• 2 months ago
Hasbro G.I.JOE Classified Series Dreadnok Road Pig Figure


00:00He's leaving marks on the road and marks in his pants. Here's a look at the Hasbro
00:05GI Joe the classified series Cobra Dreadnought Road Pig and Raw Kiss.
00:11Quick hide the grape soda. The road pig figure comes complete with his pet dog pit bull Raw
00:32Kiss and contains 10 character inspired accessory pieces including alternate head revealing
00:36his missing teeth, gas mask, boar's head helmet, alternate fist hands, meat hook, cinder block
00:42hammer, boar hammer, riot shield and alternate good dog head for Raw Kiss plus attacked wrist
00:47crossbow and leg quiver. I want to talk about ugly. This guy's so ugly his mother had to tie
00:51a pork chop around his neck just so the dog would play with him. By the way he does come
00:55clear with his pit bull Raw Kiss. I don't think it's the same dog they grew up with though. Before
00:59we get down to the details and get a closer look at the classified series road pig let's maybe grab
01:02the tape measure shall we and see how tall the figure actually stands. One that I've been waiting
01:05for for a while literally and figuratively. I mean sure yes he's been released a long time ago but
01:10I had to wait about four weeks before this guy actually showed up to my doorstep thanks to
01:14Canada Post. Finally though in hand he's just as good as I would imagine him to be. Road Pig
01:19actually as ugly as he may be stands at six and three-quarters of an inch in height or the figure
01:23is about sixteen and a half centimeters tall. I still wish I had a lot of my GI Joe classified
01:28series figures during the quote purge of 2023. I went through a lot of my collection space and
01:33kind of got rid of a lot of things I didn't think I wanted to get into collecting anymore. Classified
01:37unfortunately was pretty high on that list and now that I've kind of started getting back into
01:40collecting GI Joe figures of this scale I kind of really wish now that I had still held on to them
01:44especially Croc Master and Zartan. Two of my favorites that came out for the classified series
01:49but at least from what I have right now I want to bring in at least the retro card releases of
01:53Cobra Commander, Duke and of course now Scarlet to give you guys at least an idea of how much
01:58how much broader Road Pig is compared to them. Concerning the price that I paid for him I was
02:03actually surprised to see that Road Pig had as many things as he has. You know that's unfortunately
02:07the thing that we now have to train ourselves when it comes to the price of figures. You know
02:10you expect like something that's 35 to 40 dollars have like next to nothing or maybe one or two
02:14thrown in accessories yet though Hasbro, I have to say to their credit, does throw in quite a lot
02:19of stuff with their classified series releases. The figure first of all it goes back to his 1988
02:24release by coming included with a cinder block bat. I don't know how first of all something can
02:28carry around and wave around a cinder block but then to attach it onto the end of a handle like
02:32this it's just crazy. Yet the original figure had that. It's nicely detailed for what it is. I mean
02:37I would certainly be disappointed if the figure didn't come included with that at all because
02:40that's one of the most recognizable things I remember of the 1988 release. I had two versions
02:45of Road Pig. The classic colors are basically what you're seeing right now and there was a much
02:48brighter color of Road Pig I think came included also with the backpack that had the button features
02:53that would cycle through sound effects. What you can though do is you can get the bat into his hand.
02:57Basically the plastic for his fingers is soft enough at least you get that easily into his
03:02hands and just kind of hold it like that or one thing I also like to do is have the figure display
03:06because he does have a double hinge in his elbow although it's really hard to bend. Get that sort
03:09of strung over his shoulder like that. Road Pig is also one of my favorite artworks of the card
03:14backs from the old 80s series of GI Joe's. I mean there's some of my personal favorites. Road Pig's
03:19pretty high on that list. I just love the way they've got him posing. He's got sort of like
03:22little crossbow though in his hand. He's kind of looking down kind of like that. Such a cool
03:27looking artwork. What's your favorite down below? Let me know down below your favorite GI Joe artwork
03:31from the 80s series. To go along with that also he comes included with this kind of more modern
03:36spin of his bat. This one has a pretty cool looking kind of warthog face to the front of it.
03:40There's spikes on the top. It's very nicely been painted here and I would say might be like a shiny
03:45gunmetal gray. Pretty cool looking. I would imagine he probably swings it like this. It looks like a
03:50big giant meat tenderizer. I can only imagine what meat he's tenderizing with that. It's a
03:55little bit more of a crooked handle than what you're comparing it along with the cinder block release
03:59but again like the fact that he comes with both is pretty cool. Now funny though enough if you
04:03look on the back of Road Pig's body he does have a hole that would normally suggest the figure would
04:07come in clue with like a backpack or something along those lines but he doesn't come in clue
04:10with anything. My guess is that they probably put that there anyways that if you want to use a
04:13backpack from another classified series figure you simply just would attach that on the back of his.
04:18One thing I thought they probably could have done is maybe put a peg on the back of this
04:21so at least you could have pegged this on the back of his body. I mean he already has spikes
04:25anyways. Would it be so strange to have one one longer peg than all the others and then that
04:29would have been the peg that could have attached onto the back of his body. Again I don't know how
04:33heavy that would be for him to carry this around but again it would at least give you a place to
04:36store these weapons if you didn't want to have them in his hands. The figure also comes included
04:41with an ice pick. That's really cool as well. I mean it just looks like he found these things in
04:46a junkyard somewhere. It looks like it's very rusted. I would imagine you probably would need
04:50a tetanus shot. Probably tetanus shots would be the least of your worries if you're dealing with
04:53road pig but that's pretty cool looking accessory. I think if anything I probably will end up
04:57displaying this guy classic with the cinder block bat and then probably like the ice pick in his
05:01other hand. The figure also comes in clue with a SWAT shield. Try getting that all out. SWAT shield
05:07and on the top you can see it says good luck. You probably have to have a lot of good luck if you
05:11deal with road pig. It holds on the back of his hand. Now the original 88 series release of road
05:16pig would have had something very similar but much smaller and basically just clamped on the side of
05:21his head of his arm. They've kind of made this much larger more realistic. I mean if he's going
05:25to be protecting himself you'd like to think he's going to have a much bigger shield and not this
05:28little rinky dink thing like this but this basically just clamps on the side of his arm.
05:32Basically what you'll do first is just again pry those fingers get them around the handle of the
05:36shield just like that and then basically just clamp the other side to his wrist like that and
05:44you can have him displayed like that. Although I don't think like a character like road pig is
05:47really all that concerned with his own safety but again kind of really cool accessory to come
05:51included with him. Go ahead and just take that off put that off to the side. He also comes in
05:56clue with now again with so much temptation of having all the figures all the previous things
06:00we just finished having a look at. Why would anybody in their right mind and we're talking
06:04dreadknocks mind you. Why would anybody in their right mind choose to swap the figure's hands with
06:07the gripping or with the closed grip hands? Because again like you're not going to have
06:11any options available at all for him to hold any of those accessories. Yet though he comes
06:15included with them. I guess that's not a bad thing but I feel like the plastic probably could have
06:18been dedicated elsewhere. I mean I'm not really a big thing for punching fists like this. I mean
06:22some people really like to prefer to display the figures like that. I just think it's unnecessary.
06:27What isn't unnecessary is the fact that he also comes in clue with a mouth guard.
06:31Now taking this out of the packaging and for all intents and purposes you could put this
06:35technically around the dog's mouth as well for sort of a muzzle. Although clearly it's not
06:39holding back his jaw at all. I mean you know looking at Ruckus's face actually kind of looks
06:43like he's got a red nose and a mustache. But I guess if you want to do you could put that there.
06:47But honestly the more reason to get that is because I was just going to take the alternate
06:51face sculpt here. You can take the mask and put it over top of his face. Just wedge it up the sides
06:55of his ears. There you go. It really does look like something you'd expect to see in like one
07:00of the road warrior movies. Maybe a fury road. Very cool. I mean again again they just throw in
07:06all these things that more sort of take modern spins on the character's design. I kind of like
07:10just the more tried and true designs of him the way he looks from the 80s toy. Now he does have
07:15two alternate head sculpts as they are like with these ones where you basically get yourself of
07:19course the crew top on the top and again you got a really ugly looking mug on the head sculpt here.
07:25So with both cases you can see like the head sculpts painted extremely well. The only thing
07:29that's different though obviously is that the open mouth here gives him a more option. Well it
07:33gives you guys at least the option to show you guys what he looks like with his teeth. Now it
07:36looks like he's got a few silver caps on his teeth. I don't know really what the what's the medical and
07:41dentistry when it comes to like the dreadknocks. Are they paying for medical? Are they paying for
07:45dentistry? I have a feeling you're probably having to pay out of pocket. If you guys want to change
07:49out the head sculpt just in case of popping off the head that he has just pop it off the ball joint
07:53like that. The shoulder pads by the way doesn't seem like they're removable. I suppose if you
07:57wanted to take the arms off. Now the original toy of road pig would have had the removable
08:02shoulder pads. Those would be in separate pieces. These look like the for all intents and purposes
08:06you probably could take them off but you'd have to find a way to get them around his shoulders.
08:10It doesn't look like yeah it doesn't look like there's a way to actually take them off on their
08:13own but what basically what you'll do is just swap the head out with this head. We'll just pop that
08:18back onto the ball joint. There we go. Pretty easy also to change out the heads too. Just again show
08:23you guys where we came from to where we're going. It's got the little earring there on the side. Just
08:27a cool looking face sculpt on both. There's enough of the old road pig I've recognized right
08:32away and yet again like Hasbro takes the idea of it and sort of runs with it. Speaking of running
08:36with this the figure also comes in clear with this boar head kind of I guess it would probably
08:41be a motorcycle helmet. It's got the spikes on the top. It's got some horns sticking out the front.
08:45Just a cool looking head. If I had myself like a motorcycle of a similar size it'd be pretty cool
08:50to have this guy displayed on his Harley perhaps wearing this helmet instead. To change this head
08:55out now this actually isn't something that's just going to go over top of his existing head.
08:58No, no, no, no, no. You actually have to take the head off completely and then you'll replace it
09:02with this one. Now the only thing I did notice though popping this one in place the moment you
09:07start to kind of turn things around I find it it seems frequently to pop off its ball joint.
09:13It may just be in the case I don't pop or put enough pressure on that but let's just see.
09:18Again there's a little saw there's a hole on the bottom of it. There's the ball peg.
09:22Yeah it just seems like this one's the hardest of the three heads to get in place
09:25and again even when you think you have it in place the moment you start to turn it
09:28it seems like it wants to pop off easily. Now imagine running into this guy in a bar.
09:34Again it works well for the design that he has overall for the rest of his body.
09:38It's not one that of course I'm used to seeing when it comes to road pig but again it's something
09:41else thrown in there by Hasbro that I really do appreciate. Let's for this at least right now we're
09:46going to take the head off and let's go back to this one. Again back onto the ball joint it goes.
09:52There we go and we'll put this road pig down here for a second. Don't worry we'll come back to him.
09:56I did also want to show you guys what Ruckus looks like. Ruckus the pit bull,
09:59not part of his original initial release. Now he does also come with two head sculpts. You want to
10:04go with the more barking nastier variety or you want to go with the calmer like he just got fed
10:07I don't know by a treat or something else. One thing that's really cool though is that they've
10:11added some scarring there to the side of his eye. This also has this on it as well like the rest of
10:16his body looks pretty good. I would imagine that they probably have used this body before. Maybe
10:21Mutt & Junkyard's release probably got used the same body mold for the dog. Different head sculpt
10:25I'm sure. He's also got a collar piece. The thing about it though is when you are changing out the
10:28head you want to make sure that you don't accidentally lose the collar piece. The collar I
10:33really think they could have just easily glued it onto the neck unless maybe there's people out
10:36there that didn't want to have it necessarily attached onto the or like maybe there are
10:39collectors out there that maybe just don't want to have the studded collar. You want to take it
10:42off altogether. I personally would like to leave it on. We're just going to go ahead and pop the
10:46head back in place. Now again I noticed again for the dog let's get the collar right here.
10:52I noticed with the collar getting the bulge went on there and then you have to kind of worry that
10:56the collar isn't going to fall off in the process. I really feel like I have to put a lot of pressure
10:59to get the new head in place for Ruckus but again like the paint is really done well here
11:05on the undercarriage of the dog. Well I would have really liked seeing that there's so much
11:10white here and here. I mean it seems like it so abruptly stops right here like why wouldn't they
11:14have just finished the rest of the airbrushing underneath his belly? Tickle that little belly.
11:18You've got of course nicely painted paws and pads on both tops. Again the only thing that really kind
11:22of feels incomplete though with Ruckus is for for them to only paint this area maybe they kind of
11:27wanted to keep... I don't know too much about pit bulls. Maybe pit bulls don't tend to have whiter
11:31fur on the bottoms of their bellies. I don't know. It just seems like it's so random just to stop it
11:36right there when so much of the rest of the belly is opportunity for them to paint it. For the
11:41articulation though for Ruckus the head is normally going to be on a ball joint but again like this
11:46this head doesn't seem to want to stay in place. It does move forward and back and up and down but
11:50there's only so much mileage that you can actually get out of the dog's head and the whole time I'm
11:54doing it I just feel like I'm fighting with it. You know what let's go back to the original head.
11:57The head that came out of the packaging with get it back on there this guy's struggling so much
12:02getting the blasted dog head in place there we go all right so we're going to stick with this head
12:06we're probably going to be coming back to the other one a little bit later so yes the head's on
12:10a ball joint it rotates all the way around once successfully you get that in place the head on
12:14its own moves up and down also wiggles back and forth that dog looks pretty nasty the upper upper
12:20neck area does also have a ball joint so you can shift it up and down this way you can also rock
12:24it back only just a little bit and yeah you can rotate it there as well now each of the individual
12:29legs sort of take the idea that there's a swivel here to the shoulder at the top of the hind leg
12:32or hind leg back here so there's a swivel here that allows also the legs to hinge out there's
12:38also a single bend in the elbow or I guess that would be the back that'd be the joint of the leg
12:42that would also swivel there as well and each of the individual paws hinge back and forth and
12:46there's a little bit of movement back and forth there as well so take that idea times it by two
12:51then times it by four well no don't times by two times by four that's a much larger number but
12:55basically take that idea times it by four he has on the back of his body attention to detail I mean
13:01not that we want to spend a whole lot of time on this there's some fair bit of detail on the back
13:04of ruckus's body the legs again move on the back forward and back same joint right here back hinge
13:10joint I guess that's one thing no it's the same and he also has the rocking there on the backs of
13:15his feet I feel like maybe timber also maybe had something very similar although I think probably
13:19timber would have had a little bit more fur in his body but I'm sure like junkyard junkyard mutt
13:24what am I thinking mutt and junkyard junkyard the dog junkyard would have also had that's
13:27very similar as well let's go back to now to road pig here and road pig has a lot again detail going
13:34for him some of the things that the original 80s toy would have not had for example he has a little
13:38skull there on the back on the side of his shoulder pad the shoulders for nicely for what they are
13:42they're nicely painted they've got some additional gray that they've added in there some browns in
13:46there too it's got a lot of cool details going for it still though while it does look like it's
13:50a removable piece the only thing I could probably think of though is you'd probably have to remove
13:54the arms all together pop those off completely and you probably find a way then to be able to
13:58take the shoulder pad off completely without that I don't think there doesn't seem to be straps
14:03anywhere that you can detach these I'm like looking on the side normally there would be a
14:07peg right here a peg here where you'd be able to attach this but it doesn't seem to be case on the
14:11front nor on the back the details though as you can see it looks like he's got I can't even see
14:16what that says on the front I mean it's pretty hard to make out some of his tattoos I don't know
14:22if he actually paid for these tattoos or he just tipped this guy with cigar cigars or maybe like a
14:27cup of coffee he's got a skull and crossbones on the forearm he's got some barbed wire or chain
14:32there on one side also looks like it's certified I don't know if that's certified fresh meat
14:38anarchy out there on the top the only way I'm having the hardest time to actually make out here
14:42in the front is is it scorched I wanted to say it was dreadnought but I don't think it's actually
14:47dreadnought it's pretty hard to make out if you guys have a better chance of making that out let
14:51me know uh there's not much really in the way of tattoos on the back of his body he's got himself
14:55quite a pair of quite a pair of jeans also got himself uh I guess would those be spats spats
15:01got some pretty cool details there also on the front he's got a warthog skull there on the one
15:06side just a plated piece of metal on the other and some guards there on the front of his knee pads
15:11having now a chance to see this guy in person I can really see now why I'd be so interested to
15:15get back into collecting the classified series figures road pig though he's just a good hefty
15:20piece of plastic he's got a lot of cool details going and he's got tons of accessories with that
15:24being said though let's look at the figures articulation so road pig's head is on a ball
15:28joint it allows the head to rotate all the way around despite having so many quarters being
15:31occupied by shoulder pads it doesn't at all seem to interfere at all with his head so head moves up
15:36and down back and forth his neck also seems to be on its own ball joint there too the arms rotate all
15:42the way around you can hinge them out this way this one's obviously going to be a little bit
15:46harder just because he's got the one shoulder pad piece that goes over top of it but again like he
15:50has the swivel in the biceps double hinge on the elbows and the figure does have swivels in his
15:55hands well you want to use these hands or you want to go with a more boring option of the closed
15:58fists instead upper torso is on a ball joint lower torso is on also on a ball joint the legs
16:04split out they move forward they move back they also do the thing as well we can drop the legs
16:08down if you want to give a little bit more clearance that if i do down the road find myself
16:12a harley of a size this about the size to accommodate road pig i can do that but the
16:16legs normally you just want to pop them back in place just like that a little bit of swivel there
16:21about three quarters the way up the thigh the figure does have a double hinge on the knee
16:25the only thing i noticed though with my road pig is that unfortunately he's got really loose ankles
16:30that doesn't really bode well when you got a character this big of a body unfortunately when
16:34getting this guy sometimes on standing i've noticed that he gets a little wobbly just because
16:38he's starting to develop those loose ankles it's a bit of a bummer unfortunately because
16:43outside of that road pig is a stellar looking figure i would say it's probably one of my
16:47favorite figures i've reviewed in the last couple of months took granted a little longer it took
16:52almost a month for this guy to finally arrive not necessarily to the fault of entertainment earth
16:56where i ordered him more to i feel the fault of canada post i know they were striking at the time
17:01but everything sort of stopped and was delayed here in canada i had ordered this guy i think
17:06like a month and a half ago from entertainment earth it took him honestly about four weeks for
17:10him finally arrive but the wait was well worth it road pig is a stellar looking dreadnought
17:14for the final looks of road pig here i had to rely a bit on the classic artwork to get the
17:18post somewhat similar he had his cinder block bat in his one hand his other arm was up to expose
17:22his crossbow the only thing that was absent on the original artwork was his pitbull raucous
17:27although advertised in his place was a big silver sticker marketing super trooper anybody remember
17:32super trooper back then not only do i remember sending away for super trooper which i think he
17:36had to clip out three flag points in the backs of the cards and also had to send away 3.99
17:40why was it always 3.99 4.99 fine it was never rounded to nearest dollar anyways though the
17:45thing that was ironic is was i sent away for super trooper and one of the flag points that
17:50it clipped off happened to be on the back of road pig there's a little bit of attachment there this
17:55figure i've always wanted from day one i know there's so many cooler dreadnoughts out there i
17:59mean if anybody was to be asked what's your favorite dreadnought i don't think road pig maybe
18:03would make the top three for them i mean i would also put thrasher pretty high in that list and
18:07monkey wrench so it sort of shows you guys where i put my feelings when it comes to dreadnoughts
18:12from a character design i don't think they've changed all that much from the original 88 release
18:16the shoulder pads are still there the crossbow the cinder block and even the shield but they
18:20have certainly made them a lot more interesting than the original 80s toy would have had
18:24although it doesn't seem like the shoulder pads are removable i don't really know why you'd want
18:28to take them off in the first place i would imagine that they probably have a finished body
18:32underneath i never have a desire to ever take it off anyways now while obviously raucous wasn't
18:37part of the original 80s release it's nice to see that they've welcomed in addition to the
18:41dreadknocks team i mean ruckus i would imagine they probably would have used the body maybe from
18:44mutts so it's simple just a case that they've remolded a new head sculpt for that and that's
18:48not a bad thing at all i think when it comes to classified series releases if you can get more
18:53animal characters to go along with the joes the cobras or even for the dreadknocks for that matter
18:58i don't think that's a bad thing at all the only thing unfortunately that is bad though about my
19:02road pig is that i've noticed that he's got overly loose ankles which seems to be a problem concerning
19:07already he's a pretty he's a pretty hefty fellow he's top heavy too and then when you start to
19:12include accessories in his hand it's going to cause the figure to take more of a tumble
19:16unfortunately though these figures don't have the options available to attach them onto regular
19:20display stands so if you're thinking for yourself well you know i have other display stands from like
19:24a mcfarland toys release i've tried that too and it doesn't work i wish though that hasbro would
19:30take the time to include display stands with a classified series figure releases they don't
19:34but in the meantime though i have to kind of deal with the idea that my road pig has overly loose
19:38ankles if not for that it's probably one of my favorite figures that i've looked at in the last
19:41i don't know it's a couple of months which again is somewhat ironic because i had to wait about a
19:45month for this guy to finally arrive the good news is first of all that canada post has finally
19:50finished all the things that they were doing with their strike so things should happen a little bit
19:54more frequently here on this channel things that i have ordered now will finally start to show their
19:58way up and also as well if you guys want to get this get your hands on road pig as far as i know
20:03he is still available over at entertainment earth i know at the point at the point that i was buying
20:08this guy he was $44.99 and i think still that's a pretty good price considering you get as many
20:12things as you do with him i don't know what likelihood this guy will still be in stock
20:16by the time you guys decide to grab him so you might want to make sure you grab him pretty fast
20:21what do you guys think of road pig let me know down below in the comment section and what would
20:24you say is your top three favorite dreadknocks also you can let me know down below this is perhaps
20:29a two-part video question first of all what's your favorite dreadnought second of all what's
20:33your favorite artwork from the card backs of the gi joes back in the day let me know if you guys
20:38also did enjoy this video do a solid throw to like you guys want to stick around for more so
20:42i hope so hit that subscribe turn on that bell and of course come back
20:45as always thanks for watching see you guys next time
