Cuan Bisnis Affiliator E-Commerce, Keuntungan dan Potensinya

  • 2 days ago
Kemajuan teknologi saat ini telah membuka kesempatan masyarakat untuk lebih mudah mendapatkan penghasilan. Hal itu terlihat dari menjamurnya fenomena affiliate marketing seiring dengan meningkatnya tren belanja online di Indonesia.

Tren ini memikat banyak orang berkat peluang untuk menambah penghasilan secara fleksibel dan minim modal. Di lain sisi, riset Populix juga memperlihatkan bahwa program ini cukup efektif dalam mendorong penjualan, dengan 59 persen responden mengaku pernah membeli barang-barang yang dijajakan dalam program afiliasi.

Barang fisik seperti pakaian, peralatan elektronik, perhiasan, produk-produk kecantikan dan kesehatan, serta makanan dan minuman menjadi kategori-kategori utama yang dibeli melalui program afiliasi.

Salah satu daya tarik dari program afiliasi ini adalah ulasan positif dari afiliator yang menjadi faktor utama dalam keputusan pembelian konsumen yang terpapar. Namun, kurang dari 40 persen konsumen yang sepenuhnya mempercayai rekomendasi produk atau layanan dari program afiliasi.

Riset Populix ini juga mengungkapkan bahwa 2 dari 5 individu mengaku terlibat sebagai afiliator dan jumlah ini diprediksi akan meningkat. Tren affiliate marketing memberikan kesempatan bagi masyarakat yang memiliki kecakapan digital, semangat kewirausahaan, atau yang sedang mencari sumber penghasilan alternatif.


00:00Actually, the understanding of this affiliator is actually taken from several business models that we have often seen abroad and have started to enter Indonesia.
00:12But on the other hand, there is actually a hidden motivation, they want to learn business actually.
00:24Hello, viewers of the Edek Channel, back again with us in Fincast, your home of finance and investment.
00:29And this time with me, Fajar Wayong, and of course, Fincast will discuss interesting themes in each episode.
00:35And this time, I will inform the theme later, and later I will not be alone, of course, there will be an interesting discussion in each episode of Fincast.
00:46But before that, viewers, before I invite you to get to know more about our narosumber today and how the discussion will be later,
00:55I want to invite the viewers first to imagine that the current technological advancement, as we know,
01:02has opened up opportunities for the community to then be easier to get income, to add income sources, not through just one source.
01:11And that is seen, one of them, from the emergence of the phenomenon of affiliate marketing along with the increase in online shopping trends in Indonesia.
01:20And this trend, friends, raises many people through the opportunity to add income flexibly and also minimally.
01:27On the other hand, there is a research by Populix that shows that this program is actually quite effective in promoting sales,
01:34with 59% of respondents admitting that they have bought items that are listed in the affiliation program.
01:41What are the items? The physical items such as clothes, electronics, jewelry,
01:46beauty products and health products, as well as food and drinks, which are the main categories that are purchased through the affiliation program.
01:55What is the attraction of this program, friends?
01:57Well, this is actually just an illustration.
01:59One of the attractions of this affiliation program is the review of affiliators, which is the main factor in the decision-making of the purchase of the desired consumer.
02:07Maybe you have also bought from a fairly positive review of affiliators,
02:12and then check out from e-commerce, of course, maybe one of you or I have also done that, although it may not be counted.
02:22However, it turns out that less than 40% of consumers fully believe in product recommendations or services from the affiliation program.
02:29Populix research also shows that 2 out of 5 individuals admitted to being affiliated, and this number is predicted to increase.
02:36And the affiliate marketing trend itself gives an opportunity for people who have a digital speech,
02:41a spirit of entrepreneurship or are looking for alternative sources of income.
02:45Okay, this is quite a lot of initial information, and we will dig, we will review further
02:52related to the phenomenon of affiliate marketing or e-commerce affiliators
02:56together with VP of Research Populix, Mbak Indah Tanit.
02:59Mbak Indah, how are you?
03:04How are you, Mbak Indah?
03:05Alhamdulillah, I'm healthy.
03:06Alhamdulillah, you are healthy, keep up the good work.
03:08Keep up the good work, of course.
03:10Okay, Mbak Indah, there were quite a lot of things I said earlier, there are affiliate marketing, there are affiliators.
03:17Now I want to ask Mbak Indah, who is definitely deeper or more understanding,
03:21actually the term affiliate marketing or e-commerce affiliator, what is it like, Mbak Indah?
03:26Maybe let your friends also understand.
03:28Okay, so affiliate marketing or affiliator is most often used in the general term for people who usually shop in e-commerce.
03:36Actually, they are people who promote a product or service
03:42where the product or service is sold in an e-commerce.
03:46They promote it in a unique way, with their own unique content
03:53and they will put together a link or icon that will be redirected directly to the e-commerce.
04:00Actually, the understanding of this affiliator is taken from several business models that we have often seen abroad
04:12and have started to enter Indonesia.
04:14This understanding is already known by everyone, so it's not a general term.
04:21Everyone already knows what an affiliator is, especially with the many programs they provide.
04:27So in general, people who become affiliators come from the consumer, from the user of the product or service.
04:37As Mr. Fajar said, with the opportunity, there is a new income.
04:43After they become users and they feel the benefits of using the product and service,
04:50they can get a new income by becoming an affiliator.
04:55But the affiliator itself, because there are quite a lot of them, usually have their own characteristics, right?
05:01Is it visible as we see between one affiliator and the other affiliator?
05:05That's right. So this affiliator depends on each person and depends on their followers.
05:13So they usually already have their own persona.
05:16They will create content ideas that are in line with their followers.
05:21Of course, the product that is sold or promoted is in line with the example.
05:27For example, this is a new mother.
05:32Of course, the products offered are products that are in line with their personas.
05:36Baby products, after-birth care.
05:39They also know that the followers are definitely new mothers or new mothers.
05:45Of course, their content will be different.
05:48Likewise with other affiliators, even though they want to promote the same product,
05:55they must have their own uniqueness.
05:57Why is that? Because they want to make sure that their audience, their followers,
06:02will click their link, not the link of other affiliators.
06:06So that's one of the uniqueness between one affiliator and another affiliator.
06:11So if you want to be an affiliator, it seems like you have to think every day
06:14how to be able to grab each follower or consumer candidate
06:19to be able to click the product that is offered through the link of each affiliator.
06:26Speaking of benefits and benefits, is there a picture of what it is like to be an affiliator?
06:32Their main motivation to be an affiliator is to get additional income.
06:40But on the other hand, there is a hidden motivation.
06:43They want to learn business.
06:45So by being an affiliator, they learn how to do marketing.
06:50They have to learn how to target their audience,
06:54how to look for engagement,
06:57how to make their content interesting.
07:02So they learn how to do marketing.
07:04And from the brand's point of view,
07:07the brand that owns the product and service,
07:09they usually provide some education.
07:13That information or knowledge is also one of the motivations for these affiliators
07:20to become marketing affiliators.
07:24Okay, so of course we know what the goal is.
07:27But behind it, there is also a wealth of knowledge from the affiliators themselves
07:32to be able to reach what is being conveyed or desired.
07:37Speaking of their own profession,
07:40actually it's not a stiff profession,
07:43not someone who has to work 9 to 5,
07:45it's quite flexible.
07:47So what is the promise for us,
07:50maybe I want to try as an affiliator,
07:53to try in this profession.
07:55And for the future, is it still quite prospective?
07:59Well, if you look at the affiliator business,
08:01it's actually quite promising.
08:03Why is it promising?
08:04This is actually seen from two sides.
08:06First, from the brand side,
08:08the brand provider.
08:09Because with this affiliator,
08:11it can boost their sales.
08:14Because from our data,
08:16we found that several percent of people who buy through affiliators.
08:21This means that this affiliator job can boost sales.
08:25This is from the brand side.
08:27Then from the affiliator side,
08:29we see from this Populix study,
08:31people who become affiliators,
08:33in addition to getting income,
08:36they also get knowledge.
08:38So they get profit too.
08:40On the other hand, the consumer,
08:42after they shop through this affiliator,
08:45they also want to become an affiliator.
08:49What does this mean?
08:50It means that in the future,
08:52this will be one of the new marketing arms.
08:56A new channel.
08:59From the brand side,
09:01to be able to boost their sales,
09:04directly to their customers.
09:06On the other hand,
09:07from the customer or community side,
09:10this can also be one of the opportunities
09:13to get additional income,
09:16and also boost their knowledge
09:19to become a marketer.
09:22And maybe even more than becoming an affiliator.
09:26It can make them think,
09:29it's better to make a product,
09:33instead of being an entrepreneur.
09:35So these things will make our e-commerce ecosystem
09:43And there will be more new jobs,
09:47or new jobs for the community.
09:50Okay, so it's quite prospective,
09:52for the next few years.
09:55Because this,
09:56the affiliator that I caught earlier,
09:59turns out to be a marketing arm,
10:01not even an e-commerce employee,
10:03or not even a brand employee,
10:05but it can be a marketing arm
10:07for their own products.
10:10Then, if we look at how effective,
10:13but before how effective,
10:15I also want to know,
10:16maybe you have the data,
10:17is there a certain rate
10:20or income from an affiliator?
10:22Is it the same,
10:23if I and you are both affiliators,
10:25is it for the same product,
10:27the income is the same,
10:28or maybe there is another indicator
10:30that determines how big it will be.
10:32Okay, from our data,
10:34we don't have the exact amount
10:37that is obtained
10:38between one affiliator
10:39and another affiliator.
10:40But based on the information
10:42from the data survey we got,
10:44this affiliator
10:46as if there is a tiering,
10:49there is an affiliator tiering.
10:51Because they feel that affiliators
10:53who have a large number of followers,
10:56the rate is a hypothesis,
10:59a hypothesis from our data,
11:01it seems that the rate is different
11:02between affiliators and micro-affiliators.
11:08There are micro, nano, etc.
11:10It seems that there is a difference there.
11:12That's why for new affiliators
11:16it's not a problem for them.
11:19But when they have reached
11:20a certain hit sales,
11:22they expect there is something more
11:24from the brand,
11:25what is it like?
11:26That is the information
11:27we get from our study.
11:29So, even though the number of followers
11:31may not be as high as the tier,
11:33but once the sales have been achieved,
11:36they want something from the brand.
11:39What is it like?
11:40Is there a bonus?
11:41Or is there the latest education?
11:43Even as simple as giving a product sample,
11:46that is also highly appreciated
11:48by affiliators.
11:50Because for the content,
11:51they need products
11:53to be touched,
11:54to be shown,
11:55especially premium products.
11:57Because from our data,
11:58the most purchased products
12:00are physical products,
12:01such as fashion, jewelry,
12:05or even moms and babies.
12:08For branded fashion products
12:10or jewelry,
12:11it's expensive if we buy it ourselves.
12:14The hope is from the brand,
12:16if there is a good prospect
12:18from this affiliator,
12:19a product sample will be given
12:21to give an example
12:22when showing it to the followers.
12:26Okay, so there were certain tiers
12:28to be seen again
12:30how big or from the performance
12:34of each affiliate
12:35for their own sales.
12:36I went back to the previous question,
12:38how effective is this affiliator
12:40to support the sales of a store,
12:44or e-commerce sales
12:45as a whole?
12:46We see this as a good prospect.
12:50From our study,
12:51it turns out that the majority
12:53of people have shopped through affiliators.
12:56Mostly women,
12:58Wanita and Genzy.
13:00What does it mean?
13:01Wanita and Genzy are
13:02a type or a group of people
13:06who often shop in e-commerce.
13:07And they feel that this affiliator
13:09is a way of marketing
13:11that attracts their attention
13:12to shop.
13:14Women definitely shop a lot.
13:18So, from these two groups,
13:20we feel that this affiliator
13:22is one of the sales programs
13:26that attracts people's attention,
13:29especially women and Genzy,
13:30to shop.
13:31And we also see that
13:32the prospect is good.
13:34They can convince people to shop
13:38even though from our data,
13:41even though the affiliator
13:42can make them shop,
13:43they usually have one step further.
13:46They will check the product first
13:48whether the review is good or not.
13:50So, after the affiliator explains
13:52the product,
13:54they will enter the link
13:56and read the good review.
13:58If the review is good,
14:00they will check out.
14:02Something like that.
14:04So, there is a side
14:06that is contributed by the affiliator
14:08even though in the end,
14:10it is the consumer who will decide.
14:12Is what you said
14:14true or not?
14:16But the contribution from the affiliator
14:18cannot be taken away from the sales
14:20in a particular shop or particular e-commerce.
14:22If we go back to people
14:26or friends who want to be an affiliator,
14:30what are the factors
14:32that make your friends out there
14:35still want to be an affiliator?
14:38One of them is
14:40they see the programs.
14:42So, in essence,
14:44they are also consumers.
14:46So, when they go to e-commerce
14:48or go shopping,
14:50they see the affiliator programs.
14:53They want to know
14:55what the affiliator program is.
14:57First, it comes from the curiosity.
15:00After the curiosity,
15:02they see it.
15:03And it turns out from the e-commerce
15:05or the brand,
15:06it turns out to provide
15:08affiliator programs
15:10that are suitable for them.
15:12For them to follow.
15:13The time is also flexible.
15:15Then, in terms of additional income,
15:18it's not too much for them.
15:20It's still considered as the middle.
15:22The middle income, additional income.
15:24But for them,
15:25it's something extraordinary.
15:28That's why they follow it.
15:30So, one of the ways
15:32for them to become an affiliator
15:35is through the affiliator programs.
15:38And for them,
15:39it's an effective program.
15:43Because they can follow
15:45and practice
15:47how to become an affiliator.
15:49From our data,
15:50at the beginning,
15:51it's hard for them.
15:52Because they're still alone.
15:54Along the way,
15:56they start to learn.
15:57They know the market.
15:58They usually start to add teams.
16:00There's videographer,
16:02there's editor,
16:04and so on.
16:05Finally, the team will grow.
16:06The team's income will increase.
16:08Of course.
16:09But for the affiliator,
16:11the starting point is us
16:13who want to join the affiliation program
16:15from the company.
16:16It's different from
16:18QOL or influencer
16:20which is usually approached by the brand.
16:22It's different.
16:23For affiliator,
16:24or there's a part of influencer
16:25who become an affiliator.
16:26What do you think?
16:29Actually, there's overlapping
16:30between QOL and affiliator.
16:33For QOL,
16:35it's usually well-known.
16:37Their content
16:41can be general content
16:43or content that shows
16:46their daily use of products and services.
16:49While for affiliator,
16:51it's just like a normal person.
16:53A normal person who often posts.
16:56When they often post,
16:58suddenly, there's a lot of followers.
17:00They see this as an opportunity.
17:02They can earn money.
17:03That's why they become an affiliator.
17:06When they become an affiliator,
17:08the more followers,
17:09the more famous,
17:11the more followers.
17:14The brand will connect them.
17:17Especially for QOL.
17:19So, it's a step up.
17:21That's right.
17:25So, there's a bit of overlapping.
17:27But there's a difference.
17:30Affiliator itself
17:31as a job that we can say
17:33is a free job.
17:35Yesterday, we heard President Jokowi
17:37talking about Geek Economy.
17:39Ms. Indah also mentioned
17:41Geek Economy's threat to Indonesian people,
17:43especially the workers.
17:45If we link affiliator
17:47or affiliate marketing
17:48to Geek Economy in the future,
17:50what about this?
17:51I mean,
17:52is this also one of the things
17:54that is mentioned
17:55that there's an alert
17:58or not really?
18:01It's just okay.
18:03If we look at the news,
18:05from Mr. Jokowi's statement,
18:07Geek Workers is very concerned.
18:10They are concerned about
18:12the workers' protection.
18:14Because they are free workers
18:16that might not be protected, etc.
18:18It might be a bit unique
18:20with this affiliator.
18:22Because this affiliator's positioning
18:24is as an additional job.
18:26So, they have the main job.
18:29There's usually a main job.
18:30It's not just that.
18:31That's right.
18:32That's why they become affiliators
18:33as an additional income.
18:35So, if an affiliator
18:37is suddenly banned,
18:39the people who become affiliators
18:41don't have much impact.
18:44They don't lose their income,
18:46but they have their main job.
18:49So, it's not just that.
18:51Even though, ideally,
18:53if you become a Geek Worker
18:55or an affiliator,
18:56there must be a law.
18:58There must be protection.
19:00There must be a reason.
19:02There must be a guarantee
19:04that their rights are paid by the brand.
19:06But if we talk about Geek Economy,
19:08Geek Workers,
19:09Ms. Indah, can you explain again
19:11so that everyone knows
19:13whether this is a new trend
19:15or have we already experienced
19:17or know about Geek Economy,
19:19but the term is only heard now?
19:22This is from my understanding.
19:24Because Geek Workers is actually a term...
19:27Maybe the term is only available now.
19:29But in the past,
19:30or a few years back,
19:32Geek Workers are usually called freelancers.
19:35Off-duty workers.
19:37Which we may call as Geek Workers.
19:41Why is it becoming viral or a trend now?
19:45Because we see that
19:47in today's world,
19:48with a very high economic need,
19:51there is a need to put in
19:53other income
19:55to support the main income.
19:57There are many people who become Geek Workers
19:59by looking for additional jobs
20:02via websites,
20:04by becoming additional jobs,
20:06additional income.
20:08But again,
20:09Geek Workers is actually
20:11not the main job.
20:13Actually, Geek Workers
20:15have different positions.
20:16Based on my understanding.
20:18The first one is
20:19as an additional income.
20:21The second one is
20:22Geek Workers is looking for experience.
20:26So, when they get a lot of different experiences
20:29from one industry to another,
20:31they start to feel that
20:33they are strong in this skill.
20:37Once they know where they are strong,
20:40they will sell themselves professionally
20:42to become permanent employees.
20:45But is there any connection
20:46between Geek Economy or Geek Workers
20:48with Gen Z or young people now
20:51who don't want to be tied up in one place,
20:53so they want to do whatever they want,
20:55as long as there is a source of income.
20:57Is there any relationship there?
21:01I can't comment on this.
21:03I'm afraid that Gen Z people will criticize me.
21:06But from what I've seen,
21:08with my friends in the office,
21:10actually, if we can say that
21:12Gen Z is not sustainable,
21:14from what I've seen,
21:15Gen Z is actually ambitious.
21:17Ambitious, okay.
21:18So, they want to
21:20pass the 2.30 mark.
21:23So, it's hard for them to focus
21:25on one job continuously.
21:27That's why they always look for more challenges.
21:29Of course, the challenge has to be money.
21:32Because Gen Z is a calculation.
21:34So, if I work A,
21:36why do I have to get A-1?
21:38I should get at least A too.
21:42That kind of behavior
21:44is what makes
21:46the Geek Workers market weak.
21:48But from the company's point of view,
21:50it's actually very beneficial.
21:53Because with Geek Workers,
21:55we can get various choices
21:57of jobs.
21:59Even though, for now,
22:01there is no link yet.
22:03Hopefully, the government can strengthen
22:05the protection of the Geek Workers.
22:09So, by project,
22:11what do they need?
22:13They are hired for that project.
22:15About Geek Economy, Geek Workers,
22:17about affiliates,
22:19we've discussed it with Indah.
22:21Maybe, friends out there,
22:23or viewers,
22:25do you have affiliates or Geek Workers?
22:27Do you have any tips or strategies
22:29to focus on affiliates?
22:31To increase the sales,
22:34make the brand more famous,
22:36and finally,
22:38spread the wings as affiliates.
22:41The first tip is
22:43to know your followers.
22:45You have to know what kind of people
22:47your followers are.
22:49Are they hard workers?
22:51Are they young people?
22:53You have to know
22:55what kind of people your followers are.
22:57Does it match with the target market
22:59of the brand you want to affiliate?
23:01You have to check if it matches or not.
23:03Second, you have to talk a lot
23:05with the brand people.
23:07Because they know the traffic engagement
23:09on social media.
23:11You have to talk a lot.
23:13Is my content aligned with their content?
23:17If you've done both,
23:19the third one is to see the trend.
23:21Don't make content
23:23that is old school.
23:25It doesn't match
23:27with the current market.
23:31The trend keeps changing.
23:33You have to be creative.
23:35Because between one affiliate
23:37and another,
23:39it has to be unique and different.
23:41That's the idea.
23:43But again, there are some rules
23:45from the brand.
23:47You can't go beyond
23:49this criteria.
23:51You can't go beyond that.
23:53That's what you have to pay attention to.
23:57Those are some points that you have to pay attention to.
23:59And I think
24:01you have to do it for your affiliates
24:03so that
24:05you can achieve your goal.
24:07And the profit will be bigger.
24:11Those are the things that can be noted.
24:13Indah, there are a lot of things that we can find out.
24:15But unfortunately, our time is limited.
24:17Thank you so much, Indah,
24:19for your insight and information.
24:21We'll find out other things
24:23with Populix in the next episodes.
24:25Thank you so much, Indah.
24:27You're welcome.
24:29That's the end of today's episode.
24:31I hope it can give you inspiration
24:33and information.
24:35See you in the next episode.
