Makeup Brands YOU Thought Were Cruelty-Free - YouTube

  • 3 months ago


00:00Hey guys, so recently I've been really into finding out which makeup brands are cruelty free and vegan and during my research
00:07I've actually found that a lot of brands that I thought were cruelty free and really against animal testing are actually
00:13contributing to animal testing in some way and
00:15It's not always easy to find out this information because a lot of brands like to hide the fact that they contribute to animal testing
00:21By lying and saying we don't condone it when really they have either parent companies or they sell in China
00:28So I guess this video is a bit of a name and shame
00:29But if you're not interested in like cruelty free products and stuff
00:32I still hope you learn something from this video before I get started in very very basic terms
00:36There are two main ways that a company can get around
00:40admitting that they
00:41Contribute to animal testing so firstly a brand that doesn't actually conduct any animal testing can be owned by what it's called a parent company
00:46Such as L'Oreal that do conduct animal testing and do sell in China
00:50So when you're buying from that specific brand that is cruelty free
00:53You're still essentially funding the parent company that does. Some people have different opinions on this some people say that
01:00It actually just tells a parent company that they prefer to buy from cruelty free brands in my personal opinion
01:06You're still contributing to a company that profits off of sticking things in bunnies eyes
01:11So that's why some of these are on this list number two a lot of brands that say that they're against animal testing
01:17Also state that they would only do it if required by a law now
01:21The only country that requires animal testing by law is China
01:25So if a brand sells their products in China
01:28They have to conduct animal testing on their products before they're allowed to sell them meaning if they care more about profit than they do
01:34bunnies which is really
01:37Shit, so got my little shade list over here, and we're gonna begin with a brand called Tarte
01:43Now this is just such a shame, and I was really really sad when I found this out because I love Tarte cosmetics
01:48I think they're really really good products
01:49I love their lipsticks and their brushes are really really great, and they don't actually conduct any animal testing themselves
01:56They were in fact bought out by a parent company called Coase
01:59I hadn't heard of Coase before but apparently they're notorious for doing animal testing so as I explained it basically means that even though Tarte
02:04Don't conduct any animal testing themselves
02:07And they are essentially a cruelty free brand if you buy from them you're also giving Coase some profit
02:13meaning that they can invest more into developing new products and
02:17Testing on more animals. Now one that might actually shock and disappoint a lot of people is Urban Decay
02:21Because they used to be cruelty free before they were bought out by L'Oreal
02:25So if you thought they were cruelty free you're not at fault they used to be but unfortunately they got bought by L'Oreal
02:30Who do conduct animal testing who do sell in China and this again is genuinely a real shame because Urban Decay products are wonderful
02:37And they state on their website how they're against animal testing, but obviously being owned by a parent company
02:42They can't hate it too much. Now because I obviously love Lush products a lot of people ask me
02:48Why don't you buy from the body shop? They're cheaper, and they're also cruelty free and stuff. Nuh-uh
02:54They also got bought by L'Oreal a few years back, so yes
02:57They are cruelty free, but not really because you're giving L'Oreal your money
03:03And that is why I choose Lush over the body shop basically
03:06Because they don't sell out to companies that test on bunnies. Now another one that people think is cruelty free is Burt's Bees
03:11I don't know if they've ever been vegan. I mean Burt's Bees you'd think they'd have beeswax in so maybe they're not vegan
03:17But a lot of people thought they were cruelty free
03:19Sadly not they have a parent company called Clorox
03:22Which I hadn't heard of before apparently they actually do test on animals
03:26I mean, I don't think I'd buy anything that has an animal on the front as a selling point anyway
03:30But that's just another one to bear in mind
03:33They are owned by a parent company that do like to test animals which sucks and the last one for parent companies
03:38Which I was really disappointed about was NARS. Now NARS is more of like a top-end brand rather than a high street brand
03:44But for ages I honestly thought NARS was cruelty free, but they're actually owned by a brand called
03:52I don't know how to pronounce that but apparently they contribute to animal testing and sell in China etc
03:58So those are all the ones that are owned by parent companies, and I'm just I just why?
04:03Why why choose to be bought out and get lots of money when you know that ah
04:09What's worse is when the brands say oh, we're totally against animal testing we hate it
04:13Yeah, if you hate it that much you wouldn't sell yourselves out to people that jab things in bunnies eyes
04:18Would you sorry I get mad I get mad at the hypocrisy. That's all now the next brands
04:23I don't know if they have parent companies
04:25But they're on my list simply because they sell in China and as I explained if you sell in China you have to test on
04:30animals in order to put your products on the Chinese shelves, which is just
04:35They're the only country in the world that do it
04:37But obviously China is a massive market, and it just means these brands that you're about to hear have chosen money
04:43Over animals so I mean business. I know right business money makes the world go around
04:49I know the idea of businesses to make money
04:51But a lot of these brands talk about how they don't like animal testing well stop doing it then first one
04:58Which I was really disappointed about was organics this I think used to be cruelty-free
05:02They are a shampoo and conditioner sort of hair care brand you might have seen them in boots
05:06So they got like coconut milk shampoo those around bottles
05:09I honestly thought they were cruelty-free turns out they stock in China
05:12Which is such a shame the next one is Mac now this one particularly sucks because Mac used to be
05:20Cruelty-free they used to refuse to sell in China
05:22And they went back on their word and started selling in China
05:26And now they say we only do animal testing when it's required by law the same old bullshit
05:30And I just just Mac make a lot of money a lot of money
05:34They are a massive brand and they don't need to sell in China to stay afloat
05:39But they do for extra dollar and the bunnies have to holler this one may shock quite a few of you
05:46Benefit benefit state on their website how they're against animal testing
05:50They are on sale in
05:52Sephora in China, so next time you see benefit, and they're like oh, yeah, we we hate animal cruelty
05:59We think it's awful all of our products are cruelty-free. It's
06:04Bollocks it's bollocks they sell in China which means
06:09You're doing what you hate okay, right and that is genuinely another one
06:13I was so disappointed about along with Mac actually because benefit their professional is great
06:18Just stop putting it in animals
06:20And Mac do some of the best lipsticks and probably one of my favorite foundations of all time
06:25And I just I just don't want to buy from them anymore. I just
06:29Finding that out just made me really sad now another brand that like to dodge the subject
06:33But do sell in China is eos or eos you know those stupid little egg lip balm things
06:37Yeah, they sell in China a really really good blog called logical harmony, which I will link down below
06:42Please check them out. This is where I got all of this information from they're very reliable
06:46They actually emailed eos and after a lot of persistent emailing they finally said yes, we sell our products in China
06:52Thanks to your interest. It was just that they just finally admitted
06:55They sell in China which means the bun buns not good not good the last brand
07:01I'm going to mention now this one. I'm going to be pretty mad about I actually had a bit of a Twitter fight with
07:08With the official Twitter for this brand over there, so if you follow me on Twitter. You know who I'm about to talk about
07:13I'm sorry America bath and body works are not cruelty free it says on their packaging not tested on animals
07:21it actually says that on the
07:24Sanitizers that I have and I I just I honestly thought they were cruelty free, and I was just so
07:29So sad about it now actually before I get into the story
07:32I will say they actually might be cruelty free at the moment
07:36But let me explain so basically logical harmony found out that bath and body works animal testing policy on their website had changed
07:42This is a little while back and so logical harmony email bath and body works saying oh
07:46What's with this change? Could you give us a bit more information and bath and body works said actually?
07:53It hasn't changed
07:56It turns out that bath and body works never used to say on their website that they would do animal testing if required by law
08:03They only put it in a little while back, but they'd always believed in it
08:08So everyone that thought bath and body works was cruelty free and bought from them was lied to it was actually just hidden from them
08:15That they've always
08:16Potentially been up for sticking things in bunnies eyes if they could ever sell in China
08:21I think this is probably the worst case of all of them the fact that they had such a monumental cock up
08:27They even admitted that this was just an awful shambles on their part
08:30But I just I can't believe they just they left it out of their animal testing policy
08:36Which was public you know I I just wow now the people who run their Twitter actually told me that they don't sell in China
08:43Which is why I said they might technically be cruelty free at the moment
08:46But the fact remains that they would be willing to test on animals if it was required by law
08:51So that means they're either selling or planning to sell in China. They were also really quite rude on Twitter
08:58So they are absolutely never having my custom again
09:02Even if they turn around and say you know what you're right
09:05We're not gonna sell in China never gonna do animal testing. I just I won't I won't go back to him
09:09They were just total dicks now obviously and sadly that's not gonna be every single brand that tries to hide the animal testing policies
09:16There are gonna be more and you can find out more on logical harmony
09:19I will leave their link down below that it's a really really good site. They do a lot of research
09:23they email these companies to find out on your behalf whether your favorite brands are tested on animals and
09:30I'm so sad. I'm so sad however as you shall find out in the next video
09:35There are some pretty good cruelty free will turn it is the don't cost an arm and a leg yay
09:40Let me know in the comments below guys. What are your favorite cruelty free brands, and I will see you in the next video
09:46Catch you later if the bun buns alone, please