When I Reunited with My Former Arch-Nemesis, the Badass Girl, at a Hostess Club…

  • 3 months ago
When I Reunited with My Former Arch-Nemesis, the Badass Girl, at a Hostess Club…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00Hey, Shou! Good work today!
00:03Thanks, boss. So, where are we off to now?
00:07Hey, old man. Where on earth are you looking?
00:11Hey, you're the one who bumped into us, right?
00:17Ah, Shou! Thanks a lot, buddy!
00:20I'm Shou Takano, 21 years old.
00:23And this guy next to me is Takeshi Himeno.
00:26He's the big shot behind the renowned restaurant Himeno Sushi.
00:30I'm just an apprentice sushi chef here now,
00:33but back in the day, I was known for something quite different.
00:37Yeah, it was my fists.
00:40But it's not like I enjoyed fighting or anything.
00:43Just got influenced by my dad, a karate master with a mean look.
00:47I was laid back, only picking fights that were worth it.
00:51Until one afternoon during my first year of high school,
00:54I had chased off some delinquents messing with a quiet girl.
00:58Th-thank you!
01:00No biggie. I just wanted to get home faster. Later.
01:06But it turns out the guys I scared off that day
01:09were members of a notorious gang in the neighboring district.
01:12After that, I seemed to get into fights all the time.
01:16By the time I hit my second year,
01:18I was even given the lame nickname,
01:20Takasho, the lone wolf.
01:22Most of the time, the punks backed down once I faced them,
01:26but one guy just kept coming for me.
01:29Hey! Shotokano!
01:31Ugh, who's it gonna be this time?
01:34You again.
01:36Today's the day you're gonna face me!
01:38Erika Suzuki, the untouchable queen bee of the area.
01:42They say even the guys are scared of her.
01:44I told you before, I ain't fighting girls.
01:47Hmph! Just using that as an excuse to chicken out.
01:51Ugh, you think I'm chickening out?
01:54Seriously? Wanna get smashed?
01:56Fine by me, jerk!
01:58Hey! What are you two doing?
02:00Ugh, cops!
02:02Next time, I'm gonna smash you for real!
02:05Man, what a pain.
02:07So, Erika Suzuki kept coming at me,
02:09but I managed to graduate without getting too involved.
02:12I left that troublesome town, moved to the big city,
02:16and after trying out a few jobs,
02:18I stumbled upon Himeno Sushi's mind-blowing taste by accident.
02:22I joined as an apprentice,
02:24and now I'm not only making sushi,
02:26but also working as a part-time bodyguard.
02:30Hey, boss!
02:31You told me you're gonna take me to a nice place,
02:33but this is a hostess club.
02:35You sure love your booze, huh?
02:38Heh heh.
02:39Well, I happen to know the owner here.
02:42Hey, boss!
02:43How about you introduce Sho to the number one girl?
02:46Oh, nah, I'm good.
02:48Sure thing!
02:49Rika, please take care of Sho!
02:52Ugh, fine.
02:54Guess I'll just play it cool.
02:56Good evening!
02:57I'm the number one here, Rika.
03:00Huh? Wait, could you possibly be...
03:04No way, you are...
03:06the undefeated Suzuhari!
03:08Oh, you two know each other?
03:10Well, take a seat, take a seat!
03:13You've gotta be kidding me!
03:15Ugh, bumped into this mega pain in the ass again!
03:19No way!
03:20It's the lone wolf Takasho!
03:23Why on earth is this person in this town?
03:26And seriously, this is awkward as hell.
03:29Wait, it should be awkward for her, too.
03:32I'm happy!
03:34I can't believe we're meeting again!
03:37And that annoyed expression of yours hasn't changed!
03:41Wait, ain't you a totally different character?
03:44Oh, um...
03:45At last!
03:46The hundredth year since we've met here!
03:48It's time to settle that score from back then!
03:51You're still on about that?
03:54But seriously, why at this place?
03:58Just tagging along with my boss.
04:00I'm training at Hime no Sushi.
04:02You still get into fights?
04:04You think I...
04:06Give me back my Rika!
04:09P-please calm down, sir.
04:11Drunkard, huh?
04:14Yeah, got it.
04:17What are you doing?!
04:20Can I take care of this outside?
04:22Uh, sure.
04:24Handle it peacefully, thanks.
04:28So, what were we talking about?
04:30Uh, well...
04:32Anyway, I've had enough of these hassles.
04:35Well, I probably won't be coming back,
04:37but be nice to my boss, okay?
04:41I was surprised by the reunion with Suzuki Erika,
04:44but I figured I wouldn't see her again.
04:47That's what I thought,
04:48but during the next day's business hours...
04:52Table for one, please!
04:54Something's fishy.
04:56So, what would you like to order?
04:58Um, I'll have the recommended.
05:01Sure thing!
05:02Today, we've got some great tuna in stock!
05:07Can't this young man make the sushi?
05:11I'm still in training.
05:13I see...
05:15But seriously,
05:16you're craving my sushi this much.
05:19You haven't changed a bit,
05:20the Invincible Suzuhari, huh?
05:23Wha-? H-how'd you know?
05:25Well, I did hear that voice every day back in school.
05:29Can't forget that.
05:32I won't tell you to stop coming,
05:34but don't start hassling again.
05:36I-it's not like I'm doing that.
05:39Oh my!
05:40Being young is just great!
05:42Eat as much as you want!
05:43I'll put it on show's tab!
05:45Hey, boss!
05:48Mmm, it's so delicious!
05:52What on earth is this girl up to?
05:54But man, she's got a good appetite.
05:57After that,
05:58Suzuki Erika started coming to our shop frequently.
06:01Well, once you've tasted the boss's sushi,
06:03you can't really go back to anything else.
06:05But her coming to our place means...
06:09You came back again!
06:10Thank you so much!
06:13It's just cause the boss said...
06:15Oh, come on.
06:17Well, go ahead and drink as much as you want.
06:19I ain't got money for that.
06:22It's all good.
06:23You can put it on my tab, okay?
06:27Was she this cute?
06:29Wait, what am I even thinking?
06:31All right, bring out the Dom Perignon!
06:35Hey, boss!
06:37A few days later...
06:39Jeez, even boss is getting totally sucked in.
06:43Do you need a bag?
06:45Nah, I'm good.
06:46Oh, but chopsticks, please.
06:48And a pork bun, please!
06:51Wait, why are you here?
06:54It's a pure coincidence.
06:56Are you off to work now?
06:58Yeah, so?
07:00Then I'll accompany you!
07:02Let's go together!
07:04Never heard of a sushi chef needing company.
07:07A few more days later...
07:09Why the hell is she hassling me again?
07:12Not like I mind, but...
07:14Man, thinking too much about her,
07:16all the girls start looking like her.
07:20Sure, what a coincidence!
07:22For real?
07:23A coincidence?
07:25Oh, come on!
07:26Let's hang together!
07:28Yeah, yeah...
07:35But there's no trace of that gang leader vibe.
07:39Hold up, why are you even in this town,
07:41and working in a hostess club at that?
07:52This dude...
07:53Another drunkard from before?
07:55Wait, was he lying in wait for me?
07:57He's been following me around,
07:59being real persistent.
08:01Hey, move!
08:02Cause she's heading to work.
08:07You're the one from last time!
08:09Alright, back off, move!
08:13Man, Cho!
08:15You're a lifesaver!
08:16That guy's been super persistent lately.
08:19I got protected again!
08:24It's just that, uh...
08:25Can you pick me up later?
08:27Come on, I ain't no guardian or nothing.
08:30What a drag.
08:32So she's here with me,
08:33cause of clients like him.
08:35But considering she used to be an undefeatable leader,
08:39she can just repel him herself.
08:41Maybe not.
08:42They're customers.
08:45We used to be enemies,
08:46but now she's just taking advantage.
08:49Like, no way I'm picking her up.
08:52A few hours later.
08:54Great job today!
08:59You really came to pick me up?
09:01I'm so happy!
09:04W-well, I was just kinda bored
09:06and happened to pass by.
09:08Ugh, I'm getting all worked up for no reason!
09:12After that, we kept going to each other's places,
09:15walking home together,
09:16and meeting up frequently.
09:18Seeing me practice sushi making and enjoying it
09:21encouraged me more than anything.
09:23But she seems to be going through some things.
09:27Oh, Cho!
09:30Sorry to keep you waiting!
09:32Alright, let's head home!
09:35Ain't you drinking too much?
09:37You gonna be okay?
09:39It's all part of the job.
09:41I'm over 20, so no worries!
09:45And thanks to you, I can manage!
09:50But I may have overdone it today.
09:54Could you give me a piggyback ride?
09:59Like, you're not a kid anymore, you know?
10:01Fine, whatever.
10:05My house is that way!
10:08Nug, you little cute bastard.
10:1330 minutes later.
10:15We're here!
10:16Sure, we're in the right place.
10:19Thank you!
10:21Hey, you still rocking that outfit?
10:25It's my memory-powered kamikaze uniform, so...
10:29Memory, huh?
10:30Well, it's kinda nostalgic, I guess.
10:35Hey, wait!
10:36Don't stare so much!
10:38What is this?
10:43Didn't you hate my guts or something?
10:46Actually, it's the opposite.
10:48Cuz I admired you, I turned into like this.
10:52Do you remember when I was being bothered by those thugs?
10:55That plain-looking junior high school.
10:58That was me.
10:59You gotta be kidding me!
11:02I'm not!
11:04You saved me back then, Sho, and you were so cool!
11:07So, I enrolled in the same high school as you.
11:11But I figured as an average girl, I'd never catch your eye, so...
11:14I became a delinquent.
11:16Though, in the end, you didn't even notice me.
11:19No way!
11:22Was thinking to give up, since you were gonna graduate first.
11:25But, I heard rumors he's in this town.
11:29So, you just had to rush up to Tokyo, huh?
11:33When I was wandering aimlessly, the owner scouted me.
11:37Needed a way to make a living, so I started working at a hostess club.
11:41But that's a bit reckless, ain't it?
11:43Hold up, hold up!
11:44So, why the whole unbeatable fighter thing?
11:47You've surely been in scraps, right?
11:50Well, about that...
11:52Could you grab my collar for a sec?
11:55Like this?
11:56Go ahead, give it a shot!
11:58Man, she's cute!
12:01When I did this, those guys got freaked out and ran away!
12:05Can't do jack against this!
12:08But, I'm sorry.
12:10I guess it's a bother that I'm stalking again.
12:13Nah, truth is, it kinda made me happy.
12:18It's just that, you know, I've always been alone.
12:22Having someone around is kinda lively and nice.
12:26Show! Darling!
12:29So, from now on, can you...
12:32Huh? What's that?
12:34Um, that might be...
12:37That Charao guy, did he seriously tail us from the shop all the way here?
12:42Sorry for always dragging you into these troublesome situations.
12:46Yeah, you're a real troublemaker.
12:49Well, I'll protect you though.
12:53Back then, I didn't take it too seriously, but Charao's annoying antics escalated.
12:58It seems like he dug up info on me and even sent those letters to the sushi shop.
13:03I discussed it with the owner and even let the hostess club's owner know about it.
13:07Actually, we got stuff like, make her quit, cause we're getting married at our place too.
13:13Then, why aren't you dealing with this?
13:15We know who's doing it, can't we just get the cops involved?
13:19Well, you see, that guy is actually the son of a well-known mafia leader in this town.
13:25Seems like he's been using his dad's connections and recently getting involved with gang activities.
13:32So, we can't make too much of a fuss, and that kid's got a life too.
13:38For now, if that guy shows up, we'll just say Erika's off.
13:42Alright, if it's come to this, I gotta protect her.
13:47Hey, Charao.
13:50It's nice that you're protecting me and all, but can't you have a bit more fun?
13:56Sure thing.
13:58Sure thing? Jeez.
14:01Hey you, always looking so glum, you're gonna age quick.
14:05Hey, cut it out.
14:08Finally got you to smile.
14:11She's so cute, I can't.
14:14So, today, Erika's off.
14:17Don't lie!
14:18He's here! Hide!
14:21Looks like she's really not here.
14:24Hey, Erika, it's cool now.
14:28Yo, it's all good now.
14:31I'm good right here.
14:34Jeez, you!
14:37But if we just keep hiding like this, and what on earth can I do about it anyway?
14:43Well, do I even have an obligation to protect her?
14:46You got that face showing you're in love.
14:50What are you talking about, boss? It's not like that or nothing.
14:55You're into her, aren't you? Forget about the shop and go.
14:59Boss, thanks. Thinking's such a pain. Anyway, if I'm by her side...
15:06Wait, seriously?
15:08Yeah, Erika suddenly left earlier, and then this showed up in the trash.
15:13What? Ain't that place like a gang hangout?
15:17We should probably call the cops.
15:20That guy!
15:26Please, don't involve the people around me anymore.
15:31So that means you're gonna be my girl, right?
15:35If that'll keep you quiet.
15:41Seriously, you again?
15:43Ugh, such a hassle.
15:46I'm sorry, but I'll manage on my own from now on.
15:50I'm telling you, that's what I mean by a hassle. Just shut it and rely on me.
15:58Alright guys, get him!
16:00Erika, don't you dare leave my side.
16:05Phew, one hand's enough.
16:08Huh? Sho, you're this strong?
16:12Been a while, got a bit banged up, but I'll play it cool.
16:16Alright, let's head back.
16:18Don't think this is over! Erika's mine!
16:23Sho, look out!
16:25Aw man, my leg.
16:30These clogs, no way.
16:31Well, looks like my dear disciple got all fond of ya.
16:37Now, either disappear from this town, or become our sushi's main ingredient.
16:42Which one you pick?
16:48I'm so sorry!
16:50Where's all that bravado now?
16:52Guess he doesn't need bodyguards after all.
16:55Well then, I've got a place to drop by, so take care of the shop.
16:59Make sure to treat her to as much as she wants, it's on my tab.
17:03Thank you sir!
17:05And then, we headed back to the shop.
17:08Alright, here, your favorite kappamaki.
17:14But, I'm sorry, in the end I just keep dragging you into things.
17:19That must be annoying, right?
17:22Yeah, you might have a point there.
17:24But, I'll be more careful from now on.
17:27But if it's for the girl I like, don't really care.
17:32I told you, feel free to rely on me.
17:35So, does that mean...
17:37Yeah, stay with me forever, like a piece of fish, and it's rice.
17:44What's with that confession? I've never heard anything like that.
17:48Get real, it's not like I could think of anything else.
17:51Get real, it's not like I could think of anything else.
17:54So, about your answer...
17:56Of course, it's a definite yes.
17:59By the way, am I the fish or the rice?
18:05I'm back!
18:07Hey, welcome back boss.
18:09Wait, huh?
18:11I brought the mafia boss with me.
18:13Come on, apologize.
18:15I-I'm really sorry.
18:17My kid caused trouble.
18:18Man, even though I can't say nothing to the master.
18:23Oh, you silly!
18:25Seriously, is my boss like a king or something?
18:30After that, thanks to my boss, peace returned to the town.
18:34Erika still held her top spot, and I worked hard under my boss' guidance.
18:39But all of it was for the sake of fulfilling our dream, Erika's and mine.
18:44And as years passed by...
18:45Mmm, that was delicious, Sho.
18:48You're a full-fledged pro now, huh?
18:51Thanks, boss.
18:53Looking forward to your next visit.
18:55Phew, what a day.
18:57Hey, darling.
19:00Good job today.
19:02Now let's finish up and get to bed together.
19:05Y-yeah, alright.
19:07You're on top tonight.
19:09Come on, just like sushi.
19:11We're together, right?
19:12Psh, don't remind me, that's super embarrassing.
19:16Now, running our own place, Takasho Sushi as a married couple.
19:21And what I'm holding is not just a fist, but sushi.
19:25In the hand of my beloved wife, Erika.
