
  • 2 months ago
00:00The Adventures of Michael Cheyne, Private Detective.
00:12The people who make 76 gasoline and Triton Motor Oil, Union Oil Company present...
00:21The Adventures of Michael Cheyne, Private Detective, starring Wally Mayer and Kathy Lewis.
00:30The Adventures of Michael Cheyne, Private Detective, starring Wally Mayer and Kathy Lewis.
00:40Even the busiest detectives can't always be detecting.
00:44And on this late Saturday afternoon we find Mike Cheyne and his pretty assistant, Phyllis Knight,
00:49driving through the timber country high up near the Nevada border.
00:52They're on their way to keep an important date, a date with a wedding.
00:56But no, not theirs.
00:58It's the wedding of Betty Harrison, daughter of the timber tycoon,
01:01and Mike has been unwillingly dragged along to help Phyll carry out her social obligations.
01:07You know, I ought to have my head examined coming way out here to see two people I don't know get married.
01:11Oh, Mike. Betty was my closest friend at finishing school.
01:14Yeah, but I only finished high school. Now, where do I fit into this high society stuff?
01:18Michael, it's a quiet wedding. We're the only guests.
01:21And I'm supposed to hold the bridegroom's fevered head?
01:23Mike, where is your romance?
01:25Romance I've got, Angel, but when it comes to rice and orange blossoms, I'm strictly allergic.
01:30You're hopeless. Hey, look. Look, there's the Harrison place.
01:34Place, you say? That, my love, is quite a shack.
01:37And there's Betty. There's Betty waiting for us.
01:39Say, honey, that guy with her looks familiar.
01:41Huh? Mike, that's Inspector Faraday.
01:44In the flesh. And that spells trouble.
01:47Betty? Betty?
01:49Phyllis. Phyllis, I'm so glad you've come.
01:51Oh, you look wonderful. Me too. Betty, this is Mike Cheyne.
01:54Hello. I'm pleased to meet you.
01:55Well, I'll be. Mike and Phyllis.
01:57Say, Inspector, aren't you early with your vacation?
01:59No, I'm here on business, Mike.
02:01Mr. Harrison phoned me, said he was leaving on the second section of 98,
02:04that he transferred to his own private trainer for me to meet him here.
02:07Father wasn't planning to come up for the wedding, then all of a sudden I get a wire that he is.
02:11So that must be Harrison's train now.
02:13Yes, it runs up to a little station behind the house.
02:15Well, then why don't we walk over and meet it, huh?
02:17Let's. Father will be surprised.
02:19Betty, hey, where's the bridegroom?
02:21Don should have been here by now.
02:22Oh, bridegrooms are always late. Those last three hours.
02:25You be quiet.
02:27Oh, there's Don coming now.
02:28Hey, he's a bit of all right.
02:30I'm sorry I'm late. I had a flat tire.
02:32Don, dearest, this is Phyllis Knight.
02:35Mr. Cheyne, Mr. Faraday, Don Manchester, my fiancé.
02:38How do you do?
02:39Hello there.
02:40Well, there she is, a-coming around the mountain.
02:42You know, this is something to see, an engine pulling one coach.
02:45They dropped the lumber cars off at Camp Junction.
02:49Hey, look. There's somebody getting off.
02:51Oh, that's Mr. Oliver, Father's business associate.
02:53That's Mr. Miller getting off the back platform.
02:55I still don't see Mr. Harrison.
02:58Oh, Mr. Oliver.
02:59Oh, hello, Betty.
03:00Where's Father?
03:01Oh, as usual, in his private compartment.
03:04Hasn't even stepped out since we left Northwood City.
03:06He's probably napping again.
03:08He certainly was fine company.
03:10Well, I'm going up to the house.
03:12That's one happy character.
03:14Let's climb aboard and get some rest.
03:16That's one happy character.
03:17Let's climb aboard and get Father.
03:18Sort of like a welcoming committee, huh?
03:21Uh, Inspector, watch your lumbago on these steps.
03:23Never mind my lumbago, Mike.
03:25Watch out for those fallen arches of yours.
03:27Oh, give him.
03:28Oh, man.
03:31Here's Father's compartment.
03:32I'll sneak in and shout boo.
03:37Something's wrong.
03:38What is it? What is it?
03:40It's Harrison stretched out on the floor.
03:42I bet he's fainting.
03:43Here, put her on that couch down.
03:44Wait a minute.
03:45I'll get some water.
03:46Well, Inspector, how's Mr. Harrison?
03:48He's dead, Mike.
03:49Looks like a heart attack.
03:51Maybe so, Inspector, but this heart attack has had a little help.
03:54What are you talking about?
03:55About murder, Inspector.
03:56Froth on the lips and dilated eyes don't spell a heart attack.
03:59Somebody slipped Mr. Harrison a nice big slug of poison.
04:16Oh, there you are, Mike.
04:18You're better up at the house, all right?
04:20Yes, Inspector.
04:21Phil and Donna are taking care of her.
04:23You still think Mr. Harrison was poisoned?
04:25I know so, Inspector.
04:26Look at his neck, stiff, and his jaws locked, eyes wide open and staring.
04:30I've got a little plan, Inspector.
04:32Would you like to try it?
04:33You know me, Mike.
04:34Well, look, no one knows we suspect murder,
04:36and whoever pulled this job figured on a local doc calling it a heart attack.
04:41Now, you take Harrison's body into Northwood City
04:43along with that thermos of coffee we found by him.
04:46While you're checking for poison,
04:47Uncle Shane here will keep his big ears open here.
05:07All right, honey, how's Betty?
05:08Oh, she's a little better, Mike.
05:09She's sleeping now.
05:10Oh, the poor kid.
05:11Say, what was that Betty said about her father not coming up for her wedding?
05:14Well, originally he didn't like the idea of her marrying.
05:17But she was going to go through with it anyway?
05:20Then Mr. Harrison changed his mind, that's all.
05:22Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.
05:24Mike, when you start double-talking, I get worried.
05:26Angel, look, there were three men on that private train making a 50-mile trip.
05:29Now, come to the end of the line, what happens?
05:31Well, I'm listening, Mike.
05:32Miller gets off the back platform and scoots.
05:34Oliver hops off the front and goes away mad.
05:36And we go aboard and find Mr. Harrison dead.
05:39Uh-huh, that's it.
05:40This Mr. Harrison is the big boss, honey.
05:42You'd think those other two would wait for him, sociable-like.
05:45No, it's probably just a coincidence, Mike.
05:47And is it a coincidence that Faraday is here on business?
05:51All right, all right, mastermind.
05:53So what do you make of it?
05:54Uh-uh, Angel.
05:55A good detective works from facts, so let's go get some.
06:00Where, Mike?
06:01Mr. Miller's room is at the end of this hallway.
06:02Let's stop in and say hello.
06:03Oh, I hope you know what you're doing.
06:05Yeah, me too.
06:06Here's his room, I'll knock.
06:08Well, there's no answer, Mike.
06:10So, being friendly people, we'll go in and wait.
06:13Well, you can't just barge into somebody's...
06:15Why not?
06:16The door's not locked.
06:17Come on, come on.
06:18Mike, I don't like this.
06:19Well, now, don't you worry your pretty head.
06:21Wow, the remains of a fire in the fireplace.
06:24I always loved to poke around ashes.
06:27Now, let's see.
06:28Those look like letters.
06:30Letters, they were.
06:32Letters to Betty.
06:33Well, she's asleep in her room.
06:35While someone conveniently burns her mail.
06:37Mike, let's get out of here.
06:39What's the matter, Angel?
06:40There's just us two.
06:41That's where you're wrong.
06:44Well, well, Mr. Miller.
06:45And with a nice shiny gun.
06:47We don't like snoopers around here.
06:49Get going.
06:50Just a mistake, Miller.
06:51Just a mistake.
06:52That kind of mistake isn't healthy.
06:54Get out.
06:55While you're still lucky.
06:57By coincidence, we were just leaving.
06:58Come on, Angel.
06:59Go right away.
07:00The gentleman doesn't like our type.
07:02And I'm afraid the feeling is very mutual.
07:18These couple of scraps I took from Miller's fireplace don't help much, honey.
07:21Well, I can't understand why anyone would burn Betty's letters from her father.
07:25Oh, well.
07:27Plenty of books around.
07:29Yeah, plenty of books around.
07:31Michael, after all, this room is the library.
07:35Modern Timber Methods.
07:37Look, honey.
07:38Here's a book.
07:39Famous Scotland Yard Murder Cases.
07:40Well, that ought to help you, Mike.
07:42And here's a bookmark.
07:43In the section on poisons.
07:45Mike, here comes Don.
07:46Mr. Oliver's with him.
07:48Mr. Shane.
07:49Well, what's up, Don?
07:50I told Mr. Oliver you're a detective.
07:51He wants to talk to you.
07:53Something quite confidential.
07:54Miss Knott is my assistant.
07:55Never mind.
07:56Never mind.
07:57I'll go look up a sandwich.
07:58Okay, dear.
07:59All right, Oliver.
08:00Now, what's the trouble?
08:01Mr. Shane, I want protection.
08:02Protection from what?
08:04He threatened my life on the train.
08:05Oh, what happened?
08:06Well, shortly after Miller came aboard Mr. Harrison's private train at Northwood City,
08:09I discovered him going through some of Mr. Harrison's private papers.
08:12Then what?
08:13We had an argument, and he drew a gun on me.
08:15What is Miller's position in the company?
08:17Frankly, I don't know.
08:19He's on Harrison's personal payroll.
08:21Betty's been rather worried.
08:22She felt that Mr. Miller had some sort of a hold on her father.
08:25Yes, that's it, exactly.
08:27It was a very suspicious relationship.
08:29And, uh, you want me to do what?
08:31Watch Miller every minute.
08:32He's dangerous.
08:34Yes, honey?
08:37A telephone call for you here in the den.
08:38Oh, okay.
08:39It's Betty Faraday.
08:40All right.
08:42Okay, Phil, close the door.
08:43All right.
08:46Hello, Faraday.
08:47Well, what's the note?
08:52Well, that might help.
08:53Oh, sure, sure.
08:54They're all here.
08:56Don't worry.
08:57I'll be careful.
08:58Okay, Inspector, hurry back.
09:00So long.
09:01What'd he say, Mike?
09:02I was right, honey, a hundred percent right.
09:04Harrison was loaded with strychnine.
09:06Well, then it was murder.
09:08And that's not all.
09:09I heard the click of an extension phone.
09:11There are extensions all over the house, Mike.
09:14Someone listened.
09:15We're keeping company with a murderer, honey.
09:17And the trouble is, we don't know who he is.
09:20But he knows we're looking for him.
09:26The End
09:33In just a moment, we'll rejoin Mike and Phyllis in their adventures.
09:42Dirty or burned-out spark plugs can cost you a lot of gasoline.
09:47In fact, as much as one tankful out of ten.
09:50Now, that's a serious loss in mileage, particularly so when it's unnecessary.
09:55Your neighborhood Union Oil Minuteman is equipped to give you complete spark plug service.
10:00The performance of each plug is accurately measured on a special tester,
10:04and you can see the results for yourself.
10:07If your plugs are dirty, the Minuteman will clean and re-gap them to the proper setting.
10:12If they're burned or worn out, he can furnish you with correct replacements.
10:17Then you'll not only save gasoline, but your engine will run smoother.
10:22Union Oil spark plug service takes but a few minutes and costs but a few cents.
10:27A cost you'll soon save in extra mileage.
10:30So, friends, if it's been 3,000 miles or more since your spark plugs were checked,
10:35or if your engines seem to be rough and listless,
10:38drive in wherever you see the sign of the big orange and blue 76
10:42and ask for Union Oil spark plug service.
10:46It'll make driving easier. Gas coupons go farther.
10:53It is a few minutes later.
10:56Mike and Phil have learned that what started out as a happy wedding
10:59has turned into a grim case of murder by poison.
11:02We find them walking rapidly towards the station behind the Harrisons' house.
11:06The murdered man's private coach is still there on its siding,
11:09made almost invisible by the tall trees which turn the weak moonlight into gloomy shadows.
11:14Come on, honey.
11:16I'm hurrying as fast as I can.
11:18I want to see if that briefcase is still in the car.
11:20Inspector Faraday remembered that Harrison mentioned some important papers he was bringing up with him.
11:24Well, then, whoever was listening on the extension, they know about it, too.
11:27Right, and I won first crack at that briefcase.
11:29Hey, maybe you do, Mike, but so does someone else.
11:33Yeah, a flashlight in Harrison's private car.
11:36Maybe it's the murderer.
11:38Hang on, honey. We'll find out.
11:42Mike! Mike, there he is at the end of the car!
11:44Hey, honey, look out!
11:46Mike! Mike, did he hit you?
11:48No, no, a clean miss.
11:49Where's the front?
11:50Could you see who it was?
11:51No, a flashlight in my eyes.
11:52Well, we'll catch up with him sooner or later.
11:54Let's go look over the compartment.
11:59Here it is, the briefcase.
12:01Oh, what a break for us. We frightened him away without the case.
12:04Sorry, honey, bad guess. The lock on the briefcase has been forced open.
12:08Oh, and whoever was here opened it and got what he wanted.
12:13Now, here's some papers.
12:15Business letters, checkbook.
12:17Some kind of a report.
12:20What's the matter?
12:21This report, it's from the Atlas outfit.
12:25The detective agency in Los Angeles?
12:27Sure, sure. Listen to this.
12:28On the basis of our completed investigation,
12:30you have sufficient grounds to instigate criminal action against Z.
12:35Evidently, Harrison didn't want the name mentioned.
12:37Well, Mr. Harrison was certainly checking up on somebody.
12:39And getting ready for the kill.
12:41I'll bet that's why Inspector Faraday's here.
12:43Mike, this is the motive for the murder.
12:45All we have to do is find out if Miller or Oliver is the Z in that report,
12:48and we've got the murderer.
12:50Partly right, Angel, partly. But I'd say it was better this way.
12:52Find out which one of them is Z, and the other guy is the killer.
12:55Huh? I don't get it, Mike.
12:57Look, Angel, look.
12:58The murderer listened in on my telephone conversation with Faraday.
13:01He heard the inspector tell me about this briefcase,
13:03and he knew it held evidence that could hang him.
13:05Well, of course. That's why he dashed down here.
13:07Right, Angel. He beat us to the briefcase,
13:09and yet this report is here for us to find.
13:12Oh, oh.
13:13He wanted us to find this report, and that means the killer isn't Mr. Z.
13:31As soon as we get back to the house, I'll send a telegram to the Atlas people.
13:34Okay, but these high hills don't go very well with forests.
13:40Yeah. Yeah, I heard.
13:42There's someone on that other path.
13:43He's behind this tree.
13:44All right.
13:45Whoever it is, he's walking fast.
13:48He's going past.
13:50No, he isn't.
13:51Hey, you, hold it.
13:52Hey, what the...
13:54Mike. Mike, it's Miller.
13:57Hey, say, what's the big idea of roughing me?
13:59I just want to ask you a few friendly questions.
14:01Oh, now, look here.
14:02First, about a gun that took a couple of shots at us.
14:04Oh, you're off the beam. I'm not carrying a gun.
14:07No? Well, don't mind me. I'll just search.
14:10Go ahead.
14:11Well? Well, Mike?
14:13No, no gun.
14:14But you could have ditched it easy enough.
14:16Oh, Miss Knight, Mr. Shane.
14:18Miss Don.
14:19Oh, what's the hurry, huh?
14:20I was out for a walk.
14:21Is something wrong?
14:22Plenty. I'm glad you're here.
14:24I don't understand.
14:25Yeah, Shane, how about you doing some explaining?
14:29Mr. Harrison was murdered.
14:31What? Murdered? But why?
14:34That's what we're finding out.
14:35Miller, you're on the spot, and it's plenty hot.
14:37Are you saying I killed Harrison?
14:39He was poisoned on that coach, and you and Oliver were the only ones aboard.
14:42Oh, that doesn't prove a thing.
14:44It proves there's a 50-50 chance that you're it.
14:46Listen, smart guy, your mathematics aren't so good.
14:49There were three of us on that train.
14:51Sure, sure, but only you and Oliver walked off.
14:54I don't mean Harrison. Somebody else got on that coach.
14:57Oh, now we have the ever-present mysterious third party.
15:01Not so mysterious. He's standing right next to you.
15:05All right, Don. That means you.
15:07Well, as a matter of fact, Mr. Shane, I did get on Mr. Harrison's train at Mill Junction.
15:12Well, Shane, guess I can be running along while you turn the heat on him.
15:15Not so fast. I still think you know some of the answers.
15:18You know, maybe I do.
15:21And maybe I might just do a little talking to the right party.
15:25And when it will do me the most good.
15:28You're sticking your chin out a mile. This is murder.
15:30Well, I'll be around, resting in my room.
15:34Oh, I don't trust him at all.
15:36Yeah? But you're still right in the middle of this, Don.
15:39You were on that death train.
15:40Oh, but I only stayed a minute.
15:42You see, Mr. Harrison was asleep, and I didn't want to disturb him.
15:45Which still doesn't explain why you drove out of your way from Northwood City to meet the train at the junction.
15:50Oh, it's a very personal matter.
15:52Look, Don, look, a man has been murdered.
15:54Wait, why should I want to kill my future father-in-law?
15:57Harrison wasn't too happy about you marrying his daughter.
15:59But he changed his mind.
16:01That's why he sent me a telegram this afternoon, asking me to meet his train.
16:04Oh, and what kind of a telegram might that be?
16:06Well, I have it right here. Read it for yourself.
16:09Here, honey.
16:11I'll hold the flashlight.
16:12All right, Mike.
16:13Wait a minute.
16:14Um, Don, have changed my mind.
16:17Happy to have you as son-in-law.
16:19Meet my train at Camp Junction.
16:22We'll ride in together. Much to talk over.
16:25Sounds all right.
16:26Let me see you, Angel.
16:29Yeah, from Northwood City at 3.20 today.
16:32Yeah, I wish I could help in some way.
16:34Yeah, sure, but...
16:35Hey, what was that?
16:36It's a window.
16:37Someone lowered it.
16:38That's Mr. Oliver's room.
16:40Mike, he must have heard everything.
16:42Yeah, and something tells me we'll be hearing his little story very soon.
16:56That's right, the telegram is to the Atlas Detective Agency, Los Angeles.
16:59Uh, this is it.
17:01Please advise immediately.
17:03Name of Z.
17:06Yes, Z, the last letter in the alphabet.
17:09Name of Z in report to Harrison.
17:15Sign that, Michael Shane.
17:17That's right.
17:18Send it right out, please, and phone the reply here to me at Harrison's place.
17:22Thank you.
17:24Well, the answer to that telegram should mean a lot, Mike.
17:27Well, it'll help, darling, but there's some angles I don't get.
17:30Miller is a mysterious employee of Harrison's, all very hush-hush.
17:35Oliver's scared stiff of Miller,
17:37and Don goes walking around in the moonlight right after somebody takes a shot at us.
17:42Oh, you can't blame him for that, Mike.
17:44Here the night before his wedding and his future father-in-law's poisoning.
17:47Yeah, sure, sure, but there's one thing we do know.
17:49There's a killer here.
17:51Well, there's a car outside.
17:53That must be Inspector Faraday and in a big hurry.
17:55It's too bad you haven't the murderer all signed, sealed, and ready to deliver.
17:59Now, angel, now, sarcasm doesn't become you.
18:01Well, Mike, Phil, how goes the home front?
18:04Oh, quite a few interesting details for you, Inspector.
18:06Whatever you're figuring, Mike, forget it.
18:08Uh-uh, that means the Inspector knows something.
18:11Plenty. While you two were taking it easy, I cracked this case wide open.
18:14Yeah? Well, Gib, who's the murderer?
18:18Sure. I thought his face had a familiar profile, so I checked on him with headquarters.
18:22And found what?
18:23He's got a record a mile long.
18:25Well, I'd be willing to wager it's for blackmail.
18:27That's right. But how did you know?
18:28Inspector, are you forgetting? Mike is smart.
18:31All right. I hope Miller's still around.
18:33He said he'd be in his room.
18:34Good. Let's go pick him up.
18:36Okay. Let's go.
18:38Well, Mr. Shane, it looks like Faraday beat us to it this time.
18:41Oh, he's just a good man, honey.
18:43Tell me, what's the line on Miller?
18:45Oh, the usual stuff. Hires out as a private investigator and then turns the information he picks up into blackmail.
18:50Ah, cute boy. That racket should put him in clover.
18:53Yeah, but this time, Mike, it'll put him right in the middle of the lethal chamber at San Quentin.
18:58Here's Miller's room.
18:59Yeah, no need to knock, Mike. Just open it up.
19:01Okay, here goes.
19:03Miller, we want you...
19:04Say, what?
19:06Well, there's your man, Inspector.
19:09You can take him in.
19:11But unfortunately, he's very dead.
19:13We'll return to Mike Shane and his adventures in just a moment.
19:33It's true that clean spark plugs make a difference in engine performance and gasoline mileage.
19:39But it's also true that even the finest spark plugs cannot fire properly if the ignition cables are defective.
19:46These cables are the small, fine wires which carry the electricity from the distributor to the spark plugs.
19:52They should be carefully inspected whenever your spark plugs are checked,
19:56because old or damaged ignition cables leak electricity,
20:00which means that only a thin, weak spark reaches the plugs.
20:04So to get new performance out of old engines, ask the Union Oil Minuteman to check both spark plugs and ignition cables.
20:12Then you'll be sure of more power and better mileage.
20:16Just drive in wherever you see the sign of the big orange and blue 76,
20:21and ask for Union Oil Ignition Service.
20:24Thank you.
20:25Phyllis, Mike, and Inspector Faraday have just burst into Miller's room, only to find him dead, shot through the heart.
20:37This new development has put quite a crimp in the inspector's plans, and Mike is pointing this fact out to him.
20:43Looks like you were wrong about Miller, Inspector, at least wrong about his being the murderer.
20:47Miller could still have been the one who bumped off Harris, and then somebody took care of him.
20:51Well, that would leave us with two killers.
20:53Well, it could be, but it doesn't stack up that way.
20:55Well, as far as I'm concerned, I'm going to take Oliver in and charge him with murder.
20:58Okay, so you'll charge him with murder, but how are you going to make it stick, Inspector?
21:01How about motive? What evidence do you have?
21:03Oh, two and two make four, Mike.
21:05Harrison must have been poisoned on that private train, so it had to be Oliver.
21:08There's Miller lying there, absolutely eliminated.
21:11All fine and good, but it leads us to one other little item.
21:14Don was on that train, too.
21:16Don? Betty's fiancé?
21:18Mike, you saw the telegram Mr. Harrison sent him. Don couldn't have been the murderer.
21:22In this business, honey, we've got to figure every suspect guilty until we know their innocence.
21:26Yeah, Mike's right.
21:27Oh, Phil, would you step into the other room and phone the coroner down at Northwood City?
21:30Yeah, yeah, sure, Inspector. I'll give him your compliment.
21:33You know, this business is beginning to make sense.
21:35The one who poisoned Harrison had to get rid of Miller because he knew too much.
21:39Miller said he might do some talking when the right time came.
21:42Well, Mike, for my money, Oliver fits into the picture.
21:45He's our man, and I'll get some evidence out of him.
21:47Oh, I'm sure he knows plenty, but...
21:48Inspector? Yeah?
21:49Inspector, I tried to call the coroner, but the telephones are dead.
21:51Uh-oh, the wires have been cut.
21:52Well, that don't make much difference.
21:54Oh, yes, it will, Inspector. You see, I'm expecting a reply to a telegram I just sent.
21:57A very important telegram.
21:59About this case?
22:00Yes, sir, in connection with the detective agency's report to Mr. Harrison.
22:04The answer to that wire might be just what we need.
22:07Oh, now that the phones are dead, what are we going to do?
22:09Do? Simple, darling.
22:11The inspector will sit tight here while you and I go for a nice moonlight ride back to Northwood City.
22:22There it is. There's the telegraph office, just on the other side of the tracks.
22:25Okay, I'll park the bus here.
22:30Now, watch it. Easy crossing these tracks, honey.
22:32Oh, thanks for the tip, old boy, but you could have carried me.
22:37More trains.
22:38Yeah, this is the main line from San Francisco.
22:40Isn't this the place where Harrison transferred to his private train?
22:43No, it's not.
22:44Well, it's not?
22:45No, it's not.
22:46Well, it's not?
22:47No, it's not.
22:48Isn't this the place where Harrison transferred to his private train?
22:51Correct. Here's the telegraph office.
22:59Hey, folks, can I help you?
23:00Yes, I'm Mike Shane. I'm expecting a wire from Los Angeles.
23:03Shane, let me see.
23:06Your telegram's coming in now. I'll have it for you in just a minute.
23:12Look, Mike.
23:13There's another. The train just pulled in.
23:15That's 820, miss. Only stops for a few minutes.
23:17820? Well, it's late. It's 835 now.
23:20Nope. Train's on time. That there's a second section of the 820.
23:23Oh. So many people traveling, huh?
23:25Yep. Too many. That's why they run two sections.
23:28Like this afternoon, the second section of 98 came in at 340 with a whole pass of the folks.
23:32Is that right?
23:34You know, honey, that's interesting. Very interesting.
23:36Yeah, yeah. Of course it is.
23:38What are you staring at me that way for?
23:40Well, here's the telegram, mister.
23:41Oh, swell, swell.
23:43Come on, come on. Who was Mr. Z in that report?
23:45Well, this does it, honey. This does it. That Z is nobody else but Oliver.
23:48Oliver? Then Faraday's right.
23:50No, Angel. Faraday isn't right.
23:52Oliver wasn't Harrison's murderer.
23:54But come on back to Harrison's place for a little meeting of the minds with Inspector Faraday.
24:10All right. Is everybody coming?
24:12Yeah, they're coming, Mike.
24:13I told Betty and Don, Oliver.
24:14Good girl, good girl. Now to open these French windows.
24:19Okay, Faraday. Now out on the porch with you.
24:21Right, Mike.
24:22Bill, drape that beautiful body in that chair.
24:25Oh, thank you. Yes, my lord master.
24:27Well, here comes Betty and Don.
24:28Oh, hello. I'm sorry it was necessary to bother you.
24:31Don and I understand.
24:32I'm glad to help in any way, Mr. Shane.
24:34Thanks, Don. Come over here. Stand by me out of range.
24:36Certainly, but out of range. I don't understand.
24:40Now, what is all this rigamarole about in the middle of the night?
24:42There's nothing to get excited about, Oliver.
24:44I asked Miss Knight to call you downstairs for a conference.
24:47A conference? About what?
24:48About mysterious happenings around here,
24:50but particularly about why Harrison had you investigated by a detective agency.
24:55Mr. Shane, what do you mean?
24:57I mean you've been cheating the Harrison Timber Company out of thousands of dollars.
25:00Oh, that's ridiculous.
25:02Why did Mr. Harrison trust me implicitly?
25:04He did, until he finally caught up with you.
25:06That's why he was going to turn you over to Inspector Faraday today.
25:09I won't listen to this. There's no proof.
25:10There's plenty of proof, all written down in black and white.
25:13What's more, you knew Harrison had you dead to rights.
25:16That's why you poisoned him.
25:17You're mad. I never killed anyone.
25:19It's no use, Oliver. You're hooked like a fish.
25:21I didn't murder him. You can't frame me.
25:23He's running. He's running towards that window.
25:24I'll stop him.
25:25No, Don. No. Drop that gun.
25:27That's better.
25:28You knocked the gun out of my hand. You let Oliver get away.
25:31Oh, no, no. Here comes the inspector,
25:33and he's got our friend Oliver by the well-known collar.
25:36Here he is, Mike Squirmin, but safe and sound.
25:39I didn't do it. I'm innocent.
25:40Take him in, Faraday.
25:41You've got enough on him to make it stick and stick hard.
25:43Yes, he's a dead duck.
25:45Oh, Mr. Shane, I can't believe Mr. Oliver would kill my father.
25:48But, uh, he didn't, Betty.
25:50Well, you just told the inspector to take him in.
25:52Sure, Don. I'm taking Oliver in for theft,
25:54but for Mr. Harrison's murder, we'll take you.
25:57What are you saying?
25:58Sorry, Betty. Don wanted to marry you in the worst way.
26:00He married a couple of other girls with wealthy parents.
26:02Oh, Betty, don't listen to him.
26:03When your father suddenly wired he was coming up,
26:05Don knew it was the showdown.
26:06That's ridiculous.
26:07Oh, no, no, no.
26:08You had a hunch Harrison engaged Miller to investigate him.
26:10It's a lie.
26:11You saw the telegram Mr. Harrison sent me just this afternoon.
26:14Sure, Don. Sure, you got a telegram.
26:16A telegram you sent to yourself.
26:18All you did was slip over to the Northwood City,
26:20wait until the train pulled in,
26:21and then send that telegram to your own address
26:23and sign Harrison's name.
26:24Oh, nothing but lies.
26:26No, no, no, son.
26:27It's a fact, a fact that we can prove.
26:29Because you made a mistake, a bad mistake, Don.
26:32You saw the train pull into Northwood City
26:34and thought that Harrison was on it.
26:36But you didn't know that there were two sections of that train today
26:39and that Harrison was on the second section.
26:41You sent that telegram 20 minutes before Harrison got there.
27:00You know it's wonderful to be getting back home,
27:02here by the Golden Gate.
27:04Oh, I like it.
27:05You know, honey, one of these days they're going to put up a statue for me,
27:07right on Market Street.
27:09I don't doubt it. I don't doubt it at all.
27:11You're such a genius.
27:13Well, maybe not a genius, but quick with the answers.
27:16Speaking of answers, is there a couple you still owe me?
27:19Oh, please, honey, no more questions.
27:21Now, remember, remember, Mike, that statue to a genius?
27:24Okay, okay, shoot me the question.
27:26When did you know for sure that Don was the murderer?
27:29When we found Miller's shot, of course.
27:31Why then?
27:32Don't you remember, honey,
27:33when we caught Miller sneaking back to the house from Harrison's private train,
27:36he said he would talk to the right person
27:38when it would do him the most good?
27:40Yeah, yeah, I thought he meant Faraday.
27:41Oh, no, no, no.
27:43Our blackmailing friend was talking right through us
27:45to the only other party there, which meant Don.
27:48He was throwing out a hint for a payoff.
27:50Well, of course I know, but how about...
27:52That's all, honey, please, that's all, positively all.
27:54And hold on to your hat because I'm turning.
27:56Just a minute, this isn't the way to the office.
27:58You're turning into Golden Gate Park.
28:00Ha-ha! Is that bad?
28:02Is that bad?
28:28Tune in again next week at 8.30
28:30for another adventure with Michael Shane, Private Detective,
28:33starring Wally Mayer and Kathy Lewis,
28:35with Joe Forte as Inspector Faraday.
28:38Tonight's story was written by Richard DeGraff
28:41and based on the character created by Brett Halliday.
28:44Music was composed and directed by Bernard Katz.
28:47This is John Lang saying goodnight
28:49for the people who make 76 gasoline
28:52and Triton Motor Oil, Union Oil Company.
28:56This is the Mutual Don Lee Broadcasting System.
