The Sooty Show E00- Inventors

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00Musique joyeuse
00:30Est-ce que vous voulez que je l'emmène à l'arrière de ce lit, n'est-ce pas?
00:34Oui, à ce point-là, c'est 87 centimètres.
00:37Est-ce qu'il faut en faire plus?
00:55Est-ce que tout va bien, Professeur Sooty?
00:57C'est très compliqué, toutes ces mesures et ces calculs.
01:00Vous savez, ces gars d'inventeurs sont certainement très impressionnants.
01:04Oui. Aujourd'hui, Sooty, ou je devrais dire Professeur Sooty, est un inventeur.
01:10Et Sue est tout à fait correcte.
01:12Ces gars d'inventeurs sont vraiment impressionnants.
01:15Regardez la façon dont il travaille.
01:17Tellement délicat, tellement fin, tellement subtil.
01:21Et encore une fois, ils doivent pouvoir gérer les choses les plus difficiles.
01:25C'est la vie d'un homme d'être un inventeur.
01:27Sooty, Sooty, je veux dire, Professeur, quand sera-t-il prêt?
01:31Sera-t-il bientôt?
01:34Quoi? Maintenant? Prêt maintenant?
01:36Oh, c'est tellement excitant!
01:45Oh, bien fait, Professeur Sooty!
01:47Votre lift fonctionne!
01:49Ah-ha! Un lift!
01:51Il semble que ce que Professeur Sooty a inventé est un lift
01:54pour aller du niveau de Sue jusqu'au niveau supérieur sans utiliser les escaliers.
01:58Et maintenant, c'est le moment de tester le lift sur un sujet vivant.
02:02Ah, voilà, ma chérie. Professeur Sooty est prêt pour vous maintenant.
02:06Qu'est-ce que vous faites?
02:08Eh bien, vous vous asseyez simplement sur la plateforme et laissez le professeur faire le reste.
02:13Eh bien, l'atmosphère est extrêmement tense.
02:15Le lift a fonctionné bien sous les conditions de test,
02:17mais c'est la première fois qu'un être vivant l'a essayé.
02:20En tout cas, les doigts croisés et prêts, prêts, go!
02:32Eh bien, c'est de retour sur la plateforme pour le professeur.
02:42Pouvez-vous imaginer le monde sans...
02:44sans équipements de télévision ou moteurs?
02:46Des choses comme ça.
02:47Eh bien, ces deux choses sont des inventions.
02:48Et en fait, je lis un livre en ce moment qui s'appelle Inventions & Inventors.
02:51Tu es là, Matthew?
02:52Oh, salut, Sue. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a?
02:53Eh bien, Sooty, je veux dire, le professeur Sooty a eu un désastre avec l'une de ses inventions.
02:58Oh, il est là maintenant.
02:59Salut, Sooty, je veux dire, le professeur Sooty.
03:01Je pense que l'une de vos inventions a suffert un retour.
03:04Eh bien, ne soyez pas en colère, parce que tout le monde a des erreurs.
03:07Oh, mais pas toutes ses inventions sont des erreurs, n'est-ce pas, professeur?
03:10Montrez-lui votre fermeture automatique, Sooty.
03:12Fermeture automatique? Qu'est-ce que c'est une fermeture automatique?
03:14Qu'est-ce que tu fais avec cette chose?
03:15Eh bien, ça ouvre et ferme automatiquement.
03:17Maintenant, essaie de le pointer à tes drapeaux.
03:19D'accord, je vais essayer. J'appuie sur ce bouton.
03:23Hey, regarde ça!
03:24Ça a ouvert le drapeau automatiquement.
03:26Ça dit fermeture. Essayons ça.
03:29Wow! Attendez un instant.
03:30Pouvez-vous essayer dans la fenêtre?
03:31Essayons dans la fenêtre, un instant.
03:34Regarde ça!
03:37Oh, brillant!
03:38Professeur Sooty, c'est incroyable!
03:41Oh, mon héros!
03:43Je n'ai rien fait, je n'ai juste appuyé sur le bouton, c'est tout.
03:45Pas vous, fatigué! Je parle de Professeur Sooty.
03:48Oh, je vois.
03:49Regarde, nous ne pouvons pas rester ici toute la matinée.
03:51Il vaut mieux que tu ailles utiliser la salle de bain.
03:53Permettez-moi d'ouvrir la porte pour vous.
03:57Oh, merci, cher monsieur.
03:58Allez, professeur.
03:59D'accord, on y va.
04:01C'est incroyable, n'est-ce pas?
04:03Attendez un instant.
04:06Hey, regarde ça!
04:10Ça marche à chaque fois.
04:12C'est un...
04:14Qu'est-ce que tu fais là-bas?
04:15D'où es-tu venu?
04:17Le couloir?
04:18Tu ne dois pas aller sur le couloir, c'est extrêmement dangereux.
04:20N'y va pas encore.
04:21Hey, as-tu vu d'autres inventions de Professeur Sooty?
04:25Juste une?
04:28Le lift?
04:29Que penses-tu, Sweep?
04:32Tu n'as rien vu encore.
04:33Regarde ça, un fermeture automatique.
04:35Permettez-moi de fermer la porte.
04:41Qu'est-ce que j'ouvre dans la fenêtre?
04:42Regarde la fenêtre, regarde la fenêtre.
04:45Oh, attendez, il y a un petit bouton qui dit turbo boost.
04:48Je me demande ce que ça fait.
04:49Restez là-bas, Sweep.
04:50Je vais essayer sur toi, attendez.
05:01Sweep, sors-toi de ce couloir!
05:04Il est sur le couloir.
05:06Oui, ce que j'admire vraiment, c'est l'abilité de l'inventeur
05:09de voir une nécessité pour quelque chose
05:11et ensuite de pouvoir remplir ce bouchon.
05:13Je veux dire, ceci, par exemple,
05:15c'est un génie d'être celui qui réalise
05:17que ce que le monde attend
05:19c'est un couteau d'écrasage automatique.
05:21Pas plus de ce couteau d'écrasage à la main, hein?
05:24Je veux dire, juste commencer et c'est parti.
05:27Un couteau d'écrasage motorisé.
05:30C'est prêt?
05:31Oh, bien.
05:32Alors, tout ce qu'on a besoin, c'est quelqu'un pour le tester.
05:35Ah ha!
05:36Hello, just the person.
05:38Now, hold this brush, Sweep.
05:41That one, yes.
05:42Start her up, Sooty.
05:48Oh! Oh!
06:34Don't just stand there, Professor.
06:36Self-destruct your invention.
06:38It must not scrub the hands of the enemy.
06:41Press the button
06:42and then meet me in the bathroom.
06:52Shh! Shh!
06:54Listen, it's obviously destructed.
06:56Congratulations, Professor.
06:58But there is just one small thing
07:00which causes me concern
07:01as a result of that automatic destruct business.
07:04Am I worried about Sweep?
07:05Oh, no, no, no, no.
07:07I was worried about the scrubbing brush.
07:09You see, I was about to have a bath,
07:11but without the scrubbing brush,
07:12how will I make sure I get perfectly clean?
07:16Ah ha!
07:17Professor Sooty's newly invented concentrated bubble bath.
07:21Well, that sounds as if it should do the trick.
07:23Pop it in the bath, Sooty.
07:24Go on.
07:25I'm going to get my dressing gown.
07:39Fancy that.
07:40An automatic door opener.
07:42Now, you may think that this is a silly invention,
07:44but inventors have always suffered from things like that.
07:47In 1925,
07:49people said that John Logie Baird was crazy
07:53he'd invented the machine for seeing via wireless.
07:56It was later known as television.
07:58Sweet, would you get down off that roof, and stop going up there.
08:03He's got himself into so much trouble.
08:08But Sweet wasn't the only one getting himself into trouble,
08:11because even professors can get themselves into trouble,
08:14and Professor Sooty has managed it with style.
08:29There we are, all done.
08:31Now don't you go up on that roof again, do you hear?
08:34What are you going to do in the meantime to keep yourself out of trouble, Sweet?
08:38Do a spot of inventing.
08:40Inventing? I wonder what sort of invention Sweet's going to come up with.
08:43Where are Sooty and Sue?
08:45Oh, they went to use the bathroom, didn't they?
08:47I hope they're using plenty of soap.
08:49Yoo-hoo, Sooty! Sooty, can I come in?
08:52Hello, Professor!
08:54Can I come in?
08:55Well, that's funny. He must have nipped out.
08:58Well, I'm sure he won't mind if I go in and find out how his concentrated soap bubbles are going on.
09:06Well, no one need have worried whether they were using enough soap, need they?
09:10Professor! Where are you?
09:14Don't do that!
09:16Wohoho, oh oh, oh oh, oh don't do that!
09:18Oh aye ya yó shí shí sí woó!
09:22xí shí sí sisísísíyíshí!
09:27Oh, sûr! Look at the state of you! You're covered in bubbles!
09:30Well, it's very difficult not to be in our bathroom.
09:33So then don't look at me.
09:34Wait until you see Professor Sutty!
09:36Why, I don't think it could be worse…
09:37Oh! Look at the Sutty!
09:40Hang on a minute, come here and use this towel and get yourself cleaned off!
09:42That's it! Honestly, you two, you are funny!
09:45Hey, but that's not all that's funny. Listen, listen, listen.
09:48Sweep has decided to do a spot of inventing.
09:52What is he inventing?
09:55I haven't got a clue, but it is quite funny, isn't it?
09:57I mean...
09:59This is your invention.
10:01This thing looks like a tin box.
10:03What is it?
10:05It'll check my watch
10:07to see if it's shockproof.
10:10Actually, that's a very good invention.
10:12As a matter of fact, Sweep, I have an old watch. Go and get it.
10:14It's in that drawer down there. I've often wondered...
10:16There's the one. Do I put it inside the box?
10:18Put it in here. I've often wondered whether it is in fact shockproof.
10:21I had sleepless nights over it.
10:23Well, anyway, be careful with it because it's a very valuable watch, Sweep.
10:26Okay, be careful.
10:34It's finished, is it?
10:36You want me to open it?
10:38I hope you know what you're doing.
10:42It isn't shockproof.
10:44No, it isn't shockproof.
10:48I'll tell you what it is, Sweep.
10:50It is ruined.
10:52You'd better be going.
10:54I think you'd better come back here.
10:56Professor Sooty, can I borrow your automatic opener, please?
10:59You go and get it. Thank you very much.
11:01Just bring it up here. That's it.
11:03You hold it. I'll press the button.
11:05Bye-bye, Sweep.
11:08I couldn't have a nicer dog.
11:10Would you get down off the roof?
11:16Oh, hi there. Don't worry about Sweep. We got him down off the roof.
11:19And actually, we all had a jolly good laugh about everything.
11:22Oh, and don't worry about the watch either. It wasn't really valuable.
11:25I was only kidding him about that.
11:27Anyway, that was about three hours ago.
11:29And in the meantime, I've had my thinking cap on,
11:31and I've come up with a little invention.
11:33I'd actually like to show...
11:35Oh, hello there, you three.
11:37How's it coming along, Professor Matthew?
11:39Oh, Professor Matthew, eh? I like the sound of that, Sue.
11:42Yeah, well, actually, I have had my thinking cap on,
11:44and I've come up with a little invention, all right?
11:47Oh, yes. Can we see it?
11:49You want to see it? OK. Hang on. It's over here.
11:51It's not much, a fairly modest invention,
11:53but it's covered up by this sheet, you see? There we are.
11:55See that?
11:57But that's a television, Matthew.
11:59Ah, yes, but it's not the television which I've invented, Sue,
12:01because that was invented, well, a long time ago.
12:03You see, this is my invention.
12:05See this videocassette? I'm going to put this in here
12:07and program it.
12:09Now, watch the screen over there.
12:11It's a still frame of one of my favorite television presenters.
12:13That's Tommy Boyd, see?
12:15But Matthew, almost everyone's seen
12:17People Frozen by video recorder.
12:19But that's not the clever part,
12:21because this is... Hang on.
12:23Can you press that lever there, Sutty, now?
12:27Voilà! The real life Tommy Boyd!
12:29Matthew, how are you?
12:31You remember Sutty and Sweet and Sue, don't you?
12:33Nice to see you again. Nice to see you.
12:35What do you think about my invention, eh?
12:37Your invention? It's rubbish.
12:41Compared to my automatic hammer.
12:43It's your invention.
12:45My invention? Do you want to see it?
12:49It's your invention?
12:53It's your invention?
12:55My invention? Do you want to see it in action?
12:59Turn me on.
13:01Hang on!
13:07You're off.
13:09Have a relax.
13:11That's my collection of gnomes, that.
13:13It was?
13:15Oh, look.
13:17Oh, Sutty's crying.
13:19We'll find out what he's crying.
13:21One of his inventions isn't working.
13:23Oh, well, that's all right.
13:25You just relax down there.
13:27What's the problem? Where is this invention?
13:29He says he's going down to bring it up.
13:31I'll give him a hand.
13:33Come on, Sutty. Up with it. There we go.
13:35Oh, Matthew, look what it is.
13:37Wow, that is amazing.
13:43Unbelievable. Crucial.
13:47What is it?
13:51Professor, what's wrong with it?
13:53He says the ickle is 100%,
13:55the occle isn't.
13:57Let me just have a look here.
13:59Wait a minute.
14:01It's because of that modular
14:03which is not connected with the...
14:07Pliers. Thank you very much indeed.
14:13That one in there.
14:15No, the doodah.
14:17That's the one.
14:19That would come in handy.
14:23Sutty, I think we have one working
14:25Ickle Occle. Tremendous.
14:27We've got a working Ickle Occle, Sutty.
14:29He says he can't wait to see it in action.
14:31Neither can I.
14:33I must just ask you, what does it do?
14:35What does it do?
14:37I just said that.
14:39Listen to it.
14:41What do you mean, listen to it?
14:43That's what it does. You listen to it.
14:45I've got a bucket of water here.
14:47Come on, you give us a hand and we'll do the honours.
14:49It goes in the bucket of water.
14:51In the bucket of water.
14:59I'm so glad you were able to stay for tea, Tommy.
15:01Me too.
15:03It was terrific.
15:05I think that tea time is the best invention in the world.
15:07Well, I have to disagree with you there actually, Tommy.
15:09Why do you say that, Matthew?
15:11What do you think is the best invention in the world?
15:13I think the best invention in the world is...
15:17You know, you're right.
15:19The prize for best inventor goes to
15:21Whoever Invented Friends.
15:23Yes, there are lots of other inventions.
15:25Let's show Tommy one or two, shall we?
15:27Yeah, OK, go and get it.
15:29Whoever invented the wheel
15:31Was a real clever fella
15:33Got any ideas, Sweet?
15:35Whoever invented the chair
15:37Had a fair old brain
15:39Sweet, tell us, Sue.
15:41The man who invents with the pedal
15:43Deserves the medal
15:45Hang on a minute, what about this?
15:47Whoever invents with this
15:49Deserves the same
15:51Let's look back.
15:53Whoever invented the bed
15:55Had a head full of notions
15:57There we are.
15:59And whoever invented glass
16:01Had a glassy idea
16:03That's for you, Sue.
16:05The sky who invents with paint
16:07Made a quaint dissonance
16:09Made a quaint dissonance
16:11Very good one, that.
16:13The one thing that has been made
16:15Rests on me
16:17Cheers, Tommy.
16:19Cheers, Matthew.
16:21These inventions are all very clever
16:25Yes, the rest are too.
16:27But there's one left out
16:29And it's the best invention ever
16:33Whoever invented this one's clever
16:37Can we guess what it is?
16:39Whoever invented friends
16:42Whatever their name
16:45I want to say
16:47Thanks a million
16:49And thanks again
16:53Because if you've got your friends around you
16:56Remember this, boys and girls
17:00Friendship is the best thing in the world
