WordGirl WordGirl S01 E004 Jerky Jerk – Becky’s Birthday

  • il y a 5 mois


00:00 *Musique*
00:02 *Musique*
00:04 ♪ Word up, it's square girl ♪
00:09 ♪ Fly get the speed of sound Vocabulary that astounds ♪
00:12 ♪ From the planet Lexicon Watch her villains, here she comes ♪
00:15 ♪ Face with a catastrophe Read me the living dictionary ♪
00:19 ♪ Her superior intellect Keeps the crime world in check ♪
00:23 ♪ Go girl ♪
00:27 ♪ Huggy faces by her side Vocabulary of I and Y ♪
00:30 ♪ She'll make sure that crime will pay ♪
00:32 ♪ Then throw some mighty words your way ♪
00:36 ♪ Word up, it's square girl ♪
00:39 ♪ Word up, from the planet Lexicon ♪
00:43 ♪ Watch her villains, here she comes ♪
00:51 ♪ Word girl ♪
00:54 Listen for the words "Clumsy" and "Supreme".
00:57 Early one morning in the room of Becky "Word Girl" Botsford
01:01 and Bob "Captain Huggy Face".
01:03 Do monkeys have last names? Never mind.
01:06 You almost ready, Bob?
01:08 Bob, are you sure you need another disguise?
01:10 I mean, nobody recognizes you as Captain Huggy...
01:12 (laughing)
01:14 Whoa!
01:16 Are you sure you can see okay?
01:17 (squeaking)
01:18 Princess Beauty!
01:20 You know, people are just going to think you're clumsy.
01:22 Hi, hon! Hi, Bob!
01:24 Just wanted to remind you,
01:25 you have art class after school today.
01:27 Thanks, Mom.
01:28 We're taking a field trip to the museum.
01:29 Oh! They have a new exhibit this week.
01:31 Ancient artifacts from Tryptophania.
01:33 Pretty exciting!
01:35 I guess.
01:36 Little clumsy today, huh, Bob?
01:38 See? Told you.
01:39 Oh! I'm late for work. Have fun, guys.
01:42 We'd better hustle too, Bob.
01:43 (screaming)
01:45 Meanwhile, in the lair of the butcher...
01:47 No matter what I do, I still can't beat Word Girl.
01:50 I've tried everything.
01:51 My hamburger hammer, pork chop chop,
01:54 meatball mayhem, nothing worked.
01:56 I need more power.
01:58 (annouceur)
01:59 (annouceur)
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03:24 (coups de pied)
03:25 - Oh! Hi, Bob!
03:26 Are you OK?
03:28 (jappement)
03:29 I don't remember you being so clumsy, Bob.
03:31 - This, children, is a very powerful
03:34 ancient tryptophanian artifact,
03:36 the Bee Jerky of Supreme Power!
03:38 - Oh!
03:39 - That poor tryptophanian cow!
03:42 ♪ ♪
03:45 - Psst! Bob!
03:46 ♪ ♪
03:50 - Wow! Great outfit!
03:52 We've never had a super fan before.
03:54 - Here to see the ancient meat, I suppose.
03:56 - Oh, yeah, the Beef Jerky of Sunbeam Power.
03:58 - Oh, sorry, I've never heard
04:00 of the Beef Jerky of Sunbeam Power.
04:02 However, we do have the...
04:03 - Beef Jerky of Supreme Power!
04:05 - Oh, yes, I believe that would do.
04:07 - I just imagine, if you had any special meat powers,
04:10 that necklace would make you supremely powerful.
04:13 (chuckles)
04:14 - Uh, Miss Champlain,
04:15 I have to use the ladies' room.
04:17 - Hurry back.
04:18 - Right. Come on, Bob.
04:20 (coups de pied)
04:21 - How clumsy!
04:22 Who let a porcupine in here?
04:24 ♪ ♪ ♪
04:27 (coups de pied)
04:28 - Freeze, buddy. Hold it right there.
04:30 (coups de pied)
04:31 Whoa! Too fast. Falling.
04:34 - Oh, hey, you all right there?
04:35 - Ah, thanks. Oh, no problem.
04:37 I'm a little clamsy myself.
04:39 - Clamsy? - Oh, sure.
04:41 I mean, look at my little legs.
04:42 I'm top-heavy.
04:43 - Right. Well, thanks again.
04:45 - You're welcome.
04:48 - Ouch!
04:49 - Now then, nothing will stand in the way
04:51 between me and that Beef Jerky thing over there.
04:54 - Freeze, butcher!
04:56 - Not again!
04:57 (coups de pied)
04:58 (coups de pied)
04:59 - You okay? - Yeah, I'm okay.
05:01 I'm just a little clamsy.
05:03 - What? - Clamsy.
05:04 You know, like when you fall over and stuff?
05:07 - The word is "clumsy."
05:09 It means "awkward" and "bumbling."
05:10 - Oh, clumsy!
05:12 Yeah, I guess I kind of heard of that.
05:14 Hey, thanks.
05:15 You know, you're not so bad, word girl.
05:17 - Oh, stop. Thanks.
05:19 - Too bad you're in the way.
05:22 - Puggy!
05:23 (coups de pied)
05:24 (coups de pied)
05:26 - You might as well give it up.
05:27 Anything you can dish out, Puggy can eat.
05:29 - That's why I need that necklace.
05:30 More power!
05:32 (coups de pied)
05:33 (coups de pied)
05:34 (coups de pied)
05:35 (coups de pied)
05:36 (coups de pied)
05:37 (coups de pied)
05:38 - Just missed.
05:39 (coups de pied)
05:40 (coups de pied)
05:41 (coups de pied)
05:42 - Oh, wow. I'm all tingly.
05:44 - Oh, no.
05:45 - That's right, word girl.
05:47 I, the butcher, now have control
05:49 of the Beef Jerky of Sunbeam Power!
05:52 Huh. That's weird. No echo.
05:54 - Well, I think that's because it isn't
05:56 the Beef Jerky of Sunbeam Power.
05:58 It's the Beef Jerky of Supreme Power!
06:01 - Oh. What's the difference?
06:03 - Mind if I take this one, word girl?
06:05 - Be my guest.
06:06 - Well, you see, sunbeams are shafts of light
06:09 given off by the sun,
06:10 whereas "supreme" means the biggest and the best.
06:13 - Nice job.
06:14 - Well, I watch your show.
06:16 - Oh, stop.
06:17 - Yes. Where am I?
06:18 - Hey, can I give the shout-out a try?
06:20 - I guess so.
06:21 - The Beef Jerky of Supreme Power!
06:24 - Oh, yeah. That's the stuff.
06:26 - I don't suppose you'll consider giving up?
06:28 - I don't suppose either.
06:29 - Pastrami attack!
06:31 - Ah!
06:32 - Ha! Ha! Ha!
06:34 Hasta la adios, word girl.
06:36 - Is this the end of the line
06:38 for word girl and Captain Huggy Face?
06:40 Will they ever escape this supreme pile of pastrami?
06:43 - Actually, it's gonna take a while.
06:45 This is way more pastrami than usual.
06:47 Why don't you go to the butcher's lair again,
06:49 see what he's up to, and then come back in a little bit.
06:52 - Okay.
06:53 - Meanwhile, in the butcher's lair...
06:56 - My new supremely meaty powers are amazing!
06:59 Plus, I have access to meats I never had before!
07:02 Cubasa Crusher!
07:04 Shepherd's Pie!
07:05 Ow!
07:06 Chicken Coldo!
07:07 Wham!
07:09 Nothing will stand in my way
07:11 of taking over the city!
07:13 Nothing!
07:15 - We interrupt this special report
07:17 for another special report.
07:19 On est à l'hôtel du musée
07:21 où un délirant et mignonne raidouille
07:23 a été fait par ce mec, le butcher.
07:25 - Oh, regarde ça, je suis sur la télé.
07:27 - Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé?
07:29 - Le butcher a volé la...
07:31 - La gorge de la suprême puissance!
07:33 - C'est horrible!
07:34 Tu as vraiment un os à prendre avec lui.
07:36 Un os...
07:37 - Oui. Le butcher a peut-être
07:39 pris la gorge de la suprême puissance,
07:41 mais merci Dieu, il n'a pas eu ces mains-là.
07:43 - Quels sont-ceux?
07:44 - Ce sont les...
07:45 - Les oreilles de bacon de la suprême puissance!
07:47 - Wow! Vraiment?
07:48 - Oui, ils font partie du set.
07:49 Si le butcher avait eu ces mains-là,
07:51 il serait suprêmement insupportable.
07:53 Et elles sont sur l'écran, là.
07:55 Là.
07:56 - Donc si le butcher voulait
07:57 revenir les prendre,
07:58 tu ne pourrais probablement pas le stopper.
08:00 - Non, j'espère qu'il ne regarde pas la télé.
08:03 (rire)
08:05 (bruits de pas)
08:06 - Des oreilles, hein?
08:07 Je me demande si je dois les porter.
08:09 - Oh, et il a besoin de les porter,
08:11 alors s'il revient pour les prendre,
08:13 il va mieux avoir ses oreilles cassées.
08:15 - Oh, mon Dieu!
08:16 Je vais devoir faire un sac à dos
08:18 pour le stopper.
08:19 - Bien joué, Huggy!
08:21 Oh, oh!
08:22 (coup de fusil)
08:23 - Hum...
08:24 - Vous êtes là!
08:25 - Oui, nous avons été perdus
08:27 dans l'exhibit égyptien.
08:28 - Vraiment?
08:29 Je pensais qu'ils l'ont pris
08:30 l'an dernier.
08:31 - Oh, pas de doute qu'on a été perdus
08:32 et qu'il n'était pas là.
08:33 (rire)
08:34 (rire)
08:35 (soupir)
08:36 - Oh! C'est vraiment
08:37 dégueulasse!
08:39 - Dis, mon ami,
08:40 sais-tu où je peux trouver
08:41 ces oreilles de bacon
08:42 que tu parlais de sur la télé?
08:43 - Tu te ressembles.
08:44 - Moi? Non!
08:46 Je ne suis certainement pas
08:47 celui qui a volé ce sac.
08:48 - Non?
08:49 - Non.
08:50 - Oh, d'accord.
08:51 Juste là.
08:52 - Merci. Je vais les prendre
08:53 pour partir.
08:54 (rire)
08:55 - Attendez un instant.
08:56 Vous êtes le même.
08:57 - Chiffon de la paix!
08:58 (cris)
08:59 (brouhaha)
09:00 - Il vaut mieux mettre
09:01 les freins, Butcher.
09:02 - Worker!
09:03 (rire)
09:04 - Quoi?
09:05 - Tu es beau.
09:06 (rire)
09:07 - Tu ne riras pas
09:08 pour longtemps.
09:09 Beef Wellington!
09:10 (coup de fusil)
09:11 - Beef Wellington?
09:12 Tu ne peux pas faire ça avant!
09:13 - Parce que avant,
09:14 je n'étais pas
09:15 le Butcher Supreme!
09:17 (rire)
09:18 - Tuez-le, Huggy!
09:19 - Oh, oui?
09:20 Essaye de sortir
09:21 de ton visage ça!
09:22 - Beef Wellington!
09:23 (coup de fusil)
09:24 (cris)
09:25 (coup de fusil)
09:26 (cris)
09:27 - Ah!
09:28 - Restez calmes!
09:29 (coup de fusil)
09:30 - Ha! Ha! Ha!
09:31 Tu as perdu!
09:32 - Chicken cold all blaaam!
09:35 - Maintenant,
09:36 si tu me refuses,
09:37 il y a des vêtements
09:38 avec mon nom sur eux.
09:41 - Huggy,
09:42 tourne ta tête
09:43 45 degrés en haut!
09:45 - Je peux sentir
09:46 le pouvoir!
09:47 Le pouvoir
09:48 suprême du meat!
09:50 - Huggy,
09:51 combien de butchers
09:52 as-tu vu?
09:53 (rire)
09:54 - Tuez le milieu!
09:55 (coup de fusil)
09:57 - Non! Non!
09:59 Je perds de la puissance!
10:00 Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
10:01 - Un peu à gauche!
10:03 - Non!
10:04 Tu as cassé
10:05 le bacon suprême!
10:06 Tu sais quoi?
10:07 Ça ne m'intéresse pas.
10:08 J'ai toujours
10:09 le jerky du meat
10:10 du pouvoir suprême!
10:12 Et tu sais
10:13 ce que ça me fait?
10:14 Le butcher suprême!
10:16 (cris)
10:19 (coup de fusil)
10:21 (cris)
10:23 (coup de fusil)
10:25 (coup de fusil)
10:27 (coup de fusil)
10:29 - Tu as peut-être été
10:30 le butcher suprême,
10:31 mais tu étais
10:32 aussi suprêmement délicat.
10:33 Tu te rends compte
10:34 que ce meat
10:35 a 5 000 ans?
10:36 - Et alors,
10:37 Word Girl et le capitaine Huggy Face
10:39 ont encore sauvé le jour,
10:41 surtout parce que
10:42 le butcher est délicat.
10:44 - Ces oreilles de bacon
10:45 sont détruites.
10:46 Et où est mon
10:47 jerky du meat?
10:49 - Euh...
10:50 On devrait y aller.
10:51 - À la porte.
10:52 - Rejoignez-nous
10:53 pour un autre épisode
10:54 de "Word Girls"!
10:56 - ♪ Word Girls ♪
10:58 ♪ ♪ ♪
10:59 - Bonjour, je suis Beau Handsome
11:01 et c'est...
11:02 - ♪ May I have a word? ♪
11:05 - Comme d'habitude,
11:06 le joueur qui définit
11:07 correctement ce jour
11:08 de "Word Featured"
11:09 gagnera un prix fabuleux.
11:11 Jouons!
11:12 - ♪ May I have a word? ♪
11:14 - Yes, you may!
11:15 Today's featured word
11:16 is "devour."
11:17 To give you a clue,
11:18 here are some clips
11:19 from "Word Girl"
11:20 that show the meaning
11:21 of the word.
11:22 ♪ ♪ ♪
11:23 ♪ ♪ ♪
11:32 Anyone know
11:33 the definition of "devour"?
11:34 Yes, Phil?
11:35 - Devour means
11:36 to gobble down food.
11:38 - Uh, no.
11:39 Anyone else?
11:40 - Devour means
11:41 to gobble down food.
11:43 - That's what I said!
11:44 - Well, who could understand
11:45 you when you were
11:46 devouring that sandwich?
11:47 - I clearly said
11:48 "Devour means
11:49 to gobble down food."
11:51 See?
11:52 - Devour means
11:53 to gobble down food.
11:55 - Sorry, Phil.
11:56 We have to disqualify you
11:57 for talking
11:58 with your mouth full.
11:59 Bad manners.
12:00 Congratulations, Emily!
12:01 You are today's winner.
12:02 Huggy, show her
12:03 what she's won.
12:04 The official Word Girl
12:06 world's largest
12:07 stock of broccoli!
12:08 - Ooh!
12:10 - OK, well,
12:11 maybe the word
12:12 second largest
12:13 stock of broccoli.
12:14 That's it
12:15 for today's episode.
12:16 See you next time on...
12:17 - "May I Have a Word?"
12:20 - Word Girl!
12:22 - Psst!
12:23 Listen for "Appetite"
12:24 and expand.
12:25 - Just an ordinary day
12:27 at the city's power plant.
12:29 - Man, oh,
12:30 this job is boring.
12:32 - Yeah?
12:33 Well, at least
12:34 we have that small glowing ball
12:35 to keep us warm.
12:36 - That doesn't seem right.
12:38 - Hey, it's getting bigger.
12:40 - We've got to do something.
12:41 Before it destroys
12:42 the whole power plant.
12:43 - The super secret
12:44 experimental serum.
12:45 - That'll work.
12:46 - Oh, man,
12:47 it didn't do anything.
12:49 It's still expanding.
12:51 - How about we hit it
12:53 with the gamma radiation ray!
12:56 - That should have worked!
12:58 - It's still expanding.
13:00 What now?
13:01 - Throw some
13:02 deli slices at it.
13:03 - Are you kidding?
13:04 Electricity and deli meat
13:05 never mix.
13:06 You know that.
13:07 - Then what?
13:08 - Pour your soda on it.
13:09 - Come on.
13:10 Soda, your magic!
13:12 - Oh, no.
13:13 [explosion]
13:14 - Whoa!
13:15 - Meanwhile,
13:16 at the Botsford residence,
13:17 looks like there's a party
13:18 in the works.
13:19 - Ooh,
13:20 I hope there's cake.
13:21 - This is gonna be
13:22 one doozy of a surprise party.
13:24 I can't wait to see
13:25 the expression on Becky's face.
13:27 - Do I have to do this?
13:28 I'm missing my WordGirl
13:29 super fans meeting.
13:30 - Yes, you do.
13:31 It's your sister's big day.
13:32 - I can't believe
13:33 my little girl
13:34 is growing up so fast.
13:35 - Do we really need
13:36 that much food, dear?
13:37 - Of course we do, honey.
13:38 - Oh, my goodness.
13:39 - Of course we do, hon.
13:40 You know how Bob
13:41 gets at parties.
13:42 He has such an appetite.
13:43 - Appetite.
13:44 Good word, hon.
13:45 - Thanks.
13:46 Becky used it the other day,
13:47 and I kind of took a shine to it.
13:48 - She's so good with words.
13:50 - Yep,
13:51 just like that superhero.
13:52 What's her name?
13:53 - WordGirl, dear.
13:54 She saved your life
13:55 three times.
13:56 - WordGirl, that's right.
13:57 You know,
13:58 I don't think
13:59 I've ever seen Becky
14:00 and WordGirl
14:01 in the same room together.
14:03 - Hmm,
14:04 neither have I.
14:05 In fact,
14:06 Becky and WordGirl
14:07 seem to have quite a few
14:08 things in common.
14:09 - That's right.
14:09 They're about the same age.
14:10 They have the same hair color.
14:11 - I wonder
14:12 if it's possible
14:13 that Becky is really...
14:15 (screeching)
14:16 Oh, Bob!
14:18 - Oh, don't worry, champ.
14:19 I'll get you out of there
14:20 lickety-split.
14:21 Now,
14:22 what were we talking about?
14:23 - I forgot.
14:25 - Me too.
14:26 (screeching)
14:27 So, when is Becky
14:28 due to arrive?
14:29 - About an hour.
14:30 I have her running errands.
14:31 - Good one.
14:32 (laughing)
14:33 - Meanwhile,
14:34 Becky Bostard,
14:35 a.k.a. WordGirl,
14:36 is on her way
14:38 to the party.
14:38 - A.k.a. WordGirl
14:39 has used her super speed
14:40 to get her errands
14:41 done super quickly.
14:42 - That wasn't so bad.
14:43 Guess I'll head home.
14:44 - Unbeknownst to Becky,
14:45 her decision
14:46 to go home early
14:47 could very well
14:48 set off a chain of events
14:49 that will lead
14:50 to the ruin of
14:51 her surprise
14:52 birthday party.
14:53 Oops.
14:54 - There's a surprise party?
14:55 For my birthday?
14:56 - No, I mean...
14:57 - This is awesome!
14:58 But wait,
14:59 I'm not gonna be surprised
15:00 by the surprise anymore.
15:01 Aw, man,
15:02 I'm gonna have to fake it.
15:03 - Sorry about that.
15:04 - Let's see.
15:05 - I'm gonna have
15:07 to fake it.
15:07 - Sorry about that.
15:08 - Let's see
15:09 if I can pull it off.
15:10 How does this look?
15:11 - Kinda looks like
15:12 you drank some bad milk.
15:13 - No, it doesn't.
15:14 - Hey, Becky!
15:15 You drink some bad milk
15:16 or something?
15:17 - Hey, Scoops.
15:18 No, I, uh...
15:19 That's weird.
15:20 - What, the present?
15:21 Oh, I always carry
15:22 this around.
15:23 It's not for you.
15:24 - No, I mean, uh...
15:25 What is that?
15:26 - Oh, you're talking
15:27 about the energy monster.
15:28 - Energy monster?
15:29 - Yeah, that thing's
15:30 been destroying downtown
15:31 for the past 20 minutes
15:32 or so.
15:33 But don't worry,
15:34 WordGirl will take it out.
15:36 - I'm starting to go to.
15:36 - Well, I gotta go
15:37 or I'll be late
15:38 for your surprise
15:39 birthday party.
15:40 I mean, I gotta go.
15:41 - The real surprise
15:42 is that you guys
15:43 kept this thing
15:44 a secret for so long.
15:45 - I said I was sorry.
15:46 - Oh, no!
15:47 It's headed
15:48 for the energy district!
15:49 Look out!
15:50 - Uh-oh.
15:51 Learn up!
15:52 - Ah!
15:53 - Ah!
15:54 - It won't stop!
15:55 - Downtown
15:56 is being destroyed!
15:57 - Every power source
15:58 it eats just makes it...
15:59 What's the word?
16:00 Pugify?
16:01 - Embiggen?
16:02 - Growulate?
16:03 - Expand!
16:05 - Ah! WordGirl,
16:05 you scammed me.
16:06 - Oh, sorry about that.
16:07 But "expand"
16:08 means to increase in size.
16:09 - Oh!
16:10 - What are you going to do?
16:11 - I'm going to stop that thing
16:12 then open up my presents.
16:13 - Sounds like a good--
16:14 What?
16:15 - Hey!
16:16 Hey, you!
16:17 Listen,
16:18 it's my birthday today
16:19 so I was wondering
16:20 if maybe you could come back
16:21 and destroy the town tomorrow?
16:22 That would really
16:23 work better for me.
16:24 What do you say?
16:25 Fine.
16:26 I'll just have to take you down.
16:28 My birthday,
16:29 we could have just
16:30 done the scenes
16:31 with you and your baby.
16:32 - I'm sorry,
16:34 but I'm not a baby.
16:34 I'm an electric girl.
16:35 - Hmm,
16:36 that was easy.
16:37 Hey,
16:38 this thing is pretty light.
16:39 I'll be back at my party
16:40 in no...
16:41 time.
16:42 - Ugh!
16:43 - Okay,
16:44 no more Mr. Nice Girl.
16:45 [electricity crackling]
16:47 - Hmm.
16:48 Hmm.
16:49 - Here.
16:50 You look like you could use this.
16:51 - Dr. Two Brains?
16:52 Did you create
16:53 this electrical monstrosity?
16:54 - That thing?
16:55 No, no, no.
16:56 I'm just out
16:57 shopping for some crackers.
16:58 - You're shopping?
16:59 I thought you just
17:00 stole everything.
17:01 - Oh,
17:03 I steal the cheese.
17:03 I buy the crackers.
17:04 - Hmm.
17:05 - Wow,
17:06 look at that thing go.
17:07 - Yeah.
17:08 - It's expanding,
17:09 you know.
17:10 - I know.
17:11 Aha!
17:12 - What?
17:13 [electricity crackling]
17:14 - Now,
17:15 if I only had a cord
17:16 with a giant plug
17:17 at one end...
17:18 - Like that one?
17:19 [electricity crackling]
17:22 - I'll just plug
17:23 this monster right
17:24 into the city's power lines.
17:25 He'll be used up
17:26 by everyone watching TV.
17:27 That'll work, right?
17:28 - I don't know.
17:29 The mouse brain says no,
17:30 and he's usually right.
17:32 - I guess we'll just
17:32 have to see, won't we?
17:33 [electricity crackling]
17:35 Uh...
17:36 [electricity crackling]
17:37 Oh, no!
17:38 The cord's too short.
17:39 I have to lure
17:40 the monster back in range.
17:41 And when I do,
17:42 I need someone
17:43 to keep it plugged in.
17:44 - Don't look at me.
17:45 In fact,
17:46 I should get going.
17:47 These crackers
17:48 aren't gonna top themselves
17:49 with cheese
17:50 and eat themselves.
17:51 Hey, but good luck.
17:52 - Thanks.
17:53 - Oh, no!
17:54 The energy creature
17:55 is heading towards
17:56 the city's main power grid.
17:57 - The main power grid?
17:58 If it reaches that,
17:59 the monster will become
18:00 unstoppable!
18:01 - Will the energy monster
18:02 reach the main power grid
18:03 and become unstoppable?
18:04 Will Word Girl
18:05 get back in time
18:06 to open the collection
18:07 of Pretty Princess Encyclopedia's
18:08 her friend Violet got her?
18:10 - She did?
18:11 - I'm sorry.
18:12 I did it again, didn't I?
18:13 - Yeah, you did.
18:14 - Will Word Girl
18:15 be able to stop
18:16 this monster
18:17 all on her own?
18:18 - No.
18:19 I'm gonna need
18:20 another set of hands.
18:21 Hands I can trust.
18:22 And Captain Huggy Face
18:23 has those hands.
18:25 Well, pause.
18:26 Turn up!
18:27 [whirring]
18:29 I think she's here.
18:31 - TJ, where are you going?
18:33 - To the bathroom.
18:34 I don't care about
18:35 my sister's surprise party.
18:36 - Everyone ready?
18:37 - Shh!
18:38 Shh!
18:39 - Surprise!
18:40 - Surprise!
18:41 - Word Girl?
18:42 - What are you doing here?
18:44 - I need the assistance
18:45 of a monkey.
18:46 My friend Captain Huggy Face
18:47 is fighting crime
18:48 in another town.
18:49 A, uh, faraway town.
18:51 And, um, wow.
18:52 You guys really did a job
18:53 decorating this place.
18:54 - It's our daughter's birthday.
18:56 - Wow.
18:57 That's a lot of presents.
18:58 - Oh, yeah,
18:59 please don't touch those.
19:00 - Oh, yes.
19:01 My secret Word Girl
19:02 supercomputer says
19:03 that there is
19:04 another monkey here.
19:05 And I was--
19:06 - You want to borrow Bob?
19:07 I don't know.
19:08 He might not be
19:09 very good in a fight.
19:10 He's not a fighting monkey.
19:11 - I don't need him to fight.
19:12 I just need him
19:13 to assist me.
19:14 - That's okay, then.
19:15 Where is he?
19:16 He was just here.
19:17 Bob!
19:18 - Bob!
19:19 [screeching]
19:20 - Hey, Bob.
19:21 How would you like
19:22 to help out Word Girl?
19:23 [screeching]
19:24 Excellent.
19:25 Listen, Word Girl.
19:26 We don't want him
19:27 to miss Becky's party.
19:28 - Are those ponies?
19:29 - For pony rides?
19:30 - Yes, I thought
19:31 my daughter would enjoy that.
19:32 The act of riding
19:33 on a pony in a circle.
19:34 - Yes, she would.
19:36 Ponies.
19:37 - Um, Word Girl?
19:39 Hello, Earth to Word Girl.
19:41 - Oh, thank you,
19:42 Botsford family.
19:43 We must be off.
19:44 We have to fight
19:45 the pony monster.
19:46 I mean,
19:47 the electricity pony.
19:48 I'm--
19:49 Word up!
19:50 - What's going on?
19:51 - Oh, you just missed it.
19:52 Word Girl was here, and--
19:53 - Word Girl?
19:54 Here?
19:55 - Goal!
19:56 - Goal!
19:57 - Goal!
19:58 - Wow, look at him eat
19:59 those cables.
20:00 His appetite
20:01 is almost as large as yours.
20:02 - Appetite?
20:03 You know,
20:04 having a hunger for something.
20:05 In your case,
20:06 that something is food.
20:07 That thing has an appetite
20:08 for energy.
20:09 - Okay, Huggy,
20:10 we've got to take this thing
20:11 out before it reaches
20:12 the power grid
20:13 and becomes too powerful
20:14 for us to stop.
20:15 - Here's the plan.
20:16 See that giant plug
20:17 on the top of that building?
20:18 Here.
20:19 We need to go--
20:20 Whoa!
20:21 Huggy!
20:22 Plug him in!
20:27 ♪ ♪ ♪
20:30 ♪ ♪ ♪
20:32 ♪ ♪ ♪
20:34 - Ah!
20:35 ♪ ♪ ♪
20:37 ♪ ♪ ♪
20:39 ♪ ♪ ♪
20:41 ♪ ♪ ♪
20:42 - Nice work, Huggy.
20:43 - [laughing]
20:44 - Oh, yeah?
20:45 You should look at yourself.
20:46 - Thanks, Word Girl.
20:47 You saved the city.
20:48 - How did you do it?
20:49 - It was easy.
20:50 We just plugged
20:51 the energy monster
20:52 into the power lines.
20:53 - Those aren't power lines.
20:54 Those are telephone lines.
20:55 - Oh, really?
20:56 - Oh, my name is Mr. Cheese,
20:58 and I've been walking
20:59 and walking.
21:00 Ooh, this looks
21:01 like a comfortable bed.
21:03 [snoring]
21:04 [phone ringing]
21:05 - Ah!
21:06 Who dares call Dr. Two Brains
21:07 on his day off?
21:09 Hello, Two Brains--
21:10 [screaming]
21:12 - Telephone lines,
21:13 power lines,
21:14 I'm sure it's fine.
21:15 - Uh, no.
21:16 They're actually
21:17 quite different.
21:18 - Come on, Huggy.
21:19 We have a surprise party
21:20 to go to.
21:21 ♪ ♪ ♪
21:23 - Surprise!
21:24 - Surprise!
21:25 - Surprise!
21:26 Oh, oh, Bob, you're back.
21:28 - [squeaking]
21:29 - I have no idea
21:30 what you're doing, Bob,
21:31 but it sure is fun to watch.
21:32 Look at this, everyone.
21:34 This is why you buy a monkey.
21:35 [laughs]
21:36 [harp music]
21:37 - Dum-dee-dum.
21:38 Boy, it took a long time
21:40 to do the errands.
21:42 I wonder if anyone
21:43 remembered my birthday today.
21:45 - Ooh, that sounds like Becky.
21:46 - Everyone hide!
21:48 [door opens]
21:49 - Surprise!
21:50 - Wow, am I surprised.
21:53 There is no way
21:54 I could possibly know about this
21:55 and am therefore
21:56 taken completely off guard.
21:57 - Happy birthday, Becky.
21:59 - We're proud of you, honey.
22:00 - Thanks, Mom and Dad.
22:01 Now enough of this chitchat.
22:02 It's time for a pony ride!
22:05 Pony, pony, pony, pony, pony.
22:06 - So Word Girl
22:07 saves the city
22:08 from almost certain doom
22:09 and earns herself
22:10 a well-deserved pony ride.
22:12 While Bob feeds his appetite
22:14 and fills his rapidly
22:16 expanding belly.
22:17 Join us again next time
22:18 for another super colossal
22:20 episode of Word Girl.
22:22 ♪ ♪
22:23 ♪ ♪
22:24 - Hello, I'm Bo Handsome
22:26 and this is the bonus round of...
22:28 - May I have a word?
22:30 - Emily, you correctly defined
22:32 the word "devour."
22:33 Ready to play the bonus round?
22:35 - Sure am, Mr. Handsome.
22:36 - Okay, take a look
22:37 at these three pictures
22:38 and tell me which one
22:39 shows the definition for "devour."
22:42 ♪ ♪
22:43 ♪ ♪
22:49 ♪ ♪
22:52 - Okay, Emily, time's up.
22:54 - Well, Dr. Two Brains
22:55 is really gobbling up that cheese,
22:57 which means he's devouring it.
22:59 Number two...
23:00 - That is correct!
23:01 Congratulations, Emily.
23:02 You've won the bonus round.
23:04 Captain Huggy Face,
23:05 show her what she's won.
23:07 It's the world's largest
23:09 baby carrot!
23:11 Not again, Huggy.
23:13 Sorry, Emily.
23:14 Perhaps you'll win something
23:15 Huggy can't devour next time
23:17 on...
23:18 - May I have a word?
23:20 - What was that?
23:21 - What, word girl?
23:22 Word power?
23:23 Fly over to your local library.
23:25 Cake not required.
23:27 Word up!
23:29 ♪ ♪ ♪
23:32 - I like "mystery"
23:33 'cause I feel like
23:34 it brings out
23:35 a lot of suspense
23:36 and it makes you think,
23:37 "Oh, what's the mystery
23:38 gonna be?"
23:39 And it's sort of
23:40 like a brain--
23:41 like a brain twister
23:42 'cause you really wanna
23:43 know what it is.
23:44 - I like the word "elfen"
23:46 because not a lot of people
23:47 know the word
23:48 and it means something
23:49 like describing something
23:50 like a fairy,
23:51 which it kind of does,
23:52 like small and mischievous
23:53 and elf-like.
23:54 That's why I like
23:55 the word "elfen."
23:56 ♪ ♪ ♪
23:58 - Captain Huggy Face,
23:59 show us what
24:00 "flabbergasted" means.
24:02 That's right!
24:04 "Flabbergasted"
24:05 means to be so surprised
24:06 you can't think or act.
24:08 Congratulations, Huggy.
24:10 ♪ ♪ ♪
24:12 "Flabbergasted."
24:14 ♪ ♪ ♪
24:16 ♪ ♪ ♪
24:19 ♪ ♪ ♪
24:22 ♪ ♪ ♪
24:25 ♪ ♪ ♪
24:28 ♪ ♪ ♪
24:31 ♪ ♪ ♪
24:34 ♪ ♪ ♪
24:37 ♪ ♪ ♪
24:40 ♪ ♪ ♪
24:43 ♪ ♪ ♪
24:46 *Musique*
