The Sub-Mariner E007

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00Prince of the deep, Prince of the deep, so beware he may be demon!
00:05The neighbor of Atlantis is the Prince of the Deep!
00:30Countless fathoms below the sea, in the fabled city of Atlantis, there is great rejoicing,
00:41for within the palace royal, Prince Namor, mighty submariner, sits at last upon the golden throne.
00:46Music and laughter is heard throughout the land, until...
00:51Leave me alone!
01:04Minutes later, a ghostly quiet falls over the stricken city, and as the wounded and bewildered citizens stagger back,
01:09their troubled monarch inspects the damage.
01:13I know that only the humans can be responsible for such carnage, conducting the recursive underwater tests.
01:20Only I can put a stop to this.
01:22Moments later, within the royal council room...
01:25I must return to the surface world and order them to cease these mad experiments.
01:29But sire, the human race has never tried to slay thee.
01:33How speaks the Grand Vizier, my Lord Bashti?
01:37The decision must be Namor's alone to make.
01:41We beg your majesty, do not go.
01:44If I ignore this challenge, I am not worthy to possess the sacred trident of Neptune.
01:49Thus it shall be, Imperious Rex.
01:52Later, as Namor prepares for his mission...
01:55My Prince, none know better than I the dangers that await you among the hostile humans.
02:01Thus I humbly request permission to accompany, my Lord.
02:05Request denied. I shall not risk the life of one so dear to me.
02:10But there is yet another reason. The behemoth may rise again.
02:14The behemoth? But I thought...
02:16That he was safely buried in a secret place, aye.
02:19But a catastrophe such as we have just suffered could cause him to rise.
02:26After the last holocaust, he was created by our greatest scientists to protect Atlantis against future disaster.
02:34But they made the behemoth so strong, they could not control him.
02:40And should he rise, he might turn against us.
02:43And so lovely Dorma, whilst I battle above, you must stay here and be my eyes and ears.
02:51Farewell, my lady.
02:53May Neptune watch over thee.
02:55Imperious Rex, my truly beloved.
03:00Thus the mighty ruler of the undersea world streaks surfaceward, while fathoms above,
03:06on a huge sea-going laboratory.
03:10Only by drilling deeper than man has ever probed before,
03:13can we gain a clue to the origin of life upon this earth.
03:16Doctor Pym, a warning blip is appearing on the sonar screen.
03:20Something is traveling toward us at a fantastic speed.
03:22Alert the guard. Order all units to stand by. Condition red.
03:26Hurtling upward at a speed beyond belief, the submariner sees a gigantic drill.
03:33It will be a simple matter for Neymar to handle.
03:36Rather this than an armed invasion.
03:39The drill. The control lever is jamming.
03:42Easy, Doctor Pym. Don't force it. It is caused by some presence below.
03:50Let's wait until we learn its purpose.
03:55It is done, but my mission will not be complete until I have ensured that no other breach shall be made upon my domain.
04:03The blip is coming closer. It will be upon us in seconds.
04:06Put plan intercept into operation. On the double.
04:09All civilian personnel are ordered to remain below decks.
04:12Perfect. Attack.
04:22Armed to the teeth, the assault force is prepared for any eventuality,
04:25except the mind-staggering sight of the mighty submariner,
04:29zooming surfaceward like a human torpedo.
04:40Seconds later.
04:41Lay down your arms, Prince Neymar commands.
04:49The consul is right. But if it is battle they want, it is battle they shall get.
04:55He went under. I think we got him.
04:57Those few puny humans are beneath my notice. I must reach their leader.
05:02I command you to halt your project and leave the area at once.
05:07By order of Neymar I, Lord of Atlantis.
05:10Your rank means nothing to me, mister. Stand aside or I won't be responsible.
05:14He's coming closer. I warned you.
05:16I'll get him, Doctor Pym.
05:20Even the Prince of Atlantis isn't bulletproof.
05:24Is this his finish?
05:39The bullet has struck an oxygen tank.
05:41Quick, everybody pretend we're all doomed.
05:43I'm sorry, Doctor Pym. I lost my head.
05:45We must keep the blaze from reaching the inflammable equipment in the hole below.
05:49The flames are doing my work for me.
05:51Now they'll be forced to leave these waters.
05:54Neymar, you're to blame for this.
05:56Always you humans blame the Submariner. You never understand.
06:00Very well then, if enemies we must be,
06:02I shall seek a higher authority who can guarantee the safety of my kingdom.
06:06Neymar, wait.
06:08He's gone.
06:11And as the Submariner dives overboard unseen in the sky,
06:15And as the Submariner dives overboard unseen in the confusion,
06:19Cooper, get to the radio. Call for help.
06:22The set's dead. The fire got to it too fast.
06:24I just had time to report Prince Neymar on board.
06:26Streaking toward the mainland, Neymar is unaware that thousands of fathoms below,
06:30a giant hand writhes its way out of an ever-widening fissure.
06:35And for the unsuspecting citizens of Atlantis, a new terror is in store.
06:39Above on the floating nautical laboratory, smoke attests to the havoc within.
06:49The fire's had it, sir. We can begin repairing the damage.
06:52Looks like we've seen the last of Neymar for a while.
06:55He's swimming toward the mainland like a human torpedo.
06:58Oblivious to the danger threatening his kingdom, Neymar reaches New York.
07:02And moments later...
07:04It's him! The Submariner!
07:06Submariner sighted in Central Park. Be on the alert.
07:10Submariner, how can a guy with wings in his feet and wearing a pair of bathing trunks
07:15walk around in New York and not be spotted?
07:17They seek me as an enemy, but in truth it is they who are destroying my land.
07:22I must find a way to make them stop.
07:26There he is! He's in position! Close in!
07:30Surrender peaceably, Submariner! We've got you covered from all sides!
07:34At that moment, a grisly claw emerges from its secret burial place.
07:38The dreaded Behemoth! To whom any living thing is an enemy!
07:55The Behemoth has risen!
07:57Neymar's worst fears have been realized!
08:00If he is not halted, not a stone will be left standing!
08:03Only my prince will hear!
08:05My lady, he must be found and returned to his people in this hour of danger!
08:09Only you have the courage, the strength to reach the surface world!
08:13I shall do it! For my land and for my heart!
08:18And in Neymar's own monoscout craft, the Lady Dorma sets out to find the Lord of Atlantis.
08:24Who at that moment...
08:26Stand back, you rebel! The mighty Neymar surrenders to no one!
08:30Hold your fire, men! In this close range, a ricocheting bullet could hit anyone!
08:34If Neymar must die, let it be in a manner befitting my royal birth!
08:38Stay back!
08:40Look what he's doing!
08:42There is a time to fight and a time to flee!
08:45And while life endures, I shall ever choose the former course!
08:49Back, you human cattle!
08:51Ah! Now I'm weary of this sport! Neymar requires worthier foes!
08:57We forgot he can fly! If he gets much higher, we're going to lose him!
09:00He's heading for that electric billboard!
09:03Neymar, surrender! We don't want to hurt you!
09:08Mustn't let him get out of range! Prepare to fire!
09:16And one bullet hits its mark!
09:19They dare threaten my very life!
09:22Now Neymar shall show what a threat can be!
09:27Prenez-le en sécurité, sergent!
09:28Il a des muscles qu'il n'a même pas encore utilisé!
09:32Ha ha! Ils s'éloignent comme des oiseaux!
09:34Je n'ai pas le signe, mais laissez-le rester comme un rappel de la puissance de la Submarine!
09:40Ah, il n'y a plus rien à faire ici. Il s'est échappé.
09:44Mais nous le trouverons plus tôt ou plus tard!
09:48L'eau. Je dois trouver de l'eau.
09:53J'ai déjà grandi faiblement à cause de la perte de sang.
09:56Seule une chose peut rétablir ma puissance.
10:01Je grandis faiblement.
10:03Je ne peux pas continuer.
10:06Et pendant que le puissant Neymar lutte pour sa vie,
10:09le Behemoth continue son règne de terreur.
10:17Et quelque part dans les profondes profondes,
10:19la dame Dorma cherche son prince.
10:21Trouvera-t-elle le temps de le sauver?
10:24Et de sauver Atlantis?
10:31En nageant sur la surface, je n'aurais jamais pu trouver Neymar le temps de sauver Atlantis.
10:36Mais à l'intérieur de mon propre monoscope,
10:40il y a un appareil d'emprisonnement automatique
10:42qui est zéroé dans l'esprit de Neymar, peu importe où il soit.
10:45Je ne dois pas abandonner.
10:48Dans tout le monde, seule une chose peut rétablir ma puissance.
10:57Et pas un instant trop tôt.
11:02Selon les rapports de l'appareil d'emprisonnement,
11:04il est dans un corps d'eau appelé la rivière Hudson.
11:08Maintenant, si je peux bien ajuster les coordonnées vidéo...
11:14Je l'ai fait!
11:15Il est là!
11:16Au fond d'une sorte de rive.
11:18Mais il semble faible et blessé.
11:21Oh, mon prince, qu'est-ce que les gens de la surface t'ont fait?
11:25Et à peu près 15 minutes plus tard,
11:27un domaine inusuel s'ouvre sous la rivière Hudson.
11:30Mon prince, où es-tu?
11:33Ici, Dorma. Dans les ombres de ta gauche.
11:36Merci, Neptune, que je t'ai trouvé.
11:39Viens, je vais te montrer...
11:42Mon conseil avait raison.
11:44Les gens de la surface croient que je suis leur ennemi.
11:47Il y a un plus grand ennemi en dessous.
11:49Le Béhémoth a émergé contre nous.
11:53Il n'y a plus rien à dire.
11:55Je dois le détruire.
11:56Mais, Seigneur, tu es trop faible.
11:59Ce n'est pas important. J'ai encore ma chance.
12:02Et juste avant que le prince Namor et Dorma
12:04arrivent à l'entrée de l'Atlantis...
12:07Il est là!
12:10Laisse-nous, mademoiselle.
12:12Sauvez-vous tant que vous pouvez.
12:14Non, mon prince.
12:16Si votre vie était perdue,
12:17alors la mienne serait vide pour toujours.
12:20Je devrai prouver d'être son maître.
12:22Oh, alors je dois chercher de l'aide.
12:25Lord Vashti va envoyer des guerriers
12:27pour t'aider avant que ce ne soit trop tard.
12:36Peut-être que je peux l'attraper
12:38avec son propre couteau comme des cheveux.
12:43Tout se tourne autour.
12:45Il doit se tenir.
12:47Il ne doit pas s'éloigner.
12:50Momentairement étonné,
12:51le grand prince Namor semble être un poisson facile
12:54pour l'enragé béhément.
12:56Quand Dorma arrive à la palace royale...
12:59Mon Seigneur Vashti,
13:00Namor, notre prince, est faible contre les blessures
13:03infligées par les gens de la surface.
13:05Mais il lutte contre le béhément.
13:07Vous devez envoyer des guerriers, vite!
13:11notre armée n'a pas de leader.
13:13Le béhément a provoqué une panique.
13:15Seul Namor peut les convaincre.
13:19En récupérant une partie de son puissance,
13:21le sous-marin de l'armée prend la bataille.
13:24Le prince du sang,
13:25le monarque de l'Atlantis,
13:26ne s'opposera pas à un monstre sans cerveau.
13:28Oh, les portes d'iron de l'Atlantis!
13:31Peut-être que ces portes me permettront
13:33l'arme que j'ai besoin.
13:34Elles pourraient le confondre.
13:36Et le plus important,
13:40Je vais détruire autant de barres que je peux
13:42avant que le géant m'atteigne.
13:51C'est inutile.
13:52J'ai failli avant que je ne commence.
13:55Les îles!
13:57Oh, vous êtes à l'heure,
13:58mes amis de l'armée.
14:04Aidez le béhément!
14:08Et comme la bataille sous l'océan
14:10continue d'agir,
14:12les sismographes partout sur la Terre
14:14semblent aller de la foule.
14:15Les scientifiques mystifiés
14:16dans le monde entier
14:17étudient leurs instruments
14:18en essayant de déterminer
14:19la cause de l'enferment
14:20sous l'océan.
14:22Je dois gagner la victoire
14:23contre le béhément.
14:24C'est le moment.
14:25Je dois utiliser mes compétences.
14:28Il n'y a qu'une seule espérance.
14:30La calme de la douleur.
14:32Si je peux l'appuyer.
14:36Ça marche.
14:37Mon roi,
14:38je dois nager
14:39autant que je peux.
14:43C'est fait.
14:45Maintenant, je dois m'éloigner
14:46avant que moi aussi
14:47je ne m'éloigne de la bouteille.
14:49Et ainsi,
14:50le plus mortel
14:51qui ait jamais
14:52traversé l'océan
14:54de la vue humaine
14:55pour toujours.
14:57Et à l'Atlantis,
14:58des gens reconnaissants
14:59payent hommage à leur règneur.
15:01Et le premier à payer la tribute
15:02au monarque
15:03est la dame Dorman.
15:04Prenez soin de vous, mon peuple.
15:06Le Mohemoth n'est plus là.
15:08Laissez-nous reconstruire notre ville.
15:10Et je vous promets
15:11que un jour,
15:12les habitants de la surface
15:14que nos deux mondes
15:15doivent vivre en paix.
15:17Ainsi dis-je,
15:18le prince Namor I,
15:20l'impérien Rex.
15:25Plus fort que un oiseau,
15:26il peut nager n'importe où.
15:27Il peut respirer
15:28sous l'angle d'eau
15:29en volant dans l'air.
15:30Il n'a pas perdu sa vie.
15:32Sous-titrage de la communauté d'
