• last year
00:54We played a game
00:56Of stay away
00:59But it costs more than I can pay without you I can't make my way
01:09I surrender
01:13I may seem proud
01:15And I may act gay
01:18That's just the ball
01:20I'm not that way
01:23Cuz deep down in my heart I say
01:29I surrendered it
01:32Those little mean things we were doing
01:37Must have been part of the game
01:41Lending a spice to the wind
01:45Ah, but I don't care
01:51When stars appear shadows fall
01:56Then you'll hear
01:58My poor heart call
02:00To you my love my life my all
02:05I surrender
02:24Without you I can't make my way
02:29I surrender
02:32Would you please shut off that noise
02:37I don't understand how you can be so interested in a radio singer that you've never even seen. I for one don't like it
02:44Thousands of girls can't all be wrong
02:46Thousands of girls don't have a chance to marry a man
02:50They all have the smart mother you're impossible
02:58Have been part of the game
03:03What are you doing changing the tune
03:09You must have your jokes jokes, it was mother's
03:14Anyway, I was lying here
03:20That you were asleep
03:22Sleep sleep sleep thinking
03:26Oh, there's a bee more jokes
03:30Look don't strike at him. I sting him. Don't
03:37Did the bee sting you when he lit not when he lives but when he sits down
03:45Look at it palpitate
03:49Got my sister's train now jerry. Hey, hey, come on with the 20. Oh, yeah
03:53Well, you got me here in time. You're 30 seconds to spare. Hope she recognizes me. I haven't seen her in years
03:59Good luck
04:02Hang on there you'll need it tomorrow. Oh, listen officer. This is not my car. It's gonna be your ticket
04:09Now captain i'm a very very close friend of the police commissioners. This is why I like to give you guys tickets
04:15He'll know i'm on a job
04:18Oh, yeah, he'll know that then that one that one and be careful of that one. Hello, sis. How are you?
04:26I beg your pardon. Oh, well, I beg yours. I I thought you were my sister. Oh, really?
04:31Yes, you see you're just her size and and you're just as beautiful
04:35Your sister. Yes. I have I got a wire from her said she'd be in on the limited tuesday
04:39But this is monday. Oh monday. Well, well, you see I work nights and sometimes I get a little mixed up on my days
04:45And your sisters? No, really. I have the wire from her right here in my pocket
04:48I'll show it to you your brother. He thought he was he thought he was well, i'm glad i'm not what
04:54Your music teacher a measure. No lady. I'm only waiting for my sister. Oh, but I found my idea
05:03Marquis could I help you joe
05:05Please please it's outrageous and I believe you're encouraging him say I only wish she was it is impudence
05:11This lady is my fiancee. Oh, well you can get out of that
05:17Ouch, hey, wait a minute. It's preposterous. What's this a sword? Certainly. I have been insulted
05:22I will teach him a lesson
05:24I'm gone. Telly. Hold the count behind you
05:30Now you have insulted my honor
05:33Well, you put that sticker down and i'll knock you on it
05:35Well, you put that sticker down and i'll knock you on it
05:44Imagine the barkeep fighting a duel over you is that what he's doing?
05:54I'm gone
05:58I'm two up now. I am man. Not really. We'll come
06:05Isn't this thrilling
06:12I will not do it. I tell you drop it. Never I am hot. I am burning up from this
06:23Hello officer, how's everything you'll pardon me
06:25I'll be
06:28Hamstring hi-ho
06:39Well, here we are three hours shot can I help it if we had to stop at a police station
06:43Well, if we hadn't been pinched we could have followed her car. Oh
06:46Here she is now. Oh, it's a dog. We're following. No jerry. It's her dog. Follow me
07:12Oh, that's too bad he loves water
07:18Here comes thing
07:23Pardon me, aren't you? Mr. Crosby? Why? Yes miss but uh, you're not the girl
07:30There she is now jerry good, you know, i'm a bit of a crooner myself we're not interested i'll say we're not
07:36You wouldn't be
07:37Have you got romance girly? I've got loads of it for you
07:41Oh, I beg your pardon. You look just like someone I know who is this fellow? I don't know
07:45This lady's my wife
07:47Well, good night
07:49I thought she was a friend of mine. Oh, i've never even seen him before just a masher, huh?
07:53Oh, oh, no, really sir. I've never made that mistake before
07:56What difference does that make chauncey control yourself chauncey?
08:00No, not chauncey alcock the sweet singer of those beautiful irish ballads
08:04Sure, there's a bit of heaven
08:07From out the sky one day
08:10Not he by any chance just the lady's husband
08:13Oh, well, but you look like a genial broad-minded man in the world a man who might make a mistake once or twice
08:18I make no mistake. Well, of course, I didn't have any reference to the young lady choosing you for her handsome protector
08:23And that's what I like to see the husband and the wife and the home and the little sprouts
08:27Of course, I'm no masher. Oh, at least I thought if I were a masher i'd be a little frightened and
08:32You can see i'm not frightened not much. I'm glad to meet you
08:35That's a blessing chauncey. Don't break his hand boy. She's
08:38Beautiful and father. Oh, I must meet father
08:43Ixnay ixnay the ombre aimed at you. You're telling me. Well, let's get out of here quick
08:47Well, we're all in one piece release that man. Could we have your autograph? Please do not interested a little later
08:56Who's father father fancy when they broke my hand
09:03Oh, oh the leaping tuna no flying seal, maybe I have been insulted for the last time no, no
09:12My god
09:15What is this what he's tangled foot you love it stick around marquis hamstray. Hi-ho. Here we go
09:21Oh, mr. Crosby your autograph, please. Well, if you pardon me, i'm i'm busy as a bird dog right now
09:26Buzz me on the moral joe. Don't forget
09:32Have you got any idea where to find this now, but love will find all right
09:36Then what are we doing back on this wall? This is where that swordfish swam. All right laid on
09:41All right
09:57Lady would you be interested in the trip through the california orange groves taking in the alligator farm seeing the motion picture actors at play?
10:03Would you be interested a blank jerry a blank a room? I told you no up in room 614
10:08Oh, that was you we do get around don't we? All right
10:15Oh, let's give this up you don't want to find her don't you? Yeah, but this is as bad as keyhole people
10:20Oh, we'll be doing that next
10:23Yes, you will
10:31Oh lady oh gorgeous
10:33Oh beautiful
10:34How would you be interested in the trip through the california orange groves stopping at the alligator farms?
10:38How do I look partner? It looks well see the motion picture stars at play very illuminating
10:42Would you be I don't think she would no, no, maybe you're right. This is the oh
10:47It's father. I know racket. No. No, this is our regular business
10:51Yes, we just thought that you good kindly folk would be interested in a nice tour through the california orange
10:56Go just a thought see the movie stars the last thing around with the alligators really ducky quite quite. Yes
11:01What is this trip? Well, it's called the mccollum auto tour
11:04She knows the capsules and all mccollum himself his own dear self
11:08But you wouldn't be interested. So if you pardon our obtusiveness, we'll be running along. I would be interested
11:14I'm, mr. McCollum
11:16Not chauncey mccollum the great big auto tour man. Well, this is nice. Pardon me up this semester now
11:23Now just a minute
11:27We just came in here for something while we were here
11:32Oh ladies, pardon me, I'm so sorry. Well, we ran across an unreasonable husband. What kind of a hotel is this?
11:42You can't flirt with my wife I I I now contain yourself contain yourself
11:51Now just a minute fun's fun
11:53But you can't punch my pal twice in the nose. I did it today. Well, you can't do it anymore
11:58And you can't flirt with my wife I wasn't flirting with your wife. I'm tough. You can't be as tough as you're lying
12:12We meet again and uh again a bit ingloriously i'll have to apologize for pollyanna
12:18I guess he missed his poise this morning. Well, what's doing joe?
12:23But really mildred or mabel or martha, whatever your name is I can explain ever
12:28Well mother this is nice fancy seeing you again
12:31Are you enjoying your stay here?
12:33And how do you find the orange grove and the alligators mother?
12:35You must come with me to see the alligator. Oh, have we got alligators?
12:38Ask me if we got have we got
13:04I'll be right back
13:08Oh, please don't misunderstand how could we won't you let me tell you how it happened we're not a bit interested
13:14You see it was only because I was
13:16Following beautiful
13:18I didn't even know that woman. You don't even know us. You're just a nature. Oh, no, no, no, not at all
13:22Really? I'm not
13:24Who are you well, you see my name is cross. Oh, I suppose you're going to tell us you're being crossy. Oh, yes
13:29Yes, that's mr. Bing cross. You will now hear bing crosby sing out of nowhere. Have you any more jokes?
13:35Well, that's no joke really
13:37Mr. Crosby be very much flattered that he knew of your impersonation
13:41No impersonation that's really one of my records. I'll bet you have a record but it wouldn't stand broadcasting. Well have it true
13:48You came to me
13:51From out of nowhere
13:56You took my heart and found it free
14:05Wonderful dreams wonderful schemes from nowhere
14:13Made every hour sweet as a flower to me
14:21And if you should go back to your nowhere
14:30Leaving me with my memory
14:39I'll always wait for your return
14:47Hoping you'll bring your love
14:51To me
14:54Now that you've finished your act run along and sell your bus trips say you don't believe anything do you I don't believe you're being cross
15:00Well, I am. Oh, yes
15:02I've been in more battles and fights
15:05Had more narrow escapes from the very jaws of death
15:09Trying to meet you
15:11Well, i'm happy to have met enough with you
15:14Love will find a way
15:19My excessive direction is a little askew
15:23Now you see the kind of a man he is stop your nonsense and put your mind on your fiance the marquis
15:30You have just heard bin crosby sing out of nowhere a phonograph record
15:44Oh, mr. Crosby
15:46Oh, i'm so sorry. I thought you were bin crosby. No, but i'm a great friend of his won't you come in?
15:52He acts like you feel like you've been checking your husband all night. Yes, I have many a time but no more
15:58He's had his last blonde
16:00You can't go now. Why not? That's the wife. Well, I can explain my presence here, but I couldn't I never can this is ridiculous
16:07I know but it's better than funerals
16:20Why don't you be been home oh about an hour
16:23Uh-huh. Who have you got hidden in the room all layoffs?
16:27Wait a minute, you know george as well as I do. He was all right
16:34What is that hair doing on your coat
16:37Oh, you see a guilty conscience, oh boy when he gets in the back a woman probably
16:43You got one hidden under here george. No the closet. I always look in the closet
16:54Well, are you satisfied oh completely why don't you stop jenny, please
17:00Oh, I can well understand that
17:11That's your song
17:13Won't you sing it for us, please? Oh, I wish you'd excuse me this afternoon. I'm a little horrified. Oh, come on
17:33I had you I held you gave me all
17:51Now that i've lost you, please understand
18:26I want you. I need you more than you know
18:35Whatever don't ever
18:40Tell me to go
18:44Once more to have
18:48Love would be grand
19:01I apologize. Oh, no apologies necessary. I guess it's all right. I realize how mistakes can happen
19:07I seem to have been making mistakes all afternoon
19:11I'm, sorry for them too
19:13To you my love my life my all
19:17I surrender dear
19:24Give me room 344, please
19:28Telephone sir, don't you see I am busy. It's your sweetheart. Which one your fiancee? Oh
19:38Hello, sweetheart marquee, i'm, sorry, but our engagement's off what
19:45You you are joking I I think i'd like to marry
19:50Bing crosby
19:52Not if I can help it
19:54Well, you can't help it. Yes, and we're leaving for the ministers right now. Come and say something nice to the marquee
20:01No, not that way the marquee is sorry your mother where the police where the fire escape, okay
20:06I'm screwed. Hi. Oh, here we go
20:19Excuse me, I forgot my fur
20:29Where's my daughter oh here he is
20:40Where's the fire why we're looking for a minister, what's your name bing crosby? Yeah, if you let us go
20:46I'll be mrs. Crosby in a few minutes. That's right. You're bing crosby, huh? Yes, sir
20:51Sound your age
20:52I may seem proud. I may act gay
20:56That's just a fault
20:58I'm, not that way
21:01Because deep down in my heart I say
21:16That I can