• 5 months ago
JOYCELINE, 27, met Dino, 56, after he slid into her DMs on Instagram for her crochet business. Joyceline remarked: "He was literally looking for crochet for three of his girlfriends!" But when Dino met Joyceline in real life, he soon made sure that she was the only woman in his life. He explained: "We knew there was chemistry, we knew it was there." Soon enough the pair were married and were living in tropical paradise in Puerto Rico. However, the couple's age gap means that they often have to endure some harsh judgement. Joyceline, who is a beauty queen, is often accused of being a sugar baby. Dino quipped: "Let me tell you something. The rules when it comes to sugar babies and sugar daddies. Sugar daddies never marry sugar babies. They give them money to go home. It's that simple!" Today, the couple will be having a video call with Dino's daughters, Zaza and Antonette, to find out what they really think about their dad's relationship. Speaking candidly, Antonette admitted: "First thoughts were definitely I hope she's older than me!"


00:00This is Joycelyn, she fell in love with Dino.
00:05That's right.
00:06We're being judged online because, you know, people have an attitude,
00:10they have an issue with her being younger than me.
00:12People accuse her of being a sugar baby and me of being a sugar daddy.
00:17Someone said, I wonder who the guy she's cheating with looks like.
00:22We're about to get on a Zoom call with my daughters Antoinette and Zaza
00:26and find out what they think about our relationship.
00:30First thoughts were definitely, I hope she's older than me.
00:34I'm Dino, I met my wife through her crochet business.
00:40We're being judged online because, you know, people have an attitude,
00:44they have an issue with her being younger than me.
00:46I'm an ex-beauty queen, most prestigious queen in Nigeria.
00:50The way the world looks at us, I'm white, she's black, I'm older, she's younger.
00:55I'm from America, she's from Nigeria.
00:57Oh yeah, she's beautiful and I'm, well, mean.
01:03Guys, you know that that's not correct, but that's what they think.
01:07People accuse her of being a sugar baby and me of being a sugar daddy.
01:11But let me tell you something, and I'm going to set this straight,
01:14the rules when it comes to sugar baby sugar daddies,
01:17sugar daddies never marry sugar babies, they give them money to go home.
01:23Okay, it's that simple.
01:25So we met through Instagram.
01:27He was literally looking for crochet for three of his girlfriends.
01:32Two girlfriends in Africa and all over the world.
01:37He told her, okay, can you send this crochet to this person?
01:40And I was like, okay, no problem.
01:42And we started talking and this same day he said,
01:46would you like to come to the US to establish your business?
01:49And I was like, hell yeah.
01:51So like one week later, we were not dating.
01:53We were just talking all like business, business, and we fell in love.
01:57We knew there was chemistry.
01:58We knew it was there.
01:59It was crazy because all those women,
02:01they were there for a couple of times for like some period.
02:05And with time, he told me that I started dropping and I trust him.
02:09So for now, I am the other one.
02:12I have taken over.
02:14I was a single parent for almost 20 years.
02:16It was very complicated to try and have a relationship when you're a single dad,
02:22going through college, putting yourself in medical school.
02:25So it was just easier to have sugar babies.
02:29Honestly, there's just amazing women, all college girls.
02:32How many?
02:34I don't know.
02:37It would depend on what the budget would allow.
02:39I literally had a line in my budget for fun.
02:42I make and I knew five.
02:44But guess what?
02:45I got a ring, baby.
02:47Would you like to try those traditional stuff I got you from Nigeria?
02:50Of course.
02:52I'll be back.
02:53Okay, I'll join you.
02:53Let me complete this.
02:55I started crocheting when I was still a child, primary school.
02:59But I started as a business, 2017.
03:03This is a top and a shirt.
03:04This comes in three pieces.
03:06This one is my recent outfit and I just made it a few days ago for you guys.
03:12Honey, do you like it?
03:13I love it, sweetheart.
03:14So this is a cultural outfit in Africa and this is Odogu.
03:20Odogu means the king, the chief.
03:23So he is my Odogu.
03:25And you are my Odogu.
03:29Honey, do you like your outfit?
03:30I love my outfit.
03:31Pull up some of the comments from some of these haters and see how ridiculous they are.
03:36Man's pocket must be deep.
03:38That is, his pocket must be deep.
03:40What's wrong with that?
03:41What's wrong with that?
03:43I got peace of mind.
03:44I got a caring husband that has deep pockets in foreign currencies.
03:51I got it all.
03:52You didn't know that, did you, when you married me?
03:54That my pockets were deep?
03:57Of course, I didn't know that.
03:58This other one said,
04:00we know you love that money.
04:01Dating Santa and sh**.
04:03Honey, what do you have to say about this?
04:05What? I'm Santa Claus?
04:07Ho, ho, ho?
04:09No, I don't think so.
04:11Someone said,
04:12I wonder who the guy she's cheating with looks like.
04:18There's not enough money in the world.
04:20What the f**k?
04:22Yeah, not enough money in the world for what?
04:24Maybe they need plastic surgery or psychotherapy.
04:28Some people are like,
04:29oh, she's just there for the money.
04:31Oh, she's going to want a young man that can satisfy her in the bedroom.
04:35And my response is,
04:37how do you know she's not already satisfied?
04:40How do you know she doesn't have everything she wants?
04:43You don't.
04:44I do.
04:45One thing about me is that
04:48I don't usually pay attention to any doubts someone can have towards us.
04:54If anybody's doubting us...
04:57That's their problem.
04:58That's their problem.
04:59It was crazy when everybody found out that we got married.
05:01I was sick, so we almost got married in the hospital.
05:04So the next day when I got out of the hospital,
05:06we got married immediately.
05:08It was his choice.
05:09And we did not post it.
05:12We did not post it on social media.
05:14And his family did not know
05:15because while we were going to Florida to meet them and tell them,
05:18hey guys, we are married.
05:20We just came to do a celebration with you guys.
05:22But we went to Facebook and typed whatever he typed
05:27and thought he said, do not post.
05:29Not knowing that he posted it.
05:32Okay, and guess what?
05:33The whole family found out from Facebook that we are married.
05:36Oh, it was hilarious.
05:36His daughter is older than me.
05:39His first daughter is 30...
05:4030 what?
05:41Oh, 35.
05:43Zaza is 35 years older than me.
05:46No, no, no.
05:46She's 35.
05:47She's 35.
05:48I'm 27.
05:49You got...
05:50So they are like older.
05:53They are not kids.
05:54And they found out on social media.
05:56We're about to get on a Zoom call with my daughters Antoinette and Zaza
05:59and find out what they think about our relationship.
06:04I raised my children to have an independent mind.
06:08And to speak their mind.
06:09So I expect them to say whatever they believe
06:13and not worry about if it hurts my feelings.
06:15What did you guys think when you first found out I got married to Joycelyn?
06:21First thoughts were definitely, I hope she's older than me.
06:27I will accept that.
06:28I'll accept that.
06:29And then I was like, wow, what a way.
06:31What a way to tell us.
06:32You know I'm not really good on social media, guys.
06:36When I hit the button that said don't publish, yeah, that didn't work.
06:40But I know Zaza, you haven't met Joycelyn in person yet.
06:44Yet, but we're coming to visit.
06:45And Antoinette, you had, what did you think when you got to meet her?
06:49She wasn't what I thought she would be like.
06:52I thought we had a pretty good conversation.
06:57And she would fit in with our family because she's interesting and she's smart.
07:04I don't know how to react to that.
07:07I know when I talked to you last,
07:11because you previously were kind of in an open relationship.
07:15What do you guys do to like manage?
07:19Manage the other women coming at me?
07:22Yeah, so she asked me that.
07:23That's when I told her that we don't do that.
07:27And she was like, wow, really?
07:29Yeah, because I was like, oh, so he's like actually going to be monogamous with me.
07:34That's like great.
07:35When we met, he actually had like five girlfriends, but none of them were close.
07:41None of them were close, right?
07:42So I was like the only one physically with him, presently with him.
07:47To me, I have actually come to realize that he sees it like I can do without it.
07:53Let's just have fun, just you and I.
07:56That's what I've come to realize that he's been doing.
07:59That's cool, you know.
08:00They're like, that's a first.
08:04I couldn't be happier.
08:05And I know that you guys have accepted Joycelyn, and that makes me happy.
08:09What is our future home?
08:11Oh, wow.
08:13Now there's a long list.
08:15We definitely want to get a boat because we live in the Caribbean on an island.
08:19And we're going to be traveling back to Nigeria for a traditional tribal wedding.
08:25Thinking back about today, you know, having to talk about our relationship
08:30and facing the judgment that a lot of people have, you know, while we're living our best life.
08:36You know, that's it.
08:37Where opinions don't matter, honestly, and they never will.
08:40We have our flow.
08:42He is not 100 percent.
08:43I'm not close to 100 percent.
08:45But we consciously put the effort to make our relationship work.
