Dr William Luther Pierce -The Promise Keepers -In Your Ear, Mr. Clinton!

  • l’année dernière
Dr William Luther Pierce -The Promise Keepers -In Your Ear, Mr. Clinton!
00:00 Dr. William Luther Pierce, 1997
00:10 The Promise Keepers
00:11 Hello.
00:15 If you watch the news on television regularly, I'm sure you saw the huge get-together of
00:22 so-called "Promise Keepers" in Washington a couple of weeks ago.
00:27 Tens of thousands of mostly white men, hugging each other and holding hands and rocking back
00:35 and forth with their eyes closed.
00:38 Some of them were shaking and crying or singing and clapping their hands, much like one used
00:44 to see in an old-fashioned revival tent.
00:48 I was fascinated by the phenomenon and also by the reaction of various elements to it.
00:56 The most interesting reaction, I think, was that of the feminist organizations.
01:02 They clearly were worried.
01:05 They did not like the idea of a large number of white males gathered together for any purpose
01:12 at all.
01:14 Some of the feminist commissars made cautious statements to the media.
01:20 They expressed their concern about the political incorrectness of men getting together as men.
01:29 They saw this as a very dangerous development.
01:33 What if the all-male Promise Keepers, said to have nearly three million members, decided
01:39 to use their numbers politically?
01:42 Suppose they decided to back candidates for public office or to express their collective
01:48 opinion on some matter of public policy.
01:52 The very thought gave the feminists cold shivers.
01:56 And we can understand their worry.
01:59 On such matters as abortion for convenience, for example, the Promise Keepers, as fundamentalist
02:07 Christians, do not share the views of the feminists.
02:12 And the Promise Keepers disagree with the feminists on such matters as lesbianism and
02:18 homosexuality in general.
02:21 Although a lot of male homosexuals must have been looking with considerable interest at
02:27 all of those men hugging each other.
02:30 It was clear, though, that the concerns of the feminists went beyond specific issues
02:37 such as abortion for convenience and lesbianism.
02:41 They were profoundly disturbed by the fact that the Promise Keepers were an unapproved
02:49 group.
02:50 I mean, it's fine for blacks to organize, or Jews, or homosexuals, or women certainly.
02:59 But heterosexual white men are the enemy.
03:04 They're not supposed to organize.
03:07 They're supposed to be kept disorganized, confused, and impotent so that they can't
03:13 get in the way of progress and the march toward a new world order.
03:19 Actually, the more I learn about the Promise Keepers, the more I'm inclined to believe
03:26 that they really won't be much of an obstacle on the road to a new world order.
03:33 On the truly essential issues, they are already there.
03:38 Consider race, for example.
03:41 The founder of the group, Bill McCartney, used to be a football coach at the University
03:47 of Colorado, where I got my doctorate.
03:50 And his daughter used to love the black players on his team.
03:56 He seems to be proud of the fact that he now has two non-white grandchildren sired by different
04:04 members of the team.
04:06 Although there are very few blacks among the rank and file membership of Promise Keepers,
04:12 it's not from lack of trying on McCartney's part.
04:16 He has an affirmative action hiring program for his organization, which has resulted in
04:22 his office staff being fully a third non-white.
04:27 He has vigorously recruited non-white directors for the governing board of the group.
04:33 At Promise Keepers rallies held anywhere near the Mexican border, he literally buses in
04:39 thousands of mestizos to add racial diversity to the audiences.
04:46 At his meetings, he often features non-white preachers, and he uses posters and banners
04:53 picturing blacks and whites together.
04:56 And he always plays the white racial guilt card.
05:02 At a meeting of 30,000 men, nearly all of them white, held in the New Orleans Superdome
05:10 last summer, McCartney complained about the lack of non-whites in the audience.
05:16 Where are the men of color, he asked.
05:19 And then he continued, and I quote, "I want to tell you why they're not here.
05:26 There's a spirit of white racial superiority that exists in this nation.
05:32 It's an insensitivity to the pain of men of color.
05:37 We have not been washing their feet.
05:40 We have not been feeling their pain."
05:46 And whenever the opportunity presents itself, McCartney will get down on his knees, pull
05:52 off the shoes of any black within reach, and give a personal demonstration of foot washing.
06:00 Now it's really not important whether one marches toward the New World Order with a
06:07 copy of the Bible in one's hand or a copy of Das Kapital.
06:12 It doesn't matter whether one's admission pass is signed by Jesus or by Karl Marx.
06:21 I really hate to say bad things about anyone that the feminists don't like, but the fact
06:27 of the matter is that the promise keepers, on the basis of their racial doctrines alone,
06:35 are a dangerous and destructive group.
06:38 Perhaps patriots should be grateful that the feminists have a new group to worry about
06:44 and to contend with on social issues.
06:47 But patriots should not let themselves be fooled into believing that promise keepers
06:53 can be our allies just because they're saying the right things on some issues.
07:00 Just because they condemn homosexuality, for example, or because they deplore the decay
07:07 of the institution of family.
07:10 They are so dead wrong on race that nothing else they say or do can possibly compensate
07:17 for this.
07:19 And you know, racial egalitarianism and the encouragement of racial mixing are not the
07:26 only problems with the promise keepers.
07:30 There's something basically unhealthy about these people.
07:34 I might almost say unmanly.
07:37 When I watch a group of them doing their thing, holding hands and rocking back and forth with
07:43 their eyes closed and praying aloud, I become distinctly uncomfortable.
07:50 I mean, these are grown men.
07:54 Why are they doing this?
07:56 Is this religion or is it some kind of feel-good group therapy?
08:03 The whole thrust of the promise keepers doctrine bothers me with its emphasis on guilt and
08:10 confession and self-flagellation and submission and the washing of black feet.
08:18 I realize that there are different currents in Christianity which have come to the fore
08:24 at different periods in history.
08:27 But there's something distinctly unwhite, something essentially Levantine rather than
08:34 European about the current and the promise keepers doctrine.
08:40 I really don't like this soft and weepy "forgive me, oh Lord, for I am a sinner" approach to
08:47 the problems that we are facing as a race, when what's needed is the vigorous use of
08:53 a whip to drive the destructive and unhealthy elements out of our society.
09:00 Even if we had to deal only with the problem of trying to repair the damage which has been
09:06 done to the American family and oppose the feminists who are largely responsible for
09:13 that damage, and even if we had to deal with this problem in a Christian manner, we wouldn't
09:20 need the Mother Teresa approach of the promise keepers.
09:25 We would need instead a much firmer approach, a much more militant approach.
09:31 I believe that the situation we're in calls for the attitude of the 13th century papal
09:39 legate who was asked by a military leader attacking a city in southern France, a city
09:46 which was a stronghold of heretics, how his soldiers could tell who was a heretic and
09:53 who was not.
09:55 The papal legate answered simply, "Kill them all.
10:00 God will sort them out."
10:02 And I should tell you, I don't believe that we need to take a religious approach at all
10:08 to fixing America, but when dealing with radical feminists, I do believe that the proper approach
10:16 is that of the papal legate in 13th century France.
10:20 They are an incurably sick bunch.
10:25 And there's something else that bothers me about the promise keepers.
10:29 It's the style as well as the content of their doctrine.
10:34 Let me go back to what I mentioned a minute ago about their penchant for holding hands
10:39 and weeping and confessing their sins to strangers in big meetings.
10:45 These things are not just incidental or peripheral.
10:50 The men in promise keepers are told that this sort of behavior is not only acceptable, but
10:57 it is necessary.
10:59 It is a constant at their meetings.
11:02 It is the central feature.
11:05 What this reminds me of more than anything else is so-called sensitivity training, a
11:11 brainwashing technique that is very effective with a certain type of person with a weak
11:19 sense of personal identity, a low level of self-esteem, and a strong need for group acceptance.
11:29 It is a technique that can be used very effectively to change many people's ideas and their behavior.
11:38 The communists mastered the technique back in the 1920s and 1930s and used it on a huge
11:45 scale.
11:46 The public confessions they obtained with the method are notorious.
11:52 Today the U.S. government and some industries, some businesses, use the technique to force
11:58 white people to change their attitudes on racial matters.
12:04 Cults also use the technique to control the thinking of their members.
12:10 It makes zombies of people, the right sort of people that is, people who are susceptible
12:16 to the technique.
12:18 I am alarmed by the fact that there are so many of our people who are susceptible.
12:25 This is a time which demands strength from us.
12:30 The problems we are facing require every bit of manliness we can muster.
12:37 Among the attributes of a man are a sense of personal dignity, of self-worth, and of
12:44 self-reliance.
12:45 This is true of a white man whether he is a Christian or not.
12:51 The sort of self-abasement we see at every meeting of promise keepers is contrary to
12:58 our concept of manhood.
13:01 It is much more in accord with the feminist idea of what a man should be like, namely
13:07 weepy and submissive.
13:10 We live in an unnatural environment these days which is confusing to our instincts whether
13:17 we are men or women.
13:20 Most boys in particular are not raised in a way which naturally strengthens and develops
13:26 the manly virtues.
13:29 Boys raised on a farm a century ago were given work to do from the time they could walk.
13:36 Everyone was expected to pull his own weight.
13:40 This helped a boy develop a sense of self-worth and self-reliance.
13:46 And boys learned from a close working association with their fathers what was expected of a
13:53 man.
13:55 This association all too often is absent today and in nearly all cases is greatly attenuated
14:02 in comparison to what it used to be.
14:05 In very few families today does a boy have an opportunity to do any meaningful work with
14:12 his father.
14:14 On top of this is a politically correct educational system which makes things much worse by de-emphasizing
14:24 everything which used to contribute to a boy's sense of identity and to help him acquire
14:30 a strong set of standards and values.
14:35 Take a close look sometime at the old McGuffey's readers which were used a hundred years ago
14:41 to teach young Americans in our elementary schools how to read and to build their vocabulary
14:48 and sense of style while strengthening their understanding of grammar and the rules of
14:53 spelling.
14:55 Nearly every story also taught a moral lesson, beginning with very simple lessons of the
15:02 sort found in Aesop's fables and progressing to stories which illustrated and praised the
15:09 virtues of courage, truthfulness, courtesy, honesty, diligence, chivalry, loyalty, and
15:19 industry.
15:21 Personal dignity too.
15:24 Many of the stories were based on historical incidents ranging from Roman times to the
15:30 American Revolution.
15:33 By the time a boy had progressed through the whole series of readers and finished elementary
15:39 school he had been exposed to dozens of historical role models and had developed a strong sense
15:47 of identity.
15:49 That is, a historical sense of who his people were and what they were like, what they had
15:55 gone through during their history, what their values were, and what they believed.
16:01 And he had acquired at least a rudimentary concept of personal honor.
16:07 He might still grow up to be a crook or a bum, but at least he knew the difference between
16:14 honorable and dishonorable behavior.
16:17 Now of course to modern educators the McGuffey readers are intolerably racist and sexist.
16:27 The values they teach are European values, white values, and that just won't do in a
16:33 multiracial society.
16:36 The concept of proper behavior is one thing for Europeans and quite different for Africans
16:44 or Chinese.
16:46 The same objection is raised against the historical lessons.
16:51 Why should boys learn from anecdotes about Romans or Germans instead of Zulus and Ubangis?
16:59 To teach boys bravery and chivalry really gets the feminists steamed.
17:06 So the McGuffey readers and everything like them were tossed out long ago.
17:12 Our schools have become what they are today and it is no wonder that a great many of the
17:18 young men who pass through them are confused and disoriented, not to mention the young
17:24 women.
17:26 Finally there is the effect of the modern entertainment media, primarily television.
17:32 Well I won't even get into that today.
17:37 Let it suffice to say that many of the problems in our society the promise keepers talk about
17:44 are real problems and they need to be dealt with.
17:48 But the men who are attracted to the promise keepers also have problems, personal problems,
17:55 and those problems need to be dealt with too but not in the way the promise keepers or
18:00 any of the other cults deal with personal problems of the people they attract.
18:07 These personal problems, these personal weaknesses which have arisen because of flaws which have
18:14 developed in our society, in our lifestyles, our educational system, our mass media, are
18:21 exploited by the cults to win converts.
18:25 The cults depend on these weaknesses and they are much more interested in taking advantage
18:30 of them than in curing them.
18:34 Which is to say that when the promise keepers encounter a man whose sense of manly propriety
18:41 and manly dignity has gone so awry that he is attracted rather than repulsed by the spectacle
18:50 of other men hugging each other in public and confessing their imagined sins to each
18:56 other and looking for black men whose feet they can wash also in public.
19:01 While the promise keepers encourage him to join in and do these things himself rather
19:07 than trying to help him get a grip on himself and behave the way a man should behave.
19:14 This is a fundamental flaw that all cults have.
19:19 They attract people who have serious personal problems and in order to do that they encourage
19:26 and exacerbate these problems rather than trying to cure them.
19:31 Some cults become quite numerous and quite strong by this strategy and are even able
19:37 to achieve certain goals using their flawed members.
19:42 But I must tell you that I find this whole cult strategy extremely distasteful.
19:51 And when one of the goals of the promise keepers is strengthening the American family then
19:58 I'm also dubious about their prospects for success in the long run.
20:03 It becomes a case of the blind trying to lead the blind.
20:08 It becomes a case of the more seriously flawed men in our society setting out to cure the
20:14 problems which contributed to their flaws.
20:18 If we are to cure what's wrong with the American family then we need men with a strong sense
20:25 of identity and self-worth.
20:27 Men who know who they are and what they want to tackle the problem.
20:32 We need self-reliant men, not men who are attracted to a cult like a moth to a candle.
20:40 One of the unfortunate things about life in America at the end of the 20th century is
20:46 that we'll be seeing a lot more of cults in the next few years.
20:51 Cults of all sorts.
20:53 As American society continues to unravel more and more men and women will be grasping for
21:01 straws, grasping for something to hold to, grasping for something which promises to give
21:08 them the sense of security and certainty which they so desperately need.
21:14 But the solution to our problem, the cure for our ailing society will not come from
21:21 these cults.
21:23 Certainly not from a cult which encourages white men to wash the feet of black men and
21:28 whose leader boasts of his Malacco grandchildren.
21:32 We can only have a healthy society again by solving the problems of lifestyle and education
21:40 and mass media that I've mentioned.
21:43 We can only have a healthy society and healthy families again when we are able to return
21:50 to the sort of lifestyle which allows children to work together with their parents and learn
21:57 from their parents, boys from their fathers and girls from their mothers.
22:02 And when our educational system has shaken off the last trace of political correctness
22:10 and our entertainment media as well as our news media have been taken out of the hands
22:16 of Jews.
22:18 This does not mean that we must return to the past and all grow up on farms like we
22:25 did a century ago and all read McGuffey's Readers in school.
22:30 But it does mean that we must restore to our lives the essential elements from our past
22:37 which allowed us to be healthy then.
22:39 And we must get rid of the unhealthy elements and influences which have taken their place.
22:46 And when we have done that, we will have many fewer of the sort of people who look for solutions
22:52 to their personal problems and cults.
22:56 It will be a long and difficult task and we had better get started soon.
23:02 Why don't you write to me and we'll talk about it.
23:06 Thanks for being with me again today.
23:10 Dr. William Luther Pierce 1997.
23:20 In your ear, Mr. Clinton.
23:24 Hello.
23:26 Ever since two Israeli terrorists acting on direct orders from the Prime Minister of Israel
23:34 attempted to murder an Islamic religious leader in Jordan by squirting an especially nasty
23:41 poison into his ear, I've been waiting to hear what the reaction of the politicians
23:48 in Washington would be.
23:50 That was more than two weeks ago and I'm still waiting.
23:55 Imagine what the reaction would have been if Syria's President Assad, say, had sent
24:02 a team of Arab terrorists into Israel to murder a Jewish religious leader, a prominent rabbi,
24:11 with an exotic poison they had cooked up in their chemical and biological warfare laboratories,
24:18 and the terrorists had been caught in the act.
24:21 There would have been no end to the expressions of pious outrage from Washington's windbags
24:29 and Bill and Hillary would have been leading the chorus.
24:33 The State Department would have announced the immediate breaking off of diplomatic relations
24:39 with the guilty country.
24:41 Senator Alphonse D'Amato and the rest of the Jews, Gentiles, steppen-thatchits in our Senate
24:49 would have been preaching non-stop for an all-out military crusade against Syria.
24:57 Mr. Clinton would have conferred with Secretary of Defense Cohen about the best way to knock
25:04 out Syria's chemical and biological warfare capability with a military strike, and our
25:11 Navy would have transferred several aircraft carriers to the eastern Mediterranean.
25:18 The editorial pages of the New York Times would have been filled with the bloodthirsty
25:23 screeching of Abe Rosenthal, day after day, demanding action against Syria.
25:30 Billy Graham and America's other political churchmen would be telling us all from the
25:36 pulpit how terrible such an attack on a religious leader was, how the world must not tolerate
25:44 such anti-religious terrorism, and so on.
25:48 And even the soberer columnists and commentators would be telling us all about the dangers
25:55 of permitting a renegade country like Syria to have the capability for making and using
26:01 exotic chemical and biological warfare agents, and about the need to make an example of Syria
26:08 so that no other country would be tempted to follow in Syria's footsteps.
26:14 At the very least, after a preemptive military strike on Damascus, chemical and biological
26:21 warfare specialists from the United Nations would have to be stationed permanently in
26:27 Syria to ensure that that country never again tried to rebuild its chemical and biological
26:34 warfare laboratories.
26:36 But, as I said, I'm still waiting to hear the first condemnation of Israel's terrorist
26:44 activity from Washington.
26:47 I'm still waiting to hear the first warning about the danger to the world in allowing
26:53 a paranoid, bullying, puffed-up little excuse for a country like Israel to develop chemical
27:01 and biological warfare capabilities.
27:04 I'm still waiting to hear any comments about the religious implications of an officially
27:11 Jewish country setting out to murder Islamic religious leaders in other countries.
27:18 I'm still waiting to hear any expression of disapproval at all.
27:24 There is only a deafening silence.
27:27 Canada, at least, had the decency to recall her ambassador from Tel Aviv.
27:34 But our government in Washington is so totally under the control of the Jewish minority in
27:39 this country, the minority which controls our mass media, that it dares not make the
27:46 faintest squeak of protest.
27:50 You know, this sort of government-sponsored assassination is nothing new for Israel.
27:57 Back in the 1950s, the Israelis pioneered the use of letter bombs to kill and maim people
28:05 they didn't like in other countries.
28:08 They also have used car bombs to assassinate people, including innocent bystanders.
28:16 Sometimes they simply gun their victims down on the street, again with total disregard
28:21 for the safety of bystanders.
28:25 Sometimes they shoot the wrong person, but they never apologize for their mistakes.
28:31 When they want to kill someone clandestinely, they use poisons or infectious agents, and
28:39 it looks as if the victim died a natural death.
28:43 The botched assassination of the Islamic leader in Jordan was such a routine operation for
28:51 Israel's Mossad agents, that they simply picked up the special weapon used to squirt poison
28:58 into the victim's ear at the Israeli embassy in Amman, where it was kept for use as needed.
29:05 Yes, that's a routine operation for a government based on a religion which teaches that the
29:12 lives of non-Jews are worthless, and that all enemies of the Jews should be killed.
29:19 Really, the only reason that this particular attempted murder by the government of Israel
29:25 is of interest to us, the only reason that it should be of special interest to all patriots,
29:32 is that it is of no interest at all to our government.
29:37 Our government, after all, is one that makes a really big pretense of caring about such
29:43 matters as international terrorism and the proliferation of chemical and biological weapons.
29:51 Our government makes a big thing out of denouncing state-sponsored terrorism, so long as the
29:57 state sponsoring the terrorism isn't Israel.
30:02 The non-response of our government to Israel's most recent state-sponsored assassination
30:08 attempt is a splendid example of the subservience of our government to the Jews.
30:15 Do you remember all of the pious statements against terrorism we heard from our government
30:22 and from the media during the Timothy McVeigh trial earlier this year?
30:29 Terrorism is something which must not be tolerated, our government and the media told us.
30:34 The second Oklahoma City bombing suspect, Terry Nichols, is on trial now, and the government
30:42 is doing the same sort of preaching about not tolerating terrorism or terrorists.
30:49 And you also can count on hearing the same sort of anti-terrorist sermonizing from the
30:55 government during the trial of Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber.
31:01 You know, all of that anti-terrorist posturing is total hypocrisy.
31:08 The Prime Minister of Israel is a proven terrorist, a man who ordered the assassination of a religious
31:16 leader in another country, a man who has ordered other terrorist activities as well.
31:23 Just a few weeks before his latest murder attempt, he sent another group of terrorists
31:29 across the border into Lebanon with orders to murder people.
31:33 Fortunately, that group also was caught before it could complete its murderous mission.
31:39 And of course, that murder mission, just like the latest, received zero notice from Washington,
31:47 and almost zero notice from the controlled media in this country.
31:52 Yet, you can be sure that Mr. Netanyahu will be permitted to travel to the United States
31:59 whenever it pleases him, and that Mr. Clinton will greet him in the White House with a big
32:04 hug and a smile when he does.
32:09 What our government's condoning of terror and assassination by Israel does is pull the
32:16 moral rug right out from under its stand against terror and assassination by everyone.
32:24 When the President of the United States bows and scrapes in front of the Prime Minister
32:28 of Israel and hugs him and asks him how much more money he needs from American taxpayers
32:35 to expand his campaign of terror and assassination against his neighbors, how seriously should
32:42 that President be taken the next time he begins his anti-terrorist posturing against Libya's
32:50 Muammar Gaddafi?
32:52 How seriously should he be taken the next time someone bombs a federal building in this
32:57 country and the President announces it as an act of cowardice?
33:03 What causes political terrorism in the United States is the sort of behavior by the government
33:10 which causes people to lose their respect for the government, behavior which causes
33:16 them to have contempt for the government.
33:20 Just as surely as the government's massacre of the women and children in David Koresh's
33:26 church in Waco, Texas in 1993 caused the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City in
33:33 1995, President Clinton's condoning of Benjamin Netanyahu's terrorism in 1997 will cause other
33:44 federal buildings to be bombed in the future.
33:48 You know, if our government were serious about disapproving of terrorism, it would break
33:56 diplomatic relations with Israel immediately.
34:00 It would halt all aid to Israel, and it would impose a total economic boycott on Israel.
34:08 It would make an example of Israel, so that no other country would be tempted to engage
34:14 in state-sponsored terrorism.
34:18 That's what the U.S. government would do now, if, if it were serious about disapproving
34:24 of terrorism.
34:25 But, of course, it isn't serious.
34:30 And serious people notice things like that.
34:34 Not Joe and Jill Sixpack, of course.
34:37 Not the couch potatoes.
34:39 They never notice anything.
34:42 They're too busy watching ball games.
34:45 But we do still have some serious people in America.
34:50 People who notice things.
34:52 People who still are able to think for themselves, no matter how politically incorrect thinking
34:59 for oneself may be these days.
35:04 You know, the government's stand on terrorism today reminds me of the government's stand
35:10 on drinking in the 1920s.
35:14 Prohibition went into effect primarily because the fundamentalist Protestant churches disapproved
35:20 of drinking, and they controlled a great many votes.
35:24 And no doubt there were many sober, decent citizens in addition to the fundamentalists
35:30 who also were concerned about alcoholism and the social ills caused by excessive drinking.
35:37 But the government never took prohibition seriously.
35:41 It failed to make a serious and determined effort to enforce its own laws against alcohol.
35:49 The politicians preached and postured about drinking, but as soon as the speeches were
35:55 over, they headed for their favorite speakeasies.
35:59 It was all hypocrisy.
36:02 And as a result, drinking went on pretty much as before.
36:06 But there was an enormous increase in police corruption and political corruption and in
36:12 organized criminal activity.
36:15 And there also was a big increase in public cynicism and in loss of respect for the government,
36:22 because then as now there were some serious people who noticed the hypocrisy.
36:30 Now in a democracy, it is the couch potatoes who rule, simply because there are so many
36:35 of them.
36:36 And the media bosses control what the couch potatoes think and the way they vote, most
36:42 of the time.
36:44 But the serious people, even though there are not enough of them to outvote the couch
36:49 potatoes, do become frustrated.
36:52 And when they become frustrated enough, they take action.
36:58 Sometimes they blow up federal buildings, and sometimes they overthrow governments.
37:05 And when they do overthrow a government, there won't be any ball games for a while, so even
37:11 the couch potatoes may pay attention long enough to help the serious people hang the
37:18 politicians and the media bosses.
37:21 And that's something that really needs to be done in the United States soon.
37:27 And you know, that is something I really look forward to.
37:32 I ache for it.
37:35 And I know that many of you patriots listening today also ache for it.
37:40 It's not that we are especially indignant about the Jews squirting exotic poisons into
37:46 the ears of Islamic leaders and getting away with it, although it does give me the creeps
37:53 to think about the fact that the Jews keep their embassies around the world stocked with
37:59 all sorts of nasty equipment for disposing of people they don't like in ways designed
38:05 to make murder look like death by natural causes.
38:10 I wonder how many Americans they've murdered.
38:13 I wonder how many cases there have been where as soon as it became clear that the Jews were
38:19 involved, the FBI told the local police to stop investigating.
38:26 That's a spooky thought.
38:29 But no, the real reason for our growing anger against the government in Washington is not
38:36 what the Jews do in other countries.
38:39 It's what our government does and does not do in this country.
38:45 Mr. Netanyahu's latest venture in assassination by poison is not what's important.
38:52 It's Mr. Clinton's reaction that's important.
38:55 It's the hypocrisy and corruption in Washington that are important to us, not the religious
39:01 belief of the Jews in Israel that their God gave them the right to murder anyone they
39:07 don't like.
39:08 And this latest demonstration of hypocrisy and corruption in Washington is only one in
39:15 a long series of demonstrations, no more shocking than many others, and certainly not as bad
39:22 as some.
39:24 But what is nice about this latest demonstration is that it is so clear, so unambiguous, and
39:32 it also is so timely in that it comes right in the middle of a series of trials of terrorists
39:39 in this country.
39:41 Right in the middle of a series of government and media denunciations of terrorism.
39:47 It doesn't give the media bosses or the politicians a chance to use the excuse that "that was
39:54 then and this is now and their policy toward terrorism has changed with time and circumstances."
40:01 You know, that's one thing you can say for the Jews.
40:06 Their religion leads them to do things which are so outrageous, so striking, that the crooked
40:13 politicians from among our own people who collaborate with the Jews in order to advance
40:18 their careers aren't left much room to make excuses.
40:23 Not all they can do is keep their mouths shut and hope that the couch potatoes won't notice
40:29 or will forget before the next election.
40:32 For example, there's the case of the Jew from Maryland, Samuel Scheinbein, who took a power
40:40 saw to one of his teenaged neighbors last month and hacked off the young fellow's arms,
40:46 legs, and head, and then put what was left of him in a plastic bag and left it in someone
40:53 else's garage.
40:55 It seems to have been some sort of disagreement over a drug deal that didn't go according
41:01 to Mr. Scheinbein's liking.
41:04 When the police began closing in, Scheinbein hopped a plane for Israel, and once there
41:11 he just thumbed his nose at the police in Maryland.
41:15 When the police asked that he be sent back to America to stand trial for murder, the
41:20 government of Israel announced that it has a policy against extraditing Jews.
41:27 With a smirk on their faces, the Israelis told the Maryland authorities that if they
41:32 really want to try Scheinbein, they can come to Israel and try him in an Israeli court.
41:40 That offer, of course, was entirely fraudulent.
41:44 Aside from the enormous practical difficulties for the Maryland authorities, the fact of
41:50 the matter is that they would find it impossible to convict Scheinbein in an Israeli court.
41:58 Israel's policy of not extraditing Jews is based in the Jewish religion, which prohibits
42:05 Jews from cooperating with Gentile authorities in the prosecution of a Jew for crimes committed
42:11 against a Gentile.
42:14 Even providing information about a Jewish criminal to Gentile authorities is a crime
42:20 punishable by death under Talmudic law.
42:25 What this means in practice is that a Jew can commit just about any crime he wants in
42:30 the United States or Europe--murder, rape, embezzlement, importing drugs, white slavery,
42:38 and if he is able to fly to Israel without being arrested, then he knows he will be safe.
42:48 This sort of behavior by any other country would not be tolerated.
42:53 But don't expect the U.S. government to put any real pressure on Israel about this.
42:59 Mr. Clinton just wishes the Maryland state authorities would shut up about the case before
43:05 the public wakes up and begins asking questions.
43:09 The real question here is not why does our government put up with this sort of behavior
43:15 from Israel.
43:16 We know the answer to that question.
43:20 The real question is why do we Americans put up with a government like the one we have
43:25 in Washington?
43:28 I'll tell you one thing.
43:30 We're not going to keep putting up with it much longer.
43:34 The government can keep passing more repressive laws, tapping more telephones, hiring more
43:40 jackbooted thugs, but it cannot survive without the trust and respect of the people.
43:48 And I don't mean just the trust and respect of the couch potatoes.
43:53 I mean the trust and respect of serious people who notice things and who are able to think
43:59 for themselves.
44:01 And the government cannot long survive without their trust and respect.
44:07 And it has just about used up all of that.
44:11 The next time there is a major bombing of a government building in this country, and
44:16 there will be, Mr. Clinton's behavior guarantees that.
44:21 And the government puts on its pretense of outrage and begins weeping crocodile tears
44:27 for the victims, and calls the bombers "cowards," there will be a noticeably more cynical reaction
44:36 from the serious portion of the public.
44:39 The couch potatoes may still respond the way the government wants them to, but among the
44:44 serious people there will be more than ever before who will understand that the bombings
44:50 will continue until we have a government which is genuinely outraged by terrorism.
44:57 A government which not only genuinely disapproves of terrorism, state-sponsored or otherwise,
45:05 but which also is actually our government, not the government of the politicians and
45:12 the media bosses and the Jews.
45:15 We want a government which is honest, a government which means what it says and says what it
45:23 means.
45:24 A government we can trust and respect, and which the rest of the world also will be obliged
45:31 to respect.
45:33 We want a government which represents our interests, and which is totally free of Jewish
45:40 control, of Jewish influence.
45:43 And one day we will have such a government, no matter what we must do in order to have
45:52 it.
45:53 Thanks for being with me again today.
45:57 Dr. William Luther Pierce, 1997.
46:07 The Promise Keepers.
46:10 Hello, if you watch the news on television regularly, I'm sure you saw the huge get-together
46:18 of so-called "Promise Keepers" in Washington a couple of weeks ago.
46:24 Hundreds of thousands of mostly white men hugging each other and holding hands and rocking
46:32 back and forth with their eyes closed.
46:35 Some of them were shaking and crying or singing and clapping their hands, much like one used
46:41 to see in an old-fashioned revival tent.
46:45 I was fascinated by the phenomenon, and also by the reaction of various elements to it.
46:53 The most interesting reaction, I think, was that of the feminist organizations.
46:59 They clearly were worried; they did not like the idea of a large number of white males
47:07 gathered together for any purpose at all.
47:11 Some of the feminist commissars made cautious statements to the media.
47:17 They expressed their concern about the political incorrectness of men getting together as men.
47:26 They saw this as a very dangerous development.
47:30 What if the all-male Promise Keepers, said to have nearly three million members, decided
47:36 to use their numbers politically?
47:40 Suppose they decided to back candidates for public office or to express their collective
47:45 opinion on some matter of public policy.
47:49 The very thought gave the feminists cold shivers, and we can understand their worry on such
47:56 matters as abortion for convenience, for example.
48:01 The Promise Keepers, as fundamentalist Christians, do not share the views of the feminists.
48:09 The Promise Keepers disagree with the feminists on such matters as lesbianism and homosexuality
48:16 in general.
48:18 So a lot of male homosexuals must have been looking with considerable interest at all
48:24 of those men hugging each other.
48:27 It was clear, though, that the concerns of the feminists went beyond specific issues
48:34 such as abortion for convenience and lesbianism.
48:38 They were profoundly disturbed by the fact that the Promise Keepers were an unapproved
48:46 group.
48:47 I mean, it's fine for blacks to organize, or Jews, or homosexuals, or women certainly,
48:56 but heterosexual white men are the enemy.
49:01 They're not supposed to organize.
49:04 They're supposed to be kept disorganized, confused, and impotent so that they can't
49:10 get in the way of progress and the march toward a new world order.
49:16 Actually, the more I learn about the Promise Keepers, the more I'm inclined to believe
49:23 that they really won't be much of an obstacle on the road to a new world order.
49:30 On the truly essential issues, they are already there.
49:35 Consider race, for example.
49:38 The founder of the group, Bill McCartney, used to be a football coach at the University
49:44 of Colorado, where I got my doctorate, and his daughter used to love the black players
49:51 on his team.
49:53 He seems to be proud of the fact that he now has two non-white grandchildren sired by
50:00 different members of the team.
50:03 Although there are very few blacks among the rank-and-file membership of Promise Keepers,
50:09 it's not from lack of trying on McCartney's part.
50:13 He has an affirmative action hiring program for his organization, which has resulted in
50:19 his office staff being fully a third non-white.
50:24 He has vigorously recruited non-white directors for the governing board of the group.
50:30 At Promise Keepers rallies held anywhere near the Mexican border, he literally buses in
50:36 thousands of mestizos to add racial diversity to the audiences.
50:43 meetings. He often features...
