The Sub-Mariner The Sub-Mariner E003

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00Prince of the Deep, from the undersea realm of fabled Atlantis, the rightful monarch of the seven seas, the mighty Prince Namor pursues his quest for Neptune's sacred trident, while in the palace royal, a gloating usurper sits upon the golden throne, the evil warlord Kraang.
00:29Namor must perish so that I shall remain ruler of the realm. Then nothing shall stop me from waging war upon the surface world.
00:38While in another part of the regal palace, the lovely Lady Dorma awaits the return of her prince.
00:43Oh Namor my love, truly I fear for your life. Even now the evil Kraang plots to destroy you without mercy.
00:52The unsuspecting Namor knows not that I follow his every move. He will never survive this quest, for I have planned his doom.
01:02Unaware of the scheming Kraang, Namor, the true prince, reaches the fearsome forbidden deeps.
01:09I must find a clue to Neptune's trident. It should be here, but I see no hint, no sign. Wait. An iron door, bearing the mark of Neptune. I have found it.
01:22Only by capturing the trident can I regain my rightful throne. Every second is vital. This is no ordinary door. Only the true submariner could lift it.
01:34What grim jest. What hollow mockery is this?
01:38Nothing. There is naught but water below.
01:42Dark. Something approaches from the stygian deeps.
01:46Believe the evidence of thine eyes, gallant one.
01:51The voice of my lord Neptune.
01:53The clue you seek is before you, sparkling in the mouth of one of the humblest of my undersea subjects.
02:03A symbolic gem whose brilliance has lighted the path before me. I know now that I must seek the forbidden diamonds of doom.
02:12They lie at the farthest corner of my realm, and it is there that I must venture to face whatever perils await me. So speak, Neptune.
02:21The diamonds of doom. I need fear the submariner no more, for none have ever survived their power.
02:29My throne is secure. Now the time has come to dwell on pleasanter matters.
02:36The Lady Dorval. While her matchless beauty alone is a prize for any king, she is truly beloved by the people.
02:44And with her beside me on the throne, none will ever dare challenge my royal reign.
02:51Meanwhile, in another chamber.
02:53It was I who set Namor on this quest. And if my true prince dies, it is I who am his murderer.
03:01My lady, there is no need for you to weep. Say only that I may have your hand, and half of this realm shall be thine.
03:09You cannot give what is not rightly yours, my lord.
03:12Have a care, hearty one. I am still the king, and my royal patience is not without limit.
03:19Now speak, but choose your words most cautiously, lest they be your last.
03:25You dare call yourself king? You are the king of villainy, treachery and deceit.
03:31The throne of Atlantis will never be yours whilst Namor lives. And live he shall, if justice still be sacred.
03:38I'll hear no more. Now you shall pay for this monumental indignity.
03:43I offer you a monarch's throne, but you have chosen disaster.
03:47Whom the king cannot conquer, the king shall destroy. Such is the will of Crane.
03:54Namor, my love, I have failed you in the past, but I shall die like a queen, without complaint, without surrender.
04:05The vapors of gas were not deadly, but you have imprisoned me within a plastic cage.
04:11Yet it will avail you not, for I shall never consent to be your bride.
04:15That remains to be seen, my lady. Never is a long, long time.
04:21My resources are limitless. I merely touch my belt control once more, and you shall learn what it means to incur the wrath of your king.
04:30Farewell, my lady Dorma.
04:34The platform is descending to the street level. It is slowing down, but punishment now lies in store for me.
04:43Ah, I see he plans to humble me, to display me to the crowd as a helpless captive.
04:52Citizens of Atlantis, attend the words of your monarch, His Majesty Crane.
04:58Behold the fate which befalls any who incur the king's displeasure or willful disobedience.
05:05Lady Dorma is hereby banished forever to the subterranean world of the Faceless Ones.
05:12The Faceless Ones! Better he had put me to death before I heard those dreaded words.
05:18Will Prince Namor learn of Lady Dorma's plight in time, or is she doomed to a fate worse than death?
05:26To begin her punishment, the Lady Dorma is brought to the base of an undersea mountain.
05:32Leave us, Atlanteans. Return to your master. I will dispatch the Phoenix.
05:38That voice! It is evil Xantor, he who serves the Faceless Ones.
05:43Sooner or later, all who displease Crane must come before me. But you, my lady, are the fairest victim yet.
05:52Stay thy tongue, evil one.
05:54So, you remain a noble woman to the end, do you?
05:58Well, my lady, see what your pride avails you now, as I slowly lower the dome of doom.
06:06Now she belongs to the Faceless Ones.
06:10And with those fateful words, the dome plummets downward until...
06:15I've reached the final depths, and there they wait, the Faceless Ones.
06:21Meanwhile, at the farthest corner of his realm, Prince Namor, rightful monarch of the seven seas, nears his goal.
06:26Suddenly, just ahead, a dazzling brilliance illuminates the water, and the mighty submariner knows at last.
06:33He has found the diamonds of doom.
06:36Their beauty is beyond belief. Surely nothing so lovely could...
06:41Oh, my sense is real. My limbs grow weak.
06:46It is the gems. I have learned the danger here too late.
06:51As the blinding gems sap the life force from Namor's body, still another menace appears.
06:57Ah, a new victim whose waning strength shall serve the demon of the diamonds.
07:06I have but one chance. As Namor, lord of the seven seas, I command all that live within this realm,
07:13from the humblest fish to the lowest seaweed, to send me their strength.
07:19My word is still law. I feel a power returning to my limbs.
07:26Where, eternal, serveth you to me, trespasser, or perish?
07:33You speak not. Thus you have sealed your fate.
07:39By the rotting reefs of coral, I have found you the strength to carry my sword.
07:46In truth, I am strength. I am prince of the blood, and I fight for my birthright.
07:54My jeweled hat. Without it, I too may fall victim to the diamonds.
08:00Ah, I have reached it in time. The battle is won.
08:04Nothing can save him now. Now, in the name of Neptune, I conclude this affair.
08:13There is no time to absorb additional strength, but if the ones I am summoning are near...
08:17You are naught but a fraud, and I shall vanquish you.
08:23No, stay back.
08:25Nothing can survive your touch.
08:30Once again, the accursed submariner is saved.
08:34Can nothing stop him so long as Namor lives?
08:38The crown can never truly be mine.
08:41Sire, the people are in revolt.
08:44He has banished Caradoma to the land of the faceless ones.
08:48And sent our true prince Namor to his doom.
08:51The fools. Did they think me unprepared for this?
08:55These are me. Stay back.
08:58While in another palace corridor...
09:00To the throne room.
09:03Sire, the rebel approaches.
09:07Charge right into my blasters.
09:10Traitor, we have you at last.
09:12Look out, he's turning the dial.
09:14And I shall hold you face to wall.
09:17Now it is you who are in jeopardy.
09:21Saved by the electric eagles, Namor is startled to hear a familiar voice.
09:26Thou hast done well, my son.
09:29The voice of father Neptune, coming from the eel.
09:33Now one last trial awaits thee.
09:36But thou must find the final testing place thyself.
09:40And as the voice of Neptune fades away, Namor receives a message from the eels.
09:47To Lady Dorma, the faceless ones.
09:52They are trying to tell me Lady Dorma is a prisoner of the faceless ones.
09:56Only I can save her.
09:58But to do so I must abandon the quest.
10:00And forfeit my throne.
10:02Yet I cannot leave Dorma to the mercy of the faceless ones.
10:06So saying, the princely figure plunges into the depths.
10:09While fathoms below, the Lady Dorma recoils in horror as her captors surround her.
10:14They're coming closer.
10:16Nothing can save me now.
10:18Nothing save the awe of the valiant submariner.
10:21But if Dorma is saved, the quest is lost.
10:24And with it, the kingdom of Atlantis.
10:29They have her surrounded.
10:31My only hope is to attack with blinding speed.
10:34Namor, go ye back.
10:36Even though my life is forfeit, you must survive.
10:41Revenez à l'Atlantis.
10:43Un enragé crâne plante sa revanche sur les citoyens inutiles.
10:47Les hommes de l'Atlantis, écoutez les mots de votre monarque.
10:51Vous avez l'honneur de défendre Mairee.
10:54Et pour cela, vous serez punis.
10:56Attention, pilote robotique.
10:58Écoutez votre banque d'esprit.
11:00Banque d'esprit, lancée et prête, Maître.
11:03Procédez au centre du quartier municipal.
11:06Maître, à l'arrivée de votre destination,
11:09foncez la fonction de programme G.
11:12Fermez la banque d'esprit.
11:14Deux minutes plus tard,
11:15le monstre mécanisé approche le quartier municipal.
11:23C'est votre première leçon.
11:25La deuxième sera permanente.
11:28Mais il y en a un qui s'échappe.
11:31L'Elder Bearded décide de trouver le véritable règneur de l'Atlantis.
11:35Et à ce moment-là,
11:36il est étonné par les Faceless Ones.
11:39Ils m'attachent à ma cage plastique.
11:41Elle ne peut pas durer plus longtemps.
11:43Avez de l'espoir, Maître.
11:45La cage plastique va naître.
11:49Dorma !
11:50La cage explosée a attrapé un démon.
11:53Mais elle a aussi enlevé la vie de Maître.
11:55Elle reste si calme.
11:57Ah ! J'ai enfin trouvé mon prince.
12:01Mais quel événement désastreux se déroule !
12:04Ils sont presque sur moi.
12:05Avancez alors, Faceless Ones !
12:07Alors, sans avertissement,
12:09l'un des Feiceless Creatures raise une main,
12:11et les autres s'éloignent,
12:12comme le magnifique visage de Neptune apparaît.
12:16Namor !
12:17Tu as renoncé à ta mission.
12:20Tu as brisé le covenant.
12:23Je ne peux pas disputer tes mots, Maître.
12:25J'ai failli.
12:27Ce n'est pas le cas, mon fils.
12:30Chaque attribut d'un prince est ton.
12:33Courage, force, loyauté.
12:36Mais la plupart du temps,
12:38un cœur qui peut aimer,
12:40une âme qui peut sacrificier.
12:44Avec une vague de mon harme,
12:46je bannis les Faceless Ones.
12:49Repose-toi, Submariner,
12:52et prétends que, au-delà de Trident,
12:55le trône d'Atlantis est ton.
13:04Mon prince, j'ai voyagé pour te dire
13:07que le diable de Krang
13:09opprime ton peuple.
13:11Je dois retourner à Atlantis tout de suite.
13:13Mes objets ne souffriront plus.
13:16Je commande que vous portiez le Trident impérial.
13:19Allez, Votre Highness.
13:21Je vais garder le sceptre avec ma vie.
13:25Mais quand Namor arrivera à l'entrée de l'Atlantis...
13:27Tirez-le ! Il doit être arrêté !
13:30Ma seule chance, c'est de faire ce qu'ils l'attendent le moins.
13:33Il est brûlé !
13:36Mes objets, ils sont inconscients.
13:38Qu'est-ce que le trône a fait ?
13:40Attaquez-le ! Détruisez-le !
13:47Je dois sauver Lady Dorma.
13:49Il a atteint le Revitaliser.
13:51Réveillez-vous, Votre Highness.
13:53Vous devez vivre. Vous devez.
13:55Il peut toujours être vaincu.
13:58Il peut toujours être vaincu.
14:00Un coup de ce levier...
14:02Mon prince, gardez votre Trident.
14:05Prends ma main, traître.
14:07Maintenant, tournez l'enclencheur.
14:09Et facez votre jugement.
14:11Le trône de l'Atlantis est mien.
14:14Merci, mon roi.
14:17Avez-vous merci pour Lady Dorma ?
14:19Elle qui est maintenant entre la vie et la mort.
14:24Et maintenant, souhaitons-nous que je ne sois pas trop tard.
14:27Si elle a été sauvée, ça doit se faire maintenant.
14:36Elle tourne. Dorma vit.
14:39Et en plein réjouissement, le monarque de l'Atlantis,
14:42le roi des sept mers, le prince Namor I,
14:45est restauré sur son trône d'or.
14:47Et dans un donjon de palais,
14:49il y a quelqu'un qui ne réjouit pas.
14:52Vous avez risqué votre vie au service de votre trône.
14:56Arrêtez, citoyen Bashti.
14:58Depuis ce moment, vous serez mon roi, Bashti,
15:01le grand vizir de l'Atlantis.
15:03Le prisonnier de Krang, sire.
15:06Même la mort est trop honorable pour un tyran comme vous.
15:10Vous êtes désormais exilé de l'Atlantis pour toujours.
15:14Mais comme le roi de la guerre rompt les profondes
15:17et infinies reaches sous-mer,
15:19un jour, je reviendrai.
15:23Un jour.
