• last year
00:00It was nice.
00:03A little bit out here.
00:04How did the party go?
00:06Did you come back straight away?
00:08Do you have any memories?
00:09I woke up after 15 minutes.
00:12If I yelled, you had to run away.
00:15I fell asleep.
00:16Straight away?
00:17But it was Milanello.
00:18Wait, Brocchi didn't even tell me where he was.
00:21But on the first goal?
00:23Yes, straight away.
00:24I turned it on for you.
00:26Yes, straight away.
00:27I said, it was a good start.
00:29Because my mum was a goalkeeper,
00:31and my dad was a Milanese goalkeeper.
00:33So I only had to be a goalkeeper.
00:35And the goalkeeper is stupid.
00:44Welcome back to Locker Room.
00:45A new episode.
00:46I hope it's a very interesting episode,
00:48because we have a goalkeeper with us.
00:50Actually, the goalkeeper with the most presence
00:52in the history of Milan.
00:53Welcome, Cristiano Abbiati.
00:54Thank you for the invitation.
00:55We have Cristiano Abbiati,
00:57the goalkeeper with the most presence
00:58in the history of Milan,
00:59but he's a very calm guy.
01:01People say,
01:02the goalkeeper in the history of Milan,
01:04with the most presence,
01:05will be a cool guy.
01:06Not that he's not cool.
01:07Because he doesn't have hair.
01:09He'll be a VIP, a star.
01:11What kind of star?
01:12But he's a very simple guy.
01:14Yes, it's part of my character.
01:17I'm also a bit introverted,
01:19and a bit shy,
01:21so I don't like to show it.
01:23Looking back,
01:24don't you realize
01:25that you'll stay for centuries
01:27in the history of Milan?
01:30Absolutely not.
01:31Sometimes I don't realize it.
01:32It's like when they tell me
01:33how fat I am,
01:34I feel small,
01:35but I'm fat.
01:36But have you always been like this, Cristiano?
01:38As a child, as a boy, as a player?
01:40Yes, absolutely.
01:41I think it took us
01:44almost a year
01:45to have a conversation
01:46with Paolo Maldini in the first year.
01:48We only stopped at the hello.
01:50I was afraid and respectful.
01:52Filippo told us about this.
01:54No, about Baresi.
01:56Galli told us about it,
01:58if I'm not mistaken,
01:59that he gave the first year to Baresi.
02:01More or less the same.
02:02No, not to her,
02:03but it took us a while
02:04to get the right confidence.
02:06He also says a lot
02:08about your dressing room,
02:09about the respect you had.
02:11He was very respectful,
02:13and at the slightest difficulty
02:16he helped us all.
02:18Listen, then we'll have a chance
02:19to go back,
02:20but what do you do today, Cristiano?
02:22It's a bit far
02:23from the world of football.
02:25Today I'm Harley Davidson's motorcyclist.
02:28I have a shop here in Milan,
02:29a dealership,
02:30and I spend 12 hours there.
02:34It's a passion.
02:35It's a passion we knew,
02:36but Fra told us before,
02:37with the microphones off,
02:38Cristiano, you also do 700-800 km a day,
02:41holidays constantly on the saddle.
02:44It's perhaps more than a passion.
02:46Yes, you think that football,
02:49Milan was my passion.
02:51It still is,
02:52but it was my job.
02:53I did a job of passion.
02:55I was lucky enough
02:56to start another kind of activity
02:58always with passion,
02:59so I'm lucky.
03:01By the way, Cristiano,
03:02we read that you inaugurated
03:04your last day in Milan.
03:08You weren't there,
03:09but this passion
03:10is never over.
03:11Yes, it was done on purpose.
03:13It's like the end
03:14and the beginning of a new life.
03:17From one door to the other,
03:18because the shop is called
03:19Gate 32.
03:21That's how it was born.
03:22Why do you like 32?
03:2332 was born from a group of friends,
03:27Davieri, Brocchi, Di Biagio,
03:30Abbiatti, Matri.
03:32Then, over the years,
03:33someone joined us
03:34and we all had 32.
03:35Wait a minute,
03:36I remember this,
03:37because one year
03:38Brocchi was there
03:39and he stole your 32.
03:40You had 16.
03:42How did you manage it?
03:43I had to give it to Beckham
03:44for a year.
03:47Because Ambrosini was 23,
03:48so I had to give it to him.
03:49You know,
03:50the history of numbers
03:51is very interesting.
03:52By the way,
03:53I wrote it down
03:54because the fact
03:55that the doorman
03:56has so few times 1
03:57is very strange.
03:58But then,
03:59it's true that 32
04:00is the one you invested the most,
04:01but 32, 17, 46, 77, 18, 12, 1.
04:04The doorman is stupid.
04:07the nice thing is
04:08that we never dealt
04:09with the other guests,
04:10but I think it's very interesting.
04:11How do you choose the numbers
04:12in the dressing room?
04:13Because I've seen
04:14some dressing rooms
04:15that are a little more
04:16from the inside,
04:17where you make offers
04:18and then you go to eat pizza
04:19with the money.
04:20How does it work there?
04:21I'm the oldest,
04:22I decide,
04:23I stay in a corner.
04:25let's say that
04:26when you won everything,
04:27three or four players
04:28came in a year
04:29and they matched.
04:31who was already in pink
04:32kept their number.
04:34there had never been
04:35such a struggle
04:36to get
04:37the desired number.
04:38And when,
04:40there was someone
04:41who disputed it,
04:42how did you play it?
04:43You know,
04:44I've never been able
04:45to answer this question.
04:46I never paid attention.
04:48when I became a manager,
04:49there was the problem
04:50of Bonucci and Cassi
04:51who made me
04:52grow my hair.
04:53It's true,
04:54for the 13th
04:55you lost 70.
04:5719, 79.
05:00There they made me
05:01go crazy.
05:02But there,
05:04I don't know if...
05:06do you think...
05:08I wanted to understand
05:09this thing with Beckham.
05:10I mean,
05:11when Beckham came,
05:12you said they matched.
05:13He was famous
05:14for having 23.
05:15I kindly said,
05:16if you want 32,
05:17which is the opposite,
05:18I'll give it to you.
05:19And then I got
05:20a number of those
05:21that you just listed.
05:22So randomly.
05:26It was a gesture
05:27of courtesy.
05:29It was a nice gesture.
05:30Let's finish
05:31with what you're doing today.
05:32You're a very normal person,
05:34like a normal person,
05:35in fact,
05:36more than a normal person,
05:37at 7 you're in the office.
05:38Tell us about your day,
05:40Let's do 7 and a half.
05:417 and a half.
05:42Then I'm not a mechanic.
05:46I open a shop,
05:47I manage everything
05:48that has to do
05:49with Harley Davidson,
05:50who are Americans,
05:51so they're demanding.
05:52And I'm there,
05:53then if there are
05:54some customers,
05:55we have a chat,
05:56we drink coffee
05:57with the customers,
05:58we try to sell
06:00and that's it.
06:01I organize the day
06:02for the guys
06:03who work for me.
06:04Another curiosity,
06:05because a friend of mine
06:06is a Harley rider,
06:07who told me,
06:08I told him,
06:10Christian is coming,
06:11it's interesting,
06:12but do you move in groups?
06:13Do you prefer
06:14to ride alone on the bike?
06:15Are there any VIPs
06:16among the groups?
06:17Because he rides a lot
06:18with me.
06:19We often move
06:20in groups,
06:21sometimes it's nice
06:22to ride alone,
06:23especially when there are
06:24some boxes
06:25that rotate,
06:26I take the bike
06:27and I go.
06:28There are some
06:30but they don't
06:31often come with us.
06:32The one who often comes
06:33with me,
06:34who doesn't live in Milan,
06:35is Favalli,
06:36who rides with
06:37a group from Rome,
06:38if I'm not mistaken.
06:40And he comes from
06:41all over Italy,
06:42so you meet
06:43a second family.
06:44We were saying before
06:45that it's almost
06:46a dressing room, right?
06:47Yes, yes,
06:48a much bigger
06:49dressing room,
06:50but it's a dressing room.
06:51Speaking of family,
06:52I'm curious to understand
06:53what is your background?
06:55to be such a humble
06:56but successful person,
06:57a worker,
06:58I obviously imagine
06:59that you have
07:00important roots
07:01in your family.
07:02Which family do you come from?
07:05my parents
07:06come from
07:07the province of Milan,
07:08from Cascine,
07:10So I grew up
07:11among the chickens
07:12and then we moved
07:13to Milan.
07:14My parents
07:15are simple.
07:16I remember
07:17the first year
07:18they took me around
07:19because my mum
07:20was a porter
07:21and my dad
07:22was a porter
07:23at the Milan
07:25so I had to
07:26only be a porter.
07:27How did you get
07:28close to football?
07:29A bit like everyone
07:30spends time
07:31at the Oratorio,
07:34I got close
07:35by playing
07:36at the Oratorio
07:37and I think
07:38a year later
07:39I played
07:40for a team
07:41at the Oratorio.
07:42How did I become
07:43a porter?
07:44I think
07:45I remember it well
07:46because of my height
07:47and they put me
07:48in goal
07:49and then
07:50diving into the mud
07:51I fell in love
07:52with this role.
07:53Maybe you remembered
07:54the factory
07:55with all the mud
07:56in the mud.
07:57Is it true
07:58that you were born
07:59a porter?
08:00Because many
08:01always say
08:02that a porter
08:03is also
08:04at the level
08:05of mentality
08:06and character
08:07and it's right
08:08to be a porter
08:09because if you're alone
08:10you can do
08:1194 minutes
08:12saving everything
08:13and in the last minute
08:14you do
08:15your thing
08:16and no one
08:18the 94 minutes
08:19while for the attacker
08:20or for another
08:21type of role
08:22if you miss
08:23a goal
08:24but you score two
08:25nothing happens.
08:26You were saying
08:27that the thing
08:28you miss the most
08:29is the adrenaline
08:30and I think
08:31more than any player
08:32the fact
08:33of deciding
08:34an entire game
08:35or a position
08:36in an action
08:37with what gesture
08:38Yes, the role
08:39of the goalkeeper
08:40is fundamental
08:41there's a statistic
08:42an average
08:43I think
08:44that a good goalkeeper
08:45to win
08:46has to give you
08:47X points
08:48but in reality
08:49But going back
08:50to how you started
08:52going back
08:53to your childhood
08:54what's the first
08:55memory you have
08:56of your childhood?
08:57In my childhood
08:58childhood, childhood
09:00I don't remember
09:01very little
09:02but when I was a teenager
09:03the motorbike
09:04in the afternoon
09:06on the wall
09:07I was always
09:08in the motorbike
09:09all day long
09:10Many players
09:12today more than ever
09:13going from
09:14big youth clubs
09:16many youth clubs
09:17even up to
09:1816 years old
09:193-4 teams
09:20you did Aurora
09:21Athletic, Trezzano
09:24which are
09:25all teams
09:26even if important
09:27in any case
09:28a glorious past
09:29in the city of Milan
09:33when did you
09:35how did you think
09:36I'll be the player?
09:37I started
09:38to think
09:39when from Corsico
09:40which is a good city
09:41I went to Monza
09:42I started
09:43to tell them
09:45if they call me
09:46it means
09:47that there is
09:48a minimum
09:49of good
09:50let's see
09:51to try to
09:52exploit it
09:53But in that period
09:54you were also
09:55a baker
09:56so always
09:57six and a half
09:58on foot
09:59and there
10:01tell us
10:02by law
10:03I had to start
10:04at six
10:05so I didn't go
10:06at night
10:07at two or three
10:08to do it
10:09so from six
10:10I did until
10:12I took the motorbike
10:13I went to Monza
10:14to train
10:15and I came back
10:19I saw very little
10:20you were already
10:21used to the sacrifice
10:23but why
10:24this thing
10:25of the baker?
10:26it's simple
10:27because I went to Monza
10:28I had to do
10:29a school
10:30I didn't want
10:31to do that
10:32the example
10:33that I give
10:34to those
10:35who come and point
10:36at your finger
10:37you have earned
10:38so much
10:39you have earned
10:40so much
10:41is the example
10:42that is very simple
10:43where I
10:44have a 24-year-old
10:46I think
10:47I managed
10:48to participate
10:49in just one
10:52I was lucky
10:53to play
10:54in a big team
10:55so it means
10:58the cup
10:59and then
11:00I go to Monza
11:01at the beginning
11:02my parents
11:03really live
11:0420 minutes
11:05from Milan
11:07I always had
11:08a chance to see them
11:09I think
11:10the ones
11:11where my parents
11:12are maybe
11:15then you go
11:16to Borgosesia
11:18I read
11:19an anecdote
11:20because in Monza
11:21I took
11:25a year
11:26older than you
11:27two years
11:28two years
11:29so you
11:30wouldn't have
11:31found space
11:32and you still
11:33go in loan
11:35there it
11:36strikes you
11:37how it works
11:38it strikes you
11:39that you
11:40say no
11:41I want to play
11:42or I
11:43could play
11:44no no
11:45I accepted
11:46the destination
11:48they showed
11:50the ambitions
11:51they had
11:52I said
11:53I'll try
11:54it was
11:55a bet
11:58I was
12:01from there
12:02everything started
12:03I came from
12:04the spring of Monza
12:06I did well
12:07the sporting director
12:08was Terranio
12:09he called me
12:10and said
12:11I found you
12:12in the team
12:13I was already
12:14in Luso
12:15I did
12:16the movies
12:17I'll go
12:18to C series
12:19from somewhere
12:20they tell me
12:22that I
12:23with all the respect
12:24I had
12:25I didn't even
12:26know where it was
12:27you go
12:29or you go
12:30or it breaks
12:31I remember
12:35I played with people
12:36there was a guy
12:37who had already
12:38played in Serie A
12:39in Cagliari
12:40so expert people
12:41who had already
12:42done Serie B
12:43Serie C
12:44I was 17
12:45and I played
12:46with teammates
12:47of 34
12:49it was
12:51there were
12:52those experiences
12:53like in the NBA
12:54they call them
12:56they bullied
12:59then I was big
13:00so I knew how to defend
13:03you get all the balls
13:04that are around
13:05and maybe
13:06you get them all
13:07and they throw them out
13:08then I got nervous
13:09they understood
13:12you come back
13:13to Monza
13:15among teammates
13:16you had
13:27he was already a player
13:28the first day
13:30I saw
13:31that you weren't called
13:33Gatta was also
13:34sent out
13:35in that game
13:36I'll explain
13:37the reason
13:38I was in the military
13:39how did you manage
13:40in that
13:41how did you manage?
13:42it was difficult
13:43to manage the military
13:44with football
13:46the day off
13:47was Thursday
13:48you arrived on Thursday
13:49you trained on Friday
13:50Saturday and Sunday
13:51you played
13:53I was lucky
13:54I had already
13:55launched in previous years
13:56a young goalkeeper
13:57De Santis
13:59he launched me
14:01from there
14:02we won the league
14:03from there
14:04the story begins
14:06I was very lucky
14:07I play
14:08and we win
14:09like when
14:10in the first half of Milan
14:11we play and we win
14:12you were sent out
14:13and played
14:14in Modena
14:17also there
14:18the day after
14:19I immediately
14:20went to the newspaper
14:21to see if my name was there
14:22you bought
14:23the newspaper
14:24but when you went to Monza
14:25you started to say
14:26maybe I'll be a footballer
14:27when you see it
14:28on the newspaper
14:29maybe it's the moment
14:30when you say
14:31I did it
14:32do you know what
14:33a little satisfaction is?
14:34to see your last name
14:37the Serie C was
14:38the last of the pages
14:39but you saw your last name
14:41so then
14:42you go to Monza
14:43and you win
14:44in a final
14:45Monza-Carpi playoff
14:46an incredible 3-2
14:47with an invasion
14:48of the pitch
14:50and then
14:51from there
14:52when you were young
14:53you reach
14:54Serie B
14:55with Monza
14:56after so many years
14:57there's the party
14:58a party
15:00we read
15:01led you
15:02to not show you
15:03the medical visits
15:04of Milan
15:05tell us a little
15:10to the victory
15:11of the Serie C
15:12of the playoff
15:13bought me
15:15I was very happy
15:16being from Milan
15:17they bought me Milan
15:18I was very happy
15:19the day after
15:20the final
15:21I should have
15:22shown up
15:23for the medical visits
15:25so I wouldn't have
15:26woken up
15:27but who called you
15:29Gagliano in person
15:30to say
15:32a girl
15:33who's in charge
15:34of the medical department
15:37in that case
15:38but instead
15:39they told you
15:40they want you in Milan
15:41how did you know?
15:42with Terranio
15:43the sporting director
15:45I should have
15:46gone to Lazio
15:47but then
15:49saw the relationship
15:50it's true
15:52now that you're back
15:53you often say
15:54I went to Milan
15:55for 31 years
15:56because I was born
15:57in Monza
15:58I worked for Monza
15:59that Gagliano
16:00the Milan manager
16:01had an eye
16:02for Monza
16:03how did they
16:04find you
16:05in Serie C
16:06because it's rare
16:07that Milan
16:08goes to the market
16:09from Serie C
16:11but you know
16:12in my opinion
16:13in those years
16:15I was 17
16:17they noticed me
16:19but the year after
16:22with Milan
16:23they had
16:24those two years
16:25of collaboration
16:26in fact
16:27in Serie B
16:28a lot of players
16:29from the Milan
16:30youth sector
16:37and because
16:39they take you
16:40but you stay in Monza
16:41to gain experience
16:44and they follow you
16:45or someone
16:47I asked
16:48if I could
16:49do my experience
16:50in Serie B
16:51for next year
16:52if I was able
16:53to stay
16:54in a big team
16:55I ask you
16:56in the course
16:57of your career
16:59it clearly changed
17:00you had experience
17:01at Milan
17:02one of the
17:03main teams
17:04in the world
17:05you had great teammates
17:06with you
17:07but when you were
17:08a youngster
17:09as a goalkeeper
17:10do you think
17:11it's better to have
17:12one less category
17:13but be a starter
17:14because you know
17:15it's not your thing
17:16but he
17:17in Verona
17:18played for 20 minutes
17:19then for 30
17:20then for a while
17:21then a starter
17:22as a goalkeeper
17:23I have nothing
17:24except for great chances
17:25so it's clear that
17:26but I tell you
17:27my career
17:28has always been like this
17:29in Serie C
17:30I didn't play as a starter
17:31in Serie B
17:32I started
17:33then I lost it
17:34and then I got it back
17:35in Milan
17:36I played as a third
17:37in Atletico Madrid
17:38I played as a second
17:39I came back to Milan
17:40I played as a third
17:41I mean
17:42one knows
17:43their potential
17:44and they know
17:45that they have to
17:47as I recognized
17:48in 2003-2004
17:49that Dida
17:50was a phenomenon
17:51so I raise
17:52my flag
17:53for my own good
17:54I go and
17:55experience elsewhere
17:56and then
17:57in my head
17:58come back
17:59you have to
18:01your value
18:02you don't have to
18:04only what people
18:06or who is
18:07close to you
18:08and says
18:09you're strong
18:10you're strong
18:11but he's not
18:12no, wait
18:13you have to
18:16put yourself
18:17in the game
18:18if you can
18:19and then
18:20you get paid
18:22you come back
18:23to Milan
18:25a youngster
18:26as it was
18:28either goes
18:29today or
18:31maybe you
18:32were already
18:33a bit older
18:34or it's still
18:35early spring
18:36you need
18:37a bit more
18:40you come
18:41as a third
18:43the third goalkeeper
18:44was on the bench
18:46they didn't
18:47let me in
18:48it happened to you?
18:49I'm the third goalkeeper
18:51let me in
18:52yes, yes
18:53or watch the games
18:54the first red ring
18:55but on the steps
18:56there wasn't
18:58think about it
19:00but for you
19:01it was normal
19:02at the time
19:03I was there
19:04at the beginning
19:05it was hard
19:06because the speed
19:07of the ball
19:08in Serie A
19:09and then
19:10in Milan
19:11it was different
19:12from what I had
19:13in Serie B
19:14they shoot
19:16stronger and more precise
19:17they don't just
19:18shoot stronger
19:19you get used
19:20to those rhythms
19:21and if you see
19:22they start
19:23taking one, two, three
19:24you say
19:25wait a minute
19:27it happens
19:28to Lehmann
19:29that he doesn't perform
19:30it happens to Rossi
19:31that we arrive
19:32and you play
19:33but in that case
19:35also the language
19:36he was German
19:37when the language
19:39he didn't speak
19:40it was different
19:41and the way
19:42of speaking
19:43that a German goalkeeper
19:44has is different
19:45from the Italian
19:46you have to
19:47spread your legs
19:48it's a bit different
19:49he struggled
19:52and there was Rossi
19:54it was a walk
19:55about Rossi
19:57this thing
19:58we saw
19:59an interview
20:00of a journalist
20:01who said
20:03who was
20:04another great
20:06in history
20:07and we ask you
20:08in fact
20:09with other goalkeepers
20:10what does this mean?
20:11in what sense?
20:12he put pressure on you
20:13he was very good
20:14he put pressure on you
20:15he was a great man
20:18because guys
20:20Sebastiano Rossi
20:21was one of the greatest
20:22goalkeepers in Milan
20:23for ten years
20:24in a row
20:25so all the respect
20:26he had for Seba
20:27but he put pressure on you
20:28a lot
20:29but did he also
20:30instill fear
20:31in that sense?
20:32Lehmann started
20:33to be afraid
20:34of no one
20:35respect for everyone
20:36so he was afraid
20:37of no one
20:38but you knew
20:39he was behind
20:40if he made a mistake
20:41he was already ready
20:42but also in Milan
20:43there was also
20:45every day
20:46every day
20:47like the atoll
20:48he put pressure on you
20:49in the games
20:50in the games
20:51in training
20:52no no
20:54there were also
20:56between goalkeepers
20:57you were doing well
20:58maybe he
20:59two good
21:00and a third
21:01not so good
21:02and you got nervous
21:05we have the same
21:07yes yes
21:08we have the same
21:11he was a bit
21:13but anyway
21:14I was young
21:15and he was already
21:17I don't remember
21:19do you remember
21:20some scenes
21:21some anecdotes
21:22of Milanello
21:23also extra-campus
21:24in the corridors
21:25of Milanello
21:26in the lunchroom
21:27where you say
21:29this really
21:30suits me
21:31no no
21:32only on the pitch
21:33only on the pitch
21:34it was a
21:36the famous
21:38of Rossi
21:41as a wrestler
21:42and you
21:43I want to hear
21:44Cristiano Abbiati
21:45on the bench
21:46who sees the penalty
21:47they kick
21:48and how did you live
21:49that moment
21:50those 10 minutes
21:51no so
21:52Lehmann had already
21:54so I had played
21:55two games
21:56from second
21:57on the bench
21:58so it means
21:59second on the bench
22:00that you go
22:01into the stadium
22:02you see
22:03that there are
22:0480,000 people
22:05I don't remember
22:08then he scored the third
22:10from Udinese
22:11and people
22:12you see it
22:13but when I went
22:14from the bench
22:15to the goal
22:16I was kicked out
22:17I said
22:18where the fuck
22:19were these people
22:21an impact
22:22that I remember
22:23all my life
22:24there was
22:25that second
22:28instead of understanding
22:29what was happening
22:30on the ground
22:31I looked up
22:32and I didn't realize
22:34maybe later
22:35we can also talk
22:36about Giuseppe Donnarumma
22:37but in general
22:38many people
22:39we talked about
22:40you play
22:41as a player
22:42in the movement
22:43or maybe you know
22:44you can come in
22:45the night before
22:46the coach
22:47gives you a speech
22:48maybe some teammates
22:50I guess you didn't know
22:51so not to say
22:54kept me calm
22:56kept me calm
22:58kept me calm
23:00it was
23:01black and white
23:02you said
23:03come in
23:04I put my gloves
23:05on and I went in
23:06but I know
23:07you're a perfectionist
23:08you were
23:09I don't care
23:10I guess
23:11it's a feature
23:12you still have
23:14and I want to go back
23:15to your debut in Bologna
23:16from the first minute
23:17which is the game after
23:18the curiosity
23:19is that
23:20you make your debut
23:21and you go in
23:23I made my debut
23:24I went in
23:25instead of Weah
23:26you say
23:28Cristiano Abbiati
23:29went in instead of Weah
23:30I didn't know
23:31I don't remember
23:33and you played
23:34the game after
23:35as a starter in Bologna
23:36a great 3-2
23:37with the goal of Ingotti
23:38that we all remember
23:39I saw the highlights
23:41and you played
23:42a great game
23:43to be the first
23:44of the debut
23:45but I ask you
23:46as a perfectionist
23:47because later
23:48you'll do a super save
23:49on Anderson
23:50who does a head shot
23:51from close up
23:52and does a save
23:53but on the first goal
23:54yes, right away
23:56I turned it on
23:57yes, right away
23:58I said
24:00it started well
24:01I took the penalty
24:02against my father
24:03which wasn't so easy
24:04to take
24:05because he was getting wide
24:06but I said
24:09that's what I wanted
24:10but you see
24:11my character
24:12because I saw
24:13many good goalkeepers
24:14with a character
24:15not cold
24:16or they made mistakes
24:18it's over
24:19the mistake was there
24:20when the game is over
24:21we analyze it
24:22we go on
24:23but before the game
24:24I imagine
24:25your teammates
24:26in defense
24:27I don't remember
24:28playing Maldini-Sala
24:30I don't remember
24:32in Gotti
24:33Costa Curta
24:34did they encourage you
24:35or not?
24:36it was 7 months
24:37you were there
24:41had a great experience
24:42so they knew
24:43the more they broke you
24:44the more they put you
24:45so they were
24:47the night before
24:48in Bologna
24:49do you remember it?
24:51I sleep here too
24:52for you
24:53you don't remember anything
24:54but during that season
24:55the more you played
24:56the more
24:57you did experiences
24:58the more you grew
24:59how was the relationship
25:00with your teammates?
25:01I mean
25:03they encouraged you
25:04they supported you
25:05maybe there were
25:06some veterans
25:07who talked to you
25:08no, my part
25:11the same
25:13the more time passed
25:14the more I realized
25:15that I was doing well
25:17the more I said
25:18wait a minute
25:19it's all true
25:20so I was always
25:21in place
25:22I was only thinking
25:23about training
25:24and at the end of the season
25:25nobody thought
25:28we would win the title
25:29at the end of the season
25:31it was
25:32it was
25:35I was going for the first
25:36I was going for the last
25:37because I wanted
25:38to say
25:39this is my chance
25:40I have to play it all
25:41and then
25:42from Perugia to Perugia
25:44that match
25:45you saw it
25:465 billion times
25:47you went to see
25:48the highlights
25:49you watched the marathon
25:50at a certain point
25:51it was a magical season
25:52but there
25:53you remembered Perugia
25:54the party afterwards
25:55the night before
25:56the speech
25:57of the coach
25:58of something
25:59what did you remember
26:00of that day?
26:02I don't remember
26:03the speech of the coach
26:04I don't remember
26:05but I remember
26:06the party
26:07for sure
26:08the regret
26:09that we didn't go back
26:10to Milan right away
26:11because we did the party
26:12in Perugia
26:13but on the pitch
26:14I didn't know
26:15where to go
26:16it's like when
26:17we won the Champions League
26:18I didn't know
26:19where to go
26:20I think I made
26:21all the holes
26:22on the pitch
26:23and I got them
26:24because we won
26:25the Scudetto
26:27A question
26:30Milan is everything
26:31you have to see
26:32the story
26:33I mean
26:34a player comes to Milan
26:35I'll show him
26:36the story
26:37of the great players
26:38starting from Baresi
26:39to Valdini
26:40what does it mean
26:41to be in Milan
26:42I mean
26:43I was the manager
26:44I mean
26:45when we tied
26:46we didn't go out
26:47in the evening
26:48not even to a restaurant
26:50I came to my house
26:51or your house
26:52but I didn't go around
26:53I mean
26:54Milan has to win
26:55I mean
26:56when you tie
26:58in fact
27:00you don't win the game
27:03in an interview
27:04says this
27:05I came to Milan
27:06now I'm in Milan
27:07and he says
27:08they took
27:09Stam behind
27:10they took
27:11and he says
27:12holy shit
27:13I always have to win
27:14and you won
27:15the big goalkeepers
27:16I mean
27:17that's it
27:18but it's right
27:19it's right
27:20that the team
27:21is at the top
27:22that there is
27:24that's fundamental
27:25we want to try
27:26to get into
27:27room 42
27:28better than
27:32how was it born
27:35until he told you
27:36I mean
27:37for me
27:38it's fundamental
27:39this thing
27:40no no
27:41there were rooms
27:42from 1 to 2
27:43you make it
27:44a bit gross
27:46there was this room
27:47from 42
27:48it was born
27:49for the president
27:50so it was the biggest
27:51the most beautiful
27:52but wait
27:53that one
27:54that was Ibra's
27:55I don't remember
27:56after Berlusconi
27:57it was Ibra's
27:58Ibra was alone
27:59and they all came there
28:00the door was open
28:01Ancelotti came
28:02they all came there
28:03to talk
28:04for 10 minutes
28:05they left
28:06then they came back
28:07maybe they went to the bar
28:08while they were coming back
28:09they stopped there
28:10it was a bit
28:11everyone's room
28:12it was the room
28:13of the tattoo
28:14after the Champions League
28:15who did it
28:18a guy
28:19he did it
28:20in Milanello
28:21he tattooed us there
28:22the three idiots
28:23from the Champions League
28:25someone else did something
28:26I don't remember
28:27but how did you
28:28how did you meet
28:29Gattuso and Brocchi
28:32we always went out
28:34we did part of the holidays
28:36we were always together
28:37even outside the pitch
28:39you had to describe
28:40the other two
28:41and yourself
28:42in that room
28:43three idiots
28:44there's not
28:45the nice
28:50I was the one
28:51who fought
28:52for sure
28:53Brocchi was nice
28:55Rino was the most
28:56competitive person
28:57I've ever met
28:58in my life
29:01came to Milanello
29:02and did
29:0330 passes
29:04and left Milanello
29:05and did everything
29:06in Milanello
29:08to make you understand
29:09that the goal
29:10is that
29:11I'll get there
29:12one way or another
29:13I'll get there
29:14I have a curiosity
29:15you were
29:16three Italians
29:17and if you
29:18you were
29:19three Italians
29:21very strong
29:22in the history
29:23of Italian football
29:26outside the pitch
29:27and also seen
29:28on the pitch
29:29I mean
29:30Abbiati was good
29:31at everything
29:32but he wasn't
29:34a photographer
29:35he wasn't nice
29:36to look at
29:37with all due respect
29:38we'll go to the center
29:42he was running
29:43but he wasn't
29:44doing the Veronica
29:45and the double passes
29:47is almost
29:48an oxymoron
29:49I mean
29:50in the most
29:51winning Milan
29:52three very strong
29:54who got there
29:55and had
29:57a lot more
29:58than the others
29:59and what
30:00to get to those levels
30:04to get there
30:05to stay
30:06I mean
30:07the sacrifices
30:08are true
30:09but maybe
30:10in the evening
30:11you went out
30:12you were late
30:13you drank
30:14but the next morning
30:15you went
30:17to them
30:18I mean
30:20weren't like that
30:21I mean
30:22for us
30:23football is this
30:24but now
30:25it's different
30:26social media
30:27you think
30:28about the comment
30:29on social media
30:32and then
30:33another curiosity
30:38more or less
30:40I mean
30:41I remember
30:42that Milan
30:43as a big Milan
30:45for foreigners
30:46for me
30:47in an Italian team
30:48a group of Italians
30:49must be there
30:51they feel
30:52the derby more
30:53they feel
30:54Mina Juve more
30:55they feel
30:56the Champions League
30:57match more
30:58I feel it more
30:59I have this feeling
31:00then maybe
31:01I'm wrong
31:03I have two questions
31:04on that camera
31:05the first
31:06is if there is
31:07a crazy thing
31:08that you did
31:09I guess
31:10there will be more than one
31:11but one
31:12that you can tell
31:13for example
31:14you told me
31:15that when you stole
31:16Rino's phone
31:17you started
31:18to send messages
31:22there are a lot
31:23one day
31:24we bought
31:25compressed air
31:27we shot
31:29Brocchi's photo
31:31then we went out
31:32and shot
31:35there are
31:37on the road
31:39there were
31:40two beds
31:41and there was
31:42a sofa
31:43we stood
31:45and then
31:48in Milan
31:49I'm going
31:50beyond the first
31:51parenthesis with Milan
31:52because during
31:53an Inter-Fed
31:55there is a very
31:56famous episode
31:57fights between
31:58Kaká and Buffon
31:59Buffon gets injured
32:00and Berlusconi
32:01does this
32:02very sporty gesture
32:03where he says
32:05to make up
32:06this injury
32:07there are
32:08Christians angry
32:09How did you
32:10live that scene?
32:11it was a decision
32:12Before I went to Genoa, as I said before, I wanted to get back in the game.
32:20I had chosen to go to Genoa, which was a new promotion,
32:23then in a month of retirement everything happened,
32:25they sent me back to Serie C, so I went back to Milan.
32:28As soon as I got back to Milan, this happened.
32:31Do you want me to say no to going to Juve?
32:33So you had already joined the team.
32:35I went to Milan, I went to Juve.
32:37Also because you were leaving the reserve team to start.
32:42I didn't play the first game, which was an Italian Super Cup,
32:45Juve and Inter.
32:48From the first league I played all of them until February.
32:52How does it change from Milan to Juve?
32:54Are there two worlds that may seem similar from the outside?
32:57I imagine they are very different.
32:59Very similar. Milan at the time was more organised.
33:04Milan was more organised as a club.
33:10But then Atletico Madrid arrived.
33:12Yes, it was a great experience.
33:14It all started in two days.
33:17I went for a medical check-up, they took me in.
33:20I knew I would start as second,
33:22there was no problem, I would have played my place.
33:25It was a great experience.
33:27We reached the quarter-finals in the Champions League,
33:29where Atletico Madrid hadn't been for a long time.
33:32What do you remember from that experience in Madrid?
33:36The fans.
33:38Because they are very close to the Italian curves.
33:41While in Spain, not everywhere, the curves are Italian.
33:46Then there were friends like Albertini, Vieri,
33:50Torrizi too.
33:52They explained the place to me.
33:55They welcomed me very well.
33:58I should have stayed,
34:00because Atletico Madrid had some expenses.
34:02So I went back to Milan.
34:04Milan, the province of Milan,
34:06Borgossesia, Turin, which is a hundred kilometres from Milan.
34:10For you, Madrid was a radical change.
34:13It's true that you were an adult,
34:15but you always had your career,
34:17so your life, in northern Italy, around Milan.
34:20How did you experience it?
34:22As I said before, it started in two days.
34:24In two days they told me,
34:26Atletico Madrid is looking for a second goalkeeper.
34:31I'm a friend of Porino, there's no Bronzetti anymore.
34:34I called him, he said yes, it's true.
34:36I called Gagliani, he said yes.
34:39Two days later, they told me to visit.
34:41But I would also like to ask you about your relationship with Gagliani.
34:45Because the year after, you went back to Milan.
34:48And practically, Gagliani had ceded you to Palermo.
34:52He wanted you to go to Palermo.
34:54Yes, but there was...
34:56No, but you went back,
35:00and as far as I read, if I'm not mistaken,
35:02you said, no, I want to stay.
35:06And Gagliani, as I seem to understand in all the stories,
35:10is very grateful for those who made the history of Milan,
35:14for those who did good for Milan.
35:16And so, maybe another manager,
35:18I don't know, maybe I would have met others, I don't know.
35:20We could cross paths and say,
35:22no, we've already done it, or let's break up.
35:24Yes, because they had Dida, Kalac,
35:28Fiori again, and Storari, I think, in pink.
35:32So I would have been the fifth.
35:34But I wanted to play my chance.
35:39I wanted to say, let's do the pre-season,
35:41and then you can send me away, if I'm not able to do it.
35:43Gagliani, if he called you, gave you some money,
35:45you had planned something.
35:47If he called you by name, you were calm.
35:49Yeah, he can hear you.
35:51I've already done it.
35:53But it happened a lot, right?
35:55Yes, it happened a lot.
35:57Is it the first time you can tell us about it?
36:02Braida was... I call him Papa Braida,
36:04because Braida had a lot more confidence with us,
36:08but Dr. Gagliani was always present.
36:10Always present.
36:12For better or for worse, he always gave you the right word.
36:18When he was angry, he got angry.
36:20Did he call you to his office?
36:22No, he came to Milanello.
36:24Ah, he came to Milanello.
36:26But when he arrived...
36:28No, it could have been for good things.
36:30Yes, he came every Saturday.
36:32But if he came during the week, there was something,
36:34either positive or negative.
36:36Did he come straight to you, or did he go to the captain,
36:38to the coach?
36:40No, but he went to the coach,
36:42then he talked to the team,
36:44and then individually he talked to someone more,
36:46Did he do that before the match, on Sunday?
36:48No, he always went to his place.
36:50In the case of post-match?
36:54Speaking of matches and analysis of opponents,
36:56nowadays the times evolve quickly,
36:58there's the video, the video analyst,
37:00the goalkeeper sees all the penalties,
37:02where they kick, how they kick.
37:04In your time, not that you're old,
37:06but in the 90s, until the 90s,
37:08how did you analyse the opponent?
37:10With the VHS?
37:12No, I only analysed penalties.
37:14Right, left, right, left.
37:16Did you do it?
37:20Did you have the notebook?
37:22Yes, I did it like that.
37:24And how did it work?
37:26You know what the misfortune is?
37:28You couldn't see them again.
37:30So maybe he was shooting to the right,
37:32in a certain way,
37:34but you didn't remember
37:36if it was the end of the match,
37:38if they were already winning,
37:40if they were equalising.
37:42You're at the table.
37:44Wait, wait, let's put Rayuno,
37:46who has a match on Sunday,
37:48I have to see the goal.
37:50If you didn't see it,
37:52the next day you tried to read
37:54where he had shot.
37:56And for the team?
37:58I don't remember the videos.
38:00The videos were there,
38:02how they played,
38:04but not like now.
38:06Who was the attacker
38:08that bothered you the most?
38:10He's nice.
38:14No, there's no one.
38:16It's like when you ask me
38:18who's the best player I've played with.
38:20It's hard to answer.
38:22Let's say I restrict the field
38:24to your colleagues.
38:26What was your relationship with Dida?
38:28Good, very good.
38:30Very good.
38:32I'm competitive,
38:34but as I've always said,
38:36I have sports loyalty.
38:38I don't give a shit about the field,
38:40but if you're good,
38:42I try to be better than you.
38:44When I'm given the chance to play,
38:46I'll try to do better than you.
38:48But at a certain point,
38:50there's a bar.
38:52You get there,
38:54I can't go beyond it.
38:56What do you remember about
38:58the penalties in Manchester?
39:02I remember more than the semi-finals.
39:04I remember everything.
39:06I remember scoring 10 times,
39:08getting out of the box.
39:10During the penalties?
39:12No, at the end of the game.
39:14Did you discuss the penalties with Dida?
39:16At the end of the game against Inter,
39:18in the return leg,
39:20I got the ball,
39:22because he was going to play,
39:24and I told him to let me win,
39:26but I didn't.
39:28He let me win.
39:30Cristian Corrino did the same.
39:32He had the same trajectory,
39:34playing in the semi-finals,
39:36both as protagonists,
39:38but in a different way.
39:40Then there's your team-mate
39:42who has to finish the job.
39:44I see this parallelism a lot.
39:46If Manchester hadn't ended like this,
39:48with the penalty on Callon,
39:50it would have been worth it.
39:52At the end of the game,
39:54with that penalty on Callon,
39:56Abbiati was good,
39:58they didn't say anything,
40:00and they came to you and said,
40:02After breakfast,
40:04Ancelotti came to me,
40:06because we always played in the morning,
40:08we got to the pitch early,
40:10we had breakfast, and then we trained.
40:12After breakfast, he took me aside,
40:14I want to congratulate him again,
40:16because he's a serious person,
40:18he's always trained well,
40:20but that's it.
40:22I'm not surprised if a guy does well
40:24when he doesn't play much.
40:26It means that he always trains well.
40:28But there's really a father,
40:30Ancelotti, right?
40:32Ancelotti's ability is to make
40:34those who play participate.
40:36And how did the party go?
40:38Did you come back immediately?
40:42You woke up after a quarter of an hour.
40:44On the bench you suffer in those moments.
40:46You suffer,
40:48you suffer a lot,
40:50there's an absurd tension,
40:52you don't know what to do.
40:54At the end of the first half,
40:56what did the coach say?
40:58It looked like the penalty was over.
41:00Gigi Buffon made a great save,
41:02and then Conte took a cross.
41:04Then that's it, it's over.
41:06They gave us a goal
41:08that maybe was a regular one.
41:10But there's a lot of tension.
41:12By the way,
41:14what's it like to play
41:16the first Champions League final
41:18against some of the guys
41:20you see often in the league,
41:22some of whom you might have
41:24crossed in the national team?
41:26Against the European team,
41:28who knows who they will be.
41:30Maybe some of them were friends.
41:32Well, that's where it all ends.
41:34Of course, but...
41:36Maybe you get carried away
41:38the night before,
41:40or two days before,
41:42and then when you're on the pitch...
41:44Ready to battle.
41:46If you get hurt, I'll hurt you.
41:48Not as a bad guy, but I'll hurt you.
41:50Do you remember a speech
41:52of a coach of all your career
41:54in one way or another?
41:56Or because it was grotesque,
41:58or because it was great,
42:00or because it was funny?
42:02Don't ask me for the exact words,
42:04but for me the biggest motivator
42:06was Sinisa Mihajlovic.
42:08When I spoke to him,
42:10I kept my mouth shut.
42:12I was already 34, 35.
42:14No, I was 38, 39,
42:16because it was the last year.
42:18I was 39.
42:20I kept my mouth shut
42:23He's a bit like you,
42:25a bit like a man.
42:27Yes, he's good.
42:29But he's very good
42:31at communicating with the player.
42:33Very demanding.
42:35He communicated so much
42:37that he even asked you
42:39if Gigio Donnarumma was ready,
42:41and you said, throw him in.
42:43It's not for everyone, right?
42:45What would Rossi have said?
42:47I'm 39 already.
42:49No, it's...
42:51Yes, it was like that.
42:53He had already decided.
42:55It's not thanks to me
42:57that he played.
42:59But I confirmed it to him,
43:01yes, throw him in.
43:03And he too, like you,
43:05immediately punished and scored on his post.
43:07Yes, but I told him not to move.
43:09Do you remember any words,
43:11any advice, maybe the night before
43:13you went on the pitch?
43:15No, not the night before, absolutely not.
43:17Before going on the pitch,
43:19I told him,
43:21don't move, stay still on your post.
43:25Yes, yes, exactly.
43:27But not in Bologna?
43:29No, no, no, because he scored.
43:33Berardi, who sometimes
43:35throws it over there.
43:37So, if a guy comes along
43:39and says, tomorrow I'm playing in Serie A,
43:41what's the first advice you give to this guy?
43:43Have fun.
43:45Last year I think I played three games,
43:47two in the final, until the final
43:49and then in the league I lost two or three games.
43:51Like that.
43:53But it became hard for me
43:55to travel from Milan
43:57to Milanello, which is unthinkable for me.
43:59It became hard for me
44:01to have lunch with the team every day.
44:03It became hard for me to go to the dressing room.
44:05I had another year of contract.
44:07And physically,
44:09in my opinion, I could go on
44:11without any problems,
44:13since in the Coppa Italia final
44:15we had managed to get there.
44:17But I don't have any more stimuli.
44:19Even in the last game
44:21against Roma,
44:23there was Mr. Bloc
44:25who played me.
44:27I said, look, Cristian,
44:29we're friends.
44:31Do you think I'm empty?
44:33If I go on,
44:35I risk being a piece of shit
44:37and losing the team.
44:39So, no.
44:41Let's see the last five or ten minutes.
44:43I don't know why I lost.
44:45In fact, I thought
44:47a lot of people had left,
44:49but they stayed.
44:51How was it to have a
44:53Mr. Friend?
44:55As you say, you were the last one.
44:57I had Inzaghi, Seedorf, Brocchi,
44:59all of them, Mijanovic.
45:01I lived there.
45:03Tell me about this.
45:05You said Seedorf,
45:07and now I think of President.
45:11He said,
45:13are you sure?
45:15Or he would go out
45:17and get him.
45:19I didn't hear anything.
45:21He had a great personality.
45:23And he was a great player.
45:25He won everything.
45:27Other players with that great personality?
45:35who is here now.
45:39When I was his age,
45:41I didn't hear Paolo scream or speak.
45:43But I knew he was there.
45:47They called me the silent captain.
45:49If I screamed, you had to run.
45:51It happened to me once
45:53with an attacker.
45:55I don't remember his name.
46:01I changed and left.
46:03We were already losing.
46:05People were whistling.
46:09We were already losing.
46:11And you increased the score.
46:15These are the scenes that made you quit.
46:19Speaking of personality,
46:21I think that if you don't have
46:23a minimum of personality,
46:25you can't play.
46:27You have to have it.
46:29Or in one way or another.
46:31I imagine,
46:33I go around Abbiati, Maldini,
46:37We all had a personality.
46:39Then there was the
46:41very exuberant one
46:43who always screamed.
46:45Screaming, he said the right things.
46:47You have to be credible
46:49in what you say.
46:51Did you ever go to your teammates
46:53to yell at them?
46:57To piss me off.
46:59And to make fines.
47:01Not respecting the other teammates.
47:03How much was the fine?
47:05How much was it?
47:071000 euros per minute.
47:09More or less.
47:11You were late once too.
47:13I read.
47:17I fell asleep.
47:19I was in Milanello.
47:21I was on leave.
47:23Was the training hard?
47:27I was tired.
47:29I slept.
47:31You sleep and train the next day.
47:33I wanted a cat.
47:37Last question.
47:39You had important experiences.
47:41In the national team
47:43you were often closed by Gigi Buffon.
47:45What is the national team like for you?
47:47How did you live it?
47:49Let's go back to the goalkeeper.
47:51He either has the chance or doesn't.
47:53I started in the wrong years.
47:55Buffon, Toldo,
47:57Peruzzi, Rossi.
47:59Who was there?
48:01There was.
48:03I'm happy.
48:05I played in the national team
48:09European and World Cup.
48:11You also won the U21s.
48:13We lost the final
48:15against France.
48:17The golden goal.
48:19I'm happy I had my experiences.
48:21I was 29.
48:23I said to Donadoni
48:25it's useless to come.
48:27Milan has always had
48:29more Brazilians than Argentinians.
48:31What do you see in South Americans?
48:35I thought more Germans.
48:37Brazilians send me beer.
48:39They are all
48:41sunny and funny.
48:43Like Serginho.
48:45The most famous one
48:47was Kaká.
48:49They are all funny.
48:51They party.
48:53Pato, Ronaldinho.
48:55Pato was one of the strongest players.
48:57But unfortunately
48:59he had less luck.
49:01What about Ronaldinho?
49:03Wait, question.
49:05If someone had to tell me
49:07who is the strongest player,
49:09I'd say Ronaldinho.
49:11I'm a Milan player.
49:13I have Ronaldinho in pink.
49:15He's a player to me.
49:17I respect the rules.
49:19We all agree.
49:21I train all day.
49:23But if he does the opposite
49:25to Rabona in a match,
49:27I massage him.
49:29Does it work like that?
49:31No, but he trained.
49:33Maybe he couldn't keep up
49:35with the team.
49:37Barcelona has a totally different
49:39style of play.
49:41But the pitch is his mother.
49:43He stopped the ball
49:45and you didn't move it.
49:47What was it like off the pitch?
49:51Let's go with the beer.
49:53Let's say the defences
49:55that gave you more confidence
49:57and entered your heart.
49:59The players in front of you
50:01were your favourites.
50:03I didn't understand a thing.
50:05They're your defences.
50:07Are you going to tell me the year?
50:09No, I'll tell you the names.
50:13Sala, Costacurta, Maldini.
50:15No, that's Zaccarone.
50:17Shall I go?
50:19Third place.
50:21Torino, 2006-2007.
50:23Comotto, Franceschini, Brevi, Balestre.
50:35Last place.
50:37Atletico Madrid, 2007-2008.
50:39Seitaridis, Ibanez, Perea, Pernia.
50:43Fourth place.
50:45This is important.
50:47Juventus, 2005-2006.
50:49Zambrotta, Cannavaro, Turamo, Balzaretti.
50:53Second place.
50:55Milan, 2013-2014.
50:57Abate, Zapata,
50:59Mexes, Konstant.
51:03I don't know the rest.
51:05It's a game.
51:09Fourth place.
51:11Monza, 1996-1997.
51:13Finetti, Bega,
51:15Del Piano, Falsini.
51:17Do you remember?
51:19Yes, but I'm afraid of what comes next.
51:21No, because it was the glory.
51:29Milan, 2001-2002.
51:31Serginho, Calazze,
51:33Laursen, Contra.
51:41I'll put it here.
51:43Fourth place.
51:45They told me...
51:47Italy, U21.
51:49Rivalta, Mezzano,
51:51Grandoni, Daino.
51:53Third place.
51:55Milan, 2010-2011.
51:57Abate, Nesta,
51:59Tiago Silva, Antonini.
52:01I'll put it second
52:03because I think you'll say 2003.
52:05Second place.
52:07Third place.
52:09Let me see what's written.
52:13you can read the last one.
52:15We defended those four
52:17appearances with Italy.
52:19Grosso, Cannavaro, Nesta, Zambrotta.
52:21First place.
52:23Maybe these two.
52:25Costa, Calazze, Maldini.
52:27The Champions League year.
52:29It went well.
52:31Christian, we also have this
52:33game that we'll do in closing.
52:35We have five cards,
52:37random questions.
52:39Read them and get at least two or three.
52:41The thing you're most ashamed of?
52:43Foul play, right?
52:45Yes, free kick.
52:47And some bullshit I did,
52:49for sure.
52:51On the pitch.
52:53The ball was bigger.
52:55With Juve.
52:57It was over,
52:59so I gave up Marchese,
53:01who passed me in the middle of the legs.
53:03There's even a feeling of shame
53:05about a technical mistake.
53:07It's a mess.
53:09Can I open a parenthesis?
53:11Punishment for debauchery.
53:13It's true!
53:15I took a bottle cap
53:17from the goal line.
53:21If you had thrown it,
53:23you would have died there.
53:25I asked myself,
53:27didn't you notice it?
53:29I had also brought it
53:31for an interview.
53:33It was a bottle cap.
53:35I thought it was orange.
53:37I don't even know if the referee
53:39had already whistled.
53:41Maybe he didn't have to.
53:43Let's change the subject.
53:47Who would you take around
53:49for a day on the bike with you?
53:51The 21.
53:57Pirlo would be afraid of the bike.
53:59Who is the greatest
54:01girl you've ever dated?
54:07Have I?
54:11Have I?
54:13I don't know if I've dated
54:15such important girls.
54:19Can I change the subject?
54:21Yes, go ahead.
54:23We're done.
54:25How did you meet your wife?
54:27She introduced me to her
54:29through a mutual friend
54:31in Milan.
54:33A day you'd like to relive
54:35and a day you don't want to relive.
54:37I don't want to relive...
54:39Everyone thinks...
54:43Yes, but it's still the same city.
54:51that we lost.
54:53It was the year after the Scudetto
54:55in 2000.
54:57We lost 3-2.
54:59We left the Champions League
55:01and the UEFA Cup
55:03in one game.
55:05And the one you'd like to relive?
55:07Manchester United.
55:09You don't talk much
55:11about your family.
55:13There was a question about your wife
55:15but you're very reserved.
55:17I have a 24-year-old daughter.
55:19You're proud of her
55:21even though she's older.
55:23She's 24.
55:25Cristian looks young
55:27but his daughter is older.
55:29I'm 47
55:31and she's 23.
55:33We have a lightbulb.
55:35A genius comes out
55:37of every lightbulb.
55:39You can express three wishes.
55:41The first one
55:49and family.
55:51The second one
55:53is this.
55:55I'm still
55:57celebrating my second star.
56:01And the third one
56:03is for the others.
