Under the Queen's Umbrella ep 16 eng sub

  • 2 months ago
Under the Queen's Umbrella ep 16 eng sub
00:00:30The Greatest Martial Artist of All Time, Yu Sang-wook
00:00:41Your Majesty!
00:00:42You must punish Pepe Yu severely!
00:00:45Yes, Your Majesty.
00:00:47Yu Sang-wook has been serving the Queen for his entire life.
00:00:51Pepe, the Queen's father, must have known about it.
00:00:55Yu Sang-wook and Yu Seong-geun, who joined the Queen,
00:00:58should be executed.
00:01:01Is there any evidence that Yu Seong-geun joined the Queen?
00:01:04There is evidence and testimony that Yu Seong-geun joined the Queen.
00:01:08Isn't it Yu Seong-geun who killed the traitor Yi-kyun?
00:01:12However, it will never be possible to save Yu Seong-geun
00:01:15in order to prevent the future generations.
00:01:18How can you tell me to kill my own son?
00:01:22Please punish Pepe and execute Yu Seong-geun!
00:01:27Please punish Pepe and execute him!
00:01:30Please punish Pepe and execute him!
00:01:33Please punish Pepe and execute him!
00:01:57Please punish Pepe and execute him!
00:02:27Yi-kyun died on the street.
00:02:41In the end, the revenge failed,
00:02:48and now your life is in danger.
00:02:58I don't care.
00:03:03I have no reason to live anymore.
00:03:17Yi-kyun's life is still alive.
00:03:20I am Yu Seong-geun, who joined the Queen.
00:03:31I am Yu Seong-geun, who joined the Queen.
00:03:46Don't you have a debt to me?
00:03:53Instead, I have a condition.
00:03:56If I make a request later,
00:04:00please listen to my request unconditionally.
00:04:05Please save Yi-kyun's life.
00:04:34That is my request.
00:04:53Kill Yu Seong-geun.
00:04:58If you don't destroy the city now,
00:05:00the Queen will die someday.
00:05:03He is my first child.
00:05:08Don't talk nonsense!
00:05:10Yi Seong-geun is the blood of Yi-kyun!
00:05:13I will make the decision.
00:05:16I will protect Yong-sang in my own way.
00:05:20Your Majesty, why do you think so hard?
00:05:24You just have to get rid of everything that bothers you.
00:05:28That's my own way.
00:05:30That's why I put you in Yong-sang's place.
00:05:34You just have to become a holy soldier
00:05:38so that their blood will not be wasted.
00:05:44I will not let my Yong-sang's blood be stained anymore.
00:05:48I, who was stained 20 years ago,
00:05:51will still be alive.
00:05:56do you want to reveal that it was Yi-ae who killed the Crown Prince Tae-in?
00:06:04Why don't you give it a try?
00:06:07the moment you reveal the truth,
00:06:10you will deny the legitimacy of Yong-sang.
00:06:15The King doesn't admit it.
00:06:17Who would admit the King as the King?
00:06:24The mistake I made was to save Yi-kyun.
00:06:30Your Majesty,
00:06:32please don't repeat my mistake.
00:06:37What do you want me to do?
00:06:57You've already achieved a lot,
00:07:02so there's no cover for the past.
00:07:06I hope you become a holy soldier in the future.
00:07:21If I do that,
00:07:24will my heart be covered?
00:07:32Your Majesty,
00:07:33are you really going to end it like this?
00:07:35If you reveal the truth about the death of the Crown Prince Tae-in,
00:07:37you can also reveal that Yong-sang was unjustly poisoned.
00:07:41Even if I decide to reveal the truth,
00:07:43there is no evidence left.
00:07:46The truth is just words.
00:07:49What can I do with that?
00:07:54Your Majesty, don't you have the Supreme Court?
00:08:04The Supreme Court only has the evidence of the poisoning.
00:08:08That alone cannot reveal the truth.
00:08:13Your Majesty, please step in.
00:08:15Please persuade His Majesty.
00:08:17Your Highness,
00:08:19it won't be an easy decision for you.
00:08:24If the Crown Prince Tae-in was poisoned,
00:08:27that means Yong-sang was unjustly poisoned.
00:08:32you have to punish the Queen Mother as well.
00:08:36It won't be an easy decision.
00:08:39Even so,
00:08:40I can't reveal the truth.
00:08:46Now that Lee Ik-kyung is dead,
00:08:49if the Supreme Court doesn't make a decision,
00:08:52it won't be easy to reveal the truth.
00:08:58it won't be easy to change the fate of the past.
00:09:02I can't let this tragedy happen again.
00:09:08I will think of a way for you to make a decision.
00:09:14What we can do
00:09:16is to open the way for you.
00:09:20Your Majesty,
00:09:22will you accept the Queen Mother's decision this time as well?
00:09:25The Supreme Court cannot go against me.
00:09:28The Supreme Court is the most afraid of revealing the truth of the Crown Prince Tae-in.
00:09:36what should the Queen Mother do?
00:09:40She will try to reveal the fact that the Crown Prince Tae-in was poisoned.
00:09:46if Your Majesty changes your mind,
00:09:48you won't be able to do anything.
00:09:52Before that,
00:09:55I will shake the palace
00:09:58and change the will of the King.
00:10:01Is there a way?
00:10:04To shake the palace,
00:10:07I just need to reveal the truth of the Crown Prince Tae-in.
00:10:10Didn't you already
00:10:12write a letter to the King?
00:10:20This is a good medicine for heart disease.
00:10:28It's bitter.
00:10:30It's good for your health, so drink it all.
00:10:33Since Your Majesty said so,
00:10:36I will drink it all.
00:10:53You don't need to use this medicine anymore.
00:10:57It seems that the Queen Mother has already lost the Crown Prince Tae-in.
00:11:03Are you sure?
00:11:05Yes, I'm sure.
00:11:08It's just that the Crown Prince Tae-in is still alive, so it's not obvious yet.
00:11:13is there a possibility of a meeting?
00:11:16In the case of the Queen Mother,
00:11:18she has a heart disease and a stroke,
00:11:21so it will be difficult to have a meeting again.
00:11:27I see.
00:11:41What are you doing?
00:11:49Why did you come so early?
00:11:55Abba Mama.
00:11:57Abba Mama.
00:11:58Aren't her eyes so pretty?
00:12:01Her eyes are pretty because she looks like her mother.
00:12:37The Queen Mother knew about this?
00:12:40Yes, she knew.
00:12:43That son of a bitch.
00:12:46Do you know how serious this is?
00:12:51Yes, I do.
00:12:53Your Majesty,
00:12:54throw those lowly creatures out of the palace.
00:12:58This is the request of the army of Mu-Han.
00:13:00Please give your order, Mother.
00:13:06Abba Mama,
00:13:08I want to protect my child and the Queen Mother.
00:13:12I will marry Choe Wol.
00:13:16Marry her?
00:13:18There is no such thing as marrying a commoner as a royal member.
00:13:23What about the scholars of the Central Palace?
00:13:26Whether it's the royal court or the national law,
00:13:29isn't there anything that can be protected?
00:13:32Abba Mama,
00:13:34if it's against the royal court,
00:13:37can I put down the command of the army?
00:13:41I can't do that.
00:13:43It's not up to you to put down the command of the army.
00:13:48Then are you telling me to put them down?
00:13:52I can't do that.
00:13:54Then how dare you say that it's against the national law?
00:13:57I can't say that it's against the national law.
00:14:01It's just that there are no cases.
00:14:05In this case,
00:14:07I choose to listen to the report, not the truth.
00:14:14If Your Majesty and the Queen Mother allow me,
00:14:17it will be the first case of our army breaking the law.
00:14:23Your Majesty!
00:14:27I will think about it.
00:14:31You guys stay out.
00:14:38Your Majesty,
00:14:39although it's a matter of the army,
00:14:42the matter of the Crown Prince is more serious.
00:14:45Do you want to just leave the palace
00:14:48where you can't see the future?
00:14:50Your Majesty,
00:14:52the Queen Mother is coming in.
00:14:56I called her.
00:14:58Come in.
00:15:01I called her.
00:15:07Come in.
00:15:17Tell me what the Crown Prince's medicine is.
00:15:23It's good for the body.
00:15:25It's good for the body.
00:15:30The Crown Prince's medicine is good for the body.
00:15:36Why didn't you put it in?
00:15:44Tell me.
00:15:47I'm sorry,
00:15:49but I didn't put it in because it could harm the King.
00:15:54How could you do such a thing?
00:16:00How dare you lie?
00:16:06Your Majesty, what's going on?
00:16:08Wasn't it a false meeting?
00:16:11I hid the fact that it was a meeting
00:16:14until the Crown Prince was put in safety.
00:16:16I thought that was the only way to protect the King.
00:16:21If he's put in safety,
00:16:24there won't be any problem until the Queen Mother gives birth.
00:16:28Your Majesty,
00:16:30what they're saying is a lie.
00:16:33You have to believe what I'm saying.
00:16:37Stop it, Your Majesty.
00:16:47Nam Sang-guk.
00:16:51Nam Sang-guk!
00:17:05Do you think I'm going to back off like this?
00:17:10I'm going to kill you.
00:17:13I'm going to kill you.
00:17:16The King,
00:17:18the Queen Mother,
00:17:20and Lee Ik-hyeon
00:17:22suffered because of what the Queen Mother did.
00:17:28But how can you be so confident?
00:17:31I'm the winner.
00:17:33They only paid the price of defeat.
00:17:37Do you think the world will change
00:17:39if you reveal the truth?
00:17:46It won't change,
00:17:51but it won't be the same as before.
00:17:55Don't think that you're on the King's side.
00:17:59The King
00:18:01will never reveal the death of Crown Prince Tae-in.
00:18:05He denied the throne himself.
00:18:09How can the King do that?
00:18:13I'm going to help the King
00:18:16make the right decision.
00:18:18I'm going to stop it.
00:18:21I won't just wait
00:18:24until the death of Crown Prince Tae-in is revealed.
00:18:26That's how I protect my son.
00:18:31That's not protecting the King, Queen Mother.
00:18:36I'm going to protect my son
00:18:39in my own way.
00:18:43I'm going to protect my son in my own way.
00:18:46I'm going to protect my son in my own way.
00:18:48I'm going to protect my son in my own way.
00:18:50I'm going to protect my son in my own way.
00:18:52Are you telling me to do it right now?
00:18:57That's right.
00:18:58You've been trying to reveal Crown Prince Tae-in's death
00:19:00for the past 20 years,
00:19:02risking your son's life.
00:19:04Isn't it because of your guilt as a member of the royal family?
00:19:14I'm a sinner who will be condemned soon.
00:19:18Besides, who would believe a sinner
00:19:20when he's already dead?
00:19:27The family heirloom
00:19:30from that day is still here.
00:19:35This will be your last chance
00:19:38to reveal the truth.
00:19:44I'm sorry.
00:20:10Yu Sang-ok testified.
00:20:13She's a traitor.
00:20:14Even if she testified,
00:20:16who would believe her?
00:20:19Your Majesty, you know the truth, don't you?
00:20:31Your Majesty,
00:20:3420 years ago,
00:20:36you were still alive.
00:20:40But I know
00:20:42how you've lived as a king
00:20:45to protect your throne.
00:20:49Even if you reveal everything from the past,
00:20:52the fact that you were a king
00:20:56will never change.
00:20:59I know that,
00:21:01the heavens know that,
00:21:04and the people of this country know that.
00:21:12Your Majesty.
00:21:42These are the documents to prove the Crown Prince's poison.
00:21:53The family heirloom is already in your possession,
00:21:57so it's up to you
00:22:01how you will use it.
00:22:10hold on to the past as a king
00:22:13and record the truth.
00:22:17Restore the innocent
00:22:19and leave the history of the Crown Prince
00:22:22and our Crown Prince being poisoned.
00:22:26This is the last way
00:22:28I can protect the throne
00:22:33and the children
00:22:35our Crown Prince left behind.
00:22:44let go of your burden
00:22:47and do whatever you want.
00:23:05The Crown Prince and our Crown Prince
00:23:07have been poisoned.
00:23:10Please leave it in history.
00:23:14This is the last way
00:23:16I can protect the throne
00:23:23and the children
00:23:25our Crown Prince left behind.
00:23:37The Crown Prince and our Crown Prince have been poisoned.
00:24:02I must reveal the truth.
00:24:08I will reveal
00:24:10how the Crown Prince
00:24:19Are you saying
00:24:22you will punish this mother?
00:24:27Do you have any evidence?
00:24:32What can the family heirloom
00:24:41I saw it.
00:24:48That night,
00:24:50I saw it all.
00:24:54I will end
00:25:01the tragedy
00:25:06you started.
00:25:13It's all in the past, Your Majesty.
00:25:17Everything is back to normal now.
00:25:20Why do you have to do this?
00:25:23I can't ignore it anymore.
00:25:28Mother killed the Crown Prince
00:25:31and my son
00:25:34died because of it.
00:25:38I don't want anyone's sacrifice.
00:25:42You can't do this to me, Your Majesty.
00:25:49is for the Crown Prince.
00:25:57if it's for me,
00:26:00please don't
00:26:03do anything.
00:26:07That's all I want
00:26:12from you.
00:26:15Your Majesty,
00:26:20do you really
00:26:26this mother?
00:26:48That's what a king should do.
00:27:11Your Majesty.
00:27:15Please let me go.
00:27:26Your Majesty!
00:27:44Your Majesty!
00:27:45Your Majesty!
00:27:46Your Majesty!
00:27:47Your Majesty!
00:27:48Your Majesty!
00:27:49Your Majesty!
00:27:50Your Majesty!
00:27:51Your Majesty!
00:27:52Your Majesty!
00:27:53Your Majesty!
00:27:54Your Majesty!
00:27:55Your Majesty!
00:27:56Your Majesty!
00:27:57Your Majesty!
00:27:58Your Majesty!
00:27:59Your Majesty!
00:28:00Your Majesty!
00:28:01Your Majesty!
00:28:02Your Majesty!
00:28:03Your Majesty!
00:28:04Your Majesty!
00:28:05Your Majesty!
00:28:06Your Majesty!
00:28:07Your Majesty!
00:28:08Your Majesty!
00:28:09Your Majesty!
00:28:10Your Majesty!
00:28:11Your Majesty!
00:28:12Your Majesty!
00:28:13Your Majesty!
00:28:14Your Majesty!
00:28:15Your Majesty!
00:28:16Your Majesty!
00:28:17Your Majesty!
00:28:18Your Majesty!
00:28:19Your Majesty!
00:28:20Your Majesty!
00:28:21Your Majesty!
00:28:22Your Majesty!
00:28:23Your Majesty!
00:28:24Your Majesty!
00:28:25Your Majesty!
00:28:26Your Majesty!
00:28:27Your Majesty!
00:28:28Your Majesty!
00:28:29Your Majesty!
00:28:30Your Majesty!
00:28:31Your Majesty!
00:28:32Your Majesty!
00:28:33Your Majesty!
00:28:34Your Majesty!
00:28:35Your Majesty!
00:28:36Your Majesty!
00:28:37Your Majesty!
00:28:38Your Majesty!
00:28:39Your Majesty!
00:28:40Your Majesty!
00:28:41Your Majesty!
00:28:42Your Majesty!
00:28:43Your Majesty!
00:28:44Your Majesty!
00:28:45Your Majesty!
00:28:46Your Majesty!
00:28:47Your Majesty!
00:28:48Your Majesty!
00:28:49Your Majesty!
00:28:50Your Majesty!
00:28:51Your Majesty!
00:28:52Your Majesty!
00:28:53Your Majesty!
00:28:54Your Majesty!
00:28:55Your Majesty!
00:28:56Your Majesty!
00:28:57Your Majesty!
00:28:58Your Majesty!
00:28:59Your Majesty!
00:29:00Your Majesty!
00:29:01Your Majesty!
00:29:02Your Majesty!
00:29:03Your Majesty!
00:29:04Your Majesty!
00:29:05Your Majesty!
00:29:06Your Majesty!
00:29:07Your Majesty!
00:29:08Your Majesty!
00:29:09Your Majesty!
00:29:10Your Majesty!
00:29:11Your Majesty!
00:29:12Your Majesty!
00:29:13Your Majesty!
00:29:14Your Majesty!
00:29:15Your Majesty!
00:29:16Your Majesty!
00:29:17Your Majesty!
00:29:18Your Majesty!
00:29:19Your Majesty!
00:29:20Your Majesty!
00:29:21Your Majesty!
00:29:22Your Majesty!
00:29:23Your Majesty!
00:29:24Your Majesty!
00:29:25Your Majesty!
00:29:26Your Majesty!
00:29:27Your Majesty!
00:29:28Your Majesty!
00:29:29Your Majesty!
00:29:30Your Majesty!
00:29:31Your Majesty!
00:29:32Your Majesty!
00:29:33Your Majesty!
00:29:34Your Majesty!
00:29:35Your Majesty!
00:29:36Your Majesty!
00:29:37Your Majesty!
00:29:38Your Majesty!
00:29:39Your Majesty!
00:29:49Come and try.
00:30:01It is delicious as expected.
00:30:03Is it?
00:30:05Try eating it with this kimchi.
00:30:09Mmm, it's delicious.
00:30:16As expected, ours is the best.
00:30:21Even if you give the foreign ancestors the taste of the mountains,
00:30:24they say that they ate this kimchi the most deliciously and went back to their home country.
00:30:32Try this too.
00:30:39Thank you.
00:31:09Thank you.
00:32:02Lee Ik-hyeon poisoned the crown prince with liver water.
00:32:08Min Si-hwa, Lee Han, and Lee Yul-hee, who were accused of killing the crown prince,
00:32:13will all be reinstated.
00:32:17Also, although I did not see the written testimony of the king himself,
00:32:22I know that the only record of the crown prince's death so far
00:32:26is that he died of a blood clot.
00:32:32Therefore, I would like to correct the testimony based on the family history of Park Jung-ho's fourth son.
00:32:43Your Highness, the testimony of the king was not biased in one direction,
00:32:47but was fairly distributed in a relatively straight line.
00:32:51I can't give it to you again.
00:32:54I can't do that.
00:32:57I will also correct my mistake in this plan right away.
00:33:02However, Your Highness,
00:33:04it is only confusing to bring up the past now.
00:33:10Besides, there is no evidence that the crown prince was killed.
00:33:15Yu Sang-wook, the son of the crown prince, testified to the situation at the time,
00:33:20and here are the evidences to prove that he killed himself.
00:33:28Your Highness, please take away the charge.
00:33:32Please take away the charge.
00:33:39I'm going to untie the knot I made wrong now and catch it right away.
00:33:44Please reconsider that decision.
00:33:48I am worried that the achievements of the past 20 years achieved by the king will be in vain.
00:33:55Don't you evaluate me from the stage?
00:34:19Yu Sang-wook
00:34:28Yu Sang-wook
00:34:36I have something to ask you.
00:34:39Were you going to kill my brother?
00:34:44I'm asking if you were involved in Ik-hyun's plan from the beginning.
00:34:52Didn't I tell you before?
00:34:55Still, I have lived with my loyalty as a congressman.
00:35:04There was no problem with my prescription.
00:35:08That's all.
00:35:11No matter what power it is, shouldn't it be used to save people?
00:35:17Only the crown prince and So-hee.
00:35:30Have you still kept him in your heart?
00:35:40It's done now.
00:35:45I tried.
00:35:49Thanks to you, I was able to keep my promise to your brother.
00:35:56Now stop.
00:36:01Let's let my brother go.
00:36:28Yu Sang-wook
00:36:51Please promise me.
00:36:57I won't collapse.
00:37:00I think that's the only way I can close my eyes comfortably.
00:37:06Now, don't worry about anything and rest comfortably.
00:37:27I, Park Kyung-woo, will be appointed as the secretary of the Ministry of Justice.
00:37:32I will put the curse on the good king's justice.
00:37:37Also, the mother of the crown prince, Bae-bi, will restore her life.
00:37:42The crown prince, who caused the death of the crown prince, will remain in hell.
00:37:51The death of the crown prince is the mother's death.
00:37:58In fact, isn't it the abdication of Queen Bae-bi?
00:38:03It's a coincidence.
00:38:11Your Majesty, Nam Sang-guk is coming.
00:38:21Nam Sang-guk
00:38:27Nam Sang-guk
00:38:33Nam Sang-guk
00:38:46I appointed Mr. Cho as the queen.
00:38:49The king made a request to appoint the queen, but the next day, the king refused.
00:38:58Mr. Cho came down from the throne in a day.
00:39:03Your Majesty
00:39:07Your Majesty
00:39:13No one can punish me.
00:39:17Your Majesty
00:39:28Your Majesty
00:39:58Now, the time of the Queen has come to an end.
00:40:03Now, get out of the clutches of evil.
00:40:08The nightmare of evil.
00:40:14Sometimes, you have to go through it.
00:40:19But, you have to go through it.
00:40:27This is the last goodbye to the mother who was sometimes pitiful.
00:41:34How many times do I have to tell you to always sleep?
00:41:49Today is the day of the bedroom ritual.
00:41:56All of you should prepare the bedding,
00:41:59as it will be donated to the Bodhisattva.
00:42:01Yes, Your Majesty.
00:42:07I'm sorry I'm late.
00:42:13I can't believe you two are the same.
00:42:16I know, right?
00:42:18Binggung is here, too.
00:42:21Didn't you have a meeting?
00:42:24Pregnant women fall asleep at any time.
00:42:46Your Majesty, since you let me look around,
00:42:57I can see the same color of the bedding every day.
00:43:06You shouldn't run.
00:43:16I've always wondered what this is.
00:43:22This is a firefly.
00:43:31The bow is made of wood, so it's weak against fire.
00:43:34It's a symbol of a firefly.
00:43:36Why is it a symbol?
00:43:38A firefly was so scared that it came down to the fire.
00:43:42It was so scared that it ran away when it saw itself in the fire.
00:43:47It's not scary, and it's handsome.
00:43:55Come with me.
00:43:57Your Majesty, you shouldn't run.
00:44:00Let's go.
00:44:09Shall we eat together tomorrow and chat?
00:44:30Let's go.
00:44:31Let's go.
00:44:32Let's go.
00:44:57How were the teachers last time?
00:45:02They were all bad.
00:45:05Then I'll change the teacher.
00:45:16Yes, Mother.
00:45:57Are you still watching me?
00:46:03I'll watch you until the end.
00:46:07So hang in there for your mother.
00:46:14Where are you?
00:46:19I have to go now.
00:46:23Where are you?
00:46:33I thought you left me.
00:46:39Why did you think that?
00:46:42You should go now.
00:46:48Your hands are so warm.
00:47:02I love you.
00:47:32I love you too.
00:47:34I love you.
00:48:00Lee Ik-hyun's teacher is alive.
00:48:04Lee Ik-hyun's teacher is alive.
00:48:35Lee Ik-hyun's teacher is alive.
00:48:38Lee Ik-hyun's teacher is alive.
00:48:41Lee Ik-hyun's teacher is alive.
00:48:44Lee Ik-hyun's teacher is alive.
00:48:47I think Ara is a genius.
00:48:49So please tell me how to get down from the royal family.
00:48:52The one that grows up?
00:48:56I've already taken it off.
00:48:58Then let's start the Indian training method.
00:49:00I'm going to make a big noise and read a book.
00:49:03It has the effect of brain development.
00:49:05No, but is it true that the Infinite Valley has collapsed?
00:49:09I know. I think I see it more often in the palace than before.
00:49:13You always say that we are extreme.
00:49:16You are the most extreme.
00:49:21Isn't that what parents feel?
00:49:24Please give me a lot of guidance.
00:49:26The Infinite Valley is a day away.
00:49:29How are you going to meet the crown prince?
00:49:32The crown prince is visiting for public affairs.
00:49:35Because we have to discuss the reformation of the palace.
00:49:38No matter how much it is, I'll forget my face.
00:49:41It is against the law for the prince to enter the palace.
00:49:46You're not giving me a word.
00:49:53I will definitely visit my mother after I meet him.
00:50:07Let's go together.
00:50:12What is this book?
00:50:15What is it? It's a meeting secret.
00:50:18Yes, it's a special attack on the princess.
00:50:25The day after tomorrow when the full moon rises.
00:50:28It's the best day to have a joint broadcast.
00:50:33It's a herb that strengthens the energy.
00:50:36Eat three times a day.
00:50:40I won't eat it.
00:50:42No, why?
00:50:44I don't need this.
00:50:47Try to think about your sincerity.
00:50:53I've already had a meeting.
00:51:00Oh, my God.
00:51:02That's great.
00:51:05Then I'll raise the grandson.
00:51:12I'll take care of my children.
00:51:15Please trust me once.
00:51:17Let's go back.
00:51:19Oh, my God.
00:51:21It's like a good grandmother.
00:51:32Why are you running so much?
00:51:42I've made up my mind from today.
00:51:46I decided to lose weight.
00:51:48Why are you losing weight? It's good to see you now.
00:51:51I want to be tall and handsome like you.
00:51:59This is all going to be tall later.
00:52:02Our Hodong will definitely be as tall as the crown prince.
00:52:06Oh, really?
00:52:08Of course.
00:52:10And in my eyes, Hodong is still the best.
00:52:15I'm hungry after running.
00:52:17Let's go eat meat.
00:52:30What is this place?
00:52:33It's a place to help women who have nowhere to go.
00:52:39Was there a place like this?
00:52:43From now on, the crown prince will be their shield.
00:52:55I'll show you around.
00:52:58Come this way.
00:53:12I'm already in your life.
00:53:23I wanted to repay you because you didn't accept me.
00:53:29I'm sorry.
00:53:39You're so pretty.
00:53:42I'll put this vase in front of my bed and put flowers in it.
00:53:47Whenever I see flowers, I think of you.
00:53:59Thank you.
00:54:09Brother, which one is taller, the shield or the stingray?
00:54:16I think it's the shield.
00:54:18Even if it doesn't have a tail, it can fly freely regardless of the direction of the wind.
00:54:22Let's fly together next time, brother.
00:54:25Good, Ao. I have a kite that I'm studying right now.
00:54:34By the way, brother.
00:54:36Why are the birds sitting on the tree and not flying in your picture?
00:54:45Oh, it's true.
00:54:48Why are all the birds folding their wings?
00:54:55I don't know.
00:55:13Brother, it's today.
00:55:15Are you sure?
00:55:16I just went to Gwancheon-dae, Gwansan-gam.
00:55:19What time is it?
00:55:20It's right after Seokgang.
00:55:22You have to run.
00:55:28Bing, come on out.
00:55:47Wow, it's a shooting star.
00:55:51Don't look at me and make a wish.
00:56:10What wish did you make?
00:56:12It's a secret.
00:56:15Bing, have you made all your wishes come true?
00:56:21It's a secret for me, too.
00:56:24It's a secret for me, too.
00:56:43Why didn't you say anything when you yawned?
00:56:46Because you don't remember.
00:56:52I already remember.
00:57:32It's so nice to drink tea together like this.
00:57:37Now that I have some time, visit me often.
00:57:45I'm going to leave.
00:57:51I want to see a new world.
00:58:05Why are you saying that all of a sudden?
00:58:08Why are you saying that all of a sudden?
00:58:13The day you took me out of the palace was the happiest day.
00:58:24When I first saw myself in the picture,
00:58:30I felt like I was allowed to be myself for the first time in my life.
00:58:42How can I be at ease without you?
00:58:47I want to take care of my child.
00:58:50Please understand how I feel.
00:59:09I can't hide behind you forever.
00:59:15Now I really want to live like myself.
00:59:20I've only lived in the palace since I was born.
00:59:25There are still many worlds I want to face.
00:59:33Don't worry too much.
00:59:35Now I have to take responsibility for myself.
00:59:50You can let go of my hand now.
00:59:58Our Hwan.
01:00:03You've really grown up.
01:00:22I'll give you the cell phone case I've been studying.
01:00:27I can make another one.
01:00:31I've put the compass together,
01:00:34so it'll be useful when you travel far.
01:00:38Thank you.
01:00:44Thank you, Captain Lee Ryung.
01:00:47Stay healthy.
01:00:49Eat well.
01:00:51And don't get sick.
01:00:54Why are you saying goodbye like you're never coming back?
01:00:59Just come back every year by boat.
01:01:01You'll do that, right?
01:01:33Hurry and go.
01:01:35It's hot.
01:01:36It's warm. Why?
01:02:06Don't look back.
01:02:36Don't look back.
01:03:06I love you, Hwan.
01:03:07I love you, Hwan.
01:03:08I love you, Hwan.
01:03:09I love you, Hwan.
01:03:35I want to have a baby boy.
01:03:37Me, too.
01:03:39When we were apart,
01:03:41I made a wish.
01:03:43I wanted to have a son who looked exactly like you.
01:03:47Then your wish will come true.
01:03:51I don't know yet.
01:03:55The King said he wanted me to have a daughter who looked exactly like me.
01:04:01We'll soon find out whose wish will come true.
01:04:05It'll probably be a boy.
01:04:08I made a bigger wish.
01:04:25It looks good on you.
01:04:27Please protect me and this kingdom.
01:04:31I will protect my country.
01:04:57Your Majesty.
01:05:20Your Majesty.
01:05:21Your Majesty.
01:05:23Your Majesty.
01:05:24The King is going to fly.
01:05:26He's on the roof again.
01:05:31That son of a bitch.
01:05:33Which roof is it?
01:05:44It's dangerous.
01:05:46I've prepared thoroughly.
01:05:48I'm going to fly today.
01:05:50I'm definitely going to fly.
01:05:53Your Majesty.
01:05:54Your Majesty.
01:05:55I can't go slowly.
01:05:57Please go slowly.
01:05:59The court is a mess.
01:06:01The royal court is an extreme job.
01:06:50Your Majesty.
01:07:20Your Majesty.
01:07:50Your Majesty.
01:08:20Your Majesty.
01:08:50Your Majesty.
01:08:51Your Majesty.
01:08:52Your Majesty.
01:08:53Your Majesty.
01:08:54Your Majesty.
01:08:55Your Majesty.
01:08:56Your Majesty.
01:08:57Your Majesty.
01:08:58Your Majesty.
01:08:59Your Majesty.
01:09:00Your Majesty.
01:09:01Your Majesty.
01:09:02Your Majesty.
01:09:03Your Majesty.
01:09:04Your Majesty.
01:09:05Your Majesty.
01:09:06Your Majesty.
01:09:07Your Majesty.
01:09:08Your Majesty.
01:09:09Your Majesty.
01:09:10Your Majesty.
01:09:11Your Majesty.
01:09:12Your Majesty.
01:09:13Your Majesty.
01:09:14Your Majesty.
01:09:15Your Majesty.
01:09:16Your Majesty.
01:09:17Your Majesty.
01:09:18Your Majesty.
01:09:19Your Majesty.
01:09:20Your Majesty.
01:09:21Your Majesty.
01:09:22Your Majesty.
01:09:23Your Majesty.
01:09:24Your Majesty.
01:09:25Your Majesty.
01:09:26Your Majesty.
01:09:27Your Majesty.
01:09:28Your Majesty.
01:09:29Your Majesty.
01:09:30Your Majesty.
01:09:31Your Majesty.
01:09:32Your Majesty.
01:09:33Your Majesty.
01:09:34Your Majesty.
01:09:35Your Majesty.
01:09:36Your Majesty.
01:09:37Your Majesty.
01:09:38Your Majesty.
01:09:39Your Majesty.
01:09:40Your Majesty.
01:09:41Your Majesty.
01:09:42Your Majesty.
01:09:43Your Majesty.
01:09:44Your Majesty.
01:09:45Your Majesty.
01:09:46Your Majesty.
01:09:47Your Majesty.
01:09:48Your Majesty.
01:09:49Your Majesty.
01:09:50Your Majesty.
01:09:51Your Majesty.
01:09:52Your Majesty.
01:09:53Your Majesty.
01:09:54Your Majesty.
01:09:55Your Majesty.
01:09:56Your Majesty.
01:09:57Your Majesty.
01:09:58Your Majesty.
01:09:59Your Majesty.
01:10:00Your Majesty.
01:10:01Your Majesty.
01:10:02Your Majesty.
01:10:03Your Majesty.
01:10:04Your Majesty.
01:10:05Your Majesty.
01:10:06Your Majesty.
01:10:07Your Majesty.
01:10:08Your Majesty.
01:10:09Your Majesty.
01:10:10Your Majesty.
01:10:11Your Majesty.
01:10:12Your Majesty.
01:10:13Your Majesty.
01:10:14Your Majesty.
01:10:15Your Majesty.
01:10:16Your Majesty.
