Dr William Luther Pierce -Racial Fitness and Survival -Our Cause

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Dr William Luther Pierce -Racial Fitness and Survival -Our Cause
00:00Dr. William Luther Pierce, 2001 Racial Fitness and Survival
00:13Hello. During the last several weeks, I've talked with you about interracial crimes committed
00:22against our people, which have been covered up deliberately by the controlled news media
00:28so that the Jewish media bosses can more easily maintain their deception that so-called hate
00:35crime is primarily a matter of heterosexual white males preying on non-whites, homosexuals,
00:43and members of other officially favored groups. And therefore, we need to abolish the Bill
00:49of Rights so that everyone will be safe and comfortable.
00:53The crimes I have specifically called to your attention, for example, the Wichita Massacre
01:00and the abduction, rape, and murder of Vicki McGraw in Shreveport last month, are crimes
01:06of such nature that by any objective standard, they merit national news coverage. But instead
01:13of reporting these crimes, the media have covered them up, and from this fact, I have
01:20drawn conclusions about the motivations of the media bosses. Well, I could continue talking
01:27week after week about atrocious black-on-white crimes covered up by the controlled media
01:34in order to strengthen my conclusion. Unfortunately, there's no shortage of such crimes to report.
01:43A nagging concern I have when reporting these crimes against our people, or when giving
01:50examples of media cover-ups, however, is that I will sound as if I'm whining. I complain
01:58about the things our enemies are doing to us, but I don't do anything except complain.
02:05Or at least, I know that that is the way some people look at it. In fact, some people take
02:12a very negative view of the whole situation. They look at what is being done to us. They
02:18look at our almost total lack of resistance. They look at the behavior of the lemmings
02:25who are collaborating enthusiastically with those who are destroying our race and our
02:30civilization, and then these observers throw up their hands and say, my God, as a race,
02:37we don't deserve to survive. In fact, I received a letter a few days ago from a listener who
02:45has a strongly Darwinian point of view. He's on our side, more or less, but he has quite
02:53a defeatist attitude. He wrote to me, and I quote, isn't it true that if the European
03:00race weren't so inferior to the Jews, we wouldn't have ended up in this predicament in the first
03:06place? Hasn't our race proved over and over and over again that we belong at the bottom
03:13of the racial ladder, existing only to serve the Jews? Hasn't the white race proved over
03:20and over again that we deserve the genocide now being inflicted on us? End quote.
03:28My correspondent goes on to provide evidence for his conclusion that our race has lost
03:34the struggle for survival and must, therefore, in the natural course of events, become extinct,
03:42like the saber-toothed tiger and the passenger pigeon before us. He points out that we no
03:49longer have a collective intelligence, a tribal feeling, or real leadership, and that without
03:56these essentials, no race can survive. As things are going now, we can with reasonable
04:04certainty forecast a nightmare future. The Jewish propaganda coming from our television
04:10receivers will become more and more blatant, promoting multiculturalism, miscegenation,
04:18and white guilt and self-hatred ever more stridently. Our young women, in a mindless
04:24scramble to be fashionable and imitate what they see on their TV screens, will jerk, gyrate,
04:32and rap to an MTV beat with their Negro lovers. Our young men, increasingly soft and unmanly,
04:40will watch passively and largely without comprehension, and then will turn back to their video games.
04:48The white working class and middle class will plunge even more deeply into credit-based
04:53consumerism and will hardly notice what the younger generation is doing, as long as the
05:00present economic prosperity, based on the technological innovations of fewer and fewer
05:06creative members of our race, holds out. The politicians will enact legislation making
05:13it a penal offense to speak out against the process of decay or the people behind it.
05:20More and more non-white immigrants will continue flooding into America and into Europe, and
05:26nothing will be done to halt the flow, whether the Republicans or the Democrats, the Conservatives
05:32or the Laborites are in office. Republicans and Conservatives will continue talking about
05:39such things as restoring national pride, restoring excellence to education, getting the government
05:47off the backs of productive citizens, and similar policies which appeal to the ever-hopeful
05:54and ever-credulous white citizens who have not yet joined the Clinton Coalition or the
05:59Blair Coalition. But, in fact, the government's actual policies will remain nearly the same,
06:06regardless of the party in office. When the economy does take a major downturn,
06:13the half of the population which receives a monthly check of one sort or another from
06:18the government will be kept in line with promises of an enhanced dole, and the politicized
06:25police agencies, armed with new speech crime and hate crime laws, will be poised to pounce
06:33instantly on anyone else who tries to rock the vote. The white birth rate will fall even
06:39further below the replacement level, while the number of mongrels of various shades born
06:46will continue rising. Finally, the hideously grinning Jew, who before remained behind
06:53the scenes rubbing his hands and gloating over his handiwork, will be able to step into
06:59the open and rule in his own name. Within a century, our race will be gone, and according
07:06to the fellow who wrote to me, there will be a natural justice in that outcome. In the
07:12long run, only the fit survive, and we have proved ourselves unfit. I have heard similar
07:22arguments from other people. In some cases, it is simply a cop-out, an excuse for giving
07:29up the struggle and doing nothing. The war is already lost, these people say. Why should
07:36I take a chance on losing my job by speaking out now, when there is no longer any hope
07:43of racial survival? In other cases, people who are not really cowards are so discouraged
07:52by what they see around them that it's difficult for them to put much energy or enthusiasm
07:58into a struggle they fear is hopeless. Perhaps, for the sake of this latter group, it is worth
08:05our time to look more closely at this matter of fitness and survival. Fitness, of course,
08:13is not an absolute thing. It can be defined only in relation to a specific environment.
08:20An organism or a race that is superbly fit in one environment may be totally unfit in
08:28another. Furthermore, we must be careful in equating ability to survive with superiority.
08:36The passenger pigeon was surviving marvelously well in North America. It was flourishing
08:42in the environment here until white men with firearms entered that environment and hunted
08:49the species to extinction. But there are many other species which have survived the intrusion
08:56of the white man into their environment. For example, the bacterium Clostridium titani,
09:03the microorganism which causes tetanus. Is it correct, therefore, to say that Clostridium
09:11titani is superior to the passenger pigeon? Perhaps, but only in a very limited sense.
09:18The former is still here, and the latter is extinct. And I have no doubt that if the white
09:24man put his mind to it, he could drive Clostridium titani to extinction as he did the virus which
09:32causes smallpox. In a broader sense, of course, it is meaningless to talk about such dissimilar
09:40organisms. Similar considerations apply to questions about the relative fitness of our
09:47own race and the Jews. For a very long time, the Jews have lived in a symbiotic relationship
09:55with non-Jews, more than 3,000 years if one includes the relationship between the Jews
10:02and the ancient Egyptians. During most of the relationships between Jews and non-Jews,
10:09the Jews have lived as a marginalized minority, hated and mistrusted by the non-Jews but tolerated
10:17because of the Jews' commercial and financial usefulness. Relationships of this sort were
10:24accompanied by a constant tension between the Jewish minority and the non-Jewish majority.
10:31A literary anecdote which illustrates well this tension is provided by the Russian author
10:39Nikolai Gogol in his Cossack story Taras Bulba. Every Cossack camp had a contingent
10:47of Jews who were despised by the Cossacks but usually tolerated because the Jews always
10:55were ready to sell the Cossacks anything they might want, especially liquor. Selling liquor
11:01to the Cossacks was a hazardous occupation for the Jews, however, because every so often
11:08the Cossacks' dislike of the Jews would exceed the limits of their tolerance, and then a
11:15general de-Judaizing of the Cossack camp would ensue. In Taras Bulba, the Jewish camp followers
11:23were all thrown into a nearby river and drowned, except for one who hid under a wagon. And
11:30this amusing anecdote was mirrored on a larger scale in every European country throughout
11:36the Middle Ages. The Jews would gradually infiltrate a country, and then in their inimitable
11:43way take over certain facets of the economy. The trade in alcoholic beverages, innkeeping,
11:51prostitution, and money lending were the most common. When they were not prohibited by law
11:56from doing so, they monopolized the trade in white slaves. At the same time they were
12:03acquiring the wealth of the peasants, and the craftsmen, and the bourgeoisie in this
12:08way. They would buy protection from the aristocracy by financing wars, by serving as tax collectors,
12:17by giving financial advice, and so on. This modus vivendi often resulted in the Jews being
12:25wealthier on the average than the Gentiles among whom they lived, but their wealth never
12:31bought them acceptance or respectability. They always were despised social outcasts,
12:38so different from the host population that comparisons were meaningless. And in most
12:43countries, at least prior to the 19th century, they were not even citizens, because citizenship
12:50was based on blood, on tribal connections, on race. Just as with the Cossacks, the citizenry
12:59eventually would become exasperated with the Jews, and rise up against them. The king,
13:05or duke, or what have you, would decide that he didn't need the services of his Jewish
13:10tax collectors enough to put up with rioting, and so in order to quell the public unrest
13:16and disorder, he would undertake a general expulsion of all the Jews from his realm.
13:22This happened in every European country at least once, and in several of them it happened
13:28more than once, because a generation or so after being expelled, the Jews would come
13:33sneaking back in again, and the process would repeat itself. In any case, I don't think
13:41that it is correct to say that the Jews proved themselves more fit than we, or superior to
13:47us in any general sense. And only one characteristic were the Jews superior, namely in their amazing
13:56ability to acquire money. Otherwise, our race did an overall better job of surviving.
14:04We excelled in every other field of endeavor, in all the arts of war and peace, in literature,
14:12in engineering and painting and sculpture and astronomy, in building cities and roads
14:17and exploring new lands. To say that the Jew was superior because he was richer is like
14:24saying that the tick on the dog's back is superior to the dog because the tick is fatter.
14:32The dog does many things well. The tick only sucks blood.
14:37While I've been talking about the state of affairs prior to the 19th century, this is
14:43the 21st century. We are rapidly being driven into extinction while the Jew oversees the
14:50process and becomes fatter than ever. What happened to change our fitness relative to
14:58that of the Jew? How did our society change from one with a proud and masterful spirit,
15:05a masculine spirit, to one with a feminine, submissive spirit? How did we lose our aristocratic
15:13pride in being independent and self-sufficient, and learn instead the servile ways of the
15:20Democrat, looking to the government to protect us and provide for us in return for our taxes
15:27and our votes? What happened to our tribal consciousness, to our pride of race? Why do
15:36so many of us feel that we should apologize for being white? How did we lose control of
15:43our women? A century ago, we would not have considered for a second permitting our women
15:50to consort with Negroes, even if they had had the inclination to do so. What took away
15:57our self-confidence and put us on the defensive? People change over the course of generations.
16:06Races change as breeding patterns change, and certainly the welfare state and racial
16:13mixing have caused a certain decline in racial quality. But this biological change has been
16:21relatively small, and it's not the principal reason for our present jeopardy. We are essentially
16:28the same race we were a century ago, biologically speaking. So, how did we lose our pride and
16:36our uprightness and become such a disgusting mob of egalitarians, oblivious of the future
16:43and willing to tolerate everything? The basic answer is that the great mass of our people
16:52are neither good nor evil, neither great-spirited nor petty, neither heroic nor cowardly and
17:00self-indulgent, neither loyal nor disloyal, neither upright nor tolerant of depravity
17:06and crookedness. They are neutral. Every quality in them is only latent, waiting to be evoked
17:15and made manifest by an external force. Everything is a question of leadership, of guidance,
17:24of the example that is set for them. With good leaders, with wise and strong leadership,
17:31with honest and racially conscious leadership, the best qualities latent in a people, in
17:38a nation, in a race, are evoked and made manifest. With heroic leadership, with great leadership,
17:46a whole people, lemmings and all, can be called to greatness and heroism if those qualities
17:53are latent in them. And those qualities are still latent in our people despite present
18:00appearances. We have had a catastrophic failure of leadership. Why? Well, for one thing, democracy
18:10is not conducive to great leadership, even under the best of circumstances. A more relevant
18:17answer is that democracy in the age of television, with the television under the control of our
18:24hereditary enemies, is an unmitigated disaster. I'm using the term television to stand for
18:34all of the controlled mass media, of course. We are headed for extinction now, not because
18:42we have been conquered by a non-white army in the way that some of the white peoples
18:47of Central and Eastern Europe were conquered by Huns and Mongols and Turks during the Middle
18:54Ages, before other white peoples brought the conquerors to a halt and then rolled them
19:00back. The black assaults on our people, the invasion by Mexicans and Asians, are not threatening
19:07our survival because these non-whites are superior to us in any sense of the word. These
19:14non-whites are threatening our survival only because we have lost our will to resist, only
19:21because we have been morally crippled, only because we have lost our pride and our self-confidence
19:28and our tribal consciousness. And ultimately, it is television in the hands of the Jews
19:35which has morally crippled us. I suppose that's a bit of an oversimplification. The
19:42public schools and the universities also condition our people morally for extinction, and so
19:49do the Christian churches. But ultimately, it is the Jewish control of the mass media
19:55that has poisoned these institutions and changed the way in which they condition our people.
20:02After all, most educators, which is to say most teachers and most school administrators,
20:09are as much lemmings as the rest of the population, as much susceptible to what comes from the
20:15television screens as are those Americans who are not educators. And so are the Christian
20:21preachers and priests and church administrators. Christian doctrine has proved to be amazingly
20:28flexible in adapting itself to changing political fashions. So at this time, we're heading toward
20:37extinction because we lack leadership, and the Jews are taking advantage of this lack
20:43of leadership to pump us full of spiritual poison through their control of the mass media,
20:50essentially paralyzing our will to resist their takeover of our society. What does this
20:57say about our fitness? Many people believe, and I have said this myself, that white people
21:05are especially susceptible to the Jewish spiritual poison. Can blacks and mestizos and Asians
21:14be made to feel racial guilt and self-hatred the way whites can? Well, probably not in
21:21exactly the same way, but I would be surprised if they turned out not to be susceptible
21:27to psychological manipulation at all. Every race must have a lemming majority in order
21:34to be stable and survive. I suspect that if the people who control the mass media put
21:41their minds to it, they could condition blacks or Vietnamese to hate themselves and engage
21:47in self-destructive behavior too, just as they have conditioned us, although probably
21:53the details of the conditioning would be different. We were fit 3,000 years ago when we lived
22:01in an environment that did not include Jews. Even in Europe, when Jews were present, we
22:07eventually developed antibodies against them that allowed us to survive. We forced them
22:14to live more like inactive spores than like active pathogens. Unfortunately, the early
22:21settlers of North America did not bring enough of those antibodies with them. When the spores
22:28began to break open in Europe during the 19th century, and even earlier in England, we were
22:34less able to resist the Jews than we were during the Middle Ages. When we had built
22:40a new and increasingly prosperous civilization in North America, and the Jews began coming
22:46in during the last part of the 19th century, we had almost no resistance to the infection.
22:54Letting Jews into the United States was like giving smallpox-infected blankets to the Indians.
23:02They used us to break down the old order in Europe with two ruinous, fratricidal world
23:09wars. Then the advent of television at the end of the Second World War gave them the
23:16genocidal weapon they needed to finish us off.
23:20We are fit when we live in an environment without Jews. We can whip every other race
23:27with both hands tied behind our backs. With Jews, we are like a dog infested with disease
23:35carrying ticks. If the dog can get rid of the ticks soon enough, he will survive. If
23:42he doesn't get rid of the ticks, they eventually will cause him to die.
23:47Does this mean that the ticks are more fit and more deserving of survival than the dog?
23:54I wouldn't say so, but clearly the dog must do something about the ticks soon, and we
24:03must do something about the Jews soon, and clearly the key to getting the Jews off our
24:11backs is to regain control of our mass media.
24:17Well, we really haven't decided anything new today. Nevertheless, I think it's helpful to
24:25understand the dynamics of the process that is carrying us to our extinction. It's helpful
24:33to understand that the fact that mestizos are pouring across our southern border without
24:39opposition says nothing about our fitness relative to that of the mestizos. The fact that blacks
24:46are taking over our cities, terrorizing our schools, and running off with our women says
24:53nothing about our fitness relative to that of blacks. The whole war for survival is between
25:01us and the Jews. Once we've taken their control of television away from the Jews, we've won
25:10the war. We'll sweep the blacks and the mestizos and the Mongols away in a matter of days.
25:19It will be messy, but there's no doubt as to who will win. Thanks for being with me again today.
25:27Dr. William Luther Pierce, expounding upon our cause in the year 1976.
25:40Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our National Alliance meeting. Every day,
25:50I receive letters from our members across the country, as well as questions from people
25:55here in the Washington area who have attended our meetings in the past. Letters and questions
26:01which indicate that there is still some uncertainty in people's minds as to what we are, what
26:08we believe, and what we intend to do. Questions, in other words, as to what it's all about.
26:16I want to try again tonight to answer these questions as clearly as I possibly can. I'm
26:23sure that one of the difficulties people have in trying to understand us is that they can't
26:29figure out quite how to categorize us. They're accustomed to putting everything they encounter
26:36in life into little mental pigeonholes labeled right-wing, left-wing, communist, racist,
26:42and so on. And once they've done that, they think they understand the thing. Now, the
26:49trouble is that we don't quite fit any of the customary pigeonholes. And that is because
26:55the doctrine of the National Alliance, the truth for which we stand, is not just a rehash
27:02of old and familiar ideas, but is really something new to Americans. Perhaps the best way to
27:09approach an understanding of the Alliance is to start by getting rid of some of the
27:14most troublesome pigeonholes altogether. That is, by pointing out what we are not.
27:20We are not, as many people tend to assume at first, either a conservative or a right-wing
27:26group. And I'm not just trying to be cute when I say that. I'm not just trying to emphasize
27:32that we are a special right-wing group, or a better right-wing group. In fact, our truth
27:38has very little in common with most right-wing creeds. We're not interested, for example,
27:44in restoring the Constitution. The Constitution, which was written 200 years ago, served a
27:51certain purpose well for a time. But that time is now past. Nor was its purpose the
27:57same as our purpose today. And we're not interested in states' rights, in restoring the former
28:03sovereignty of the individual states. Because we do not believe, as our conservative friends
28:09do, that a strong and centralized government is an evil in itself. It is, in fact, a necessity
28:16in overcoming many of the obstacles which lie ahead of us as a people.
28:21What else is dear to the hearts of right-wingers? Do we want to restore prayer and Bible reading
28:27to the public schools? Hardly. Anti-fluoridation? Nonsense. Income tax? Abortion? Pornography?
28:37Well, we may sympathize more with the right-wing position on these issues than we do with the
28:43left-wing position. But they are still only peripheral issues for us. They are not the
28:49reasons why we are here tonight. They are not the things we are prepared to die for.
28:54And there are, in fact, several issues on which we are closer to what would ordinarily
28:59be considered the left-wing or liberal position than we are to the conservative or right-wing
29:04position. One of these issues is the ecology issue. The protection of our natural environment.
29:11The elimination of pollution. The protection of wildlife. And there are also other issues
29:16where we are closer to the liberals than to the conservatives. Although I doubt that we
29:21agree with them completely on any issue. Just as we seldom, if ever, agree completely
29:26with the right-wing on any issue. The reason for the lack of complete agreement in most
29:32cases where there seems to be approximate agreement with either the right or the left
29:37is that our position on every issue is derived from an underlying view of the world which
29:44is fundamentally different from those of either the right or the left. To the extent, that
29:49is, that they have any underlying philosophy at all. Often there is none. And a great many
29:55people who identify themselves as liberals or conservatives or moderates simply have
30:01an assortment of views on various issues which are not related to any common idea or purpose
30:07or philosophy. Before we turn to a positive look at the Alliance, let me inject just a
30:15few more negatives. One thing we are not trying to do is find any quick or easy solutions
30:23to the problems confronting us as a people. They are enormously difficult problems. If
30:29we are to solve them at all, we must tackle them with more determination, more tenacity,
30:36more fanaticism than they have ever been tackled before. We must prepare ourselves mentally
30:43and spiritually for a very long and bloody and agonizing struggle. We mustn't imagine
30:51that we are like a squad of soldiers about to assault a cave full of robbers, and the
30:56only preparation we need is to be sure our bayonets are fixed and our powder is dry.
31:02That seems to be the attitude of most patriots these days, and it is not a realistic one.
31:08Throw out those bombs in Washington, they say, and our problems will be over. No, we
31:15must think of ourselves instead as the beginning, the barest beginning of a mighty army whose
31:21task is not to clean out a cave full of robbers, but is to conquer an entire hostile world.
31:28Before the first shot is fired, we must build our invasion fleet with thousands of ships
31:34and siege engines, and we must lay in massive supplies of cannonballs and powder and all
31:40sorts of other munitions, and we must do a hundred other things. In other words, we must
31:47prepare ourselves for our political struggle before we can count on it yielding anything
31:53other than the invariable failure which has rewarded patriots in the past. We must build
31:59a foundation which will sustain us for a very long campaign.
32:04Let me give you another analogy. We are like a tribe of people, hungry people, starving
32:11people, living in a land which, although the soil is fertile, provides relatively little
32:18for them to eat. A few berries growing on bushes, a few edible roots in the ground,
32:24and all that these people can think about is that they are hungry and must fill their
32:28bellies. That is their immediate problem. And so they spend all their time, day after
32:34day, year after year, hunting for those scarce berries on the bushes, pulling an occasional
32:39edible root out of the ground. And they never really fill their bellies. They always remain
32:45hungry, always on the edge of starvation. And that is because no one has ever taken
32:50a few minutes off from berry hunting and thought further ahead than the immediate problem of
32:56filling his belly now, for this meal. No one has proposed that while some continue to hunt
33:02for berries, others in the tribe should tolerate their hunger pains for a while and make themselves
33:08a few simple tools. A simple plow from a tree branch, perhaps, and a hoe, and use these
33:15tools to plow up some of the most fertile areas of their land, and plant a few berries
33:21in their furrows, and then keep watch over them so the birds don't scratch them up, and
33:26weed their furrows, and perhaps divert a portion of a nearby stream for irrigation. If they
33:32did this, if they thought beyond their immediate problem and, to the extent possible, tackled
33:38a much larger problem, then we know they would eventually, even though it might take years,
33:44solve the problem of hunger, which they could never solve when that was all they thought
33:50about. The solution to their problem of keeping their bellies full was to develop an agricultural
33:57basis for their berry picking and root digging. Now, we need a philosophical, a spiritual
34:05basis for our political struggle. A basis, of course, which tells us why we must fight
34:11and what we are fighting for, but we also want a basis which will tell us how to build
34:16a whole new world after we have won the political struggle. In other words, we are not building
34:23a basis to use for a month or a few years, but a basis which will last a thousand years
34:30and more. We are building a basis which will serve not only us, but also countless future
34:37generations of our race. And it is high time that we did this. We have drifted without
34:44any sense of direction, without any long-range perspectives for far too long. It's time that
34:52we stop fixing our sights on next year or the next election, and fix them instead on
34:58eternity. You know, we Americans are famous for being a practical people, a hard-headed,
35:06no-nonsense people. Not great thinkers, perhaps, but real problem solvers. We don't fool around.
35:13We plow right into things. That's how we settled this country. We didn't agonize about whether
35:18we were being fair to the Indians when we took their land. We just walked right over
35:23them and kept moving west. That's what we had to do. We just followed our instincts
35:28and used their heads, and more often than not, we did the right thing. But we also made
35:34some mistakes, bad ones. Because the southern colonies were ideally suited for certain
35:40types of crops which required lots of hand labor, there weren't any machines then, of course,
35:45we brought Negroes into the country. That seemed to make pretty good economic sense
35:50at the time, but we really should have thought harder about the long-range consequences of
35:56that move. We wouldn't have had to be real wizards to foresee the future, because history
36:02provided a number of instructive examples for us to study. Well, we kept on making mistakes.
36:09Mistakes based on short-sightedness, mostly. On not being able to give any real weight
36:14to anything but the immediate problem. On not thinking far enough ahead. Analyzing the
36:21situation a little more deeply, we can say that we were short-sighted because we had
36:26no really firm basis for being long-sighted. We had no solid foundation on which to stand
36:34in order to evaluate the long-range consequences of our decisions. And as a result of this,
36:40we were suckers for various brands of sentimentality. Strictly here-and-now sentimentality, rooted
36:46only in the present. It was this sort of fuzzy sentimentality, this Uncle Tom's Cabin sentimentality,
36:54which led to the war between the states, and the dumping of some three million blacks
36:59into our free society a hundred years ago. And it led to our failure to properly control
37:05immigration into this country. Our failure to prevent the flood of Jews which poured
37:10in after the Civil War. These things troubled many good people. Lincoln was troubled over
37:16the potential consequences of freeing the Negroes. Later, others were troubled over
37:21the dangers of uncontrolled immigration. But the fuzzy sentimentalists prevailed,
37:26because those who knew in their hearts that the country was making mistakes didn't have
37:31a really solid basis from which to oppose the sentimentalists. They didn't have their
37:36sights fixed on eternity. They had no all-encompassing worldview to back them up.
37:43And the same problem of short-sightedness is far worse today. A person goes to church
37:50and hears his minister tell him that we are all God's children, black and white. And although
37:55his instinct tries to tell him that the minister is leading him astray, he will not challenge
38:00the minister, because he has no firm convictions rooted in eternity to back up his feelings.
38:07The same is true of the whole country, of our whole race today. We're like a ship without
38:13a compass. Various factions in the crew are arguing about which way to steer, but no one
38:18really knows where the ship is headed. We've lost our sense of direction. We no longer
38:24have a distant, fixed star to guide on. Actually, it's even worse than that. We've lost our
38:31ability to follow a distant star, even if we could see one. We are like a nation, like
38:37a race without a soul, and that is a fatal condition. No purely political program can
38:47have any real value for us in the long run unless we get our souls back, unless we learn
38:53once again how to be true to our inner nature, unless we learn to heed the divine spark inside
39:00us and base all our decisions on a clear and comprehensive philosophy illuminated by that
39:07spark. Let me tell you a little story, which I believe illustrates our problem. Several
39:14years ago, I spoke to a class at a private high school in Maryland. It was the Indian
39:20Spring Friends School, operated by the Quakers, but with a student body which seemed to be
39:26about equally divided between Jews and Gentiles, with a few token blacks thrown in. Throughout
39:34my talk to the class, a blonde girl and the only Negro in the class were sitting next
39:40to each other in the front row and kissing and fondling each other in an obviously planned
39:46effort to distract me. When I finished speaking, the subject of my talk, by the way, was the
39:52importance of white Americans developing a sense of racial identity and racial pride
39:58if they are to survive. When I finished, a white student, about 17 years old, rose to
40:04ask the first question. His question was, what makes you think it's so important for
40:11the white race to survive? I was flabbergasted and at a loss for words, and while I stood
40:18there with my mouth open, a young Jew popped up and gave his own answer. There is no good
40:24reason at all for whites to survive, the Jew announced, because they have contributed nothing
40:29to the human race except the knowledge of how to kill people. Other races, he said,
40:34have contributed everything worthwhile, everything which allows people to be happier and more
40:39comfortable. And then he rattled off a list of five or six names, Freud, Einstein, Salk,
40:45and a few others, all Jews. I then asked him if he himself was a Jew, and he replied with
40:52as much arrogance and contempt as he could muster. Yes, I am, and proud of it, he said.
40:58At this point, the whole class, whites included, rose and gave the young Jew a standing ovation.
41:05The teacher at the back of the room had a big grin on his face. Needless to say, my
41:10talk was pretty well wasted on that class. The white kids in there had been subjected
41:15to so much moral intimidation. They had been pumped so full of racial guilt and self-hatred,
41:21their minds were so twisted that it's doubtful whether anyone could straighten them out,
41:26certainly not in an hour's time. But the thing which bothered me even more than the
41:32phony collective racial guilt which had been pumped into those boys and girls was my inability
41:38to answer the white kids' question. Why should we survive? That's one of those questions
41:44like, why is good better than evil? Or nowadays, many people might ask, why is heterosexuality
41:51any better than homosexuality? If two people want to have sex together, who are we to say
41:56that it's better that they be a man and a woman than that they be two men or two women?
42:01And a related question concerns racial mixing. Why shouldn't a black man and a white woman,
42:07or vice versa, live together if they can be happy? These are questions which most white
42:12people, even normal healthy white people, cannot answer satisfactorily today. A hundred
42:19years ago, before the Jews came flooding into America and took over our mass media and our
42:24educational system, we may not have really needed answers. We just knew that it was important
42:30for our race to survive and to make progress. We knew that homosexuality and interracial
42:35sex were wrong. Our intuition told us this. The answers were in our souls, even if we
42:42couldn't express them in words. But then the Jews, who are clever people, very clever people,
42:48came along and they began asking these very questions. And when we couldn't answer them,
42:54they began providing their own answers. Now all of us here know what their answers are.
43:00We read them in our newspapers and hear them on television every day. Some white people,
43:06in fact a majority at first, did oppose the Jews' plans, but their reasons for opposing
43:12them were all the wrong ones. For example, why shouldn't your son or daughter marry a black?
43:18The answer was, well, two people with such different backgrounds won't be happy together.
43:25They will have children of mixed race who won't be accepted by either whites or blacks.
43:30There's a better chance for a marriage to work out if both partners are of the same race.
43:35The world just isn't ready for intermarriage yet, etc. Well, of course, the Jews made pretty
43:41short work of such shallow and superficial objections. The problem was that our people
43:47had already accepted most of the basic Jewish premises. Our criterion for choosing a marriage
43:54partner was happiness. Happiness, either ours or our children's. No one had any really solid
44:03answers, answers based on something fundamental. Certainly the churches, whose role should
44:09have been to provide the right answers, were no help. They, in fact, were and are in the
44:14forefront of the Jewish assault on all our values and institutions. They are so much
44:19in hot to the Jews that they are busy now trying to figure out how they can rewrite
44:23the New Testament, removing or changing all the parts Jews consider offensive, such as
44:29the Jewish responsibility for the crucifixion of Jesus. The Jews were able to continue hammering
44:35away at white Americans, probing, prying, asking more questions, raising more doubts,
44:41until we had lost all faith in what we had earlier known intuitively was right. Our ethics,
44:48our code of behavior, our values and feelings and aspirations, all went down the drain.
44:54What they gave us instead was the new morality. If it feels good, do it. Our children are
45:01taught in school that progress means more happiness for more people. And happiness,
45:07of course, means feeling good. The whole thing is summed up in a Coca-Cola commercial I'm
45:13sure you've all seen on TV. A ring of 20 people or so, all colors and races, both sexes,
45:21obviously as happy and carefree as they could possibly be, are holding hands and singing,
45:27I'd like to give the world a Coke. Now who but the meanest and most narrow-minded racist
45:33is going to criticize something like that? The average American, even one who does not
45:39approve of racial mixing, doesn't know how to respond to a clever appeal like the Coca-Cola
45:45commercial. Certainly the average white kid in our schools today doesn't. And once he
45:50has unconsciously accepted the hidden premises in that commercial, and in the entire attitude
45:56toward life from which it is sprung, the question I was asked at the Indian Spring Friends School
46:02naturally follows. Since people of all races are equal and essentially the same, whites,
46:08Negroes, Jews, Gypsies, Chinamen, Mulattoes, and since they can all be happy doing the
46:13sorts of things, why should we worry about what a person's race is, or even our own?
46:18Wouldn't sex be just as pleasurable for us if we were black instead of white? Wouldn't
46:23a Coke taste just as good? What difference does it make if our grandchildren are Mulattoes,
46:28so long as the economy is still strong, and they can all afford nice cars and 25-inch
46:33color TV sets? Now, one can attack this Jewish fantasy world with facts. One can point out
46:41that, although Jews are clever, they haven't done everything worthwhile in the world.
46:47White people have done a few things besides kill other people. And one can point out that
46:52racial differences are more than skin deep. One can talk about IQ scores. One can cite
46:58historical examples in which civilization after civilization has declined and crumbled
47:04when the race that built that civilization began intermarrying with their slaves. But
47:09none of that is really going to convince the kid whose main concern is whether the
47:14consumers of the world, whether the happy Coke drinkers, will be any less happy in a
47:19world without whites. What we failed to do in the past was to understand the deep inner
47:26source from which our feelings and intuition about race and other matters sprang. We had
47:32no really sound and healthy worldview to offer that white kid in place of the slick,
47:38plastic, Jewish worldview of the Coca-Cola commercial. And so we couldn't really answer
47:44his question about the survival of the white race any more than we could give him a really
47:48convincing reason why he shouldn't do just anything that feels good, whether taking dope
47:54or sleeping with blacks or experimenting with homosexuality. You may think of that kid
48:01as an extreme liberal case, but he is really no different from the average, and I mean
48:07the average businessman in this country who used to be a segregationist a few years ago,
48:13but who became an integrationist when the blacks started rioting and burning things
48:17in the late 1960s. After all, riots are bad for business. Their individual visions of the
48:25world may be a little different, but the businessman and the kid in Maryland both
48:30base their thinking on one and the same thing, egoistic Jewish materialism. The kid who believes
48:37that the purpose of life is happiness knows that there are not many things on this earth
48:42happier than a bunch of picaninnies splashing in a mud puddle. And the businessman who believes
48:47that the purpose of life is to make money knows that a black customer's money is just
48:52as green as a white customer's. A person who accepts that sort of basis indeed cannot
48:59see any really convincing reason why the white race should survive. His aim is to live a
49:05good life, and that means a life with lots of money, lots to eat and drink, plenty of
49:11sex, new cars, big houses, constant diversions, entertainment. That's all he lives for, all
49:19he cares for, all he understands. Talk about purpose to him and his eyes go blank. Talk
49:25about eternity and he laughs at you. He knows that he won't live forever, although he doesn't
49:30like to think about that, and he intends to get as much out of life as he can. Anything
49:34beyond that means nothing to him. What a difference that is from the attitude toward life our
49:40ancestors in northern Europe had a few hundred years ago. They were greedy for money like
49:45we are, of course, and they liked to enjoy themselves when they could. But that was not
49:50the meaning of life for them. Their attitude toward life and death was perhaps best summed
49:57up in a stanza from one of the old Norse sagas. It goes like this.
50:04Kinsmen die, and cattle die, and so must one die oneself. But there is one thing I know
50:11which never dies, and that is the fame of a dead man's deeds. The German philosopher
50:19Arthur Schopenhauer expressed essentially the same idea when he said that the very most
50:24any man can hope for is a heroic passage through life. Greatness, in other words, rather than
50:32happiness, is the mark of a good life. Now I don't mean to suggest that we must all think
50:38in terms of becoming famous or of dying heroically on the battlefield with sword or gun in hand.
50:45Some of us may be granted that. But what is important, what all of us can do, even those
50:51who think of ourselves as basically unheroic, is adopt the attitude toward life and toward
50:58death which was implicit in the old sagas and in Schopenhauer's statement. That attitude,
51:05the attitude of living for the sake of eternity, of living with eternity always in mind instead
51:11of living only for the moment, the attitude that the individual is not an end in himself
51:17but lives for and through something greater, in particular for and through his racial community
51:23which is eternal, seems to have eluded most of us today. It is an attitude which is diametrically
51:30opposed to the Jewish attitude.
