FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman S05 E002

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00Snag. He he. On the way to Studio G. I uh... I lost the Fetchers.
00:04Don't worry guys! We'll find a way to get you back! I promise!
00:09Ha ha ha! Can you imagine if those Fetchers were still stranded on a deserted island? That would have been awful!
00:15Ha ha ha ha ha!
00:17Ha ha! They are still stranded! Oh, it's a disaster! Blossom, you still haven't made contact with them?
00:24Oh, and now the Henry hotline is ringing! Why can't he ever just send an email?
00:29Oh, he did send one.
00:30Dear Ruff, rescue those Fetchers or else. Love, Henry.
00:32Oh, Blossom, what are we going to do?
00:35What? You have one more thing you can try?
00:38But if it doesn't work, they'll be trapped on the island forever!
00:40And it all comes down to pushing that one button!
00:43Okay then, press the button!
00:47Press the button already! I'm going crazy here!
00:50Life was missing its mystique. My squeaky toys had lost their squeak.
00:54And then, out of the blue, I saw the phone.
00:57And bam! My destiny was called a date!
01:00Pitched my vision for a show. They loved it! Thought I was a pro!
01:04They got my contract back to fine, so their alarm, a dog, had signed!
01:08Oh, I like that name!
01:13I didn't wait to renovate. Found six contestants. All were great!
01:16And now I'm on the road to fame! I've got a game show and its name is...
01:21It's very catchy!
01:24It rolls off the tongue!
01:26Blossom, you think my insurance will cover this?
01:29Okay, Blossom. Let's hope this works. Press the button.
01:34What's this? Where are we? Where are the Fetchers?
01:37Hello? Is anyone there? Fetchers? Hey, can anyone hear me?
01:41It's me, Ruff! I'm on the TV and here!
01:44Welcome to Game Show Island?
01:47There's an island for game shows?
01:49Hey, look! There they are!
01:51Welcome to Game Show Island?
01:53Robbie, Emmy, Mark, Jay, Marco, Shreya!
01:56Over here! It's me, Ruff!
01:58Boy, am I glad to see you guys!
02:00Wow! That would have been awful losing you on the first day!
02:03Why are we here? What are we doing here?
02:06Well, all I can say is never leave travel arrangements to a mouse and an insane viking!
02:13I give you my word as a game show host and a dog of integrity that I'm gonna get you off this island!
02:19What do you mean, not yet?
02:21Chaque bateau dans la ville est préparé pour la grande bataille de bateaux!
02:26Bonjour, Ruffy!
02:30Qu'est-ce qu'il s'est passé à Studio G? Cet endroit a l'air horrible!
02:34Vos enfants ne devraient pas s'asseoir sur ces morceaux!
02:36Ça serait bien s'ils avaient quelque chose de propre pour s'asseoir, Ruffy!
02:40Oui, Ruff! Ils sont déchirés!
02:41Jay! Oui?
02:42Il y a des toilettes derrière vous. Utilisez-les pour nettoyer un peu.
02:47Star Paws!
02:48Un tapeur? Quoi?
02:50Un tapeur?
02:51C'est un tapeur!
02:52Star Paws?
02:53Hé, j'avais un tapeur comme ça quand j'étais petit!
02:56Attends, c'est mon tapeur!
02:58Quoi? Pourquoi est-ce qu'il est là?
03:00J'ai cherché à ce truc depuis toujours!
03:02Oh, mon dieu!
03:03Ruffy, si c'est ce que je pense que c'est, ils devraient jouer à ce tapeur!
03:09Oh, salut! Je suis Wink!
03:11Et c'est Dinah!
03:12Dis-lui notre dernier nom, mon amour!
03:14Oh, oui! Ruffman!
03:16C'est vrai, Ruff, mon amour!
03:18C'est vos parents!
03:20Mon quoi?
03:21C'est ses parents!
03:22Je pense que je vais pleurer!
03:24Comme on l'a enregistré, vous n'êtes pas seulement un chien, vous êtes un nouveau chien!
03:28Et si vous écoutez maintenant, Ruff, ça signifie que vous êtes tous devenus adultes!
03:31Et que vous avez suivi dans nos pas!
03:33J'y suis!
03:34C'est vrai, Ruff, mon amour!
03:35Ça signifie que, comme nous, vous êtes devenu un hôte de jeu!
03:39C'est un peu bizarre!
03:42Moi aussi, je ne savais pas de ça!
03:44Et ça signifie que vous avez des compétiteurs!
03:47Et maintenant, ils sont ici, sur l'île de jeu!
03:51Quoi? Je n'ai jamais entendu parler de cette île!
03:53Donc, nous devons être ici!
03:56Maintenant, Ruff, mon amour, ton père et moi devons faire un voyage!
03:59Où vas-tu?
04:00J'aimerais pouvoir te dire où nous allons, mais on ne peut pas!
04:04Un jour, nous aurons besoin de toi pour nous trouver!
04:06Et pour ce faire, tu auras besoin des Fabulous Four!
04:10C'est-à-dire des Fabulous Four reliques d'hôte de jeu!
04:14Un buzzer, un timer, un clapper, et un magnifique micro!
04:19D'accord, je vais prendre un crayon, attendez un instant!
04:21Tu as besoin de ces quatre reliques!
04:23Tu ne nous trouveras pas, et tu ne seras pas un hôte de jeu légendaire sans eux!
04:27Mais si tu ne peux pas obtenir tous les quatre reliques avant que le soleil ne s'arrête,
04:32tes compétiteurs seront emprisonnés sur l'île de jeu pour toujours!
04:36Oh non!
04:38Alors, commencez!
04:40Dans cette pièce, il y a des lockers qui contiennent tout ce dont vous avez besoin.
04:44Et soyez sûr de suivre les arroses de l'or, ils vous montreront où aller!
04:48Bonne chance, Ruff! Nous vous aimons!
04:52Hey, on va t'aider, on va faire tout ce qu'on peut!
04:55J'ai tellement de questions, grand-mère!
04:57Plus tard, mon amour, allons chercher les Fetchers, ils n'ont que jusqu'au soleil!
05:01Ou autrement...
05:02D'accord, grand-mère, ou autrement je ne deviendrai pas un hôte de jeu légendaire!
05:06Fetchers, allez!
05:08Fetch those reliques!
05:10Ok, we have a lot of work to do. Let's go!
05:14What's inside?
05:15What is this stuff?
05:17A bow tie?
05:18A wig?
05:19A hat?
05:21A map?
05:22A map!
05:23How an island in the shape of a microphone!
05:25Is this like game show attire?
05:27I think I had it upside down.
05:29How do you put this on?
05:30I don't know about you, but I'm kind of liking these clothes.
05:32Wow, is that what game show hosts are really supposed to wear?
05:35Ok, chat, polyester me, and a wig.
05:39Le tapis a dit qu'il fallait suivre les arroches.
05:41Et soyez sûr de suivre les arroches de l'or, ils vous montreront où aller.
05:45Et on est à l'endroit de la game show, alors...
05:49Trouver l'arroche de l'or!
05:50Mes six Fetchers avec des wigs sont sur le tapis!
05:55Hey, il y en a un autre!
05:56Il y en a un autre!
06:00Attends, j'ai vu un signe!
06:03Je pense que c'est un tapis.
06:04Go for Gold, another cassette tape!
06:08And we're back! Welcome to Go for Gold Beach!
06:11All right, contestants, mind the time and mind the moon.
06:15If you want to find that golden microphone, you may be able to see it,
06:19but you'll not be able to retrieve it without retrieving other relics first.
06:23Isn't that right, Dinah?
06:24Now follow those arrows and retrieve those relics!
06:28How are we going to get it?
06:29Wait, wait, there's a sign that specifically says no swimming!
06:32Look, there's a shark fin on that sign!
06:34He said that we need to find the other relics first.
06:36Hold on, what does he mean about the moon?
06:38That might mean something about the tide and what time it goes out.
06:41The moon's gravity is what pulls and makes the tides.
06:45So whether the tide's high or low depends on where the moon is.
06:49And it looks like the tide is high right now.
06:51Let's check the map.
06:52OK, we're here at Go for Gold, guys.
06:54If we follow the beach up here, we can get to the $21 pyramid.
06:58Let's go!
06:59Shouldn't we be discussing the sharks?
07:01Hey, wait a minute, there's two different arrows.
07:03Oh no, two different arrows?
07:05How can my game show hosts go in two different directions?
07:08We need to split up in a team.
07:09Bow ties and neck ties. Bow ties, let's go this way.
07:12Neck ties, that way.
07:13All right!
07:14OK, so Marco, Ruby and Shreya are the bow tie team.
07:17And Emmy, Jay and Mark are the neck tie team.
07:20Boy, I tell you, my parents can come up with an awesome challenge.
07:23Come on, let's go, come on!
07:25Oh, I think it's over here.
07:26OK, first up, the neck tie team.
07:28Whoa, what's this?
07:30Wow, this place is weird.
07:32So mysterious.
07:33What is that?
07:34Is it like some underground game show lair or something?
07:38Sure, why not? Underground game show lair.
07:40I guess we just continue downward.
07:42Oh, they're following us.
07:43Raph, I know you're upset, but what are you doing to us?
07:45I'm not doing anything. I have no control over what's going on, Jay.
07:49The sands of time!
07:50That's on the map.
07:51Look, look, look.
07:52The sands of time.
07:53Another cassette.
07:54Here, put it in the tape recorder.
07:57This music is so catchy.
07:59Welcome to the sands of time.
08:01You will notice an hourglass timer on one end of a seesaw.
08:04On the other end, an empty bin.
08:07Find the hidden clocks and fill that bin before the time on the hourglass runs out.
08:12You must tie your legs together and hurry, the sand runs quickly.
08:17OK, guys, you have your instructions.
08:19So we're trying to get the clocks in this bin on the seesaw before this.
08:25I think we better start.
08:28It's like a four-legged race.
08:29Oh, gosh, that sand is going really quick, guys.
08:31Hurry. OK.
08:32Gotta find the clock.
08:33Come on, guys, come on.
08:34Oh, they found the first clock.
08:37Hey, look, there's one right over there.
08:38Hurry, guys, hurry.
08:39Being in the middle is not a good idea.
08:40Let's get this one. It's closer.
08:41Come on, guys, hurry.
08:42They're not the three stooges.
08:43We don't have much time, guys.
08:44Let's go.
08:46Oh, nice job.
08:47Hey, I found some over there.
08:48OK, go get that one.
08:49Here, let's get...
08:50Which one are we getting first?
08:51This one.
08:52OK, let's get the pink one there.
08:53Got it.
08:54Hurry, guys, hurry.
08:55Timer's almost up.
08:57Get that one in.
08:58Put those clocks in that bin.
09:01Oh, they did it.
09:02With seconds to spare.
09:03Yeah, high fives all around.
09:05That's way, that's way.
09:06OK, they've got the first of the four relics.
09:08Let's see how the other team is doing.
09:10Another arrow.
09:13$21 pyramid.
09:14There's a tape right there.
09:15$21 pyramid.
09:16Wow, my parents' show is on a tight budget.
09:20Welcome to the $21 pyramid.
09:23Use your math skills to solve the mystery pyramid puzzle
09:26where the solution is always 21.
09:29Each buzzer will say a number when you press it.
09:33There will be one extra buzzer when you're done.
09:36That's the relic you need to take with you.
09:39Let's do this, guys.
09:40We need to solve all of these questions.
09:42OK, there's the pyramid.
09:43Let's solve this puzzle.
09:44OK, so the same number of letters as its value.
09:47OK, Blossom, write this down.
09:49Oh, I get it.
09:50The number one, the word, has three letters.
09:53F-O-U-R, four.
09:55OK, the word four has four letters.
09:59Nicely done, Ruby.
10:01Adding this number to itself
10:02is the same as multiplying this number by itself.
10:05It's two.
10:06Because two plus two is four.
10:08Two times two is four.
10:11Thomas Jefferson medal.
10:14Or Abraham Lincoln paper.
10:16Thomas Jefferson is on the $5 bill, I think.
10:19Abraham Lincoln's on the $5.
10:21And Jefferson is on the nickel.
10:23So that'd be five.
10:25It's five.
10:26So four to five.
10:27Four to five.
10:28The number of planets that start with the same letter.
10:34I think there's more M's.
10:37There's two M's.
10:38Mercury is Mars.
10:40The only even prime number.
10:41The prime number is something that can't be divided
10:43any farther without going into decimals.
10:45Oh, it's a number that's divisible only by itself and one.
10:48Then I think it'd be two.
10:50OK, so it's two.
10:51Add this number to the other five and you'll get 21.
10:54So two, four, five.
10:57Plus two is 11.
10:59Plus four is 15.
11:01Plus six.
11:03Add this number.
11:05That's right.
11:06The Bowties have figured out the pyramid.
11:07Now they need to find the leftover buzzer for the next relic.
11:09All right, let's look for the buzzer.
11:10There's one over here.
11:11I remember seeing it.
11:12There's one.
11:13There's one way up there.
11:14OK, there's another one.
11:15We have seven buzzers, but there are six circles on the pyramid.
11:19Oh, the spare buzzer is the relic.
11:21Right, so let's see which ones go.
11:22So whichever one is six.
11:25Put six there.
11:26This is our buzzer.
11:27Ah, so each buzzer says a number when you press it.
11:30The Fetchers need to match the numbers on the buzzer
11:32with the answers on the pyramid.
11:33This is five.
11:36This is two.
11:37So it goes here.
11:39That goes here.
11:40So this is the leftover buzzer.
11:41This is the relic.
11:42We got the relic.
11:44Let's go.
11:45Now they've got two of the four relics,
11:47but it's getting later by the minute.
11:49There's not much time left before sundown.
11:51Let's see how the necktie team is doing.
11:53Let's go.
11:54There's the golden arrow.
11:55OK, we're about to go look for the golden arrow.
11:56Yeah, let's go.
11:58Wow, big place.
11:59I would say split up, but I don't want to.
12:01No, let's stay together.
12:02It's a little scary in here.
12:03Wait a minute, what's that?
12:04What's that?
12:05Get the hang of it.
12:06Grab the tape.
12:08Another cassette.
12:10Welcome to Get the Hang of It.
12:14Dangling 20 feet above you is an envelope.
12:16Retrieve that envelope to get the next relic.
12:19Now go get the hang of it.
12:22Eh, not as clever as go fetch, but not bad.
12:25Whoa, that's really high.
12:28Oh, rough.
12:29Check this out.
12:30I don't think we're going to get this.
12:31Do we have a ladder?
12:32Well, there's some wood in the ground.
12:33We should try batting it like a pinata.
12:35Or we could build a vice to either get it lower
12:38or to get up higher.
12:39Hey, we have extra supplies.
12:40OK, we have a bucket of supplies.
12:42Various tools.
12:43These are hacksaw blades.
12:46Wait a minute.
12:47We could take these and put them on the sticks
12:50and you could cut the string that's holding that envelope.
12:53We could lower, we could tie these together
12:56and then lift it up and move it side to side.
12:59There's actually bolts and there's holes
13:01in each of these pieces of wood.
13:03So what if we were to make a scissor design?
13:06I guess, so like, so it would go like that
13:09and then slice the string.
13:11OK, let's try it.
13:12Jay, that's a great idea.
13:15What we can do is maybe attach these with a screw.
13:18There's holes all over these boards.
13:20So we really need to worry about where the fulcrum is.
13:23If you think about it, it's kind of like a lever.
13:25Lever? Fulcrum?
13:27That's a fulcrum.
13:28Is that a bird?
13:29Oh, it's a pivot point.
13:30An example of a lever would be,
13:32put something like that or anything on that
13:36and you're able to actually move it up easier
13:39than you would.
13:40Ah, look at that.
13:41It looks like a seesaw.
13:42The longer you make this part of the board,
13:44the less force you need to lift this part of the board.
13:48Right, right now, the bucket is the fulcrum
13:51and actually, the closer the fulcrum is to the weight,
13:54the easier it is to lift the weight.
13:57OK, I get it.
13:58So you want to try and apply this to our idea
14:00to try and get the envelope down?
14:02OK, so the closer you move the fulcrum to the weight,
14:04the easier it is to lift up the weight.
14:06Chet, lift me.
14:08Whoa, whoa, easy, Chet.
14:11Let's try putting the screw right in these holes here
14:14because they're the closest ones to the end.
14:16Aha, so to make scissors, you need two levers.
14:19That's the wood and the screw is at the fulcrum.
14:22So if we try it...
14:23Right there is the world's largest pair of scissors.
14:26Now look at that.
14:27With two levers working together,
14:28you can cut string, not just lift weight.
14:30Now let's apply the blades.
14:32Careful, guys, blades are sharp.
14:34Be very careful.
14:35OK, let's try it out.
14:36OK, the scissors are ready for testing.
14:39A little wobbly, a little wobbly.
14:41OK, so let's open it up.
14:42All right, there, there.
14:43OK, now close it, close it.
14:44There we go, they haven't even scratched the cut.
14:46Wrong way.
14:48Yes, they did it!
14:49What an awesome design!
14:52Tape, tape.
14:53OK, we need a box.
14:55It's like a piece of wood.
14:57What is that thing?
14:59Let's listen to the tape.
15:00Congratulations, you have half a relic.
15:04Now you must find the other half.
15:06Good luck.
15:07Let's go.
15:08Oh, so that's the clapper board,
15:10or at least a portion of it.
15:11Let's see how the other team is doing.
15:13An arrow!
15:15The bowtie team has found another golden arrow.
15:17That has led them to a sign that says Go Fish.
15:19We should call my cousin Bluff Ruffman.
15:21He's a pro at Go Fish.
15:25Another tape.
15:26What's here?
15:27And welcome to Go Fish.
15:32If you notice beneath you, there's a well.
15:35In it is something you need.
15:38Fish out that thing.
15:40Go Fish!
15:42Let's check this out.
15:44Oh, the clapper.
15:46Wow, how are we going to get that?
15:48We have a bunch of supplies here,
15:49so I'm guessing we need to build a fishing rod sort of thing.
15:51A fish-fish-it-out.
15:53Let's check out what we have.
15:54We have metal rods.
15:55We have bamboo rods.
15:56We have string.
15:58I was thinking a really, really long metal rod,
16:00like we connect these,
16:02and then at the end, a hook.
16:04And then we can just hook it through the ribbon.
16:06Yeah, maybe these pipes can fit together.
16:08This is what we hold,
16:10and then the rest is connected to it.
16:12So they may need to combine a couple of the poles
16:14to make it longer.
16:19Now the pole is super long.
16:21I have a feeling this might just, like, fall out.
16:23Wait, drop that end in.
16:24If we make that end longer, we can move it out
16:26and have that end go down and hook.
16:28You see what I mean?
16:29It's bent completely down.
16:30I still think something's going to go wrong.
16:32I have a bad feeling about this.
16:34I mean, look.
16:35Like that.
16:36Ah! The pole fell in!
16:38See, this isn't going to work.
16:40It's not going well, Ralph.
16:42Goodbye, other pipe.
16:43Don't worry, they'll think of something.
16:45I hope.
16:46What went wrong last time?
16:47The duct tape slipped.
16:48And I think it's too heavy.
16:49Maybe we should just use all bamboo.
16:51If you look at the bamboo,
16:52they've got holes for screws,
16:54for hooks.
16:57Let's think of a fishing pole, okay?
16:59A fishing pole has basically these eye hooks
17:01to run the string through it
17:03so that it stays straight,
17:05and then the bamboo could be our lever.
17:07We could design a hook.
17:09Let's make it sort of straight at the end.
17:11Ah, looks like they're making a big fish hook.
17:13They're going to need a pretty big worm.
17:15Now we can just, like, tie a knot.
17:17Tie a knot and then duct tape.
17:18If we feed it through the eye hooks
17:20and we have one person at the back
17:21who, like, is feeding more string,
17:23once the two people at the front say it's hooked,
17:25that person can pull,
17:26and then it'll get to the top here
17:28and we can just pull it off
17:29and we have the clapper.
17:30Let's do it.
17:31All right, Ruby, I'm going to tell you
17:32when to lower the string.
17:33Let's get it out as far as we can.
17:34All right, Ruby, give us some more slack.
17:36Oh, it's at the end.
17:37Give us some more slack.
17:38You're supposed to use bait.
17:39Oh, okay, um, hold on.
17:41Move it up a little.
17:43Get it.
17:44Just a little.
17:46We got it, we got it.
17:47We got it!
17:48Pull it up, pull it up.
17:49Oh, wait, the pole's breaking.
17:50The pole's breaking!
17:51Grab it!
17:52Reel in the fish!
17:54Reel it in!
17:56Pull it in.
17:59Yes, they did an awesome job!
18:01Wait, guys, guys, there's a tape.
18:03Another tape.
18:04Obviously a waterproof tape.
18:06Hopefully it'll work.
18:09You have half a relic.
18:11Now you must find the other half.
18:13Good luck.
18:15What is this?
18:16Game Show Island Tide Chart.
18:19Oh, they're the different tides.
18:21So we're going to need the part that claps.
18:24Oh, that probably has something
18:25that corresponds to the other.
18:26Let's go find the other team, you guys.
18:27Let's go find the other team.
18:28Let's go.
18:29Okay, it's getting close to sundown.
18:31My fetchers are going to be stuck
18:32on Game Show Island forever.
18:33Chet, I need to choose something.
18:35Thank you.
18:38Hey, you guys!
18:40Do you guys have the other half?
18:41Yeah, we do.
18:42Here, let's put them together.
18:44Like that, and then...
18:45What's it mean?
18:46Maybe it kind of...
18:47This chart graphs, like, the tides of the ocean.
18:49Oh, and when it's really low, it's low tide,
18:50and when it's high, it's high tide.
18:52So the difference, that would be, like, ten feet.
18:53And today, when we saw the golden microphone,
18:55it was high tide.
18:57So that means that it's low tide at 5.55.
19:00That's why we need the golden microphone.
19:01Because then the water will be low enough
19:03so we can walk out to it.
19:04Then you won't have to worry about the sharks.
19:06Time is up.
19:07Guys, it's 5.50.
19:08Guys, we got to go.
19:09Okay, let's go.
19:10Five minutes?
19:11Run, run!
19:12Getting back down by the water.
19:14Is the tide low enough?
19:15Look at the sign.
19:17I see it!
19:18Go for gold.
19:19There it is!
19:21They made it!
19:22Hey, a tape!
19:23All right, I got it.
19:24The final tape.
19:25What do my parents have to say?
19:30You now have the golden microphone.
19:33Tell them what they won, Dinah.
19:35You're weak.
19:36Low tide has revealed the land bridge.
19:39They've won the right to walk off the island.
19:43They did it!
19:44They found all four relics.
19:46Now I'm one step closer to finding my parents.
19:49Let's follow the land bridge straight ahead.
19:51All right, let's go.
19:52Grab the mic, let's go.
19:53See you back at Studio G.
19:55I hope we can figure out how to get there.
19:58All right, let's try this again.
20:00Blossom, Chet, they made it back to Studio G.
20:04The Season 5 Fetchers are here.
20:06Nice place.
20:08This is a cool studio.
20:11Welcome to Studio G.
20:13Sorry I got you lost on Game Show Island,
20:16but you're here now and you're safe,
20:18so let's get right to it.
20:22Fetchers, if you look behind you,
20:24you will see four grand champions.
20:26There just may be someone from Season 5
20:29joining them on that wall.
20:31One of you.
20:32And you're off to an excellent start.
20:34You've got the fabulous four relics with you.
20:37Just go ahead and put them on that shelf over there.
20:40I don't know how or when or even why
20:43the fabulous four are supposed to be used,
20:45but if we need them, we'll be ready.
20:47Right, guys?
20:48We're prepared.
20:49Let's get you guys some points, your first points.
20:52I gotta say, I did not come up with this challenge today,
20:55but you guys pulled it off like old Fetcher pros,
20:58and I'm proud of you.
20:59Marco, Shreya, Ruby.
21:01Goodbye, other pipe.
21:02Your math skills and ingenuity
21:04nabbed that buzzer and a half on the legendary clapperboard,
21:07and that's good for 40 points.
21:10Nice job getting along.
21:12And meanwhile, Jay, Mark, Emmy.
21:15You earned a bunch of points for collecting all those clocks.
21:19Even though you were tied together.
21:21And for hanging in there
21:22to get the other half of the clapperboard.
21:2540 points!
21:28And that's not all.
21:29You deserve a lot more points
21:30because Henry definitely would have fired me
21:32if you hadn't gotten off the island by sundown.
21:35But it didn't happen,
21:36so I got 40 more points for everyone.
21:41For a grand total of 80 points.
21:43You think that's all the points a dog can give?
21:46No, no!
21:47Here's the first one of the season.
21:49What time is it?
21:50Bonus points!
21:52That's right!
21:53Today's 10 bonus points go to the Fetcher,
21:55who not only came up with an ingenious scissors design,
21:58but also knew how to use the word fulcrum.
22:01There's holes all over these boards,
22:02so we really need to worry about where the fulcrum is.
22:05Jay, with 90 points, you're today's new winner!
22:08Thank you.
22:09Now, Jay, I have here two StarPaws tape recorders.
22:13Under one, a fabulous prize.
22:15Maybe a new dining room set or a sailboat.
22:17Who knows?
22:18Under the other StarPaws tape recorder,
22:20also a fabulous prize that, you know,
22:22isn't even close to being a sailboat.
22:24So, which will it be?
22:25I'm going to have to go with...
22:29Check! Go deliver the prize.
22:30Jay, I believe he is sticking it in the suitcase on the shelf.
22:34Okay, I see it.
22:37It's a Fetch with Ruff Ruffman home game!
22:42That's right!
22:43It's the home version of Fetch with Ruff Ruffman.
22:45Now you can have hours of fun going on exciting,
22:47death-defying challenges from the comfort of your own home.
22:51Look, we have our own game pieces!
22:53That's right!
22:54Awesome, David!
22:55I bet I look just like my piece.
22:57All right, Fetchers, congratulations!
22:59And that's it!
23:00We will see you next time on Fetch with Ruff Ruffman!
23:04Bye, guys!
23:08So, Grandma, how did you know so much about Game Show Island?
23:10I had a little game show myself once.
23:13We've got fabulous prizes today!
23:15Homemade oatmeal cookies! You'll love them!
23:18I had no idea!
23:19Only pulled in about 30 million viewers a week.
23:22But that's more than my show!
23:24Grandma, do you know where my parents are?
23:27Oh, that's the Go Get It show!
23:28I never miss it! Bye, dear!
23:30Blossom, Chet, we are going to find my parents.
23:33Mark my words!
23:34This season of Fetch has just begun!
23:39Hey, wanna learn more about levers?
23:41Let's dig a little deeper!
23:43A lever is a simple machine that makes work easier.
23:46To make a lever, you need something firm, like a piece of wood,
23:49and you need a fulcrum to rest it on, which is where it pivots.
23:52You can use a lever to help you move something heavy.
23:55Put the object on one end and apply pressure to the other.
23:58The closer the object is to the fulcrum,
24:00the less force you'll need to move it.
24:02And if you want to dig even deeper, go to pbskidsgo.org!
24:11Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada