Menyoal Pemberlakuan Aturan Iuran Tapera

  • 4 months ago
Mencuatnya aturan iuran Tapera belakangan ini menarik perhatian masyarakat Indonesia. Berbagai hal yang disorot mulai dari besaran potongan gaji untuk iuran hingga luasnya cakupan peserta yang diwajibkan menjadi peserta Tapera.


00:00 We are back with you in IDX First Session Closing.
00:03 The recent regulation of the tax rate has attracted the attention of the Indonesian people.
00:08 Various things have been removed, starting from the size of the salary cut for the tax rate,
00:13 to the extent of the number of participants who are required to be a tax rate participant.
00:17 The recent regulation of the tax rate has attracted the attention of the Indonesian people.
00:27 For your information, the tax rate is a tax rate for the people's household savings
00:31 that is included in the Government's Rule No. 21 of 2024.
00:35 In Article 1, it is explained that the tax rate is a period of time that is periodically collected by the participants
00:42 to be used as a household allowance and/or can be returned as a result of the payment after the participation ends.
00:49 Then in Article 15, the size of the tax rate or the participation savings is set at 3 percent,
00:55 from the salary of the participants, workers, and income for the self-employed.
00:58 The size is paid with a 0.5 percent determination, paid by the employer, and 2.5 percent paid by the employee.
01:05 Meanwhile, the participants include self-employed workers who have the least income,
01:11 as large as the minimum wage, or they have already registered.
01:14 There are participants including civil servants, civil authorities including P3K employees,
01:20 TNI Polri members, BUMN or BUMD employees, private employees, and all categories of employees
01:26 that are regulated by the Government's Rule, including the employees of BP Tapera,
01:30 Bank Indonesia, Social Insurance Regulatory Agency, and WNA.
01:33 The Government's Rule on Tapera's Tax Rates began to apply on the date it was enacted.
01:38 Employers must register their employees with BP Tapera as early as seven years after the date the regulation was implemented.
01:44 This means that the registration of Tapera's participation was done before 2027.
01:48 However, this regulation is mandatory for every employee.
01:52 [Haidek Channel's report team]
01:55 The regulation on the tax rate for employees for public housing savings is now a public discussion.
02:11 We will review how this became a public concern.
02:18 The regulation on the latest Tapera's Tax Rate is the Public Policy Report No. 21 of 2024
02:24 on the Government's Rule No. 25 of 2020 on the Public Housing Savings Regulation.
02:33 It is related to public discussions. This is the report of the Commissioner of the Tapera's Administration,
02:39 or BP Tapera, Heru Pudyonugroho Angkat Bicara,
02:43 where he said that the mandatory tax rate that will be deducted from the salaries of employees,
02:49 both civil and private operators, will be collected as funds managed by BP Tapera.
02:56 BP Tapera's management said that this is a Government's effort
03:00 to improve the effectiveness of public housing savings and the accountability of public housing savings management.
03:07 In the management of the Tapera's funds, BP Tapera ensured transparency and accountability
03:14 in accordance with the principle of good corporate governance,
03:17 and obtained direct supervision from the Tapera Committee, the OJK, and the Financial Audit Bureau.
03:25 In addition, BP Tapera also said that participants in the low-income category
03:31 can obtain benefits such as house ownership or housing development credit,
03:36 housing development credit, and also house renovation credit with a long tenure of up to 30 years
03:42 and a permanent residence under the Bunga Pasar Residence.
03:46 Meanwhile, the funds collected from the participants who will be managed by BP Tapera as savings
03:51 will be returned to the participants when they enter their retirement period.
03:57 That's a little answer from the management of BP Tapera regarding the things that are being discussed.
04:03 Meanwhile, the president of ProKontra Iuran Tapera, Jokowi Dodo, also made a statement.
04:09 What does the president's statement say about this?
04:12 Here is the full statement.
04:18 President Jokowi considers it reasonable if the public is told about the 3% employee's salary cut
04:24 for the savings of people's houses or Tapera.
04:26 The president described the policy of involving Tapera
04:29 as the same as the implementation of the policy of the Iuran Body of the Health Insurance Administration
04:33 or BPJS Kesehatan, which was also widely discussed by the public when it was first implemented.
04:39 Usually, in the new policy, the public is also counted whether they are able to or not,
04:46 whether it is heavy or not.
04:48 Like when BPJS was implemented, outside the free BPI, 96 million was also a lot.
04:57 But after it was implemented, I think it is beneficial that the hospital is not subsidized.
05:05 Things like that will be felt after it is implemented.
05:08 If not, usually it is pro and contra.
05:11 To be informed by the government through the Government Regulation No. 21 of 2024
05:15 on the change of the Supreme Court No. 25 of 2020
05:18 on the suspension of public savings,
05:20 the size of the Iuran of the employees of public savings from the BUMN to private companies.
05:26 In Article 15, Article 1 of the Government Regulation, it is stated that
05:29 the size of the employee's savings is set at 3% of the salary or contribution
05:33 for employees and income for self-employed employees.
05:38 From Jakarta, Idek Channel.
05:41 Yes, an interesting statement from President Joko Widodo,
05:49 where he considers it reasonable if it is pro and contra
05:52 related to the new policy, especially related to the cut of the salary.
05:56 And the President more or less exemplifies this with the implementation of BPJS health,
06:01 especially at the beginning of the implementation.
06:03 However, what is of concern is that these are two different things.
06:06 It seems that it is not enough to be compared or not apple to apple.
06:10 Because if we look at BPJS health,
06:13 even though we want it or not,
06:15 we are finally cut off from the payment of the monthly Iuran,
06:18 but the benefits can be felt immediately in a short time.
06:22 So the public also feels helped by the existence of BPJS health.
06:26 So the benefits that are directly felt become one of the solutions
06:30 or satisfaction in quotation marks for the public.
06:34 That yes, I pay, it's okay, but I feel the benefits directly.
06:37 But is it then that the benefits can be directly felt by the public?
06:41 Maybe that's what is also being discussed by the public.
06:45 Meanwhile, other than President Joko Widodo,
06:48 Minister of Public Works and Housing, or PUPR,
06:51 Basuki Hadimulyono also responded
06:53 about the salary of employees cut for the Iuran of the People's Housing Savings.
06:58 Yes, the Minister of Public Works and Housing stated that
07:00 BPJS health has actually been around for five years.
07:03 But it was not implemented directly.
07:05 The Minister of Public Works and Housing explained
07:07 that the process is the salary of the employees cut,
07:09 not just lost,
07:11 but it becomes a savings to build a house.
07:14 The Minister of Public Works and Housing also emphasized
07:16 the cut costs taken from the salary of employees,
07:19 not just cut,
07:22 but to help the employees' working days.
07:25 Even before that, the Government's Administration
07:27 has issued the Government Rule No. 21 of 2024
07:31 on the suspension of the People's Housing Savings on 20 May 2024.
07:36 In the PP, it is stated that the Government's cut savings
07:40 is 3% of the salary or contribution for the employees
07:45 and the income for the employees themselves.
07:49 As for the mechanism of paying Iuran for the employees,
07:52 the mechanism is that the first one is paid together by the employer
07:57 with 0.5% and the rest is paid by the employees.
08:04 There is also a full payment for the freelancer.
08:09 So those are the things that are still the main discussion
08:13 in the middle of the society.
08:15 And then the Minister stated that the implementation of Iuran
08:18 of the People's Housing Savings or TAPERA
08:20 is also required by the business community.
08:22 What are the points that actually become the attention of the businessmen?
08:26 Here is the information.
08:28 The Indonesian Employers Association or APINDO
08:33 firmly rejects the implementation of the People's Housing Savings,
08:36 especially to force private employees to be participants.
08:40 The General Chair, APINDO Sinta Kamdani,
08:42 has been insisting since the beginning of the 2016 Law No. 4
08:45 on the People's Housing Savings.
08:47 APINDO firmly agrees with the implementation of the regulation.
08:51 Therefore, APINDO asks the Government to reconsider
08:54 the Government Regulation No. 21 of 2024
08:56 which regulates the People's Housing Savings
08:58 which was established on May 20, 2024.
09:01 The resolution is voiced because APINDO values TAPERA as unnecessary.
09:05 APINDO said that to help the people's housing management,
09:08 the government can actually use the BPJS cut-off
09:11 of the employee's salary.
09:14 In addition, APINDO stated that the implementation of the TAPERA program
09:17 is a new burden not only for the workers but also for the entrepreneurs.
09:21 Sinta said that the current burden of the employees
09:24 is about 18.24% to 19.74% of the employees' income.
09:30 The burden will increase if TAPERA is implemented.
09:33 Because in addition to TAPERA,
09:35 the entrepreneurs also have to pay the BPJS health insurance and BPJS employment insurance.
09:39 From Jakarta, Idek Syana.
09:42 It turns out that not only the employees who respond
09:48 to the latest cut-off from TAPERA,
09:51 but also the entrepreneurs represented by the Indonesian Entrepreneurs Association or APINDO
09:56 also state the same thing.
09:58 Meanwhile, the entrepreneurs, APINDO,
10:01 issued a new statement that the government should be able to optimize
10:06 the BPJS employment fund,
10:09 where according to the BP,
10:11 a maximum of 30% of its JHT or old-age insurance assets
10:14 can be used for the benefit of additional services for the workers' households.
10:18 This means that it can be a program that can be a mutual assistance for the high-ranking officials,
10:22 where in the BPJS employment insurance,
10:25 there is a program that can help employees from the household.
10:31 Meanwhile, APINDO also estimated that to get housing facilities,
10:35 it can take advantage of additional services or MLT
10:39 from the source of the old-age insurance program fund for four benefits.
10:43 Among them, KPR loan up to a maximum of 500 million rupiah,
10:47 face-to-face household loan up to 150 million rupiah,
10:51 household renovation loan up to 200 million rupiah,
10:54 and facilities, housing financing for workers and also construction credit.
10:59 Therefore, APINDO continues to encourage the additional benefits of the MLT BPJS program for the workers,
11:06 so that private workers no longer need to follow other programs,
11:10 such as the TAPERA program, which should be allocated to ASN TNI Polri.
11:16 Up to now, APINDO has conducted discussions and coordination with a number of related parties,
11:21 including the BPJS, and the National Bank of Indonesia or BNB,
11:26 to accelerate the expansion of the MLT program for the needs of the workers' households.
11:33 Yes, of course, we are still waiting for the government's response to this matter.
11:38 Is this really a policy that must be implemented or not,
11:43 and is it obligatory for all workers?
11:45 And what will be the efforts of entrepreneurs or movements of workers?
11:49 Is it really already implemented, so that it is not necessary to follow it,
11:55 or maybe there are other options provided by the government
11:59 related to this people's household savings program?
12:02 And it is expected that the BPJS for workers,
12:05 which has similar benefits for the household, can also be optimized,
12:09 so that this becomes an option that actually already exists and no longer needs other programs.
12:15 And if we have enough information in this segment,
12:18 make sure you are still with us in IDX First Session Closing.
12:21 [Music]
