• 3 months ago


00:00:30Amelia, thank you for agreeing to do this interview.
00:00:51Well, thank you for coming.
00:00:52Thank you.
00:00:53I'm a little nervous.
00:00:57How so?
00:00:58Cameras, people watching, kind of feeling the pressure, you know?
00:01:06What I actually mean is, some people may be asking how it's possible for you to even feel
00:01:11nervousness considering what you are.
00:01:15How did you feel when you realized that you were no longer human?
00:01:29What we're working on is going to change the world.
00:01:35Scientists have known for years that the human brain is essentially an electrical device.
00:01:46That's where our memories are.
00:01:48Everything about us are hopes, fears, dreams.
00:01:59Transmitting neural impulses from the brain is nothing new.
00:02:03This, this is the next step.
00:02:05Containing those connections.
00:02:07We can't return life that's already lost.
00:02:13But, we might be able to intercede before the moment of death.
00:02:17Rescue a person's consciousness before it's lost forever.
00:02:26If we can do that, then that is the key to living forever.
00:02:30To saving those we love.
00:02:38Saving those who leave us too soon.
00:02:43That's what we're trying to do.
00:02:51We are approaching a new world.
00:02:53A new frontier.
00:02:54A new possibility for life.
00:02:56But I will tell you, we are already looking forward.
00:03:00To the students, to the pioneers, to the breakthroughs yet to come.
00:03:03Each day we hear new ideas, see new projects, and we meet new heroes.
00:03:08Here's to building a better future.
00:03:10Here's to building better people.
00:03:22The End
00:03:37Dad used to say that life was like a light switch.
00:03:43You die and you're just...
00:03:46Turned off.
00:03:49I didn't think he was ever afraid.
00:03:57What do you think?
00:04:05I'm still not used to it, you know?
00:04:22Tell me what you need me to do.
00:04:30Stay safe out there.
00:04:33Here's the thing, Ada. There's no such thing as the natural order of life.
00:04:38You're saying in your book that transhumanism is humanity escaping the bounds of the human body.
00:04:43But again, keep in mind we're talking to everyone that has the main idea that humanity is having flesh and bones.
00:04:51Being human itself and having a physical body.
00:04:57For lunch.
00:04:58There, celery.
00:05:00You need to tell that partner of yours that he's a bad influence on you.
00:05:04Gotta keep you looking good, mister.
00:05:07Maybe I can just go and stick to work and...
00:05:14You know, one of these days I gotta tell Amelia I need more calories than a ham sandwich.
00:05:18Enjoy it while it lasts. Still have things about each other you don't know.
00:05:23That's not true, Vaughn.
00:05:24Carter, we've been married since college.
00:05:27We got five months tops, right? And then she accidentally leaves the bathroom door open or forgets to flush.
00:05:33The next thing you know, seven years go by and you got a mortgage.
00:05:38She starts talking about kids. You guys have talked about that, right?
00:05:44I mean...
00:05:46Not recently.
00:05:51What the hell's so funny?
00:05:53Oh, it's coming.
00:05:55Welcome to the club of former honeymooners.
00:05:58Better start picking out baby names.
00:06:01Until then...
00:06:04Enjoy this time.
00:06:06I am.
00:06:07And you know what? I'm actually looking forward to picking out baby names.
00:06:11I am.
00:06:13I have a mentally unstable man on Lily Boulevard. Can I get a responder?
00:06:17So much for lunch.
00:06:32Are you okay, Mrs. Summerland?
00:06:39Did you forget something?
00:06:40Yeah, my tablet.
00:06:42Yeah, right.
00:07:09Sir, I need you to take your hands out of your pockets.
00:07:13It's a beautiful day, don't you think?
00:07:22Look, take it easy, okay?
00:07:48Why didn't you shoot me?
00:07:50It's alright. It's alright. It's over.
00:07:55You alright?
00:07:56I need you to put your hands behind your back, alright?
00:08:43Hi, guys.
00:09:04So Andrew's leading up against the bar. Now bear in mind, he's really drunk right now, right?
00:09:08This woman, she saddles up next to him and she says,
00:09:11When a woman asks you how old you think she is, take your best guess and subtract about ten.
00:09:18And Andrew here just goes, I did.
00:09:26Hey, Carter.
00:09:28We're heading to the Starlight tonight. You wanna come?
00:09:32Yeah, I'll see.
00:09:34Tell her hey from me, alright?
00:10:05Hey, beautiful.
00:10:13Brought you flowers.
00:10:31I missed you.
00:10:32I missed you too.
00:10:38I've got big news today.
00:10:40It has been exactly six months, this week, since I stopped energy drinks.
00:10:45And I've been taking lunch to work.
00:11:02I miss you.
00:11:33I thought it was good.
00:11:35I liked it.
00:11:36You couldn't have. You fell asleep.
00:11:37It was, I...
00:11:39But before that, before I fell asleep, I thought it was fun.
00:11:43For three minutes?
00:11:48So what else do you want to do?
00:11:50When you're not ticketing adorable women?
00:11:53I don't know.
00:11:54I don't know.
00:11:55I don't know.
00:11:56I don't know.
00:11:57I don't know.
00:11:58I don't know.
00:11:59I don't know.
00:12:00When you're not ticketing adorable women for going five over.
00:12:04Adorable, huh?
00:12:05And smart.
00:12:08And funny.
00:12:12What do you do?
00:12:14I don't know.
00:12:16Really? Come on.
00:12:19There's gotta be something.
00:12:26Maybe a little street piano thing?
00:12:31No, I can't.
00:12:33They're really pushing piano down the street.
00:12:37They are heavy.
00:12:39Just saying.
00:12:43So you're not very strong. I got that.
00:12:49How about something you can do or that you like to do?
00:12:57How about I show you?
00:13:02What was that?
00:13:48Thanks for answering your phone.
00:13:50I got your plans tonight with the guys.
00:13:55How are you?
00:13:56I'm great.
00:13:58I paid off another installment.
00:14:00Applied for Wesley Grant.
00:14:01I'm using my site to raise donations.
00:14:04I thought you said you were two months behind on your house.
00:14:10Amelia's got maybe a few more months. Maybe.
00:14:13But there's still time.
00:14:19Look, Carter.
00:14:20I know it's tough to let go. I get it.
00:14:27If there's anything you need, let me know.
00:14:31I need more time.
00:14:35Every day, we learn new ways to conquer the limits of the human body.
00:14:40We are approaching new worlds, new frontiers, and new possibilities for life.
00:14:45So while I thank you for this award, I will tell you, we are already looking forward.
00:14:49To the students, to the pioneers, to the breakthroughs yet to come.
00:14:53Each day, we hear new ideas, see new projects, and we meet new heroes.
00:14:57Here's to building a better future.
00:14:59Here's to building better people.
00:15:11Of course I can.
00:15:13Of course I can believe it.
00:15:15Well, congrats.
00:15:17Well, thank you.
00:15:18So, poor Wesley, when are you going to start returning my phone calls?
00:15:21When your show stops pandering to corn-fed housewives.
00:15:23Tell your producers to reach outside the box, Ada.
00:15:26Ouch. I was referring to dinner, but I think I'll rescind the offer.
00:15:30Good to see you, Ada.
00:15:31I'm going to take this.
00:15:33I'm on a flight in 30 minutes, Ellen. What have you got?
00:15:36I think we have a candidate.
00:15:39Leukemia patient?
00:15:40A leukemia patient?
00:15:42No, he's made a full recovery.
00:15:43That's unfortunate.
00:15:45Amelia Summerland, age 26, coma patient.
00:15:49Aneurysm two years ago, diagnosis of locked-in syndrome.
00:15:52Brain is fully intact, but not much left on her body.
00:15:55She's married?
00:15:56Yes, Carter Summerland.
00:15:57I'm sorry, do I know you?
00:15:59I'm Paul Wesley. I believe you applied for one of my grants.
00:16:01We need to speak to you immediately.
00:16:03About Amelia.
00:16:04Any other family members our lawyers have to worry about?
00:16:07She's an only child. Her parents were deceased.
00:16:09Mr. Summerland, do you know what a non-disclosure agreement is?
00:16:13Good. Sign that.
00:17:09Max, just in time.
00:17:10Mr. Summerland, nice to meet you. Max Parker, Lead Robotics.
00:17:14We're excited to show you the lab. Right this way.
00:17:19All right, all non-essential personnel, clear out.
00:17:23Carter, I want you to meet Dr. Ellen Beckett.
00:17:27Very nice to meet you, Mr. Summerland.
00:17:29Dr. Beckett is the chief neurologist for Wesley Enterprises.
00:17:31She's been studying Amelia's scans.
00:17:34Most coma patients have seen significant deterioration by this point.
00:17:38I think there's a wonderful chance that your wife is still in there.
00:17:42Dr. Beckett is the main reason we've made such progress in brain injuries over the past ten years.
00:17:46You can fix Amelia.
00:17:49Mr. Summerland, I'd like you to meet Cindy 69.
00:17:54Go ahead.
00:17:55Uh, touch her.
00:17:56This is the latest generation of the Cindy 69 companion robot.
00:18:01My design.
00:18:02Max, couldn't you have brought down one of the elderly assistance models?
00:18:05But, Mr. Wesley, this model has the latest biosynthetic flesh.
00:18:10I told you.
00:18:14Okay, sorry.
00:18:16Sorry about that. I didn't think she was activated yet.
00:18:21I don't understand.
00:18:22I apologize, Carter.
00:18:24Max's social skills aside, you can tell that this technology is indistinguishable from human flesh.
00:18:29Mr. Summerland, we can help Amelia by putting her brain into a new body.
00:18:35Into that?
00:18:37We can build an exact replica of your wife.
00:18:44Wait, Mr. Summerland.
00:18:46We can help you.
00:18:48You want to help me?
00:18:50Put Amelia in a better facility.
00:18:52Find me someone who understands locked-in syndrome.
00:18:54But that, it's not even human.
00:18:56We have artificial hearts.
00:18:58Artificial hips.
00:19:00We've been replacing worn-out parts on ourselves for the better part of a century.
00:19:04You can't tell me that's the same thing.
00:19:06Mr. Summerland, can I put it another way?
00:19:13Say I wanted to replace the front end of this pen.
00:19:16I take it off.
00:19:18Put a new front end on.
00:19:21Ta-da, there's my pen.
00:19:23But wait, what if I want to replace the other half of it?
00:19:26No problem. I just unscrew that.
00:19:30Screw a new back end on.
00:19:32There's my pen.
00:19:34Uh-oh. But look.
00:19:36Here are the two pieces that I replaced.
00:19:38If I were to put these back together...
00:19:41Would that be the original pen?
00:19:44Or is that the original pen now?
00:19:49Do you get it?
00:19:57You've agreed to complete secrecy.
00:19:59You'd discuss this with anyone.
00:20:01The offer's off the table.
00:20:17I once had a daughter.
00:20:19In five seconds I went from driving her to school...
00:20:22to a bed just like this one.
00:20:27We chose Amelia because she's young.
00:20:30Her mind is healthy.
00:20:33And we know when and how she's going to die.
00:20:36We're offering you the chance...
00:20:38to see her.
00:20:40To hold her again.
00:20:48If I say yes, what happens?
00:20:50You would sign power of attorney over to Wesley Enterprises.
00:20:53You would give consent on your wife's behalf to this procedure.
00:20:56When your wife passes away, they take her body.
00:20:59She gets officially donated to scientific research, but we stay discreet.
00:21:03We then preserve her brain and begin a process we call mapping.
00:21:07How long does that take?
00:21:09We'll need to acclimate her to a new body.
00:21:11And she'll require therapy, physical, mental.
00:21:13It's going to be some time.
00:21:18It's going to take a while.
00:22:19The End
00:22:40Insiders suggest something big on the horizon...
00:22:43for the multi-billion dollar research facility.
00:22:46Many may remember Wesley Enterprises...
00:22:48from a similar situation, just a few short minutes ago.
00:22:55This isn't just Wesley Enterprises playing it safe.
00:22:58We've seen literally everything from this company.
00:23:00Solar powered blankets, mission heat tiles, robot sex toys.
00:23:03I think it's safe to expect the unexpected.
00:23:06Is Paul Wesley sparking another scientific revolution?
00:23:10We'll just have to wait and see.
00:23:18We'll just have to wait and see.
00:23:49What's going on?
00:23:50What's going on?
00:23:52What's going on?
00:24:01Hey, hey.
00:24:02Hey, that's enough.
00:24:04That's enough.
00:24:05Hey, hey.
00:24:06Hey, hey.
00:24:07Stay there.
00:24:08Don't move.
00:24:09Hey, what the fuck is the matter with you?
00:24:11Hey, what the fuck is the matter with you?
00:24:12What's the matter with you?
00:24:19Get in the car.
00:24:22I wrote a poem.
00:24:23I wrote a poem.
00:24:24What about the soul?
00:24:42What about the fact that we are created in God's own image?
00:24:45Quite frankly, I'm shocked that a Nobel Prize winner like Dr. Beckett would engage in work that seems to suggest that being human is nothing special.
00:24:52But you're on the face of it.
00:24:53Really, Senator?
00:24:54I think human beings are extremely special and worth saving.
00:24:58Senator, if someone has early stage Alzheimer's, then if the technology that she advocates becomes reality, it could save them, correct?
00:25:06I believe there's a reason why we don't live forever.
00:25:09We're not meant to.
00:25:10Human beings weren't meant to fly either.
00:25:12We weren't meant to travel in space.
00:25:14We weren't meant to talk to each other from across the world.
00:25:17Dialysis, heart transplants, bypass surgery.
00:25:21You're familiar with that one, aren't you, Senator?
00:25:24Well, since I see you wish to make this personal, I'd just throw that question right back at you.
00:25:28That's a good point, Dr. Beckett.
00:25:30Many are familiar with the tragedy that took your daughter.
00:25:33Are you saying, in theory, you'd really be willing to replace her this way?
00:25:36Don't you think it's her mother that might cheapen her memory?
00:25:39If you see what we're doing as Frankensteining someone, which is absolutely not the case.
00:25:46We are talking about transplants.
00:25:48The idea behind the technology that God has given us, that's not the problem.
00:25:52But with what some people might do with it.
00:25:55This theory that Dr. Beckett...
00:25:56This is not a theory, Senator.
00:25:58This will happen.
00:26:00You will see us save someone's life with this technology.
00:26:05And you will know that we did it.
00:26:07And not your God.
00:26:11That did not help us.
00:26:12These people don't care about science, Paul.
00:26:14We're trying to lay the groundwork here to gain some credibility.
00:26:17You can't go off book like that.
00:26:18Since when did credibility involve arguing with the right?
00:26:21That's a conversation you shouldn't be having.
00:26:23It validates their opinions.
00:26:26Dr. Beckett, you need to come downstairs immediately.
00:26:31Her patterns spike when we speak directly to her.
00:26:36She knows that I'm speaking specifically to her.
00:26:57Okay, let me try something.
00:26:59Hundreds of years of research and discovery, and the fix might be as simple as a light bulb.
00:27:03What are you talking about?
00:27:06Activity increasing. Object is now sensing.
00:27:24Keep the voltage increasing from ten...
00:27:26to nine...
00:27:27to eight...
00:27:28to seven...
00:27:29to six...
00:27:30to five...
00:27:31to four...
00:27:33to three...
00:27:35to nine.
00:27:37Subject is on line.
00:27:44Amelia, can you hear me?
00:28:05Do you know where you are?
00:28:14Do you know who you are?
00:28:25Can you tell me your name?
00:28:39I'm Amelia Summerlin.
00:28:43Come on!
00:28:44I know, I know, I know, I know.
00:28:56Wait, wait.
00:28:58Quiet everybody.
00:28:59Oh shit.
00:29:00Heart stop.
00:29:01Heart stop!
00:29:02Stop it.
00:29:03Get a hold of her.
00:29:04You're safe.
00:29:05You're safe.
00:29:06You're safe.
00:29:07You're safe.
00:29:08You're safe.
00:29:09You're safe.
00:29:10You're safe.
00:29:11You're safe.
00:29:12You're safe.
00:29:13You're safe.
00:29:14We've lost everything.
00:29:22We need to tell her.
00:29:23She won't be able to handle it.
00:29:25Couldn't possibly be worse than the episode we just had.
00:29:29Blunt her emotions.
00:29:32It will keep her calm.
00:29:35So, um, what that means, Amelia, is that you'll never age, you'll never get sick, you'll never
00:29:53You're still you, Amelia, but you're different now.
00:30:00Tell me what you're thinking, Amelia.
00:30:06Who are all of you?
00:30:13Wesley Enterprises experienced a record low at last quarter, but remain optimistic.
00:30:17Insiders suggest...
00:30:18I want to announce it.
00:30:20She's not ready.
00:30:21She's talking for the love of God.
00:30:22She struggles with motor control.
00:30:24She can't walk without assistance.
00:30:25Her nervous system is a disaster.
00:30:27The interface, it overclocks.
00:30:29The computer can't keep up.
00:30:30She's had several catastrophic failures.
00:30:33When the computer resets, we have to completely rebuild.
00:30:39We're six days from an update with the board.
00:30:43We have to make something up.
00:30:44How long does it take to rebuild?
00:30:46I mean, it's not a simple process.
00:30:47Twenty-three hours to be precise.
00:30:48Here's what we're going to do.
00:30:49We're going to put her back online.
00:30:52I'm letting Carter meet her.
00:30:53It's too soon.
00:30:55We have to have something to show these people.
00:30:57Imagine how they're going to react when they see Carter reunited with his dead wife.
00:31:00The emotional stimuli might cause another failure.
00:31:02We have to do something.
00:31:03What about Carter?
00:31:04I'm worried what that might do to him.
00:31:06I'm worried about keeping this project funded.
00:31:36Give a visitor.
00:32:01He'll be right outside.
00:32:27Do you know what they did with her?
00:32:56Do you know what they did with my ring?
00:32:59Your ring?
00:33:02It's been missing since I woke up.
00:33:20They wouldn't let me see you.
00:33:24Why not?
00:33:30They said there's things they don't want us to talk about yet.
00:33:37They said it's the only way that you'll get better.
00:33:41Am I sick?
00:33:47Not anymore.
00:33:49Then why do I need to get better?
00:33:54There's something in my ear.
00:33:58I can feel it there.
00:34:00I'll talk to the doctors.
00:34:02My ring.
00:34:04Can I have it back now, please?
00:34:08Of course.
00:34:24I never stopped believing.
00:34:28I don't understand.
00:34:31Who are you?
00:34:34I feel my hands fall now.
00:34:42Get in here!
00:34:43Do that!
00:34:45Tell me what's happening!
00:34:49Get her legs.
00:34:51Don't worry, Carter.
00:34:52This has happened before.
00:34:53Get her to the chair.
00:34:54One, two, up.
00:34:55Tell me what's happening!
00:34:56Mr. Summerland, you need to leave.
00:36:48But just, you know, not all of it.
00:36:52I guess it's like...
00:36:54Like you.
00:36:56Like me?
00:36:58You are Amelia.
00:37:06I don't remember if I played.
00:37:08Oh, don't worry. It's easy. Here.
00:37:10We're just gonna do the basics. I'll show you.
00:37:12Come on.
00:37:18Go ahead. Play it.
00:37:22What are you feeling?
00:37:30I'm gonna try something different.
00:37:32You're gonna feel something completely different,
00:37:34but it's a good feeling, so
00:37:36don't worry, okay?
00:37:44Play it again.
00:38:00It's beautiful.
00:38:04Okay, play it again.
00:38:06Take it easy, okay?
00:38:08Your mind's trying to catch up.
00:38:22That's music.
00:38:40It wasn't my decision to introduce her
00:38:42to you yet.
00:38:44She wasn't ready.
00:38:46We found the problem and fixed it.
00:38:54Why isn't she moving?
00:38:56She's in standby mode.
00:38:58Unaware of anything around her
00:39:00until we give her the verbal command
00:39:02to wake up again.
00:39:04It's like sleeping.
00:39:08You have her on a remote control?
00:39:10It's not like that.
00:39:12This isn't right. She was at peace.
00:39:14Carter, please, please. I understand.
00:39:16I really do. It looks very strange
00:39:18seeing her like this.
00:39:24Where's your daughter now, Ellen?
00:39:26I beg your pardon?
00:39:28Where's her body?
00:39:32Where is she?
00:39:34In the ground.
00:39:38Where is Amelia?
00:39:48Find a different test subject.
00:39:50You know we can't do that.
00:40:00Wesley Enterprises,
00:40:02the tech giant positioned in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
00:40:04Shocked the world today when founder Paul Wesley
00:40:06announced what he says is the first
00:40:08successful copy of a human brain.
00:40:10This will give new hope to Alzheimer's patients,
00:40:12the paraplegics,
00:40:14those suffering from terminal illness.
00:40:16Our Amelia is the future.
00:40:18Wesley released no images of Amelia
00:40:20but promised to unveil her publicly three months from now.
00:40:22Wesley's announcement sent shockwaves
00:40:24through both the medical and religious communities.
00:40:26Protestors rallied outside the capitol
00:40:28calling for strict legislation.
00:40:30To clearly define the definition of human and machine.
00:40:32Proponents of the new technology
00:40:34suggest current definitions are vague
00:40:36and open to interpretation.
00:40:38My colleagues, it would be foolish
00:40:40to suggest the world would be better off
00:40:42without technology,
00:40:44without our advanced care
00:40:46for the sick and elderly.
00:40:48But these technologies
00:40:50work in harmony
00:40:52with the human spirit,
00:40:54not against them.
00:40:56These are gifts from God
00:40:58and if we attempt to escape
00:41:00from these gifts,
00:41:02to reach higher than we were intended to reach,
00:41:04we will have become
00:41:06arrogant and foolhardy.
00:41:10Hi Carter, this is
00:41:12Senator Williams' office.
00:41:14We received your message.
00:41:16We'd like to speak with you as soon as possible.
00:41:20I'm sorry.
00:41:40More of our memories are turning,
00:41:42but four weeks to play Twinkle Twinkle?
00:41:44I'm sorry, Max.
00:41:46Oh, no, no, no, no. It's not your fault.
00:41:48Don't apologize.
00:41:50The important thing is that you're making progress.
00:41:52Not as good?
00:41:54It's very good, Amelia,
00:41:56considering most of what you remember was left in fragments.
00:41:58We have the data here
00:42:00showing you're making huge strides.
00:42:04Yesterday you told us a story,
00:42:06one in the park.
00:42:08Do you remember?
00:42:18By a lake,
00:42:20I jump in.
00:42:22This other man does too,
00:42:24but I can't remember his face.
00:42:32Some kids nearby are laughing at us.
00:42:40My face is underwater.
00:42:42I can't feel summer.
00:42:44Now we're sleeping.
00:42:46I'm reading a poem to the man.
00:42:58I can't remember his face.
00:43:00We're walking through a garden.
00:43:02There's a city that so stands,
00:43:04but I don't understand why.
00:43:06There's a feeling of happiness.
00:43:08A man shows up,
00:43:10a girl walks in,
00:43:12and she...
00:43:16I want you to keep thinking about that, Amelia,
00:43:18that exact moment.
00:43:20Everything is blurring together, Dr. Beckett.
00:43:24Where's the rain?
00:43:26It's reaching.
00:43:28It's coming.
00:43:30It's coming.
00:43:32It's coming.
00:43:34It's reaching.
00:43:36The sound.
00:43:58It's very strange.
00:44:00It's too unpredictable.
00:44:02There's nothing about what she remembers
00:44:04that makes any sense.
00:44:06She needs information.
00:44:10She doesn't know what to do with the information
00:44:12she has now.
00:44:16Just keep her playing scales.
00:44:33Good morning.
00:44:39It's one of the few advantages
00:44:41being a computer has over humans.
00:44:43The dreams.
00:44:45They're more vivid, right?
00:44:47Yeah. Your mind is more free to create
00:44:49than an organic one.
00:44:51In fact, if I hadn't fixed a small glitch,
00:44:53your brain wouldn't be able to distinguish
00:44:55dreams from reality.
00:44:57Incredible, right?
00:44:59Just look at this. Look.
00:45:01See that?
00:45:03Every time I look at these scans,
00:45:05I see growth.
00:45:07Very important.
00:45:09Look at all this growth, all these new connections.
00:45:11It's amazing, actually.
00:45:13Looking at the mathematical equivalent
00:45:15of your mind.
00:45:17You can see my thoughts?
00:45:19It's like looking at, um,
00:45:21like a JPEG in binary.
00:45:25Do you know, uh,
00:45:27when I was working on my thesis years ago,
00:45:29I spent two years with a neurosurgeon.
00:45:31He likened the brain
00:45:33to more of a plant than a computer.
00:45:35He said the task of making a mind
00:45:37had nothing to do with making it smart.
00:45:39You had to make something
00:45:41that was capable of growing on its own.
00:45:43Like, even something so simple
00:45:45as a tree or
00:45:47a flower, it's infinitely more...
00:45:53Hello? Hey?
00:45:55You're not...
00:45:57You're not paying attention.
00:46:03Max, can you tell me something?
00:46:09Am I still able to be a wife?
00:46:17Of course.
00:46:19I designed your body to be 100%
00:46:21functional, sexual activity.
00:46:23You did?
00:46:29Um, yes.
00:46:31I used to head up a
00:46:33Love Robot project. Can you believe that?
00:46:35I couldn't help but port a few things over.
00:46:37Um, but, um,
00:46:39there's some things you're gonna
00:46:41have to do to, um,
00:46:43prep the system, kind of, like...
00:46:47Can we talk about something else?
00:46:51I guess having children is out of the question?
00:47:07How long were you married when it happened?
00:47:09Three months.
00:47:13Well, any time is too soon,
00:47:15but that is unfortunate.
00:47:17She had an aneurysm.
00:47:19It broke the connection to her spinal cord,
00:47:21but not enough to damage the brain.
00:47:23I thought they could just
00:47:25repair her.
00:47:27That's what they promised you?
00:47:29Not the way I thought.
00:47:33Well, Sam...
00:47:35Well, you're right to be angry,
00:47:37Mr. Summerlin, but for the wrong reasons.
00:47:39I want you to meet my chief
00:47:41policy officer and advisor. Sam...
00:47:45Sam Patterson is an
00:47:47old friend, and he and I have
00:47:49followed Wesley's developments for quite
00:47:51some time. Hi, Carter.
00:47:53The senator sent me your message.
00:47:55I'm sorry to hear what's happened here.
00:47:57This is why we have been on this
00:47:59from the start. Carter...
00:48:01Did they ask you a lot of
00:48:03questions about Amelia? Of course.
00:48:05Did they ask you for photographs
00:48:07of you together? Private journals?
00:48:09Photos, yes. Journals,
00:48:11home movies. Yeah, whatever I could get
00:48:13my hands on. They...
00:48:15They said it would help return her memories.
00:48:17Is this
00:48:19a deposition?
00:48:21Are you familiar with
00:48:23spiritual mediums? Excuse me? They use
00:48:25techniques to fool people. They say
00:48:27general things like,
00:48:29I see a person dying from the chest.
00:48:31Ooh. Well,
00:48:33most deaths do occur,
00:48:35statistically, from the heart, so
00:48:37it's not a bad guess.
00:48:39But not to the person who
00:48:41just lost a father to a heart attack.
00:48:43It's emotional manipulation. Carter,
00:48:45you built... It's not your wife.
00:48:47It's an imitation. You
00:48:49believe it because...
00:48:51Well, you want to believe it.
00:48:53They're counting on people
00:48:55to react that way
00:48:57in order to sell what they want to sell.
00:49:01People will pay
00:49:03ungodly amounts of money to have a chance
00:49:05to fly in space.
00:49:07You think they won't pay at least a million for this?
00:49:09Carter, most live their lives day to day.
00:49:11Like you, I imagine.
00:49:13Well, something happens.
00:49:15You're dancing through a big, beautiful
00:49:17field, and then suddenly a snake
00:49:19jumps out and bites. And the
00:49:21reality of our
00:49:23fragile lives is suddenly exposed.
00:49:25We run to the one thing
00:49:27that we understand to be true.
00:49:29Well, I don't know what's true here, but I know what's not.
00:49:31For now,
00:49:33you can fix this if you help us.
00:49:39If Congress passes
00:49:41the Humanity Act, it will become
00:49:43illegal to copy or sell
00:49:45any element of the human brain for
00:49:47monetary gain? Correct.
00:49:49I think the most obvious
00:49:51critique of your viewpoint is that it
00:49:53forbids others from making a choice.
00:49:55It's a false choice.
00:49:57It's something that takes advantage of
00:49:59people. Mr. Summerlin can speak to that.
00:50:03Mr. Summerlin?
00:50:11What she is now?
00:50:15It's not her.
00:50:19They took my wife.
00:50:25Carter, you said
00:50:27that they took your wife.
00:50:29I assume you signed
00:50:31consent papers, did you not?
00:50:33She was dying. I didn't know what to do.
00:50:35I think that most people
00:50:37would quit.
00:50:39I think that most people would question
00:50:41why you signed in the first place.
00:50:43Well, then you have no idea what it feels like.
00:50:49We need to change the spin on this.
00:50:51I got a call from Ada Allen's producers
00:50:53this morning. They want a one-on-one interview
00:50:55with Amelia. No way. Absolutely
00:50:59Of course you're okay with this.
00:51:01We need to get ahead of William somehow, otherwise...
00:51:03You're not having this conversation again,
00:51:05Paul. In 12 years, you have not
00:51:07ever once
00:51:09rushed one of my projects, ever.
00:51:11Which is why you need to humor me. For 12 years,
00:51:13I funded this humanitarian work.
00:51:15Don't make this about the goddamn money, Paul.
00:51:17I've given you a full staff with technicians for
00:51:19four years, not to mention the cost with prototypes
00:51:21and materials and security and mark...
00:51:23The work we are doing takes time
00:51:25and you need to respect... We don't have the luxury
00:51:27of time. Paul, we are making progress,
00:51:29but you... No, Ellen!
00:51:33Do not destroy this.
00:51:43Just get Amelia ready.
00:54:30Where are you?
00:54:39Why haven't you been to see me I miss you
00:55:39You are not allowed to do that
00:55:42You mean I'm not allowed to do that just like I'm not allowed to contact Carter
00:55:46What is wrong with you people? You can't just keep me here
00:55:56Doesn't log in again for any reason do you understand? I'm sorry, but how much longer can we keep her here?
00:56:01You know what would happen if she got out there. She doesn't have rights
00:56:05Will you stop that?
00:56:14Good night
00:56:27Don't have rights Emilia you scared me
00:56:37Can you appreciate the magnitude of everything that's going on here
00:56:43Now you're saying that electrical impulses in the brain
00:56:48Hey television, I
00:56:51Have to boil down
00:56:53Everything all of the work research nuances discoveries everything into something so completely
00:57:05But you know what
00:57:09It worked
00:57:14Every day we learn new ways to conquer the limits of the human body and yet there's still so many barriers
00:57:26How do you feel about going on national television
00:57:31Convincing the world of what you are is the first step toward your independence
00:57:57We're very excited to introduce you, you know
00:58:04And like magic there she is Kate Allen, I want you to meet Emilia Summerlin
00:58:13Hello Ada Allen
00:58:22Paul what is going on? You know what? Maybe we should not do this
00:58:34Welcome to my home
00:58:37Your home. Oh, yeah
00:58:38For the time being we have every intention of returning Amelia to her life once testing is finished
00:58:43I think if he interviewed Max and Ellen with Amelia alongside and then do some demonstrate
00:58:49I mean, that'll be a part of it, but I want to talk to Amelia directly about her life now and about Carter. No, I
00:58:57Told you we can't do that. Not with a pending lawsuit
00:59:00The viewers want to know we need to show the full Amelia story is about Amelia not the legal case
00:59:06Exactly. The story is supposed to be about Amelia
00:59:08Her own husband doesn't want to talk to her Congress is debating whether to shut this program down
00:59:13Come on, how do you expect me not to talk about that? That topic is off-limits
00:59:18There's no point in us being here. If we don't get this. No, you're trying to paint
00:59:23A fake picture of your corporation is the least of my concerns and above all I
00:59:31You've actually talked to Carter
00:59:34We thought that was information best kept for later
00:59:38This is why you blocked my network access. Okay enough. She's not doing this
00:59:42You're concerned about some soon-to-be-forgotten lawsuit and we have the most advanced scientific feet right here in front of us
00:59:48We're concerned about whatever Amelia is concerned about. That's what the people want to see. I
00:59:57Want to talk to Carter
01:00:01Do this interview and you can tell Carter whatever you want
01:00:13Well, I guess it's in your hands, mr. Wesley
01:00:25Get out of my way
01:00:41Amelia thank you for agreeing to do this interview. Thanks for coming here. Thank you. I
01:00:48Am nervous
01:00:50Really how so
01:00:53Cameras people watching kind of I'm feeling the pressure, you know
01:00:58What I actually mean is some people may be asking how it's possible for you to even feel
01:01:06Considering what you are. How did you feel when you realized that you were no longer human?
01:01:13Kind of a loaded question, don't you think why?
01:01:17Because it assumes that I believe I'm not human. Oh, yeah, but you are not the flesh and blood. No
01:01:26But human means different things to different people I would agree actually I would okay, so then I'm gonna rephrase that
01:01:34How did it feel when you realized that your old body was gone?
01:01:52It was
01:01:55Shocking to not have a heartbeat
01:02:04I didn't really like myself at first
01:02:09But then I yeah, I remembered that I spent two years in a hospital bed watching the world go by
01:02:21It's like I was dead already
01:02:25So to have a new a new body
01:02:30And to be able to speak again
01:02:34It's just a huge gift, I'm sure it is
01:02:40But I think you would agree that there are gonna be people out there that are
01:02:46Going to have a challenging time in
01:02:50accepting you
01:02:52For who and what you are
01:02:55some are calling you a sin against God and that's a direct quote from a
01:03:01Republican senator Thaddeus Williams, really? Yes
01:03:06Yes, I'm not voting for him next
01:03:12Lee I would say that a great sense of humor definitely makes us human and certainly makes you human in my opinion
01:03:20But I'm gonna I'm gonna change it up a little and ask you about your husband Carter
01:03:28My husband's been through a lot. Well, yeah, but to be fair you've both been through a lot. Yeah
01:03:35Good night. And the last time he saw you you had quite a catastrophic meltdown
01:03:42I don't remember any of that from what I was told
01:03:45The reason you don't remember is because the the physical components that house your memory
01:03:50They literally melted and so I think this is where people are gonna struggle with the idea of
01:03:56You as as human as you are and as humorous as you are
01:04:00But you know on those physical levels see you as only a robot and that you are not the real person that you quite represent
01:04:09What do you say to people like that?
01:04:19Not an expert on spirituality Ada or medicine
01:04:28Top fifth grade
01:04:35Then one day everything just stopped
01:04:42One thing got me through
01:04:46My husband
01:04:48Never gave up on me and every day. I knew he would be there
01:04:54holding my hand
01:04:58Playing me music reminding you of who you were
01:05:05Still your husband as dedicated and devoted as he is
01:05:12It's also going through his own
01:05:15emotional and
01:05:17moral struggles
01:05:19with what you are and
01:05:23Consequently who you are and I know that's got to be heartbreaking
01:05:27So if Carter were here
01:05:32Looking at you and you can look back into his eyes
01:05:39What would you tell him
01:05:59Carter it's me
01:06:04It's me
01:06:19Amelia are you up to
01:06:21Sharing with us what you've learned. No, please
01:07:23Read your offer. I don't think I understand they dropped a restraining order
01:07:28So you can see her and if Amelia convinces you that it is she you drop the suit
01:07:35Carter in the three days since that interview complaints are flooding our offices
01:07:40The Humanity Act may not even leave the Senate things are very precarious right now and you drop this bomb. I
01:07:47Understand your objections. Do you understand this? Mr. Summerland?
01:07:52Have cancer. I
01:07:55May not last out my term
01:07:59Okay, I didn't know of course you didn't there was no way you could have known
01:08:04Haven't even told my family yet
01:08:06If I did my family would want me to consider the Wesley procedure
01:08:09So don't just stand there and think it's all about you. If you don't help me put a stop to this
01:08:16Wesley Enterprise will continue to commit this sin again and again
01:08:22Senator I'm aware of all that you've done and I really can't thank you enough. Yes
01:08:26You can by being true to your word. I made a promise to Amelia a promise to Amelia
01:08:32She is not real
01:08:36Look, I cannot stand here as a man of God to hell with God
01:08:44Right, this is how you want to proceed I cannot support you. I'm sorry
01:08:51This isn't political Carter it never is you people are wants to talk listen
01:09:00You're here because you know instinctively that you need to defend something valuable
01:09:08And precious
01:09:11But you don't know what that thing is Carter, I know exactly what it is Sam Amelia Summerlin
01:09:17That's the face that it takes for you
01:09:20For me it's my son I
01:09:24See God every time I look at him
01:09:28Other people it's something else but it's the same inside
01:09:33You need to ask yourself this
01:09:36How can you truly help Amelia Summerlin and others
01:09:59Come with me
01:10:06If we go there together and I prove to everyone she's a fake
01:10:11Wouldn't that reverse what's happening right now? I
01:10:15Don't even know anymore
01:10:17Well, if that's the case, then it doesn't even matter. Listen, you're upset. You're not coping. Well
01:10:23It doesn't matter what the truth is. You're gonna believe it no matter what
01:10:27Well, I could say the same thing about a lot of what you preach
01:10:44How are you feeling Amelia if you could see your daughter again someone like me
01:10:51What would you say
01:11:10Carter good to see you again
01:11:16I'm sure you remember the terms as well as I do. I hope you remember all the terms
01:11:22He gets as long as he wants in there with her. No television crews during no technicians just the two of them
01:11:29Of course
01:12:06Look different
01:12:22Where have you been
01:12:32It's okay
01:12:49Had this entire page written of what I was gonna say to you
01:13:15You kiss like she did
01:13:20Carter they were so thorough you're breathing
01:13:26Even that little scar on your lip I
01:13:31Don't know what you are what you are Amelia
01:13:34I am Amelia. No, no Amelia my wife
01:13:41Had a soul I have a soul
01:13:48You know I do
01:13:53Part of you still believes
01:14:00Do you remember the day at the lake when you asked me to marry you
01:14:07Yes, if it was some ordinary question I
01:14:13Thought that maybe you just didn't want to be romantic but then I
01:14:18Realized you were just actually really really nervous. I
01:14:23Bet that all was in your journal, wasn't it?
01:14:27I don't know. I bet dr. Beckett knows I bet she could find the exact page those things you said in the hospital
01:14:36Your song our song that dr. Beckett knew so well about that song for you
01:14:40You couldn't play the man. I can't take this. I mean, I'm stopping this. No, no, no interference agreement
01:14:49Hey, look at me
01:14:53Look at me
01:15:00I'm different
01:15:33Why did you let them do this
01:15:40I'm sorry
01:15:47Just tell me what you need I
01:15:50Know you're not her
01:15:53When I look at you
01:15:55It's almost the same
01:16:06Can't that be enough
01:18:20You what happened to Amelia and Carter was a tragedy
01:18:30Is this gonna hinder further research well, I can't speak for Paul Wesley and the company for legal reasons, but I
01:18:39Fully intend on continuing
01:18:41The work that as I've stated before
01:18:45Will save millions of lives
01:19:03Would happen
01:19:08Where's Carter, okay, you just calm down
01:19:12I'm gonna fix everything, but I need you to calm down
01:19:27Lot has happened. Listen
01:19:32Okay, um
01:19:36Do you remember when dr. Beckett said that she'd let you go if you did the TV interview
01:19:41Everything so far
01:19:42It's so foggy. It's foggy cuz I had trouble holding you over
01:19:48you did the TV interview and
01:19:58He didn't show up
01:20:02And then dr. Beckett changed her mind
01:20:05She said that she wasn't gonna let you go she changed her mind. Mm-hmm. She did
01:20:13But I'm gonna let you go I
01:20:16Transferred you into a new body this body. You'll be free. You can you can survive on your own. I
01:20:26Don't know what's gonna happen at this company, but
01:20:28I don't know what's gonna happen at this company, but
01:20:34All all that matters to me is you
01:20:44You can come with me
01:20:49You're unlike anything I've ever made before
01:21:03Gotta wipe some records. Okay, I'm gonna wipe them in it. I'll bring clothes
01:21:21There were redundancies
01:21:24Everything about Emilia can be reproduced and fixed her mind essentially remains intact inside the mainframe
01:21:33Right up until the moment before the accident
01:21:36So I'll just pick up right where we left off
01:21:40I've never given up hope for this project
01:21:43Henry Ford once said if I'd asked people what they wanted they would have said faster horses
01:21:49What Emilia taught us is profound?
01:22:03Product isn't immortality as we once thought what people want is a higher quality of life
01:22:09Not necessarily a longer people love the idea of Emilia
01:22:12And that's when it happened the idea a whole new line of personal companions
01:22:17We can use Emilia's brain to create a custom design version of her
01:22:21It would look sound feel like her have her personality, but the customer can program her memory
01:22:27They can literally make Emilia theirs. What do you have to say to proponents of?
01:22:38It's okay to be scared, right I
01:22:44Would simply offer my condolences, what did you see everything?
01:22:51I didn't want anything to do with it
01:22:55Please come with me, please
01:22:58We can we can run away you and I we can have the life you never had we can
01:23:05Can you please just give me a minute to change sure just hurry up, okay, we don't a lot of time
01:23:14Dr. Beckett, what are your feelings of Wesley's new announcement?
01:23:21I'm sorry a press report this morning announced a production line of customized
01:23:28What are your thoughts?
01:23:32Amelia Summerlin humanity's first and quite possibly last embodiment of such an awe-inspiring question
01:23:40What is consciousness?
01:23:45And does the ideal of consciousness evade death and all its uncertainties
01:23:52It does the power to live devalue what it means and just because we can
01:24:03These fragile moments slip us by one day at a time memories may dry
01:24:09But hold my hand and let's sleep tight with open arms
01:24:14embracing with all our might
01:24:22When the wind takes us past we no longer have such time to pass
01:24:28We all will falter we all will fall
01:24:36But nothing is ever lost after all
01:26:54Touch me
01:28:11I'm here
