Apersi: Iuran Tapera Harus Dikelola Secara Baik

  • 3 months ago
Kalangan pengusaha juga merasakan keberatan, dengan diberlakukannya kewajiban iuran tapera. Di mana dengan kewajiban iuran Tapera, beban perusahaan akan semakin bertambah.


00:00 Meanwhile, businessmen also feel burdened by the implementation of the compulsory tax on the tax havens,
00:06 where the burden of the company will increase.
00:11 Secretary General of the DPP Association for the Development of Housing and Residence in Indonesia or APERSI,
00:17 Daniel Jumali, said the government through the body of the People's Housing Savings Administration
00:22 must first improve the system and the management of the tax havens of the participants.
00:27 Because the management of the tax havens of the participants is not small,
00:31 it can cause things that can fail the participants' desire to have a residence.
00:37 For that, APERSI asks the government to be careful in implementing the People's Housing Savings Program.
00:45 There must be a next batch.
00:50 For example, if you already have a house, how can you take it?
00:54 Obviously, the savings must be useful for the participants.
01:00 Using it as a solution, especially for those who have a house.
01:04 We have seen it ourselves, for example, the PNS or the PORI members.
01:12 If they get a house, it's safe for them.
01:16 And secondly, they don't have to rent it every month, and so on,
01:21 even if they pay a contract for 10 years, they will be a contractor.
01:28 That's it.
01:30 (bell chimes)
