Art et designTranscription
00:00Le plus grand arrêt des étoiles !
00:02L'Olympique de Laf !
00:03Présente le tour du monde !
00:05Une compétition triple équipe entre
00:07les Yogi Yahouis,
00:08les Scooby Doobies
00:10et les Really Rockies !
00:12Les joueurs sont sur le terrain,
00:14même au stade !
00:16Alors allons-y !
00:18L'Olympique de Laf !
00:26Bienvenue les fans du sport !
00:28C'est l'heure d'une nouvelle compétition
00:30de l'Olympique de Laf !
00:32Aujourd'hui, nous vous emmenons d'abord en Inde,
00:34puis vers les Himalayas,
00:35et ensuite vers l'historique pays sauvé,
00:37l'Israël !
00:38Maintenant, dans la jungle indienne,
00:39pour l'événement d'aujourd'hui,
00:40avec nos annonceurs Snagglepuss
00:42et Mildewwolf,
00:43au site de notre premier événement,
00:45la chasse aux tigres !
00:46Où l'équipe qui attrape le plus de tigres
00:48est la gagnante !
00:49Après avoir été attrapé,
00:50nous protégerons les tigres
00:52en les mettant en cage !
00:53Nous protégerons aussi les compétiteurs !
00:56Oui, en effet !
00:58Les compétiteurs comme Shaggy et Captain Caveman
01:01pour l'équipe Scooby-Dooby !
01:04Et pour les Yogi-Yahouis,
01:06les super-super-slooths
01:10et Blabber !
01:15Comme nos valeurs sportives
01:16démarrent dans la jungle indienne,
01:18qui sait quels dangers s'y trouvent !
01:22Entourés par des animaux et des fantômes,
01:24on pourrait dire que ces compétiteurs
01:26ne connaissent pas le sens de la peur !
01:28Je sais, je sais !
01:29Scooby-Doo, où es-tu ?
01:43J'ai tout résolu, Snoop !
01:45Nous nous trompons au-dessus d'un arbre.
01:47Quand les tigres nous attaquent,
01:48nous les baissons !
01:51Oui, Blabber, mais...
01:53Tout d'abord, nous devons trouver le tigre.
01:55Rappelez-vous, Blabber,
01:56un tigre est juste un chat.
01:58Et ils ont tous les mêmes goûts,
02:01Donc, nous laissons le lait pour lui.
02:03Et puis, on va se mettre au nez et attendre.
02:13Regarde ici, Snoopy !
02:14C'est comment jouer au double agent,
02:16style jungle !
02:21Miaou !
02:23Hmm, tigre !
02:24Me catch !
02:25Batman !
02:27Caveman !
02:30Yikes ! Le tigre !
02:36Hmm, me catch !
02:38Doucement !
02:40Hey, Dinky !
02:41Je pense que nous sommes sur la route des tigres !
02:43Très bien, petit frère.
02:44Nous sommes sur la route des tigres.
02:46Next game !
02:48Je savais qu'il n'y avait rien.
02:53Attendez, petits frères.
02:55Yeah !
03:04J'ai été éloigné.
03:06Ce crétin m'a dit que ce costume était sauvage.
03:11Combien de temps nous allons attendre ici, Snoop ?
03:13Je ne pense pas qu'il y ait des tigres dans cette jungle.
03:16Arrête de blabler, blabler.
03:18Et commence à snouper.
03:19Je snoupe, je snoupe, Snoop.
03:21Miaou !
03:22Miaou !
03:26Me catch !
03:27Me catch !
03:30Attendez, petits frères.
03:32Nous l'avons maintenant.
03:36C'est bon, petits frères.
03:39Hey, voyons !
03:41C'est notre tigre !
03:44Prenez-le, s'il vous plaît. Il est à vous.
03:47Ok, mon tigre.
03:49Un peu plus fort, petits frères.
03:51Me fixe.
03:53Captain !
03:54Captain !
03:58Oh non !
04:09La chasse aux tigres a été gagnée par Snoop et Vlad pour les yogis.
04:12Pas seulement ont-ils attrapé le tigre, mais aussi 6 membres de l'équipe opposant et un bâtiment.
04:16Les yogis ont donc reçu 25 points pour la première place.
04:19Les scoobies et les ratons n'ont rien.
04:24Maintenant, à la rue de Calcutta, où nous allons commencer la course à l'éléphant.
04:28La course va partir de la ville centrale de Calcutta vers le Taj Mahal,
04:32vers le palais et à travers la rivière de la Ganges vers la ligne de fin.
04:37Maintenant, introduisons nos pilotes pendant qu'ils attendent la porte de départ.
04:40Sur le bateau et à la course pour les yogis sont ces 2 talentueux pachydermes,
04:44Doggy Daddy et Oggy Doggy, en position numéro 2,
04:47et un raton à travers et à travers, le grand Fondue.
04:51A l'extérieur, en direction de l'intérieur,
04:53sera le bâbou d'une scoobie,
04:55le pilote de l'histoire de l'Ouest.
04:57Maintenant, la flèche est en place et...
04:59ils sont en route !
05:03J'aime bien ma flèche d'idée.
05:05Ici, sur ce bateau de téléphone, nous pouvons faire des rapports d'abord sur la course.
05:09D'accord, Milton.
05:11Des pachydermes tremblants, ici ils viennent !
05:21D'accord, une chose.
05:23La prochaine fois, apportez des câbles de gars.
05:26La prochaine fois, on apportera des gars d'autres.
05:30Ralliant les rues de la ville centrale de Calcutta,
05:32l'éléphant de la flèche a sauté dans l'avance sur les scoobies et...
05:36Il a sauté ?
05:37Pourquoi ne m'ont-ils pas dit que le saut était autorisé ?
05:40Ouh !
05:41D'accord, d'accord, d'accord !
05:44En même temps, l'éléphant de la flèche perd son temps précieux.
05:47Ils se sont arrêtés dans la station de pain au fil des ans.
05:50Accélèrez-le, s'il vous plaît !
05:51D'accord, sir !
05:52Qu'est-ce que ça va être ?
05:54Accélèrez-le et faites-le heureux !
05:56Je suis en course !
05:57D'accord, sir !
06:04Woooooh !
06:06Hahaha ! Un petit curry pour l'aider à se dépêcher !
06:10Hahaha !
06:21En approchant la Taj Mahal,
06:23Babou est encore à l'avant pour la scoobie.
06:25The Rottens are a close second, while the Yogi team is closing fast.
06:30How do you like my idea of moving up in the world, Snagg?
06:33That's good sculling, Mildew! Here they come!
06:36They're almost here to the Taj Mahal!
06:39Baloo is still bouncing along in first place,
06:41and the Yogi elephant has moved up to second place.
06:44Bringing up the, uh, mirror is the Rottens.
06:47All right, Mr. Nicefellow!
06:49Get on top with a fondue prop!
06:53Wait a minute! I can't believe it!
06:56The Rottens' elephant has lifted up into the air!
06:59Somebody get that elephant's license number!
07:09Well, the Rottens were first past the Taj Mahal,
07:12with Baboo bouncing into a close second for the Scoopies.
07:18It's the Yogi's coming on, carrying a full head of steam!
07:21Everybody out of the way! This train is on an on-time express!
07:33Savages! They're all savages!
07:38As they head for the finish line across the Ganges River,
07:41the Rottens are flying in the lead.
07:43The Yogi elephant has moved up into second,
07:45and the Scooby elephant is now bouncing in third place.
07:48Hey, dear old dad, we're gonna have a problem when we get to the river.
07:52I can't swim!
07:53That's not the problem, son of mine!
07:55The real problem is if the elephant can swim!
08:01What a view!
08:03Hey! Here they come!
08:05Oh, glorious!
08:07The Rotten elephant is first to reach the riverside,
08:10but it looks like he's run out of gas.
08:12They have to cross the river to get to the finish line,
08:15and it's filled with wild alligators!
08:17Abracazee! Abracazum!
08:20The assumption of vacuum!
08:25A submerged ride! That's uncanny!
08:28Is it a blimp, or is it super jumbo?
08:33Didn't anybody tell you there's a water shortage?
08:37Thanks for reminding me!
08:39Hip-hip-hooray, and I found the spray!
08:47I should have kept my bag in my hat!
08:50The Rottens have crossed the Ganges first and have won the event!
08:56Now it's a battle between the Yogis and the Scoobies for second place.
08:59Frankly, with those hungry alligators circling, I don't know how they're gonna cross.
09:03Frankly, that makes two of us!
09:08Hey, Bob! Hey, Doggy! Leave it to me!
09:11I'll take care of everything!
09:13Wait a minute, folks! I can't believe this!
09:16It's the alligator!
09:18And he's formed a raft of alligators to escort the Yogis across the river!
09:22Oh! We've got a real race for second!
09:25Babu just started across the bridge!
09:32The Yogis are almost across the river, and the Scoobies across the bridge!
09:40Let's go down and see the finish!
09:43I hope it's not ours!
09:44The Yogis team in second place!
09:48Followed by Babu for the Scoobies!
09:51The Rottens win the elephant race, giving them 25!
09:54The Yogis take 15 for second, giving them 40!
09:56And the Scoobies get 10 points for third!
09:59So, at the end of our first two events, the Yogis still hold the lead!
10:06Will the Scoobies and the Rottens catch up with the Yogis?
10:09Stay with us and see when we return for the conclusion of today's action-packed Laugh Olympics!
10:14Live and direct from beautiful Tel Aviv, Israel!
10:19Welcome back to our action-packed second half of today's Laugh Olympics from Israel!
10:24Now, here are our sportscasters for our next events!
10:27Snagglepuss here!
10:29And Melter Wall!
10:31To bring you all today's excitement!
10:33We're here on the Negev Desert for the sand sail sledding contest!
10:37Now, let's go meet the contestants in this event!
10:40This is Hokey Wolf of the Yogis entry!
10:43Where's your crew?
10:44Don't worry, I got them working!
10:46Super high up there!
10:48With Drama Gra here!
10:49And there she blows!
10:51I see land ahead!
10:53And here, sail sledding for the Scoobies are the Teen Angels!
10:56And Tinker, aboard Speed Buggy, to wear your sails or your sled!
11:01Relax, I got it all figured out!
11:04Tinker, are you sure it's gonna work?
11:06Sure, girls! Show them, Speedy!
11:13Oh, we all worked!
11:16But great, if it isn't the Rottens!
11:19I see Orpho Octopus and the Creeplys will be doing the rotten most as crew for their team!
11:24How do you fellas expect to catch any wind with that little, teeny-weeny, insignificant sail?
11:30We don't have to catch it, we brought it with us!
11:33Show them, Orpho!
11:36Tinker, let's get going!
12:07I'm trying, girls, but the brake is stuck!
12:10What you mean is the brake is broke!
12:12Come on, Speedy, do something!
12:15Hey, I got it! Now try it, Tinker!
12:21Snagglepuss and Mildewwolf here again!
12:23The Rottens have jumped out in front and are now in the lead!
12:28I just love this foul wind in our hair!
12:31Right behind the Rottens, Captain Hokey battles to stay ahead of Tinker and the gorgeous Teen Angels!
12:36The course of the race, of course, winds down across the sand dunes and over the salt flats to finish at King Solomon's Mines!
12:43I see the Scoobies are trying to move up to second place, but it looks like they can't raise the steam!
12:48What's our problem?
12:49The Yogi's are stealing all our wind!
12:52Sorry about that, Scoobies! With all these sails, there just isn't enough wind to go around!
12:58Oh, I like that!
12:59We can see that the Rottens are first out on the salt flats and are heading for King Solomon's Mines!
13:04Tinker, do something!
13:06Yeah, and quick! I'm getting exhausted!
13:09That's it! That's it, you guys! Exhaust!
13:12Golly! Come on, Speedy, turn it on!
13:22Nice ship, you guys! I didn't want to carry any extra weight!
13:25Hi, hi, Captain! How's this, Captain? It's awful heavy!
13:32No, no, no, not that!
13:35Cut the rope! Save the ship! Help!
13:40I hate hysterical captains! That's a fact!
13:44The Rottens' sled is approaching the finish line, but the Yogi's are gaining ground fast!
13:49There's just a hair between them!
13:52They might be passing on the Rottens, but somebody else is passing us!
13:56In fact, over us! And there ain't no aerial plane either!
14:01Muggle One, report that we're almost at the...
14:08...finish line! To bring you the results of this race, it's the Scoobies in first, followed by the Rottens in second,
14:14and the Yogi's bringing up the rear down in third. Now to...
14:18Look at the scoreboard. The Scoobies get 25 for winning the Sand Sled Race, giving them 35.
14:28The Rottens get 15 for second, bringing their total to 40.
14:31And the Yogi's get 10 for third, bringing their total up to 50, and still holding their lead.
14:40Now to the final and deciding event, a reed boat race across the Red Sea.
14:46By the team captains themselves, Scooby-Doo, Mumbly, and Yogi Bear.
14:52A spectator boat has been chartered to follow the race.
14:55And virtually everybody who's an anybody is here.
14:58Peter Potamus is here, but who can that be next to him? Some kind of fish?
15:04Me? A playing fish? No respect! I just get no respect!
15:10Snagglepuss is now going to bring you one of the Laugh Olympics famous live and direct interviews with the TV stars.
15:17Mr. Flintstone...
15:18And just call me Fred.
15:20I will. Mr. Fred Flintstone, I see you've come to watch the reed boat races.
15:25I should say so. Back in Bedrock, I was quite a big reed boater myself.
15:30He sure was, but he didn't like the boats made out of cattails. They tickled his toes.
15:37When I want your opinion, Barney Rubble, I'll ask for it.
15:41Spoken like a champion.
15:43Would you be so kind as to demonstrate a little of that old Bedrock style for us?
15:49Why, of course, Snag. I'd be only too happy.
15:53Hey, Fred, are you sure you want to do that? Maybe these reed boats aren't up to your tonnage.
15:59Barney, will you be quiet?
16:01As I was saying, Snag, I'd be happy to demonstrate my Bedrock style.
16:05But I'm afraid there's no reed boat available on this yacht.
16:08Ah, but you're wrong. Our Laff Olympics crew have provided for everything, anything even.
16:15You're in luck, Fred. We have a reed boat tied right here at the foot of the ladder.
16:21Now, isn't that nice?
16:23The boat looks okay, but that ladder is impossible.
16:27If the cameras are ready, I'll be happy to oblige.
16:30Agility, Snag. Around boats, agility is the watchword.
16:34But with a reed craft, it's balance. One must have perfect...
16:40Hey, Fred, are you okay?
16:42Of course I am. But you can readily see that the reeds here are of an inferior quality.
16:48But they're cattails, Fred.
16:50Well, that concludes our interview, so let's switch to Mildew Wolf for the start of our upcoming race.
16:56Take it away, Mildew.
16:58Right you are. I'm here at our final event.
17:01A big match, a grudge match, with the winner take all bonus of 50 points.
17:06The three team captains have squared off for this one themselves.
17:10In lane one, the daring team captain of the Yogi Yahoos, Yogi Bear himself.
17:14Smarter than the average reader, yeah.
17:17In lane two, head of the rotten, really rotten clan, the Rotten Nose, Bumbley.
17:24And finally, in number three lane, the team captain of the energetic Scooby-Doobies, the colorful Scooby-Doo in person.
17:34The racers have their paddles poised, the starting flag is up, and they're off!
17:44To a good start!
17:48They're all paddling like mad, folks.
17:50Well, almost all. From the spectator's boat, we see Bumbley has jumped into the lead, and is paddling effortlessly.
17:57Now look at Bumbley go. Left-handed, right-handed, now no-handed, which is most misterioso.
18:04Mildew Wolf on mobile unit two is on hand to bring you a close-up report.
18:12Typical. That guy's always got an inside joke.
18:15But Bumbley has passed the halfway mark, and in the lead, while Yogi and Scooby are fighting it out for second.
18:21What a race this is turning out to be. The team captains are giving it their all.
18:25And the fans are just loving it. But look at this. Bumbley isn't even paddling, and he's almost to the finish line on the opposite shore.
18:36Mobile two here with an exciting flash. Scooby's reboat seems to have strung a leak.
18:42It's sinking. I wonder how Scooby is at dog paddling.
18:48What a competitor. He's continuing on without a reboat.
18:52On the spectator's boat, it appears that Bumbley will reach the finish line first.
18:56Yogi is paddling curiously, but...
18:58Go, Yogi. Rip it.
19:03Hold your cat tails. It's a tidal wave.
19:06And here comes Yogi.
19:08This is really close-up reporting. It's obvious that Yogi Bear is the winner of the reboat race.
19:15And as expected, another rotten trick has been explained.
19:21So let's check the scoreboard.
19:24The Yogi's get the big 50-point bonus, and are today's overall winners with 100 points.
19:54And the recipients of the Laugh Olympics gold.
19:56So be sure and join us next week, when our three teams will once again meet in friendly combat on the athletic fields of the world.
20:05In the one and only Laugh Olympics!
20:19Sous-titres par Jean Laflute