The Blue Racer (E11_17) - Killarney Blarney HD

  • il y a 5 mois


00:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:05 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:07 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:36 - C'est la dernière fois que ce petit Blue Racer
00:40 se cache sur un port de surf.
00:42 Ces surfiers de poule,
00:44 ils abandonnent leur bateau
00:46 au premier signe d'un squall.
00:48 - C'est la terre?
00:50 - Oui.
00:52 J'aimerais que la vague douce
00:54 me ramènerait vers la mer,
00:56 mais c'est si calme.
00:58 (vrombissement)
01:00 (vrombissement)
01:02 (vrombissement)
01:04 *bruit d'une planche qui s'effondre*
01:05 *bruit d'un moteur qui s'ouvre*
01:07 *bruit d'un moteur qui s'ouvre*
01:10 *bruit d'un moteur qui s'ouvre*
01:12 Quelle stupide place pour quelqu'un de laisser un pot de plomb !
01:16 Je dois être un poursuite sur une île lente !
01:19 Ces escaliers doivent y rester !
01:23 Je vais les démarquer !
01:25 Oh, qu'est ce que tu sais ? Un porte-porte !
01:31 Peut-être que je peux faire un chemin vers le pays !
01:34 Personne à la maison ?
01:37 Le top of the morning to you, and the back of me hand as well if you don't stop screaming like a banshee !
01:46 Disturbing the likes of respectable Irishmen !
01:49 This is Ireland ?
01:51 But of course, me bucko !
01:52 Where else would you be more apt to be finding a leprechaun ?
01:55 Well, fathom me jabbers, it's a worm !
01:59 Listen, buster, I happen to be a blue racer !
02:03 Shades of O'Hoolihan ! What in the world is a blue racer ?
02:06 Well, what do I look like ? I'm a snake !
02:09 What's that noise ?
02:12 Oh-oh ! Now you've done it !
02:14 You've waken up the great ch'leinie !
02:16 Woe to you, lad !
02:17 Run for your life, bucko ! It hates the sight of a snake !
02:25 [musique]
02:35 Oh, no !
02:36 [musique]
02:42 That's a fine way to treat a sensitive serpent !
02:45 Sometimes I wish I'd been born a water moccasin !
02:49 Now, where the devil do you think you'll be going ?
02:53 I'm coming a-thor !
02:55 You better be giving him the facts, Jamie lad !
02:57 You see, laddy, 'tis a matter of history, it is, it is !
03:00 For over 1500 years, there has not been a snake in Ireland !
03:04 Tell him why, Timmy !
03:05 They were driven out by the good St. Patrick,
03:07 and he left his great ch'leinie to stand guard in Blanny Castle,
03:10 to keep the likes of you from slithering on good old Irish sod,
03:13 so you cannot land in Arran, me lad !
03:15 Of course, Jamie ! He might be smuggled in !
03:18 Smuggled ?
03:19 What Timmy means is, for a price !
03:22 How much ?
03:23 Well, let's just be keeping this amongst the three of us !
03:26 Could you be laying your hands on a bit of gold ?
03:29 Wait, right here !
03:30 [growling]
03:32 [screeching]
03:33 Will that do ?
03:35 [cracking]
03:37 Begorrah ! It's the real stuff !
03:39 Very luck, Tim ! 'Tis a rich American tourist to be found !
03:43 Now then, me lad !
03:45 [thud]
03:46 A snail shell ?
03:48 Aye, boho ! Try it on !
03:49 It'll deceive the great ch'leinie !
03:52 Say ! Not bad !
03:54 Sure in your own mother would never know you, lad !
03:56 Gosh ! What a couple of nice little guys !
03:59 Well, Timmy lad ! 'Tis another gold piece for the pot !
04:03 [thud]
04:04 [thud]
04:05 [screeching]
04:07 You know, I've been thinking !
04:09 What a grievous shame it is to let a panned customer off as cheap as we did !
04:13 Then what are we waiting for ?
04:16 Cush l'amacri !
04:17 [thud]
04:18 Well, let's go to work !
04:21 [thud]
04:22 Well, so far so good !
04:24 Snake ! Snake !
04:27 [musique]
04:29 [coups de feu]
04:30 [musique]
04:35 [coups de feu]
04:36 [sifflement]
04:37 [coup de feu]
04:38 [musique]
04:40 It's a good thing we blue racers are drip dry !
04:44 [sifflement]
04:45 I could have made it !
04:47 Except for those two big-mouthed birds !
04:50 'Tis going to be harder to do than we thought, me bucko !
04:53 Aye, but we have a plan !
04:55 In return for all the gold that you can lay your hands on,
04:58 Timmy and meself will fix it so the great Shaleli cannot get out of his door !
05:01 We'll do our part, and you do your part, and we'll meet you in ten minutes with the gold !
05:06 Well, okay ! It's a deal !
05:09 [coups de feu]
05:10 Well, Jamie, me lad, let's get to it !
05:13 Cush l'amacri !
05:15 [thud]
05:16 [thud]
05:17 Cush l'amacri !
05:19 (Bruit d'explosion)
05:20 (Musique)
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06:22 Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
