Ghost HD ( Comedy )

  • 3 months ago
Ghost HD ( Comedy )
00:00:00They say right before you pass on, your life flashes before your eyes.
00:00:07But all I remember thinking was,
00:00:09please don't let me die in this outfit.
00:00:14If I'd known I'd be spending eternity in it,
00:00:16I would have worn the Chanel.
00:00:22Welcome to Hell.
00:00:24JK, it's New Jersey.
00:00:26Where someone else died the same day I did.
00:00:30Sari Coogan.
00:00:32She was lucky enough to come back, though.
00:00:34We'll get into more on that later.
00:00:38But here's what you need to know.
00:00:40After her near-death experience, she started to see ghosts like me.
00:00:47Some were straight-up freaky.
00:00:49And some were just... fashion-impaired.
00:00:52You know, Alice.
00:00:54It just ain't right.
00:00:56But Sari was practically a ghost herself back then.
00:01:01And is it any wonder why?
00:01:03Just look at this party.
00:01:05That idiot can't even take a selfie.
00:01:08Happy birthday, Sari!
00:01:12But what's even sadder is what Sari wished for.
00:01:15A real friend.
00:01:18She just didn't know it'd be a dead one.
00:01:22Sari's family had achieved the American dream,
00:01:25winning tons of quick cash in their daughter's lawsuit
00:01:28and moving to sunny Beverly Hills.
00:01:51Things were just starting to look up for Sari Coogan.
00:02:02Until she saw me.
00:02:05For the first time, at least.
00:02:08Oh, this must be where that girl died.
00:02:14I'm sorry, sweetheart.
00:02:16This is the only house we could afford.
00:02:18Yeah, we got a killer deal on the place.
00:02:21Has someone died here?
00:02:23I can't believe you guys would do this to me.
00:03:27She fell in the pool and drowned.
00:03:31God, I look so fat in that picture.
00:03:34Who's the girl who died here?
00:03:36I prefer Missy, if you don't mind.
00:03:39What's your problem?
00:03:41It's not like being a ghost is contagious or anything.
00:03:45Please tell me you really had to pee.
00:03:48Go away, go away, go away.
00:03:55I finally find someone who can see me
00:03:58and she turns out to be a total freak.
00:04:03I can still hear you, you know.
00:04:07And you know I can walk through doors, right?
00:04:10Hello? I'm a ghost?
00:04:13Go away.
00:04:17Come on, please.
00:04:20It's so boring being dead.
00:04:22It's not my fault you got drunk and dove off a balcony.
00:04:25That is not what happened.
00:04:31It's all over the internet.
00:04:33Someone pushed me.
00:04:35As if I would have done myself in like that.
00:04:38All I remember is feeling really dizzy and foggy.
00:04:42Wait, if that's what they're saying,
00:04:44then no one's even looking for the D-bag that killed me.
00:04:47You have to help me find out who did it.
00:04:50No, no, no, no, no, no.
00:04:52Absolutely not.
00:04:54Why not?
00:04:55Because you are super mean to me.
00:04:58Because you're like you.
00:05:03We're done here.
00:05:05Go haunt one of your Bev Hills friends who cares.
00:05:09That's probably who killed me.
00:05:12Someone at my freaking party killed me.
00:05:18Who would want to do that?
00:05:21Who wouldn't?
00:05:27Tell me you're not wearing that.
00:05:29I wouldn't be caught dead talking you in this.
00:05:31Can you just go away already?
00:05:35Not until you haunt me.
00:05:37Until then, you're stuck with me.
00:05:40I know.
00:05:42What if I could give you what you want most in the world?
00:05:46And what could that possibly be?
00:05:49To be popular.
00:05:52I don't want to be popular.
00:05:54Don't be ridiculous.
00:05:56I don't need to take this.
00:05:59Don't you walk away from me.
00:06:01Too late.
00:06:06You want a haunting?
00:06:09I'll give you a haunting.
00:07:25Okay, I'll help you.
00:07:27But only if you promise to go away forever.
00:07:30You'll help me find the D-bag who killed me?
00:07:35I promise.
00:07:37You'll never have to see me ever again.
00:07:40Now let's get you ready for your debut at Beth Hills Senior High.
00:07:47You'll have to get close to my friends to find out who the D-bag is.
00:07:50Wait, I'm gonna have to be like you?
00:08:16Oh, God.
00:08:35Maybe I am a miracle worker.
00:08:49Crap, they put me in French.
00:08:52What's wrong with French?
00:08:54I know exactly one word.
00:08:58It's pronounced croissant.
00:09:04Chess club.
00:09:07You want to sign up?
00:09:09It's really fun.
00:09:11We made state finals last year.
00:09:13Cool, yeah.
00:09:16Are you mental?
00:09:18No chess club.
00:09:20I'm sorry, I just...
00:09:22Oh, my God, there he is.
00:09:24Wait, where are you going?
00:09:29Hey, what's up?
00:09:33I was just wondering what you're doing this weekend.
00:09:35Um, me and the guys are actually playing a show over in Eagle Rock.
00:09:39In Eagle Rock? No way. Can I come?
00:09:42Yeah, of course.
00:10:06Come with me if you want to leave.
00:10:09Are you talking to me?
00:10:11Yeah, you seem a little lost.
00:10:13Oh, well, you could say that.
00:10:18Goulet's class.
00:10:22Right this way, madame.
00:10:24I'm Justin, by the way.
00:10:28I'm Sarah.
00:10:32Justin, my man.
00:10:34You hitting on the new girl?
00:10:36You know.
00:10:38I'll see you around, Sari.
00:10:40Brandon, wait up.
00:10:44Did you see that?
00:10:46Better get used to it, girl.
00:10:48Miss Leila.
00:10:57That's Leila.
00:10:59She's an Arabian princess.
00:11:04She even has her own bodyguard.
00:11:08Chillax, bro.
00:11:19He's, well...
00:11:30No, this one.
00:11:34See? There are at least some perks to having a ghost as a friend.
00:11:37Not that I would have called a chess nerd a friend back then.
00:11:50Forget French.
00:11:52Lunch is the real test.
00:12:00So over there are the surfers.
00:12:02The Persians.
00:12:04The film nerds think they're God's gift.
00:12:06Oh, new girl.
00:12:08Righteous threat.
00:12:12I think.
00:12:14So quick quiz.
00:12:16Which table do you think he belongs to?
00:12:22Finally, it's learning.
00:12:24Oh, and there's Justin.
00:12:26But you already know him.
00:12:28He's in a band.
00:12:30Oh, that's cool.
00:12:32I know someone who played the oboe once.
00:12:34No, not that kind of band.
00:12:36A rock band.
00:12:38Deja Vu with my boyfriend Aiden.
00:12:52What are you doing in our spot?
00:12:54Just because you're wearing Dolce & Gabbana shoes
00:12:57doesn't mean you can sit at the BBC table.
00:13:01The billionaire British chicks?
00:13:03Your table's over there with the fashionistas.
00:13:07Sorry, I...
00:13:11Sorry, I didn't know.
00:13:13Right, so get up.
00:13:17Never say I'm sorry.
00:13:19What? Why?
00:13:21Because we're billionaireesses, not you.
00:13:26I heard no one would sit with you
00:13:28because Victoria told everyone
00:13:30you kissed some random at Chuck Dawson's party.
00:13:33Just do it.
00:13:35I heard that no one would sit with you
00:13:38since Victoria told everybody
00:13:40that you kissed someone at Chuck Dawson's party.
00:13:45Some random. Say it.
00:13:47Some random.
00:13:50What did you say?
00:13:53Victoria, you knew that was a secret.
00:13:56I... Whoops, secret's out.
00:13:59I'm so sorry.
00:14:04Hey, new girl, come here.
00:14:07Yay, we're in.
00:14:15That was amazing.
00:14:17The BBCs are so annoying.
00:14:20Yeah, there was this one time...
00:14:22How did you know that about Zandra?
00:14:24Say you just made it up.
00:14:26I just made it up.
00:14:31BT dubs?
00:14:33Love the dress.
00:14:35Yeah, that looks exactly like something
00:14:38my BFF would have worn.
00:14:41Your BFF?
00:14:43Thanks, it's Chanel.
00:14:46Chanel, you idiot.
00:14:49Chanel, I mean, it's Chanel.
00:14:52That's like a cardinal sin of fashion.
00:14:55I cannot believe you're my only hope.
00:14:57Sorry, I'm still...
00:14:59I'm just kind of out of it.
00:15:01Moving and all.
00:15:03So where did you move here from?
00:15:05New Jersey.
00:15:06That's so funny.
00:15:08One of my maids is from New Jersey.
00:15:10Or was it South Dakota?
00:15:12Hey, babe.
00:15:14I wanted to remind everyone
00:15:16that we're having auditions on Sunday.
00:15:18I thought Zandra had that spot.
00:15:20No, no, no free rides.
00:15:22I don't care who she's dating in the band.
00:15:24She can audition like everyone else, okay?
00:15:27This amazing girl right here got us a shot with an exec,
00:15:30and we want to be top shelf that night, okay?
00:15:33If we beat her, it will kill her.
00:15:37Do you sing?
00:15:39Oh, uh, I don't...
00:15:42I don't really sing anymore.
00:15:44What about all those choir show fees?
00:15:46I'm telling you, I don't sing anymore.
00:15:48It's no good.
00:15:52All right, ladies, I'll see you Sunday.
00:16:04Ugh, I feel so bloated after lunch.
00:16:08There's like a zillion carbs in those crackers.
00:16:11Yeah, I know, I hate eating.
00:16:16Excuse me.
00:16:19Hey, Aiden.
00:16:21I missed you.
00:16:23Want to walk me to class?
00:16:25Uh, no, sorry, I gotta go.
00:16:33It's so sad.
00:16:35Aiden just hasn't been the same since that night.
00:16:39What night?
00:16:41It was like the worst thing that's ever happened in Beth Hills.
00:16:46His GF, my old BF, Missy Palmer, died.
00:16:52Yeah, I know.
00:16:56I mean, I just, I moved into her house.
00:16:59You did?
00:17:00Weird, right?
00:17:02Yeah, you know, maybe don't tell Aiden that.
00:17:06We went to this huge fight right before she drowned,
00:17:09and he's been all mopey ever since.
00:17:12Are you serious?
00:17:13I'm not evil.
00:17:14Shut up, okay?
00:17:15No, you're wearing this thing.
00:17:16You're embarrassing me in front of everybody.
00:17:18No, I'm embarrassing.
00:17:19I'm the embarrassing one.
00:17:21Don't ever call me embarrassing.
00:17:25You know, Haley's always said that I should have been with Aiden instead of Missy.
00:17:31And that's always sounded super messed up.
00:17:34But maybe she's right.
00:17:37And it's what Missy would have wanted.
00:17:39It's like honoring her memory or something, right?
00:17:44Yeah, totally.
00:17:50So, Siri, what are you doing after school?
00:17:57Is that a Degas?
00:17:59It's original.
00:18:00Daddy doesn't put up with fakes.
00:18:03When it comes to art, anyway.
00:18:05Girlfriends are another story.
00:18:12This is Sari, our neighbor.
00:18:15Lloyd Fane.
00:18:17Love the hair.
00:18:19I mean it.
00:18:21It's lovely.
00:18:23Very Vivian Lee.
00:18:28Since you're our guest, I think you should have the first bite, Sari.
00:18:34What is it?
00:18:36Raw fish.
00:18:42Do you like it?
00:18:44It's delicious.
00:18:46Well, hopefully it's not the last thing you'll ever eat.
00:18:52It's fugu.
00:18:54Japanese puffer fish.
00:18:56It's super poisonous.
00:18:58If you don't make it right, you die in like five minutes.
00:19:02It's 10,000 times more deadly than cyanide.
00:19:06Don't worry. We have our own sushi chef.
00:19:09He's prepared it hundreds of times and hasn't killed anyone yet.
00:19:15Hi, babe. Hold on a sec.
00:19:17Sorry, girls.
00:19:19I gotta take this in my yoga studio.
00:19:22No, I love you more.
00:19:24Yoga studio.
00:19:26You have a yoga studio, too?
00:19:29I wish.
00:19:31He means his private retreat.
00:19:34I'm not allowed in there.
00:19:36No one is.
00:19:38So you never snuck in?
00:19:40Once. With Missy.
00:19:43Right before she...
00:19:47I'm sorry.
00:19:51Did it get cold in here?
00:19:55I read what happened.
00:19:59I'm so, so sorry.
00:20:02I know Missy was your friend.
00:20:04Thanks, girl.
00:20:06You seem really sweet.
00:20:09You know, it's really weird,
00:20:12but you kind of remind me of her sometimes.
00:20:17That is really weird.
00:20:21Taylor's dad is such a creepo.
00:20:24Yeah. Me, too.
00:20:34I don't know if this is really me.
00:20:37That's the whole idea, Jersey.
00:20:44Wow. You're like...
00:20:50You're, like, actually amazing.
00:20:54I don't sing anymore.
00:20:56Why not? It's, like, the only naturally beautiful thing about you.
00:21:00Oh, my God. You should audition for Deja Vu.
00:21:04You could give Aidan a message for me.
00:21:06What, like his dead girlfriend doesn't want him to date ever again?
00:21:09I had something else in mind.
00:21:11Besides, it's Justin's band, too.
00:21:15Oh, hell no!
00:21:17This is my haunting.
00:21:20That hasn't happened in a while.
00:21:22Yeah, because of me.
00:21:24You have no idea what's lurking back there.
00:21:34X, do you think it's too soon for Botox?
00:21:37Victoria, it's never too soon to do Botox.
00:21:41Look, X, the New Jersey peasant girl's back.
00:21:46We saw you in your pathetic Honda.
00:21:49My maid drives that car.
00:21:51Oh, are you looking for a job?
00:21:53Whatever. Losers.
00:21:55Losers? Who does she think she's talking to?
00:21:57You just messed with the wrong billionaires.
00:22:04Are you OK?
00:22:06Uh, yeah.
00:22:19It's you!
00:22:21I knew I recognized you the other day.
00:22:23You were at the National Chess Championships.
00:22:26When you moved that bishop to G4 in the final round,
00:22:29I got goosebumps.
00:22:33Yeah, I'm sorry I can't sign up.
00:22:36Really think about it, because we could really use you.
00:22:39You'd be a great addition to...
00:22:40Move it, nerd.
00:22:46So, Siri, Tay mentioned you moved into Missy's house.
00:22:49So sad.
00:22:51But, you know, her death really helped me to realize
00:22:53to live in the moment, like YOLO, you know?
00:22:56Yeah, but TBH, it's way more chill with her gone.
00:22:59She was supes mean.
00:23:00Yeah, I used to be so scared to come to school.
00:23:02I'd have to change my shirt from sweating so much.
00:23:06Yeah, and Tay was always gel.
00:23:11But Avi never told Tay we said that.
00:23:13Or we just might have to kill you.
00:23:20I'm the teacher.
00:23:24What'd I miss?
00:23:26I wonder if Missy's still there.
00:23:28Like her spirit.
00:23:30Sometimes I do feel a presence.
00:23:32No way.
00:23:34Guys, we should totally do a seance to contact Missy.
00:23:36Oh, my God, yes.
00:23:38I lent her my Hermes scarf, like, forevers ago,
00:23:40and I'd totally like to ask her for it back.
00:23:42Hayley, everyone knows that ghosts don't exist.
00:23:45I don't know, guys.
00:23:46Invite them over now,
00:23:47or I'll make your life a living hell forever.
00:23:49How's tomorrow sound?
00:23:50I'm in.
00:23:52Just because she died and that's super sad and all
00:23:54does not mean she gets to keep my scarf.
00:23:56Hayley, will you shut up about the scarf?
00:24:01Oh, I am done.
00:24:03Hey, you can't quit, okay?
00:24:05This band is our future.
00:24:07I've just been going through a lot, okay?
00:24:09I know, I know it's been rough...
00:24:13I know it's been rough since Missy, okay?
00:24:15But she wouldn't want you to give up either.
00:24:19You sure about that, bro?
00:24:21She did mess up that Diamond Records meeting.
00:24:23What was I supposed to do?
00:24:25She called me sobbing.
00:24:27Yeah, over the Pretty Little Liars finale.
00:24:29Dude, screw you guys.
00:24:33Really? Right now?
00:24:34You're making me try out?
00:24:36I thought I was automatically in the band.
00:24:39Um, yeah, Diamond, don't you think she's good enough?
00:24:43I can't deal with that.
00:24:44I can't deal with that.
00:24:46What was that?
00:24:50Aiden's talking about quitting the band.
00:24:53Man drama.
00:24:55Yeah, I brought up Missy
00:24:56and that just kind of took it to the next level.
00:24:58Oh my God, she was such a ho-bag.
00:25:01You should talk.
00:25:03Well, Missy's not around anymore to screw things up.
00:25:07Is she, guys?
00:25:10Oh my God.
00:25:19Sari, you have to join the band.
00:25:21For the last time, no.
00:25:23But you don't understand.
00:25:25I think it will help us find my killer.
00:25:27You think the killer is in déjà vu?
00:25:29Devin and the BBC's could have done me in.
00:25:31They crashed my party when a Jonas brother dropped in.
00:25:34Thanks, TMZ.
00:25:36Great, but can we stick to the subject?
00:25:38The BBC's already want me dead
00:25:40and now you think they're actually killers.
00:25:42Well, it's either join the band
00:25:44or I go poltergeist on you again.
00:25:46Okay, okay, one crisis at a time.
00:25:48I'm supposed to throw this seance
00:25:50without everyone knowing I can see dead people.
00:25:53I was thinking Ouija board.
00:25:54What am I, a demon?
00:25:56You really want me to answer that?
00:25:59Wait, that gives me an idea.
00:26:00Just sit in a circle with some candles
00:26:02and I'll do the rest.
00:26:05Crap, they're early.
00:26:07Yay, sleep over time.
00:26:18I haven't been here since it happened.
00:26:43Are you okay?
00:26:45I'm fine.
00:26:47Do you really think we can talk to Missy?
00:26:50I read if we hold hands, light some candles,
00:26:53insert a picture of her, something that she owned,
00:26:55we can summon her spirit through someone.
00:26:59And who would that be?
00:27:01The medium, Doc.
00:27:03My aunts talk to tons of dead people
00:27:05and I've watched like a zillion episodes of ghost adventures,
00:27:08so I'm a clear choice.
00:27:11I'm sorry, Missy.
00:27:13I've watched a ton of ghost adventures,
00:27:15so I'm a clear choice.
00:27:19Oh, uh, should we start?
00:27:31What are you doing?
00:27:35Okay, fine, you can be in the circle.
00:27:39Missy Palmer, we are here to summon thy spirit.
00:27:47This will never work, she can't even hear me.
00:27:50Maybe I can help.
00:27:53I died once and I was in a coma for three months.
00:27:59Oh my God, you must have gotten so skinny.
00:28:09Missy Palmer, we are gathered here to summon thy spirit.
00:28:14Please show us a sign if you can hear us.
00:28:24Layla, why are you shaking?
00:28:33Oh my God, you scared me!
00:28:35I'm sorry, this is just so stupid.
00:28:38I mean, I knew you were dumb, Hayley,
00:28:40but this is like a whole new level.
00:28:42Shove it, Layla. You sound just like Missy.
00:28:45What? I could never be like Missy.
00:28:48Yeah, no one could be as amazing as me.
00:28:50She was such a mean person, we could all barely stand to be around her.
00:28:53Right? I mean, wait, what?
00:28:56Yeah, I mean, she might have been my bestie, but she was kind of scary.
00:29:00Sometimes it was funny, though.
00:29:02Remember that time she told everyone Carlos had a tail?
00:29:05I did that for you, Tate. He was legit stalking you.
00:29:08Oh my God, yeah. Or that time she locked Justin in the janitor's closet until he peed himself.
00:29:13Hey, you promised never to talk about that.
00:29:17Guess the seance is over.
00:29:20Yeah, I don't even know why we wanted to talk to Missy anyway.
00:29:24Oh, that is it! You traitors!
00:29:27Oh my God!
00:29:28What's going on?
00:29:30No! No! Stop!
00:29:35My hair! My hair!
00:29:39Here's your scarf, you idiot.
00:29:41Looks better on me anyway.
00:29:44Oh my God, Hayley!
00:29:58And you, you aristocratic brat.
00:30:00Justin never loved you. Who could love someone so basic?
00:30:03He's just using you.
00:30:05Miss Layla!
00:30:07Is it over?
00:30:18We are a rare order. Possible threat in pursuit. Code red. Code red.
00:30:20What's going on here? A cheeto for the road?
00:30:25The carbs!
00:30:42Go away!
00:30:45I can't. I kind of live here.
00:30:52And I need my PJs.
00:31:00Thank you.
00:31:07I'm sorry that they said all that stuff about you.
00:31:11You have no idea what it's like being a ghost and having no friends.
00:31:18No, I know exactly what it's like to be a ghost.
00:31:24Back in Jersey, I only had two friends.
00:31:27One of them was an old lunch lady. I don't think that even really counts.
00:31:39Wow, you are such a loser.
00:31:43Tell me about it.
00:31:45Tell me about it.
00:31:48So much for my first slumber party.
00:31:54So, you can possess people.
00:32:12The person who killed me was wearing a necklace.
00:32:15What? Do you remember their face?
00:32:18No. Everything was so fuzzy.
00:32:22Someone probably drugged you. Do you know who was wearing the necklace?
00:32:28Missy! Stop!
00:32:36Will you stop if I say I'll audition for Deja Vu?
00:32:42Yes. Does that cheer you up?
00:32:58So, that was a crazy night, huh?
00:33:02Yeah. I've been in emergency therapy all weekend.
00:33:06These lying skanks.
00:33:08It was totally not true what she said about Justin, by the way.
00:33:11Do you think Missy is still with us?
00:33:14I don't know.
00:33:16I don't know.
00:33:18I don't know.
00:33:20I don't know.
00:33:22I don't know.
00:33:24I don't know.
00:33:25Do you think she's still with us?
00:33:29What, is she mad at us or something?
00:33:31Mad doesn't even begin to cover it.
00:33:33She probably wants to...
00:33:36To what?
00:33:43What if I told you I think that her death wasn't really an accident?
00:33:50What if someone killed her?
00:33:55Everyone said it was an accident.
00:33:57Yeah, she was turnt. Like, really turnt.
00:34:01But the police report I read online said no one saw her drinking.
00:34:05That's true. I only ever saw her drinking Diet Coke at the party.
00:34:09Thank you.
00:34:11What if someone slipped her something and then pushed her off the balcony?
00:34:16What if that's why she's still here?
00:34:18I don't know, guys.
00:34:20It's kind of hard to believe someone we know could have killed Missy.
00:34:22But, CBH, who didn't want to kill Missy?
00:34:26Sorry to change the subject, but we should perhaps go.
00:34:30Yeah, I gotta touch up before class. I'm outie.
00:34:34So, do you guys want to get together this weekend and work on our group project?
00:34:37Yeah, sure.
00:34:39Cool. I really need an A to make valedictorian.
00:34:53She felt she had a shot in here, but reality is different.
00:34:58You need fire in your guts to win or else, babe, you don't stand a chance.
00:35:02Yeah, you know you need all of this voice.
00:35:06You know you need, it's not a choice.
00:35:09You know you need all of this voice.
00:35:12You know you need, it's not a choice.
00:35:23What's the big deal with these auditions, anyway?
00:35:26I mean, who else is even trying out?
00:35:28Brandon, who's on the list?
00:35:31We got Stacy Morgan.
00:35:34Oh, please. Chess club girl.
00:35:36Amber Gutierrez and...
00:35:39Sari... Cool?
00:35:41Wait. Jersey girl's trying out.
00:35:43I wouldn't call it trying out if Snooki's the competition.
00:35:47That was a good one.
00:35:48Well, well, well. If it isn't Scary Spice talking trash.
00:35:53Well, well, well. If it isn't...
00:35:56Taylor and Hayley.
00:36:00That wasn't even a comeback.
00:36:02And just because you guys have British accents doesn't make whatever you say sound cool.
00:36:06Why are you protecting this loser? She's not even goo-goo-able.
00:36:09Sari could out-sing you any day.
00:36:12Oh, so you've heard her sing?
00:36:14No, but it means she will.
00:36:17I'm sorry. I'm way too rich for this.
00:36:20Let's go.
00:36:24Oh, hey. My fave cuz.
00:36:26Hey. What'd I miss?
00:36:28Hey. I'm so glad you're here.
00:36:30Yeah, me too.
00:36:33Where the hell is Sari, anyway?
00:37:07Sari, what the hell?
00:37:10I think I'm gonna be sick again.
00:37:12Get a grip.
00:37:14Why are you so nervous?
00:37:17You know how I, um...
00:37:20How I almost died and that's how I can see you?
00:37:28When I was in choir in New Jersey...
00:37:32A girl tripped me and I, um, I fell off stage.
00:37:40And I just, I haven't been able to sing ever since then.
00:37:47So being a choir nerd almost got you killed.
00:37:57Hey, Boo.
00:37:58Hey. What's up?
00:38:00Everything okay?
00:38:01Yeah, I just gotta get going. Auditions are starting, okay?
00:38:04I'll see you later.
00:38:47We look super hot. You got this.
00:38:50What's up, Jersey Girl?
00:38:51I thought we lost you.
00:38:52I'm just a little nervous.
00:38:53Why? You'll be great.
00:38:56Ready? Let's go.
00:39:02Alright, guys. So the last two contestants dropped out because they hurt Zandra,
00:39:05but we still do have Miss Sari Coogan.
00:39:09You ready?
00:39:11One, two, three, four.
00:39:44What a joke.
00:39:47I'm sorry.
00:39:48You okay?
00:39:49Yeah. Can we just, can we just try it from the beginning?
00:39:52Yeah. Give me a sec.
00:39:54What are you doing?
00:39:56I don't think I can do this.
00:39:58You have to. Don't be a douchewad.
00:40:00I'm not a douchewad.
00:40:02You're not that nerd anymore, Sari.
00:40:05Your voice is amazing.
00:40:07I know you can do this.
00:40:09If not for me, then do it for yourself.
00:40:12Who are you talking to?
00:40:14No one.
00:40:18Come on, new girl! Woo!
00:40:21You got it!
00:40:22Come on, Sari!
00:40:23You can do this.
00:40:25We're wasting our time.
00:40:26Okay. That's okay.
00:40:28You okay?
00:40:30Yeah? Yeah.
00:40:32Let's take it from the top.
00:40:37One, two, three, four.
00:40:56There are perfect places
00:41:00All around the world
00:41:03For you to hide yourself
00:41:07Far from the spotlight
00:41:09Far from the spotlight
00:41:12They're like seashell cases
00:41:16But without the pearls
00:41:19Awkward silence inside
00:41:23Away from the spotlight
00:41:26Away from the spotlight
00:41:29Trapped inside
00:41:31Deep below the skin
00:41:33Your heart waits outside
00:41:35Beating, beating, beating, beating
00:41:40You've been trapped inside
00:41:42In the maze of your soul
00:41:45Your heart waits outside
00:41:47Ready for the west coast
00:41:59Ready for the west coast
00:42:04Ready for the west coast
00:42:11All right! Yeah!
00:42:17All right. That was a maze.
00:42:19X is fuming.
00:42:20Great job, Sari!
00:42:28I feel like I'm gonna puke.
00:42:30It's okay. You just need to get your RT on.
00:42:32Yay! Retail therapy.
00:42:34Get your beauty sleep, girl.
00:42:35Tomorrow, Rodeo is getting torn up.
00:42:39I'm out, got nothing left to say
00:42:42Goodbye, goodbye
00:42:45And I'll never know why
00:42:48So I, ooh, I rip it up
00:42:52Ooh, I tear it up
00:42:55Let it rain
00:42:57I let it rain
00:42:59I let it rain
00:43:02Ooh, I rip it up
00:43:05Ooh, I tear it up
00:43:08Let it rain
00:43:14Oh! Aren't you a nice-looking boy!
00:43:19Oh, crap!
00:43:20What is your name?
00:43:23Justin! Oh!
00:43:26You're friendly.
00:43:27Um, is Sari here by any chance?
00:43:28I got her, Mom. Thanks. Hi, Justin.
00:43:30Hey, what's up?
00:43:31You, um, nice PJs, by the way.
00:43:33You got a sec.
00:43:34Not here.
00:43:36Yeah. Bye.
00:43:48Look who's here.
00:43:49Mr. Layla.
00:43:51Aren't you a fast worker?
00:43:52Sorry about that.
00:43:54It's okay. It's our job to be embarrassing, right?
00:43:58That's all I know about Missy.
00:44:03What do you mean?
00:44:05Your little seance or whatever.
00:44:07I heard things got kind of crazy.
00:44:08Yeah, things got, uh, a little nuts.
00:44:11You know why I'm here?
00:44:15I, uh...
00:44:17No, I...
00:44:20I don't. I don't.
00:44:25We wanted to know that you were committed to our band
00:44:28if we chose you as our singer.
00:44:31I've wanted to be a singer my whole life.
00:44:33I just... people always thought I wasn't...
00:44:38Wasn't what?
00:44:40Um, wasn't pretty enough or confident
00:44:43and not like the girls here in Beverly Hills.
00:44:46The girls in Beverly Hills, right.
00:44:48Hey, you're ten times cooler than any of those chicks are.
00:44:51Which is a good thing.
00:44:53Because we chose you as our new singer.
00:44:56Yay! We did it!
00:44:57Really? Thank you.
00:44:59Oh, hi.
00:45:01Easy there, Tigress.
00:45:05Here's our new song.
00:45:06We want to open the gig with this, okay?
00:45:07And you know that there are agents coming, right?
00:45:10Uh, agents?
00:45:11Yeah, agents.
00:45:12So, the future of the band is kind of riding on this thing.
00:45:15Oh, wow. Okay.
00:45:16Yeah, uh, no problem.
00:45:18Okay. Good.
00:45:20Rehearsal's tomorrow and don't tell anyone yet.
00:45:23No one knows because we want to give Devin another day to live.
00:45:26My lips are sealed.
00:45:33Oh, crap. Hayley and Layla are here.
00:45:36Layla's here?
00:45:37Oh, he's a dead man.
00:45:39Yeah, she can get a little jealous.
00:45:41Ugh, a little.
00:45:42She watched me like a hawk.
00:45:44Thought he still had a crush on me even after I made him pee himself.
00:45:47Ugh, God, I miss those days.
00:45:49I was going to head to Aiden's anyway, so I'm going to go.
00:45:51If you go out the back and then you go through the bushes.
00:45:54I got it. This is my hood, remember?
00:45:56I'll see you tomorrow, okay?
00:46:08Actually, I'm going to head out too.
00:46:10Got to go see Aiden.
00:46:11Skank patrol duty calls.
00:46:19Well, just bust right in, Tiger Lily.
00:46:22Oh, my God, that's so cute.
00:46:24But you can just call me Princess Layla.
00:46:27Oh, hey, was that the neighbor boy heading out?
00:46:30Ooh, what boy?
00:46:32No one.
00:46:33That boy from the band.
00:46:35That dirty blonde.
00:46:38I'll get you girls some snacks.
00:46:43Justin was here?
00:46:45Justin was here?
00:46:47He just stopped by to tell me something.
00:46:50What did he have to tell you?
00:46:53Just a secret.
00:46:56I mean, I can't say what right now, but I will.
00:47:01Just not yet.
00:47:03Hey, what's up, my homies?
00:47:05Ready to get an easy A?
00:47:07Yeah, I mean, how about that art heist, right?
00:47:11It's such a great topic, Layla.
00:47:14Is it?
00:47:15So good.
00:47:22I found this heist in Brazil where these thieves used the Mardi Gras carnival as a cover.
00:47:28It looks like the biggest art heist in the U.S. was never solved.
00:47:32They pretended to be cops and the guards let them in.
00:47:34That's smarties.
00:47:35Yeah, that's super smart.
00:47:37Kind of like the time I lost my invite to Emma Roberts' Halloween fiesta
00:47:41and I told the bouncers that I was a Hilton, so they let me in.
00:47:44Worked like a charm.
00:47:45Plus, I totally have her cheekbones.
00:47:50Oh, driver's here. Gotta go.
00:47:54Yeah, we should get going soon. Prepare the car.
00:48:00You know, Sari, I was just starting to like you.
00:48:05But don't push your luck.
00:48:07And just so you know, the last girl that messed with my boyfriend,
00:48:11let's just say things got... messy.
00:48:16So consider yourself warned.
00:48:19Do you mean...
00:48:38So how'd it go?
00:48:40Happy to report no skanks hitting on me this time.
00:48:43Speaking of gel girlfriends, do you think Layla could have done it?
00:48:46You think Layla did me in?
00:48:48Well, she said the last time someone was after her man that things got messy
00:48:52and it seemed like she meant you.
00:48:54Hmm. Yeah, that would explain her whole
00:48:57I'm such a good person and don't order my servants around thing.
00:49:01Ugh, it's as fake as her new nose.
00:49:04You think she's hiding something?
00:49:06Yeah, but I don't think a princess would get her hands dirty like that.
00:49:11What about that bodyguard guy?
00:49:15He does swallow razor blades for fun, huh?
00:49:20Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
00:49:39So what's the last thing you remember?
00:49:41Aiden wasn't there. He took off while we were fighting.
00:49:46What were you guys fighting about?
00:49:48It seems so stupid now, but he was wearing a necklace Layla gave him.
00:49:52Why did she give your boyfriend a necklace?
00:49:54Right? Girl code.
00:49:56But it wasn't really like that. She made them for déjà vu.
00:50:00I just hated the idea of him wearing a necklace.
00:50:03I just hated the idea of him wearing a necklace another girl gave him.
00:50:07I actually get that.
00:50:10Okay, so Aiden left.
00:50:13But he was in the crime scene photos later, so he must have come back at some point.
00:50:19On forensic files, it's always the boyfriend who did it.
00:50:22Fine. Duly noted.
00:50:26Then what happened?
00:50:28I had some chips and a drink.
00:50:31I started to feel dizzy.
00:50:34After I landed face down in the guac, Tay helped me wipe my face off.
00:50:43What an absolute fatty.
00:50:45She may as well lick the ball clean.
00:50:48And then what happened?
00:50:50Tay and Justin helped me upstairs.
00:50:53Or more like carried me, probably.
00:50:56And Layla wasn't too happy about that.
00:50:59You know she has her own boyfriend, right Justin?
00:51:02Okay, so Justin and Taylor helped you upstairs.
00:51:06Did you see Justin after that?
00:51:09Yeah, it wasn't Justin.
00:51:11You're sure?
00:51:13Look, I know the whole making him pee himself incident hasn't made us exactly besties,
00:51:18but we've never been straight up enemies either.
00:51:20What about revenge?
00:51:22Two and a half years is a long time to wait.
00:51:25Yeah. How did you lock him in the janitor's closet anyway?
00:51:28I said I'd meet him in there to make out with him.
00:51:30Oh, that's messed up.
00:51:32It worked, didn't it?
00:51:34Can I ask you something else about Justin?
00:51:37Hey, you don't need my approval.
00:51:39As if I would ask for your approval.
00:51:42You know, if Layla is going to stick her bodyguard on you,
00:51:46it might be safer to go for Ryan.
00:51:49Yeah, right. Like that's going to happen.
00:51:52He seems supes into you.
00:51:54Ryan? Really?
00:51:56Does he have those eyebrows under control?
00:51:58You're the new hottie in town.
00:52:00You think so?
00:52:02I don't know. I thought he liked Victoria.
00:52:04Tell me someone who can see ghosts can't be that blind.
00:52:08Plus, he's the one person in Bev Hills who didn't kill me.
00:52:18Congrats on making the band.
00:52:20Congrats on beating the BBCs.
00:52:22Looks like they're not happy.
00:52:24I love getting her to ever speak to you ever again,
00:52:26and you deserve that, by the way.
00:52:28Hey, man. You okay?
00:52:30Yeah, except my girlfriend won't even come to school now
00:52:32because of this girl.
00:52:34Not my problem.
00:52:35You only even lost a week, trailer trash.
00:52:38And who let you out of your cage?
00:52:40What, is your master too embarrassed to show her face
00:52:42after losing to the new girl?
00:52:44I'm sorry, I don't speak, moron.
00:52:46Why don't you go and play in traffic?
00:52:48And you, these stilettos are really sharp.
00:52:53Yeah, well, your face is dumb, and your hair is too shiny.
00:52:57Wow, how often did your parents drop you on your head as a baby?
00:53:00A couple times.
00:53:02It was only a couple times.
00:53:14You're going to ruin your reputation for $25?
00:53:17Is that all your dignity is worth?
00:53:19I would tell you to drop dead, but...
00:53:24I have created a monster.
00:53:31You did it! She did it! She won!
00:53:35I didn't know you played chess.
00:53:37She was a state finalist in New Jersey.
00:53:39Is that right? Very cool.
00:53:41What? Really? You think so?
00:53:44No, no, no, I was just joking.
00:53:46It's really not that cool, but we all have inner nerds, right?
00:53:54You have to join. We'll make state finals for sure.
00:53:57You have to stop telling people about the chess championships.
00:54:01Oh, okay. I'm sorry.
00:54:04But will you please introduce me to the Fashionistas?
00:54:07Please. Taylor is the coolest.
00:54:10It's always been my dream to talk to her.
00:54:12No. She doesn't talk to sad little losers like you.
00:54:19You forgot your prize money.
00:54:30But I thought you loved chess, poodle.
00:54:32As if I'd be caught dead playing chess.
00:54:34Hey, don't even.
00:54:36Don't even what?
00:54:38Where do you think you're going, Missy?
00:54:41Ew. She can see me.
00:54:44What is this charge here on my credit card
00:54:46from some fancy schmancy designer boutique
00:54:49in the amount of $900?
00:54:55Would you happen to know anything about that?
00:54:58Well, clearly you don't shop at Papillon.
00:55:05That's it! Sit!
00:55:13Hey, Sari, right?
00:55:15It's like Siri, but Sari.
00:55:21No, I'm just trying to help, you guys.
00:55:23Get away, freak!
00:55:27What's going on?
00:55:28Thank God you're here. Save us!
00:55:31From what? A coffee cup?
00:55:33I'm just trying to protect your cousin.
00:55:35The calories alone.
00:55:36It's low-fat.
00:55:38Then it's probably roofied.
00:55:40You want it?
00:55:44I don't want to get roofied.
00:55:59Come on, Siri.
00:56:09Oh, hey, you look cute.
00:56:11Thank you.
00:56:12I saw you talking to Ryan.
00:56:14I was talking to Ryan.
00:56:16So, are you going to make a move?
00:56:18I don't know. He's pretty cute.
00:56:19Well, you know you can talk to him if you want to.
00:56:22Well, what about Hayley, though?
00:56:24Oh, that's like totally not a thing.
00:56:29Look, Sari, you have a twin.
00:56:34Oh, my God.
00:56:38Wow. I guess you're becoming a fashionista after all.
00:56:53Now what am I going to wear?
00:56:55My mom will never spring for new clothes now that I jacked her credit card.
00:56:58And told her the truth about her horrific fashion taste.
00:57:01Right? I still can't believe I wore the same thing as Hayley.
00:57:04Yeah, that was just shy of social suicide.
00:57:08Hey, what about my trunk?
00:57:10There's got to be something in there you haven't worn yet.
00:57:12O-M-G. That would be perf.
00:57:24What's this?
00:57:30What's what?
00:57:32What's what?
00:57:34Don't read that.
00:57:37Sari, are you kidding me?
00:57:40A suicide note?
00:57:42It's not real.
00:57:43Not real? Hello? You're dead.
00:57:45I didn't go through with it. I swear, someone did this to me.
00:57:49You made me change my entire life to investigate a murder that didn't even happen.
00:57:54You made me stop playing chess, wear high heels, and get my eyebrows waxed.
00:57:59Which was really painful, by the way.
00:58:01All because you can't face the truth.
00:58:03You should be thanking me. If it weren't for me, you'd still be a freakish chess nerd.
00:58:08I am a chess nerd. And I should have joined chess club.
00:58:12Take that back.
00:58:14What's really sad is that you wouldn't even know who did it.
00:58:18Because everyone hated you so much that they wanted you dead.
00:58:22Don't say that.
00:58:24Even you couldn't stand yourself, and that's why you jumped off that balcony.
00:58:28Mystery solved.
00:58:29That's not what happened.
00:58:31You have to believe me.
00:58:33Well, I don't.
00:58:35I'll make your life miserable.
00:58:37You thought before was bad?
00:58:39Just wait.
00:58:41You can go poltergeist on me all you want.
00:58:44In a year, I'm off to college.
00:58:46And you'll still be invisible.
00:58:48And pathetic.
00:58:50And stuck in that dress forever.
00:58:52You're nothing without my help.
00:58:55Have a nice afterlife.
00:58:57Fine. We'll just see about that.
00:59:24What the hell, man?
00:59:26It's okay. It's your first day, okay? Are you okay?
00:59:28Yeah. Sorry.
00:59:30Get those nerves together, yeah?
00:59:32It's okay. Let's do it.
00:59:35Alright. Let's take it from the top.
00:59:38Let's do it.
00:59:56Now what?
00:59:58Sorry. I can't. Just...
01:00:00No, it's okay. Hey, hey. It's okay. We're gonna call it a day.
01:00:03But the gig's in a couple days.
01:00:05No, I can't. I just...
01:00:06We're gonna ruin another opportunity to get picked up.
01:00:08How many chances are we gonna let slip?
01:00:10God, will you let that go already?
01:00:12I'm sick of you always bringing that up.
01:00:14I'm just saying we should have picked up Zandra.
01:00:16Calm down, man.
01:00:18That's cool, man. Just breathe. Just breathe.
01:00:20Hey, I'm sorry. Aiden's always out of temper.
01:00:22Yeah, yeah. Sure.
01:00:23We're gonna start again tomorrow, okay?
01:00:25And hey, if this is gonna be a problem for you,
01:00:26we may have to bring in Zandra, alright?
01:00:50You can see her, can't you?
01:00:57See you guys tomorrow.
01:01:01I heard about the seance.
01:01:03How Missy showed up.
01:01:05Are you talking to yourself?
01:01:07Is he a douchewad at the audition?
01:01:09Everybody says douchewad.
01:01:11I've only ever heard Missy say that.
01:01:15Please, Siri, just talk to me.
01:01:23Everyone tiptoes around me like they want to pretend it never happened.
01:01:27I know she misses you as much as you miss her.
01:01:30Did she say that?
01:01:32And if it helps, I know she's sorry she fought with you over the necklace.
01:01:38So you really can't talk to her?
01:01:44I threw it away that night.
01:01:46God, why couldn't I just say I'm sorry?
01:01:48I should have been there to protect her.
01:01:50I didn't think...
01:01:51You can't blame yourself.
01:01:55I saw the note.
01:01:57What note?
01:01:59The one that says she's sorry for killing herself.
01:02:04What? No. Missy would never do that.
01:02:08She said it wasn't an accident.
01:02:30How could she do that?
01:02:32I know she threatened it before, but I...
01:02:36She loves you more than anything.
01:02:39And I know she regrets not being able to be with you anymore.
01:02:43Did she tell you that?
01:03:00Did you notice the way Aidan kept looking at me today?
01:03:04I know, right?
01:03:06Hold on.
01:03:13What a skank!
01:03:16What a skank!
01:03:25Sari! It's after seven! You're going to be late for school!
01:03:32My alarm didn't go off.
01:03:46Sari, let go!
01:03:48Come on, come on, come on, come on!
01:03:50Oh, no, no, no.
01:03:56Nope. Nope.
01:04:02Whoa. Dude, what happened to you?
01:04:06Don't ask.
01:04:14Oh, my God.
01:04:16You hooked up with Aidan?
01:04:21We're not talking to her, remember?
01:04:22Oops. Forgot.
01:04:24We don't talk to traitors who steal their friends' baes.
01:04:27I didn't steal anyone!
01:04:28Oh, we have proof.
01:04:32That's not even what it looked like.
01:04:34Chess club is back that way.
01:04:36Chess club is back that way.
01:05:07Okay, hon.
01:05:09I am going shopping on Rodeo!
01:05:15Bad day, huh?
01:05:17Do we have any ice cream?
01:05:22We are in L.A. now.
01:05:24We have to start watching our figures.
01:05:40We want some ice cream.
01:05:46Here you go.
01:05:47Thank you.
01:05:49Thank you.
01:05:52Your mom told me you were having a tough time at school.
01:05:59The rest of this year isn't looking much better.
01:06:02You are a wonderful girl, Sari.
01:06:05And, you know, I always say when people give me a tough time,
01:06:08illegitimate, non-carb, or random.
01:06:13One thing about carbs?
01:06:15Hold on.
01:06:16It's Latin.
01:06:17It means don't let the bastards grind you down.
01:06:21You were never one of the cool kids, were you, Dad?
01:06:27Wow, you weren't messing around with that ice cream.
01:06:33Well, I always say with dessert, go hard or go home.
01:06:36In that case, I think I'll have one, too.
01:06:38Excuse me, may I get a banana split?
01:06:40Sure thing.
01:06:42So, big gigs this weekend.
01:06:44You ready for the spotlight?
01:06:45I hope so.
01:06:46Choking at the show would be just what I need
01:06:48to complete my social destruction.
01:06:50Why do you care what those girls think?
01:06:52They're the only friends that I had.
01:06:54Well, make new ones.
01:06:55Like me.
01:06:57Or Aiden.
01:06:59We never hooked up.
01:07:01He was just crying because his girlfriend died
01:07:03and I gave him a hug.
01:07:05The BBCs just saw their chance to strike.
01:07:07Well, girls are messed up.
01:07:09Yeah, and now the chess club won't even take me back.
01:07:12And I really like chess, too.
01:07:14Well, you should just own up to it.
01:07:16Don't be a fake like those girls.
01:07:17I'm not fake.
01:07:19Is that why you acted like the fashionistas
01:07:21until they dropped you?
01:07:22Oh, that's funny coming from the guy
01:07:24who complains about getting a Range Rover
01:07:26instead of an Aston Martin for his birthday.
01:07:28Or flirts with everything that moves
01:07:30and wears $300 jeans.
01:07:32That's just ridiculous.
01:07:33Even if they do make you look amazing.
01:07:36You done?
01:07:40That's it.
01:07:41I met with your dessert.
01:07:43It's getting late.
01:07:44I think it's time I drove you home.
01:08:24Accidents can happen?
01:09:04I saw what happened by the pool.
01:09:06Are you okay?
01:09:07Did you see who did it?
01:09:11Listen, I'm sorry about the note.
01:09:15I'm sorry I didn't believe you.
01:09:17I'm sorry, too.
01:09:18I should never have tried to change you.
01:09:21Yeah, I guess I'll always be a choir nerd.
01:09:25But even though the waxing in the high heels really sucked,
01:09:29it was nice not being invisible for once.
01:09:32Well, you're welcome for rescuing you from a life of poodle hair and unibrows.
01:09:38It's weird, but I kind of missed you.
01:09:42I really missed you.
01:09:44Not to get mushy, but I'm glad you came into my...
01:09:52I wish you could have a second chance like I did.
01:09:56And even though you can be super annoying sometimes,
01:09:59you're the best friend that I've ever had.
01:10:03Me too.
01:10:08I forgot to do my physics homework.
01:10:10You're wasting valuable time doing homework?
01:10:12What could be more important than having perfect hair and makeup?
01:10:15I don't know, maybe expanding my mind learning.
01:10:18Ugh, overrated.
01:10:26Your projects on Mr. Fane's paintings?
01:10:29Taylor's dad?
01:10:31Yeah, these are all his.
01:10:33That... that can't be. Those are stolen.
01:10:37What? No, these are the ones he locks up in his yogurt retreat.
01:10:41I saw them in there when Tay and I snuck in that one time.
01:10:44When was that exactly?
01:10:46Last April, about a week before I...
01:10:58You don't need that stuff to break into Lloyd's retreat.
01:11:00But you do need gloves so you don't leave fingerprints.
01:11:03Try these. They're practical and fashionable.
01:11:09Are you sure no one's home?
01:11:11Yes, relax.
01:11:13I'm sure they'll be here soon.
01:11:16Are you sure no one's home?
01:11:18Yes, relax. You look like you're gonna puke.
01:11:21All clear.
01:12:01Now what?
01:12:02Give me a second.
01:12:17Nice trick. Come on.
01:12:21Let's go.
01:12:29Start over here.
01:12:44Aren't you gonna help me?
01:12:45I need to check if the paintings are still in the yogurt retreat.
01:13:00Sari, run!
01:13:15That is the one.
01:13:17That is the one.
01:13:20That was close.
01:13:22Where are you?
01:13:24Give me a second.
01:13:28That's better.
01:13:29Sorry, I expended all my energy.
01:13:31Sometimes it makes me disappear for a while, even if I don't want to.
01:13:35Now you tell me.
01:13:37Hey, I'm still new at this haunting thing, okay?
01:13:40So what happened back there?
01:13:42Lloyd was in the house.
01:13:44What? You swore no one was home.
01:13:46I know, I'm sorry.
01:13:49Do you think he saw me?
01:13:52Seriously, I had no idea.
01:13:54But there's a camera hidden in his office.
01:13:57He was watching you.
01:13:59He saw me break into his house?
01:14:02But the paintings are there.
01:14:04All four of them.
01:14:05And that's not all.
01:14:07I stopped in Taylor's room and Aiden's necklace was there.
01:14:11The one we fought over that day?
01:14:14Why would Taylor have it? He said he threw it away.
01:14:17I don't know.
01:14:19You know she really wants to be with him.
01:14:21She's just joking.
01:14:23Yeah, but you're gone now and Aiden's single.
01:14:25And she's the top fashionista or whatever now.
01:14:29And they all said that she was always jealous of you.
01:14:32No, that's not possible.
01:14:34She was my best friend.
01:14:36Maybe she was just helping her dad after you saw the art.
01:14:48Oh my God, it's got to be Mr. Fane.
01:14:51You've got to get out of here.
01:15:11Thank you, Mr. Fane, for letting me know.
01:15:17I get a call telling me that you missed school,
01:15:20so I had to rush out of my mani-pedi
01:15:22right when they were doing that amazing massage.
01:15:25You know how bad my feet hurt.
01:15:28Ugh, those poor women.
01:15:30And then you don't even answer your phone.
01:15:33I mean, you could have died, Sari. Died!
01:15:36And what happens when I get home?
01:15:38I get a call from Mr. Fane
01:15:40telling me that you broke into his house.
01:15:43You committed a felony like a common hoodlum.
01:15:46Speaking of felonies, that outfit should be illegal.
01:15:49I can explain.
01:15:51Oh, there is no explain in this one, Missy.
01:15:53God, can you stop saying my name like it's a bad thing?
01:15:56Now, he says he's not going to call the cops one parent to another.
01:16:00And he doesn't want Taylor to find out lucky for you.
01:16:03He's not going to call the cops because there's stolen art in his house.
01:16:06Have you seen the stolen art?
01:16:09No, but I know it's there.
01:16:12Plus, I think he murdered Missy Palmer.
01:16:15Sari, do you hear yourself?
01:16:18You are officially grounded.
01:16:20But I have to sing at a big show tonight.
01:16:23You're singing again?
01:16:26And you didn't even tell me?
01:16:28And there will be agents there.
01:16:31And that will look so good on college applications.
01:16:34And it might help me get a scholarship,
01:16:36which will help you get your Mercedes-Benz.
01:16:40Okay, fine.
01:16:42Thanks to you, we're never getting that Oscar invite.
01:16:45You are going to pay for this, Sari Marie Coogan.
01:16:48I'm going to make you clean this whole house from top to bottom.
01:16:51Starting with the bathroom.
01:16:56Hi, Dad.
01:16:58I would kill you if you weren't already dead.
01:17:08Oh, crap.
01:17:11Where's my toothbrush?
01:17:16This smell really has gone down the toilet.
01:17:34Want to wear my old Louboutins?
01:17:36Your legs would look amazing then on stage.
01:17:38No, no more heels.
01:17:40No heels?
01:17:42Like ever? You can't mean forever.
01:17:45You know what? I got this.
01:18:05Wow, that's totes you.
01:18:08Is that supposed to be an insult or a compliment?
01:18:11No, I mean it. Damn, girl.
01:18:39Sari, I wasn't sure you were going to make it.
01:18:42I didn't know you could be such a badass.
01:18:45Thanks, neither did I.
01:18:47Listen, that's the record exec right there.
01:18:50No pressure, no pressure.
01:18:53Hey, I love your bag.
01:18:56Your outfit is just gorgeous.
01:19:00Where's your minion, Zandra?
01:19:02Please. She was too good for this place.
01:19:05She jetted back to London yesterday.
01:19:07Yeah, or she's too embarrassed
01:19:09because Sari beat her to the punch, right?
01:19:11So, anyway, I was thinking
01:19:13maybe me and you could be besties now I'm all alone.
01:19:16It doesn't matter that you're not British
01:19:18and that you're not a billionaireess.
01:19:20Um, okay.
01:19:22Here's a peace offering.
01:19:24Don't! It's spiked.
01:19:31Oh, hello.
01:19:33You are gorgeous.
01:19:35Ever been on a private jet before?
01:19:37Uh, no. No, no, I haven't.
01:19:40Someone probably drugged you.
01:19:43Well, I'll get my assistant to sort that out.
01:19:45She'll be in touch.
01:19:47Hey, look, about tonight,
01:19:49Victoria says she's going to step in as backup
01:19:51in case you decide to have a meltdown
01:19:53or a panic attack or something, all right?
01:19:55Thanks for the vote of confidence.
01:19:57This is our dream, okay, and I couldn't take any chances.
01:19:59I understand.
01:20:10Well, good luck out there tonight.
01:20:12Yeah, you too.
01:20:14Break a neck.
01:20:19Be gone.
01:20:21What are you smiling at?
01:20:23You'll see.
01:20:25All right, I'll see you up there, okay?
01:20:31Take me down, take me down
01:20:34I won't let, I won't let, I won't let you
01:20:38Take me down
01:20:40No, no, no
01:20:42I won't let, I won't let
01:20:44All right, how's it going, guys?
01:20:46Could we please get our two lovely singers,
01:20:48Siri and Victoria, to the stage?
01:20:58Oh, God!
01:21:01I think I'm gonna be sick.
01:21:19I guess that's one lovely singer.
01:21:27Hit it.
01:21:43Call me out, you got nothing to say
01:21:45I'm a-singing till the morning sun
01:21:50Sitting here with a smile on my face
01:21:52Took a shot but you dropped the gun
01:21:56Staying light, you'll never get free
01:21:59I might slow down, but it won't break me.
01:22:03I'm done, you're gone, there ain't no goodbyes.
01:22:07Nothing can break me.
01:22:09Tom, I'm watching the band right now.
01:22:17It's like Celine Dion and Justin Bieber had a kid.
01:22:21My mind is blown right now.
01:22:23They're up there, there's unicorns, there's rainbows.
01:22:26Man, this is it.
01:22:28Nothing can break me.
01:22:30I'm a queen when I'm running the stage.
01:22:33I can tell this is gonna be fun.
01:22:37Sitting here with a smile on my face.
01:22:40Took a shot, but you dropped the gun.
01:22:43I'm done, you're gone, there ain't no goodbyes.
01:22:47Took a shot, but you dropped the gun.
01:22:52You can try, baby, you're gonna see.
01:22:55I might slow down, but it won't break me.
01:22:59I'm done, you're gone, there ain't no goodbyes.
01:23:03Nothing can break me.
01:23:06Shh, shh, shh, shh.
01:23:11Only time.
01:23:14Only time.
01:23:29Yeah, it's so amazing.
01:23:32Thanks, guys.
01:23:35You looked great up there.
01:23:39What are these hoes doing here?
01:23:41We missed you.
01:23:43You did?
01:23:45Ryan told us what happened.
01:23:47The BBC's gonna be so conniving.
01:23:51Hey, girls.
01:23:53Sari, Taylor and I have a dinner date.
01:23:55We have a lot to talk about.
01:23:57I'll be seeing you around.
01:24:01Yeah. See ya.
01:24:06You're quite the rocker girl now, huh?
01:24:08Yeah, I guess so.
01:24:10Nice. Suits you.
01:24:12But seriously, you were awesome.
01:24:14And if you ever have a craving for a massive sundae,
01:24:16just hit me up.
01:24:18Sounds good.
01:24:35God, what a stereotype.
01:24:37Not all ghosts are that atrocious looking.
01:24:43Do you think Taylor just wants to hang out again
01:24:45so she and her dad can kill me off?
01:24:47Definitely possible.
01:24:49No one's going to believe me without proof.
01:24:52Maybe we can record her admitting it.
01:24:56I mean, it's gotta be hard carrying around that secret.
01:24:58Especially if she feels even a little bit guilty.
01:25:00She better feel guilty.
01:25:02I'm stuck in this dress forever.
01:25:04All over some stupid art.
01:25:06What do you think's gonna happen?
01:25:08They'll go to jail where they belong?
01:25:12Then she can know what it's like to live without Chanel.
01:25:14No, I mean to you.
01:25:16If we find who your killer is,
01:25:18then we finish your unfinished business.
01:25:20I don't know.
01:25:22I mean, are you gonna cross over?
01:25:26I thought you wanted me gone forever.
01:25:28Yeah, but I mean,
01:25:30who's gonna tame my poodle hair?
01:25:40What do you think of this?
01:25:42I don't know.
01:25:44The sparkles are nice.
01:25:46So too summers ago, though.
01:25:49Going in to donate to the poor pile.
01:25:51It's time, Sari.
01:25:53Let's do this.
01:26:07Why do you have Aiden's necklace?
01:26:09What did you say?
01:26:11Aiden's necklace.
01:26:13The one he threw away when Missy died.
01:26:15Why do you have it?
01:26:17Why do you have it?
01:26:19So you do like Aiden.
01:26:23But you do.
01:26:25You always had to watch him with her.
01:26:27Watch her yell at him.
01:26:29Watch him always come back to her.
01:26:33You could have anyone.
01:26:35But you wanted him.
01:26:37How dare you?
01:26:39You killed Missy, didn't you?
01:26:41So you could have Aidened yourself.
01:26:43No, no!
01:26:46You could have gotten an art collection
01:26:48the kind that wasn't for sale.
01:26:50How do you know about that?
01:26:52Is that the only way you guys could be close?
01:26:54No, no, you're wrong.
01:26:56Helping him kill Missy?
01:26:58Look, it was Aiden, okay?
01:27:00It was Aiden.
01:27:04Aiden killed Missy?
01:27:08She's lying!
01:27:10Tell her to take it back!
01:27:14I took the necklace to protect him.
01:27:16I found it on the balcony,
01:27:18torn off.
01:27:26You can't be in here, Miss...
01:27:28Oh, Miss Fane.
01:27:30Sari, she was my friend.
01:27:32I couldn't just let the cops
01:27:34get to it and take him away.
01:27:38I just lost my best friend.
01:27:41I couldn't lose him, too.
01:27:45No, it was Aiden.
01:27:47Forensic Files was right.
01:27:57You know I can't help it.
01:27:59Loving him?
01:28:03Even after what he did?
01:28:05You have to tell the cops.
01:28:07You have no idea what it's been like.
01:28:10Keeping this secret.
01:28:12You don't have to anymore.
01:28:14You can help make it right.
01:28:20You were at the seance.
01:28:22You know Missy's still here.
01:28:24You can help put her to rest.
01:28:30Yeah, you're right.
01:28:33Yeah, you're right.
01:28:37I can't live like this anymore.
01:28:39You'll help me.
01:28:41You'll help Missy.
01:28:45What do you want me to do?
01:28:55I can't believe Aiden would do that.
01:28:57We talked about being together
01:29:01Forever, Sari!
01:29:03And how could I not know it was him?
01:29:05Maybe it was too painful for you.
01:29:07That kind of betrayal.
01:29:09And her protecting him.
01:29:13Why did this have to happen to me?
01:29:15Don't do this to yourself, Missy.
01:29:17You might need your energy for later.
01:29:20Is it him?
01:29:37We made it.
01:29:41The record company. They want to sign us.
01:29:43Really? Oh my god, that's insane.
01:29:45I know, I know. I couldn't believe it when they told me.
01:29:47I've wanted this my entire life.
01:29:49Did you tell Aiden?
01:29:51Yeah, I told Aiden.
01:29:53He's thinking about it.
01:29:55I don't know what the record company's gonna think
01:29:57if he drops out.
01:30:00You know, I was thinking maybe you could say something to him.
01:30:04Yeah, since you guys are so close or whatever.
01:30:06We're not that close.
01:30:10You said you were hanging out later, so I just assumed.
01:30:12It's not like that.
01:30:14We've just been talking about Missy.
01:30:20Listen, Justin.
01:30:22I know Aiden's your best friend,
01:30:28Do you ever wonder
01:30:30if he's having such a rough time
01:30:32because he maybe feels guilty
01:30:34about something?
01:30:36What would he be guilty about?
01:30:38About Missy.
01:30:40I think that he might have...
01:30:44I think he might have killed her.
01:30:46Killed her?
01:30:48No, no, Sari, you've got it all wrong.
01:30:50No way.
01:30:52Taylor found his necklace that night on the balcony
01:30:55and she's gonna bring it over later
01:30:57and ask him for the truth.
01:30:59We want him to turn himself in.
01:31:01Are you serious? Aiden?
01:31:03We were always fighting.
01:31:05And think about it.
01:31:07It's always the boyfriend who did it.
01:31:09I mean, I just can't really believe it.
01:31:13I mean, I guess it could be a possibility.
01:31:17I'm sorry.
01:31:19I just wanted to let you know
01:31:21in case you wanted to be there.
01:31:25I understand.
01:31:33So you guys really got signed?
01:31:37It's crazy, right?
01:31:39It's what Aiden always wanted.
01:31:43Tim, put it on speaker.
01:31:45No, don't.
01:31:47I can't hear his voice right now.
01:31:53Yeah, I know.
01:31:55I couldn't believe it.
01:31:57Justin was so stoked.
01:31:59Yeah, you still want my dad's amp?
01:32:19You ready?
01:32:24going to stay out of this.
01:32:26I just...
01:32:30Okay, but if this is it,
01:32:32will you just...
01:32:34Will you promise to say bye
01:32:36before you leave?
01:32:38Yeah. I promise.
01:32:52So everything's
01:32:54set up out here.
01:32:56It's weird being back here.
01:32:58Is anyone else around?
01:33:00No, but my dad'll be back
01:33:02like really soon.
01:33:06I've been thinking a lot about what you told me
01:33:08the other day.
01:33:10Yeah, sorry to drop a bomb on you like that.
01:33:12No, I'm glad you did.
01:33:14Did you tell anyone
01:33:24What are you doing here?
01:33:26She's here to help.
01:33:28Help me get through this.
01:33:30Look, everything's gonna be okay.
01:33:32She's the only one who knows about Missy besides us.
01:33:34Knows what?
01:33:36Look, you don't have to play dumb.
01:33:38We can just get rid of her.
01:33:40Who? Missy?
01:33:44You said we were gonna turn him in!
01:33:46Yeah, well, I lied.
01:33:49Even if you did kill Missy.
01:33:51I didn't kill Missy.
01:33:53I have the necklace.
01:33:55The one Missy tore off your neck
01:33:57before you threw her over.
01:33:59This isn't mine.
01:34:03They're all different. They all say Deja Vu,
01:34:05but Devin's has a capital D.
01:34:07Mine has a capital A.
01:34:09This is the J.
01:34:13I believe you have something that belongs to me.
01:34:15Good thing, too.
01:34:17Layla's been on me about this since I lost it.
01:34:19Justin, how could you?
01:34:21How could you, man?
01:34:23Trying to break up the band, our dream?
01:34:27Missy never supported you like I do.
01:34:29She doesn't see what I see.
01:34:31So you killed her?
01:34:33Can't make it to the top without sacrifices.
01:34:35I always told you that.
01:34:41If you try to run, I will catch you.
01:34:44And your little trailer trash family
01:34:46will be next.
01:34:48It's rude to interrupt, you know?
01:34:50Now all of you, sit.
01:34:58You know,
01:35:00I actually had really high hopes
01:35:02for you, Sari.
01:35:04But now you want to break up our band?
01:35:06It doesn't have to be like this.
01:35:08Yes, it does have to be like this.
01:35:10How could you, Justin?
01:35:12Kill Missy? Easy.
01:35:14I spiked her drink
01:35:16with a fugu poison sag,
01:35:18which I knew that I could find in your garbage
01:35:20every Friday.
01:35:22That's why she seemed drunk.
01:35:24Of course, no one would believe
01:35:26that a healthy 17-year-old would just drop dead.
01:35:28So it had to be a terrible accident,
01:35:30some tragic fall
01:35:32after a few drinks.
01:35:34You're sick! We were like brothers!
01:35:37Yeah, we were like brothers, Aiden,
01:35:39until Missy came along and ruined everything.
01:35:41Our music could have taken us to the top.
01:35:43We were the best!
01:35:45Stop! Leave him alone!
01:35:47What? Delusional daddy issues kicking in, huh?
01:35:49Well, guess what?
01:35:51Just like your mommy and your daddy,
01:35:53Aiden will never love you.
01:35:59What the hell did you do?
01:36:03This is your fault, Aiden!
01:36:05This is your fault, Aiden, okay?
01:36:07That music was my life,
01:36:09and Missy took that away from me, from us!
01:36:11I thought with her gone,
01:36:13we could finally be who we were meant to be!
01:36:15You killed her for a band? A stupid band?
01:36:17Stupid? What the hell were you gonna give it up for, huh?
01:36:19Some airhead fashionista?
01:36:21Thank you!
01:36:31Aiden, I'm here.
01:36:35William, it's Siri.
01:36:37Hey, hey!
01:36:39Right, it's Justin. He's trying to kill me!
01:36:47What the hell?
01:36:51She's really here?
01:37:13Siri, are you okay?
01:37:15I called 911.
01:37:17It's Justin. He tried to kill us.
01:37:23Oh, my God. Are you guys okay?
01:37:25Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.
01:37:27I'll wait for the ambulance out front.
01:37:31Siri, come here. I have to tell you something.
01:37:35It's Missy.
01:37:39How is this possible?
01:37:41Before she could pass on,
01:37:43I passed into her.
01:37:45I possessed her.
01:37:47Oh, my God, you're alive!
01:37:49But if you're Missy,
01:37:51then where's Taylor?
01:37:53She's gone.
01:38:05A lot's changed
01:38:07since the night I came back to life.
01:38:11First things first
01:38:13was convincing Aiden it was really me.
01:38:15What is she doing here?
01:38:19No, just wait.
01:38:21I promise, you're going to want to hear this.
01:38:23It didn't take long.
01:38:25All I told him was...
01:38:27I love you.
01:38:29I love you.
01:38:31I love you.
01:38:34Well, it's private.
01:38:44Taylor's dad wasn't so lucky.
01:38:46Mr. Fane, come with me.
01:38:48You're under arrest. Hands behind your back.
01:38:50Come on, man. Traffic ticket.
01:38:52You know, I love your movies, by the way.
01:38:54He was sent away for 15 years
01:38:56for trafficking and stolen artwork.
01:38:58And chess club
01:39:00became cool for the first time ever.
01:39:02Mainly because of me.
01:39:04Aw, nerds can be cute too.
01:39:10Deja Vu stuck together.
01:39:16And even got a few new band members.
01:39:22Any sign of Missy since the seance?
01:39:28Well, she's probably at rest now
01:39:31but her murderer has...
01:39:33I told you, I'm over it.
01:39:35I mostly just can't believe
01:39:37I trusted a murderer like that.
01:39:39You know, we do background checks on everyone.
01:39:41Or at least I thought we did.
01:39:45But you're right, Hayley.
01:39:47She must be at peace now.
01:39:49So, is everyone still up for shopping tomorrow?
01:39:51Yes, I've always wanted to see
01:39:53what the inside of Forever 21 looks like.
01:39:55I hear they're really popular.
01:39:57I guess.
01:40:01But in general, everything in Bev Hills
01:40:03was pretty much back to normal.
01:40:09You ready for your first real sleepover?
01:40:19I've got to get used to these wimpy arms.
01:40:21I swear, this girl doesn't have an ounce of muscle on her.
01:40:25Well, look at the bright side.
01:40:27At least now you have a personal trainer.
01:40:29But he is kind of a douchewad.
01:40:31So what are we watching?
01:40:33Casper the Friendly Ghost?
01:40:35Ha ha.
01:40:59Ha ha.
