Beast Kingdom Lilo & Stitch MEA-031 Mini Egg Attack Stitch Series Figures

  • 3 months ago
Beast Kingdom Lilo & Stitch MEA-031 Mini Egg Attack Stitch Series Figures


00:00Experiment 626 is finding different ways to express himself. Here's a look at the
00:04Beast Kingdom Disney's Lilo and Stitch mini egg attack stitch series stitches.
00:15It's not lost on me I'm gonna have a hard time fitting I feel that all in the
00:19title. It's also not lost on me either I'd like to thank the folks over at
00:22Beast Kingdom that provide this sample of the Disney's Lilo and Stitch mini
00:25egg attack stitches. We could have a look at this review. These aren't though
00:29necessarily blind boxes as you'll probably see already on the front the
00:32characters are clearly very visibly shown. You'll get actually a set of six
00:36that's actually not quite true you'll get a set of seven and if you already
00:41are counting out the three on the front the three on the back you'll know we'll
00:43be missing one. Each of the characters though are featured very predominantly
00:47on the front so you can rule out the whole idea of just guessing as to which
00:49character you're gonna be getting. You'll see the image of that character you'll
00:52also get as well the description of that stitch so you'll get glutton stitch. Why I
00:56say though you're not gonna be completing the entire set is if you look
00:59on the side here you'll get three of the common ones on the other side though
01:03you'll also get the very limited edition rainbow stitch. Now I hate to be the
01:07bearer of bad news I have already peaked behind the second row and I know that
01:11rainbow stitch isn't included so it would be safe to say that superhero
01:15stitch Elvis stitch the one featured on the front glutton stitch and then guitar
01:19stitch surfer stitch and mermaid stitch will all be the remaining six that we'll
01:23be getting in this. If you guys are interested to check out more from Beast
01:26Kingdom you can certainly head on over to their website I'll put the link
01:29certainly down below in the video description you can also see as well
01:32there's a choking hazard although you know again I was quite surprised to see
01:34the size of these I was expecting to be a lot smaller. I have unfortunately
01:39already started to rip this one open it was just the way I was actually as it
01:43came in the box flap was folded down to the front and the whole front section of
01:47here I'd had to just use perforations just to remove the front so it could be
01:50displayed properly in a comic book store where these are normally sold.
01:53Unfortunately though through doing that I end up ripping the flap here on that
01:57one of the cards but we already know which again which one we're gonna be
02:00getting this is the glutton stitch so let's just again finish the rest of that
02:02step by opening up the front flap here. Now even though I have unfortunately
02:08butterfingers have ripped the flap I haven't actually peaked inside but again
02:12they're substantially sized. First of all you get yourself a thing of candy
02:17a thing of ice creams count out with these there's like eight of them
02:20different flavors I would imagine that's what strawberry vanilla or
02:23possibly even banana maybe pistachio or lime what's your favorite ice cream let
02:28me know down below and of course you also got as well your again I would
02:32normally have said blind bags but again we know exactly which one we're gonna be
02:35getting for this I'm gonna reach off to the side just so I'm not fighting to try
02:38to open up the bag I got myself McCutcheons here cutting away the bag
02:42here opening and revealing the contents inside yeah already I can I can see one
02:46thing I really like about this is the size of these figures I mean again like
02:49just look at the size of my hand for example then look at the size of stitch
02:53let's go ahead and open up his ice cream he seems a little thirsty or perhaps
02:58peckish is peckish the term given if you're hungry I don't even know but what
03:02I do know though is this stitch is ready to eat some ice cream I would say maybe
03:06that's too much ice cream depending on where you get your ice cream for ice
03:09cream stands that could probably be costing you about $35 just for that
03:13amount of ice cream scoop scoop scoop the purse behind the counters just
03:16yes yes you want more ice cream more than happy to oblige and he just looks
03:20at the person that's next to him just keep saying like at five at five anyways
03:25there's the ice cream right now right there if he's not careful I mean if this
03:28is a real hot day that ice cream is gonna go on to the floor and stitch is
03:32gonna be disappointed I'm certainly not though disappointed by how good that
03:36looks the detailing on stitch here if I can get the ice cream out of the way you
03:39know I'll just move this out of the way for a second you can see how well the
03:42teeth and bottom teeth and bottom teeth and top and bottom teeth have been
03:45painted the tongue there also as well really a well-painted stitch on the
03:50bottom of the base there doesn't seem to be anything there I don't know if that's
03:52gonna be consistent when we look at all the remaining stitches get a little bit
03:55of water coming up to shore there and of course stitches eating his ice cream it
04:00doesn't look like it necessarily oh yes it does there's a slot right there and
04:03if you can see there's a groove on the side of the cone so that's just gonna
04:06fit right into his hand like that I guess it isn't supposed to be so close
04:10to his face but it looks like he's ready to devour that ice cream up next let's
04:14have a look at surfer stitch again some good substantial weight to these opening
04:20up the flap are you guys fans of stitch Lilo and stitch to be specific I know I
04:26can tell you this my daughter loves stitch and was super excited when we got
04:29the chance to meet stitch in person the real stitch by the way when we went to
04:32Disney World she ran into him by the way when she would there was a parade that
04:36was kind of going through I guess the town square of all the characters I mean
04:39just it was scalding hot I just that the temperature when we went to Disney World
04:44was just way too hot that those characters I could imagine would just be
04:47sweating to be walking down the street but they were friendly they were
04:50friendly characters she also got the chance to meet stitch a little bit later
04:53on we went for the next day breakfast anyways opening up the next one I don't
04:57see any additional no additional accessories no hello hello nothing next
05:02up next we have ourself surfer stitch let's put it in comparison though with
05:06the other stitches we've already had a look at about the same size I'm glad
05:10that they keep at least the scale the same size for all the stitches at least
05:13so far what we've seen stitch here as you can see it has the surfboard it
05:16looks like like the bottom of the base is the same I would imagine oh no
05:20that's not true I would say I would imagine it's probably gonna be with some
05:23of these but if then if you look at the back here for guitarist stitch he seems
05:26to be on a checkerboard floor and the one that's hiding his body to make it
05:29look like a mermaid's tail looks like it's just just straight sand on to now
05:34Elvis stitch just love the look of this one you know again the only other one
05:38that I've seen now obviously we've pulled the first front box here or what
05:42was the last box in the front row you can already see on the back we aren't
05:45gonna be getting ourselves the rainbow stitch I wonder how rare that rainbow
05:48stitch would be pretty cool though I would love to get my hands on that one
05:52at some point the next flap at least of the third one here and again no floating
05:58accessories on the top we have to worry about we'll just put that off to the
06:00side again is there another way to maybe open this other than just using a knife
06:05all the time I hate to solve all my problems with knives I guess not I guess
06:09we'll just open it up with the knife the next one we have inside of course we
06:13already know is Elvis stitch very cool I love also the way they've painted the
06:18back of the cape as you can see it's just a straight white but the actual
06:21jumpsuit has almost like a pearl coloring to it of course playing the
06:26guitar there as well little scarf you can pull off and throw to the audience
06:29women just in the eyes who go ah you can see just like the sculpting on the face
06:33big Elvis hairstyle there on the top cool little ears there on the side
06:37really a nice-looking figure put that over off to the side we've got three
06:41left to go here and again if you guys are interested to check out more from
06:45Beast Kingdom put the link down below in the video description hey wait a minute
06:52wait a minute wait a minute have I been missing I have been missing this whole
06:55time of removing these from the boxes I've been overlooking unfortunately the
06:59fact that each one of them come in clear with a card got Elvis Elvis stitch this
07:04is MEA 031 and that's just for the whole series not the individual figures
07:08we got mermaid stitch I know I would have overlooked I think if the problem
07:13with it was the bottom of the box just felt like it was the cardboard flap
07:16there's the other stitch that we got and then the other one there we go I want to
07:21make sure I'm keeping all these cards with these especially if you want to
07:23display them I guess you could really put the cards alongside stitch now going
07:28back to mermaid stitch cutting the bag on the top letting stitch breathing ah
07:33let's remove and see the contents inside this one's fun I really like this
07:38one because it's supposed to be a mermaid stitch so mermaid stitch has
07:42made himself in such a way that he looks like he's got himself a little tail he's
07:44basically just hiding underneath the sand I don't know if you'd be fooling
07:47anybody there stitch you got yourself a couple of their seashells on the top it
07:52looks like he's relaxing on the back there as well just soaking up the Sun
07:56this might be just the before before stitches realize he's been under the hot
08:00summer Sun this whole time decides he has to go get himself some ice cream
08:04this is the before this is the after I would say certainly my favorites so far
08:09are surfer stitch and then the ice cream stitch the glutton stitch that could
08:15change though when we look at guitars stitch and we'll just open up the flap
08:18here and Owen we can't also forget of course the card inside let's pull that
08:25out also there we go gives you again it's just an idea of what the character
08:30is gonna look like in a smaller little card it's not even just a regular sized
08:33card to it kind of like that it's a narrow little strip card so now we
08:38already know who this character is gonna be let's open up and reveal stitch your
08:42guitars stitch careful not to bang the guitar I love the pose that they put
08:47this stitch in that that actually makes in fact two stitches that have guitars
08:53although these guitars looking at the two they are different from one another
08:58this stitch I would best describe as rocking out hold on hold on rocking out
09:03love the look of this one this one also does things a little bit different three
09:08of the stitches so far actually so that's funny three stitches have the
09:12checkerboard flooring and then the three stitches we already have opened up have
09:15to do with sand the last one we're gonna be opening up is the superhero stitch
09:20just open up the flap here I get a big thank you to the folks over at Beast
09:25Kingdom that were kind enough to send these my way oh and of course you can't
09:30forget of course the card there we go we'll pull that out there's the card
09:33just to show you what the characters about to look like this one almost has
09:37the way it's designed like a Minnie Mouse look maybe because the bow there
09:40on the top and then we'll just open up the bag here love it look at this one so
09:50this one's got the cape there on the back it's blowing in the wind got the
09:53little section I guess the part that covers over his ears I thought it kind
09:58of looked like a bow but I'm guessing it you know it's probably just the part of
10:02the mask that covers over the ears that's very cool though of these six of
10:08course that we've looked at the only other one not part of this set was the
10:11rainbow stitch because again that one's gonna be the very very limited release
10:13one I would say probably my favorites are the glutton stitch really like that
10:18with the ice cream and I also like the surfer stitch with the surfboard and I
10:24would also say as well I like guitar stitch what are yours what are your
10:27three favorites let me know down below in the comments section again if you
10:31guys are interested these should be available right now in specialty stores
10:34or again you can also check out Beast Kingdoms website don't worry I'll
10:38provide the link down below in the video description speaking though a back
10:41tracking a bit speaking the folks over at Beast Kingdom like to thank the folks
10:44there that did provide the sample of the new Disney's Lilo and Stitch stitch
10:48series not blind box but still boxed collectible figurines of stitch that we
10:53have the chance to have a look in this review if you guys did enjoy this video
10:55want throw it a like if you guys want to stick around though for more make sure
10:58you hit that subscribe button down below and turn on the Bell notification as
11:03always guys thanks for watching see you guys next time
