Préparez-vous à plonger dans l'univers stupéfiant des trous noirs, où certaines de ces bêtes cosmiques peuvent réellement jouer avec le temps lui-même. Oui, vous avez bien entendu - ils peuvent effacer votre passé ! Mais ne vous inquiétez pas, nous avons tous les détails croustillants sur la façon dont ce phénomène déconcertant fonctionne et ce qu'il signifie pour l'univers tel que nous le connaissons. Alors, prenez votre popcorn et préparez-vous à voir votre compréhension du temps et de l'espace bouleversée. Croyez-nous, vous ne voudrez pas manquer ce voyage dans l'inconnu ! Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound
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Musique par Epidemic Sound
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00:00 If, in one way or another, you fell into a black hole, it could alter your future and erase your past.
00:07 At least, in theory.
00:09 Let's start with the real world in which we live.
00:12 Here, on Earth, your past can clearly define your future.
00:16 But imagine that you are not on Earth, but somewhere at the edge of the universe.
00:21 And that you fell into a certain type of black hole.
00:24 The one that a mathematician from the University of Berkeley discovered.
00:28 To not confuse it with a lambda black hole.
00:31 Let's call it, what would you say, a Benin black hole?
00:35 Here is why you need a specific black hole.
00:38 It is in fact very unlikely that you would survive an ordinary black hole.
00:42 But according to some calculations made by Peter Ince, a postdoctoral student at the University of Berkeley,
00:48 this specific type of black hole could expand at an accelerated rate.
00:52 This is what would allow the survival, at the transition of our deterministic world, to a black hole, which, is not.
00:59 Let's imagine that you survived this passage.
01:07 And that you are now heading to the center of a Benin black hole.
01:11 It is impossible to imagine what is inside.
01:14 And if you, as a traveler, could really penetrate a black hole,
01:18 you could never communicate your findings to the outside world.
01:22 But that is not what interests us now.
01:24 We need to know what happens to our past.
01:27 Ince, the mathematician mentioned earlier, studies non-rotating black holes that present an electric charge.
01:34 The most important thing about them is that in addition to a horizon of events,
01:39 they also have a horizon of Cauchy.
01:41 And that's where all the interest lies.
01:43 The horizon of Cauchy is the point where this famous determinism simply ceases to apply.
01:48 It may seem very complex.
01:50 But let me explain to you instead.
01:52 The horizon of Cauchy is the place from which your past no longer determines your future.
01:58 Here is a mathematically proven and theoretically functional method to get rid of your past.
02:04 All you have to do is to go into space,
02:07 to find a specific black hole,
02:09 to reach its center and to reach the horizon of Cauchy.
02:12 Or, if it seems too complicated to you,
02:14 you can simply try to never make a mistake here on Earth.
02:18 And yes, ideas like "your past is canceled",
02:26 you have an infinite number of options to influence your future.
02:29 And all the "too-team" seems as unrealistic as they are attractive.
02:33 Imagine, for example, that no one ever learns that you have failed to get your diploma.
02:39 But that from now on, you have the opportunity to do whatever you want.
02:43 But that's only in theory.
02:45 In reality, once you enter a black hole, but not the one we talked about earlier,
02:50 you simply risk disappearing once and for all.
02:53 But do not be sad.
02:55 We are only talking about your current physical form.
02:58 It's a little more pointed than it seems.
03:00 There is actually a curious principle of quantum mechanics that can be explained in a simple way.
03:05 To begin with, imagine that you are not a human being, but simply made up of information.
03:11 You have your own experiences, your thoughts and your past.
03:15 All this represents the information you are.
03:17 Now, let's simplify even more.
03:20 Imagine a USB key or a book.
03:22 These two things contain information.
03:25 If you break a USB key that contains music and movies,
03:28 it will no longer exist in its physical form,
03:31 but the information it contains will never cease to exist.
03:34 It's the same for the book.
03:36 If you burn it, the information it contains does not burn.
03:39 It continues to exist, but in another form.
03:42 Thus, this amusing theory claims that even if someone crosses the horizon of events,
03:48 which is the point of no return before being spaghettified,
03:51 it does not cease to exist.
03:54 In simple terms, these cosmic travelers will always exist,
03:59 but in the form of information.
04:03 Now let's go back to the black hole.
04:05 According to Stephen Hawking, black holes emit radiation.
04:09 These radiations make them shrink, and over time, I mean a lot of time,
04:14 a black hole can decrease to such an extent that it eventually disappears.
04:17 So, what happens to the astronaut who finds himself trapped in a black hole if it disappears?
04:22 No, he will not be spit out of the black hole to return to his original state.
04:27 He will still be ejected, however, but in the form of Hawking's radiation.
04:31 But all this is only theoretical.
04:33 Well, do you remember that no one knows exactly what happens inside a black hole?
04:44 Another theory claims that what happens in the black hole does not necessarily remain in the black hole.
04:49 This seems like a good alternative to Las Vegas, if all flights have already been booked.
04:55 Some scientists think that black holes could act as portals to go back in time.
05:00 According to this theory, there would be a white hole at the exit of a black hole.
05:04 If you get there, you could undo things.
05:07 You broke your mother's favorite vase, for example?
05:10 Jump into the white hole and it will be put back to new.
05:13 You cooked an omelette and squeezed a fresh orange juice, but you lost all your appetite?
05:18 It's not a problem if you cook inside a white hole.
05:22 Here, the eggs are intact, the oranges are again whole and juicy.
05:26 No more food waste.
05:28 The idea of going back in time is alluring.
05:31 So I imagine that a black hole could be very useful to us.
05:34 But if a black hole was made in a laboratory, it could devour its surroundings,
05:39 until it becomes big enough to consume the whole planet.
05:43 First, it would be equal to Hadron's Great Collider,
05:46 which would possibly be able to create something comparable to a black hole here on Earth.
05:51 Then, Geneva, or the Black Sea, or the Black Sea.
05:55 Then, the whole of Switzerland, then Europe.
05:58 At this stage, the Earth would have almost disappeared.
06:01 Fortunately, if a black hole appeared, it would be so small that it could do nothing.
06:06 Black holes actually produce a lot of energy and release it most often in the form of heat.
06:11 This means that they will disappear when they run out of fuel.
06:15 Even if a stable microscopic black hole were created,
06:18 it would grow so slowly that it would be impossible to see it.
06:22 Assuming that it survives long enough to absorb the tiny particles around it,
06:27 a black hole of this size would take centuries to reach a point of just a few grams.
06:32 And we haven't seen it for a long time.
06:35 But a black hole on Earth could be a very good thing.
06:39 Even the smallest one could release enough energy to feed all of humanity.
06:44 We talk a lot about food, don't we?
06:47 Let's not forget spaghettification.
06:50 The concept is quite simple, it's gravity.
06:53 Imagine that you are playing with chewing gum.
06:56 With your strength, you can easily stretch it to obtain a long and thin strip instead of a simple ball.
07:02 It's the same for you.
07:04 The strength of a black hole is enough to stretch you as if you were stretching a ball.
07:09 Gravity holds you firmly on one side, which makes you stretch.
07:13 You are probably wondering how come you are not spaghettified on Earth if there is also gravity.
07:19 Elementary.
07:20 It is simply too weak to have such an effect on you.
07:24 If you asked a butterfly to stretch chewing gum, could it do it?
07:28 There is little chance. Their little legs are simply too fragile.
07:32 And if you ask a butterfly to stretch a ball,
07:35 there is little chance. Their little legs are simply too fragile.
07:39 Same here.
07:40 The Earth is simply too insignificant compared to a black hole.
07:44 So, if you were wondering if you could ever go over 1.90 meters,
07:48 it could never happen on Earth.
07:50 But once in a black hole, you could grow far beyond.
07:54 You will not stay at the top of your shape for a long time.
07:57 Nevertheless, if you stretch chewing gum, at some point, it simply tears.
08:02 He will go with you, because of the spaghettification.