Tabungan Tapera Diawasi Ketat

  • 3 months ago
Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (Kementerian PUPR) menjamin keamanaan pengelolaan iuran Tabungan Perumahan Rakyat atau Tapera. Di mana pengelolaan iuran Tapera ini, ditangani oleh berbagai kementerian dan lembaga, yang menjadi komite dari badan pengelola.


00:00Meanwhile, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing
00:03guarantees the safety of the management of the Public Housing Savings Income, or TAPRA,
00:07where the management of this TAPRA income is handled by various ministries and institutions
00:12which become a committee of the Administration.
00:15Director General of Financing and Infrastructure of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing,
00:19Harry Trisaputrazuna, reaffirmed the committee of the Administration, or BP TAPRA,
00:24consisting of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing,
00:27the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Finance,
00:30are tasked to manage the collected public funds and ensure their use.
00:34On the other hand, Harry Trisaputra assured that the funds collected by the BP TAPRA
00:38will not be invested anywhere.
00:42The TAPRA income will be closely monitored by the five members of the committee.
00:47After that, the BP TAPRA committee is also tasked with evaluating the management of TAPRA,
00:52including monitoring and implementing the tasks of the BP TAPRA
00:56as well as reporting the results of the evaluation of the management of TAPRA to the President.
01:00This is the financing scheme.
01:04Based on the previous laws, Law No. 4 and Law No. 1,
01:09the BP TAPRA will be the ultimate institution
01:15designed to solve the problem.
