Romi Rain interview / Podcast

  • 2 months ago
Romi Rain interview / Podcast
00:00:22this is holly Brenda's podcast talking
00:00:25[ __ ] no no no no that was great that's
00:00:28great I'm gonna have you do all my
00:00:30interest from now on everybody in case
00:00:32you didn't know it that is Romi rain
00:00:34that she is here on my podcast thank you
00:00:37for having me it is so exciting to have
00:00:40you it is you know people were so happy
00:00:43on social media that I was having you on
00:00:45oh yeah I saw that we were really
00:00:46excited I love when people are excited
00:00:47but yeah it's that's how you know it's
00:00:49great um sometimes you know I say that
00:00:52I'm having certain people on and get
00:00:53like crickets oh really yeah
00:00:55and then some people are like oh my god
00:00:57I think it's so excited but I mean I try
00:00:59to you know ensure that everybody that I
00:01:01have on is somebody who's interesting
00:01:03and sometimes like the most interesting
00:01:04people are not necessarily the most
00:01:05famous people well that's true and you
00:01:07never really know like what somebody has
00:01:09to say like yeah yeah no you don't know
00:01:11yeah I believe me I've had people on and
00:01:13I like thought they were gonna be great
00:01:15and they weren't to like you know
00:01:20everybody's version of great is
00:01:21different what they wanna hear and who
00:01:23they are yeah definitely some of my like
00:01:25episodes that I were my least favorite
00:01:27I've had some people tell me they were
00:01:29their favorites oh yeah it can be like
00:01:31seen sometimes too you hear it's like
00:01:33but hey you know I like interviews and
00:01:36you know if anything sometimes I talk
00:01:38almost a little bit too much so this is
00:01:43good we want people who talk a lot I'd
00:01:46you know sooner honest yeah and some
00:01:49people that that fans request I'm like I
00:01:52just know like she may be a great
00:01:53performer but I know she's not a good
00:01:56conversationalist like I know the
00:01:57podcast isn't so I won't get them
00:01:59because it's just like it's true it has
00:02:01to be more about than what you look like
00:02:03and a lot of people like they find a
00:02:04little bit of like pressure and that or
00:02:06like to be honest too it's almost kind
00:02:08of what we were talking about a little
00:02:09bit is that you know some people feel
00:02:11the need to like play a character a lot
00:02:13and like it is a great time to like be
00:02:15yourself it's kind of it is different
00:02:17kind of when I first started like when I
00:02:18first started it wasn't considered very
00:02:20cool to give like a normal interview
00:02:22like yeah to people talking like this
00:02:24especially when you're in a like you're
00:02:25a porn star or whatever because like
00:02:28they would always want it to be a little
00:02:29bit too caricature and too sexy so you
00:02:31would see a lot of interviews with girls
00:02:33and they'd be like hey so what do you
00:02:35like to
00:02:35for fun and they like come it's like
00:02:37well what do you like to do when you're
00:02:39not shooting porn I don't know come and
00:02:43it's like it's no insult and no dig and
00:02:45no burn or anything but it's kind of
00:02:47true it's like it's okay to like you
00:02:49know be in porn and be sexual and have a
00:02:51personality and have opinions on things
00:02:52and to be a strong confident woman like
00:02:55it's great to like come but it shouldn't
00:02:57be like your entire personality yeah I
00:02:59think some girls feel that they really
00:03:00have to create a character and I think
00:03:02sometimes it's hard for some people to
00:03:04separate their true self from their porn
00:03:06self and they want to create that
00:03:07separation because they really want to
00:03:09be able to separate their lives and you
00:03:12know that's their thing for sure just
00:03:14make sure you're doing and saying
00:03:16everything you believe because yeah you
00:03:17know yeah people will remember and then
00:03:20you know you might be especially these
00:03:21days exactly you can't hide anything
00:03:23anymore and Lincoln then eventually you
00:03:25might want to like have a serious
00:03:26conversation with somebody yeah you know
00:03:28it's important to establish your own
00:03:30levels of boundaries I think yeah and
00:03:32that's honestly like a big reason I
00:03:33really wanted to start this show because
00:03:35I know a lot of other podcasts are a
00:03:37little bit more salacious and it's like
00:03:39you know asking questions like how many
00:03:40times a day do you masturbate questions
00:03:44all the time exactly and that's not what
00:03:46I'm interested in what I'm interested in
00:03:47is getting to know you as people and
00:03:49getting to show the world that porn
00:03:52stars are people and that they're like
00:03:54intelligent and ambitious and funny and
00:03:58you know sometimes conflicted and all of
00:04:01those things that make us human like you
00:04:03know that the kind of dispelling the
00:04:05myth that's really what I wanted this
00:04:06podcast to be about was to be really
00:04:08real and and I found that people have
00:04:10responded really really well to that and
00:04:12it's been a huge surprise for me but
00:04:14your talk about that yeah earlier like
00:04:15people really loved and I've had so many
00:04:17people tell me that like I've changed
00:04:19her mind about how they see the adult
00:04:20industry how they see porn stars which
00:04:22is to me is just the greatest compliment
00:04:24no it is and it's so incredibly valuable
00:04:26to like it sees the opportunities to be
00:04:29a real person that you are and to
00:04:32express yourself because like now not
00:04:34really is the time and and we were
00:04:35always this way look at those
00:04:36entertainers and beyond I was called an
00:04:38alternative lifestyles like I always I
00:04:40grew up in that environment as
00:04:41we'll get to yeah but like I've always
00:04:43been around like people in like the
00:04:45sidestep kind of world and it's like it
00:04:47doesn't it's not nearly a seedy and
00:04:50underground and salacious has some
00:04:52people I think want it to be less
00:04:53there's of course bad situations and
00:04:56like drugs and alcohol in every industry
00:04:58if you like you only want to look at
00:04:59that but like some of like the greatest
00:05:01people I've ever known our sex workers
00:05:03and drag queens yeah and like you know
00:05:06gay and bi and trans and you know not
00:05:09coming from big families or you know
00:05:11it's just there's so many different
00:05:13kinds of beautiful people in the world I
00:05:14think we judge way too harshly but at
00:05:16the same time you're right people are so
00:05:18interested in like finding out about
00:05:21people and like the alternative
00:05:22lifestyles and to see if it's really
00:05:24real and like what it's about because
00:05:26there's always what's the word people
00:05:28are always so attracted to this and
00:05:30they're like obsessed with it and they
00:05:31just they want to know more they really
00:05:33do they want it and what's real and not
00:05:35real about it but we are all just people
00:05:37and we try to separate ourselves so much
00:05:40but we're all connected yeah we really
00:05:42are and yeah I don't know that's I like
00:05:45that about the world now yeah we really
00:05:47are so connected yeah that's true and
00:05:49you know I think also too with porn
00:05:51especially people are fascinated with it
00:05:53because first of all I think you know
00:05:54most people couldn't imagine like you
00:05:57know doing that as a career just
00:05:58something so foreign to them especially
00:06:00since sex is such a taboo subject for so
00:06:02many people and I think with most porn
00:06:06films and I've seen it change like
00:06:08dramatically especially over this last
00:06:09year you just see one side of performers
00:06:13you see them as you know they're not
00:06:15multifaceted they're just sex fiends and
00:06:17that's it so I think like it's hard for
00:06:19a lot of people to imagine like this
00:06:21person you know has hobbies on the side
00:06:23this person might have a family this
00:06:25person has people that they love this
00:06:27person has fears and dreams and
00:06:29aspirations and like you never really
00:06:30see that side of of performers but I
00:06:35have noticed have you I'm sure you have
00:06:37too you've been in the inertia about 70
00:06:38years right yes six years hardcore yeah
00:06:40so you've seen like have you noticed
00:06:43this just incredible shift in porn
00:06:46storytelling and how like we're really
00:06:48having these really in
00:06:51hence scenarios and storylines coming
00:06:54out like you know it used to always be
00:06:56gonzo porn and if it was a storyline
00:06:58it'd be really cheesy with terrible
00:07:00acting and like all that kind of stuff
00:07:02and I just feel like just these last
00:07:04couple of years we've just had some
00:07:06incredible like directors and producers
00:07:07come in and and and porn actors really
00:07:10be able to shine and like show I mean
00:07:12stuff Simon look like real movies these
00:07:15it's it's so impressive to me people are
00:07:18really taking initiative and caring more
00:07:20because we can like we especially with
00:07:23like the social media era like we really
00:07:25are able to show what we want to show
00:07:27and be a part of what we want to be a
00:07:28part of and like performers and
00:07:31independent contractors really do have
00:07:33more capabilities than ever to to shine
00:07:35and to show who they really are and not
00:07:37just what maybe like a company or a
00:07:39scene wants to push them as like girls
00:07:42and boys and everybody in between can
00:07:44shoot what they want to shoot how they
00:07:46want to shoot and say in really kind of
00:07:48take advantage of their own image and
00:07:50promote themselves the way they want to
00:07:52be like in a way like the age like I
00:07:54don't want to say like the age of the
00:07:55contract girl is over or anything but
00:07:57like how it was like 15 20 years ago
00:08:00like you really had to kind of be a
00:08:02cover girl or a contract girl or like
00:08:05chosen essentially to kind of like be
00:08:07popular and to be called like a porn
00:08:09star or a big name nowadays like now
00:08:11people can really build themselves up
00:08:13the way they want to like they can
00:08:15remote themselves the way they want to
00:08:16post what they want to shoot what they
00:08:18want to and especially with how the
00:08:20industry has changed I don't know if
00:08:23this might be a controversial statement
00:08:25but I feel like a lot of performers
00:08:28especially the past five years like
00:08:29we're six plus when I first started you
00:08:32know we have been producers more than
00:08:35we've been given credit for all of us a
00:08:37lot of us like even directors
00:08:38everybody's been having to wear more
00:08:39hats than ever like you definitely know
00:08:41that yes so so yeah so like I think
00:08:44people finally took a step back and
00:08:45realize like wait a minute
00:08:47you know I am dressing myself I am
00:08:49ad-libbing my lines like I I know the
00:08:51way my body looks posed know the kind of
00:08:53things I want to shoot it's like I'm
00:08:55kind of doing it already why don't I do
00:08:57some of it for myself or put my ideas
00:08:59out there and tell people what I want to
00:09:01shoot and what I want to do and I
00:09:03we're able to do that without being as
00:09:05much at anybody's mercy like I know way
00:09:09less girls especially the past few years
00:09:10with like the influx of things like
00:09:12patreon and only fans and snapchat that
00:09:15like they're not waiting by the phone
00:09:16like desperate to take any job that they
00:09:18need to take and then regretting what
00:09:20they shoot later and then having a sour
00:09:21taste about porn later it's like we
00:09:24really can be independent more
00:09:26independent and like in control than
00:09:28ever and I think that's that's a really
00:09:30beautiful thing I think that's a really
00:09:32amazing thing the way the industry is
00:09:33going in that sense so the people that
00:09:35do care can really show how much they
00:09:38care and really elevate the industry
00:09:40like you were saying like we can like
00:09:41they care more it's so the product is
00:09:43better and when the product is better
00:09:45that's we're gonna all get more credit
00:09:47and yeah not be looked at as like the
00:09:49seedy dark underground thing it's like
00:09:51no like this is this is our lives like
00:09:53we we sacrifice so much of our time and
00:09:56energy blood sweat tears and our own
00:09:58money all of us to like put forth like
00:10:01this like great product like we're on
00:10:03set 12 plus hours a day sometimes for
00:10:06several days at a time like we care like
00:10:09it's it's our lives and our jobs and it
00:10:11really is real movies and like real
00:10:13glamour shoots like it's not it's not
00:10:16nothing it's not a joke it's not it's
00:10:18not all that cheap like it it's a huge
00:10:21business that I think is only thriving
00:10:24more because of the people that really
00:10:26care yeah I'm glad we're kicking out in
00:10:28a way some of the people don't care yeah
00:10:30you know what I mean yeah and I
00:10:31definitely noticed that not only has you
00:10:34know social media and all of those
00:10:36independent platforms that models have
00:10:38to use to curate their own content it
00:10:40hasn't not only like made them more
00:10:43independent in terms of you know having
00:10:45that direct connection to their fans and
00:10:46be able to monetize themselves directly
00:10:48but I feel like it's also earned them
00:10:50more respect in the eyes of producers
00:10:52and directors and companies because now
00:10:54you know we see girls writing scripts
00:10:57for their own movies or scenes which are
00:10:59being directed and produced by other
00:11:01companies but like they're starting to
00:11:02see the value in the individuality of
00:11:05performers as opposed to just seeing
00:11:07them like they're all just you know dick
00:11:10takers know like you make me feel so
00:11:13good when you say stuff like that
00:11:14because I think that that's so important
00:11:17everything right now it's like we are
00:11:18multifaceted like we're not just yeah
00:11:21we're not just like sitting there gaping
00:11:23all daily we can write and direct and
00:11:26produce and shoot our own stuff and you
00:11:28know the girl like I consider myself
00:11:30like huge on promo like I'm promoting
00:11:32like everything constantly and I
00:11:34remember like a few years ago people
00:11:35used to mock you for that like God why
00:11:37are you retweeting so much like weird
00:11:39you got to take pictures everywhere you
00:11:40are and nowadays people beg you for like
00:11:42takeovers and posts and tag me in this
00:11:45post that it's it's a really yeah it
00:11:48really it has changed a lot in such a
00:11:50good way I think if you want to take
00:11:52control and put out good stuff you can
00:11:55now yeah how many followers do you have
00:11:57an Instagram 2.3 million Wow
00:12:00now on the flip side of that I know have
00:12:03you noticed how a lot of social media
00:12:06platforms have been like turning against
00:12:07performer well they've always been
00:12:09against us for the last part I think
00:12:11that's kind of been a little bit of us
00:12:12like clawing our way like out of there
00:12:14as well yeah I know
00:12:16countless performers who get deactivated
00:12:18and deleted I've been kicked off
00:12:20Facebook so many times I don't even
00:12:22I've been deactivated once on Instagram
00:12:24unfairly I got it back thank God but
00:12:27like yeah they do it there really is
00:12:29like this judgement just because of what
00:12:31we do not even what we post and who we
00:12:33are because there's like Instagram
00:12:35models etc who post and say way worse
00:12:37things than most of us do it just
00:12:39because we're tied into what some people
00:12:42still think of as taboo but I mean I
00:12:45disagree with people who say porn isn't
00:12:47mainstream porn is more mainstream than
00:12:49ever yeah so I mean if you look at a lot
00:12:52of I mean sometimes you look a lot of
00:12:54these music videos and it or like even
00:12:57mainstream movies and it just looks like
00:12:58porn it does but not even all that like
00:13:00good bored yeah man we should have
00:13:02better tees than that like at least have
00:13:04that like the actors really kissed like
00:13:06right it seems like so strange that like
00:13:08every movie in Hollywood includes like a
00:13:11sex scene but it's like the most chaste
00:13:14like fake overdramatized but but our
00:13:19stuff is dirty and wrong and yeah to
00:13:22some people it's it's very it's an
00:13:24interesting yeah the way Hollywood looks
00:13:25at at the same time we're not social
00:13:27lepers like some people want to think so
00:13:29but who do you think
00:13:31in our DMS it's the people in mainstream
00:13:33yeah already whoa yeah it's like that's
00:13:36the funniest part to me it's like no no
00:13:38we're really not ignored by celebrities
00:13:40sometimes we wish we were yeah I've
00:13:42never been kicked out of a business like
00:13:44no-one's ever refused my money except
00:13:46for PayPal PayPal kicked me off like I'm
00:13:48selling merch yeah which was sad because
00:13:51I was a member of PayPal for over five
00:13:53years before I got in the adult industry
00:13:55but after I did I was selling merch and
00:13:59then they banned me for life no one
00:14:01would even get on the phone with me
00:14:02there was no correspondence just you are
00:14:04not allowed to be on this side of this
00:14:06service because you are you know you're
00:14:08not compliant with our belief system
00:14:10essentially like there are terms but
00:14:12they're diff if a business's terms is
00:14:14telling you like you know what you can
00:14:16do for a living especially if it's legal
00:14:18and that's wrong that's the thing that's
00:14:21so insane yeah yeah is that and you know
00:14:24I mean I know a lot of performers have
00:14:25had problems with banks and credit card
00:14:26yeah I've heard that I mean in
00:14:28discrimination is kind of nuts it is but
00:14:31it's like acceptable because like you
00:14:33know you're dirty and you work important
00:14:35so it's okay to discriminate yet you're
00:14:37all consuming that product I mean like I
00:14:40know girls who have lost their bank
00:14:42accounts because the bank teller
00:14:43recognized them and then told their
00:14:45manager well how did a bank yeah exactly
00:14:48we're all the followers who follow you
00:14:50and then like write this you know
00:14:52horrible stuff on your on your Instagram
00:14:54it's like well why are you following me
00:14:56if you're so offended by what I do for a
00:14:58living you're not a part of it I think
00:14:59it is I think for some people it really
00:15:01is the the legitimate part of their
00:15:03fantasy that you know we're these like
00:15:06dirty lost scared girls underground that
00:15:09nobody loves in a way that makes them
00:15:10like dirty permits go like yeah nobody
00:15:12loves I swear to God I feel like there's
00:15:16so people it's like it's part of the
00:15:18fantasy for them to think that like like
00:15:20yeah we're like sad and lost in a corner
00:15:22and that just makes their dicks even
00:15:23harder but those are a lot more about
00:15:26the sexual hang-ups of the general
00:15:28public than it does about like what you
00:15:30do for a living agreed it's like there's
00:15:32nothing like everybody else besides
00:15:34people in the sex industry can talk
00:15:36about sex and be empowered by sex and be
00:15:38half naked but it's okay to pole dance
00:15:40if you're doing it for fitness
00:15:42right you know but not if you're doing
00:15:44it for money but right any sense to me
00:15:46yeah yeah totally totally crazy um so
00:15:51you are hosting the AVN Awards were you
00:15:55so surprised when they asked you I was
00:15:58Gary loves telling the story Gary at
00:15:59avian loves telling this story because
00:16:01when he called me and I was like he's
00:16:03like yeah can you come in I don't like
00:16:04well what's it about like I live far
00:16:06away it was we were talking time like I
00:16:07wasn't sure like so why am I going
00:16:09somewhere he's like no no I can't tell
00:16:11you and I'm like oh well I can't go
00:16:13today like something else I have to make
00:16:16sure he was like well no you need you
00:16:17should come and I'm like okay yeah sure
00:16:19what it was kind of very laissez-faire
00:16:21with that because I didn't really know
00:16:22was about I thought it was something
00:16:23kind of random or silly maybe just promo
00:16:24for the white party I've already like
00:16:26done that kind of stuff and I was like
00:16:27yeah sure I'll be in soon and there's
00:16:29like no no come in tomorrow I was like
00:16:30okay fine just like I go over there I'm
00:16:33like I wonder if I did something that I
00:16:34like post something weird is so funny
00:16:37like when you when you get those
00:16:38messages from someone like I need to
00:16:40talk to you or can you call me I'm
00:16:42always like what did I do
00:16:43what do you do it even though I know I
00:16:44didn't do anything I always think I did
00:16:46something wrong and somebody want to
00:16:48talk to me privately I know
00:16:50oh my god yeah so I go over there and
00:16:52I'm like yes there was everything fine
00:16:53and then like after a while he like
00:16:55spread it out it like made me like wait
00:16:57for it and he's like and I'm like no
00:16:59like I really didn't believe it was one
00:17:00of those like moments where I really
00:17:01wasn't like I was like really it was
00:17:04like I was almost so more taken aback
00:17:06and surprised they thought I was gonna
00:17:08say no like that was in front of Tony
00:17:09and I Gary I like their [ __ ] heads of
00:17:11a Viet and they're like yeah and I was
00:17:14like why can't like ask him if it was
00:17:17true like several times because I just
00:17:18it was something I really didn't expect
00:17:20because like for me it was something
00:17:22that I've always really wanted to do I
00:17:23love like I love hosting I love being on
00:17:26stage and like and I love my industry
00:17:28like I really do care about what I do
00:17:30and like I mean even before porn like
00:17:32I've been stripping and in cam and
00:17:33modeling and so like this really has
00:17:35been my life for like 12 years so like I
00:17:38just didn't really believe it and then
00:17:40it like took me 30 seconds to be like oh
00:17:41my god well I mean no no I'll do it cuz
00:17:44I don't trust anybody else to care as
00:17:46much as I'll care about doing this yeah
00:17:47and they were like oh my god yeah so
00:17:49that I just like I and I couldn't tell
00:17:50anybody which was like almost even worse
00:17:52I I did tell my civilian friend cuz
00:17:54she's not gonna talk to
00:17:55and porn and it was kind of amazing cuz
00:17:58she was like a girl that I went like
00:17:59hiking with before I got into the
00:18:02industry until you know I'm gonna get
00:18:03into the industry and I think I'm gonna
00:18:04do this and that she was always like
00:18:05surprisingly supportive cuz she's known
00:18:07me for a long time and like it's so it's
00:18:10so crazy to see like a culmination from
00:18:12start to finish so it really was such a
00:18:14huge like moment and for me I didn't
00:18:18really expect what happened but I I
00:18:20don't know I almost don't really know
00:18:21how to explain it cuz I I didn't believe
00:18:23it and then I was shocked and then I was
00:18:25like oh my god like this is this is
00:18:27everything that there's no bigger
00:18:28compliment at least for me then it would
00:18:30be like representing the industry it's
00:18:32like the biggest night of the it's the
00:18:34porn Oscar yeah like like everybody
00:18:37knows avian it's like even people who
00:18:39hate us and mainstream like everybody
00:18:41knows the AVN Awards yeah they just do
00:18:43yeah and like I was so I don't know it's
00:18:46hard to explain because it really is a
00:18:47culmination of like everything I've ever
00:18:49wanted and wanted to do and I'm so
00:18:51flattered that I get to like represent
00:18:53my industry on this kind of level and I
00:18:55don't know I'm just I'm very proud I'm
00:18:57very proud to be here I'm very proud of
00:18:59the time that I'm in the industry I
00:19:01think this is a great time for
00:19:02performers to be in the industry I think
00:19:04this year has been incredible when it
00:19:06comes to mainstream like even if you
00:19:08don't like agree with a lot of our
00:19:09attachments or some of the main streams
00:19:11yeah from the mainstream people that are
00:19:13cool with us this the fact that we have
00:19:16these attachments and connections is
00:19:17incredible and it is huge and if we stay
00:19:20on this path I really do think it's only
00:19:22gonna get better and only get better for
00:19:24all of us and in terms of making sure
00:19:26that we're safe and secure and treated
00:19:28with respect like everywhere not just
00:19:31within our industry because it shouldn't
00:19:33be just the adult industry bubble like
00:19:35like sex workers are everywhere yeah in
00:19:38every facet of the word and it's it's
00:19:40about time that we kind of like bust
00:19:42through and have some opportunities and
00:19:44I really feel like somebody that like
00:19:46kind of started from the ground up and
00:19:48and I kind of do feel like not like some
00:19:51people thought I was saying it in the
00:19:52negative way towards me but like if I
00:19:53can do it that means you can do it and
00:19:55like not in like a negative way like
00:19:57what was me like no in a compliment like
00:19:59you really can't do whatever you want to
00:20:01do if you care and you put your time in
00:20:03and it matters to you because
00:20:06again like if I can do it like on my own
00:20:08so can you just give a [ __ ] yeah and and
00:20:12out and that's the great thing about the
00:20:14adult industry is that it embraces all
00:20:16different kinds of people all different
00:20:18body types all different kinds of sexual
00:20:20preferences gender non-binary trans like
00:20:25all that whatever - now yeah and and
00:20:27it's really all kind of coming to light
00:20:29and and it's really all coming together
00:20:31and people are becoming more accepting
00:20:33of of all of that and especially like
00:20:36you were saying earlier with the ability
00:20:37to be able to produce and sell your own
00:20:39content you know now you really can make
00:20:41what you care about and you will find
00:20:45people who are into what you're into
00:20:47completely you know there's like what
00:20:49like there is a like a hole for every
00:20:51nail or something yeah
00:20:52there's totally something for everyone
00:20:54and then you never know until you try
00:20:56and I tell some of these girls to start
00:20:58so the younger ones like don't
00:21:00necessarily fake it so you make it but
00:21:02like you can really do whatever you want
00:21:04so if you don't feel like certain people
00:21:05are hiring you are paying attention to
00:21:07you you can still put out quality great
00:21:10content almost to even show people like
00:21:13hey I can do this I can look this way I
00:21:15can act or I am flexible or whatever
00:21:18you're trying to show off like you
00:21:20really can do that in in an ironic way
00:21:22sometimes like that really gets more
00:21:24attention on you from some of those
00:21:26people because you're considered like a
00:21:27trailblazer yeah and like and if you're
00:21:30proving that people are buying my
00:21:31content like my fan base is growing then
00:21:34like people are gonna have no choice but
00:21:36to acknowledge you and respect you so it
00:21:38really is like you can be as popular as
00:21:40you want to be even without a lot of
00:21:42backing and push nowadays which you
00:21:44couldn't 15 20 years ago absolutely yeah
00:21:47so what is the main like what's your
00:21:49main source of revenue in terms of like
00:21:51or your main hub where you create your
00:21:53own content I know you have a like a
00:21:55many vets profile do I love many of
00:21:58those I think many of its has been great
00:21:59especially because they've also they
00:22:01have that you can sell your merchandise
00:22:03which was so was surprisingly hard for
00:22:05the past 10 years like there's no place
00:22:07besides like a personal website linked
00:22:09to like your bank account right PayPal
00:22:13bans us a eBay would kick us off like
00:22:16you couldn't sell like your bras on eBay
00:22:18even though people are selling
00:22:20period staying like leggings on ebay
00:22:22like I just thought that was kind of
00:22:24grass so but but yes I mean the fact
00:22:26that there is like they allow you to do
00:22:28a lot of things at once like you can
00:22:29sell things buy things you can sell like
00:22:32chat time they can buy even your snap
00:22:35from many vids so I think many of its
00:22:37was like a really great creation because
00:22:40it also kind of keeps people having to
00:22:43do better because many of its is so
00:22:45accessible and there's it's so performer
00:22:48friendly so you can really do all of
00:22:50that on your own so I think it's making
00:22:52people like really kind of think a
00:22:53little more um in terms of I honestly I
00:22:56have like so many different streams of
00:22:57revenue right now like I monthly I have
00:23:00many vids my only fans a fan center
00:23:03which is my premium snapchat my website
00:23:07Romi rain calm okay iPad Mart yeah I
00:23:10that URL I bought it I said it's in a
00:23:13different any of you I bought my URL
00:23:15before I even shot my first solo yeah
00:23:16that's like that's honestly you know
00:23:18when people are like what's the first
00:23:19piece of advice I'd give a girl before
00:23:21you shoot anything by your [ __ ] URL
00:23:25because if you don't somebody else will
00:23:26buy it and then we'll hold it hostage
00:23:28and try to slow - for an insane amount
00:23:30of money yeah oh my god I've heard like
00:23:31[ __ ] 1 or spend like 795
00:23:34yeah $7.95 people it's worth I your
00:23:38goddamn URL even if you never use it
00:23:40just [ __ ] buy it know for sure it's
00:23:41worth it and again it's just maintaining
00:23:43control of your own image like yeah you
00:23:44know just [ __ ] put up your social
00:23:46medias on there if you really wanted to
00:23:48I also have a fleshlight a sex toy which
00:23:51is awesome and a curio sex toy so and
00:23:54then and then scenes kind of on top of
00:23:57oh and camming I webcam as well
00:23:58sometimes I welcome from my own website
00:24:00my free cams cam soda so I mean I really
00:24:04do have what was that like six seven
00:24:06eight different monthly revenue streams
00:24:08but that's the way to do it I mean in my
00:24:10opinion like you can't put all your eggs
00:24:12in one basket you shouldn't just depend
00:24:14on scenes right what does somebody like
00:24:16your best selling clips because weren't
00:24:19you saying ASMR was something that was
00:24:21doing really well for you yeah yeah it's
00:24:24so funny that's kind of something that
00:24:25really exploded the past couple of years
00:24:27ASMR is autonomous sensory meridian
00:24:30response which is like if people who
00:24:32really like you know just
00:24:34triggering like trigger sounds you know
00:24:35when you go to a spa like the water
00:24:37trickling down and it would be like soft
00:24:40violin music and like ready I could see
00:25:00Ernie like turning up the volume for
00:25:01that and so I translated listening in
00:25:18their cars like I can't hear anything
00:25:25yeah so so I translated that into which
00:25:29I think other people already doing it I
00:25:30didn't invent it but I translated that
00:25:32into ASMR like Jo is jerk off
00:25:35instructions so if you're dirty talking
00:25:38to somebody in like a whispery voice
00:25:39like it it does something to them it
00:25:41triggers that it wasn't more a little
00:25:43more taboo like you're trying to keep it
00:25:44down yeah oh yeah cuz you can make that
00:25:47into a roleplay thing now it's been
00:25:48really popular like it's it's a huge
00:25:51yeah it's kind of a big niche nowadays
00:25:53but it's it's something again that you
00:25:55know anybody can do and you can make
00:25:57that work for you like I saw it and like
00:25:59I'm like oh wow it really did work for
00:26:01me I watched ASMR videos and I was like
00:26:03those feels knives like like it actually
00:26:04really does relax you and and then I
00:26:07know I can I got a little bit sleepy
00:26:08when you started whispering in your ear
00:26:11and telling you you're great and
00:26:13beautiful and making you feel good about
00:26:15yourself like yeah and and again like
00:26:17that's something I always mention I can
00:26:18do like without even being naked so I
00:26:21mean you can make it even more like
00:26:22sexual and all that but like there's so
00:26:24many different facets that you know the
00:26:27adult industry can like you know dip
00:26:29their toes into like this is and yeah my
00:26:31ASMR videos are the highest selling
00:26:33videos on my many vids and I have boy
00:26:35girls at girl girls like every kind of
00:26:37video you can have and yeah my
00:26:40highest-selling little Clips my
00:26:41highest-selling shorter clips are yeah
00:26:43me breathing and talking into a
00:26:45microphone so who knew
00:26:47okay we're gonna take a short break and
00:26:49then when we come back we're going to
00:26:50talk a little bit more about the AVN
00:26:52Awards and maybe if you have some top
00:26:54picks for the nominee oh maybe maybe I
00:26:58do I do have a couple okay we'll be
00:27:01right back guys
00:27:02okay we are back and I'm going to ask
00:27:06Romy if she has any pics for AVN Awards
00:27:10but she probably can't say because she's
00:27:13hosting so do you have to stay like I
00:27:15mean I'm very much trying to be
00:27:17Switzerland you know you know like it I
00:27:20love everybody right now I really do I'm
00:27:23so appreciative to be in the spot that
00:27:24I'm in just so everybody knows I have no
00:27:26control over that I have no say I had no
00:27:29part in the nominations no one asked me
00:27:31my opinion so I can't help you yeah
00:27:34there's a lot of people who really
00:27:35question the legitimacy of the
00:27:37nominations and who wins and I had a
00:27:40long talk with one of the producers who
00:27:42is telling me that it's actually like a
00:27:44super complex very legit voting system I
00:27:48don't know if they filled you in on any
00:27:49of that I'm not exactly sure about how
00:27:51they really make their decisions but I
00:27:53know it's like 10 ish people like
00:27:56sequestered in a room like having like
00:27:58little checklist essentially but again
00:28:00like I also say to like just I tell
00:28:03people who get kind of bummed out about
00:28:04it sometimes and hey I've been there
00:28:06like I've lost more Awards than I've won
00:28:08but so I tell we're saying during the
00:28:10break you've never won an avian award no
00:28:12but I have for performer of the year
00:28:14titles yeah you wouldn't really
00:28:15different from three different award
00:28:17shows and again I've had like more than
00:28:1840 nominations at avian and I've been
00:28:21like on all of their promo for like the
00:28:23white party like the other party and now
00:28:25I'm their host so again it shows that
00:28:27like it's not necessarily all about
00:28:29winning the awards themselves it's about
00:28:31like working hard building up your name
00:28:33and your brand's so and I tell girls
00:28:36don't get to butter don't get too sad
00:28:37remember that it is sexual preference
00:28:40like we've talked about this like it's
00:28:41called sexual preference for a reason
00:28:43like just because you weren't somebodies
00:28:45preference this year doesn't mean you're
00:28:47bad at sucking dick I promise you know
00:28:50to read oh yeah I know I
00:28:52I've met girls I remember I've seen
00:28:54girls like cry cuz they didn't win like
00:28:55you know best anal or something like
00:28:58that and I'm like your life's not over
00:28:59like I've never won an avian award
00:29:01either which is even crazier that
00:29:02doesn't make me think that I'm bad at my
00:29:04exactly exactly on working makes you
00:29:07good at your job exactly get continuing
00:29:09to get jobs
00:29:10yeah because is makes you good at your
00:29:13job yeah I gotta say like I don't have
00:29:15like a ton of for your favorites I can
00:29:17get away if you tell me yeah and I can
00:29:19come I can say I know I'm actually kind
00:29:21of like looking up right now and I'll be
00:29:23honest like I know we watch a lot of
00:29:28I don't watch everybody's movie I don't
00:29:30know yeah it's too much but I would
00:29:32really for Best Director I would really
00:29:35love to see Caden crosswind oh yeah I
00:29:38think yeah she'd be really killing it
00:29:40she's killing it I think her writing is
00:29:42incredible I think her directing is
00:29:44really good I really love like you know
00:29:46being a woman and I think she's a great
00:29:48representation for the industry and how
00:29:50she works really hard and I thought
00:29:52abigail was really good I loved your
00:29:54rollin cameo it was my favorite non-sex
00:29:57cameo I think I've ever had in a movie
00:29:59so yeah you know what happened it
00:30:01literally made me cringe yeah so much
00:30:03you believed me oh yeah I love it
00:30:05that whole scene like like it kind of ya
00:30:10know which is good I mean he had it
00:30:14coming it was funny I love that know
00:30:17anything that's like creative and
00:30:19slightly different and just gives people
00:30:21like the opportunity to try new things
00:30:23and to like spread their wings and not
00:30:26just their legs like especially yeah
00:30:28okay didn't like is he'll she still
00:30:30performs sometimes so the fact that
00:30:31she's like was more of a for former
00:30:33performer and like is really showing her
00:30:36vision now is really shows the
00:30:38development of stars and I think
00:30:40performers often make really great
00:30:42directors because the ass and what it's
00:30:44like to be on set be in front of the
00:30:46camera be on that position like you know
00:30:49honestly in a way like I've never been a
00:30:50performer like in a way that I will
00:30:52never understand you know I mean I try
00:30:53to be a good director and I try to
00:30:55always make sure that I'm you know tuned
00:30:58into the girl and I make sure that you
00:31:00know like I'm on her level and I know
00:31:01like how she's feeling and you know but
00:31:03like ultimately I will know
00:31:05know what it's like to actually do a sex
00:31:07scene you know name you know be in that
00:31:08situation I mean yeah I mean sex the sex
00:31:12on camera is definitely a little
00:31:13different than sex at home just a little
00:31:16a little but yeah but I mean but you
00:31:18understand because you also I mean
00:31:20you've shot you have pictures you've
00:31:21done naked pictures yes yes and I mean
00:31:24released accidentally even though nobody
00:31:26believes me was an accident okay all my
00:31:32porn is an accident what I do is fine I
00:31:38don't really care
00:31:39yeah no who cares no you looked hot
00:31:40that's all that matters eisah promote
00:31:46scenes from five years ago I got a look
00:31:48are cute and small I look but yeah even
00:31:50just for performers like knowing like
00:31:52how their body looks better posed and
00:31:54like little things like that and like
00:31:56what feels better and what they think
00:31:58you know and being able to play a little
00:32:00bit more freely I think is so much fun
00:32:03and that's what even like as a performer
00:32:05like I love when I'm given direction but
00:32:07in certain times of the day like if you
00:32:09just tell me to like you know do my
00:32:10thing I get really excited especially if
00:32:12I'm working with people that like I
00:32:14trust and who enjoy what they do as well
00:32:16so it's so fun for performers that
00:32:19perfect storm of everybody just like
00:32:22playing off of each other yeah what's
00:32:23your favorite kind of character to play
00:32:25because you've done a lot of like
00:32:26superhero stuff I have yeah I love that
00:32:30because it plays so much in into fantasy
00:32:32like the extra side of fantasy where you
00:32:34really really can be like whatever you
00:32:36want to and I'm a little bit of like
00:32:38especially when I was younger like a
00:32:39comic book video game geek and
00:32:41especially because you know I mean I'm
00:32:44an only child of a single parent like we
00:32:46grew up like around like a lot of like
00:32:48poor kids and kids in the system and and
00:32:51there really is like that magic that
00:32:53comes attached to that because it really
00:32:55those kind of character show that you
00:32:56really can be whatever you want to be
00:32:58like you know you can come from nothing
00:32:59and be something you can be nothing and
00:33:01be powerful like you can save you to
00:33:03save the day in some way you can help
00:33:05people if you choose to so I mean I love
00:33:08those characters because it really is
00:33:10like it really is the fantasy of you can
00:33:13do anything be anything have fun and
00:33:15then especially if you attach that to
00:33:16sex like I think my favorite superheroes
00:33:18what have
00:33:19like the best sex wouldn't they yeah of
00:33:21course superhero superhero yeah so I
00:33:24mean I love playing characters cuz then
00:33:26you can really take that somewhere um
00:33:27but you mean being able to play like a
00:33:30real raw person is so it's so fun to I
00:33:33almost feel like I've had less
00:33:34opportunities to play like real raw and
00:33:37like people like that had like a lot of
00:33:40crazy [ __ ] going on I would love to it
00:33:42almost do more of that people ask me
00:33:43like what kind of roles would you like
00:33:44to play more of I mean I'd like to play
00:33:46more roles where maybe I'm not so pretty
00:33:48and polished I like that kind of stuff I
00:33:50like seeing like where a character can
00:33:52go from the you know A to B to C and
00:33:54yeah I'm like I don't think you always
00:33:56need to be like perfectly polished to be
00:33:58sexy to be a powerful or and to tell a
00:34:01story so like you were saying earlier
00:34:02when it comes to like movies being more
00:34:04intricate and deep like I like that a
00:34:06though granted like I started my career
00:34:08like I was like a gonzo girl I shot like
00:34:10literally probably 300 gonzo scenes like
00:34:13within my first few years and I will
00:34:15always say that sex is the bread and
00:34:16butter of porn like the sex should
00:34:18matter like it there should be some
00:34:20connection it should look hot it should
00:34:22get people off but like there's so much
00:34:24you can do and say and show people and
00:34:27with that kind of intense and
00:34:30environments like if one mainstream
00:34:31movies like if they actually had sex
00:34:33scenes in them right yeah but I don't
00:34:35you know all of its so fun I love to
00:34:37just be able to explore and just play
00:34:40like just give me something give me like
00:34:42a character and I'll like and I'll go
00:34:44with it I think I think that's just fun
00:34:45so do you prefer doing feature films
00:34:47over gonzo or do you like both equally
00:34:49you know I like both equally for
00:34:51different reasons I would say it matters
00:34:53who's shooting it and who I'm working
00:34:54with like you're saying to like not to
00:34:57call anybody out or any of that kind of
00:34:58stuff but for sure but yeah yeah like I
00:35:02love to work with certain people for
00:35:03certain things and those people that I
00:35:04haven't worked with that I'd love to
00:35:05work with more um but but yeah I mean I
00:35:09hate to say there's something that I
00:35:10don't like to do there may be certain
00:35:12contexts of things I don't like to shoot
00:35:14but the world is a very interesting big
00:35:17deep dark sexy play it's like I I kind
00:35:20of I want to try at all yeah yeah and
00:35:22sex is something that you can weave into
00:35:24almost any story exactly yeah so I don't
00:35:27know I feel like there there's nothing I
00:35:29really don't want to do that's like in
00:35:31the context of telling a story
00:35:33there are certain scenes that especially
00:35:35when I was newer and this is something
00:35:36that's kind of changed a little bit in
00:35:37the industry too is people are more
00:35:40accepting and giving like the freedom to
00:35:42people to really choose what they want
00:35:44without a lot of like stigma because I
00:35:46remember kind of when I first started
00:35:48like the first few years how do i word
00:35:51this you know if you were like oh if you
00:35:55don't shoot these kinds of scenes with
00:35:56these people for these companies are you
00:35:59really a porn star are you really
00:36:01hardcore like I didn't ever like that
00:36:04necessarily so I mean that my whole
00:36:07thing is like do whatever you're
00:36:09comfortable with that makes you happy
00:36:10that you're proud to promote is a big
00:36:13thing that I tell to people like yeah
00:36:15you know yeah I don't know how much do
00:36:18you I want to you know now it's less of
00:36:24like and oh you do that or you don't do
00:36:26that like now there is much more of like
00:36:28an open like no it's preferences it's
00:36:31comfortability it's like what people are
00:36:33choosing to do and how they're promoting
00:36:35themselves and their brand no one has to
00:36:37do anything in particular anymore to be
00:36:39a star or to grow their fanbase the best
00:36:42thing you can do is your own thing yeah
00:36:45be true to yourself yes exactly so that
00:36:47I feel has really like grown and
00:36:49developed how did you get into the porn
00:36:51industry um I was an exotic dancer at 19
00:36:54I started dancing at 19 off and on I
00:36:57danced in Vegas in LA I was always kind
00:36:59of a nude model I did like car magazines
00:37:02and tattoo stuff and then I started
00:37:05doing Playboy TV I did like their money
00:37:09talk show and I did the Playboy morning
00:37:10show like literally 15 times in like a
00:37:13six month period and then they asked me
00:37:16eventually if I would work on their new
00:37:19like camming web site that which was
00:37:21Playboy Live
00:37:22so I started camming for Playboy Live
00:37:24and back then like Playboy I don't know
00:37:27how it changed out but you couldn't be
00:37:28well you could only be naked you
00:37:29couldn't show pink like you couldn't
00:37:31like you really show your vagina you can
00:37:33spread you couldn't use toys so it was
00:37:35really about like teasing and like
00:37:37talking and like really kind of just
00:37:39playing and you know either being
00:37:41yourself or playing characters well you
00:37:42really there's so much you could do like
00:37:44there's really not restrictions except
00:37:46not being naked which was hard for like
00:37:48maybe a lot of people like now if you
00:37:50told like the average like porn star
00:37:51it's like okay you can webcam but you
00:37:53can't do anything sexual
00:37:54essentially oh when I used to do her
00:37:56playboy plus and before when I used to
00:37:58shoot girls that would like sometimes
00:38:00she porn like I felt like Jenna sativa
00:38:02for them couple other girls
00:38:05Lana Rhodes and yeah it's funny because
00:38:08it was like it was like stop touching
00:38:11your vagina yeah go did your vagina no
00:38:13pink and I'm like I'll [ __ ] forgot
00:38:14you could get like blips that would pop
00:38:16up on your screen being like yeah it's
00:38:19hilarious too because like most of the
00:38:21girls that I shot for Playboy plus were
00:38:22like more nude models and when I shot
00:38:25for them
00:38:26mynique was still running the website so
00:38:28they wanted like they were kind of
00:38:29pushing for a little bit more open leg
00:38:31the website totally gone backwards now
00:38:3325% open leg yeah I mean literally was a
00:38:36casual open leg and and some girls
00:38:39didn't want to do that so with some
00:38:41girls with most girls I was playing like
00:38:43what I felt was like hi you know like
00:38:45find the vagina yeah cuz I would like
00:38:46have to try to get them to like do some
00:38:48we would always talk about it before the
00:38:50scene of yeah like this is what they
00:38:51would like are you what are you
00:38:53comfortable with and I would literally
00:38:55like send them photos of different open
00:38:57leg shots because some girls were okay
00:38:58with showing like the [ __ ] yeah but they
00:39:00didn't want to show that undercarriage
00:39:01some girls were okay showing the
00:39:02undercarriage but they wouldn't show the
00:39:04butthole like literally every girl like
00:39:063/4 of the vagina like there was a very
00:39:09specific stuff which was fine yeah and I
00:39:11would try to respect that but sometimes
00:39:12like even when they would agree with it
00:39:13they would still not really so I feel
00:39:16like trying to be like okay give me a
00:39:17little more like but it's bright a
00:39:20little bit more and they've kind of like
00:39:21but I didn't want to like push them it
00:39:23was like this weird like yeah it was
00:39:25really stressful to be honest yeah I
00:39:27mean I really had to like kind of get
00:39:29creative I mean I feel like I like that
00:39:32that's how I started because it kind of
00:39:34taught me like how to do more than just
00:39:36be like uber sexual yeah and like you
00:39:39know you really learned how to like talk
00:39:41to people and engage and how to talk to
00:39:42fans and like you know I would be silly
00:39:44and I would talk about like movies and
00:39:46stuff half the time and I would like put
00:39:48on outfits and like dance around and it
00:39:50was so funny to remember like when I was
00:39:51there and like a few months into it like
00:39:53sometimes you do like girl girl shows
00:39:55but they weren't girl girl show
00:39:56yeah I've shot girl a girl for them that
00:39:58wasn't good even back then it was funny
00:40:01to me and like some words are so shy and
00:40:02it's like you didn't you know you didn't
00:40:04really want you to touch them so it was
00:40:05really just like two cute girls sitting
00:40:07next to each other but it was fun I
00:40:11enjoyed it because I feel like it taught
00:40:12me a lot and then and then I did it like
00:40:16a bunch of the Playboy TV stuff and I
00:40:19forgot asleep kind of forgot like how it
00:40:20really just happened but I think I did
00:40:22like my first girl girl ish for Playboy
00:40:24TV it was like kind of a pseudo girl
00:40:26girl and then like dared dorms and like
00:40:30the cat stuff and then I was like you
00:40:32know I always really wanted I was
00:40:34interested in doing it like even before
00:40:36then like the last civilian boyfriend I
00:40:37had I told him like look kind of want to
00:40:40do this he wasn't really a fan I'm like
00:40:41okay well if we break up I'm doing it
00:40:43just like you know yeah it really did he
00:40:45emailed me like within two months of me
00:40:47being officially in porn being like well
00:40:49I guess you don't lie and I'm like but
00:40:53yeah so I started doing a little bit of
00:40:54like the the solo and girl girl with
00:40:56like modeling and camming and then it
00:40:59just kind of transitioned a little bit
00:41:01and I started doing solos first I
00:41:03started slow once I actually was
00:41:04shooting movies I started doing solos
00:41:07just for a few months and then I started
00:41:09doing a girl girl for a few months I
00:41:11really wanted to make sure that I was
00:41:12doing what I wanted to do smart and yes
00:41:16but I didn't want to regret it because
00:41:17was something I was very interested in
00:41:18doing I was like super sexual and like
00:41:21really open I've already had like a
00:41:22polyamorous relationship I've had
00:41:24threesomes I've done anal like I did a
00:41:26lot of stuff in my personal life already
00:41:27so I just wanted to make sure that and
00:41:29you know but there wasn't especially
00:41:31back then too as war is that is such a
00:41:33difference now there wasn't a lot of
00:41:34resources to really like find more
00:41:37things out about the Inter's industry
00:41:38like I read a few performer books and
00:41:40did like some online research so like I
00:41:43was just really nervous so I was like
00:41:45alright we got to take this one step at
00:41:46a time
00:41:47now that's another reason why I'm really
00:41:48open about like helping people if I can
00:41:51or like oh hey this is how you anal prep
00:41:53if you want to know what to have in your
00:41:54girly bag if you want to know what's
00:41:55kind of expected of you on certain kinds
00:41:57of sets I think it's really valuable
00:41:58like where our biggest resource in the
00:42:01industry so I think it's incredibly
00:42:02valuable to like share your experiences
00:42:05and stories and help especially if you
00:42:07don't like people having horror stories
00:42:10we will trash
00:42:10the industry if they decide to leave
00:42:12like then it really is much more of a
00:42:14choice kind of standard and I always
00:42:16wanted it to be my choice I didn't want
00:42:18to like blame porn for destroying my
00:42:20life or like somebody else for taking
00:42:22advantage of me and necessarily and
00:42:23granted there's only so much you can do
00:42:25in those kind of situations but I wanted
00:42:28I wanted to feel like it was mine and
00:42:30like you know if I hated it if I loved
00:42:32it it's on me
00:42:33and I remember my first boy-girl I think
00:42:36like four or five Forrest Munson it was
00:42:38for Nadia America my second the next day
00:42:40was for browsers and I remember like
00:42:42leaving both of those that's been like
00:42:44okay I think I can do this I'm like it
00:42:46was good yeah I do like I did this is
00:42:48the right way I'm into it and then it
00:42:49was really just like full steam ahead so
00:42:52I technically in my mind I've been in
00:42:54the adult industry for 12 years hardcore
00:42:57porn for six but definitely was a
00:42:59development and it's and it's not really
00:43:01a crazy story like it almost is kind of
00:43:03more boring and out of the norm for some
00:43:05people because I got myself in and a lot
00:43:07of like people just don't you did it
00:43:09gradually walk in yeah started slow and
00:43:11yeah worked your way up to you know as
00:43:14you felt comfortable yeah smart thing to
00:43:16do I did hustler magazine before like my
00:43:19thing my first scene came out so and
00:43:21like Joanna Angel was on that set so it
00:43:23was like I really yeah I kind of met
00:43:24people slowly and gradually and like
00:43:26slowly built my way up which probably
00:43:29took longer in some degrees but if for
00:43:32me it was very much worth it because I
00:43:33still love what I do yeah and you were
00:43:36able to make the right choices yeah I
00:43:38mean knock on wood like you know no
00:43:40one's like a hundred percent like
00:43:41perfect in there and then I feel bad for
00:43:43some people who like you know some
00:43:44people really do get taken advantage of
00:43:46or lied to or scammed and their domains
00:43:49get bought up by somebody that they
00:43:51trusted and it's like you know it just
00:43:53it happens but like if I can try I mean
00:43:56I never I never want to be anybody's
00:43:58like role model necessarily but I always
00:44:00did want to be like a good example of
00:44:02like a a sex worker or slash performer
00:44:05because like this this is my life and my
00:44:07lifestyle and something I've always
00:44:08respected and I and I always I wanted I
00:44:11want it to be good I wanted to be
00:44:13considered successful at what I do even
00:44:15more than necessarily be rich because
00:44:17that mattered more to me right now one
00:44:20of the things that you brought up I
00:44:21realize is something that like we've
00:44:22kind of never really discussed in deed
00:44:25on the show when you said that you're
00:44:27open to giving girls advice on stuff
00:44:28like what's in your girly bag yeah so
00:44:30can you actually talk about that a
00:44:32little bit because I find that when I
00:44:33shoot brand new girls they don't know
00:44:35anything about like the hygiene and the
00:44:37douching and all that kind of stuff so
00:44:39just by the way when she says girly bags
00:44:41so like sometimes I have to explain
00:44:43adult industry lingo because you forget
00:44:46that people that are listening or not in
00:44:47the industry so when we say like go do
00:44:50your girly stuff that basically means
00:44:51like go kind of clean your vagina before
00:44:53your scene basically is what it means
00:44:55and every girl has their own like kind
00:44:57of system but they develop over what
00:44:59works best for them so what's your
00:45:00system i my system is I always recommend
00:45:03bringing like your own little like
00:45:05toiletry bag I like you know the
00:45:07Victoria's Secret get one of their
00:45:08little zip up cosmetic bags well it's
00:45:11important just to make sure you're clean
00:45:12and fresh and everybody has different
00:45:13levels of that and most people don't
00:45:14douche in their real lives like a lot of
00:45:16like normal people don't do that can't
00:45:19even find douche in Europe oh yes yes
00:45:21when I went to the UK to shoot for an IT
00:45:24guy asked about they were like yeah we
00:45:25have to like search for them and like
00:45:27fine loam because what a lot of European
00:45:29performers do is they shower before the
00:45:30scene and they like stick the shower
00:45:32like nozzle up their vag that's how to
00:45:34clean themselves they don't use douche
00:45:35yeah it's interesting how it's like what
00:45:37are friends yeah from somebody who don't
00:45:39use enemas either from what I hear yeah
00:45:41so yeah just again it all depends on
00:45:43your preference yeah which is sometimes
00:45:44why we joke around that like the Euro
00:45:46guys the guys who come over from Europe
00:45:49and work in the States they're usually
00:45:50like it's it's a cakewalk for them by
00:45:52comparison yeah we're usually like ready
00:45:55and like and they've had to like maybe
00:45:56kind of go through a few things yeah but
00:45:59anyway yes girlie bag I always recommend
00:46:00girls like bring your own kind of stuff
00:46:02to set you know you never usually know
00:46:04what they have they should always have
00:46:05like the basics like a douche or an
00:46:07enema but I mean hey sometimes I don't
00:46:09even have that yeah so keep that in mind
00:46:11like just you know and again you're an
00:46:13independent contractor so some people
00:46:14remind you of that too like have like
00:46:16your kit so what I have like you know
00:46:18keep myself clean and fresh like you
00:46:20know bring your dishes or enemas if you
00:46:22need to if you're doing an anal scene I
00:46:23recommend those big like a red rubber
00:46:25enema bags because like you'll be able
00:46:27to clean yourself out like better and
00:46:29properly I like it for in your douches
00:46:33always pour out the douche water like
00:46:35it's not good for you don't
00:46:37drink it I've heard horror stories of
00:46:38girls drinking it at one there's that
00:46:41one story and I swear I don't know if it
00:46:42says wives tale or not because it just
00:46:44sounds so ludicrous but everyone has
00:46:46that story about the girl who drank the
00:46:48douche and I don't know if it's true I
00:46:51don't know I but yeah that is one of
00:46:53like those like horror stories that goes
00:46:55around the industry yeah but I mad so
00:46:57don't drink it don't let don't drink it
00:46:59yeah pour it out fill it up with water
00:47:01some of us use either a little bit of
00:47:03hydrant peroxide or iodine
00:47:05I like Hyde and peroxide better because
00:47:07iodine stains a little bit really all
00:47:09that is is just kind of more of an
00:47:11antibacterial some people don't like
00:47:13doing that how much hydrogen peroxide do
00:47:15you put just a little I don't like
00:47:17little so like sorry people aren't some
00:47:19people aren't watching I would say only
00:47:21like 10 15 percent tops you don't need a
00:47:23lot like and you don't want to like you
00:47:25know dry yourself out or irritate
00:47:27yourself cuz you're not really trying to
00:47:28kill all the good back to you or
00:47:29anything but yeah I use like and never
00:47:32like I said everyone else is different
00:47:34for me personally I actually use a
00:47:36couple drops of tea tree oil I want to
00:47:37say that that's an extra thing put a
00:47:39couple not two I put a couple too many
00:47:41drops in there and just smells up the
00:47:44whole room like smell like teaching but
00:47:47that's really good
00:47:48to prevent BV and yeast infections but
00:47:50if you do too much like you can irritate
00:47:52yourself and that's really to you know
00:47:53prevent like like the basic kind of
00:47:57silly possible infection or just keep
00:47:59yourself clean yeast infections are
00:48:00common in normal women and especially
00:48:03when you're mixing your pH with a bunch
00:48:04of other people's exactly in depends on
00:48:06what kind of a day it is if it's like a
00:48:08group scene and there's a lot of people
00:48:09touching each other like keep all that
00:48:11in mind if there's a lot of like an out
00:48:12then you don't wanna get just like you
00:48:14know I was saying if you're touching
00:48:14just anything you know and then they're
00:48:16putting their fingers inside of you so
00:48:18you know make sure yeah so I say douche
00:48:21with water hydrogen peroxide / iodine
00:48:23wait a couple drops of tea tree oil you
00:48:25don't need to do like a lot of that
00:48:27every single time like you shouldn't
00:48:29need to put tea tree oil and every
00:48:30single one of your dishes but it's good
00:48:32to do like every so often like maybe
00:48:35once a week or yeah it so much you're
00:48:36working for sure but like yeah like once
00:48:39a week that's totally that's that's
00:48:40great I mean again I don't know your
00:48:42vagina however you're exposed that's
00:48:45your vagina you know things like baby
00:48:47wipes I should have that on Sep you
00:48:48shove it to HIPAA cleanse
00:48:50or a variance of HIPAA cleanse you can
00:48:53find that at CVS Walgreens HIPAA cleanse
00:48:55or a variant of its antibacterial body
00:48:57wash essentially and if you're having
00:49:00sex in an environment like outside or in
00:49:02a barn or like you know any place that
00:49:05seems mildly questionable and you want
00:49:06to like you know clean your skin or a
00:49:09couch with ringworm exactly we don't run
00:49:12we're an epidemic going on 2008 - oh my
00:49:16god everyone was getting ringworm 'never
00:49:18ebuddy who like knew it was from one
00:49:20location but nobody could figure out
00:49:21what location it was was a couple
00:49:24locations I think II think so well
00:49:26actually it makes sense because it
00:49:27probably started at one place and I got
00:49:28spread to a nut so and people just like
00:49:30spreading it around and not knowing any
00:49:32better like yeah and that on that no -
00:49:34like things like hand sanitizer like I
00:49:36mean you could lay honestly anything
00:49:38like sanitary is very important and then
00:49:41things you know like maybe a razor I was
00:49:45just thinking that Apple spots the
00:49:46brazier mouthwash mouthwash is good
00:49:48especially like legitimate like
00:49:50Listerine antibacterial mouthwash
00:49:54yes there's a debate on that because
00:49:56brushing your teeth can bust your gums
00:49:58oh yeah so if you have to be a little
00:50:01bit careful of like you know you know
00:50:04obviously blood and like but granted
00:50:06everybody should be tested so knock on
00:50:07what everything should be good but again
00:50:08these are the small safety precautions
00:50:10definitely brush your tongue yes you do
00:50:13that so make that the rush green like a
00:50:18big thing like brush a lot of bad breath
00:50:20comes from your tongue yeah yeah
00:50:22completely yeah so drop out your tongue
00:50:25Listerine deodorants lotion lotions
00:50:29really important sometimes and there's
00:50:31like little extra things like you know
00:50:32shimmers and if you're doing things like
00:50:35anal I forgot what they're called but
00:50:36there's certain kind of creams or pads
00:50:38that like are good for your butthole
00:50:39after so you don't like yeah because we
00:50:45won't get very sore or like if they
00:50:47actually get torn or something like
00:50:49crazy like that you know think if they
00:50:50be careful of hemorrhoids or any of that
00:50:52[ __ ] not gonna would never had one but I
00:50:54know there's like there's preventative
00:50:55caution so it really is like just think
00:50:57of it as like if you're going to have
00:51:00sex with like somebody that you really
00:51:01really really like
00:51:03and you want to make sure that like they
00:51:04have a great experience I think of it as
00:51:06like your third date prep but like more
00:51:08so essentially just make sure you're
00:51:10clean and fresh and groomed and that you
00:51:13would be very confident with somebody
00:51:15touching you and make sure your nails
00:51:17are clean underneath your nails are
00:51:18clean yeah that's gonna say a lot of
00:51:20girls I know get infections because they
00:51:23get fingered and the peoples underneath
00:51:25their nails are not clean so if you can
00:51:27bring a even a brush like a scrub brush
00:51:30and scrub under your nails with soap
00:51:32before the scene there yeah a lot of
00:51:34people don't do that and that is um that
00:51:36would be your partner would appreciate
00:51:38that agreed and like some people get a
00:51:40little bit afraid of my nails but I've
00:51:42only ever been scratched by real nails
00:51:44because they can there's more jagged if
00:51:47they get they're not properly groomed
00:51:48like they can cut you so easily like
00:51:50these guys are gel like they're long and
00:51:52scary you don't probably don't want me
00:51:54like in there really want you do you
00:51:56finger girls yeah sometimes I think of
00:51:58myself with these like there's a proper
00:52:00way to I mean again like I've been
00:52:02scratched and hurts bind-up watching
00:52:04she's got long
00:52:05I have long sexy hair long sharp nails
00:52:07but they're very well groomed they're
00:52:09soft there are ways to do it please yeah
00:52:11they're great back scratcher nails yeah
00:52:14no they're actually very nice but no I
00:52:17mean honestly like they're a little long
00:52:18so that's what scares people but lay
00:52:20fake nails are borderline safer than the
00:52:24real one especially if they're the
00:52:25square nails when I see girls with like
00:52:27square nails cuz that's you know cuz
00:52:29these are smaller than like you know
00:52:30your [ __ ] hole so it go in like better
00:52:33like yeah it's square nose you like get
00:52:34in there
00:52:35and then like you're saying if they're
00:52:37not well-groomed and they have like gunk
00:52:39underneath their nails and you get
00:52:40actually scratched yeah and then you get
00:52:43that bacteria all over yo it's just it's
00:52:46a little bit of everything
00:52:47but yeah like it's important to have
00:52:48like a well stock early about you should
00:52:50be bringing them out to every set yeah
00:52:52yeah yes oh sponges for when you're on
00:52:56your period people don't know that I
00:52:57wasn't even told that when I was like
00:52:59newer that that's how light girls like
00:53:01can still work well on their period yeah
00:53:03you get soft sponges which are great to
00:53:05have anyway for makeup touch-ups and yes
00:53:07you get those like the square what latex
00:53:10freeze yeah a lost actually they're not
00:53:12even square they're like wedges and a
00:53:16lot of makeup artists use them and bring
00:53:18them to set and when I've used them in
00:53:21my personal life I actually found out
00:53:23this new trick where I dip them in
00:53:25coconut oil first and then put them up
00:53:27there because a lot of times like when
00:53:29the penis is hitting the sponge in and
00:53:31it's obviously drying you out because
00:53:33what it's doing is capturing the blood
00:53:35right so if you put the coconut oil in
00:53:38there it kind of helps some of the penis
00:53:39hits it it kind of secretes that the
00:53:41lube and actually Danny Daniels taught
00:53:44me all about this because like and that
00:53:47now the one thing that girls are scared
00:53:48of is it getting pushed up into their
00:53:50body especially by the large penises
00:53:52which is something to be considered
00:53:55about but they rare always come out
00:53:58eventually so like if you can't get them
00:54:00right away just give it some time yeah
00:54:03they will eventually start to come down
00:54:05especially if there's a buildup of blood
00:54:07behind it I know that's gross but it's
00:54:10true and they're also too like I heard
00:54:12douching can kind of help dislodge it as
00:54:13well yeah I mean like I've never had one
00:54:16get lost up there I mean I've heard of
00:54:18like those stories you can always get
00:54:20them out I mean any basic even urgent
00:54:22care doctor can help you out with that
00:54:24or if you have a good girlfriend one
00:54:26thing is don't forget yeah I've heard of
00:54:28that happening that happened that's just
00:54:30not sanitary kids yeah they make sure
00:54:33that you get that thing out yeah and
00:54:34it's always misjudged that like we find
00:54:36our ways to like keep shooting like this
00:54:38- you're even stripping but hey like I
00:54:41learned that even like in the stripping
00:54:42days or girls are just like pushed
00:54:44through tampons inside of themselves and
00:54:46just fake it yeah yeah I don't you got
00:54:48to do and
00:54:49so I think it's really important to you
00:54:51know be honest about that cuz I member
00:54:52when I started like people be like oh
00:54:53I'm not gonna tell girls how to prepare
00:54:55for anal like they have to figure that
00:54:57out on their own somebody has to pay me
00:54:59it's a like tell them how to do that I'm
00:55:00like why would you want somebody to
00:55:02struggle you're working with them or
00:55:04they're watching them shoot like I think
00:55:06it director actually said that and like
00:55:08I really didn't like that I'm like we're
00:55:09really so gonna act like we're on the
00:55:11same team and we're and we hate how
00:55:13people mistreat us but we're not even
00:55:14treating each other with like their
00:55:15proper respect like you're working
00:55:17whether you don't care if she has a
00:55:18clean ass yeah the [ __ ] yeah tell her
00:55:20how to clean it yeah exactly and I think
00:55:22you know girls always appreciate that
00:55:24kind of advice yeah I'm like I'm not I
00:55:25don't cuz I really don't think that
00:55:27somebody else has to fail in order for
00:55:29me to be successful you know what I mean
00:55:30like you don't have to have a terrible
00:55:32day where you're miserable and
00:55:33embarrassed for me to have a good day or
00:55:35if you to like shine and I think I don't
00:55:38know and that's I think that's another
00:55:39reason why I like the industry changing
00:55:41in the benefit of like performers and
00:55:44creators and shooters and directors is
00:55:46like it really is bringing us a little
00:55:48bit closer together and it really is
00:55:49like everybody is having a little bit
00:55:50more respect for not only like
00:55:52themselves but each other yeah and I
00:55:54think also too you know we had a really
00:55:56awful year where we lost a lot of people
00:55:59you know really important to us lost a
00:56:03few girls and I think that that I think
00:56:05that woke up a lot of people and made us
00:56:06realize how important it is to band
00:56:08together and be supportive of each other
00:56:10yeah and call people out of things to be
00:56:12called out or just to be honest about
00:56:14how you really feel and to reach out
00:56:16when you need to reach out like it does
00:56:18and nobody any good to be like talking
00:56:21[ __ ] in a corner you know what I mean
00:56:23like let's let's just at least be honest
00:56:25yeah cuz I think social media has
00:56:27perpetuated that idea that like you know
00:56:29we put up this like fake kind of facade
00:56:31all our lives are so perfect look where
00:56:33I'm going look what I'm shooting look
00:56:35how much money I'm making look how good
00:56:37I look like out of this kind of stuff
00:56:39and even if it's all a lie it's a lie
00:56:41you know total lie but you know we're
00:56:45all subject to feelings of depression
00:56:46and yeah AED and all that kind of stuff
00:56:49so somebody's story like somebody's
00:56:51probably struggling way more than you
00:56:52realize and like a comment like you know
00:56:55can make somebody's day or make them
00:56:57like cry like you really don't know and
00:56:59we're all super sensitive I don't
00:57:00believe anybody who's not affected
00:57:02because everybody
00:57:03gets affected by like anything somebody
00:57:05says to them so it is important to like
00:57:07you know mind your words and but also at
00:57:10the same time to like have real
00:57:11conversations because the only way that
00:57:13we are gonna grow and develop and get
00:57:15better hopefully is if we talk to each
00:57:17other and if we say things that we like
00:57:19and that we don't like and you know how
00:57:21we we express ourselves like everybody
00:57:23has the difference of opinion and that's
00:57:24okay it is okay to disagree but there
00:57:27has to be respect yes I think that
00:57:29that's a key a key thing like it's okay
00:57:31to disagree with other people but to you
00:57:34know start with the name-calling yeah I
00:57:35mean some people gets so aggressive and
00:57:38people are always so tough on Twitter ya
00:57:40know what I mean
00:57:41wait well because they don't have to
00:57:42accept responsibility from when they say
00:57:44and you're not in front of somebody who
00:57:46might just like if you're face to face
00:57:53with somebody they could kick you which
00:57:56is you know I think it there's that it
00:57:58there is a consequence there every
00:58:00action has an equal and opposite
00:58:01reactions yeah you just have to keep
00:58:03that in mind and make sure again like
00:58:05you're proud of what you're doing and
00:58:06saying and being yeah now you and I our
00:58:11mothers have something in common
00:58:14oh my god yes tell me both our mothers
00:58:16were in hustler magazine yes I didn't
00:58:19know that your mama was though yeah so
00:58:22yeah so there's a little bit of a story
00:58:24behind that for those of you who don't
00:58:26know and if you don't know like what
00:58:28[ __ ] my mom is Randall and she I can't
00:58:34tell you how many people are like still
00:58:35like find that out and they're like oh I
00:58:37didn't make the connection and I was
00:58:38like hey but um anyhow so she was she
00:58:42obviously was an erotic photographer but
00:58:44she also did some modeling and when she
00:58:47first started shooting nudes
00:58:49she was actually shooting for Playboy so
00:58:52playboy flew her out here and she got
00:58:54her start with playboy and she shot
00:58:56herself for Playboy which was kind of
00:58:58like a big achievement yeah and this is
00:59:00before you know selfies and automatic
00:59:03timers so she shot herself with a cable
00:59:05release and it was actually like really
00:59:07sexy like put her posing with this cable
00:59:09release it's really cool yeah since she
00:59:12shot herself for Playboy and that was
00:59:15really neat and
00:59:16she was kind of like falling out with
00:59:19Playboy's she'd written a book that
00:59:20Hefner didn't approve of she talked
00:59:21about things that went on the grotto
00:59:23that she wasn't supposed to talk about
00:59:24yeah so she was kind of like you know a
00:59:27little bit on the edge and then I guess
00:59:30the final straw was she met Larry Flynt
00:59:33at one of Hafs garden parties because
00:59:36Larry was trying to blackmail have to
00:59:41his he had pictures of half with a girl
00:59:43that wasn't his girlfriend at the time
00:59:44and so have like the way that he was so
00:59:49that was he invited Larry to one of his
00:59:51parties and then like completely ignored
00:59:53him so my mom met him and they like
00:59:55struck up a conversation and they like
00:59:57became friendly and then Larry was like
00:59:58Susie should come work for me so my mom
01:00:00did and so she was working for hustler
01:00:02and then she shot herself for hustler oh
01:00:05my god and kind of as like a like the
01:00:08same way that she different playboy but
01:00:09it's a little bit more explicit
01:00:10obviously and Larry published it and on
01:00:13the cover he wrote playboy photographer
01:00:15shows pink and half flipped out and then
01:00:19my mom got kicked out of Playboy she
01:00:21literally got his courted by security
01:00:23out of the mansion ah that was the end
01:00:26her career at Playboy like that was like
01:00:29the nail in the coffin so yeah company
01:00:31that loves nude women they sure do hate
01:00:33vaginas oh that's wild
01:00:43that's my mom's a hustler you know I you
01:00:47know I don't know if my mom sure she I
01:00:50think she was like at least like those
01:00:51smaller pictures and smaller pictorials
01:00:53but she did the busty beauties she
01:00:56didn't has her busty beauties like
01:00:57several times she did the boob cruise
01:00:59which was pretty big at the time and she
01:01:02did a bunch of other like little kind of
01:01:04slightly lesser than like naughty
01:01:06magazines and she took it pretty
01:01:08seriously too like she had like she kept
01:01:10a lock on like one of her closet doors
01:01:12that had like this whole like kind of
01:01:14filing cabinet full of all her magazines
01:01:17and it's like she would I would go with
01:01:19her when I was a kid when she would go
01:01:21to like some of these new stands and try
01:01:23to find her magazines and her picture
01:01:25and it was like kind of enjoying it I
01:01:26was like I was always very attracted to
01:01:28beautiful photos I think women are
01:01:30beautiful men are beautiful but like
01:01:32women take like really great photos yeah
01:01:34um yeah and it just it would always be
01:01:36it wasn't anything too crazy or taboo I
01:01:38mean it was a little over sexual
01:01:40obviously but I mean I always I always
01:01:43grew up like feeling like that was okay
01:01:45like it was okay to be naked it was okay
01:01:47to be sexual and and it was something
01:01:49really cool about it and it was like oh
01:01:51like that's cool like she's in like you
01:01:53know and she would dance she did like
01:01:55some dance tours and I was like I met
01:01:57like some of her friends I got mad busty
01:01:59dusty when I was a kid who like it was
01:02:01like back when like boobs were kind of
01:02:03like becoming a thing so yeah these
01:02:04giant boobs and like drag queens and I'm
01:02:07like I you know I've gone probably I
01:02:09probably shouldn't say this I've gotta
01:02:10make some places I was underage to go to
01:02:12a couple times but it's okay okay
01:02:15apparently I saw Randy West's naked
01:02:17poses Playgirl out in the backyard when
01:02:19I was a kid so and you know and here you
01:02:21are like that I'm like whoa come on she
01:02:30was like stop because she never really
01:02:32did like official like porn it was kind
01:02:34of more of that like side kind of step
01:02:36and lanolin I'll bet she's a nurse now
01:02:38um like funny my mom was a nurse she
01:02:41became a model and then a photographer I
01:02:44feel like it's about taking care of
01:02:46yeah that's why mommy said like she
01:02:48always said that she did really well in
01:02:51the industry be treated a great bedside
01:02:52manner with the laws I feel like that
01:02:54totally matters and like it's a
01:02:56different kind of like connection with
01:02:57people and you're just you have to be
01:02:58have to be very relaxed and like
01:03:00confident in your own ways to do certain
01:03:02kinds of things like that so yeah like I
01:03:04was I grew up around like other like
01:03:06nude models and like kind of knowing
01:03:07what my MA did maybe a little bit too
01:03:09young and but it was never all that like
01:03:12crazy to me I think somebody did find
01:03:15one of my mother's magazines when I
01:03:17think I was like in junior high I was a
01:03:20little bit awkward but my mom was like
01:03:21really young and hot she had like fake
01:03:23boobs at the time and everything so like
01:03:25you know she was hot what you gonna say
01:03:27and what does your mother look like yeah
01:03:34so yeah so yeah my mom would like and
01:03:37had her own little like adult
01:03:38entertainment exploration she she was a
01:03:41little bit weirded out about me being
01:03:42and like full-on pornography but she was
01:03:44happy that as I explained to like her
01:03:46and everybody else like I'd take it
01:03:48seriously it's my job it's my career I
01:03:50want to like do good and like show good
01:03:53and like I'm proud to promote everything
01:03:55that I've done so I think that matters
01:03:56more than anything else that it's really
01:03:58not like this seedy sad thing that like
01:04:00I did like for two months and then
01:04:03people find it and makes me sad like
01:04:04yeah it's like I meant to do this yeah
01:04:07I'm up yeah like you it was of your own
01:04:09volition yeah yeah and I you know what
01:04:11maybe if I wasn't all that successful
01:04:12she wouldn't be better but she's told me
01:04:16like hey well you know since you're
01:04:17doing good I mean [ __ ] yeah yeah that's
01:04:21really great that you can have like a
01:04:22parent who supports you in that because
01:04:23I know a lot of people have like lost
01:04:26there and we're honestly not like
01:04:29SuperDuper close I mean like I love her
01:04:32so we've gone through a lot obviously
01:04:33together I mean she had her own trials
01:04:35and tribulations with the industry
01:04:37because again it was a very different
01:04:38place 15 20 years ago
01:04:39yeah so you know she like you know was
01:04:41in like a certain crowd that was maybe a
01:04:43little bit bad maybe partied a little
01:04:45bit too much so we bought heads on like
01:04:47certain things but like at the same time
01:04:49I'm maybe because of growing up in those
01:04:51kind of environments like I am secure
01:04:53with who I am and like people don't
01:04:55agree with me like I'm not gonna let it
01:04:57destroy me and we don't like agree on
01:04:59absolutely everything but I'm an adult
01:05:02she was an adult and like live and let
01:05:05live or let me have my piece I believe
01:05:08in protecting your peace and it's okay
01:05:10and I tell people that too it's okay
01:05:11it's not like have a big connected
01:05:13family and everybody who supports you
01:05:15because it is super rare again I'm an
01:05:17only child of a single parent like I've
01:05:18had like probably more people like not
01:05:21supportive than supportive so like I
01:05:23totally do get it and it it's it's okay
01:05:25like as long as you you're happy with
01:05:28what you do and you do surround yourself
01:05:29with people who do support you because
01:05:31they're so you know some things I don't
01:05:32talk to like my mom or my family about
01:05:34because I don't think that they'd
01:05:35understand or like really you know so it
01:05:39is important I tell it's okay to create
01:05:40your own family and like and I get it
01:05:43somebody who's always felt like a little
01:05:44bit of a weirdo and an outcast and an
01:05:46underdog like I've really kind of gotten
01:05:49through because of other people like me
01:05:52and because of other people like really
01:05:54striving and working hard and existing
01:05:57in spite of not necessarily as a result
01:06:00of their bad environments so and so I
01:06:02always so people like it's okay even if
01:06:04you have like one or two people that
01:06:06care about you that's more than some
01:06:08oh yeah and sometimes it's really a lot
01:06:11more valuable to have just a couple I've
01:06:13found that as I get older you know like
01:06:15I just start shedding people that just
01:06:18aren't really right for us people who
01:06:20act like they have a [ __ ] ton of friends
01:06:21like 200 of my closest friends like you
01:06:24lie ten of those people like you yeah
01:06:26exactly that's the thing and it's just
01:06:28like and as we get older and busier and
01:06:30we have less and less time for people
01:06:32like the time that I do have I want to
01:06:34spend it with the people that I really
01:06:35value so I really I've found that I've
01:06:37let some friendships kind of go and not
01:06:39that like we're on bad terms or anything
01:06:40like that but like it's just too much
01:06:42effort to maintain it you know and and I
01:06:44just want to be close to a few select
01:06:47people and I just think there's a lot
01:06:49more value in that than just having a
01:06:50lot of like acquaintances complete
01:06:52quantity oh yeah there's probably only
01:06:55about five people that I would truly
01:06:56call like a friend because the friend is
01:06:58a very like valuable thing and that you
01:07:00trust like a friend of somebody that
01:07:02would let you sleep on their couch if
01:07:03you had nowhere to go like there's not a
01:07:05lot of people would do that for you so
01:07:06yeah I mean a small circle of people who
01:07:09actually care and support you is far and
01:07:11away better than like a room full of
01:07:13people that like just want to be in a
01:07:15selfie you're right you know I am yeah
01:07:17and I think especially to is you become
01:07:19more successful you have to be careful
01:07:21more careful about you only have all
01:07:22your friends as you yeah yeah no it's
01:07:26true and it's you know like you know
01:07:28because it becomes iffy about who wants
01:07:30to be your friend because of what they
01:07:31can get from you as opposed to like who
01:07:33wants to be your friend because like
01:07:34they really like you as a person no
01:07:36completely yeah it gets harder to
01:07:38discern it the more successful you
01:07:40become it's true but you have to like
01:07:42protect your protect your peace as you
01:07:44say like protecting people that you love
01:07:45and the things you worked really hard
01:07:46for like don't allow somebody to take
01:07:49that away from you or destroy it like
01:07:50because there is like I know like you
01:07:52know those you know fake friends kind of
01:07:54people like I've heard crazy stories
01:07:55that people
01:07:55they thought with their friends for
01:07:57years or business partners for years and
01:07:59like they get screwed over cheated or
01:08:02stolen from and it's like you really
01:08:03don't know so it is I think a lot more
01:08:06valuable to have like a few people you
01:08:07really can trust rather than everybody
01:08:10is my friend
01:08:11like no they're not we get only child
01:08:15single parent like I you know I circles
01:08:18are naturally small yeah that's just
01:08:21what I think
01:08:21yeah no you're absolutely right
01:08:23personally well thank you so much for
01:08:25coming on thank you so much folks I know
01:08:26we went over time but it was fun
01:08:27chatting with you and I mean it's like
01:08:29it's very loosey-goosey you know can do
01:08:31what you want it's Holly Randell
01:08:32unfilter this is a your show do what you
01:08:39want like that's why you're here man
01:08:40well that's the great thing about
01:08:42podcasting too is you don't really have
01:08:43to stick to it as opposed to like radio
01:08:45shows you know I always feel like I want
01:08:47to go on radio shows I don't have a
01:08:48certain amount of time and they always
01:08:49like cut me off before like I'm like I'm
01:08:51so much more to say hey I'm a Rambler so
01:08:54like yeah yeah the longer no no you're
01:08:57great you're really great so um
01:08:59obviously people can catch you hosting
01:09:01the AVN Awards this year leaves it also
01:09:04be on Showtime yeah avian awards are
01:09:07January 26 yes the award show itself is
01:09:11January 26 the expo starts on January
01:09:1322nd it is four days long meet me and
01:09:16all of your favorite people there you're
01:09:18going this year yeah yeah I'm actually
01:09:19working at the many of its booth this
01:09:21year I totally will I'm just gonna be at
01:09:25the avian booth for an hour a day cuz I
01:09:27can't risk getting sick so I'm not
01:09:29signing for a company this year that's
01:09:31oh my god dude avian flu you guys it's
01:09:33another thing pack your hand sanitizer
01:09:35your vitamin C your air purifiers like
01:09:38take care yourself this this holiday
01:09:40season kids it's funny actually because
01:09:42a twisties just sent me my order for
01:09:45February the scenes that they want me to
01:09:46shoot and they're like can you book
01:09:47these towards that like middle to end of
01:09:49February so people have time to get over
01:09:51that yeah and flu and I was like oh my
01:09:53god it really is a thing it kind of it
01:09:55yeah I wasn't sick last year cuz I like
01:09:57I drank a ton of tea and I really like
01:09:58was trying to preventative caution oh
01:10:00and I got like one of those IVs that
01:10:02it's just vitamins and a bunch of water
01:10:04to keep you hydrated oh really
01:10:06people do that like for like the
01:10:07hangover cure but I think it's good to
01:10:09do like preventative last so you stay
01:10:12hydrated through Vegas because Vegas is
01:10:13so dry yeah I should try that cuz I
01:10:16don't drink but I do still like always
01:10:19like I don't drink enough water that's
01:10:21pretty and it's hard and you're just
01:10:23running around all day and you're
01:10:24touching like sweaty people and like I
01:10:25hugs people sometimes and I'm like how
01:10:27are you wet
01:10:28why are you wet yeah I'm wet Oh God but
01:10:33no it's worth it it's fun yeah just take
01:10:36care of yourselves you guys come and
01:10:37meet us
01:10:37January 22nd through 26 26 is the AVN
01:10:41show it's gonna be so much fun hosted by
01:10:43me and Bailey rain and comedian Esther
01:10:46ku and special performance from cardi B
01:10:48so it's gonna be a pretty cool big show
01:10:51which are really excited about be a
01:10:52really big show we rock and then where
01:10:54can people find you online can you give
01:10:56us your website your Instagram my
01:10:59website is Romi rain calm ro mi Rin
01:11:04Twitter is Romi underscore rain because
01:11:07somebody stole Romi rain like you know
01:11:10how does Instagram but I'm verified on
01:11:13Twitter so I'm easy to find Instagram is
01:11:16Romi rain I have 2.3 million followers
01:11:18but they still refuse to verify me maybe
01:11:20one day because I won't pay for it they
01:11:22make like you know they anyway yeah so
01:11:25basically you're the only roni Romi rain
01:11:27with followers in the millions so you
01:11:29guys can't find that then thank you I
01:11:31would I feel bad for people who get
01:11:33scams but I'm like if you're like just
01:11:34chatting with an account that like won't
01:11:36send you proof of who they are who has
01:11:38like a hundred followers asking you to
01:11:40send money to Ghana yeah then come on
01:11:42who in Ghana is run in that [ __ ] yeah
01:11:45and you know what I was looking up my
01:11:48numbers for this podcast and there's
01:11:50like 13 people in Ghana who listen to
01:11:54this podcast and it was wondering if
01:11:56like one of them is that person who's
01:11:57running that [ __ ] scam very someone
01:12:01in Ghana who is like helping a lot of
01:12:03people that porn stars are stuck in
01:12:06Ghana and need [ __ ] like I don't know
01:12:09what Singapore's are there's been to
01:12:10Ghana honestly no I'm not any pictures
01:12:13at this point like is it
01:12:15I don't know speaking of that they say
01:12:18porn can't take you places but I love
01:12:20that like porn has like been the thing
01:12:22that's gotten me out of country like
01:12:23porn has paid for my trip to the UK to
01:12:25Montreal I'm doing a feature dance tour
01:12:28in Italy and Bucharest this upcoming
01:12:30year I'm so excited
01:12:32so like that guys already tell people
01:12:33too and like you don't underestimate you
01:12:35know like this can really this industry
01:12:37can take you all over the world if you
01:12:38like want it to and you work your butt
01:12:40off and I'm also on many of its Romy
01:12:42rein many of its calm only fans Romy
01:12:45underscore rain fan Centro Romy rain
01:12:48camps I would uh my free camp everywhere
01:12:51you know I'm like Google me y'all you're
01:12:55all over the Internet I try I try to
01:12:57spread myself around if you guys can
01:13:02follow me at Holly Randall on Instagram
01:13:04and Twitter I also have my website Holly
01:13:08Randall comm if you want to support this
01:13:10podcast you can go to Randall unfiltered I
01:13:14also have a premium snapchat fan slash Holly Randall so yeah
01:13:21we knew Don I actually very rarely I'll
01:13:25post like a topless photo when I feel
01:13:28like it but it's becoming less and less
01:13:29frequently recently after it met the
01:13:31people what they want I accidentally
01:13:33posted one on my free snapchat the other
01:13:36day and I was wondering more I kept
01:13:38getting all these DIMMs from people
01:13:39being like oh you're so hot my course is
01:13:42coming from and then I looked at my [ __ ]
01:13:44I put it on the wrong account but I was
01:13:47another accident exactly what I thought
01:13:50myself like people aren't gonna believe
01:13:51me they're gonna think I did this on
01:13:52purpose I'm just you guys I'm just a
01:13:54[ __ ] dumb blonde I don't know what
01:13:55I'm doing it's okay we like nudes it's
01:13:58nudes everybody has nudes and that's the
01:14:00thing too you know forgetting people
01:14:01talk about like celebrities and stuff
01:14:03and like psycho we're we're so gross
01:14:05because we have our like we take naked
01:14:06pictures and put them on the internet
01:14:07when like a couple years ago when
01:14:09everybody in Hollywood got hacked and
01:14:11like everybody's [ __ ] nudes and like
01:14:14porn was out there I'm like if they do
01:14:15the same thing and they're bending over
01:14:18and taking pictures of their butthole -
01:14:20yeah yeah like oscar-winning actresses
01:14:22so like nobody's above like IATA selfies
01:14:25I agree we can all take in I agree yes
01:14:27and you guys go
01:14:29and take a naughty selfie and don't send
01:14:32it to me yeah
01:14:34sign up to one of our premiums and then
01:14:36you can send us yeah you can send it and
01:14:40I will pretend I never saw it yeah I'll
01:14:42click on it for you all right thank you
01:14:46guys so much thank you wrong people
01:14:48having me I really appreciate it of
01:14:49course and I will see the rest of you
01:14:51guys next week bye
