Dr William Luther Pierce -Bill and Monica -Out of the Darkness 2nUp

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Dr William Luther Pierce -Bill and Monica -Out of the Darkness 2nUp
00:00Out of the Darkness, featuring Dr. William Luther Pierce, 1983.
00:18Two thousand years ago, the poet Ovid wrote that night is a sadder time than day.
00:27I know that's always been true for me.
00:31When discouraging thoughts come, it's usually at night.
00:34Actually, I'm pretty cheerful most of the time, but it used to be that occasionally,
00:42when I was working alone in the national office late at night, a black thought would come
00:49into my mind, always the same thought.
00:54It was that there's not enough time to do what I must do.
01:02It was that something will happen to me before the alliance is strong enough to survive and
01:11continue growing without me.
01:13Then a feeling of desperation would come over me, and I would have to fight off an almost
01:21overpowering urge to do whatever I could to speed things up, to go back to the quick
01:29and dirty methods that I had tried in past years.
01:34I didn't yield to that urge because I had already found out the hard way, that the quick
01:41and dirty methods don't yield lasting results.
01:46I knew that we have only one shot at winning this war we're in, and that it has to be a
01:53good shot.
01:55We can't miss.
01:57We can't build something that is flimsy or false.
02:03We have to do it exactly right, or it won't work.
02:08But doing it right sometimes seems painfully slow, and it would be futile, self-defeating.
02:18If in my care to do it right, I didn't get enough of it done so that others could carry
02:25on before I was overtaken by disease, or by an accident, or even by an assassin.
02:36In a sense, this black thought which used to creep up on me late at night was the thought
02:43of death, the fear of death.
02:46We're all mortal.
02:49We all know that we have to die, though no one wants to.
02:54The way we've dealt with this fear of death in the past has been to identify ourselves
03:02with something immortal, to think of ourselves as part of something in which we can continue
03:11to live after our bodies are gone.
03:16Patriots have identified themselves with their countries, often so strongly that they were
03:21almost eager to die in order to advance the interests of their fatherland, the land of
03:28their forefathers.
03:31It was easier to be patriotic, of course, when our country still belonged to us, when
03:38we were able to associate a particular village or farmstead with our ancestors for several
03:47generations back, when the graves of our fathers and grandfathers and great-great-great-grandfathers
03:56were around us, and so were their works.
04:00The fields that they had cleared, the buildings they had built, the trophies they gathered
04:06in their lifetimes, the records they left behind them.
04:12We could easily fit ourselves into the pattern of generations and centuries and be content
04:21in the knowledge that our own works and trophies and records would also be preserved and would
04:29become part of the lives of our descendants.
04:34We would fight anyone who threatened that pattern.
04:38We would die in order to preserve it so that we wouldn't be forgotten, so that we would
04:44always have a little niche in the memory of all the generations which were to come.
04:54Today the whole pattern has been smashed to bits and ground into the mud.
05:01We've lost our roots, our sense of belonging, our connection with the past and with the
05:11We can't count on being remembered.
05:14In fact, if current trends continue for a few more years and Martin Luther King's dream
05:23of full equality is realized, then our grandchildren won't even know who their fathers are, much
05:30less their grandfathers.
05:33So patriotism provides little comfort for mortals these days, and it's no wonder that
05:42many people are searching for something else besides their countries to identify with.
05:48For me, that something has long been the whole universe.
05:53My life is part of its life, and I know that the larger life of the evolving universe will
06:02go on no matter what.
06:06That's my religion, or part of it.
06:10But it's a rather impersonal religion, and on dark, lonely nights at the office, it does
06:17not by itself provide enough comfort to keep dark moods away.
06:25There is in all of us, I believe, a need for a more personal identification with something
06:34We need more than merely the knowledge that each of us is a momentarily glowing spark
06:43of individual consciousness in a conscious cosmos.
06:48A cosmos which, even as its overall brightness grows, witnesses the winking on and then out
06:58again of billions of individual sparks.
07:02We need, in addition to that, the knowledge that we as individuals make a difference.
07:11We need the knowledge that we can make a mark on the world through our own efforts,
07:18and that the mark we make will last.
07:22We need to know that our personal contribution to the life of the universe will be remembered
07:30after we are gone, that others will add to it and help it grow so that ten generations
07:41from now, or even a hundred generations, the record will still be there.
07:48There will be someone then who will be able to say, back during the great struggle ages
07:58ago when the race nearly perished, there were a few men and women who were on the right
08:06side, a few who did what had to be done, a few who made the difference.
08:14And even today, centuries later, we remember their names and their works.
08:24It's the sort of knowledge which is able to overcome the fear of death, the sort of
08:31knowledge which gives each of us a personal connection to the infinite.
08:40It's true that the self-consciously evolving cosmos of which I am a part is the ultimate
08:48reality, but it's also true that the Alliance provides my personal connection with that
08:57ultimate reality.
08:59The Alliance is the means by which I and many others can make individual contributions to
09:06the future.
09:08The Alliance not only magnifies our efforts, gives us leverage that we wouldn't have if
09:16we were working on our own, but it also provides a safe repository for our contributions, makes
09:24them into lasting contributions.
09:28That is, it keeps them from being washed away in the growing tide of chaos on the outside.
09:36It keeps them in place long enough for another member to add his own contribution on top
09:41of ours, and then for another to build on top of both, and so on.
09:48For example, if one of our members writes a book which is a valuable contribution to
09:55our overall effort, say member William Simpson and his Which Way Western Man, then he doesn't
10:04have to worry that it will immediately disappear into oblivion when he dies or is no longer
10:11able to promote it himself.
10:14He knows that even after he is gone, the Alliance will remain to continue distributing his book,
10:22continue reprinting it, magnifying its effect until another member is able to build on that
10:28work with a book of his own which advances the cause still further.
10:36That of course is the theory.
10:40The trouble is, it has been a pretty shaky theory in the past, primarily because far
10:46too much was dependent on a single individual, me.
10:52Who could be sure whether I would last from one month to the next?
10:59Who could know whether or not all of the hard work and money and time he was putting into
11:04the Alliance would be wasted?
11:07Because I might at any minute give up and announce that I was tired of butting my head
11:12against the wall, and that would be the end of it.
11:18From my own viewpoint, things were a little different, but still not particularly encouraging.
11:24I knew that I wouldn't give up, but I could see others giving up all around me.
11:31It seemed that every time we would manage to struggle ahead a step, we would slide three
11:38quarters of a step back again.
11:41And I knew that we were not strong enough to keep going at all if I quit, which meant
11:48that I had to hang on and keep on pushing things forward until we reached a critical
11:56point where I could stand aside and things would keep moving forward without me, because
12:03there would be the right people ready and able to take over all of my responsibilities.
12:12My concern was that nothing must happen to me before we reached that point.
12:20From a purely selfish standpoint, I didn't want my spark to wink out without making a
12:27difference, and the black thought that kept coming to me late at night was that I was
12:35losing the race, that I couldn't reach that critical point soon enough.
12:41It was never a matter of quitting.
12:44I never worried that all of my hard work was being wasted in the sense that I could
12:50have been spending my time more enjoyably.
12:53From the time I started, there was only one thing that I could do, even if there were
12:59no hope at all of winning.
13:01I couldn't stop, even if I had wanted to, nevertheless, whether I was working willingly
13:09or unwillingly, the occasional late night feeling that it was all for nothing was quite
13:17Fortunately, daylight generally had the effect of dispelling my gloom, and so I was able
13:24to present a cheerful face to the world.
13:29Now the only reason that I'm making this confession to you is that my black thoughts are a thing
13:37of the past.
13:39If I still had them, I certainly wouldn't tell you about them.
13:43But the fact is that I have not been gloomy about our prospects for at least the last
13:50year, and I still work late alone in the national office at night.
13:57What's made the difference is the results of our recruiting during the past year.
14:06For the task that the Alliance must accomplish, quality is everything.
14:15In the last year, we have been winning commitments from people who have what it takes to get
14:22the job done.
14:26Attendance at our convention this year may be up only 40% over last year, but the number
14:31of people in the Alliance who have what it takes has doubled.
14:38We're finally getting the good ones now substantially faster than we're losing them, and really
14:45we've just started.
14:48For years, we were bogged down in the childishness, the make-believe, the buffoonery, the stupidity
14:59of the right wing.
15:02That's no one's fault but my own, of course, because I knew nothing else but the right
15:08wing approach.
15:11I really thought that populism, an appeal to the dispossessed, an appeal to the so-called
15:19white masses, was the way to proceed, the way to gain strength.
15:24I was often in despair when I finally realized that it wasn't, when I saw how few people
15:31we were winning and whom I could have any confidence at all.
15:38Changing our approach was difficult.
15:42It meant breaking some bad habits that we had acquired.
15:47It meant alienating a certain clientele that we had attracted whose continued support I
15:53was then convinced that we really needed.
15:59But we did change, and within the first six months, I could begin to see a real improvement.
16:09The right wing kooks stopped coming around, and in their place came people that I could
16:17be proud of, people in whom I could have confidence.
16:24That's when the late-night despair disappeared.
16:30We have a long, a difficult, and a dangerous road ahead of us yet.
16:40There will be many casualties along the way.
16:44We'll make more mistakes, certainly, and we'll have to correct ourselves many times.
16:50We may yet be overwhelmed by the enemy, or we may be too slow and be overtaken by circumstances.
17:00But I'm now convinced that we can reach our goal.
17:07I can foresee the time now when it will no longer make any difference what happens to
17:13me because there will be others who will keep the spark glowing and will make it grow brighter
17:21and brighter with each passing year.
17:25I foresee immortality for all of those who have nourished the spark and who will nourish
17:32it in the future.
17:35I see more people like you who are here with me tonight joining our cause every month and
17:45every week.
17:47I foresee a growth and a strength and a capability for the Alliance much greater than we have
17:56ever known before.
17:59And I foresee it not in the distant future any longer, but in the time immediately ahead
18:06of us as you go forth tomorrow and recruit for our cause other men and women like yourselves.
18:19Dr. William Luther Pierce, 1998.
18:43Bill and Monica.
18:48What would I do without Bill Clinton in the White House to provide me with a nonstop source
18:54of material for my broadcasts?
18:56Unfortunately, this latest escapade of his involving not just another bimbo romp, but
19:04also perjury, suborning of perjury, obstruction of justice, and a number of other felonies
19:11may put my source behind bars for the next few years.
19:16When the Levinsky story first broke two weeks ago and I saw the grim expressions on the
19:22faces of the newscasters, I thought, hey, they are worried that their boy is really
19:28in trouble this time.
19:30Bill Clinton has had the media covering for him so many times and has gotten away with
19:36so many crimes that he fell into the error of thinking that he could get away with anything.
19:42I have talked with a number of people about the significance of Clinton's latest problem
19:48and the opinions fall into two categories.
19:52First, there are those who don't want to see him go because they figure there is no one
19:57else who could do a better job of discrediting the whole rotten system of which he is a part.
20:04The longer Clinton stays in the White House, they figure, the more citizens there will
20:09be who become so sick and tired of him that they will be ready to blow the whole government
20:14to hell.
20:16Then there are those who are happy about the prospect of seeing him packed off to prison
20:21in the near future.
20:23They were beginning to be afraid that he would continue getting away with everything.
20:28I can only speculate about the feelings of the Clintonistas.
20:33Of course, they are embarrassed that their boy got caught.
20:38But among the people more closely tied to the Democratic Party and its long-term policies
20:44than to this particular administration, there seems to be relief that they won't have to
20:50make excuses for Bill Clinton much longer.
20:54Democratic Party officials may not be rooting for an impeachment like the Republicans, but
20:59I'm sure that a majority of them are praying that Bill Clinton gets run over by a large
21:05truck the next time he slips out of the White House for one of his late-night rendezvous.
21:12Or barring that, quietly resigns from office.
21:16I doubt that many of them even believe that starting another major war now, a favorite
21:22ploy of the Democrats for distracting attention from domestic problems, will save them from
21:28serious injury when the Clinton administration goes down.
21:34One group of Democrats who are especially unhappy about this latest Clinton problem
21:39are the Jews who were planning to use Clinton as a club to bludgeon Iraq to death.
21:46If Clinton is impeached and the Jews have to wait for Al Gore to start their war, there
21:51could be a delay of several months.
21:53That might give Saddam Hussein time to load up a few of his rockets with biological warfare
21:59agents and get them zeroed in on Israel.
22:03Let's hope so.
22:05On the other hand, there's a real danger that Clinton, in his desperation to direct public
22:11attention elsewhere, may launch a premature attack on Iraq now, before the Monica business
22:18can go any further.
22:20Even though, in the long run, the war won't save him.
22:24I have mixed feelings on the Clinton problem.
22:28I tend to agree in part with those who would like to see him stay in the White House.
22:35Al Gore is not nearly as colorful a politician and may not do as noticeable a job of discrediting
22:42the system.
22:43So far as I know, unlike Clinton, he's learned how to keep his flag closed during working
22:50But he certainly will be just as obedient to the Jewish media bosses as Clinton has
22:57On the other hand, I made a prediction a year ago that Bill Clinton would be let out of
23:01the White House in handcuffs and leg irons before the end of his second term.
23:07And it's usually nice to see one's predictions come true.
23:12Of course, if Clinton does go to prison, we'll have to endure listening to all of the media
23:18apologists for the system telling us, see?
23:22The system works, after all.
23:24It's a good system.
23:25We still have the rule of law.
23:27Not even the President of the United States can get away with breaking the law, et cetera
23:33ad nauseum.
23:34The fact is, of course, that politicians and bureaucrats break the law all the time and
23:41get away with it.
23:43They're just not as flagrant and careless about it as Clinton is.
23:48And they're better about keeping their flies closed around the office.
23:52I guess that, on the whole, I'd prefer to see Clinton drummed out of the White House
23:58in disgrace.
23:59I remember the Watergate scandal 25 years ago, which forced Richard Nixon to resign
24:05in disgrace.
24:07That did wonders for the public's attitude toward their government.
24:11It helped many people snap out of their authoritarian trance, in which they tended to regard the
24:17government as sacred, to be obeyed without question.
24:21Nevertheless, a lot of Americans made excuses for Nixon because it was clear that everyone
24:28in the media had hated him from the beginning, and they had hounded him from office.
24:34It'll do them good to see a President the media always have loved and shielded go down
24:39in flames as a result of his own carelessness and lack of discipline.
24:45I have more faith than most people do in Al Gore's ability to continue discrediting the
24:52The Jews will force him to go ahead with the war against Iraq and with other destructive
24:58policies, and he doesn't have the Clinton charisma, the Clinton ability to keep the
25:04public charmed while peeing on their shoes.
25:09I'm sure you understand that my primary consideration in all of this is the need to build the
25:14public's distrust and dislike for the government, the public's contempt for the government.
25:22That's not because I'm against government in general.
25:25I'm no anarchist.
25:28America needs a good, strong, patriotic government to clean this country up, a government willing
25:36and able to seal our borders, to round up and get rid of the illegal aliens, to get
25:43Israel permanently off our back, to get the mass media out of the hands of the natural
25:50enemies of our people, and to deal decisively and finally with the problem of racial minorities,
25:57feminists, homosexuals, and the rest.
26:01But we can't have a patriotic government until this one has been destroyed root and branch,
26:08until the whole system has been dismantled and all of the people associated with it have
26:14been properly disposed of, so that we can rebuild from the basement up.
26:20And we can't do that.
26:22We can't destroy the present government and get rid of its supporters as long as a majority
26:28of decent people still believe that this government can be saved, can be reformed.
26:35We need to cure them of that false notion.
26:40Nothing can be done, of course, with the people who voted for Clinton and who still think
26:45he's a swell guy and just want this Monica scandal to go away, so that he can get on
26:51with the job of pushing the various special interest programs they like.
26:58But I'm not concerned about them.
27:00I'm concerned about the decent people.
27:03The people who despise Clinton, but who still naively believe that he is merely an aberration
27:11and that the system itself is basically sound.
27:15These people need to be illuminated, and I'm inclined to believe that the shock of seeing
27:22the President of the United States in handcuffs will do more to turn on a light in their heads
27:29than will the water-dripped torture of listening to a continuing stream of stories about shady
27:36land deals back in Arkansas and campaign contributions from Chinese gangsters and romps with bimbos
27:43on the carpet in the Oval Office for the next three years.
27:48We can't afford to wait another three years for the deadheads to wake up.
27:53We need to get the revolution jump-started soon.
27:58Just seeing Clinton go to jail won't do that for us, of course.
28:03That's just the first step.
28:05Ultimately, we need for white Americans to understand that with the sort of government
28:11we have now, it's not possible to have an honest or patriotic President in the White
28:19The only sort of person who can get near the Presidency under the present system is someone
28:25who is fundamentally crooked, someone who is an unpatriotic criminal.
28:31He doesn't have to be as flamboyant about his criminality as Clinton is, but certainly
28:37no honest man and no patriot can be President as long as the government is subject to the
28:44mass media the way this one is.
28:47What we have now, in effect, is a government by the Jewish media bosses, and that's what
28:53we'll have with Al Gore in the White House, too.
28:57It's also what we would have had with Bob Dole as President, or Newt Gingrich, or any
29:03of the other major party politicians.
29:06Dole and Gingrich are just as hot to annihilate the Iraqis or anyone else who poses a threat
29:13to Israel's ambitions in the Middle East as Clinton is.
29:18And really, what's more dangerous for America?
29:22A President who can't keep his pants up, or a President willing to take America into
29:27wars that do not serve our country's interests?
29:31Can you imagine Al Gore, after Clinton is impeached and convicted, getting rid of Madeleine
29:38Albright, William Cohen, Robert Rubin, and all the other Jews Clinton has put in charge
29:44of our government, and then announcing that from now on, Israel will have to shift for
29:50That we are lifting the embargo on Iraq and recalling our Navy ships from the area?
29:57It's just not conceivable.
29:59Al Gore will do exactly what the media bosses tell him to do, just like he has done throughout
30:05his political career.
30:08So the only real question for us is what course of events will result in the decent segment
30:16of the public understanding this soonest?
30:20I think that seeing it with their own eyes, at least seeing that Al Gore jumps through
30:26the same hoops that Bill Clinton jumped through, will be as quick a way as any.
30:32And I think it's good for the Clinton affair to have some very concrete results now, rather
30:38than later.
30:40Getting him to wriggle out of the Monica problem, like he's wriggled out of so many other problems,
30:47will simply make the cynics more cynical, which is worth something, of course.
30:53But it also will reinforce the atmosphere of unreality that pervades American politics
31:02It will reinforce the feeling that everything is inevitable, everything has been arranged
31:08by the powerful behind-the-scenes figures, and that there's nothing decent people can
31:13do to change things.
31:16Hauling a two-term president off to jail gives decent people everywhere hope that something
31:23can be done to fight evil and make a change for the better.
31:28It's the next best thing to assassinating a president.
31:31It gives people courage to do what they can on their own to begin cleaning things up.
31:38And of course, Clinton's real crimes are not perjury and suborning of perjury and obstruction
31:45of justice.
31:46In the sort of banana-republic atmosphere we have in Washington these days, we can even
31:52forgive such things.
31:55Everybody does it, and Clinton was just unlucky enough to get caught.
31:59Clinton's real crimes, the crimes which cannot be forgiven, and which should result in his
32:06being strung up outside the White House as an example to others who would betray their
32:11race, is his collaboration with the Jews throughout his career.
32:17Clinton is the very epitome of the rotten, spoiled, whining, self-indulgent college boy
32:26who ran with the Jews in the 1960s, dodging the draft and smoking dope, and assisting
32:32the Jews in turning American society upside down without a thought for the consequences.
32:40Every Jewish slogan and cliché came easily to his lips, whether it was a chant for Ho Chi
32:46Men to win in Vietnam, or a demand for more blacks on the campus, or more homosexuals
32:53on the faculty.
32:55And since the 1960s, he has been the epitome of the amoral politician, of the unprincipled
33:03opportunist, of the crooked lawyer and the sleazy operator, which would have been bad
33:09enough in itself had he remained in the land development business or in state politics
33:15in Little Rock, but which was made incomparably worse by the fact that the Jews chose him
33:23to be one of their cat's paws in their continuing destruction of America.
33:29Since he came to Washington, Bill Clinton has been their obedient tool, their willing
33:35tool, their enthusiastic tool.
33:39He has promoted everything rotten, everything destructive, everything subversive, especially
33:48which is harmful to white Americans, and everything which strengthens the hand of the Jews.
33:55We have never before had a president who pushed so hard for bringing homosexuals into every
34:02institution in our society, or a president who did as much to promote feminism.
34:08No president before Clinton ever appointed two Jews to the Supreme Court, giving them
34:15nearly ten times the representation on that body that they have in the general population.
34:22No president before Clinton has ever appointed even half as many Jews to his cabinet.
34:29No president before Clinton has appointed a foreign policy and a national defense team
34:35which is entirely Jewish.
34:38It is indeed ironic that it is his sexual relationship with a Jewish which has brought
34:44him down.
34:45And I suppose we might also see some irony in the fact that it is a conspiracy he made
34:52with a black confidant, Vernon Jordan, which has helped bring him down.
34:59And in the fact that it is another Jew, Mickey Cantor, who has been the one to whom Clinton
35:04turned for help and advice as the noose tightened on his neck.
35:10Clinton has been so accustomed to having the Jews cover for him and get him out of
35:16scrapes, especially the Jewish media bosses, that it must be quite a shock to him now to
35:23realize that they finally have abandoned him.
35:27He was a useful tool while he lasted, but now that he has become an embarrassment even
35:33to them, and it takes a lot to embarrass them, they will simply discard him and use
35:40another of their tools, such as Al Gore.
35:45Really the symbolism of Clinton's fall should be important for us.
35:50He symbolizes more than any other public figure everything that was rotten and decadent and
35:58weak and corrupt and treasonous about the 1960s.
36:03It is fitting that his downfall be more traumatic and more disgraceful than that of any other
36:10public figure of this era.
36:13That is a symbolism that we should cherish, even though the system of which Clinton was
36:20a part still waits to be pulled down.
36:24There is one other symbolic aspect to what has happened to Clinton, and it is this.
36:31It is clear that Clinton was one of the most useful tools the Jews have ever had, and they
36:38really would have preferred to continue using him, but he finally got himself into a mess
36:45even they could not save him from.
36:49That should be encouraging to every patriot, especially those who tend to overestimate
36:56the power of the Jews and to underestimate our ability to whip them and to free ourselves
37:02from them in the end.
37:05I'll close today with another observation that should be encouraging, and that is about
37:11the enormous number of jokes about Clinton which are now circulating on the internet.
37:19It is really phenomenal, and these jokes are coming from people all over the spectrum.
37:26To me they indicate a little of the frustration which has been building up in the so-called
37:32silent majority during the Clinton regime.
37:36You've undoubtedly heard a few of these jokes yourself by now, but I'll risk mentioning
37:40a few which to me express the general sentiments of the decent portion of the public.
37:48Question, how did Bill and Hillary Clinton meet?
37:52Answer, they were dating the same girl in high school.
37:57Question, if Bill and Hillary jumped together off the Washington Monument, who would land
38:05Answer, who cares?
38:08Question, how can you tell when Bill Clinton is telling a lie just by looking at his face?
38:16Answer, if his lips are moving, then he's lying.
38:21And of course, a lot of the jokes are what might be called Bill and Monica jokes, but
38:27most of those really aren't suitable for repeating on this program.
38:32My favorite though is Bill trying to wriggle out of the charge that he encouraged Monica
38:38to commit perjury.
38:40I never told that girl to lie, he says.
38:44Actually, what I told her was, lie down, Monica.
38:49I guess this sort of thing isn't very funny to the Clinton coalition.
38:54I guess the dregs of American society who combined to put Clinton into office are more
39:01chagrined than amused by what has happened.
39:05But the rest of us should have a good laugh, and then we should make up our minds to do
39:10whatever it takes to get rid of the system that allowed such a coalition of losers, perverts,
39:20and anti-American traitors to impose a piece of filth like William Jefferson Clinton on
39:27our society and on our country.
39:31Thanks for being with me again today.
39:38Out of the Darkness, featuring Dr. William Luther Pierce, 1983.
39:472,000 years ago, the poet Ovid wrote that night is a sadder time than day.
40:01I know that's always been true for me.
40:05When discouraging thoughts come, it's usually at night.
40:09Actually, I'm pretty cheerful most of the time, but it used to be that occasionally,
40:16when I was working alone in the national office late at night, a black thought would come
40:23into my mind, always the same thought.
40:28It was that there's not enough time to do what I must do.
40:36It was that something will happen to me before the alliance is strong enough to survive and
40:44continue growing without me.
40:48Then a feeling of desperation would come over me, and I would have to fight off an almost
40:55overpowering urge to do whatever I could to speed things up, to go back to the quick and
41:03dirty methods that I had tried in past years.
41:08I didn't yield to that urge because I had already found out the hard way that the quick
41:15and dirty methods don't yield lasting results.
41:20I knew that we have only one shot at winning this war we're in, and that it has to be a
41:27good shot.
41:29We can't miss.
41:31We can't build something that is flimsy or false.
41:37We have to do it exactly right or it won't work.
41:42But doing it right sometimes seems painfully slow, and it would be futile, self-defeating
41:52if in my care to do it right, I didn't get enough of it done so that others could carry
41:59on before I was overtaken by disease or by an accident or even by an assassin.
42:08Now, in a sense, this black thought which used to creep up on me late at night was the
42:17thought of death, the fear of death.
42:20We're all mortal.
42:23We all know that we have to die, though no one wants to.
42:28The way we've dealt with this fear of death in the past has been to identify ourselves
42:36with something immortal, to think of ourselves as part of something in which we can continue
42:45to live after our bodies are gone.
42:50Patriots have identified themselves with their countries, often so strongly that they were
42:55almost eager to die in order to advance the interests of their fatherland, the land of
43:02their forefathers.
43:05It was easier to be patriotic, of course, when our country still belonged to us, when
43:12we were able to associate a particular village or farmstead with our ancestors for several
43:21generations back, when the graves of our fathers and grandfathers and great-great-great-grandfathers
43:30were around us, and so were their works.
43:34The fields that they had cleared, the buildings they had built, the trophies they gathered
43:40in their lifetimes, the records they left behind them.
43:46We could easily fit ourselves into the pattern of generations and centuries and be content
43:55in the knowledge that our own works and trophies and records would also be preserved and would
44:03become part of the lives of our descendants.
44:08We would fight anyone who threatened that pattern.
44:12We would die in order to preserve it so that we wouldn't be forgotten, so that we would
44:18always have a little niche in the memory of all the generations which were to come.
44:28Today the whole pattern has been smashed to bits and ground into the mud.
44:35We've lost our roots, our sense of belonging, our connection with the past and with the future.
44:45We can't count on being remembered.
44:49In fact, if current trends continue for a few more years and Martin Luther King's dream
44:57of full equality is realized, then our grandchildren won't even know who their fathers are, much
45:04less their grandfathers.
45:07So patriotism provides little comfort for mortals these days and it's no wonder that
45:16many people are searching for something else besides their countries to identify with.
45:22For me that something has long been the whole universe.
45:27My life is part of its life and I know that the larger life of the evolving universe will
45:36go on no matter what.
45:40That's my religion or part of it.
45:44But it's a rather impersonal religion and on dark, lonely nights at the office it does
45:51not by itself provide enough comfort to keep dark moods away.
45:59There is in all of us, I believe, a need for a more personal identification with something immortal.
46:08We need more than merely the knowledge that each of us is a momentarily glowing spark
46:17of individual consciousness in a conscious cosmos.
46:22A cosmos which, even as its overall brightness grows, witnesses the winking on and then out
46:32again of billions of individual sparks.
46:36We need in addition to that the knowledge that we as individuals make a difference.
46:45We need the knowledge that we can make a mark on the world through our own efforts
46:52and that the mark we make will last.
46:56We need to know that our personal contribution to the life of the universe will be remembered
47:04after we are gone, that others will add to it and help it grow so that ten generations
47:15from now or even a hundred generations, the record will still be there.
47:22There will be someone then who will be able to say, back during the great struggle ages
47:32ago when the race nearly perished, there were a few men and women who were on the right
47:40side, a few who did what had to be done, a few who made the difference.
47:48And even today, centuries later, we remember their names and their works.
47:58It's the sort of knowledge which is able to overcome the fear of death, the sort of
48:05knowledge which gives each of us a personal connection to the infinite.
48:14It's true that the self-consciously evolving cosmos of which I am a part is the ultimate
48:21reality, but it's also true that the Alliance provides my personal connection with that
48:31ultimate reality.
48:33The Alliance is the means by which I and many others...
