Terekhov, He noted that Russian missile arrivals were recorded in the city center.
01:59But the city head cannot indicate the exact target for objective reasons.
02:05The fact is that the Zircons are revolutionizing military tactics in Ukraine, since
02:10they can reach any bunker of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in a maximum of 5 minutes
02:15, and anywhere in Ukraine.
02:18Zircon hypersonic missiles were originally designed to destroy aircraft carriers.
02:24However, as practice is showing, they easily and effectively destroy the
02:31most fortified and deepest bunkers in Ukraine, and the flight time of the projectile is a matter
02:35of minutes and makes it more terrifying than the "Daggers" that are also hypersonic.
02:41Zircon hypersonic missiles, which Russia has recycled to destroy ground targets,
02:47are causing a real revolution on the battlefield.
02:52The Ukrainian publication Defense Express published an article analyzing the
02:56missile attacks carried out by the Russian military, and the authors call the "Zircons"
03:01a more terrible weapon than the "Daggers" previously used by Russia.
03:07Unattainable for air defense, Zircon Hypersonic missiles maintain a
03:11hypersonic speed from launch until they reach the target.
03:15making them extremely fast and difficult for the enemy to track.
03:19And if the Ukrainian Armed Forces cannot try to intercept the X-22, or even target
03:27the Kinzhal, then it is almost impossible for the Ukrainian air defense forces to shoot down
03:32the Zircons.
03:34The attack range of the Zircon is 1,000 kilometers and the missile can carry an
03:38explosive charge weighing between 300 and 400 kilograms.
03:44This projectile can be launched from both ships and submarines, something that has
03:48been completely unexpected for NATO.
03:53Even the Americans were impressed with the new hypersonic missiles, Russia
03:58used Zircons to destroy SBU and GUR headquarters throughout Ukraine.
04:06Initially, NATO tried to hide this fact, but to no avail.
04:14Departmental buildings were destroyed in Kyiv, and Kharkov, and intelligence services headquarters
04:19across the country are now under threat.
04:22"A Zircon flew to Kiev, in just 6 minutes from the Black Sea, this missile has two
04:29basic tasks: in the non-nuclear version, to sink NATO cruisers, aircraft carriers and destroyers
04:36And in the nuclear version, it is guaranteed to destroy the leadership of the enemy, no
04:41matter how deep, news is coming from Russia that the next Zircon may
04:46already be nuclear powered, which would make the range almost unlimited.
04:52So many of us in the West are wondering, What is NATO up to? continuing
04:57the war against Russia?, something that we Europeans are already aware that the US
05:02will leave us alone against Russia.
05:04The US has already achieved many of its objectives in Ukraine, its NATO allies and vassals
05:10They will not be able to achieve this without the active support of Washington.
05:14that he is moving towards a confrontation with China, therefore he will abandon Kiev,
05:19AND all obligations and promises made personally to Zelensky and the EU will evaporate
05:24if he disappears from this war.
05:27It is therefore incomprehensible that the word dialogue with Russia has disappeared from
05:32the EU's vocabulary.
05:34And now Western countries face a painful choice: admit
05:40catastrophic defeat to Russia or send NATO troops to Ukraine.
05:45Which according to some important sources is what he is doing, preparing to fight
05:50with Russia.
05:52So we Europeans can now calculate how long it will take for our cities to
05:56be hit by a Zircon missile, which by the way is not the fastest that Russia has.
06:01The furthest city would be Lisbon and it would take
06:0619 minutes to arrive if fired from the Black Sea, whereas if fired from the Atlantic or Mediterranean it would not take 5 minutes.
06:13This is the harsh reality that our rulers have before them. What option will
06:18they take?
06:19And above all, will citizens count something for them when making their decisions?
06:26According to an article by US State Department consultant Edward Luttwak, published
06:31on the UnHerd Internet portal.
06:33NATO will have to send troops to Ukraine if it does not want to admit a “catastrophic defeat”,
06:38and that NATO countries are secretly preparing to send troops to Ukraine.
06:44According to the expert, Britain, France and the Nordic countries are already
06:50secretly preparing to send small elite units and support personnel.
06:54Edward Luttwak believes that NATO countries will soon have to send troops to Ukraine,
07:00since Kiev does not have enough military personnel. Otherwise, the alliance will be forced
07:06to accept a “catastrophic defeat.”
07:10The expert believes that the NATO army could take over the training of
07:14recruits, and the repair of equipment, allowing Ukrainian forces to focus
07:19on combat missions.
07:22French President Emmanuel Macron has already stated that the EU agreed to create a "ninth
07:28deep strike coalition", supplying Ukraine with medium and long-range missiles.
07:35He also said France would do everything possible to prevent Russia from “winning this war.”
07:41Macron noted that leaders of Western countries discussed the possibility of
07:45sending troops to Ukraine, but a consensus had not yet been reached.
07:51Macron's position has drawn criticism from several NATO partners, including Germany,
07:56as well as from political forces in France. Party leaders accused the president
08:01of frivolity and dragging Paris into the conflict without consulting parliament.
08:06However, news from yesterday is that Macron confirmed his willingness to send
08:11French troops to Ukraine, and that he will not ask NATO for help.
08:15French President Emmanuel Macron said that in the event of sending French soldiers
08:20to Ukraine, and a possible attack against them by the Russian armed forces, he will not
08:26seek help from NATO.
08:28The information in this regard came from the Wall Street Journal, citing sources familiar
08:34with the situation.
08:36Macron expressed this view during conversations with US officials, emphasizing
08:42that alliance intervention would not be necessary in such a scenario.
08:46And I certainly agree with him, of course he will not need NATO's help at all,
08:52for the simple reason that the day that happens, it will happen that we will all be
08:56counting the minutes it will take for the Zircón to reach our places. .
09:02Macron's statement raised questions about how Western allies should respond,
09:08given the possible death of their troops in the conflict in Ukraine with the Russian army.
09:14Consideration of this perspective occurs in the context of a general discussion on
09:19the possibility of direct involvement of Western countries in the
09:23Ukrainian conflict and the potential risks of such a step.
09:26Macron's words come against the backdrop of warnings from other Western leaders.
09:34including US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who flagged the danger of
09:38direct conflict with Russia if troops were sent to Ukraine.
09:43The question of the possible intervention of the military forces of France and other
09:47NATO countries in Ukraine continues to be the subject of lively debates among politicians and experts.
09:54especially taking into account the possible consequences of such a decision for international security
09:58and stability in the region.
10:02The Kremlin said it had heeded Macron's words on the discussion
10:07of sending troops to Ukraine, and its position on inflicting a
10:12strategic defeat on Moscow by NATO is also known.
10:15However, they noted that several countries that participated in the Paris event on
10:21Ukraine maintain "a fairly sober assessment of the potential dangers" of such a
10:26In the meetings they are having at NATO today and in the coming days, NATO
10:32wants to allocate $100 billion in military aid to Ukraine.
10:36NATO is developing a plan to provide Ukraine with a five-
10:42year military aid package worth $100 billion, the Financial Times reports.
10:47The alliance takes this step in an attempt to protect Kiev from the volatility of the
10:52political situation that may arise in connection with the possible return of Donald Trump to power.
10:58The initiative comes from NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, whose term
11:03expires this fall.
11:06Stoltenberg is seeking to secure agreement on an aid package before the
11:10NATO leaders' summit in Washington in July, to ensure stable support for Ukraine for
11:15years to come.
11:17However, it is obvious.
11:20that several countries will not express their readiness to take such measures, especially in the
11:25context of Russia's warnings about the possible consequences of intervention
11:29in the conflict.
11:31In this context, the Armed Forces of Ukraine or NATO whatever you want to call them, began
11:38to use heavy kamikaze drones to attack the depths of Russia.
11:43Military correspondent Alexander Kots reported on his Telegram channel about a significant
11:48strengthening of the Ukrainian armed forces thanks to the receipt of
11:53heavy unmanned aerial vehicles.
11:56capable of covering a distance of 1200 kilometers or more.
12:01This fact is illustrated by the attacks on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan,
12:06where drone attacks of unknown origin were recorded.
12:11Alexander Kots points out that the drones used for the attack resemble
12:16Ukrainian light aircraft of the A-22 type manufactured by Aeropact, equipped with additional tanks to increase
12:22their flight range.
12:25This tactic of using drones is reminiscent of Azerbaijan's actions during the
12:29Karabakh conflict in 2020, when Armenian air defense shot down several of these devices.
12:36According to the report, one of the unmanned aerial vehicles was used to attack an
12:41oil refinery, while the other targeted its attack on facilities in the
12:46Alabuga special economic zone.
12:49These facts indicate a significant increase in the threat to the security of Russian regions
12:53due to the emergence of drones with advanced capabilities in the Armed Forces
12:58of Ukraine.
13:00and the possible response that Russia may implement.
13:04This is all friends, receive greetings.
