Charlies Angels S01E10

  • 4 months ago
00:00Once upon a time, there were three little girls who went to the police academy.
00:16And they were each assigned very hazardous duties.
00:22But I took them away from all that, and now they work for me.
00:26My name is Charlie.
01:30And I'm Charlie.
01:35You're not leaving.
01:37Sorry, my love.
01:39Well, I thought you were going to stay a while.
01:41No, I have to meet someone at my place.
01:46If I leave this moment, I'll still be 20 minutes late.
01:49And don't forget, you have exams.
01:57For next semester's tuition.
01:59Clifton Cunningham.
02:01Come here.
02:10Talk to you soon.
02:12Real soon.
02:29Hey, don't slam dunk.
02:37That's not a basketball.
02:52That's the ticket.
02:53Let's split.
02:55Hey, look at that frog.
02:57Leave it. It's too hard to fence.
02:59I like frogs.
03:01Plunk your magic twang, froggy.
03:04Hey, you remember Froggy the Gremlin from Andy's gang on TV?
03:08That's not my kind of nostalgia. Now, come on, will you get out of here?
03:24Come on.
03:54Come on.
04:25Hello, my name is Cunningham. I want to report a robbery.
04:33Uh, yeah, yeah, of course I'm still here. I...
04:37Let me call you back.
04:40It's missing.
04:41The frog. They took the frog.
04:55Mr. Bialy, we have a small problem.
04:58He says he's been robbed.
05:00All right.
05:09Mr. Bialy would like to see you.
05:11I hope.
05:15I mean, I'm certain you don't think for a moment that I had anything to do with it.
05:20I mean, I'm certain you don't think for a moment that I had anything to do with this.
05:24Come along, Mr. Cunningham.
05:37There, I got my racing wheels on. I'm ready for the paved way.
05:40Those things are dangerous.
05:42And working for Charlie isn't.
05:44Oh, boss, you ought to try the L.A. River. Now, that's a trip and a half.
05:47And risk my life? Forget it.
05:52Hello? Oh, hi, Charlie. All present and accounted for.
05:56Good morning, angels.
05:58Morning, Charlie.
06:00We have a missing person.
06:02Cunningham, Clifton.
06:04Bosley's got the file.
06:06Now, according to his neighbors, Cunningham is a classic loner.
06:10Most of them have never even seen him.
06:12Then how do they know he's missing?
06:14I'm getting to that.
06:15He owns an exclusive antique store, and he lives upstairs.
06:20He makes Garbo look like a cheerleader.
06:22The client?
06:23Cunningham's mother, Maggie Cunningham of Memphis, Tennessee.
06:27The man next to her? That's Harry S. Truman.
06:29Hey, give him hell, Maggie.
06:31That's Harry S. Truman? I always thought that was James Whitmore.
06:35You ought to meet her at Cunningham's store.
06:37She's some lady. I just hope you can keep up with her.
06:40Charlie, are you okay? You sound terrible.
06:42Just a slight case of a rare affliction.
06:45Scotch poisoning.
06:47Scotch poisoning.
06:50Ah, I can see again.
06:57That was when I made the remark,
07:00if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
07:03Mr. Truman loved it.
07:05He said, Maggie, I'm going to get you a drink.
07:08Mr. Truman loved it. He said,
07:10Maggie, I'm just going to borrow that phrase if you don't mind.
07:14Mind? Hell, I was flattered.
07:19I didn't vote for Harry.
07:21But that's a different story.
07:23Maggie, about Clifton.
07:25Now, when did you discover him missing?
07:27Well, let's see. That was Sunday afternoon.
07:30But you got into town Friday night, and he was expecting you?
07:33Yes, of course, but I didn't grow concerned until Sunday.
07:37I just thought maybe he was off on another one of his buying trips.
07:41Oh, I do hope you find him soon.
07:44We'll do everything we can.
07:46Yes, I'm sure you will.
07:48Now, look, if I wouldn't be in the way,
07:50would it be all right if I continued to live here in Clifton's apartment?
07:53In the way? You're certainly not in the way as far as we're concerned.
07:57Oh, I am so glad.
07:59I absolutely hate hotel rooms.
08:01They give me claustrophobia.
08:03Oh, Mr. Botherly.
08:05Hi, Maggie.
08:07Well, that apartment upstairs is like a museum.
08:11He's kept all the good pieces for himself.
08:15He certainly doesn't have any friends to give him to.
08:19Nada. Absolutely nada.
08:24Gee, he is pretty sparse.
08:26Uh, phone company, fire department.
08:29Hey, wait. Back up.
08:31What was that?
08:33Consenting Adults. I don't know what that is.
08:36Consenting Adults is a computerized dating place.
08:39That's interesting.
08:41Hey, look what I found over here.
08:48This contains a complete history of Cunningham's store from day one.
08:52Detailed records of every item ever bought or sold.
08:55Ladies, two more things for show and tell.
09:00You know that buying trip that Cunningham might be on?
09:03Well, he might have company.
09:07I found it sitting shamelessly on his nightstand next to his big brass bed.
09:12Who do you suppose she is?
09:14I don't know, but it was taken at Perry's of Hollywood.
09:17Maybe he can tell us.
09:19And rushing in where angels fear to tread, I discovered this in his underwear drawer.
09:25Cocktail napkin from a place called The Pub.
09:31Don't tell me. Let me guess.
09:34Strawberry daiquiri.
09:38Tequila, straight up. Lime salt.
09:54Very good.
09:57Very good.
10:01Glad you're impressed. Now you can impress me.
10:07Ring any bells?
10:08Rings my bells.
10:10That don't mean I know her. Lots of girls come in here.
10:14Yeah, I see a few in here right now.
10:17You're a cop, right?
10:19Wild guess.
10:20I don't talk to cops, much less meet them.
10:23Wonder what Lolita's ID looks like.
10:2515, 16.
10:30What kind of trouble are you trying to cause? She ain't heard nothing.
10:33Don't tell me. Tell the beverage control boys.
10:35They love yanking licenses.
10:37Hey, I want a clean joint.
10:39Fine. Just give me the information I need and you can keep right on doing it.
10:43Now, look at the picture of this guy.
10:46Stare into his troubled eyes and tell me what I want to know.
10:50I've seen him in here once, maybe twice.
10:53The girl?
10:54Sometimes Fridays.
10:56Don't know her name, don't know her business.
10:58I keep my nose clean, if you know what I mean.
11:00Sure. Make an educated guess and don't insult my intelligence.
11:04Let me put it this way.
11:06She comes in alone. She don't leave alone.
11:09In other words, she makes friends easily.
11:14It's been lovely.
11:22Men never pick my pockets.
11:24Unless they've got incredible confidence in their fingers.
11:30Do you have incredible confidence in your fingers, Cunningham?
11:35Did you pick my pockets, Mr. Cunningham?
11:38Look, how many times do I have to tell you?
11:40I was robbed. I was robbed!
11:43Now, when you say you were robbed, I want to believe you.
11:47Ernesto, he wants to believe you, too.
11:50Don't you, Ernesto?
11:52You bet.
11:55I think you're beginning to understand how badly I want that frog back.
11:58Yes, I understand, but I don't know anything.
12:01I don't.
12:03Sometimes a horse has got to be prodded coming down the home stretch.
12:09Makes him run better.
12:14I think, Clifton, I think very hard.
12:19Hey, what are you... Get away from me! Get away from me!
12:44He looks a little bit like one of my professors.
12:46Maybe when he was younger, but...
12:50So, you don't know him?
12:52No, and I've got a pretty good memory for faces.
12:55Did that man do something wrong?
12:58No, he's missing.
13:02Tell me something.
13:03Do you recognize this face?
13:05You're kidding. That's a picture of me.
13:06That's how I found you. The clerk at the photo studio gave me your address.
13:10Gee, I'm terribly confused.
13:12I'm sure you are.
13:13Let me see if I can clear things up for you a little bit.
13:15You see, this photograph of you was found in this man's apartment.
13:20Oh, no, that gives me the creeps.
13:22You see, this picture is part of a professional portfolio.
13:26Are you an actress?
13:28Well, a model. Sort of.
13:30You see, I'm an art history major at UCLA,
13:33and I do a little bit of modeling on the side.
13:35You know, back-to-school promotions, that sort of thing.
13:38That picture could have gotten into anybody's hands.
13:41And apparently it did.
13:44Well, thank you very much for your help, Miss Martell.
13:48I'm sorry to have kept you from your studies.
13:51Well, I'm sorry. I wish I could have been in some help.
13:53Well, you can only tell me as much as you know.
13:56You know, you have a really beautifully decorated apartment.
13:59Well, thank you. I did it myself.
14:01Did you really?
14:03Some really lovely things here.
14:10Good morning.
14:35Good morning.
15:05Good morning.
15:35Good morning.
15:45We never saw Cunningham.
15:47We cleared out the store and took the stuff to the warehouse.
15:50I haven't the foggiest idea why Cunningham disappeared.
15:53And I'll tell you something else.
15:55I don't care.
15:57But you and Mumford didn't do anything to him.
15:59That I can promise you.
16:01So why'd that woman ask so many questions?
16:03Don't worry. I'm not worried.
16:05Don't you be.
16:10Two seconds after you left, Bree,
16:12she took off in a hurry for consenting adults.
16:14Thank you.
16:15And I mean in a hurry.
16:16She looked really shook.
16:17Well, she wasn't when I was there.
16:19Butter would have melted in her mouth.
16:20But she lied about knowing Cunningham
16:22and her place was filled with antiques.
16:24One of them even had the Cunningham label on it.
16:26I saw it.
16:27Well, she's had a lot of experience at playing it cool.
16:30I mean, she may be tracing Martell to you,
16:32but I'm sure Butter reads Dolores Martin
16:35with six priors, starting when she was 16.
16:38All prostitution beasts.
16:40What happened to the art history major?
16:43That's the twist.
16:44She is in her last year of school
16:46with a 3.4 average.
16:48Wow. Not your average lady of the night.
16:51So what's the tie-up between her and consenting adults?
16:54I don't know, but I have a feeling
16:56one of us is going to get to play call girl.
16:58Bingo. Guess who?
17:01Squeeze a gold watch out of Charlie.
17:03Now would be the perfect time to retire.
17:05Oh! I'm sorry.
17:31The guy you're with is L.A.P. device.
17:33I've got to go make a phone call, but I'll be right back, okay?
17:36I'll order two more.
17:37Good, you do that.
17:39Excuse me.
17:48Oh, hey, thanks.
17:50You really saved my skin.
17:52What can I say?
17:53It's okay.
17:54You know, a friend of mine got busted by that same cop last week.
17:57He's a good cop.
17:58He's a good cop.
17:59He's a good cop.
18:00He's a good cop.
18:01Got busted by that same cop last week.
18:04Whatever happened to the good old days when you could spot a cop from a mile away.
18:07Oh, they're gone forever.
18:09By the way, I'm Chill.
18:10Tracy, how's it been going?
18:12Not so good.
18:13I'm beginning to think I was born under a bad sign.
18:15I've had no luck since I hit this town.
18:18Boy, if you can't make a living, we should all give up.
18:22I've attracted every registered pervert in LA, Orange County.
18:25No pays, hassles by the heat.
18:27If this keeps up, I'm gonna start looking for a day job.
18:30Listen, one good turn deserves another.
18:33And let me turn you on to something.
18:35Have you ever heard of a place called Consenting Adults?
18:39Well, sort of a dating service. It's run by this guy named Cooley.
18:42And he provides girls like us with a very exclusive client list.
18:46Takes a cut, and the dating service set up makes sure the cops stay away.
18:50That's terrific.
18:52Why were you freelancing in the bar tonight?
18:54Oh, Cooley didn't have anything for me, and I got bills to pay.
18:57Look, I'll call Cooley for you tomorrow.
19:00Oh, that's nice. Hey, how can I thank you?
19:03Oh, forget it. Listen, just good luck with Cooley.
19:08Tracy gave you the highest possible recommendation.
19:12Let's see if you and I can't work out something that's comfortable.
19:17I have a policy. I never give away anything I can sell.
19:21You'll do.
19:23When do I start?
19:25I'll be in touch.
19:27Send the client in.
19:29Thank you.
19:40Like pudding on springs.
19:44I think I want that young lady's hand in marriage.
19:47Sit right down, Mr. Bosley.
19:49Let's discuss your needs.
19:52I need that wonderful lady you just left.
19:55Do they all look like that?
19:56Yes. Let's see.
19:58Your profile says you enjoy quiet evenings at home, curled up with a good book.
20:02I would suggest you want someone that's mature, well-informed, cerebral.
20:06I want that like I want the heartbreak of psoriasis.
20:10Oh, no, Mr. Cooley. That's not what I had in mind at all.
20:13What kind of books do you enjoy?
20:15I loathe books.
20:17I like lascivious banter. I like action.
20:19I like that girl. Get it?
20:21Got it.
20:26You girls are doing a wonderful job.
20:29I know you're going to find Clifton soon and everything will be just fine.
20:33Maggie, you have such zest.
20:36You know, last night I was trying to figure out who is it that you remind me of.
20:42Now, don't take this wrong, Sabrina, but you remind me of myself.
20:48When I was much, much younger, of course.
20:50Well, that's very flattering.
20:52Oh, no, it isn't.
20:54All three of you, you just seem to be so alive and have so much vitality.
20:59You must enjoy your work.
21:01Not always.
21:03Like now.
21:06Is it something about Clifton?
21:08Yes, it is, Maggie.
21:10We found out that Clifton joined a computerized dating service called Consenting Adults.
21:17From there, we connected him with the girl in the photograph, Tracy Martell.
21:24And, um...
21:27Well, I don't know how to put this.
21:30Sabrina, come right out with it.
21:32She's a prostitute.
21:35Oh, I'm sorry, Maggie. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to shock you.
21:40Shock me?
21:42Oh, Sabrina, darling.
21:45I was raised to believe that what adults do with one another is nobody's business but their own.
21:55Maggie, you never cease to amaze me.
22:10I still don't get it. Will you run it by once again?
22:13Okay. LAPD routinely tapes all incoming calls.
22:17Cunningham started to report the robbery on Friday but never finished the call.
22:20I'm with you so far.
22:21So I checked with the phone company.
22:23There was a message unit call made a couple of minutes after the call to the cops.
22:27This was the place he called.
22:28A stable? He interrupted calling the police to call a stable?
22:32Curiouser and curiouser.
22:34Hey! Khaki! I'd know that punim anywhere.
22:38So that's Khaki. I'd give anything to be what he is.
22:41A horse?
22:42No, an undefeated two-year-old.
22:44I lost a fortune on that horse.
22:47But he's never lost.
22:49I know. I never bet him.
22:51Smoke that pipe someplace else.
22:53Oh, don't do it here.
22:54I'm sorry.
22:55Don't be sorry. Just get lost.
22:57It's the last thing in the world Khaki needs is to inhale pipe smoke.
23:00You're his owner, right?
23:02That's right.
23:03Hi, I'm Kelly Garrett. I'm with New Sport Magazine.
23:06Never heard of it.
23:07Oh, it's new.
23:09I'm the kind of man who keeps his ear to the ground.
23:10I usually hear about new things.
23:12Our first issue hits the stands in three months.
23:15I'm one of the editors and that's why I'm here.
23:17You see, the editorial department is having a slight disagreement over the cover of our first issue.
23:23There's a contingent, including Bosley here, that wants Nadia Comaneci on the cover.
23:28Nadia Comaneci?
23:30She's that delightful Romanian.
23:32I know who she is.
23:34I want Khaki on the cover.
23:36Who do you want on the cover?
23:38Miss Garrett, in this ordinary world, Khaki is rather special, I think.
23:44The term superstar is too cheap.
23:48Khaki is your cover, Miss Garrett.
23:50I want you to know I'll be just as persuasive as I can.
23:53Please count on my cooperation, Miss Garrett.
23:56Thank you again. I'll be in touch.
23:58It's a real pleasure, Miss Garrett.
24:04Oh, yes.
24:06Thank you.
24:12Do you know who that was, Ed Bialy?
24:15The Ed Bialy of Kansas City Renown?
24:17One and the same of Pasadena and Palm Springs now.
24:21He left Kansas City when he got out of the labor ranks.
24:24I wonder what the connection is between Bialy and Cunningham.
24:27Whatever it is, it's unwholesome.
24:29In 1955, an independent poll of publishers and broadcasters
24:34voted him the meanest man on earth.
24:37You're a brave man, Clifton.
24:40But it's a misplaced bravery,
24:42which is the same thing as stupidity.
24:46Tell us about the girl.
24:48We're all men here.
24:50I won't...
24:52I won't involve...
24:55When it comes to inflicting pain, Clifton,
24:58Ernesto has astounding stamina.
25:01He can dish it out better than you can take it.
25:04That's enough.
25:08Let's reconstruct the day of the robbery, shall we?
25:11You were always in your store at noon.
25:14That day you weren't.
25:18I was seeing the girl.
25:20While you were having your thirst for lust quenched,
25:23your store was being robbed.
25:25How do you think knew that you weren't gonna be there?
25:28I'll answer that for you. The girl.
25:30And who do you think's responsible
25:32for the situation you find yourself in now?
25:36The girl.
25:38She set you up.
25:40The name, Clifton.
25:42I want the name of that girl.
25:44I want her address.
25:53All right.
25:55All right, all right.
25:57I'll tell you.
26:24What are you doing here?
26:28You're a cop.
26:30You're a lousy cop.
26:32Tracy, listen.
26:33I do you a favor, and you set me up for a two-bit bust.
26:36No, that's not it at all.
26:38Listen, I'm not proud what I do for a living, lady,
26:41but you're the real sicko.
26:43Okay, let's both go.
26:45You're the real sicko.
26:47You're the real sicko.
26:49You're the real sicko.
26:51You're the real sicko.
26:53Okay, let's both stop playing games.
26:55For starters, you can drop the Tracy.
26:57It rhymes with Stacy and Macy
26:59and all those other jive names hookers like to latch on to.
27:02Your name is Dolores Martin.
27:04You're into a pretty heavy Sherlock Holmes fantasy.
27:07You think this case will ever get to court?
27:09I'm not your ticket to a promotion,
27:11if that's what you think.
27:13I'm not LAPD. I'm a private investigator.
27:15And when you get to court, it won't be on a prostitution rap.
27:18It'll be kidnapping, maybe murder.
27:24I don't know what you're talking about.
27:29Is Cunningham dead?
27:32He was here Friday afternoon, wasn't he?
27:36The same time his store was being burglarized, right?
27:39What happened next, Dolores?
27:44Clifton figured out your role in the robbery, didn't he?
27:48Okay, okay, you're right about the robbery, but that's it.
27:52Hey, turning tricks is one thing,
27:54but you're in serious trouble.
27:56I swear to you, I don't know what happened to Cunningham.
27:59I am your friend. I want you to believe that.
28:01But I have to have more to go on.
28:04Now, you set up the tricks to be ripped off,
28:06including Cunningham, right?
28:09Through Cooley.
28:12Who pulled the jobs?
28:15Cooley. And?
28:17Some ex-con named Mumford.
28:20Okay, let's have a little instant plea bargaining.
28:23I'll help you with the police, but you have to help me.
28:27I want to find out what happened to Cunningham.
28:29Trust me.
28:31Will you go along with it?
28:40Tell me what you want me to do.
28:43Tracy's gonna call as soon as she talks to Cooley.
28:46And you and Bosley will be swept away on the wings of romance?
28:51And Cooley and Mumford hopefully will hit our rented mansion.
28:55Is everything all set, Bosley?
28:57It's all there, clean and well furnished.
28:59I hope they appreciate it.
29:01Are you sure they'll show right away?
29:03Oh, yeah, we're only supposed to be in Vegas for one night.
29:07Hello? Hi, Tracy.
29:09Cooley bought it?
29:11Yeah, he's gonna call you and confirm it.
29:13Oh, good, I'll let you know as soon as we get him. Bye.
29:42They've just arrived.
29:44Jo, are you in position?
29:46Yes, we are.
29:48Hey, this is gonna be the most documented burglary of all times.
29:51Also the beginning of an exciting career in photojournalism.
29:55We'll put together a scrapbook for them.
29:57I'm sure they'll like it.
29:59I'm sure they'll like it.
30:01I'm sure they'll like it.
30:03I'm sure they'll like it.
30:05I'm sure they'll like it.
30:07I'm sure they'll like it.
30:09We'll put together a scrapbook for them.
30:11It'll give them something to look at in prison.
30:35Hey, Kelly, what's going on down there?
30:37It's been almost an hour.
30:38They should be finished soon, Sabrina. Just hold on.
30:50They're picking the place clean.
30:52Don't worry, Boz. They don't get to keep any of it.
30:55There should be a time limit, like on a game show.
31:07They're getting into the truck.
31:24Sabrina, here they come. Get ready.
31:37Get ready.
31:47Look at it this way, honey.
31:49Very simple.
31:51Here's a paper.
31:53Here's a pen.
31:55Now, either you write down the address of that warehouse...
31:57Or I'll break your fingers.
31:59One by one.
32:08Now what happens to me?
32:10If I find a certain frog, nothing.
32:13Leave and get your ride to the airport.
32:15But if I don't get what I'm looking for...
32:17Well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
32:38We're heading west on San Fernando Road.
33:08They're taking the truck into a warehouse.
33:16Now, I'm at San Fernando Road near...
33:19We're losing you.
33:20I said I'm at San Fernando Road near...
33:22Sabrina. Sabrina, come in. You're breaking up.
33:25I made out San Fernando Road, but I didn't hear where.
33:29San Fernando is a long road.
33:31I made out San Fernando Road, but I didn't hear where.
33:33San Fernando is a long road.
34:31San Fernando is a long road.
34:54Go straight.
34:55Go straight.
35:01This is Ludwig.
35:03Ludwig used to belong to a cocaine dealer out in Baldwin Hills...
35:06Who kept him locked up in his garage all summer.
35:08So Ludwig has got a lot of catching up to do.
35:12And Ludwig is a leg man.
35:14A1 Lumber?
35:17Not A1 Lumber?
35:19Oh, I'm in the wrong place. I'm sorry. Excuse me.
35:25No, no, no. Don't go too far. I want her to be able to speak.
35:30Now, once more. What's your name?
35:34What are you doing here?
35:39Don't do that.
35:43Hey, how come she knows your name?
35:46Shut up.
35:48Where do I know you from?
35:49You don't know me. I know you.
35:51You got a jacket downtown a mile long.
35:53It doesn't mention violence. At least not yet.
35:56Hey, what do you want to start now for?
35:59Now is as good a time as any.
36:00No. Wrong.
36:02That would be dumb.
36:04And sloppy.
36:07See, um...
36:10I got friends.
36:13Take a look.
36:18Put the gun down.
36:20Come around the chair.
36:23Now, face the pretty lady.
36:25Put your hands behind your head.
36:27I got nothing to say to anybody but my attorney.
36:31That's what lawyers are for.
36:32Down on the floor.
36:50Who are you?
36:51Be patient, little lady. We'll be with you in a minute.
37:16What are you doing here?
37:18What are you doing?
37:30You're a real lucky lady.
37:31That's funny. I don't feel so lucky.
37:41You're much too pretty to kill.
37:42What's that supposed to mean?
37:43Like I said, you're a lucky lady.
37:45Lucky those guys blindfolded you.
37:47Lucky I didn't get paid to kill you.
37:49Take care.
38:08Kelly, pull over. There's Sabrina's car.
38:16Pull over.
38:35Move and you're part of the wall.
38:39What a rotten attitude.
38:42What has been going on in here?
38:45I don't know.
38:47I have been here the whole time.
38:49I don't know.
39:02We still have the same question.
39:04What is the tie-up between Cunningham and Bialy?
39:07And what was in the statue that got smashed?
39:10And why did we ever go to work for Charlie in the first place?
39:13Now, this is no time to get discouraged.
39:15Why not?
39:16We started with one missing person.
39:18We still have one missing person and two corpses.
39:21And we don't even know any more than when we first started.
39:23All we have is one antique dealer and one ex-racketeer.
39:28Who says he's ex?
39:30What do you mean?
39:32Well, now we've been assuming that he's out of the rackets
39:37and he's into raising horses, right?
39:40Now suppose that's just a hobby.
39:44Hobby horses.
39:46Oh, boss.
39:48What racket do you think he's in?
39:50There's only one reason he'd be dealing with Cunningham.
39:53Antique dealers travel all over the world.
39:56That's right.
39:57And let's see.
39:59Last trip Clifton Cunningham took
40:03was to South Africa.
40:05So, if the theory is true, he was smuggling back...
40:11So Cunningham brings the diamonds into this country
40:14and he's supposed to deliver them to Bialy.
40:16But Tracy sets him up to be ripped off by thieves
40:20who get the diamonds
40:22and they don't even know what they've got.
40:24Ah, the bliss of ignorance.
40:26Oh, I wish I'd said that.
40:28So, Cunningham is with Bialy.
40:32And that's what worries me.
40:34If that's the case, then Maggie's blue-eyed boy
40:36is in a lot of trouble with the law.
40:38Okay, how are we going to prove any of this?
40:39One thin dime.
40:41Hey, boss, you remember Bialy's voice?
40:43Mm, pretty good.
40:45You think you could take half an hour
40:47and get a letter-perfect impersonation going?
40:57But I don't understand.
40:59Now listen, Jocko, I don't pay you to understand.
41:02I pay you to obey orders.
41:04I want Khaki transferred to my property.
41:07There'll be two lady veterinarians coming
41:09by to pick him up, so I want him in the trailer
41:11and I want him prepared.
41:13Now, do you understand that?
41:15Yes, sir.
41:17Oh, Rich, that'll eat your heart out.
41:31When we were at the police academy,
41:33did you ever think we'd be involved
41:35in a scheme to steal a racehorse?
41:37Those were the good old dull days.
41:39You know what?
41:41I miss the good old dull days.
41:45Okay, he's all yours.
41:47Thank you.
41:48So long.
41:59Mr. Bialy, please.
42:02I don't know what the landlord's going to say.
42:05Uh, Mr. Bialy?
42:07Never mind who this is.
42:09The point is, Khaki's gone
42:12and I've got him.
42:14Do you follow me so far?
42:16I follow.
42:18I will return Khaki to you
42:20in exchange for the contents of the frog
42:22and the return of Clifton Cunningham.
42:24What do you think was in the frog?
42:26Diamonds, Mr. Bialy.
42:28We know all about Cunningham's
42:30recent trip to South Africa.
42:32Now, about those diamonds.
42:34I would like them delivered
42:36by noon.
42:38You will go to the east parking lot
42:40and there you will receive
42:42further instructions.
42:44Mr. Bialy, have I made myself
42:46perfectly clear?
42:48We wouldn't want any mistakes.
42:50Or you'll never see Khaki again.
42:55We wouldn't really hurt you, Khaki.
42:58Be there at noon.
43:01And take him.
43:03Hey, wait a minute.
43:04Wait a minute.
43:28Hello, Cunningham.
43:30Who are you?
43:32What you're looking for
43:34is in the trunk.
43:43What would your mother say
43:45if she could see you like this?
43:59Where's the horse?
44:01Oh, we didn't bring him exactly.
44:02No diamonds.
44:04See that trash barrel over there?
44:06There are instructions
44:08where you can find the horse.
44:10How do I know they're for real?
44:12Come on, where do you think
44:14I'm going to fence a stolen horse?
44:16Come on.
44:23Get the instructions.
44:25The diamonds.
44:27Same time, okay?
44:32Let's go.
45:03Let's go.
45:29My mister, my truck!
45:32My mister, my truck!
46:02My mister, my truck!
47:28Now fill me in on the details.
47:30What happened to the Tracy Martell girl?
47:33Oh, she left town right after Bialy let her go.
47:35Not too far ahead of the law.
47:37Fortunately, Bialy wasn't able to follow suit.
47:39The police caught up with him at the stables.
47:41Which they've been trying to do
47:43for the last three decades.
47:45Are they going to be able to get a conviction?
47:47They think so.
47:49His bodyguard is facing two counts of murder
47:51and he's singing like a lark.
47:53They ought to put Bialy away for a long time.
47:55Oh, you girls have done a marvelous job.
47:57They deserve to celebrate.
47:58I wish it could be a little bit more
48:00of a celebration.
48:02Oh, you mean Clifton?
48:04Oh, now, don't you worry about that, dear.
48:06If he's proven innocent, that's fine.
48:08Now, if he has to do a little time,
48:10well, maybe that's just what he needs
48:12to straighten him up.
48:14At the very least,
48:16it will be a learning experience.
48:18A learning experience.
48:22Excuse me, are you Mr. Bosley?
48:24Oh, yes.
48:26I have a call for you, sir.
48:28Thank you.
48:30Excuse me, girls.
48:32Bosley, I'm calling from a phone booth,
48:34so I'll make this short but sweet.
48:36I just want you to convey
48:38my appreciation to the Angels.
48:40I was adding up the box score.
48:42Very impressive work.
48:44Will do.
48:46That was Charlie.
48:48He sends his congratulations.
48:50Oh, wasn't that fun?
48:52Maybe we'll meet him someday.
48:54Oh, I wouldn't count on that.
48:56Could I have the check, please?
48:58Yes, it's Charlie.
49:02Did you see him?
49:04Was he good looking?
49:06Tall? Short?
49:08Did he have a mustache?
49:10You bet he had a mustache.
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