Message for the youngsters || Acharya Prashant, IIM-Konversations (2023)

  • 3 months ago
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Video Information: 10.10.23, IIM-Konversations, Greater Noida

~ Which relation does matters the most?
~ How we are with ourselves?
~ How much time do we really give to ourselves?
~ When external help is useful?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00 The young people, they are probably facing a lot of challenges that your generation might
00:08 not have seen because of the kind of things that they are going through.
00:13 Digitalization is at its peak right now, artificial intelligence is threatening their jobs, they
00:18 have relationship issues, their partners are not happy because they would have a certain
00:24 motorcycle, right.
00:27 All of that is a concern, a burden for the generation of today.
00:34 What would be your advice so that they sit back and think about the things that matters
00:40 in life?
00:41 You have to live with yourself.
00:45 You may have a great bike or a great wife or a great job.
00:50 You live here, not out there.
00:54 We all live here.
00:56 Have you not experienced how miserable you might feel even in the most lavish of palaces?
01:07 So outside you have riches sprawling and inwardly you are feeling extremely impoverished.
01:20 We live here and if there is a hollowness, a void and poverty inside, it does not matter
01:29 how rich you are out there.
01:32 And this is not just rhetoric, this is a fact.
01:38 We all have to live with ourselves.
01:41 Right now the two of us are in front of each other, but there are not two of us, there
01:46 are four of us.
01:47 I am with myself, you two are with yourself.
01:50 And that's the relationship that matters the most.
01:53 How you are with yourself.
01:56 How you are with yourself.
01:59 So mind it, that more than anything that you have on the outside, what matters the most
02:08 is how you live within.
02:11 And if that matters the most, then that has to be the priority.
02:17 Does this mean that you take more effort in understanding what your mental health is?
02:26 Obviously.
02:27 You have to give time to yourself.
02:31 Anything that is important deserves time, doesn't it?
02:34 So how much time do we really give to ourselves?
02:38 Be with yourself.
02:39 See what the ones who knew, the sages, the seers, the philosophers, the wise ones, what
02:46 they had to say about life.
02:49 And then with your own original observation, try to see how the world operates, how you
02:56 operate and how you relate to what's going on in the world.
03:02 And then with courage, chart out your own course, figure out your own path.
03:13 You have one life and it's a very, very personal life.
03:21 Nobody is going to go die with you.
03:24 You have to live with yourself.
03:26 And if you have to live with yourself, then you must in your solitude, figure out who
03:32 you are, what you must be, and therefore how you must act.
03:38 And isn't this why we take a lot of help from say motivational books, self-help books, learning
03:45 from the experiences of people?
03:47 Isn't this why we seek help?
03:55 The machine that we are has an engine of its own.
04:05 Nobody would appreciate a car that needs to be constantly pushed by five people.
04:13 External help is useful only as long as it reduces the need to take external help.
04:23 Like kick-starting a scooter.
04:26 So you do not want to be kicking it all the time.
04:35 After two or three attempts, the need for that external force has to disappear.
04:46 So when you listen to others, motivator, influencer, whosoever, you have to ask yourself, is this
04:53 fellow really able to ignite my own engine?
04:59 Or is he just, you know, for a moment, giving me an external push?
05:06 For sure there is an engine within.
05:09 And it's a great measure of freedom to be operating from your own inner engine.
05:14 I do not discount that there are times when you require an external help or push or support
05:20 or whatever.
05:21 That is okay.
05:22 That is human.
05:24 But if one becomes habituated to crutches, then it's a tragedy.
05:35 I'm just thinking if it is advisable to start off with crutches and then ask yourself, do
05:49 I need that crutch anymore or not?
05:51 The intent has to be right, you see.
05:54 The intent has to be right.
05:55 Anything is okay.
05:57 Starting with crutches is okay.
05:59 Starting with no crutches is okay.
06:03 Not having the right intention is not okay.
06:06 The intent, and that intent in a more poetic way would be called love.
06:15 There has to be a love for freedom, especially as a young person.
06:22 One should remain young all his life, you see.
06:24 But at least when you are in your 20s or 30s, you need to have a burning desire to live
06:36 as a sovereign entity.
06:39 And when that is there, then anything that comes your way would be rightfully utilized,
06:44 including crutches, including crutches.
06:47 But if that love is not there, then even if the car is running, you would apply the brakes
06:56 and turn the whole thing off.
06:59 So the right intent.
07:01 And there is no sure shot or proven formula for invoking that intent.
07:12 But the right company helps.
07:14 The right books help.
07:15 The right teaching helps.
07:17 The right environment helps.
07:19 Conversely, you move to a bad environment and you have lost it all.
07:25 You lose the company of the right books and you often lose it all.
07:33 So one has to be careful.
07:36 We just have the potential for great living.
07:41 But actualizing that potential is a different matter altogether.
07:47 And what are your thoughts on the corporatization of love?
07:50 The tinders of the world, the bumbles of the world?
07:54 Not worth talking about.
07:56 It sounds so so coarse, you know, corporatization of love grinds the ear.
08:03 So what do I say when I utter the word love?
08:10 But that's where the youth is going to seek support, help, love.
08:14 That's the ironical part probably in this amazingly connected digital world.
08:24 You have to seek love from these places.
08:30 Try it out if that's what's going on.
08:33 Go, get an experience.
08:37 But you must have the intent to really test it for what it really is.
08:47 Experience is one thing and realization is a totally different thing, is it not?
08:52 You can keep experiencing life for 70 years without ever realizing what life really is.
08:58 On the other hand, as someone with the right intent, even two hours of an experience can
09:11 suffice to enable you to see what really is going on.
09:18 So if that's what is going on, that corporatization that you talked of, fine.
09:24 See how it operates.
09:26 Go meet a man or a woman that way.
09:32 Experience and dispassionately then see what is happening.
09:38 Look into yourself, look into the other, look into the relationship and be honest about
09:44 it all.
09:45 Don't lie to yourself.
09:47 You know, why I brought this point up is because calm or pleasure is something that we often
09:57 are not taught, whether it's school education, whether it's higher education.
10:03 It's something that's always come, it's always that is something, sorry, it's something that
10:09 is always kept under the rugs and that's how we grow up as well.
10:14 And it's unfortunate because we come from the lands of Kama Sutras, right?
10:21 These very corporatization of love apps or businesses that have kind of, you know, been
10:31 there in the market or are doing great probably is pushing you towards it.
10:36 I don't think that in an IIT or an IIM, students are naive about sex.
10:47 In fact, there was just so much of porn available in the campus.
10:51 Who does not know what pleasure or calm or sex is?
10:55 There were entire folders.
10:56 No, but is it the right way of going about it?
11:00 Watching porn and understanding about sex?
11:02 It's not about the right way.
11:04 It's about where you are coming from.
11:07 When you are coming from a center of consumption, the female body or even the male body is just
11:15 another thing to be consumed.
11:18 You see, the center of ego, the normal prakritic center of ego is so hollow, so incomplete,
11:29 so insecure that it cannot help looking at everything in the world as something to be
11:36 consumed.
11:38 What is ego?
11:39 A hungry beast within.
11:41 A beast that is always and perpetually hungry irrespective of what you feed it.
11:48 So there is the woman.
11:49 What does the woman mean to me?
11:51 Food, flesh.
11:54 I'll eat her.
11:56 Literally.
11:57 There is money.
11:59 There is that car.
12:00 There is my friend.
12:02 There is that course.
12:04 Am I enrolling into a course out of love for learning?
12:07 No, not at all.
12:08 I want to consume.
12:10 So the reason why I get into a relationship with the girl is much the same as why I enroll
12:16 into that course or get into an IM.
12:18 I want to consume everything, including the female body.
12:21 Or if I am a woman, then a male body.
12:24 So from that center, obviously you look at the world in a way of appropriation and equally
12:36 you remain insecure because that is also the way everybody else is looking at you.
12:40 You want to feast upon the other one and the other one wants to prey upon you.
12:46 So you are both aggressive and insecure.
12:50 So that's going to happen.
12:53 Real love is a purely spiritual thing.
12:56 You cannot have real love without having paid the price to earn spiritual education.
13:09 You have to be spiritually literate.
13:11 Otherwise you will never know love.
13:14 You can live your entire life without knowing even a moment of love.
13:19 And you can equally have a very stable relationship.
13:21 You can say, you know, I've had a wife of 50 years standing and we have two kids and
13:29 we always have been loyal to each other.
13:32 And the people look at us as an ideal couple and all those things will be there.
13:39 Still the fact would remain that you are a very, very loveless couple.
13:44 You are loveless because love is not about two persons relating to each other.
13:48 Love is about the center you come from.
13:54 And when there is love, the love will never remain limited to one person or one family.
14:01 It is your very existence.
14:02 You radiate it.
14:04 You will be loving towards the dog on the street.
14:07 You will be loving towards unknown people.
14:11 You will be loving towards people who do not matter to you or even people who have harmed
14:17 you or wronged you.
14:20 So love is not something natural.
14:24 That's a gross fallacy.
14:25 We think that love is something that can come to you just as you grow a beard in a natural
14:35 way with age.
14:36 Men get a beard, women get a breast and then they fall in love with each other.
14:43 That's not how it happens.
14:44 That's not how it can ever happen.
14:47 And if one does not have a spiritual center, one can be at most lustful.
14:54 Nothing beyond that.
14:56 One can be politely lustful.
14:59 One can be a lusty gentleman.
15:01 All that is possible.
15:02 But one can never be loving.
15:05 Love is a different planet altogether.
15:13 You have to be there and you have to pay the price.
15:17 Devoid of a spiritual context, love is not at all possible.
15:21 Let me just very plainly put it.
15:22 I know it would be not just disappointing but actively offensive to many people.
15:27 That's the way it is.
15:31 Then what is discipline?
15:35 Discipline in the real sense means challenging your own patterns.
15:41 Challenging your own patterns.
15:42 Related to the word disciple.
15:44 Who is a disciple?
15:46 Someone who follows.
15:47 Who is to be followed?
15:49 Someone who is worthy of being followed.
15:52 The truth is to be followed.
15:54 Freedom is to be followed.
15:55 So if you are a disciple with discipline, then you challenge your own patterns which
16:01 are your bondages because freedom beckons.
16:04 So you say I am not going to tolerate my bondages.
16:06 I will do everything to challenge my own inner structures.
16:10 That's discipline.
16:12 Discipline is not about obedience.
16:14 Discipline is not about obeying commandments from outside.
16:18 Discipline is first of all realizing who you are, what is it that you have fallen in love
16:23 with, what really calls you and therefore what is it within that you must conquer.
16:29 That's discipline.
16:32 And if I had to talk about the discipline in youth or young people today, what do you
16:40 feel about it?
16:41 I have a general sense of argument about it which I don't want to put forth in this particular
16:48 platform.
16:49 I want to hear from you.
16:51 Do you think this particular generation or the generation coming have the right things
16:56 in place to be disciplined?
16:59 If you are not coming from the right center, I'll always go back to that.
17:03 It starts getting boring.
17:06 No point.
17:08 If you are not coming from the right center, you can either be obedient or disobedient.
17:13 But you can never be disciplined.
17:17 So you will have obedient youngsters and you will have disobedient youngsters.
17:23 But never disciplined ones.
17:24 To be disciplined is a very different thing.
17:29 Discipline and love go together.
17:30 And only love can induce discipline in you.
17:35 Obedience can come from fear.
17:38 Disobedience can come from a sense of reprisal or indifference or whatever.
17:47 Lack of fear, lack of incentive, lack of greed, all that can lead to disobedience.
17:53 But discipline, that's a beautiful word.
17:57 Thank you.
