• l’année dernière


00:00 *Musique*
00:02 *Musique*
00:04 Roses fly through the air !
00:06 Ouaaah !
00:07 Yeah ! We totally killed it !
00:09 Although, brainstorming here, as I was singing the chorus, a whole new verse came to me.
00:12 MJ, stop ! You can't keep tweaking songs every time we play them !
00:16 I know. I just want us to be perfect.
00:19 And we will be ! Someday. But we're still in high school, you know. Garage bands are garage bands for a reason.
00:24 And its name is the two hours of pre-calc homework I still have.
00:29 Look, let's call it a day and go home.
00:31 Gloria can not fail calc, Betty can re-arrange her YA first editions again,
00:34 you can record your tweak and...
00:36 if it's still better in the morning, we'll listen to it.
00:38 Okay ?
00:39 Fine. But it's gonna be so great, you'll be dying to change it.
00:43 See you around, Stacy !
00:45 Bye !
00:46 So ? How are you doing, Gwen ?
00:49 No...
00:53 You know me, Glory ! All's fine and dandy in Gwenlandia.
00:57 I thought you had mountains of homework.
00:59 I do, I just wanted to talk.
01:01 We haven't really talked since Kevin's funeral.
01:03 And you really need to talk.
01:06 It's not healthy.
01:08 Neither are cookies, but you know how I...
01:12 Hey ! I'm serious, Gwen !
01:13 I know ! But Kevin is seriously gone, Glory.
01:16 My best friend was taken from me, and until I find out who did it, there's nothing to say.
01:19 Who did it ? Ghost Spider did it !
01:21 Wow, Gwen ! You have powers ?
01:28 No, she didn't ! The real criminal, the Ghost Spider, is responsible for Kevin's death, Gwen !
01:33 You've got to accept that !
01:35 Even if she didn't do it, whoever did had powers, and you don't !
01:39 You can't go after people like that, Gwen !
01:41 It's not gonna end well !
01:43 Just because you're a superhero doesn't mean I'm gonna finish your book report.
01:50 Ah, but you will !
01:51 What, you think my dad just stops doing the right thing because it's dangerous ?
01:54 Even cops know when to call the Avengers !
01:56 Ecoute, je suis à ton côté.
01:58 C'est pour ça que je veux que tu sois prudente !
02:00 Je sais.
02:03 Et c'est vraiment dégueulasse.
02:07 Sur ce point, prends ton temps, Stacy.
02:10 À plus !
02:13 Désolée, Gloria, mais je sais qui a fait ça, et je l'amène là-bas.
02:20 Elle et ses amis.
02:25 J'ai presque eu la nuit dernière.
02:27 Mais c'était trop stupide de penser qu'elle allait revenir.
02:29 Qui êtes-vous ?
02:33 Pourquoi avez-vous suivi Kevin ?
02:35 Ils auraient pu m'en aller, mais je ne suis pas sortie.
02:41 Encore ?
02:42 Bonjour, je m'appelle Patriot.
02:49 Vous êtes en arrêt par ordre de la Guerre.
02:51 Un peu en retard pour la fête.
02:53 Et le N.Y.P.D. après moi pendant des mois.
02:55 Oui, mais ils ne sont pas entraînés par Captain America.
02:58 J'étais.
02:59 Nous pouvons le faire de façon plus facile, ou...
03:01 Captain America devrait t'avoir entraîné mieux.
03:06 Non, tu ne le fais pas !
03:13 Ok, maintenant je suis angoissée.
03:18 Je vais te faire un coup de main.
03:20 Où est-elle allée ?
03:38 Quoi ?
03:41 Tu dois être en train de me moquer.
03:43 Agent Johnson, tourne autour du point 2.
03:46 Et croyez-le ou non, elle a choisi la voie la plus difficile.
03:48 Patriot, sorti.
03:49 [Musique]
