The Sooty Show E00- Bouncers

  • il y a 3 mois


00:00**Musique de fin**
00:20I do not want chocolate, I do not like chocolate, I do not need chocolate, I do not want chocolate, I do not like chocolate, I do not need...
00:27Oh, hello.
00:29I expect you're wondering what's going on, are you?
00:31Well, actually, I've had a bit of a disaster.
00:33You see, I got on the scales this morning and I've put a bit of weight on.
00:36The problem is... this.
00:39Not very good for you.
00:40Well, not if you eat too much, anyway.
00:42Anyway, I have the answer.
00:43Because, every time I fancy some chocolate, I should just eat something else, like this.
00:50Great things, carrots.
00:52Just stop you speaking properly, that's all.
00:54No, actually, seriously.
00:55Carrots are very good for you and they're also extremely nice.
00:58In fact, all vegetables are nice.
01:00Although, I don't think Sweep would agree.
01:02The fuss we had the other day, all because Sweep wouldn't eat his vegetables.
01:09Now, what did you think of that lunch, then, Sissy?
01:11You thought it was yummy?
01:12So did I, actually, yeah.
01:13So did I, Matthew.
01:14Just look at my plate.
01:15Ah, now, that is what I call a nice clean plate, Sue.
01:18Really, it is.
01:19Yours is nice and empty as well.
01:21Yes, I've already said that.
01:22Oi, Sweep, what about you?
01:27You finished?
01:29Well, no, not quite.
01:30Not yet, you haven't, anyway.
01:31He's left his runner beans, hasn't he, Matthew?
01:33Yes, I know that, Sue.
01:35He always leaves his vegetables.
01:37Leave this to me, leave this to me.
01:38Come on, Sweep, come on.
01:39Just eat a few runner beans, come on.
01:43You don't like runner beans.
01:44That's why he's left them.
01:45Yeah, oh, he always leaves them.
01:47Yes, leave this to me.
01:49Come on, come on, Sweep.
01:50Come on, just eat a few.
01:51Come on, just a few.
01:53You've eaten most of them.
01:55I don't think you have.
01:56I don't think you've eaten any of them.
01:57Just eat a few more, come on.
01:58You can't.
01:59Why not?
02:01They're cold.
02:02That's because you've been diddling around, Sweep.
02:04You should have eaten them when they were warm,
02:06shouldn't you, Matthew?
02:07All right, Sue, what?
02:08You always eat your vegetables when they're hot.
02:10Listen, listen, I'm not talking to you two.
02:12I'm talking to Sweep.
02:13Now, come on, Sweep.
02:14I didn't give you money in the first place.
02:15Come on, you can eat them.
02:16You've eaten all the meat.
02:17Yes, but it's not the meat I'm talking about.
02:19It's the vegetables.
02:20Just eat what?
02:21Yeah, all right, all right.
02:22That's a good idea.
02:23You'll like this, Sweep.
02:24You'll like this.
02:25Trains and tunnels, Matthew.
02:26Yes, trains and tunnels.
02:27Just a minute.
02:28Let me just get some on the spoon.
02:29Okay, okay.
02:30Now, put that back over there, Suzy.
02:32This is a train, Sweep.
02:33I want you to open your mouth,
02:34and that's going to be the tunnel.
02:35Okay, you'll like this.
02:36Okay, here it comes.
02:38Come on, open up.
02:39Here comes the train.
02:41Looking for the tunnel.
02:43Come on, train's coming.
02:45Here it comes.
02:46Open the top.
02:47Oh, dear.
02:48I think there's been a train crash.
02:49Sweep, what happened to the tunnel?
02:53Close for repairs?
02:55Sweep, would you please eat some of these runner beans?
03:01All right.
03:02Okay, halves.
03:03Pass the plate up here.
03:04Let's separate them there.
03:07Does that seem about right?
03:09Half and half.
03:10One half over there.
03:11All right.
03:12Right now, Sweep,
03:13I want you to eat that half,
03:15okay, and you can leave that half.
03:17Now, come on,
03:18only runner beans and everybody should eat runner beans.
03:23Well, you should eat runner beans
03:26because runner beans make you run faster.
03:33What did I say?
03:35I said everybody should eat runner beans
03:37because runner beans make you run faster.
03:40Yes, absolutely.
03:42Is that true?
03:43Of course it's true.
03:45Am I certain?
03:46Of course I'm certain.
03:47It stands to reason.
03:48I mean, why else would they be called runner beans?
03:53That's right, Sweep.
03:54If you eat those,
03:55then you'll be able to run faster.
04:02He's in love, aren't you?
04:04You're right, Sue.
04:05You've never seen anything like it.
04:06Neither have I.
04:07Sweep, how do you feel?
04:11You feel good.
04:13Very good.
04:16You feel as if you want to do something.
04:18I'm not surprised.
04:19What do you want to do, Sweep?
04:20You want to...
04:21You want to what?
04:25He says he wants to run.
04:32He says he wants to run.
05:02He says he wants to run.
05:03He says he wants to run.
05:04He says he wants to run.
05:05He says he wants to run.
05:06He says he wants to run.
05:07He says he wants to run.
05:08He says he wants to run.
05:09He says he wants to run.
05:10He says he wants to run.
05:11He says he wants to run.
05:12He says he wants to run.
05:13He says he wants to run.
05:14He says he wants to run.
05:15He says he wants to run.
05:16He says he wants to run.
05:17He says he wants to run.
05:18He says he wants to run.
05:19He says he wants to run.
05:20He says he wants to run.
05:21He says he wants to run.
05:22He says he wants to run.
05:23He says he wants to run.
05:24He says he wants to run.
05:25He says he wants to run.
05:28What, Sue, what?
05:29Can I see your fingers?
05:30I beg your pardon?
05:32The fingers on your left hand.
05:33Bring them up, Sooty.
05:34What do you mean, the fingers on my...
05:36As I thought.
05:37Your fingers are crossed.
05:38Yeah, well, I can explain.
05:39Does this mean I've been telling porcupines?
05:40Yes, Mathieu.
05:41You've been telling woofers.
05:42That's why you've got your fingers crossed.
05:43Runner beans don't make you run faster.
05:44Oh, all right, Sue.
05:45All right.
05:46Look, I know that.
05:47And you know that.
05:48And Sooty knows that as well.
05:49You've got your fingers crossed.
05:50You've got your fingers crossed.
05:51You've got your fingers crossed.
05:52You've got your fingers crossed.
05:53All right.
05:54Look, I know that.
05:55And you know that.
05:56And Sooty knows that as well.
05:57But Sweep doesn't know that.
05:58And that was the only way I could think of
05:59to get him to eat his vegetables.
06:01Anyway, it certainly seems to have worked.
06:03He's still at it.
06:24Ah, there he is.
06:25Ah, there you are, Sweep.
06:26How do you feel?
06:28A little out of breath?
06:29I'm not surprised.
06:30Listen, did it work then?
06:31Did the runner beans make you run faster?
06:36You ran twice as fast as normal, did you?
06:40Well, it just goes to show
06:41that everybody should eat their vegetables.
06:43I'm talking about vegetables.
06:44Look at this.
06:46See that?
06:48What is that?
06:49Well, this is another delicious vegetable, Sweep.
06:52This is called spring greens.
06:56They smell disgusting.
06:58You wouldn't eat that?
07:01Not for a million pounds?
07:03Well, it'll be your loss, won't it, Sooty?
07:05Yes, see?
07:07Does Sooty like that stuff?
07:09Well, he's rubbing his tummy.
07:11I think he must like it.
07:13Is he going to eat some now?
07:15Well, no, Sweep.
07:16Because whilst you were running all around the house,
07:18Sooty actually had quite a large portion.
07:20Look, he's finished that.
07:21So if I were you, I should just stand back, OK?
07:25Well, remember, they're called spring greens, Sweep.
07:28It's spring greens.
07:30So just stand back and watch what happens
07:32when somebody eats spring greens.
07:39Look at that.
07:41Where's he gone?
07:42Well, he's hopped it, Sweep.
07:45But it just goes to show
07:46that you should eat your vegetables.
07:48You see, runner beans make you run,
07:49spring greens make you spring.
07:52Am I kidding?
07:53Of course I'm not kidding.
07:54I mean, you've just seen it with your own eyes.
07:56Anyway, would I tell you little white lies, Sweep?
08:05It's OK, Sooty.
08:06You can stop bouncing now.
08:07Do you think Sweep fell for it?
08:10Look, Lionel Singer.
08:11Well, stand by the ruler.
08:12I'm just going to go and make doubly sure.
08:14We've got to make him want to eat his vegetables somehow,
08:17haven't we?
08:19Sweep, in exactly the same way
08:20as runner beans make you run,
08:21spring greens make you spring.
08:23Oh, hi, Sue. Hi.
08:24Hello, Matthew.
08:25Hey, what's Sooty doing?
08:26I've just seen him springing all over the house.
08:28Ah, well, yes.
08:29That's because he's been a very good boy
08:30and eaten all of this delicious vegetable
08:32called spring greens.
08:33And that's why he's springing?
08:35Oh, nonsense.
08:36I don't believe a word of it.
08:38Let me try that.
08:44Oh, yummy, yummy.
08:46That feels scrubby in my tummy.
08:49What, Sweep, what?
08:50It hasn't worked?
08:52Well, no, she's not exactly springing,
08:54but just a minute.
08:55Just don't give up hope
08:56because she may start springing any second now.
09:01Oh, goodness me.
09:03Oh, how very strange.
09:05I'm springing.
09:07I'm full of the joys of spring.
09:11All right, off you go then, Sue.
09:12Happy springing.
09:13Mind how you spring now.
09:14Well, there you are, you see.
09:15Isn't that amazing, Sweep?
09:16Now, that is because she ate all that vegetable.
09:18Amazing things happen to people who eat their vegetables.
09:22You want some?
09:23Want some of this?
09:25But, hang on a minute, Sweep,
09:26but you don't like it.
09:28You do?
09:29But, um,
09:30you said you wouldn't eat this for a million pounds.
09:33You've changed your mind?
09:35But, Sweep,
09:36you don't like vegetables.
09:38You do?
09:39But I always have a terrible job
09:41getting you to eat your vegetables.
09:43I won't anymore.
09:48Yummy, yummy.
09:50That smells beautiful.
09:54Can you have a little mouthful?
09:56Well, all right, Sweep,
09:58if you want to try it, try it.
10:00Go on.
10:04Now that's what I call eating your vegetables.
10:07What, Sweep, what?
10:09Something's happening?
10:11Something's coming?
10:12It's coming?
10:13It's coming?
10:14It's coming?
10:15It's here!
10:16What's here?
10:17What is it, Sweep?
10:18For goodness sake, what's here?
10:20I beg your pardon,
10:22but is that what was coming?
10:24Well, I'm not surprised after all the veg you ate.
10:27What about springing?
10:29Well, Sweep,
10:30if you feel like springing, then feel free.
10:33After the count of three.
10:34One, two, three.
10:38That's it, Sweep.
10:39Spring, spring, spring, spring.
10:42Oh, he sprung.
10:45Ah, here comes the bouncing dog.
10:48And there goes the bouncing dog.
10:50Sooty's gone to find somebody to help with the twanging of the ruler.
10:53Oh, here's little cousin Scampy.
10:55Will you twang the ruler for us, please, little cousin Scampy?
10:58No, says little cousin Scampy.
11:00So Sooty decides to offer him a sweet.
11:03I'll give you a sweetie if you'll twang the ruler.
11:08Oh, well, Sooty decides to try two sweeties.
11:12I'll give you these two if you'll twang the ruler.
11:16Yes, says little cousin Scampy.
11:19You're on, says Sooty. Walk this way.
11:21So there we are.
11:23Scampy gets to twang the ruler and Sooty and Sue get to leave.
11:38Sous-titrage MFP.
12:08Sous-titrage MFP.
12:39Oh, really, really, he should laugh.
12:41But he's so funny.
12:43Why was he springing, Matthew?
12:45I mean, spring greens don't really make you spring, do they?
12:48No, I know.
12:49And runner beans don't make you run.
12:51Of course they don't.
12:53My sides are aching.
12:55Why was Sweet doing these things, Matthew?
12:58Well, it's because he's in his mind, Sue.
13:00You see, we've told him these things and he believes them.
13:03And I, for one, think it's so funny that I am not going to put him straight.
13:07Me neither.
13:09And neither are you.
13:10Well, in that case, nobody is.
13:14Oh, I'm crying.
13:18Well, it's not strictly true to say nobody's going to put him right
13:22because that is exactly what little cousin Scampy's doing right now.
13:26Telling Sweep that they've all been playing a trick on him.
13:29Oh, dear. Sweep doesn't look very happy.
13:33Sweep doesn't look very happy at all.
13:38Don't worry, we've finally stopped laughing.
13:41Actually, I'm a little bit worried about Sweep since he ate all those vegetables
13:45because he said he was actually going to make tea for us tonight.
13:48Sweep, make tea?
13:49Yes, it's a first, isn't it, Matthew?
13:51It is, Sue, you're right.
13:52What are we having?
13:53Well, I don't know, but Sweep said something about
13:55if runner beans could make you run faster
13:57and if spring greens could make you spring,
13:59then he would give us some food which also had a double meaning
14:02or something like that anyway.
14:04Oh, we can ask him, here he is.
14:05Ah, Monsieur Chef, have you stopped bouncing yet?
14:08Oh, Matthew, stop it.
14:10I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
14:11Right, Sweep, while you're doing tea, what are we having to eat?
14:15All the dishes are here on the table.
14:17This is all very mysterious.
14:18What exactly are we having?
14:20Let's look at Sue's tea first.
14:22OK, well, what's Sue having next?
14:25Toad in the hole.
14:26Sweep, toad in the hole, that's my most favourite of all time.
14:29Me too, actually, Sue.
14:30I'll unwrap it and put it in the fridge.
14:33I'll unwrap it then.
14:35But remember, remember what?
14:37That runner beans can make you run, yes?
14:40And spring greens can make you spring.
14:42I don't see what that's got to do with toad in the hole.
14:45Oh, look at that!
14:47It's a real toad!
14:49Oh, that's horrible, that's horrible.
14:51Take him down there, Sue.
14:52Go on, take him down.
14:53Oh, for goodness sakes.
14:55Sweep, now it's just your little joke,
14:57but it wasn't a very funny little joke.
14:59But what's Sue going to have for his tea?
15:01It's just there, but the middle one.
15:03I hope it's not toad in the hole sweep, is it?
15:05What is it then?
15:08Snake and kidney pie?
15:11Slight slip of the tongue there.
15:13I don't think you mean snake and kidney pie.
15:15I think you probably mean steak and kidney pie,
15:17not snake and kidney pie.
15:19Hey, hey, silly lad.
15:20He knows what he's on about.
15:22It's more than thee, Clarky.
15:24Runner beans make them run by gum.
15:26They must have scoffed plenty of barm cakes in the time,
15:29because they're certainly barmy, are they?
15:31All right, that's enough from you.
15:32Go on, go on, go on.
15:34Thank you very much, Ramsbottom.
15:36Thank you very much.
15:37All right, very funny, Sweep, very funny.
15:39Look, what about my tea?
15:40What am I going to have?
15:42Just take her in front of me.
15:43This one here.
15:45Go on and have a look.
15:46All right, let's have a look and see what I'm...
15:48Oh, look at this.
15:51Mmm, bangers and mash.
15:55Don't want some mustard?
15:56Well, that's very kind of you, Sweep,
15:58but where have they gone?
16:01Hey, look at this.
16:02Gunpowder and mustard.
16:04That's unusual.
16:05You know, something's very strange here.
16:07I know that Sweep's trying to play a joke on all of us,
16:09but I don't quite understand where my joke is.
16:11I mean...
16:13Yes, I do.
16:14Bangers and mash.
16:16Gunpowder and mustard.
16:21Matthew, Matthew.
16:22What, Sue?
16:23I've just been talking to little cousin Stampy,
16:25and he told me that Sweep was only paying us back
16:27because we teased him about the runner beans.
16:30Oh, all right, all right.
16:31It's understandable.
16:32Yes, we were a bit cruel.
16:34As a matter of fact, to make up,
16:35I've got something special out of the freezer.
16:37I thought we could all share it.
16:39Well, what is it, Sue?
16:40What have you got out of the freezer?
16:41Well, it's called patience pudding.
16:44Patience pudding.
16:45Well, that's something that we could all do with today,
16:47a little bit of patience.
16:49Sweep, Sweep, look, I'm sorry that I teased you.
16:52We all are.
16:54And you're sorry too.
16:56And in future, you're going to eat all your vegetables.
16:58Well, you are a good boy, Sweep.
17:00Really, you are.
17:01Oh, and I hope that you're going to remember
17:03to eat all your vegetables as well.
17:05Oh, and in the meantime, let's say goodbye.
17:07Bye-bye, everybody.
17:09Stampy, would you like some patience pudding?
17:11Without talking to you.
17:13I've got some dishes over here.
17:25Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'
