NECA IT (1990) Ultimate Pennywise Figure 2021 Reissue

  • 5 months ago
NECA IT (1990) Ultimate Pennywise Figure 2021 Reissue
00:00 Thanks to NECA, the clown's coming back early.
00:03 Here's your look at the NECA toys at the movie Ultimate Pennywise 2020 reissue.
00:08 [music]
00:14 [paper crinkling]
00:28 Seven friends engage in a struggle with a demon they first encountered 30 years earlier in their main hometown.
00:33 Figure includes Balloon, Tentacle Hand, Monster Hand, Grabbing Hands, Book, and three new interchangeable heads.
00:39 I really hope nobody suffers from color phobia.
00:41 The idea of watching two clown reviews in one week might be a little unsettling.
00:45 Just before, of course, we get a closer look at version 2 Pennywise, dated from 2020.
00:49 This one's actually only a year later from the one that I first picked up in 2019.
00:53 The tape measure is first going to tell us that the figure stands at 6 and a half inches in height,
00:57 or the figure's 17 centimeters tall.
01:00 I've already told this story in the earlier review of Pennywise this week,
01:03 but I had actually picked up this one and the other Pennywise during a time that I checked out a
01:08 off-the-beaten-path comic book store I only go there like once a month to.
01:12 It just so happened to be the case that they every once in a while sell stuff off that they just can't get rid of.
01:16 And it happened to be the case, coincidentally.
01:18 I walked into the store and they were marking down a lot of their NECA figures.
01:22 Well, I picked up this one for $10, if you could believe it.
01:25 I picked up the earlier Pennywise we've already had a look at also for $10.
01:29 They had also marked down a couple of other ones there as well, but having looked at the lots,
01:33 I mean, there were figures I already had in my collection, even though they were like $25,
01:36 they were half the asking price what normal figures would go for.
01:39 I just didn't want to spend the money I didn't need to spend.
01:41 So I did pick up this one and I did, like I said, pick up the other Pennywise.
01:45 Now, this one isn't as big of a gap from the other earlier Pennywise.
01:49 The one that we had already looked at earlier in this week,
01:51 if you've been following the exploits here on this channel,
01:53 was a gap space of three years.
01:55 The first one was 2018. This was 2021.
01:58 I made a big thing about 3, 3, and 3 in that review. It was hilarious. You got to check it out.
02:02 Whereas this one actually is dated 2020.
02:04 The one that I looked at before was 2019. So it's only a difference of a year.
02:09 I don't know if you can see what a year's difference would have made.
02:12 You can see like some of the color schemes are a little bit different on the yellows,
02:15 for example, and the heads are slightly varied,
02:18 not as maybe varied as the one that was the three-year gap,
02:21 but they're slightly different from one another.
02:23 As I run through all the accessories that get collected with this clown,
02:25 I'll bring in the ones that came in Clue with the 2019 release,
02:28 so you can see the differences between the two.
02:30 First things first, the figure comes in Clue with the balloon.
02:33 Now, the balloon is a little bit different from the balloons we got from before,
02:36 in that this one actually does say "turn back now."
02:39 If there's an evil clown looking at me and he's holding a balloon that says "turn back now,"
02:43 you bet your bottom dollar I'll be turning back right now.
02:46 The balloon that we did get from before, if you're looking at the difference between the two,
02:50 I can't help but notice that this one looks a little bit more opaque.
02:53 This one has slightly more of a translucency to it,
02:55 and it's a lot brighter of a yellow as well.
02:58 Now, you could prefer this one,
02:59 but I think actually I like this one because the font also stands out a little bit more.
03:03 They're still difficult, though, to get inside his hands.
03:05 He does actually come with one gripping hand for specifically holding the balloon.
03:08 I couldn't help but notice that when it came to mine,
03:11 that there was a little bit of plastic still over top of the hole,
03:13 and I had to take myself a very fine screwdriver
03:16 and just dowel out the hole a little bit more so that it would accommodate the balloon.
03:19 It still struggles to get in there, though,
03:21 and especially if you have slippery fingers like I just happen to have right now.
03:25 It's not, like I said, the easiest thing to get in his hand,
03:27 but he does hold it.
03:28 It's just it takes a lot of wiggling and convincing to get it all the way in there.
03:31 I did show you what that looked like at the beginning of the review.
03:34 The figure also comes included with an interchangeable hand,
03:36 again, nicely painted here in white plastic.
03:39 A nicely painted over top of white plastic.
03:41 And the figure also comes included with a monster hand.
03:44 We will be changing out hands shortly in a moment.
03:46 You can see the way that they've actually severed the fingers of the glove off,
03:50 so you can see the exposed monster fingers underneath with very long looking nails.
03:54 Nice, nice looking hands.
03:55 By the way, though, we can bring in the original hand so you guys can see.
03:58 A little bit whiter on this one.
04:00 Even then, just to say white, it doesn't look like it's a solid white either.
04:03 It looks like it's a slightly off color,
04:05 but certainly not as off of a color as the original one.
04:08 This one has kind of got a little bit more of a bluish tint or a greenish tint to it.
04:11 This one looks a little bit more white by comparisons.
04:14 We can also change out the hands, like I'll do that more in a second.
04:16 The figure also comes included with a torn part of his sleeve.
04:19 Now, the torn part of his sleeve goes better than with the larger monster hand.
04:22 This basically will just go over top of the cuff of his existing form,
04:26 and then you just put the monster hand over top of this.
04:28 I know I'm just saying things right now.
04:30 I need to be doing things.
04:31 We'll be doing things more, like I said, in a moment.
04:33 Bringing in the larger monster hand, you guys can see.
04:36 This one is definitely shinier.
04:38 As you can see, it seems to have more of a kind of gloss finish over top of it.
04:41 This one definitely was more of like a matte finish.
04:44 The details, I think, stand out a lot more on the one that was a year difference.
04:47 So again, there's some changes that have been made to the better.
04:51 I mean, so far, from what I've seen, other than one thing,
04:55 I feel like some of the changes are worth picking up the figure,
04:58 even if you already have the original lot number from before.
05:00 The figure also comes included with a pretty cool looking 3D photo album.
05:06 The photo album, just to bring back in the original one here so you guys can see.
05:09 To look at one and then look at the other,
05:12 it would be hard-pressed to kind of see the difference and be able to say,
05:15 "Okay, well, this one was a one that was a year later.
05:17 This one was from 2019."
05:18 I mean, that would be crazy.
05:19 You guys would just think I'm fibbing you guys.
05:21 But like the photo looks almost exactly the same.
05:23 I mean, maybe he looks a little clearer here in the image here.
05:26 The hands look to be exactly the same also as well.
05:29 Not really a lot of differences between those.
05:31 And then the figure, like I said, also comes included with some interchangeable heads.
05:35 The good thing about the heads is not only can you change them out
05:37 with the existing Pennywise version 2 that we're looking at in this review,
05:40 but those same heads also, if you happen to have the earlier Pennywise,
05:44 has the same universally sized ball joint holes.
05:47 So again, you can just mix and match the heads if you really wanted to.
05:50 The first head that we'll look at, do you want to look at this head first?
05:53 Okay, the first head that we'll look at happens to be the one that's already attached onto his body.
05:57 Now, this one actually helps because I happen to have the original Pennywise
06:00 still with that same head sculpt in place.
06:02 Once again, like the hair is a lot more brighter on the 2019 release
06:07 and isn't as bright on the 2020 release.
06:10 So there's some color changes there.
06:12 The face is also notably whiter here on the first one that we looked at versus the newer one.
06:16 This one has almost like a little bit more of a bluish tint to it.
06:19 The eyes are also a little bit more defined.
06:22 So really, even though this was a case where the accessories may have looked better on the newer
06:26 release, I happen to think like the head sculpts look better on the 2019 version.
06:30 By the way, also the heads, like I said, we'll just put this figure down here for a second,
06:35 comes with a couple of other additional heads.
06:37 He's got the screaming head sculpt, which again, we'll just bring back in the original one.
06:40 I couldn't help but think like the expression looks a little bit more vibrant on this version
06:45 than it does on this one here.
06:47 I'm not sure really what it is that's doing it for me.
06:49 I mean, it looks to, for all intents and purposes, other than really the hair being brighter,
06:53 that the mouths are painted the same.
06:54 The eyes look to be painted the same as well.
06:56 And yet this one seems to pop a little bit more.
06:59 Maybe it again has something to do with the way they painted the white.
07:01 Although the white looks notably brighter here on this one than it does on this one here.
07:06 I mean, looking at the two, they're obviously the exact same sculpt,
07:09 but I don't know what it is.
07:10 I seem more drawn to this one, the one from 2019.
07:13 And again, you can just change these heads if you want to.
07:17 This one also has this head sculpt, which actually I really like this one and might
07:21 be more inclined to change this one out with the original Pennywise and just pop it out
07:25 and replace it with that one.
07:26 So if you wanted to, it's just a case of removing the head on the original Pennywise.
07:30 I wasn't really expecting to do this.
07:32 And then just replace it out with the one from version two and just pops in place.
07:37 Because I didn't prep this in advance with heating this,
07:39 this would basically just sit over top of the ball joint.
07:41 And then you could just use it with the original Pennywise.
07:43 They also did something very similar to the Scar's Guard version of Pennywise,
07:47 where any one of the heads we got from other releases of Pennywise could then just be mixed
07:50 and mashed.
07:51 So you really could come up with a perfect Pennywise.
07:53 And just to bring back in the one from 2019.
07:56 Would you see there's a difference?
07:58 I feel there's a difference.
07:59 Like there's a slightly darker coloring around his eyes.
08:02 Maybe it's the blue that's doing it.
08:03 The panel lining seems a little bit more,
08:05 a little more profound, I think, on this one than it does on this one here.
08:09 I don't know what it is.
08:10 It just seems like all the older heads seem to do a better job of giving us a more defined
08:15 face sculpt.
08:16 Whereas this one doesn't feel like it has as much going for it.
08:19 Again, like the coloring of the hair, definitely a lot brighter and red on this one.
08:23 I just feel like, again, like the 2019 head sculpt so far seems superior.
08:27 Maybe that might also change also when we look at this head sculpt,
08:30 which again is just the screaming face.
08:31 Did we already do this one?
08:32 I think we already did do this one.
08:34 Changing out the heads, by the way, is just as complicated as the one before.
08:37 Unfortunately, it's relying on ball joints.
08:39 So again, you're popping off the head from provided peg.
08:41 If you're having any hard time doing this, by the way.
08:44 I still kind of wish in a way that they, yeah, we'll talk more about that in a moment.
08:48 I still wish that they could have in doing reissues,
08:50 I know obviously they're just gonna be using the same bodies,
08:53 that they really would switch instead to posts.
08:55 Posts instead of ball joints.
08:57 Posts work so much easier.
08:58 But the ball joints are something that's just going to cause more problems.
09:01 I mean, especially when you're trying to get the figure's head sculpts in place.
09:04 Like if you wanted to say, for example, let's take this head sculpt here and pop it in place.
09:08 This is the case again of fitting over top of the ball joint and putting pressure down.
09:12 One thing, unfortunately, though, on mine,
09:15 you probably have already noticed for yourself, is that there was a staining here.
09:18 And that's probably something because of obviously the fact that his hair is sitting
09:22 so close to the collar and the collar being white.
09:24 It wasn't so much the case on the other one, but I couldn't help but notice
09:27 the moment I first removed the head, there was all this unfortunate,
09:30 very unsightly looking red staining all across the top of the collar.
09:34 It's just one of those unavoidable situations.
09:37 Obviously, I'm not going to see it from the front.
09:39 Obviously, I'm not even going to see it until I start to take the head off.
09:42 But there's a stain that's very much obviously developed there on the top of the collar.
09:45 Just a real bit of a shame.
09:47 So moving all the heads out of the way,
09:49 let's get a closer look at the bodies and we'll compare both back to back, side to side.
09:53 One thing I will say though, is while looking at the metallic,
09:57 I mean the finish on the arms, the striping seems about the same.
10:00 I don't think there's really much difference.
10:01 I mean, one thing that's also different is the way that they've...
10:04 I mean, the vest on this one definitely looks a little more busier
10:07 and it doesn't look as busy on the 2019 release.
10:10 Pom-poms look about the same.
10:12 But the thing I'm drawing the most away from this,
10:14 when I'm taking this, whatever I take away from this figure,
10:16 is the fact that if you're looking at the yellows, for example,
10:19 see how they have brushed on this kind of darker, warmer yellow
10:22 on some of the creased areas.
10:24 The newer Pennywise, again, only a difference by a year.
10:27 Even though the yellow is lighter,
10:29 it doesn't have, again, like those additional washes over top of it.
10:32 That by looking at the two,
10:34 the older Pennywise actually does a better job of the costuming
10:36 just because it has all this additional warmer yellow to it.
10:39 I wish that this one would have had some of that,
10:41 because again, like if you're looking at it,
10:43 it's just enough just to bring a little bit more character to it.
10:46 Especially when you're looking at it from the back, you can see,
10:48 it's a lot lighter of a yellow.
10:50 Just with, again, like the wash that they've added over top of it,
10:53 I just think that the yellow part of his suit looks a little bit nicer.
10:58 And again, if you did want to change out the hands,
10:59 I know earlier we were talking about the hands,
11:01 I didn't get the chance to really show you guys.
11:03 If you want to change out to the monster hand,
11:04 just in case of popping off the hand here, for example,
11:07 you're going to want to put on the ripped sleeve.
11:09 I want to make sure I've got this facing the right way.
11:11 And then you're going to want to take yourself the monster hand,
11:13 and then the monster hand fits inside that provided hole.
11:16 And the ripped sleeve basically just gives it a look
11:19 so like the sleeve looks like it's been ripped open,
11:20 as he, of course, extends that is now monster looking hand.
11:24 Looks really nice.
11:25 Now that I actually have myself two versions of version two Pennywise,
11:28 might find myself displaying the figure with one of the hands like this,
11:31 and then just displaying the other one with his regular clown hands.
11:34 The articulation on this guy is going to be exactly the same as the version two,
11:37 and also will be exactly the same as the version one Pennywise.
11:40 It's going to be in a ball joint, so it's going to rotate back and forth.
11:42 What I'm doing right now certainly won't help with the staining on the back of the collar.
11:45 I'm sure as I'm moving this back and forth,
11:47 I'm scraping the paint on onto the collar.
11:49 But again, from the front, I'm never going to notice it's there.
11:51 And probably the moment I put this guy on the shelf,
11:53 I'm going to completely forget it was even there in the first place.
11:56 The head looks up and looks down,
11:58 but the problem with doing that is every once in a while,
12:00 you'll find the head will pop off the ball joint.
12:02 You have to put it back down in place.
12:04 Arms rotate all the way around.
12:05 That's the same on this side also as well.
12:07 Arms come out at 90 degrees or a little less,
12:09 a little less than 90 degrees.
12:10 Double hinge on the elbow.
12:11 And even though I've swapped out the hands,
12:13 the hands still rotate all the way around.
12:14 The upper torso is going to be on a ball joint.
12:17 It's a little harder to kind of move things around,
12:19 especially it starts to scrape this part of the pom-pom.
12:21 Luckily, none of the paint has paint scraped off on this version of Pennywise
12:25 or the other ones we've looked at here earlier.
12:26 When it comes to the legs, once again,
12:28 you've got this little flap of plastic
12:30 that's not only on the front, but also on the back as well.
12:32 They've done it to sort of give you the illusion
12:34 that the middle section of the clown outfit
12:37 actually connects in the middle, but it doesn't.
12:39 So when you are moving the legs around, for example,
12:41 you'll notice that this little flap starts to lift up.
12:43 The legs, by the way, also as well split out.
12:46 They're on ball joints after all.
12:47 There's a swivel at the top of the cut of the thigh,
12:49 a single hinge only on the knee, allows the lower leg to rotate.
12:52 And also with the legs, they are on ratcheted joints.
12:55 So not only can you move them up and down,
12:56 or hinge joints, I should say, move up and down.
12:59 And you can also rock them back and forth as well.
13:01 One thing I did notice though about the version two Pennywise,
13:03 I don't know if I even said that when the first time we looked at this figure,
13:06 was I find that he has a little more of a harder time to stand.
13:10 It wasn't the case with the version one Pennywise.
13:13 Certainly wasn't also the case when we looked at the reissue version of Pennywise,
13:16 which is just unfortunately missing his head.
13:17 Let's get his head back in place.
13:19 Yeah, by the way, as well, this guy does also have stain too.
13:21 So I can't just say it's the reissue that suffers from that.
13:24 It's basically every Pennywise.
13:25 Just because Pennywise does have the red clown hair on the top,
13:29 it's just going to mean that it's going to carry some of that also over to the white collar.
13:32 But here's again, like the reissue Pennywise,
13:34 this was what from 2021, a difference of three years, three, three, three.
13:37 This is the one, the version two Pennywise from 2020, and then 2020.
13:42 And then this one here was 2019.
13:43 So again, there's only a difference of a year.
13:45 Now within that year, some changes are made.
13:47 I wouldn't necessarily say the sleeves, but I feel like, again,
13:50 like the heads are a little bit better.
13:51 I feel still on the 2019 release.
13:54 And also I feel like the costuming, which again, like if you're looking at the yellows,
13:57 when you compare the yellows with the yellow that we get here on the 2020 release of Pennywise,
14:02 I just think like the warmer colors that they've washed on top of the yellow
14:05 just makes the figure stand out that much more.
14:07 Generally, when it comes to picking up reissues, like I said,
14:09 the first thing I always do when it comes to checking at local stores
14:12 is checking out the lot number.
14:14 The last two digits will always tell you the year of production of that figure.
14:17 And if I already know that the figure is only about a year difference,
14:20 a lot of times I just don't pick it up.
14:21 Every once in a while though, you do find the rare gem,
14:24 like the 2018 Michael Myers reissue figure had a completely different head sculpt
14:28 from the one that they released before.
14:30 But when it comes to just paint, cosmetic changes,
14:33 a year's difference doesn't really make a lot of changes.
14:35 So usually a lot of times I may not pick up a figure
14:37 if it's only a year difference between the two.
14:40 It just so happened to be the case that I picked up this figure for $10.
14:43 And actually, I picked up this figure second.
14:46 The version one Pennywise that was a difference of three years,
14:49 I already had in my hand because I knew there was a difference of at least two years.
14:53 I wasn't quite sure what the original one was in my collection.
14:55 A lot of times, to be honest, I just go back and check my reviews of it
14:58 and kind of get an idea.
14:59 Okay, if I did the review in 2018,
15:02 likelihood is I probably picked up the figure in that same year.
15:05 Sometimes I do that as a little bit of researching when I go to local stores.
15:08 I check kind of like the date of my review to kind of give an idea.
15:11 Okay, when one roughly was the lot number for that figure.
15:14 Picked up the version one Pennywise,
15:16 I just happened to look over as well.
15:17 And just right next to that was the version two.
15:19 Picked up the lot number and again, kind of did a little bit of researching.
15:22 I looked on the channel.
15:23 Okay, well, this one came out 2019.
15:25 This is 2020.
15:25 Is there going to be a lot of a difference?
15:27 There really isn't as much of a difference on this one as there was on the version one.
15:31 Still, I picked it up for $10.
15:32 I'd be a fool to put it back down on the shelf.
15:34 Now again, looking at them as I did in this review,
15:36 I mean, you could nickel and dime and look at all the details and say,
15:39 okay, well, this one has slightly nicer eyes.
15:42 Is that enough to really justify picking up a figure?
15:44 Still for $10, I would say yes.
15:46 Because even if the differences aren't as noticeable as the version one Pennywise,
15:50 we looked at earlier on this week,
15:52 at least with the head sculpts that you get,
15:54 having a second body of Pennywise can't be a bad thing at all for a collection.
15:57 Because with having extra heads to work with,
16:00 even if you do get heads that look roughly the same with one another,
16:04 you can easily then just mix and match them and have more than one Pennywise on the shelf.
16:07 Ultimately for $20, I now have the option of having four Tim Curry Pennywises on the shelf
16:13 instead of just the two I had before.
16:15 What do you guys think of the figure?
16:16 Let me know down below in the comment section.
16:17 And again, have you guys ever picked up a reissue figure?
16:20 And are you like me that always checks the lot numbers on the bottom of the barcode?
16:23 Like I said, it's always the last two digits.
16:25 That'll tell you the year.
16:27 If you guys did enjoy this video, I want to throw it a like.
16:29 If you guys are loving the content you guys are seeing
16:30 and certainly do want to stick around for more,
16:32 we may not be looking at any more reissue clowns.
16:35 No, sorry.
16:36 But we will be looking at some more neck reviews.
16:38 Yeah, that's always coming your way.
16:39 So making sure you're hitting that subscribe,
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16:42 And then the most important thing is that you're coming back here on a regular basis.
16:45 As always, guys, thanks for watching.
16:47 See you guys next time.
