Stop calling these as scriptures || Acharya Prashant, with Ahimsa Fellows (2023)

  • 3 months ago
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Video Information: 04.04.23, with Ahimsa Fellows (Online-talk), Greater Noida

• Do scriptures hold any meaning for a modern age person, aren't scriptures outdated?
• Is spirituality not something ancient?
• Isn't a spiritual person have beard and live in hut as Rishi used to live?
• Should one follow everything said in scriptures?
• Revision of scriptures, would it not be disrespectful towards our forefathers?
• What are the two parts of scriptures?
• What is relevance of that part of scripture that is time dependent? Should we revise and follow them?
• The part of scripture that is timeless, what is it? And how can we revise them?
• How should one look and make plans for future?
• How can we unlock powers of subconscious mind?
• How to read and liberate subconscious mind?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00 So we have a very interesting question from Khushboo.
00:07 So since you're very knowledgeable on ancient scriptures, ancient Hindu scriptures, so a
00:12 question pertains to that.
00:13 Should we let ancient scriptures influence our dietary choices, especially when they
00:19 were created in a different era and the circumstances today are very different?
00:26 See, where I come from, and if you say I have read scriptures, I come from the scriptures
00:33 maybe.
00:35 Not every book that is being today called a scripture is worth being called a scripture.
00:43 We have ancient books, wonderful books, wonderful books, valuable books, but they cannot be
00:54 called as scriptures.
00:56 A scripture is a book that tells you about yourself.
01:00 A scripture has to deal essentially with self-knowledge.
01:06 A book that talks of dietary choices cannot be called a scripture.
01:14 A person who talks of the kind of things you must eat to enhance your health and such things
01:19 cannot be called a guru.
01:22 Shastra is what deals with self-knowledge.
01:27 Guru is one who encourages self-knowledge in you.
01:32 This food and all is miscellaneous business.
01:38 This is for those who quote so-called scriptures in favor of meat or milk.
01:47 So you will have Bakri and people will say it is coming from our scripture.
01:53 And then Hindus will say it is coming from our Puranas.
01:58 And Christians will say that Turkey is a part of our tradition.
02:05 All that is just nonsense.
02:06 Those are not scriptures at all.
02:09 Scripture is self-knowledge.
02:10 Who am I and what am I supposed to do with this so-called life?
02:15 That is what constitutes a scripture.
02:18 Nothing else.
02:20 So who am I?
02:21 I am a conscious entity.
02:22 What am I supposed to do in life?
02:23 I am supposed to elevate consciousness, respect consciousness, love consciousness.
02:30 And the moment you see that this is what scripture says, veganism just smoothly follows.
02:40 Veganism is the logical result of scriptural knowledge.
02:52 If someone says I am well-versed in scripture and is still not a vegan, the fellow knows
02:59 no scripture.
03:03 And if somebody quotes scripture against veganism, that's a dangerous fellow.
03:12 So in the Hindu path, it's Vedanta and Vedanta alone that deserves to be called a scripture.
03:27 And that's what deals with who you are and what your relationship with the world therefore
03:33 is.
03:34 It's a system of inquiry.
03:37 It's not a system of commandments or belief.
03:43 There is no belief there.
03:45 There is no morality there.
03:48 You are not being enjoined to do something.
03:53 You are not being allowed or disallowed from something.
03:58 You are being encouraged to ask a few fundamental questions.
04:03 That's Vedanta.
04:04 And all those questions pertain to who you are.
04:09 Therefore if you have really gone into Vedanta, if self-knowledge is something you have seen
04:18 as centrally important, you will naturally drop all kinds of violent behavior because
04:29 your core itself will no more remain violent.
04:34 Vedanta addresses who you are within.
04:38 And if you do not know who you are, you are violent.
04:41 Violence is nothing but ignorance.
04:43 Lack of self-knowledge is violence.
04:45 Once you know who you are, you cannot remain violent.
04:49 So that's what.
04:53 In vegan circles, it is quite common, I find this attitude.
04:58 They abhor religion.
05:00 They feel that religion is an enemy.
05:04 And I understand the place they are coming from.
05:06 They have often seen people quote religion against veganism.
05:13 So they think religion is a problem.
05:15 No, religion is not a problem.
05:18 Religion, true religion, true religiosity is in fact the very root of veganism.
05:23 You cannot have veganism without compassion.
05:26 And who will teach you compassion if not the real scripture?
05:32 So Vedanta and veganism go hand in hand.
05:37 Thank you so much for answering that delicate question.
05:42 And one last question we received from Shalini, that how do we communicate the message of
05:48 veganism with neutrality, that is, caste and religion based neutrality?
05:55 That gets very dirty when people are not sensitive.
06:00 So how do we do that?
06:04 Everybody loves a little pup, right?
06:06 Irrespective of your caste or creed or gender or age.
06:10 Who does not love a kitten?
06:12 Who does not enjoy playing with a calf?
06:18 So that's where we want to work on.
06:20 The fact that we are humans, irrespective of whatever else we are.
06:27 And to be human is to be conscious.
06:30 And that consciousness wants to play with the pup rather than butcher and eat it.
06:40 You take a Muslim kid, a Christian kid, a Hindu kid, a Buddhist kid, an upper caste
06:47 kid, a so-called lower caste kid, you take these kids, a baby boy, a baby girl, you take
06:54 all of them and you give them 10 rabbits.
07:01 There is a large lawn where rabbits play.
07:05 And you send these kids there.
07:07 These kids are not going to pick up the rabbits and eat them alive.
07:11 Irrespective of where the kids come from, they'll be delighted looking at the rabbits,
07:17 they'll run after the rabbits, they'll play with the rabbits.
07:20 That's what.
07:21 That's what.
07:22 So, it doesn't matter who I am.
07:23 Don't I love the rabbit?
07:26 And the discussion begins from there.
07:28 And if the discussion starts diverting from the real thing, if religion or other persuasions
07:35 start creeping in, then you again revert to the kid.
07:40 You point back again to the fact of one's essential humanness.
07:45 Don't you love the rabbit?
07:47 And if you do, why do you want to rob the rabbit of its hair?
07:53 Why do you want to brutally pluck its fur away?
07:57 How can you do that?
07:58 Don't you love the rabbit?
07:59 You might be a Brahmin or a Christian, a Protestant, I don't care.
08:05 There's the rabbit in front of you and you're looking at the rabbit and what's your relationship
08:08 with the rabbit?
08:09 Come on.
08:10 So, that's how we talk of it.
08:11 That's very well said.
08:17 And I would like to thank you for answering all our questions.
08:21 The answers provided us a new direction.
08:23 And thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us.
08:27 With that, I'd like to hand it over to Gauri ma'am.
08:31 Thank you.
08:32 I thoroughly enjoyed all this.
08:34 Thank you, Acharya ji.
08:35 I think you enriched our consciousness with a lot of wisdom today.
08:42 I completely agreed with so many of your answers about the system of inquiry also.
08:49 That is, you know, you can call it scripture, the literal English translation could be anything.
08:56 But there's a system of inquiry that was the bedrock of our civilization.
09:01 And I think rather than being told stories, we should inquire and introspect.
09:08 And each one can have their own little religions, but we will know ourselves so much better.
09:12 And we'd be so much better connected with each other, and with all other forms of consciousness
09:18 that are around us.
09:19 And that I think is more important than any, you know, group of people who call themselves
09:27 anything but ourselves connected with the whole world.
09:31 That's probably so important.
09:33 And that's the spirit of that's the ethics of veganism that I see.
09:37 Very well, very well put.
09:40 So thank you so much.
09:42 We are totally enriched today.
09:44 And we will look forward to many more sessions with you like this.
09:48 And I'm sure I speak on behalf...
09:51 I'll be glad.
09:52 And in fact, I thank the entire team to make it an enriching evening for me as well.
09:59 And I just hope I was not too boring, or too heavy or something.
10:07 I enjoyed it.
10:08 And I hope all of us did.
10:10 Totally.
10:11 In fact, there was so many things that are kind of conflicting within us, and we don't
10:16 find the courage to, you know, articulate them so well.
10:21 But I think a battle of compassion requires courage, and to actually speak our minds.
10:30 And it's great that we have somebody like you doing that as a mission.
10:38 We are partners in the...
10:39 Thank you, Gauri ji.
10:40 You are an inspirational figure, believe me.
10:43 And I really wish you all the best and all the courage and all the success.
10:50 Definitely from my heart.
10:52 And may your team do well and prosper.
10:56 Thank you.
10:57 Thank you.
10:58 So...
10:59 Thank you.
10:59 Thank you.
11:00 Thank you.
11:02 [Music]
