Trick or Treat Studios Hammer Horror Dracula: Prince of Darkness Dracula 1:6 Scale Figure

  • 2 months ago
Trick or Treat Studios Hammer Horror Dracula: Prince of Darkness Dracula 1:6 Scale Figure


00:00they tried to keep Drac dead for a decade until trick-or-treat resurrected
00:04him here's a look at the trick-or-treat studios Dracula Prince of Darkness the
00:081 6th scale Dracula figure
00:23the world's most evil vampire lives again trick-or-treat studios is proud to
00:28present the officially licensed hammer horror 1 6th scale Dracula figure from
00:32the hammer horror classic Dracula Prince of Darkness featuring the likeness of
00:36the incomparable Christopher Lee as Count Dracula the figure comes complete
00:39with two interchangeable heads five hand options and detailed wardrobe as I now
00:45start to see the Sun is rising or to get going right away with the tape measure
00:48before I burn Dracula to a crisp before we get a closer look over the hammer
00:51horror Dracula from Prince of Darkness I'd like to thank the folks over at
00:55trick-or-treat studios that were kind enough to provide this sample we could
00:58have a look at hey good news if you're interested to get Dracula as part of
01:01your collection he is available right now at their site for $199 if that also
01:05is maybe a little too steep you can also go as well the route of four interest
01:09free installments of around $17 and 96 cents Dracula is gonna go stand at
01:14exactly 12 inches you can see it for yourself and that translates to a figure
01:18that's 30 centimeters tall well I definitely think if you're gonna be
01:22shooting this guy six times you better hope that those bullets are made of
01:24silver here's what the figure low looks like with the recently looked at 1978
01:29dr. Sam Loomis from Halloween in this case you can see that the two characters
01:33are gonna be standing at around the same size to one another although Dracula of
01:36course is sporting a very long cape while not having a display stand sadly
01:41Dracula though still manages to pack three interchangeable hands as well as a
01:45fiercer looking head portrait different from the one that's currently sitting on
01:48the dark shoulders of his well by the way looking at the accessories will kind
01:52start backing a bit by looking first at his hands the hands themselves one thing
01:56I really like about them is not only the fact that these relaxed hands first of
01:59all though does have a ring you can see on his pinky but also as well the way
02:03that they've colored these kind of given off kind of sickly or dead complexion by
02:08the way that they've actually made them a little bit lighter here and then a
02:11little bit more pink around the knuckles very nice looking hands though these
02:15hands by the way as with most hands always do pop out from the provided
02:18forearm pegs just swap them out for these the hands that he actually those
02:22starts with if I just can peel back the curtains are actually kind of more
02:26gestured hands more sinister looking hands and it's just honestly a case of
02:31popping the hands off from the provided post just like that take the hand that
02:34you want to use so we'll use this one here and just plug it in place for the
02:39displaying of purposes at least of the figure that I'm gonna have here I like
02:42more so the idea of displaying him kind of with those more kind of looming hands
02:46he does also come in clue with this hand to that almost for a second looks
02:49like it belongs to holding an accessory as he comes with no other accessory than
02:53just these hands and then the alternate head portrait I'm not really sure
02:56specifically what this hand was intended for perhaps down the road as successful
03:01as this line has continued to be with a Halloween line that we've gotten so far
03:04maybe you never know they may also branch over to the idea of giving
03:07accessory sets for some of these horror releases us from hammer films as well
03:11this one also does again have that little ring there on his pinky finger
03:14nicely sculpted though a looking hand again I just love the off coloring that
03:18they've given to the complexion of the skin and again this hand would just swap
03:21out with again the hand that he has over there the only other thing that Dracula
03:25also does possess is this head sculpt right here which honestly to be fair is
03:29the head that he started with in the packaging but I just wanted to revert
03:32things first I thought the more kind of more approachable face was a better one
03:36to start the review with before we be line it over to this one in both cases
03:40though the head sculpt has been sculpted by Alexander Ray and I think
03:44he's done a fantastic job of giving us what Christopher Lee would look like as
03:48Dracula for those that are for sort of set the idea that Bela Lugosi is their
03:53go-to Dracula needs to really venture off into the territory of hammer and
03:57you'll really experience a very ferocious vampire by the hands and
04:01played by of course the very talented Christopher Lee this head sculpt again
04:05is just a case now with the way they've sculpted the head the head and the neck
04:09as all one piece so there's not gonna be any articulation necessarily at play
04:13here with the way that the head would be a rotate separately from the neck but
04:16there is some decent articulation still to be had despite for the fact that the
04:20neck and the head are all one piece this whole time of course of talking about
04:24the one that has the fangs you know closer look at showing you guys what
04:26those fangs they'll look like very nicely sculpted both on the top and the
04:30bottom they've added really a nice little bit of sheen also to the tongue
04:33and make it given that look of wetness the eyes the way they loom down like
04:38this I think is really one of the best things I think I like about this
04:41particular head sculpt I feel like in a way that they probably could have made a
04:44little bit more grays and his hair but this is fairly early into his career of
04:48doing the Dracula films that I feel like from a from a head sculpt standpoint
04:52maybe they could have done maybe as a later release another version of
04:55Dracula where he's got a little bit more of the grays but Dracula tends to have
04:58though more the widows widows peak and all jet black and again it looks
05:02fantastic on this figure now again to swap the heads that he has let's just
05:07grab the one that we have we're starting with here now you can again see
05:10with this one I really shouldn't have even said like grays Dracula is always
05:13really known for having black hair it's just the fact that as Christopher Lee
05:16got older obviously some of that translated over to the Dracula films
05:20that he would be producing but again like this is kind of more the the
05:23noblers stern look to his face again a really good-looking head sculpt but the
05:27hardest thing honestly when it comes to these is deciding really which head
05:31sculpt I would want to have displayed with the figure the thing though about
05:33it though is when you're changing out the heads being that fact that they have
05:37such long necks like this they're also quite rooted into the actual cavity of
05:41the head of the head or at least the body area here so you sort of have to
05:45kind of peel away the curtains once again kind of get in there with the
05:48collar and then just yank the head off the thing you really wouldn't want to do
05:52though is damage the collar of the shirt now we'll get more to the talking about
05:56the collar of the shirt and the rest of the outfit that he wears you can see
05:59down though deep in the darkest areas of your soul there's the ball joint right
06:03there and again there's the provided hole on the bottom of his head you're
06:06just basically gonna take the head and pop it in place and now of course you
06:10got the head swapped out for the rest of his outfit so he's basically got of
06:14course his jacket I'm just gonna kind of move everything out of the way here
06:18he's got a really nice tailored jacket one of the things I think that really
06:22trick-or-treats do is have been knocking out of the park not only from a head
06:25sculpt standpoint but I think their outfits have been pretty good as well
06:27Dracula in this case does actually have a jacket that it seems to be the case
06:32that snapped if you're looking at it though for example you could unsnap
06:36these the hardest thing about them though is once you do unsnap them
06:39they're always very hard to snap back in place I'm just gonna do the top one here
06:43so you can kind of see there's the shirt and tie underneath but this would just
06:47be a case that you're gonna take the top of the snap and snap it in place kind of
06:51have to really use like kind of hard to kind of get everything to line up here
06:54and that just basically snaps in place the one thing of though about the cape
06:58now he has obviously a cape in the movie he's gonna have a cape in the figure
07:01here as well the inside of the cape is kind of given a crushed almost red
07:06velvet look to it while the outer end of the cape the back end the side that
07:10you'll see from the outside of the figure is again just a regular black
07:14black material the thing unfortunately about that though is by taking the
07:17inside of the cape and sewing it to the outside of the cape there's a little bit
07:21of a more there's a little more of a paddedness to it that kind of gives him
07:25slightly more of a cushiony kind of cape as opposed to something that's gonna be
07:28conformed to his body it's a very long cape though but it's the only thing I
07:32would say like I like the idea that they've actually sewn a different
07:35material obviously on the inside giving the crushed velvet thing about it though
07:39is while sewing that the like I said the inside to the outside it does kind of
07:42give him a little bit more of a paddedness to the cape itself but it is
07:46full quite nicely over his body you could in theory you know you could just
07:50untie this if you want to but that's a very small knot and I don't have the
07:54means by these hands to actually tie a better knot than this I'm gonna just
07:57leave it in place you could if you wanted to though obviously bring back
08:00the cape the cape does have its own independent collar the collar itself you
08:04could also pop up on the back there too which I haven't yet done but you could
08:08do that also if you want to as well it also has some decent tailored pants we
08:12can also as well roll up the pants so you can see what the footwear looks like
08:14underneath these are molded all in plastic yet still possessing some decent
08:19articulation that we'll talk more about in a moment still manages despite the
08:23fact that this is as high up on his ankles it still succeeds in being able to
08:26ankle pivot up and down this way and you can also rock it this way as well
08:30speaking though of the articulation we'll go back to the head sculpt here
08:33now we already looked at the fact that with the heads in both the cases you can
08:37see like the neck and the head are all one piece but even though despite that
08:39the head actually moves quite freely there's nothing that seems to be
08:43restricting at all the head movement so the head can look down the head can look
08:46up you can also move it back and forth as well the upper torso if I can get in
08:50there is on an upper torso bulge right there seems to be as well a waist
08:54swivel the legs despite having all the layers of fabric over top of it can
08:58easily be hinged out so if you want to have like Dracula looking like he's
09:01lunging towards you you can also do that as well the arms do again have some
09:05decent freedom to them there's a swivel there in the bicep it is a little on the
09:08looser side but not too bad at all there's a double hinge also in the elbow
09:12the hands do rotate all the way around oh that's a good-looking pose right
09:14there love that the legs do split out yes they do there's also a swivel there
09:19on the top of the thigh a double hinge possessed in the knee and as we already
09:23looked at if we just roll up the pant leg here you can move the feet back and
09:26forth this way you can also rock them back and forth yeah the figures decently
09:30pose and again when it comes to posing this guy you can do really whatever you'd
09:33like you can go the route of what I'm doing right now of having the figure
09:36displayed with again like the the vampire fangs and of course him kind of
09:40with his arms out like this or give if you want more the debonair version of
09:44Dracula to revert back to the way we started the review with but having again
09:47like the neutral expression face here in both cases again like the talented
09:51artist Alexander Ray has I think done a great job on giving us two and also I
09:55really also want to commend that trick-or-treat studios opted to give
09:59this guy two heads instead of just the one because ultimately they could have
10:02just released the figure in two variations one as of see the one that
10:06we've started the review with this head portrait and then they could have
10:09released then a second version to Dracula but they didn't do that even
10:13though the figure doesn't really have much in the way of accessories other
10:15than the count of what five hands and two heads doesn't come with a display
10:19stand he doesn't have any other accessories although I feel with a hand
10:22one of the hands being sort of teased to the idea that maybe down the road we
10:26might get ourselves an accessory pack this seems like really a hand that
10:28belongs to something I'm not really sure what it is but I feel like the hand does
10:32belong to perhaps something that's cooking up behind the scenes at
10:35trick-or-treat studios for a release down the road all in all though really
10:39big fan of this one I like the way that this one turned out if you are a big fan
10:42of yourself of the hammer horror Dracula films with starring Christopher Lee this
10:46is a must-have pickup for your collection now Christopher Lee would go
10:50on to play Dracula in nine separate films starting first in 1958 Dracula
10:54film going all the way though to Dracula and son in 1974 even though the 1974
10:59film is technically outside the hammer film universe he would then still play
11:03the role although a much older version of Dracula sporting some grays which I
11:07did mention earlier in this review we get though an all-jet black version of
11:11Christopher Lee from his second outing of Dracula from the 1966 film I'm glad
11:16that they actually chose this version of Dracula to now Dracula Prince of
11:19Darkness though I haven't really honestly seen all the nine films that he
11:22appeared in it was also as well I think in 1974 French parody but all of the nine
11:27films I think I may have seen at least half of them
11:29Christopher Lee is though the standout even though I mean a lot of people tend
11:33to consider Bela Lugosi to be the definitive Dracula I would always really
11:36say use the argument you need to check out the stuff that Lee was doing during
11:40the hammer film run once again if you guys are interested get this one for
11:44yourself it is available as of right now I think it's also a limited run it's
11:48available right now trick-or-treat studios for $199 a big thank you once
11:52again to the folks over at tots that provided the sample of the Prince of
11:55Darkness himself Dracula from the 1966 film that we had the chance to have a
12:00look in this review have you guys had the chance to pick up this one yet let
12:03me know down below in the comment section and if you have picked him up
12:06which head sculpt are you currently using on the shoulders of Dracula's body
12:10if you in the meantime you guys did enjoy this video I'll throw it like if
12:13you guys are loving the content you guys are seeing and would like to stick
12:16around for more I will tell you this we may be wrapping up things right now in
12:20Transylvania but we may they'll be moving though over to Frankenstein's
12:24territory as we will also be looking at the curse of Frankenstein the sixth
12:28scale figure also from trick-or-treat stews that's gonna be coming up in
12:31upcoming review in the meantime yes make sure you hit that subscribe button down
12:33below in the meantime yes turn on the bell notification and yes in the
12:37meantime making sure you're coming back regularly as always guys thanks for
12:41watching see you guys next time
