Dr William Luther Pierce -Brainwashing Our Children -Toward a Sane Society

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Dr William Luther Pierce -Brainwashing Our Children -Toward a Sane Society
00:00 Dr. William Luther Pierce Toward a Healthy Society
00:09 1997
00:12 Hello, the mass suicide of 39 members of a flaky New Age religious cult in Southern California
00:27 a couple of weeks ago has generated a great deal of media speculation and discussion of
00:33 the cult phenomenon.
00:36 There seems to be a general agreement that as we approach the end of this millennium,
00:41 cult membership and cult activity are on the rise.
00:45 Perhaps so.
00:47 One thing on which we have better statistics than cult membership is the suicide rate,
00:54 and that very definitely is up, especially among young people.
00:58 So is the rate of drug abuse.
01:01 So is the divorce rate.
01:03 So is the incidence of mental illness.
01:07 So is the percentage of citizens in prison for crime.
01:11 Undoubtedly, some of the religious cults are growing now simply because the end of the
01:17 millennium has a special significance for the less sophisticated elements of our society.
01:23 But that has nothing to do with all of the other indicators of growing social pathology.
01:30 The fact is that suicide rates and other indicators are up because more people are pessimistic
01:37 about the future, unsure of the future, afraid of the future.
01:42 There is a growing sense of instability and uncertainty and anxiety in our society.
01:51 It drives some people to drugs or alcohol, some people to religious cults, and some people
01:58 to suicide.
02:00 It causes more marriages to break up, more people to have mental breakdowns.
02:06 And as I said, none of this has anything to do with the calendar or with the "Hail, Bop,
02:13 Comet."
02:14 It has everything to do with the social and racial experiments which have been imposed
02:20 on our society by liberal extremists and Jewish schemers during the past 50 years.
02:28 The deliberate destruction of America's schools and cities by people hell-bent on equalizing
02:35 the races is part of it.
02:38 The flood of third-world immigrants pouring into this country is part of it.
02:44 The pervasive influence of television in our lives is part of it.
02:50 The deliberate effort to globalize America's economy accompanied by downsizing and the
02:56 conversion to a service economy is part of it.
03:01 The destructive effects of government-sponsored feminism on the traditional relationship between
03:07 men and women are part of it.
03:11 All of these things, these social and racial experiments, have caused widespread social
03:18 alienation, and from this alienation, a thousand social pathologies have sprung.
03:26 Now when the media become interested in one of the consequences of these destructive social
03:32 experiments, such as the activities of religious cults, they talk about what the cults are
03:39 doing and how they recruit members and the problems parents have in trying to get their
03:45 children out of the clutches of cults and so on.
03:49 But they never talk about why so many people feel lost in American society today and so
03:56 turn to a cult in order to be able to cope with life.
04:01 They never talk about what has caused our society to fail so many people, to alienate
04:07 so many people, to force so many people to desperate measures.
04:12 They never talk about these things because that would expose to public scrutiny the destructive
04:17 social experiments which have caused the social pathologies I've mentioned, the drug use,
04:24 the suicides, and so on.
04:26 And of course, the media bosses themselves have had a major role in these destructive
04:33 experiments.
04:35 I've spoken on earlier programs about the deliberately destructive role of the mass
04:41 media in American society.
04:43 I've talked about the psychology of liberalism, about what makes liberals do the crazy and
04:50 destructive things they do.
04:52 Today though, instead of talking about the enemies of our society, the enemies of our
04:58 people, let's just talk about our people and the sort of society that we need.
05:07 You know, a society is a very complex thing.
05:12 It is like a living organism.
05:15 It responds to selective environmental forces and it evolves.
05:22 In past ages, it was the struggle of our people to survive, the competition of our people
05:28 against other peoples, other races, which determined the nature of our society.
05:36 Societies which functioned well survived.
05:39 Societies which didn't function well perished.
05:42 Historically, if some crazy liberal came along and were able to change all of the rules and
05:48 structures in a society to suit some egalitarian fantasy of his, the society would sink like
05:56 a rock and its people would perish.
05:59 And that's what's happening to our society today.
06:04 Although it may not be apparent to us because of the time scale.
06:09 After the experimenters finish their deadly work, it may take a society 200 years to disintegrate
06:17 completely and sink out of sight.
06:20 That's not long from a historical viewpoint, but it's long enough so that most of the people
06:27 involved never realize what's happening to them.
06:31 The society we had in Europe up until the end of the 18th century, or one may say the
06:38 various national societies there, which really were very much alike when compared with any
06:44 non-European society, this European society had evolved over a period of many, many generations
06:53 of our people.
06:54 And it had fine-tuned itself to our special nature.
06:59 It had developed its institutions and its ways of doing things which suited us as a
07:05 people and allowed us to form viable, efficient communities.
07:11 And when we colonized North America and other parts of the world, we brought the essential
07:17 elements of our society with us.
07:20 And what were those essential elements?
07:24 The first essential element was order.
07:29 Everyone had a place in our society, whether he was the village blacksmith or the king,
07:35 and he knew what that place was.
07:38 He knew how he fitted in, what his responsibilities were, to whom he owed loyalty and respect,
07:45 and to whom he in turn was obliged to provide guidance.
07:50 It was a hierarchical society.
07:53 There was no pretense that everyone was just as capable or just as creative or just as
08:00 brave or just as suited for leadership as anyone else.
08:05 People had social rank and social status and social authority commensurate with their social
08:12 responsibilities and with their contributions to society.
08:18 The master craftsman had a higher social rank than a journeyman, who in turn had a higher
08:24 rank than an apprentice.
08:27 The landowner with a thousand acres who employed a hundred workers on his land had a higher
08:33 social rank than the man who owned only an acre and worked his land himself.
08:38 But he also had more social responsibilities.
08:43 He had a responsibility for the welfare and the discipline of his workers, for example,
08:48 and the master craftsman had a responsibility to provide proper guidance for his apprentices
08:54 and to uphold the standards of his craft.
08:59 The fact that our society was orderly and people knew their place didn't mean that it
09:06 was inflexible.
09:09 The apprentice, through diligence and talent, could become a journeyman, and a journeyman
09:15 might eventually become a master.
09:18 And the man with only one acre might buy more land and hire workers if he used the land
09:25 he already had in a productive way and accumulated savings.
09:30 But the shirker or the wastrel or the incompetent could never expect that the government would
09:37 tax his more successful neighbors in order to reward him for his failure and bring him
09:43 up to their level.
09:46 The second essential feature that our society had was homogeneity.
09:53 Everyone had the same roots, the same history, the same genes, the same sensibilities.
10:00 Or at least there was enough genetic similarity, there was a close enough family relationship
10:07 among the people so that people understood each other.
10:12 A village, a province, a nation was like a large extended family.
10:19 People felt a sense of kinship, a sense of belonging, a sense of loyalty and responsibility
10:27 that extended to the whole society.
10:30 This feeling of belonging, this sense of a common history and a common destiny, this
10:37 sense of identity was the glue that held the society together and gave it its strength.
10:46 And it gave men and women their individual strength too.
10:50 Just knowing who they were, where they had been and where they were going made an enormous
10:55 difference in their sense of personal security and their ability to plan ahead and be reasonably
11:03 confident of what the future held for them.
11:07 This homogeneity and the consequent sense of family, of identity, was thousands of years
11:15 in developing, just like the hierarchical order in our society.
11:21 And we developed, we evolved along with our society.
11:27 The type of society we had became imprinted on our genes.
11:32 Of course it wasn't a perfect society.
11:36 It was full of problems and imperfections.
11:39 We always were developing new technologies, for example, and our society didn't always
11:45 have time to adjust itself to these innovations before even more innovations came along.
11:53 But it was a society in which we were strong and confident and more or less spiritually
12:00 healthy.
12:02 You know, the opponents of social order and racial homogeneity will try to confuse the
12:09 issue by pointing out that we have a longer lifespan today, that our infant mortality
12:17 rate is much lower, that we don't have to work as hard to support ourselves, that we
12:22 can buy all sorts of shiny gadgets that our ancestors couldn't and so on.
12:28 They want you to believe that these changes came about as benefits of the breakdown of
12:34 order and the destruction of homogeneity, but they didn't.
12:38 They are all the results of technological innovation.
12:43 Our medical scientists learned how to control the diseases which shortened our lives.
12:49 Our scientists and engineers learned how we could work more efficiently.
12:55 And they learned how to make new tools and new toys for us.
12:59 Now, to be sure, not all of the degenerative changes in our society which have occurred
13:06 in the past couple of centuries have been the consequence of the destructive efforts
13:12 of the Jews and the liberals.
13:15 The Industrial Revolution really was a huge shock to our traditional form of society.
13:22 The Industrial Revolution took people off the farms and out of the villages and packed
13:28 them into factory towns like sardines in a can.
13:33 This was a great strain on the old order.
13:36 The new relationship between factory owner and factory workers was not as healthy a one
13:43 as had existed between landowner and workers on the land, nor was the new urban lifestyle
13:50 as spiritually healthy as the village lifestyle.
13:55 We were learning gradually to cope with some of the changes in our society which accompanied
14:02 the Industrial Revolution.
14:04 Our social order gradually was beginning to adjust itself when the liberals and the Jews
14:10 launched their assault.
14:13 Unrest and revolution were fomented from the latter part of the 18th century and throughout
14:19 the 19th and 20th centuries.
14:22 Egalitarianism, communism, democracy, equal rights, no responsibilities, welfare programs,
14:30 feminism.
14:31 The old order was drowned in blood.
14:35 In France, the aristocrats and the landowners were butchered in response to the resentments
14:41 which the liberals had stirred up among the rabble.
14:45 Later in Russia, the same process took place when the Jewish Bolsheviks finally gained
14:51 the upper hand and butchered not just the aristocrats, but everyone who had worked a
14:57 little harder and then a little more successful than the rabble.
15:01 The kulaks, the small farmers and landowners, were murdered en masse by the millions in
15:08 order to equalize Russian society and destroy the last traces of the old hierarchical order.
15:17 And into the social chaos of the 20th century, the enemies of our people were able to introduce
15:24 their idea of racial equality alongside their idea of social equality.
15:32 We were told that the descendants of our slaves are just as good as we are, maybe better,
15:39 and so they should become our social equals.
15:42 We should bring them into our schools and neighborhoods, and we should intermarry with
15:47 them, and we should buy food stamps for them with our taxes, and we should give them preference
15:53 in hiring and promotions, and we should open our borders to all of the non-white wretched
16:00 refuse of the third world's teeming shores.
16:05 They also are our equals, we are told.
16:08 The more diversity, the better.
16:11 Diversity is our strength, etc., etc., blah, blah, blah.
16:16 We were too disoriented and confused by the destruction of our social order to resist
16:24 this poisonous propaganda.
16:27 And so, here we are at the end of the 20th century, and there are some people who will
16:33 try to convince you that things never have been better.
16:37 We certainly have more equality and less order, more diversity and less homogeneity than ever
16:44 before, and that obviously suits some people, in addition to the liberals and the Jews who
16:51 have been pushing for these changes.
16:55 Are these changes better for us?
16:59 The suicide statistics and the drug statistics and the crime statistics and the divorce statistics
17:09 and the mental illness statistics give us part of the answer.
17:14 The statistics should help us keep our grip on reality when the Jewish media try to persuade
17:20 us that we need more of the same poison they have been dishing out for so long.
17:28 More equality, more chaos, more diversity.
17:33 And we should be able to look into our own souls for the rest of the answer.
17:40 We should know that we need again to have an ordered, structured society in which we
17:47 all have a place and will be appreciated according to how effectively we fill that place.
17:55 We should know that we need again to have a homogeneous society in which we can feel
18:01 a sense of belonging.
18:04 We should know that we need a society in which we have a sense of permanence and stability,
18:10 not chaos and uncertainty.
18:14 We should know that we need a society in which everyone strives for quality, not for an imaginary
18:21 equality.
18:23 We should know that in order to be spiritually healthy again, we need a society in which
18:29 we can feel a sense of rootedness and responsibility, rather than the aimless, wandering, rootless,
18:38 cosmopolitan egoism which characterizes American society today.
18:45 If we are honest with ourselves, we know that we all crave a healthy society again.
18:53 We need it.
18:55 But too many of us have let ourselves be persuaded by the enemies of our people that the type
19:02 of society we need is no longer attainable.
19:06 Our enemies tell us, "We have destroyed the order in your society.
19:11 We have made everyone equal, and you dare not try to take that equality away.
19:19 That would be like trying to take candy away from a child.
19:23 We have opened the candy store and told all the children that they can have as much as
19:28 they want, and it's all free.
19:31 They will all fight you if you try to change that, if you try to tell them that they must
19:36 earn their candy."
19:39 And our enemies grin in triumph when they see how that demoralizes and discourages so
19:45 many of us.
19:47 And they tell us, "We have destroyed the homogeneity in your society.
19:53 We have replaced your homogeneity with diversity.
19:57 We have brought every non-white type on the face of the earth into your midst.
20:03 We have brought them in by the millions, and we have forced you to mix with them.
20:08 Now there's nothing you can do to restore your homogeneity."
20:13 And again they grin and say, "What will you do?
20:18 Will you try to root out every non-white and every mongrel and send them all away or get
20:24 rid of them?
20:25 You don't have the stomach for that.
20:28 So you had better just learn to live with all of these non-whites and mongrels.
20:33 Pretty soon you'll be a minority in your own land."
20:37 And they gloat.
20:40 And it is true, of course, that many of us do not yet have the stomach to do what must
20:47 be done.
20:48 And so the suicide rate and the divorce rate and the abortion rate will keep rising.
20:56 The government will continue building more prisons.
21:00 The cults will continue thriving.
21:03 And the Jews and the liberals will keep telling us how wonderful everything is, how things
21:09 have never been better, how we should appreciate all of the equality and diversity.
21:17 But you know, all the while the number of us who have the stomach to do what must be
21:23 done will be growing.
21:25 Our numbers are growing because more and more of our people are coming to understand that
21:32 the only alternative is death.
21:35 Death for our society, death for our children, death for our kind.
21:42 What the Jews and liberals have done to our society is lethal.
21:46 It cannot be sustained.
21:50 Order and homogeneity, a sense of identity and belonging are not just luxuries for us.
21:57 They are essential.
21:59 Without them our society sickens and dies.
22:04 The liberals may not be able to understand that.
22:07 And the Jews, with their media propaganda, try to keep the rest of us from understanding
22:13 it, but we can see the proof of it all around us.
22:18 And we are determined to do whatever we must do to have once again a society for our own
22:25 kind.
22:26 A society to which we can really belong and feel a sense of responsibility to.
22:32 A society in which we have a place and are appreciated if we fill that place well.
22:39 A society based on order and quality and structure and commonality.
22:46 We will have it.
22:48 We will do what is necessary.
22:52 Thanks for being with me again today.
22:56 Dr. William Luther Pierce, 1997 Brainwashing Our Children
23:09 Hello.
23:13 Last week a member of the organization I head, the National Alliance, sent me something his
23:21 nine-year-old daughter had brought home from school.
23:25 My member lives in Macon, Georgia and his daughter is a fourth grader at a private school
23:32 there.
23:33 Last week her class went on a field trip to visit a black museum in Macon and learn a
23:39 bit about black history.
23:42 The museum is the federally funded, get this, federally funded Tubman African American Museum.
23:51 It's supported by your tax dollars and mine and is named after Harriet Tubman, a black
23:57 slave who was employed by abolitionist organizations in the north during the period just before
24:04 the Civil War to induce other slaves in the south to leave their plantations and head
24:10 north along the so-called underground railroad.
24:15 Sometimes she used a revolver to coax those who weren't sure they wanted to go.
24:22 The white fourth graders visiting the museum got a little sermon about the wickedness of
24:28 slavery and of white people for having imposed it on blacks.
24:33 They also had a lecture on the history and accomplishments of Negroes and each was handed
24:40 a sheet headed African American inventors and listing 120 or so things supposedly invented
24:49 by blacks.
24:51 I'll read you the first six items on the list of black inventions.
24:56 They are the pyramids, paper, chess, the alphabet, medicine, and civilization.
25:09 After this start, the rest of the list is a bit anticlimactic with such items as the
25:16 doorknob, the mop, the curtain rod, peanut butter, and the helicopter.
25:26 With the exception of the peanut butter, which is generally credited to the black agricultural
25:32 technician George Washington Carver.
25:35 This list is so fantastic that most of us get a good chuckle when we read it.
25:41 And by the way, the entire flyer containing this list of supposed black inventions will
25:48 be photographically reproduced in our monthly publication, Free Speech, which also will
25:55 contain the text of this broadcast.
25:57 So if you're a subscriber to Free Speech, you'll be able to see the Tubman African American
26:04 Museum flyer for yourself.
26:07 If you're not a subscriber, you can become one by sending $40 to the sponsor of this
26:13 program.
26:14 Now, the really tragic part of this story is that although these wild pipe dreams about
26:21 blacks designing and architecting the pyramids, inventing the alphabet and the helicopter
26:26 and so on may be funny to us, they're not funny at all to white fourth graders.
26:34 When a museum guide, even a black guide or their teacher tells them that blacks invented
26:40 paper, the alphabet, and civilization, they take it all very seriously.
26:46 They believe it.
26:48 My member's nine-year-old daughter came home from school after the field trip and told
26:54 her parents quite seriously that she had learned that blacks had done just about everything
27:00 worth doing in the development of our civilization, and she wondered why whites hadn't done anything.
27:07 Now, that was not why my member was paying to send his daughter to a private school,
27:14 and he was pretty steamed about this effort to brainwash her against her own race.
27:20 And I'm steamed, too.
27:22 We all ought to be mad as hell.
27:25 We all ought to be in the mood for getting out our rifles and beginning a general clean-up
27:30 in America, which, of course, is why the Jews and the feminists and the liberals and the
27:36 rest of the people encouraging and promoting this sort of brainwashing are so hot to get
27:42 our guns away from us.
27:44 Before I talk further about the brainwashing campaign directed at our children, I want
27:52 to make a few distinctions among the people involved in the campaign.
27:58 First, it should be noted that the blacks are as much victims of this campaign as whites
28:05 are, even though many blacks are involved in it.
28:09 The childishly naive list of supposed black inventions distributed by the Tubman African
28:16 American Museum in Macon, Georgia, for example, is obviously a black creation.
28:24 One can understand the fascination this sort of thing has for most blacks.
28:29 Since they never developed an alphabet or writing when they were in Africa, contrary
28:35 to the claims of the Tubman Museum, they had no history before being brought to the white
28:41 world as slaves.
28:43 And the history they have acquired since then is a rather inglorious one.
28:48 And they keenly feel this shortcoming.
28:51 Despite all of the assurances of white liberals that they are equal, they don't really believe
28:58 it.
28:59 Deep inside them there is a nagging certainty of their inferiority, and they have clutched
29:05 at straws in an effort to quell that nagging.
29:09 Their fictitious black history with all its imagined great black intellectual accomplishments
29:15 is one of those straws.
29:18 Such straws would not be necessary if they were living in a society of their own.
29:24 It is only when they try to become the equals of whites in a white society that they feel
29:29 inferior.
29:31 Anyone who encourages them to clutch such straws only postpones their coming to grips
29:38 with the fact that they need their own society as much as we need ours.
29:44 Thus, these people do them a disservice.
29:47 And of course, the white schoolteacher of my member's nine-year-old daughter who did
29:52 nothing to refute the Tubman Museum's claims also is one who does such a disservice.
30:01 I don't know this schoolteacher myself, but it's a pretty good bet that, like most of
30:07 her colleagues, she is simply going with the flow of political correctness.
30:14 She understands that blacks didn't invent writing or the helicopter or even the doorknob,
30:21 but she feels that it would not be polite to say so.
30:25 It might even be considered, heaven forbid, racist.
30:30 So she politely keeps her mouth shut and lets her students be brainwashed.
30:37 She is not consciously malevolent.
30:40 She doesn't really want to misinform her students or rob them of their sense of racial identity
30:47 and racial pride, but she is so deficient in her understanding of her responsibility
30:54 as a teacher that she would be better fitted to cleaning latrines for a living than teaching
31:01 our children.
31:03 And unfortunately, that is true of most white teachers today.
31:09 They go with the flow rather than teaching the truth.
31:13 They fail to speak out against lies whenever the politically correct thing to do is keep
31:18 their mouths shut instead.
31:21 They are no worse than the average white American, but also no better.
31:28 The people that we really ought to be looking for when we get our guns out are the people
31:33 who consciously and deliberately promote the brainwashing, the people who want to make
31:38 white school children feel guilty because their white ancestors enslaved the wonderfully
31:45 inventive and creative black race.
31:49 These are people who consciously and deliberately aim at making whites feel that they owe something
31:55 to blacks.
31:56 People who aim at making whites feel that they are bad if they identify with other whites
32:02 and don't want to associate with blacks or intermarry with blacks or have their children
32:07 go to school with blacks.
32:10 One of these people with such aims is the current president of the United States, who
32:16 is running around the country holding meetings and telling white people that they must overcome
32:21 their natural racial instincts and mix more with blacks and not object to the government
32:27 giving special advantages to blacks.
32:30 I saw this particular piece of filth at a carefully staged town meeting in Akron, Ohio
32:37 a few days ago.
32:40 White members of the audience were being encouraged to confess their racial sins in public.
32:47 One young white man arose and confessed that he felt uneasy when he encountered a black
32:53 on the street who was dressed as if he might be a criminal.
32:57 Mr. Clinton congratulated the young white man for having the courage to make this confession
33:03 and implied that all whites needed to suppress their feelings of uneasiness around blacks,
33:10 that it is sinful of us to have such feelings, and that we ought to regard blacks just the
33:16 way we do our fellow whites.
33:19 Another of these people is one of the richest Jews in Hollywood, Steven Spielberg.
33:25 Spielberg has just produced a new film, Amistad, which purports to tell the historical story
33:34 of a group of black slaves who managed to get the drop on the white crew of a ship which
33:39 was transporting them from Havana, Cuba in 1839.
33:45 After the blacks had taken over the ship, they cut the throats of all but two of their
33:52 white prisoners.
33:54 Then they were captured by the U.S. Coast Guard and put on trial.
33:59 Abolitionist groups hired some high-powered lawyers to defend the blacks, and eventually
34:04 they were freed after a New York trial in which North-South politics played a much larger
34:11 role than law and justice.
34:15 Any historical incident, of course, may be a suitable subject for a movie.
34:19 History, however, is not Mr. Spielberg's interest.
34:24 His interest is in portraying blacks as noble and heroic and unjustly treated by whites.
34:33 His aim is the same as that of the other media bosses in Hollywood and New York.
34:38 It is to brainwash white people and undermine their resistance to racial mixing in America.
34:45 It is to instill a subconscious feeling of guilt in white people who see his film, a
34:51 feeling that they are evil if they resist giving blacks whatever they want.
34:58 Spielberg's Amistad is trying to do in its glitzy, Jewish, Hollywood way what Mr. Clinton
35:05 is doing in his phony, folksy way with his interracial town meetings and public confessions.
35:13 And while Mr. Spielberg and Mr. Clinton carry on their brainwashing campaign, many of Mr.
35:20 Spielberg's kinsmen in the media are subtly pushing the idea that white America should
35:27 issue a collective apology to blacks and offer them monetary compensation because their ancestors
35:35 were slaves.
35:37 Mr. Clinton has said that he hasn't yet made up his mind about an apology.
35:42 I believe he wants to give the Jewish media bosses a little more time to brainwash his
35:48 white constituents into going along with the idea of an apology.
35:54 If any apology is owed, perhaps it is an apology to white Americans today from the very small
36:02 percentage of our ancestors who were in the business of running plantations in the pre-Civil
36:09 War South and whose need for slave labor inflicted the black presence on us.
36:17 It really is a shame that all of the original North American colonies didn't have the sort
36:23 of geography and climate which existed in New England where giant cotton, sugarcane,
36:29 and tobacco plantations just weren't feasible, and the farms were worked by the families
36:34 which owned them instead of by black slaves.
36:39 Most of the southern plantation owners were decent people.
36:44 They just weren't foresighted enough.
36:47 They let immediate economic necessities dictate their behavior rather than long-range considerations
36:54 of what was good for their people and for America.
36:58 For their plantations to be economically viable, they needed slave labor.
37:05 And if they could have looked two or three centuries into the future and seen the havoc
37:10 wreaked on our cities and on American society by the descendants of their slaves, I think
37:17 many of them would have sent their slaves back to Africa, given up the plantation business,
37:23 and gone into another line of work.
37:27 I've said this before on other broadcasts, but I'll say it again now.
37:33 Whites did not enslave blacks, ever.
37:37 What whites did make the mistake of doing was buying black slaves from the blacks who
37:44 had enslaved them, and then bringing their merchandise to this country from Africa.
37:49 That was a terrible mistake, and we should rectify it at once by sending back to Africa
37:57 all of the descendants of those slaves we bought.
38:01 We shouldn't even charge them for the time they spent here, which was a much more pleasant
38:06 time than they would have spent in Africa, and which has been a very expensive time indeed
38:11 for us.
38:12 And I think we should send Mr. Clinton and Mr. Spielberg with them.
38:18 The blacks voted for Mr. Clinton over here.
38:21 Maybe they'd like to vote for him over there.
38:24 He can run around making campaign speeches if they had dedication of all sorts of new
38:29 Harriet Tubman museums, which will be able to do a lot less damage with their imaginative
38:35 lists of black inventions over there than over here.
38:40 And maybe they will appreciate Mr. Spielberg making more of his propaganda films for them
38:45 in Africa.
38:46 He can make a film about the African invention of the doorknob, for example.
38:52 He can depict brilliant black scientists laboring in their laboratories to develop the doorknob
38:59 while vicious scheming whites plot to steal this invention from them.
39:04 That film ought to be a big hit in Senegal or Guinea or the Ivory Coast.
39:11 But really, this is no joking matter.
39:15 The brainwashing of our children is a fighting matter.
39:19 White children in public and private schools all over America are being indoctrinated and
39:26 lied to about racial matters.
39:30 Most of the lies are not as naively concocted as those distributed by the Tubman African
39:37 American Museum, but they are all the more dangerous for being more sophisticated.
39:44 The lies come in many forms.
39:47 Some of them are in the form of politically correct textbooks and politically correct
39:53 history lessons.
39:55 Others are in the form of popular entertainment, such as Steven Spielberg's Amistad.
40:02 And some are in the form of folksy posturing and pretended concern and compassion of the
40:09 sort the whole country is being subjected to in Mr. Clinton's racial togetherness program.
40:17 This is a fighting matter because the aim of this brainwashing is nothing less than
40:24 our physical destruction as a people, nothing less than our annihilation as a race.
40:31 It is designed to sap our will to resist the racially destructive programs which have been
40:39 imposed on us during the past 50 years.
40:42 It is designed to make us feel guilty if we hesitate to go along with our own destruction.
40:49 It is designed to rob us of our racial consciousness, our racial identity, our racial roots.
40:56 It is designed to make racial suicide and racial treason trendy and fashionable.
41:05 And it is working.
41:07 It is having the intended effect.
41:10 Being anti-white is the politically correct attitude for young whites in most of our universities
41:19 today.
41:20 Welcoming the impending demise of whites everywhere and the inheritance of the earth by the colored
41:28 hordes of the third world is fashionable among white students.
41:34 Supporting this fashion of a sort of erroneous ideas being promoted in black history courses
41:40 and mass entertainment a la Spielberg.
41:45 Ideas that all races are essentially equal intellectually and morally, that they all
41:51 have equal civilization building potential, and the fact that the blacks have never built
41:57 a civilization is only proof that they have been held down by white racism.
42:04 The fact that the black crime rate is about 10 times the white rate and blacks do so poorly
42:10 on IQ tests and in scholastic achievement is also due to white racism.
42:18 When the whites are gone, or at least so outnumbered that they can't run the show, all the races
42:25 will get along fine, they will all be able to show their full potential, and everyone
42:31 will live happily and progressively ever after.
42:35 This is the kind of muddled thinking that Mr. Clinton is encouraging with his current
42:41 campaign for racial togetherness, and anyone who raises his voice against this brainwashing
42:48 campaign or the lethally fashionable attitudes on race it has fostered is routinely denounced
42:55 by Mr. Spielberg's Jewish media colleagues as a hater.
43:01 That's the way they talk about me.
43:03 And Mr. Clinton then calls for new legislation to outlaw hate, and the trendy airheads at
43:11 our universities applaud.
43:13 Yes, yes, let's outlaw the hate.
43:17 Let's have love and brotherhood and peace.
43:20 Peace, peace between the races, they cry.
43:23 But there is no peace.
43:26 Look at our cities and our schools today.
43:29 There is no peace.
43:30 If there were peace, Mr. Clinton would not have an excuse for his present campaign of
43:36 chicanery and fraud about racial togetherness.
43:40 And is it my fault that there is no peace?
43:44 I did not make the policies which have brought about the present situation.
43:49 I have not sponsored the policies which have brought us the crime and disorder and fear
43:55 and hatred which characterize racial relations in the United States today.
44:01 Those policies are the work of Mr. Spielberg's kinsmen and of the corrupt politicians like
44:07 Mr. Clinton who have adopted those policies in return for media support.
44:14 They are the ones who have brought so much hatred and disorder and unhappiness to our
44:19 society.
44:21 And the one thing that will quell that hatred and disorder and give people hope again is
44:28 racial separation.
44:31 And racial separation is what we will have.
44:36 We will put an end to the brainwashing and the lies.
44:40 We will have an America in which no little white girl is ever again taught the destructive
44:48 lies my member's nine-year-old daughter was taught in Macon, Georgia.
44:53 And Mr. Clinton and Mr. Spielberg be damned!
44:58 Thanks for being with me again today.
45:02 Dr. William Luther Pierce, Toward a Healthy Society, 1997.
45:14 Hello.
45:20 The mass suicide of 39 members of a flaky New Age religious cult in Southern California
45:29 a couple of weeks ago has generated a great deal of media speculation and discussion of
45:35 the cult phenomenon.
45:38 There seems to be a general agreement that as we approach the end of this millennium,
45:43 cult membership and cult activity are on the rise.
45:47 Perhaps so.
45:49 One thing on which we have better statistics than cult membership is the suicide rate.
45:56 And that very definitely is up, especially among young people.
46:00 So is the rate of drug abuse.
46:03 So is the divorce rate.
46:05 So is the incidence of mental illness.
46:09 So is the percentage of citizens in prison for crime.
46:13 Undoubtedly some of the religious cults are growing now simply because the end of the
46:19 millennium has a special significance for the less sophisticated elements of our society.
46:25 But that has nothing to do with all of the other indicators of growing social pathology.
46:32 The fact is that suicide rates and other indicators are up because more people are pessimistic
46:39 about the future, unsure of the future, afraid of the future.
46:44 There is a growing sense of instability and uncertainty and anxiety in our society.
46:53 It drives some people to drugs or alcohol, some people to religious cults, and some people
47:00 to suicide.
47:02 It causes more marriages to break up, more people to have mental breakdowns.
47:08 And as I said, none of this has anything to do with the calendar or with the "Hail, Bop,
47:15 Comet."
47:16 It has everything to do with the social and racial experiments which have been imposed
47:22 on our society by liberal extremists and Jewish schemers during the past 50 years.
47:30 The deliberate destruction of America's schools and cities by people hell-bent on equalizing
47:37 the races is part of it.
47:40 The flood of third-world immigrants pouring into this country is part of it.
47:46 The pervasive influence of television in our lives is part of it.
47:52 The deliberate effort to globalize America's economy, accompanied by downsizing and the
47:58 conversion to a "service economy" is part of it.
48:03 The destructive effects of government-sponsored feminism on the traditional relationship between
48:09 men and women are part of it.
48:13 All of these things, these social and racial experiments, have caused widespread social
48:20 alienation.
48:22 And from this alienation, a thousand social pathologies have sprung.
48:28 Now when the media become interested in one of the consequences of these destructive social
48:34 experiments, such as the activities of religious cults, they talk about what the cults are
48:41 doing and how they recruit members and the problems parents have in trying to get their
48:47 children out of the clutches of cults and so on.
48:51 But they never talk about why so many people feel lost in American society today and so
48:58 turned to a cult in order to be able to cope with life.
49:03 They never talk about what has caused our society to fail so many people, to alienate
49:08 so many people, to force so many people to desperate measures.
49:13 They never talk about these things because that would expose to public scrutiny the destructive
49:19 social experiments which have caused the social pathologies I've mentioned, the drug use,
49:26 the suicides, and so on.
49:28 And of course, the media bosses themselves have had a major role in these destructive
49:35 experiments.
49:37 I've spoken on earlier programs about the deliberately destructive role of the mass
49:43 media in American society.
49:45 I've talked about the psychology of liberalism, about what makes liberals do the crazy and
49:52 destructive things they do.
49:54 Today though, instead of talking about the enemies of our society, the enemies of our
50:00 people, let's just talk about our people and the sort of society that we need.
50:09 You know, a society is a very complex thing.
50:14 It is like a living organism.
50:17 It responds to selective environmental forces and it evolves.
50:24 In past ages, it was the struggle of our people to survive, the competition of our people
50:30 against other peoples, other races, which determined the nature of our society.
50:38 Societies which functioned well survived.
50:41 Societies which didn't function well perished.
50:44 Historically, if some crazy liberal came along and were able to change all of the rules and
50:50 structures in a society.
