A Letter From Viewer Sebl! | VIEWER CORNER
00:00Hey, it's a new year, and hey, it's new mail! Got a letter here from viewer Seb.
00:11Seb actually did reach out to me over on Instagram and contacted me about the following thing
00:16inside this envelope. Before we actually open up the envelope and check out the contents
00:20of what exactly Seb sent my way, I'm also covering over his address here so you guys
00:24don't actually see it. If you guys though are interested and would like to send something
00:27my way to open up here on camera, you can certainly send it though to the UPS store
00:32that is the review spot at 6975 Meadowvale Town Centre Circle Suite 196 Mississauga,
00:38Ontario, Canada L5Nancy to Victor7. Seb, I noticed, also does something that I do with
00:467s. Ever since I was a kid, I always put a line through 7s. I don't know why. My mother
00:50always used to say, when you draw a 7, put a line through the 7. I don't know, so that
00:54you would confuse it with an F. I would never look at the 7 and confuse it with an F. Do
00:58you put a line through a 7? Let me know down below. Again, a big thank you to viewer Seb
01:04that, again, not only reached out to me, he reached out to me specifically about something
01:07that I reviewed, and because I had missed something on that figure, I never got a chance
01:11to get it. He said, I have an extra one of these. Let me send it your way. And by the
01:16proof in the pudding, obviously he had sent something my way. Let's see exactly what
01:20that thing is. So we're going to open up the back of the envelope here. Do I need a
01:25knife? Maybe I'll, you know what, I'll grab a knife. We'll try to do this as neatly as
01:29possible. Just take the knife and run it down the back, slice here, slice through the tape.
01:34He's sticking with the season though as well. I mean, obviously he's got a snowflake here
01:37on the back of the envelope. Careful we don't cut towards the finger, whatever you do, whatever
01:40you do. Is that enough? Maybe that's enough. Let's see here. Now he could have just licked
01:48the glue, but he thought, no, no, I'm going to do one better. I'm going to put a little
01:51bit of tape on the back of it just to ensure that it arrives and it doesn't get opened
01:55by accident. So he's got himself, I think he sent himself, sent me over a card. Oh,
02:01a nice little card. Look at that. So I want to make sure there's nothing else in the envelope.
02:04Put that off to the side. Generally I say envelope. I just feel like if I'm going to
02:10be doing this in front of camera, it should probably sound a little bit more posh. Envelope.
02:14I still put the lines to the sevens. I don't do that to impress anybody. I just have always
02:18put lines through sevens. We got ourselves Christmas balls. Um, I count, I want to say
02:22five, maybe six, four in the front, two hard to see, hard to make out ones in the back.
02:28There might even be one over here as well. Does it really matter? Seven balls, seven
02:32Christmas balls. How many, how many Christmas balls do you see? Nobody really cares. Let's
02:37see what we got in here though. We got an envelope, an envelope inside of an envelope.
02:41It's inception and let's see what we got here. Let's bring Mo's style back. Happy
02:47New Year by Seb. Again, thank you Seb. Thank you very much for that. I'm going to put
02:52actually the Christmas card right over here and I'll be putting it on my mantle even
02:55though I have really kind of stripped all my to help my Halloween. I'm already thinking
02:58about Halloween. Even though I've stripped down all my Christmas decorations, I will
03:01be putting that on the mantle right after this video. So he had actually reached out
03:06to me because I have Mo here. This is the Super 7 Mo and he must have watched, I think,
03:11the review that I did the Playmates Mo, uh, not the Playmates Mo, the Jack's Pacific
03:15Simpsons Mo. And I mentioned that I never got the chance to get the, the extra apron
03:19here for Mo. Mine shipped without the apron. And I just, when I reached out to Super 7,
03:24they said, well, you have to go back to the company that you bought it from, which ended
03:27up being Entertainment Earth. I went back to Entertainment Earth and they actually came
03:30back to me and said, uh, well, we don't have any more aprons. You know, you missed your
03:34chance. It was kind of like going back to see Mr. T and I said to go back a little later.
03:39I said, go back a little later. And when I got back a little bit later, the guy said
03:42he was gone. And when I asked if he'd ever come back, the guy said he didn't know. Not
03:47verbatim. That was a Simpsons quote though. But he was actually nice enough to send over.
03:51He said he had two Mo aprons, even though I kind of let the counter out of the bag already.
03:56Yeah. He sent over, why am I doing this so awkwardly here? He sent over another apron
04:01for Mo because he said he had two of these. And I said, you know, can I at least buy this
04:05off you? He said, no, it's the least I could do. So again, like, thank you very much. Let's
04:10open this up and see what we got inside. We got ourselves a pamphlet. Thank you for
04:14your patience and support. Hey, Simpsons fan, Mo's apron is here. We hope you enjoy adding
04:19this accessory to your Ultimates Mo Sizzlak figure. I am looking forward to adding this
04:24finally to Mo Sizzlak. So there is a little sticky adhesive here on the side. Let's open
04:31up the flap. After this, I will reach out to Seb over on Instagram where he reached
04:36out to me and I'll say, again, I got your letter. I will be posting this video. He may
04:40even actually see, I don't know. I'll send this right after I hit this. After I finish
04:43recording this video, I'll send this over to Seb and I'll just again, thank him for
04:47that. But it looks like it's got, so how does this work? I would imagine it's pretty straightforward.
04:52There's Velcro. Okay. So there's Velcro strap number one, Velcro strap number two. The last
04:57thing I would hate to have happen. And you, I'm not even going to say it. Let's carefully
05:01open up the Velcro here, get ourselves Mo. And I would imagine this is just going to
05:09go up his arms. Oh, what am I doing? I've already un-Velcroed it. You idiot. Let's just
05:14move up his arms. One of my new year's resolutions is to stop calling myself dolt, idiot, moron.
05:23You forgot jerk. I, okay. Jerk. I think a little bit more optimistic here, but let's
05:29just take the Velcro here, put it on Mo. Let's do this. At least make some effort
05:36to make this look as neat as possible. Put it all the way on the back. There we go. Alright.
05:43Looks good from the front. Let's just fix these straps and then Mo will be back to bartending
05:48soon and receiving prank calls from one Bartholomew J Simpson. Okay. Straps on there. I want to
05:57do this at least in a way that it looks like the, there's no white showing around this.
06:00I don't know if that's going to be possible, but I think we've got it. I think we've got
06:04it. Do we have it? We do. Here we go. All right. And in the words of, I can't even remember
06:14his name now. The drummer from the Beatles. Ringo Starr. In the words of Ringo Starr.
06:20I think he looks at the picture, the painting that Marge paints him and he goes, yeah, that,
06:25yeah, looks good. I will say though, it certainly does make the figure look a lot more finished
06:31than it did when I first took this guy out of his past, his packaging. Let's just fix
06:35the Velcro there on the back. Oh yeah. That looks a whole lot nicer. You know, it's a
06:39shame though, that the original Mo, when he was shipped out was missing his lacking, lacking
06:43his apron. And of course the fact that he even had to reach out to Super 7 to even get
06:47the apron, I think was a little silly. But in the end though, I did finally get myself
06:51an apron. Not through Super 7, no. Not through Entertainment Earth, no. But actually through
06:56viewers Seb. And Seb on top of that, sent me a rather nice greeting card that I'm going
07:01to be putting on my mantle. Thank you again, Seb. You really, first of all, you finished
07:05off my Mo, even though again, like, I don't know if I'm still going to be collecting the
07:08rest of the Super 7 Simpsons figures. I will say though, I really was a big fan of Mo and
07:12Mo looks a whole lot nicer now that he's got himself his apron. So a big thank you to Seb
07:17for that. If you guys though, again, want to send anything my way, I'm going to cover
07:20over Seb's address. There we go. You can send it over to the review spot at the UPS
07:25store or vice versa, if you want to. It's the UPS store, the review spot, 6975 Meadowvale
07:31town center circle suite 196, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, L5N 2V. You don't have to
07:38put the line through the 7. Even though I put the line through the 7, you don't have
07:40to put the line through the 7. 2V7. If you guys did enjoy this video though, do it a
07:45solid, do it a solid though for Seb. Hit it with a like. If you guys want to stick around
07:48for more so, I hope so, hit that subscribe. Yes, turn on that bell. Sure. The most important
07:53thing is of course, is that you're coming back. As always, thanks for watching guys.
07:57See you guys next time.