Charlies Angels S01E05

  • 4 months ago
00:00Once upon a time, there were three little girls who went to the police academy.
00:18And they were each assigned very hazardous duties.
00:23But I took them away from all that, and now they work for me.
00:27My name is Charlie.
03:28Come on, get your hands up!
03:35They're really good, you know.
03:37You mean considering they're girls?
03:39No. No.
03:58Get the ball!
04:12No basket! No basket!
04:14I got a foul, number 13, charging. No basket.
04:17Come on, Vinnie! Get in that position!
04:22That's a tee! That's a tee!
04:24That's a tee, check on the foul. Green team's gonna shoot one and one.
04:30Just like Heintzen, huh?
04:32Her inspirational leader.
04:38It's a good game.
04:39Oh, I thought we were gonna win it.
04:41Oh, seven points isn't much to lose by.
04:44Well, we'll get them next time.
04:46Hey, I'm gonna take the girls for some pizza.
04:48Kind of an almost victory party.
04:50Y'all wanna come along?
04:51I'm sorry, but we've got other plans.
04:54Oh, well, that's a healthy activity, too.
04:57See ya!
05:02Was there anything you were not terrific at?
05:05Navigating submarines.
05:08I never could get the knife.
05:10You're absolutely beautiful.
05:12You cook like a gourmet.
05:15And you...
05:21But you kiss better than you cook.
05:23I just can't believe some man hasn't grabbed you up.
05:26Oh, plenty have grabbed.
05:28Not the way you mean.
05:30You ever think about...
05:31Getting married?
05:33Once in a while.
05:34Not very often.
05:36How come?
05:37I don't know.
05:38Takes a lot of trust.
05:40And I have trouble with that.
05:42Not as much as you used to.
05:44Thanks to you.
05:48We'll work on that.
05:49I'm all for that.
05:58I've gotta go.
06:00I'm doing surgery at 6 a.m.
06:03So I have got to get a good night's sleep.
06:06Which is the last thing that is going to happen if I stay here another minute.
06:13That's my contribution to medicine.
06:16Come on, I'll walk you to the door.
06:48Come on.
07:48Now move the bottom just a little bit to the left.
08:01I don't see why the office needs anything like this.
08:04Gives it a little humanity.
08:06Try moving it back a hair to the right.
08:09You realize I had this office decorated to reassure the clients of our professionalism.
08:14It could only be reassuring if the client were planning a funeral.
08:19Hiya, boss.
08:20You are 20 minutes late.
08:22Well, take it out of next week's paycheck.
08:24Hey, somebody tried to use Kelly for target practice last night.
08:28They what?
08:29Fired a rifle into my bedroom.
08:30Do you have any...
08:31Shh, shh.
08:32They're all here, Charlie.
08:34Thank you, Bosley.
08:35Good morning, angels.
08:37I'll get right to business.
08:39One of our informants called earlier this morning.
08:42He heard through the grapevine that there may be an attempt made on Kelly's life.
08:46I'm afraid your grapevine doesn't grow fast enough, Charlie.
08:48The attempt was made last night.
08:50Are you all right?
08:51Just some bruises from hitting the floor.
08:53Did you get a look at him?
08:54No, nothing.
08:55Well, I went over this morning and took a couple of slugs out of the wall.
08:58They're being tested.
08:59Anything else?
09:00I looked around the area where the shots came from.
09:03Found some footprints.
09:04No distinctive marking.
09:05But the imprint of the right shoe was deeper than the left.
09:08Probably on the side that he carried the rifle.
09:11Oh, another thing.
09:12We found a religious medallion.
09:14Anything special about it?
09:15Too much so.
09:16It's the order that ran the orphanage where I was raised.
09:19Could it be coincidental?
09:22But it's all we've got.
09:23Well, we started with less.
09:24Never with a more important client.
09:27You mean a great deal to me, Kelly.
09:29All three of you do.
09:30I want the man found.
09:32Hopefully before he finds me again.
09:35Bosley, I want no expense spared.
09:37Whatever the girls need.
09:38I don't care how much it costs.
09:41And Sabrina, I love your idea about getting some paintings for the office.
09:45Right now, the place looks like a waiting room in a mortuary.
10:22You've grown into a beautiful woman, Kelly.
10:25Have the years been good?
10:28Most of them.
10:29You look more content than you did when you were here.
10:33I am.
10:34I have work and friends.
10:37You didn't have many of those here.
10:39That's what I remember.
10:41It's peculiar.
10:42Many of our children feel a common bond in being abandoned.
10:46You never did.
10:48I guess I always thought my parents would come for me.
10:51I used to think about that every night before I went to sleep.
10:54And then you cried.
10:56And you'd come in and comfort me.
10:58As much as I could.
11:00Sister Ann, is there anyone I might have forgotten?
11:03A friend or maybe someone who wasn't a friend?
11:06There's only one person I remember you were close to.
11:10A girl named Barbara.
11:13Her bed was next to yours.
11:15I remember the two of you singing at Vespers.
11:18Yes, I remember.
11:19Do you know where I can get in touch with her?
11:21She became a servant of God.
11:23A member of this order for a while.
11:27Then she went to Africa.
11:29There was a raid on the village.
11:31She was killed.
11:34It's difficult to pick up the threads of one's past.
11:38I take it this is something of importance to you.
11:42I'm sorry I can't be more help.
11:45That's all right.
11:46Good seeing you again.
11:48And you, child.
11:51God go with you.
11:53Thank you.
11:56And may he watch over and protect you.
12:10Hey, honey, you didn't say anything about being here.
12:12Well, I needed a freebie analysis from Stray.
12:14Oh, can I buy you lunch?
12:15No, I can't. I'm sorry.
12:17I tell you what, why don't you want me to the car?
12:19Did you get the tickets for Saturday night?
12:21Tenth row center.
12:24I can't wait to see it.
12:26Just what were you talking about with Strick in there?
12:29Charlie guarantees confidential investigation.
12:31Well, I can always go in and ask him myself.
12:33Hey, that's dirty food.
12:34I just want to know if the police should get involved with this.
12:37And not yet, anyway.
12:39Wait, wait, wait, what's that supposed to mean?
12:40Just what I said.
12:41Now, come on, Bill, don't start.
12:43Don't start.
12:44Don't start what?
12:46I haven't stopped worrying about you since you took that damn job.
12:48Listen, Bill, we've been over this a hundred times.
12:50And it hasn't seemed to have made any impression.
12:52It's time we stopped.
12:53Anytime you want to quit.
12:54Anytime you want to start letting me lead my own life.
13:01Sound like we're still married.
13:04I'm sorry, babe.
13:05I just don't want to see you stretched out on a slab.
13:07Well, okay.
13:09Got some very definite ideas about the way I want you to see me.
13:14Yeah, we'll talk about it Saturday night, okay?
13:16Careful, huh?
13:17I will.
14:53I don't know what else to do.
14:55Why don't you just tell him you're going out of town for a few days?
14:58Oh, that's no good.
14:59He'll want a number where he can reach me.
15:01Did you ever think about telling him the truth?
15:04Yes, but I know him.
15:06Alan's noble enough to try and protect me
15:08and end up getting his head blown off in the process.
15:10Well, I still think you're better off being straight with him.
15:13So all we have are the footprints.
15:15With one foot heavier than the other one.
15:18Maybe the guy's a field goal kicker.
15:20The intended victims aren't supposed to make jokes.
15:22Hey, wait.
15:23Maybe she's got something.
15:24You know that guy Tom Dempsey who kicks for the Rams?
15:27Well, he was born with half his right foot missing,
15:29so he has to wear one of those weighted shoes.
15:32There can't be a lot of demand for those.
15:34No, they'd have to be custom-made.
15:36Look, it's too late to start now,
15:37but what do you say we meet at the office first thing in the morning?
15:40We'll call all the shoe companies.
15:42Maybe we'll come up with a lead.
15:44It's a good idea.
15:45Okay, in the meantime, do you have a place to keep a low profile?
15:49Motel in Burbank.
15:50Oh, that's as low as a profile can get.
15:52Okay, look, let's call it a night, all right?
15:54We'll pick this thing up in the morning.
15:56And you, be careful, huh?
16:01Damn, I'm beginning to sound like my ex-husband.
16:10Come on.
16:11Hurry up.
16:17This is going to be my last practice for a few days.
16:20Come on.
16:21You know my job interferes every once in a while.
16:23Anyway, I want Annie to act as coach.
16:27I want you guys to listen to her.
16:29I mean it.
16:30Is there anything you want to...
16:37Go to the locker room now.
16:39Yeah, but what about...
16:40I want you to go get your clothes and go out the locker room entrance.
16:42You understand?
16:43Come on.
16:44Hurry up.
16:47Move it.
17:49Just like that, huh?
17:50No, not just like that.
17:52It's been three months.
17:53I thought three pretty good months.
17:55They were.
17:56Too good.
17:57What is that supposed to mean?
17:59It's all happening so fast.
18:01I haven't done anything to force that.
18:05It's not you, it's me.
18:07I feel like the walls are starting to close in.
18:09Going off and hiding isn't going to solve anything.
18:12I don't know how you can be so sure about that.
18:14Because it never has.
18:16You told me that yourself.
18:18You start to get serious in a relationship and then you run away.
18:21And then you kick yourself because it's gone by the time you come back?
18:24That's the pattern and you keep repeating it.
18:26I thought you were a surgeon, not a shrink.
18:28Hey, I'm in love with you.
18:31And if it ends, it's going to hurt like hell.
18:33But I'm more concerned with what happens to you.
18:35I mean, don't you see?
18:40You want love.
18:42You want to be loved.
18:43But this...
18:45This thing you've got keeps getting in the way.
18:50It's going to keep you from getting what you really want.
18:55Goodbye, Kelly.
19:13Goodbye, Kelly.
19:43Goodbye, Kelly.
20:13Goodbye, Kelly.
20:25No, it would be the right shoe.
20:27I have an idea where it was purchased.
20:29Oh, your records only go back for three years?
20:31We need the information as soon as possible.
20:33Thank you very much.
20:35Thank you.
20:36Any luck?
20:38The one I was talking to wanted to know if I was some kind of foot fetish.
20:42Well, Bosley's running our files through a computer.
20:45All our cases?
20:46That's right.
20:47Since the killer's already tried for you two, it's a good bet that I'll be next.
20:51Welcome to the club.
20:52Thanks a lot. I wish you were a little bit more exclusive.
20:55Hiya, boss. How'd you do?
20:57Well, as the saying goes, ladies, I have good news and bad news.
21:01The people that you've been responsible for arresting are still serving time.
21:05All of them.
21:06Is that the good news or the bad news?
21:09It means that we know who's not trying to kill you.
21:11But it's not much help in finding out who is.
21:14Bosley, is that a note of concern I detect in your voice?
21:17It is just that we have spent a great deal of time and money in recruiting and training you all.
21:22And you would be very difficult to replace.
21:25What he means is he can't find anyone to work as cheap as we do.
21:28Look, Charlie is flying to Chicago this afternoon.
21:31He has some personal contacts there who may prove helpful.
21:34In the meantime, he wants you three to take a vacation.
21:38So I have taken the liberty of making reservations on the airlines and at the hotels for you.
21:43Thanks, but no thanks.
21:45Me too. It's unanimous.
21:47Oh, come on. It's no time to start playing heroines.
21:50Do you realize what it means for Charlie to become involved in an investigation?
21:55I mean, he's stayed out of it for seven years.
21:58That's how important it is to us.
22:00Us? It was a note of concern.
22:03Hey, Boz, we appreciate all that, really, but no matter where you send us, we're not going to be safe.
22:08Now, if somebody's going to shoot at us, I'd really rather it be while I was trying to do something about it.
22:13I don't want to hide in a closet.
22:16And you two feel the same way?
22:18Right on.
22:19Couldn't have said it better.
22:21Yeah. Charlie thought you might say that.
22:24Well, maybe he'll turn something up in Chicago.
22:27Well, let's hope so.
22:29In the meantime, why don't you two stay with me? At least it's a security building.
22:32Sounds good. I'll go get my stuff and we'll go over there later.
22:35Okay. At least you'll have a tough time getting a clean shot.
22:40I got a delivery for Sabrina Duncan.
22:43Where's the regular guy?
22:44He's sick. I'm filling in for him.
22:46All right, but I'll have to let you in her place.
22:48They usually put the bottle in for her.
23:02Kitchen's through there.
23:03Oh, thank you very much. I appreciate it.
23:05All right.
23:07Kind of heavy for you, huh?
23:08No, it's no bother.
23:12Ah, there's still some left.
23:16There's no point in wasting the water.
23:19I guess you'll get her boyfriend to replace it.
23:46Hi, Tony.
23:47Hi, Miss Duncan.
24:00You hungry yet?
24:01Oh, I'm always hungry.
24:04Chicken salad okay?
24:08Oh, swell. He didn't change it.
24:11Well, you still got water left in the bottle.
24:13Yeah, there's just a little bit and it won't last for long.
24:16And you're here now.
24:17I knew lunch wouldn't be free.
24:32How are you, Miss Garrett?
24:34Fine. Is Miss Duncan here yet?
24:36Yeah, she and Miss Monroe went up about 15 minutes ago.
24:38Can I give you a hand with that?
24:47Oh, God! She's dead!
24:49Sabrina's dead!
25:01Cut down in the prime of her life, a full and active life.
25:06Sabrina Duncan was not content to lead a quiet, sedentary existence.
25:13She required a profession that was rewarding, exciting, and yes, dangerous.
25:21And it was that danger that finally took her life.
25:26But Sabrina would have had it no other way.
25:28She did not believe in a world of caution.
25:32She challenged life.
25:34Took it on to the fullest.
25:36As all of us who knew and loved her will attest.
25:42Will you cut it out? You're overacting.
25:46To her husband, Bill, and her cherished friends,
25:50I can only offer the following thought.
25:53To be sure, this is a time for mourning.
25:56We will miss her smile, her laughter.
25:59But we must keep in mind that it is also a time for gladness.
26:06I still don't get it.
26:07All right, look.
26:09Now, every month, I pay that delivery man an extra $2
26:12to replace the old bottle with a new one,
26:14even if there's a little water left in the old one.
26:16And then we gave the bottle cap a once-over
26:18and saw where somebody had re-glued it.
26:20Right, so I figured the best way to get the killer off my backs
26:23to make him think he succeeded.
26:25Which he nearly did.
26:26Bree, I think it's time I got officially involved in this.
26:29No way.
26:30Listen, the minute you do that,
26:31you're gonna scare the guy right off.
26:33Well, I don't think that's such a bad idea.
26:35Of course not, because you're not the one
26:37who has to go around the rest of your life
26:39looking over your shoulder.
26:41Oh, come on, Boz.
26:43Look, you're the one who set up this terrific send-off for me.
26:46Where did you get that crowd, anyway?
26:48Where else? Central Casting.
26:50Do you know what those people get for a day's work?
26:53Charlie's gonna have a fit when he gets the bill.
26:55No expense spared, remember?
27:01So what now?
27:02Well, I've gotta drive out to the beach and see my dad.
27:05I told him, ignore anything you read in the paper,
27:07but he's a skeptic and he's gonna have to see me in the flesh.
27:10Okay, if Jill and I use your place for a while,
27:12we still haven't heard back from the shoe company.
27:15I doubt if the guy'll go back there.
27:17Besides, the manager said he'd spot that limp a mile away.
27:20Besides, the manager said he'd spot that limp a mile away.
27:23I tell you what, I'll give you a call from my dad's place.
27:26I still think you're all nuts.
27:28I know you do, sweetheart.
27:30That's the reason we don't play house anymore.
27:33I don't know what went wrong.
27:36I know you didn't want any of them killed.
27:39I didn't put that much explosive in the cab.
27:41I'm beginning to doubt whether you know what you're doing.
27:45I know what I'm doing.
27:46All right.
27:48Keep working on the other two.
27:50How far do you want me to go?
27:52Until I tell you to stop.
27:54Sooner or later, they're going to figure out
27:57there's only one place for them to hide.
28:18Oh, my God.
28:48Oh, my God.
29:18Well, I'm delighted to see it in person.
29:23That the reports of my daughter's death have been greatly exaggerated.
29:28You and me both, Dad.
29:31Your middle game any better?
29:33Any time you want to try me.
29:35You remember the first time we played?
29:37Indeed. You were seven?
29:41I was eight.
29:43You were nine.
29:45Indeed. You were seven?
29:47No. Six.
29:49And every time you made a bad move, I corrected you, showed you the right one?
29:53Until I finally made a move on my own, and if I recall correctly, it was checkmate.
30:00I think that's the only game I've won from you in ten years.
30:04You could have given me a chance to at least win once or twice.
30:07No, I couldn't.
30:09Neither of us would have liked that.
30:12Uh, this current case of yours, I, uh...
30:16I take it it's a nasty one.
30:20Someone expert with weapons.
30:22Ballistics said the bullets he used were probably from an Uzi.
30:26Those are almost impossible to get a hold of.
30:29Then he couldn't buy one here?
30:31Israel won't export them. They need every one they've got.
30:37The soldiers who really love the fighting.
30:40What happens to them when it all winds down?
30:43They just find another war.
30:45There's always one going on somewhere.
30:47It's like being a doctor. You never run out of work.
30:50They become mercenaries?
30:52Wait. There's a man here. He recruits for that sort of thing.
30:57Haven't talked to him in years.
30:59Never cared for him very much.
31:02He might have a lead for you.
31:05I don't know how talkative you'll be, but maybe you can get something out of him.
31:10Here it is. Miles Cavendish.
31:13Cavendish, huh?
31:15Okay. I'll talk to him right away. Thanks.
31:25I love you.
31:27I love you.
31:35In return for all of this, I expect one of your home-cooked Chinese meals.
31:39You got it. Just as soon as we get this thing cleared out.
31:49Reinstock. Hans.
31:51Purchased in Milwaukee, March 1962.
31:55Is that R-H or R-E?
31:58R-H? R-E? What difference does it make?
32:00You've already got enough names there to have your own personal telephone directory.
32:04We're almost finished.
32:10This is Kelly.
32:15Wait a second. What are you...
32:20Our limping friend?
32:23He wanted to express his appreciation for our staying in one place
32:26and to let us know there's a lot more explosives left.
32:29Oh, that's terrific. My life's ambition has always been to be a sitting duck.
32:34Well, it's obvious that you can't stay here any longer.
32:38Look, will you reconsider that vacation?
32:41He can buy a plane ticket as easily as we can.
32:43We've got to find some kind of safe place.
32:50Right. That's like moving in with Howard Hughes.
32:52Oh, no, no, no, no. Charlie would never go for that.
32:55After all we mean to him.
32:56And how hard we'd be to replace.
32:58Besides, it's cheaper than sending us on a vacation.
33:01Well, I'll have to check with him.
33:03Boz, there isn't time.
33:04For all we know, Gimpy's already planted something here.
33:10Maybe you're right.
33:11But how can you be sure that he won't follow you?
33:13Oh, he would.
33:15But he wouldn't follow you.
33:17I don't get it.
33:18I don't think I get it.
33:19Look, we'll leave Bree a note with the address.
33:22You do have the address, don't you, Boz?
33:25Oh, yes, but...
33:27I hope Charlie has clean sheets.
33:41Could you take it a little easier?
33:43Just a precaution.
33:44You don't want him to kill you, do you?
33:46You driving, he won't have to.
34:09Remind me to ask for a raise.
34:11Let's get your luggage inside.
34:20Come on.
34:29Come on.
34:46674 Vinewood Lane.
34:49You're sure?
34:51What do you want me to do now?
34:54Just sit tight.
34:56I'll get back to you within the hour.
35:11I haven't got the faintest idea of what you're talking about, young woman.
35:14This is the place one comes to to find out about the Caribbean and Hawaii.
35:18Not about mercenaries.
35:21I know nothing about that sort of thing.
35:23I don't believe you.
35:26You're quite entitled to believe whatever you bloody well please.
35:30But I'm afraid you'll never be able to prove this wild allegation.
35:35I'm not interested in proving anything.
35:38But there are other people who might be.
35:40Such as?
35:42Certain nations, like Angola,
35:44who seem to take a rather dim view of mercenaries and the people who recruit them.
35:49I have nothing to fear from those wogs.
35:52I'm a naturalized citizen.
35:53This country will protect me.
35:56That's what Eichmann thought.
36:00He really did.
36:09I can rely on your discretion?
36:14Yes, of course.
36:16What are you looking for?
36:18A man with a bad right foot.
36:20I wouldn't have any idea of his age.
36:22He probably spent some time in Africa.
36:25Maybe even Angola.
36:31Harry Wardlow.
36:34He came to me about a month ago.
36:36He managed to get out of Africa in time.
36:38Bummed around, spent all of his money.
36:40Came to me for work.
36:42Did you have anything for him?
36:45Nothing in his regular line.
36:47But Angola's put the damper on that sort of thing for the time being anyhow.
36:52There were one or two private type affairs.
36:58What we call contract hits.
37:01I believe that's the term.
37:03Wardlow's proven quite good at it over the years.
37:06He's considered one of the best.
37:09Anyway, I put him in touch with the people who contacted me.
37:12And who were they?
37:14Oh, no, my dear.
37:16That's as far as I go.
37:19Telling you about Wardlow presents some problems.
37:25But giving you the other names is committing suicide.
37:29And I'm really not predisposed in that direction.
37:32I'm sure you're not.
37:36Where can I find Wardlow?
37:38The Montclair Hotel.
37:39Under what name?
37:40His own, of course.
37:42Mercenaries don't wear name tags, you know.
37:49Oh, by the way.
37:53We never had this little conversation.
37:56Oh, believe me.
37:58Of all the people in the world, I would deny knowing.
38:02Your top's on the list.
38:09Maid service.
38:49Maid service.
39:19Oh, yeah.
39:21Oh, yeah.
39:51Don't run it, you shoot.
40:01Come on.
40:02One of the benefits of a misspent year.
40:05You find anything else in that guy's room?
40:07Just what I told you.
40:08I called Homicide.
40:09They went over there last night.
40:11They promised they'd call if they come up with anything.
40:13So the killer's walking around with a whole bunch of dynamite.
40:16I'm pretty sure.
40:17And the money?
40:18Well, Bob's at the police lab waiting for the test results.
40:21It's about time to get to feeling like being a hustler.
40:33Listen, with all this excitement, you know there's one thing I'm really curious about?
40:37What Charlie looks like, right?
40:40That's the one thing we wanted to see when we came to this house.
40:43You know what we found?
40:55Did Bosley do that?
40:58While we were unpacking, the mad cropper struck again.
41:02Hey, what time does Charlie's plane get in?
41:05Another hour.
41:06Maybe we can see him then.
41:08Bad chance.
41:09He'll probably lock himself in the bedroom and shout instructions through the window.
41:26Doesn't he have any diet drinks?
41:28He must like his girls salty.
41:30Then why'd he hire us?
41:31Doesn't make sense.
41:33Any of it.
41:35Cavendish said Wardlow was one of the best, but he missed each of us.
41:42Suppose he didn't mean to kill us.
41:46He's a male chauvinist who wants us out of the private eye business.
41:49Do you ever get serious?
41:51When I'm being shot at?
41:53Oh, come on, you guys.
41:55Okay, okay.
41:56If he isn't really after us, then why go to all this trouble?
41:59To put Charlie out of business?
42:02Maybe permanently.
42:05Think about it.
42:06Here we are.
42:07We work for somebody that we've never seen who wants to make sure that we never do see him.
42:12Now, why is that?
42:14You said it yesterday.
42:15It's like working for Howard Hughes, who was scared to death of being kidnapped.
42:19Oh, wait.
42:20Charlie did send a lot of people to prison.
42:22Most of whom get out sooner or later.
42:24Pass me the phone, will you?
42:26And that's why Charlie's so careful.
42:36John Bosley, please.
42:40Listen, we've been following the wrong angle.
42:43Go back into Charlie's records.
42:46Yeah, Charlie.
43:15Ronald Meeker.
43:17Fifteen years ago.
43:18Over $60,000.
43:20And what's more, the serial numbers match up with the money that Sabrina found.
43:23How come he waited so long?
43:25He just got released from prison.
43:26That's a long rap for embezzlement.
43:28Yeah, well, that's because he refused to tell anybody where the money was.
43:31Then he tried to sell it.
43:32Then he tried to sell it.
43:33Then he tried to sell it.
43:34Then he tried to sell it.
43:35Then he tried to sell it.
43:36Then he tried to sell it.
43:37Then he tried to sell it.
43:38Then he tried to sell it.
43:39Then he tried to sell it.
43:40He refused to tell anybody where the money was.
43:42Then he tried to get his lawyer to bribe one of the jurors, so they just threw the book at him.
43:45He was a terrific accountant.
43:47Lousy crook.
43:48Like an administration we once had.
43:50Did you tell the police?
43:51Oh, yeah.
43:52They've got an APB out on him right now.
43:53Well, what if it's too late?
43:54Suppose Meeker's already planted the dynamite.
43:56On some kind of timer device?
43:59But he doesn't know when Charlie's going to be here.
44:01So how's he going to do it?
44:03Well, I know what I'd do.
44:05After sitting in prison for all those years, I'd want to see my victim die.
44:09That's terrific.
44:10Remind me never to get you mad at me.
44:12What are you getting at?
44:13Probably planning to blow up Charlie's cab just as he comes in the gate.
44:16Meeker used us to flush Charlie.
44:19I think it's time we flush Meeker.
45:10Excuse me.
45:25You've had a long wait, you know.
45:27I just missed one.
45:30Can you use a cab?
45:31Oh, I sure could, but I don't have enough money.
45:35Well, I think maybe we might be able to work something out.
45:38I wouldn't have to put it on the meter.
45:42I'll tell you what.
45:47Why don't you call the number on this card tomorrow and just ask for Bosley?
45:52He'll reimburse you for your cab.
46:09Excuse me.
46:10Excuse me.
46:16Watch it.
46:35Is that Charlie?
46:37Could be.
46:38I can't be sure.
46:39I'm going to try and catch him.
47:00They're all nuts.
47:02Are you all right?
47:05Just get me home in one piece.
47:09Don't go too slow.
47:10It'll tip him.
47:11I just want to make sure we have enough time.
47:13And what if we don't?
47:14Let's just hope Mr. Meeker has a lousy arm.
47:29Okay, get ready.
47:36Hold it.
47:41That's against the law.
47:42And unfunny.
47:54That must be Charlie.
47:55I'd like to see him hide now.
48:04Come back.
48:05Come back, you chicken.
48:19I'm deeply grateful to you, angels.
48:21You saved my life.
48:23And kept you anonymous.
48:25That too.
48:26You know, that's what really bugs me.
48:27We do our job right.
48:28And that's what keeps us from getting to see what you really look like.
48:32Not necessarily.
48:33We can drop by any evening.
48:35Afraid not, angels.
48:36My house went on the market this morning.
48:38And until I find another one, I'm staying with a friend.
48:42A friend, huh?
48:43I bet you got plenty of those to choose from.
48:47But none as lovely as you three.
48:49Bye, angels.
48:51You didn't really think I was foolish enough to let you know Charlie's address.
48:55I mean, when I pointed out to him that...
48:58Of course.
49:00Oh, no.
49:05Now that's funny.
49:31You're welcome.