• il y a 6 mois


00:00 *Musique*
00:20 *Musique*
00:46 *Musique*
00:48 *Musique*
00:50 [Musique]
00:52 [Musique]
00:54 [Musique]
00:56 Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire ?
00:57 "Quand ? "
00:58 "Ursa Maya, tu te souviens ? "
01:00 "Nouveau mois de carrière, nous devons tous aller travailler avec quelqu'un des parents et apprendre à faire des travaux différents ! "
01:04 "J'espère que Keshia s'en souviendra, elle est une entreprise. Où étais-tu le soir du 17 Avril, Mrs Santos ? "
01:11 "Bien, hein ?"
01:12 "Ou le père de Asger, il est un danseur ! "
01:15 "Peut-être que je pourrai faire un musical de broadway."
01:22 "Alors, qu'est-ce que tu veux Maya ?"
01:26 "Oh mon dieu, je n'y ai pas pensé !"
01:27 "Bien, je vais être une danseuse cette semaine ! Je peux le sentir dans mes fesses !"
01:31 "Un repaire de téléphone, je dois passer toute la semaine avec un repaire de téléphone ?"
01:38 "Cool, ça a l'air amusant ! Tu vas probablement pouvoir prendre tous les trucs drôles et les re-envoyer."
01:45 "Oh non, ça ne va jamais fonctionner pour moi."
01:47 "Pourquoi pas ?"
01:48 "Deux mots simples, "jumpsuit" "
01:50 "Je pense que c'est un mot."
01:54 "Qu'est-ce que tu fais ?"
01:56 "Je suis un chauffeur de bus ! J'avais hâte de trouver quelque chose de plus comme un ingénieur ou un scientifique nucléaire ! Et qu'est-ce que tu as trouvé ?"
02:01 "Bien, ça a l'air super drôle."
02:03 "Réfléchis Santos !"
02:05 "Je suis en train de me faire un engineer."
02:08 "Un engineer ? Quelqu'un dans cette école a un père qui est un ingénieur et tu as le droit de passer une semaine avec lui ? C'est pas juste !"
02:15 "Calme-toi, Theo ! Au moins tu n'es pas Maya, elle a un salarié d'assurance !"
02:19 "Tu sais même ce que fait un salarié d'assurance tout le jour ?"
02:23 "Euh... non."
02:25 "Mais toi non plus !"
02:26 "Oui je sais !"
02:27 "Eh, euh... bon, ok, mais je crois que ça va être super !"
02:31 "Allô ? Allô ? Allô ?"
02:36 "Ah, 131 !"
02:39 "130, 129..."
02:44 "Où est le 112 ?"
02:46 "Là !"
02:49 "Salesman of the month, salesman of the year, salesman of the decade !"
02:53 "Wow, this guy can sell !"
02:55 "Si, excelente vendedor !"
02:57 "Are you here to fix the computer ?"
02:59 "Uh-oh !"
03:00 "Don't worry, that thing's 12 years old."
03:07 "Oh, sorry !"
03:08 "It's a good thing you're here !"
03:10 "I'm not here to fix the computer !"
03:12 "I'm here to fix the computer !"
03:14 "I'm not here to fix the computer !"
03:16 "Don't worry, that thing's 20 years old."
03:19 "Anyway, the computer's been giving the error messages..."
03:21 "Boy, you techies are getting younger every day."
03:26 "Oh, I'm not a techie !"
03:28 "I mean, I'm here for career week to learn all about your job !"
03:31 "Ah, su trabajo !"
03:33 "Oh yeah, you're in my grandson Ralphie's class."
03:36 "Ha ha, here top Ralphie, here top Ralphie !"
03:40 "Not that we call him that !"
03:42 "I'm Maya !"
03:43 "Ah, yo soy Paco !"
03:45 "Oh, and this is Paco !"
03:46 "I hope it's okay that I brought him !"
03:48 "Sure !"
03:49 "Morten Palmer, senior sales representative."
03:51 "We can't wait to learn about your exciting job, Mr. Palmer !"
03:55 "Su trabajo, su trabajo !"
03:57 "You're excited about selling insurance ?"
03:59 "Well, sure !"
04:01 "Do you even know what it is ?"
04:03 "Uh..."
04:04 "No clue !"
04:05 "Shh, Paco !"
04:07 "Insurance protects you if something important gets lost or broken."
04:12 "That way you can replace it or fix it."
04:14 "Cool !"
04:15 "Alright, well, let's get started."
04:17 "Ah, es vendedor !"
04:19 "Vamos a vender !"
04:20 "He's a very smart bird."
04:22 "So, um, is this what you do all day ?"
04:25 "Oh, sorry !"
04:28 "How rude of me. Do you want a turn ?"
04:30 "Mr. Meyer, sir, I just want you to know that I'm not exactly the fix-it-up type."
04:37 "See, I'm going to be a Broadway dancer."
04:40 "Alright there, pal. Put this on and hold on tight."
04:43 "But my hair !"
04:45 "Isn't it a thrill ? No one ever forgets their first time up."
04:53 "Wow !"
04:54 "Hey, I can see my house from up here !"
04:57 "If Maya could see me now !"
05:00 "Oops, there goes that error message again."
05:10 "Guess that's all the tic-tac-toe for today."
05:12 "Are we going to sell some insurance now ?"
05:14 "Not quite yet. Let me show you what we need to do next."
05:17 "This is an important part of my job."
05:21 "A perfect hot chocolate. I love these tiny marshmallows."
05:25 "I'm sorry, don't you like cocoa ? You want some milk instead ?"
05:28 "There are cookies in the vending machine."
05:30 "Aaaah ! Birdseed, birdseed !"
05:32 "That's okay. I'd rather see what your job is like."
05:35 "Aaaah ! Su trabajo !"
05:40 "You are salesman of the year, salesman of the decade !"
05:43 "In the dorm !"
05:44 "That was a long time ago."
05:46 "Hey, wanna check out the supply room ? They got a lot of cool highlighters."
05:50 "Ralphie loves the orange ones. They match his hair."
05:53 "I'm looking for Dr. Joe Rodriguez."
05:59 "Well, I'm Dr. Joe Rodriguez."
06:01 "Yeah, uh..."
06:03 "Ah, you thought I was going to be a man, didn't you ?"
06:06 "No, no, I mean... Oh !"
06:08 "Oh, well, yeah."
06:10 "Don't worry, I get that a lot."
06:12 "You must be Miguel from Mrs. Langley's class. I'm Beto's mom."
06:15 "What kind of engineer are you ?"
06:17 "Aerospace engineer."
06:19 "Aerospace engineer ? Like... outer space ? Like an astronaut ?"
06:28 "Si, un astronauta."
06:30 "Just call me Payload Specialist Rodriguez. I'm scheduled to go up soon."
06:34 "Un astronauta ! He's gonna be so jealous."
06:37 "Okay, Theo, my man. Ready for bus driving 101 with Bobby D ?"
06:41 "Well, um..."
06:43 "Ah, you probably wanted to be an astronaut or something."
06:46 "That's cool, every kid does. But you've never ridden a bus with Bobby D."
06:51 "So, Theo, my man, watch and learn."
06:54 "Okay, so remember, don't brake too hard, keep an eye on your left mirror, and most importantly, don't forget that every rider matters."
07:05 "Hey, Mr. King, nice to see you."
07:08 "Mrs. Yates, you got your hair cut. It looks great."
07:12 "How are the kids, Mr. DiGiorgio ?"
07:14 "Good, good."
07:16 "You know all their names ?"
07:20 "Oh, yeah, we get a lot of regulars on the old 17."
07:23 "Okay, folks, grab your hats, grab your coffee, because we are rolling."
07:30 "Let's go, let's go, let's go."
07:32 "Because we are rolling."
07:35 "So, you take a pink eraser like this, and some push pins, and then draw a little face. It's a pig."
07:44 "Paco, boy."
07:47 "Paco, that's really neat, Mr. Palmer."
07:50 "Ralphie loves it."
07:52 "Hey, Paco, give that back. Don't worry, I'll get it. Paco, give it to me right now. Paco, come here. Excuse me, Mr. Palmer. Paco, Paco, come here. Paco, Paco, come here. Bring that eraser back to me."
08:06 "Look out, Mr. Palmer."
08:10 "Ah, there you go."
08:19 "Oh, Paco and I will have this cleaned up in a jiffy."
08:22 "And Dr. Rodriguez promised to send me an email from space. Isn't that awesome ?"
08:29 "There's nothing more awesome than a huge bus with over a hundred people on board, and my man Bobby D at the wheel."
08:34 "That's nothing. Someone should write a Broadway musical about working for the phone company, because it is so much fun."
08:41 "In fact, maybe I should write it. Then I could star in it, too."
08:46 "Well, it can be as fun as being a lawyer. I went out on a real power lunch today."
08:51 "What's the matter, Aminita?"
08:54 "It's Mr. Palmer, my insurance salesman."
08:57 "Is it boring?"
08:58 "I don't even know if it's boring. He won't even try to sell insurance. He seems kind of down in the dumps. I feel bad for him."
09:06 "Oh, too bad he can't go up on the phone company crane. It makes you feel like you're on top of the world."
09:11 "Or maybe you should go even higher, like to outer space."
09:14 "Thanks, guys, but I don't think I can send Mr. Palmer to space. Unless... SLS!"
09:22 "Stop right there. Put the brain gently in reverse and back it up slowly."
09:27 "I need to find Mr. Palmer a new job, and I need your help."
09:41 "Mr. Palmer, today is the first day of the rest of your life."
09:46 "Let me get some hot chocolate first."
09:48 "Ah, burnt seed, burnt seed!"
09:52 "I don't mean to be rude or anything, but, you know, you don't seem happy with your job."
09:58 "It's just, well, I've been an insurance salesman for a long time, and sometimes I think I've lost my touch."
10:06 "And that's why I think maybe it's time for a change."
10:10 "Don't listen! Don't listen!"
10:12 "What have you got in mind?"
10:14 "Oh, nothing big. Spend time with some of my friends, look for a new job."
10:18 "A new job? I don't want a new job, Maya. Selling insurance is all I've ever done."
10:26 "Well, what if you just try it? It's got to be better than sitting around making farm animals out of office supplies."
10:31 "Well, if you put it that way. I guess it couldn't hurt, right?"
10:35 "Next stop, coming up!"
10:40 "Open!"
10:42 "Yo, Maya! Welcome to the fabulous number 17 cruise town!"
10:45 "You are really getting the hang of it, Theo!"
10:47 "Can I drive the bus now?"
10:49 "Uh, no."
10:51 "Bobby, this is my friend Maya. And Morton Palmer, this is Bobby D."
10:56 "Oh, and can't forget Paco!"
10:59 "Can't forget Paco! Can't forget Paco!"
11:02 "So, Morty, my man, you want to be a bus driver, huh?"
11:06 "Honestly, I never really thought about it."
11:08 "Driving a bus takes a lot of skill. I mean, you can't brake too hard, you've got to keep your eye on the left mirror, and most important, every rider matters."
11:16 "Okay, Mort, next stop is all you."
11:21 "Now, easy on the lever. Like this."
11:35 "Hey, Bobby D." "Hi, Theo."
11:38 "Now, can I close?"
11:40 "Wait, Paco!"
11:44 "Uh-oh!"
11:48 "I'm sorry. Great, I really messed that up."
11:51 "Oh, don't feel bad, Mort, my man. That lever is really old. It breaks down a lot."
11:57 "Hmm..."
12:00 "What's this all about?"
12:02 "This is my friend Maggie, and Mr. Myers, the telephone repairman."
12:06 "I need you to step up into the basket, sir."
12:08 "What for?"
12:09 "You'll see."
12:11 "Here you go."
12:16 "Thank you."
12:23 "You're welcome."
12:25 "Oh, and I'm sorry, I'm not a driver."
12:28 "No, no, no, I'm a mechanic."
12:30 "Oh, I see. So, you're a mechanic."
12:32 "I'm a mechanic."
12:34 "Oh, I see. So, you're a mechanic."
12:36 "Yeah, I'm a mechanic."
12:38 "I'm a mechanic."
12:40 "And I'm a mechanic."
12:42 "I'm a mechanic."
12:44 "I'm a mechanic."
12:46 "I'm a mechanic."
12:48 "I'm a mechanic."
12:50 "I'm a mechanic."
12:52 "I'm a mechanic."
12:54 "I'm a mechanic."
12:56 "I'm a mechanic."
12:58 "I'm a mechanic."
13:00 "I'm a mechanic."
13:02 "I'm a mechanic."
13:04 "I'm a mechanic."
13:06 "I'm a mechanic."
13:08 "I'm a mechanic."
13:10 "I'm a mechanic."
13:12 "I'm a mechanic."
13:14 "I'm a mechanic."
13:16 "I'm a mechanic."
13:18 "I'm a mechanic."
13:20 "I'm a mechanic."
13:22 "I'm a mechanic."
13:24 "I'm a mechanic."
13:26 "I'm a mechanic."
13:28 "I'm a mechanic."
13:30 "I'm a mechanic."
13:32 "I'm a mechanic."
13:34 "I'm a mechanic."
13:36 "I'm a mechanic."
13:38 "I'm a mechanic."
13:40 "I'm a mechanic."
13:42 "I'm a mechanic."
13:44 "I'm a mechanic."
13:46 "I'm a mechanic."
13:48 "I'm a mechanic."
13:50 "I'm a mechanic."
13:52 "I don't think I'm cut out to be an astronaut."
13:54 "Maybe I'm too old."
13:56 "Don't be silly."
13:58 "Senator John Glenn went into space when he was 77."
14:00 "You're a lot younger than that, Mr. Palmer."
14:02 "And you actually need all kinds of jobs besides astronauts to get someone into space."
14:06 "Right, Dr. Rodriguez?"
14:08 "Absolutely."
14:10 "Now come on, Mort. Climb into the simulator."
14:12 "All right, I guess it might be fun, huh?"
14:16 "Go for it."
14:18 [Bruit de sonar]
14:20 "I'm going to start this out very slowly."
14:26 "Oh!"
14:30 "Oh!"
14:32 "Paco!"
14:34 "Paco!"
14:36 [Grunts]
14:38 "Got it!"
14:40 "Ah!"
14:42 "Oh!"
14:44 "Ah!"
14:46 "Oh!"
14:48 "Ah!"
14:50 "Maya, arrête cette folie!"
14:52 [Grunts]
14:54 "I'm really sorry about the space simulator."
14:58 "It's okay. I owe you some thanks, Maya."
15:00 "You want to be an astronaut after all!"
15:02 "No, Maya."
15:04 "I've realized it's time to hang it all up."
15:06 "Huh? You mean hang up all your salesman awards?"
15:08 "It's a figure of speech."
15:10 "It means throw in the towel, pack it up, call it a day."
15:12 "It's a figure of speech."
15:14 "It means throw in the towel, pack it up, call it a day."
15:16 "Maya, I'm going to retire."
15:18 "Huh?"
15:20 "Right after this career week is over."
15:22 "Face it, I'm not really good at anything anymore."
15:24 "Oh."
15:28 "So, Maya, does Mr. Palmer want to be an astronaut?"
15:32 "So, Maya, does Mr. Palmer want to be an astronaut?"
15:34 "No way, Santos! He wants to be a bus driver!"
15:36 "Right, Maya?"
15:38 "Oh, please! I bet he's applying for a job with a phone company right this second."
15:40 "Oh, please! I bet he's applying for a job with a phone company right this second."
15:42 "Sorry, guys. He doesn't want to do any of those things."
15:44 "He's decided there's nothing he can do."
15:46 "He wants to retire."
15:48 "He's gotta be good at something."
15:50 "I mean, Chrissy's right. Everyone has something they're good at."
15:52 "They can even take tests to see what type of job they're good at."
15:54 "They can even take tests to see what type of job they're good at."
15:56 "Theo! Excellent!"
15:58 "Theo! Excellent!"
16:00 "How to cook Indian food."
16:04 "How to make your baby sleep."
16:06 "Oh! How to scratch that itchy spot between your shoulder blades."
16:08 "Hey! Here we go!"
16:10 "How to find a career."
16:12 "Oh! Mr. Palmer is looking for a career!"
16:14 "You really think this will help, Maya?"
16:16 "No chance."
16:18 "Don't listen to Paco."
16:20 "I bet there are lots of careers we haven't even thought of."
16:22 "Lots of careers?"
16:24 "Oh, look! Here's a whole shelf of books on finding a career."
16:26 "Oh, look! Here's a whole shelf of books on finding a career."
16:28 "Oh, you want one more?"
16:30 "Oh, you want one more?"
16:32 "Can you grab that?"
16:34 "Oh! Ah!"
16:36 "I think we need a book on how to find a self-help book."
16:38 "I think we need a book on how to find a self-help book."
16:40 "Okay, so we're going to do a few tests, and when it's all done, we should know the perfect career for you."
16:42 "Okay, so we're going to do a few tests, and when it's all done, we should know the perfect career for you."
16:44 "Okay, so we're going to do a few tests, and when it's all done, we should know the perfect career for you."
16:46 "And then we're heading right to the kitchen for my perfect cup of cocoa?"
16:48 "And then we're heading right to the kitchen for my perfect cup of cocoa?"
16:50 "What does this look like to you?"
16:52 "Steam coming out of a cup of hot cocoa."
16:54 "Are you sure?"
16:56 "Okay, what is the man in the picture thinking?"
16:58 "That he could use a cup of hot cocoa."
17:00 "Interesting."
17:02 "Now, I'll say a word, and you tell me the first thing that comes to your mind."
17:04 "Morning."
17:06 "Hot chocolate."
17:08 "Afternoon."
17:10 "Hot chocolate."
17:12 "Evening."
17:14 "Hot chocolate."
17:16 "Hot chocolate."
17:18 "Marshmallow."
17:20 "What is three-fourths plus three-fourths plus one-half?"
17:22 "That's on the career quiz."
17:24 "Two."
17:26 "Thanks."
17:28 "Okay, last question."
17:30 "If you could be any animal, what would it be?"
17:32 "Does hot chocolate count?"
17:34 "It, um, uh-huh, okay, okay."
17:52 "It says here that your ideal career is, oh no, uh, uh."
17:54 "A what, Maya?"
17:56 "A salesman."
17:58 "See, that's why this isn't working, Maya."
18:00 "What do you mean?"
18:02 "Maya, you have everything it takes to be a great saleswoman."
18:04 "You have energy, you like people, you know what you're selling, and you never say quit."
18:06 "But you have to realize you can't sell the customer something he doesn't want."
18:08 "You mean like a new career?"
18:10 "Like a new career."
18:12 "You have to be a salesman."
18:14 "You have to be a salesman."
18:16 "You have to be a salesman."
18:18 "You have to be a salesman."
18:20 "You have to be a salesman."
18:22 "You have to be a salesman."
18:24 "You have to be a salesman."
18:26 "You have to be a salesman."
18:28 "You have to be a salesman."
18:30 "You have to be a salesman."
18:32 "You have to be a salesman."
18:34 "You have to be a salesman."
18:36 "You have to be a salesman."
18:38 "You have to be a salesman."
18:40 "You have to be a salesman."
18:42 "You have to be a salesman."
18:44 "You have to be a salesman."
18:46 "You have to be a salesman."
18:48 "You have to be a salesman."
18:50 "You have to be a salesman."
18:52 "You have to be a salesman."
18:54 "You have to be a salesman."
18:56 "You have to be a salesman."
18:58 "You have to be a salesman."
19:00 "You have to be a salesman."
19:02 "You have to be a salesman."
19:04 "You have to be a salesman."
19:06 "You have to be a salesman."
19:08 "You have to be a salesman."
19:10 "You have to be a salesman."
19:12 "You have to be a salesman."
19:14 "You have to be a salesman."
19:16 "You have to be a salesman."
19:18 "You have to be a salesman."
19:20 "You have to be a salesman."
19:22 "You have to be a salesman."
19:24 "You have to be a salesman."
19:26 "You have to be a salesman."
19:28 "You have to be a salesman."
19:30 "You have to be a salesman."
19:32 "You have to be a salesman."
19:34 "You have to be a salesman."
19:36 "You have to be a salesman."
19:38 "You have to be a salesman."
19:40 "You have to be a salesman."
19:42 "You have to be a salesman."
19:44 "You have to be a salesman."
19:46 "You have to be a salesman."
19:48 "You have to be a salesman."
19:50 "You have to be a salesman."
19:52 "You have to be a salesman."
19:54 "You have to be a salesman."
19:56 "You have to be a salesman."
19:58 "You have to be a salesman."
20:00 "You have to be a salesman."
20:02 "You have to be a salesman."
20:04 "You have to be a salesman."
20:06 "You have to be a salesman."
20:08 "You have to be a salesman."
20:10 "You have to be a salesman."
20:12 "You have to be a salesman."
20:14 "You have to be a salesman."
20:16 "You have to be a salesman."
20:18 "You have to be a salesman."
20:20 "You have to be a salesman."
20:22 "You have to be a salesman."
20:24 "You have to be a salesman."
20:26 "You have to be a salesman."
20:28 "You have to be a salesman."
20:30 "You have to be a salesman."
20:32 "You have to be a salesman."
20:34 "You have to be a salesman."
20:36 "You have to be a salesman."
20:38 "You have to be a salesman."
20:40 "You have to be a salesman."
20:42 "You have to be a salesman."
20:44 "You have to be a salesman."
20:46 "You have to be a salesman."
20:48 "You have to be a salesman."
20:50 "You have to be a salesman."
20:52 "You have to be a salesman."
20:54 "You have to be a salesman."
20:56 "You have to be a salesman."
20:58 "You have to be a salesman."
