Scooby's All Star Laff-A-Lympics S01 E006

  • il y a 3 mois
00:00Hearthplace of Sports will be the leaping off point for today's exhilarating action.
00:06Then we'll whisk you from the exotic to the ridiculous and raucous.
00:11Ozark Mountains in Missouri, U.S. of A. for the hilarious and havoc-raising conclusion of today's game.
00:20Now, it's back to ancient Athens, and here are our terrific teams ready for action, the Yogi Yahouis.
00:30The Really Rotten.
00:33And the Scooby Doobies.
00:37Yes, folks, these world's greatest sports teams will be pitting all of their talents, prowess and abilities to win that prize of all sporting prizes, the Laff Olympics gold medal.
00:47Now, as if recreating sports history, let's go down to the Olympic Sports Stadium, where we'll meet the contestants.
00:54Representing the teams in the pole vaulting event will be our three team captains themselves, Yogi for the Yogis.
01:03Mumbly for the Really Rotten.
01:07And Scooby Doo for the Scooby Doobies.
01:11Now, down to our on-the-spot reporters, Mildew Wolf and Snagglepuss.
01:15Snagglepuss here, about to interview an interviewee. And what, pray tell, makes you the champion vaulter that you are, Yogi?
01:26It's all in the equipment, Snagglepal, like my super flexo pole. You see, with twice the flexo, I'll get twice the flippo.
01:36Surely, you don't plan to pole vault with that fat toothpick.
01:40Hmm, I suspect a dirty doing. A rotten trick, even.
01:46Attention, athletes, your performance will be judged solely on the height you vault up and over the bar for a 25-point first prize.
01:54Up and over? Wow!
01:56Up and over is simple, Scoob. Just jab the pole on the X and up and over you'll go.
02:03Did you take care of it creepily?
02:06Don't I always dread? Notice the X covers a 10-foot deep hole filled with mush.
02:13A splendid sneak, creep.
02:16And there goes Scooby-Doo.
02:20He hits the X mark.
02:23A nosedive down, it looks like his pole collapsed, giving Scooby a taste of defeat.
02:29Defeat? It tastes like death.
02:32A sinking pole, the taste of mush.
02:35Next up, it's Yogi Bear for the Yogi-Yahoos.
02:38Pardon me, but you're blocking the way to my vaulting pole.
02:41Yeah, we know.
02:45We're just here to help you.
02:47Yes, help you lose the contest, darling.
02:51It's the only way to win the contest.
02:54You're right.
02:57Yes, help you lose the contest, darling.
03:02And this steel-grip stickum will make sure you'll be stuck with losing.
03:08Yogi dons his sure-grip gloves.
03:10I'm a bear that must prepare, so beware.
03:14Grabs his flexo-pole, pivots, and he's off.
03:19And running. He missed the X, but there goes his leap.
03:23I lost my grip!
03:26Heavens to heavens, what a vault.
03:31What a show-off.
03:33Yes, folks, in an unbelievable vault, Yogi Bear cleared the bar by 531 feet.
03:40Next time I pole vault, remind me to wear a parachute.
03:46What timing. A healthy hand from his teammate, Ray-Pay.
03:49Ray-Pay, Ray-Pay, Ray-Pay.
03:53The next contestant is Mumbly for the Rottens.
03:56That miserable Mumbly is going to try to tap Yogi's 531-foot vault with his sawed-off little pole.
04:03Mumbly races up to the bar.
04:05Ah, so that's his scheme, the old self-telescoping vaulting pole trick.
04:10And up he goes. He's above the bar.
04:15Mumbly is now 1,062 feet above the bar and into the clouds, which doubles Yogi's vault.
04:21Which just proves us Rottens are twice as good as those goody goods.
04:26Yes, Mumbly has cleared the bar, but can he drop over it and land in one piece?
04:34All Mumbly has to do is land to win.
04:40Son of a...
04:43Because of the clouds covering the stadium, we still can't see Mumbly coming down.
04:48But then I never could see him.
04:51Flash! Mumbly was just reported on an airplane leaving Athens without a ticket.
04:58With the pole vaulting event concluded, a check with the scoreboard shows that the Yogi's win the 25-point first prize,
05:04while the Rottens and Scooby's zero out for not vaulting over the bar.
05:08Pardon the interruption, but I challenge that score on the basis of foul play.
05:13Go on, Blue Falcon.
05:14Scooby-Doo's failure to clear the bar was not due to his lack of athletic ability.
05:18Rather, he fell on his face because his pole sank into this X-concealed 10-foot hole of mush.
05:23Therefore, will you allow Rottenness to prevail over justice?
05:27Never, Blue Falcon.
05:28Because of Scooby's sabotaged vault, the Scooby-Doobies are awarded the 15-point second spot.
05:33So the final score is Yogi's 25, Scooby's 15, and the really Rotten's zero.
05:46Our second event will be the fantabulous Disco Toss free throw match.
05:50Now checking in with our championship Disco Toss slingers,
05:53we see that Dinky Dalton will represent the Rottens,
05:56Yacky Doodle for the Yogi's, and Shaggy, that fantastic Disco Tosser for the Scooby-Doobies.
06:02Disco Toss throwing's my cup of tea.
06:04No Belgian muscles required, just a flick of the wrist.
06:07We're gonna keep an eye on the contest from this hot air balloon.
06:11Uh-oh, the match is about to begin. Get ready, even!
06:15I see our teams are ready, so just remember, each contestant will be allowed one throw,
06:19and that throw will be judged on style, originality of maneuvers, and the distance thrown.
06:24Plus, only the official 6-ounce Flat Olympic Disco will be allowed for that throw.
06:29The winner will receive 25 points.
06:31Now, on with the match.
06:33You may throw when ready, Shaggy.
06:35What's Disco Metal Maneuver?
06:43Like I don't get it. I couldn't throw that bad if I tried.
06:46I'd say, there was a really rotten rat in this, behind it.
06:50I ain't never throwed a Disco Toss before, and I ain't gonna start now.
06:55Not when I got me this miniaturized flying saucer disguised as a Disco Toss.
07:02Red Baron to Dinky, prepare for launch.
07:05Off it goes.
07:07Amazing! His Disco Toss goes into a quintuple whirligood, and it accelerates to an incredible speed.
07:16Did anybody get the license number of that hurricane?
07:18Now, as the Rockies' Disco Toss goes for the distance record,
07:21let's go down to the field and the next contestant.
07:23I'm Mr. Vertigo. Unless me eyes deceive me, it's two Yakidoodles.
07:28Your eyes are wrong, Snag. It's Yakidoodle for the Yogi's.
07:37It looks like the Yogi's may have a problem.
07:39Oh, yes. Definitely a problem.
07:42Since the Disco just threw Yaki, you know.
07:45Maybe you better send in a substitute, Yogi.
07:48Have you no faith in your leader, Boo-Boo?
07:50You have a plan?
07:51Indeed I do, Boo-Boo. Just what a technical situation calls for.
08:04Uh-oh! Look out, Yogi!
08:13Look at him go! What form! What style!
08:16And he's off like a rocket!
08:18The Yogi's Disco Toss has outmaneuvered and outspeeded the Rockies' throw.
08:21But can that courageous little duck outdistance it, too?
08:24Of course not.
08:25Why, Dinky's Disco Toss is probably orbiting the Moon by now.
08:32A Disco Toss orbiting the Moon?
08:34Obviously the brutes are bluffing, Snag.
08:36Our Moon satellite cameras are rolling, Snag, of course.
08:39And here we go, direct from the Moon.
08:41Yes, and there we do see the Rotten's Disco.
08:44Now we'll zoom in closer to prove that it's...
08:46It's a cheat?
08:48That isn't a regulation Disco.
08:50It's a Disco disguised as a miniature flying saucer
08:53which automatically disqualifies the wheeling Rotten.
08:58Now, here comes the Yogi's Disco.
09:00The new Laugh-Olympics champion is Jackie Doodle.
09:05Anyway, now let's check the scores.
09:07Not so expedient.
09:09First, let's check the instant freeze-frame replay on the Scooby's throw.
09:14Replay rolling.
09:15And there's Shaggy making a perfect throw.
09:18Shaggy's Disco was stopped in midair.
09:21A wider angle shows us the Rotten's cleverly used a glass shield
09:24to block Shaggy's perfect throw.
09:26So, in that case, the second place 15 points will be awarded to the Scooby-Dooby.
09:32Making a score, the Yogi's 50, the Scooby's 30,
09:35and the Rotten's got an extra penalty, double zero.
09:39Oh, shut up, bugger. That's double O.
09:42And this is only the first half of the Laugh-Olympics?
09:46Yes, folks, the concluding events will be held deep in the Ozark Hills,
09:50the hillbilly capital of the world.
09:52So don't miss the second half of the all-star Laugh-Olympics.
09:58Welcome to the exotic Ozark Mountains for the second half of the Laugh-Olympics, sports fans,
10:03where the featured events will be the titanically terrific teeter-totter rail car race.
10:08Great race, great race.
10:09And the climactical keelboat race in the hotly contested race for the sports honor of honors,
10:14the Laugh-Olympics gold medal.
10:16At the conclusion of the athletes' events, the Yogi's led with 50 points,
10:19the Scooby's second with 30, and the Rotten's way down in last place with zero.
10:24Speaking of the race, folks, this one will be for a 25-point win,
10:2815 points second place and 10 points for third.
10:31And it will be a race against the clock.
10:33Now, first off, it'll be Dinky and Dirty Dalton for the Rotten's.
10:36Sure, Steve, I ain't never raced a clock before.
10:42And they're off.
10:44I see our next racers, Blue Falcon and Dynamut, on their Falcon rail car.
10:51So hurry up with our brilliant but thoroughly rotten plan, Creepling.
10:55Don't worry, Dirt Baron, when Blue Falcon tries to teeter-totter through this tunnel,
11:00he'll make a big hit.
11:03To set an example of good sportsmanship, I invite our competition to go ahead of us.
11:08Okay, Creeping, Creeping.
11:11Yeah, thanks, Blue Falcon.
11:13Go, dear old dad.
11:15How about that, kids?
11:17Kind of makes you want to grow up to be another Blue Falcon, doesn't it?
11:20Or at least a cobalt cockatoo.
11:22Repeep and Doggy Daddy are all set.
11:29What perfect coordination, what teamwork.
11:32What's that curve doing in the track?
11:34That oversized chimp took Blue Falcon's place.
11:38And took himself a shortcut at the same time.
11:42Double draft!
11:43Back at the starting line, it's Blue Falcon away!
11:48Yes, the Kate Crusaders are on their way.
11:51But can these ordinary superheroes possibly out-teeter-totter a 40-foot gorilla
11:56or the strongest, sneakiest sneaks of them all, the Dirty Daltons?
11:59Would you mind telling me, Snag, what we're doing up in this kooky kite?
12:03Where else could we get a bird's-eye view of the ups and downs of this race?
12:08With two minutes into the race, the Yogi's are in the lead.
12:11The Rottens are close behind, and the Scooby Doobies are so far behind, it looks hopeless.
12:16It seems strange that our Falcon Rail car can't go faster than us.
12:20Shucks, Blue Falcon. With our other Falcon gimmicks, we could easily win Kate Bell.
12:26That metal mat is right, you know, big fella.
12:29Hmm, it's Mildew contacting us on my Falcon communicator.
12:33There's injustices all over the place.
12:35You see, the Rottens helped the Yogi's take a shortcut.
12:38The Rottens greased their Falcon Rail car wheels with a soft solder.
12:42So, no wonder they roll so slowly.
12:45Also, the Rotten's car just happens to be jet as well as Rotten-powered.
12:51You mean...
12:52Yes, since you're the victims of injustices, the judges rule you can use your super toys in this race.
12:59Now we must win, lest injustice prevail, Dinomat.
13:03You're not just snapping your beak, Falcon. What's the plan?
13:06XL43, of course.
13:09Oh, oh, sure thing, Blue Buddy.
13:11Plan XL43, coming up and out.
13:16Look at this, Ray. We've soon set a new time record, Dirty.
13:26Hmm, haven't we been this way before, Dirty?
13:30Yep, it sure looks familiar.
13:34Now, it's up, up and away.
13:38Now, fasten your Falcon Belt.
13:42I realize it's our right to use our super powers, Dino, but it isn't sporting not to give the Yogi's a sporting chance.
13:49Dino, take us down.
13:53The Yogi's are nearing the finish line in record time.
13:56But wait, the Scooby's are dropping in on them, into a neck to neck position.
14:00Now, it's just us, Grape Ape, and may the better man, uh, uh, Ape, win.
14:05Grape Ape, Grape Ape, Grape Ape.
14:11Let's get on track, BF, and beat their cars.
14:14All we can do is do our best, Dino. So, here goes.
14:19A two-fingered teeter should do it, Grape Ape.
14:22Okay, Grape Ape.
14:26Sorry, Grape, that was one finger too much.
14:30We pick up the elapsed time for the Scooby team.
14:32They zoom over the finish line in three minutes and thirteen seconds.
14:38And here comes Grape Ape, out of the hole and into second place.
14:42As for the Rotten's, they've just crossed the starting line going backwards, an automatic third place.
14:49Checking the scoreboard, we see that the Scooby's twenty-five point first place win puts them in second with fifty-five.
14:55The Yogi's still first at sixty-five, with Rotten's at ten.
14:59And now, for the climactical event of today's games, we move over the hills to fast-rushing Rotten Rapids River for the keel boat race.
15:06This will be a fifty point bonus event.
15:08And here's the line-up. Racing for the Yogi's will be Cindy Bear and Wally Gator.
15:12Battle and Scooby-Dum will represent the Scooby's, while the Great Fondue and Rabbit will vote for the Rotten's.
15:22Now let's move down the river and to our courageous keel boaters, where they have to be held in place against the force of this powerful current.
15:29And they're off! The Yogi's boss-of-law keel raft has floated off not for long.
15:35Not after the famished little termites we stowed away come out for lunch.
15:43Goodness, it appears our raft is disappearing.
15:50Oh, Wally, how do you say abandon ship when this is a raft?
15:54Oh, Miss Cindy, you just say abandon ship.
15:58Well, I'd suggest that we say abandon ship while we still have a ship to abandon.
16:05With half their raft gone, the Yogi's have slowed down to half speed.
16:09The Scooby's Arabian Nights keel has plowed ahead.
16:14Oh, we can win if you steer at steady course, Scooby-Dum.
16:26Now the Scooby's boat is out of control.
16:30Meanwhile, the Yogi's raft looks more like a pair of short, fat water skis.
16:34And it's easy to see Wally has his hands full.
16:37Meanwhile, the Rotten's easily sail into the number one spot.
16:40One moment, old great fondue.
16:42I can't believe you're winning without your pony baloney magic.
16:45I only use my magic as a last resort.
16:48I'm warning you, fondue.
16:50Cheaters never win.
16:53Oh, in that case, I had better use my powers to make sure I win.
16:59Fantastic, fondue. Nothing happened.
17:02Something always happens.
17:05What is this? Little buggies threw up my boat?
17:09What can this mean?
17:11It looks like you caused all your rotten cheating to backfire.
17:14But you got the termites, and the Scooby's got the rudder back.
17:17Yes, folks, the Scooby's boat is back in the race, as if by magic.
17:22Goodness, Wally.
17:24However did you repair our raft so fast?
17:27I don't know. I guess I'm a natural-born fixer.
17:31I, the great fondue, will undo his boo-boo.
17:34Behold, I shall stop him whole.
17:39Now those rotten rodents, they're putting up a night.
17:43Ah, what a cheating thought.
17:46I shall shrink the big fat genie down to size.
17:53Oh, we're shrinking.
17:55Do not worry, Scooby-Dum.
17:57Yapple-yapple, yapple-dapple.
18:07Heavens to heavens.
18:09Know what?
18:10Talk about a big, big, all-wet finish.
18:13The winners are Babu and Scooby-Dum for the Scooby-Doobies,
18:16as they carry their keelboat across the finish line,
18:19followed by Cindy and Wally for the Yogis,
18:21just a hand length behind in second place.
18:23How nice of them to give us a hand, Wally.
18:26Oh, it's a doozy, all right, Cindy.
18:30We're here with the winners, folks,
18:32and I must say they're probably the world's biggest sports heroes
18:35had you pull this one off, Babu.
18:37All I said was yapple-dapple.
18:40Oh, I did it, I did it.
18:43How about that?
18:45Could I have just one more yapple-dapple?
18:51Attention, the official keelboat race results are in,
18:55and the winners are the Scooby-Doobies for 50 points.
18:59The Yogis are second with 15 points.
19:03As for the Rottens, 10 points.
19:07The Scooby-Doobies are the winners with 105 points.
19:10In second place, it's the Yogis with 80,
19:12and the Rottens are in the basement with 20.
19:16Don't go wandering.
19:20And so closes another chapter of sports history, folks.
19:25And so closes another chapter of sports history, folks.
19:29And we'll be on hand next week for another thrilling chapter
19:33as our three super sports teams compete in all new events
19:37in all new locations around the world, even,
19:40for the coveted and the cherished Lap Olympics gold medal.
19:55Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
