Familia (Aile) - Capitulo 69 (Español)

  • 2 months ago


00:35Mama como estas
00:40Deja de preguntar tonterías no tengo ganas de responderte que llevas en esa maleta dinero que dinero
00:48No hagas preguntas y ayuda me lleva lo arriba vamos
00:55De donde ha salido este dinero
00:58Haz lo que te digo y no preguntes pronto nos iremos de esta casa
01:02como piensas hacerlo
01:05Subasta nuestra casa y pienso recuperarla y eso lo sabe mi hermano mamá
01:13De verdad crees que le importa la casa vamos en marcha
01:31Pasa a tomarte las pastillas
01:34Cállate no te importa
01:37Mamá que desagradable estás hoy
01:40Le estás echando la bronca a todo el mundo la tía nedred se metió en su habitación nada más llegar
01:45Le dijiste algo en el hospital
01:47Y no seas pesada jaylan vete vete ya vamos venga
02:14Qué haces julia fuera sal de aquí
02:17Me iré en cuanto dejes de intrometerte en los asuntos de mi familia a ver si te enteras ya
02:25Eres el ángel de la guarda de debil o qué
02:28Ya estoy bastante molesta hace el favor de no provocarme más con tus cosas julia tú le dijiste que fuera otro médico
02:36Verdad sí fui yo y que son dos personas inocentes
02:40Una de ellas es tu nuera y entiendo que no la quieras pero la otra persona es tu hijo
02:46Cómo puedes tener tanta maldad cómo puedes hacerle una cosa así
02:51Sabes todo por lo que ha pasado mi hijo
02:54Sabes lo que ha pasado por culpa de esa maldita mujer
02:59Llevas toda la vida encima de tu hijo lo estás asfixiando y él está ya muy cansado
03:05suéltalo y deja que respire no lo manipules más
03:09Ya es demasiado tarde ya da igual lo que haga sabes
03:14tu hijo terminará abandonando
03:19Ahora fuera
03:45No viniste anoche donde dormiste sale con muy yo
03:51No me avisaste podemos hablar
03:54No, no tengo nada que decirte no sé de qué hay que hablar verás hijo esto es importante deberías escuchar a tu madre
04:04Puede que quiera confesarte algo importante
04:07Que iba a tener yo que confesar que está ocurriendo tía a qué te refieres
04:14Tu madre nunca te contó por qué la echaron verdad no empieces una pelea
04:20Yo hablo con mi madre tía gracias yo puedo contártelo
04:25Tu madre se enamoró cuando era muy joven
04:29Cállate cállate ya
04:32Tu abuelo se enfadó mucho
04:36Tu madre era muy madura
04:41Y el hombre del que se enamoró
04:53No era tu padre
05:01La abandonó sin pensarlo y dejó sola tu madre
05:09Tu abuelo que estaba chapado la antigua no podía permitirlo así que echó a tu madre de casa
05:15por lo que fuese a decir la gente
05:21Y entonces ella se casó con tu padre
05:31Algo más que añadir mamá
05:37Bueno da igual no me interesa escucharlo
05:48En lugar de cuestionar mi papel como madre cuestiona te tuve el tuyo
05:56A saber que otras mentiras les has contado a todos
06:03Prepara te prepara te que harás cuando se descubran tus secretos
06:13Te voy a matar
06:17Entonces tu hijo se irá de tu vida para siempre
06:24Todavía no lo entiendes verdad
06:27No tienes alternativa
06:30Al final tú también terminarás sola
06:34Acabarás sola con tus remordimientos
06:44Hola doctor pase adelante
06:57Muchas gracias gracias
07:02Ya está aslan toma es
07:05El mundo se ha digitalizado y scotch soy de la vieja escuela
07:11Jefe que hacemos no está demasiado lejos quieres que vayamos al infierno que está más cerca no digas reír que no de caiga el ánimo
07:27Buenos días espero que estéis bien
07:32Igualmente gracias tengo las llaves
07:38Vamos chicos tenemos trabajo vamos
07:48Estás bien si
07:50Si estoy bien cuñado
07:53Ha salido como planeamos gracias por tu ayuda de nada ah que está pasando aquí
08:01De dónde vienes has estado con papá sí querida
08:06Hermana porque no me cuentas que ha pasado así al menos podría consolarte tranquila ya está arreglado no te preocupes
08:14bien nos vamos ya que pasa
08:22Ahora nos toca a nosotros darnos una sorpresa
08:50Esta película ya la he visto
08:54Ya lo has visto
08:56Dime que te pareció
08:58A ver no estuvo mal me empezó bastante bien pero luego me aburrió me aburrió un poco
09:05luego volví a mejorar
09:08Ahora espero que termine bien y yo
09:17No me has dicho cuál es la sorpresa si te lo digo no es una sorpresa
09:23Vamos tuérmete tenemos tiempo duérmete
09:28No tengo sueño estoy aburrida despierta intenta dormirte
09:38Te conté
09:41Lo que soñé aquel día en el sofá de tu habitación
09:58Aquel día cuando decías
10:07El día que repetías mi nombre
10:10No lo sé
10:36Pues ya lo sabes
10:43El día que repetías mi nombre
10:45No lo sé
11:17No, no, don't get up, it hurts
11:20Wait, let's try this way
11:23Wait, don't move
11:28Excuse me?
11:34Excuse me!
12:09Don't worry, you can pass it to anyone.
12:18Have a nice flight.
12:29Ladies and gentlemen, the plane is about to land at the Adnan Menderes airport.
12:35It's incredible.
12:40Yes, it could be several years or a month.
12:44If it's a month, it's not that long.
12:47But a year is too much.
12:49What did the man say?
12:51I'll come tomorrow to give him the last injection.
12:55Good, doctor. Thank you.
12:57See you later.
13:10My mother said that your veins were poisoned.
13:13And she was right.
13:15And now, in case it wasn't enough, you've contaminated my son.
13:19It's for you to know how it feels when they put your son against you.
13:23It's okay. It's more than enough, Julia.
13:27And it's better for you that my son doesn't take me out of his life.
13:31Threats are useless. Your problem won't be solved alone.
13:36You'll have to solve it on your own.
13:39I won't shut up because you buried Ibrahim and burned his things.
13:48What do you think will happen when Aslan finds out what happened between his uncle and his mother?
13:56I don't think he'll like what he finds out.
14:00Are you really threatening me?
14:03I'm giving you your own medicine, Julia. I'm playing your game.
14:06Let's see which son abandons his mother first, yours or mine.
14:14Nedred, if I lose my son because of you, I'll lose everything in this life.
14:20If that happens, I'll stop threatening you.
14:24And you'll get out of here with the sweat you brought.
14:37Another one.
14:44Seify, what's wrong? Why are you so sad?
14:48You don't look well. You don't drink. What are you doing here?
14:52You're a real party pooper, Seify.
14:55My stomach hurts and I don't want to drink.
14:58Stop making excuses. Everyone has problems.
15:02You don't have to be so hard on me.
15:07By the way, tell us what you were doing with Ilias yesterday. Did you talk to him? Is he going to protect us?
15:14What are you talking about?
15:16We don't need anyone's protection. Let's see if you find out at once.
15:21Bedriir answers. Will he give us protection without asking for anything in return?
15:26We have to take care of Aslan. Ilias will help us.
15:29What's wrong with you, Seify? Since you got burned, you've lost your mind.
15:31Ilias can't help us with the things we have in common.
15:40I'll take care of him personally after I finish Aslan.
15:46You've already ruined my night.
15:49See you.
16:01Thank you.
16:10Thank you, Luvtu.
16:12You're welcome.
16:15Good night, Luvtu.
16:17Thank you, ma'am.
16:21Tell me the truth. Where did you get Luvtu?
16:24There's no one like him. He's the best.
16:26Whenever we come, we count on him.
16:29He just set up a transport company. He's very good.
16:33Why are you yelling? What's going on here, Aslan?
16:37Wait a little longer. You'll see.
17:23Aslan, what is this place?
17:27It's our new home, darling.
17:32Our new home. This is where we'll live now.
17:37Aslan, are you serious?
17:39Yes, I'm serious.
17:41I can't believe it.
17:45I can't believe it.
17:47Well, do you like it?
17:49It's beautiful. Aslan, it's beautiful.
17:56It's beautiful.
18:04Do you want an orca?
18:08An orca.
18:10To do public executions.
18:12Your family is very good at it.
18:14The truth is, that's not my thing.
18:16Well, your method isn't bad.
18:18Stabbing men in the heart with a dagger.
18:21Look, I don't want to fight right now, really.
18:23I know you'd never want to hurt my brother-in-law.
18:26I'm sorry I doubted you.
18:31Thank you.
18:33But a mere apology won't heal the pain I feel.
18:37And what can I do? Take you to have your heart operated on?
18:41I'm a little fed up with hospitals.
18:43Is there anything I could use to heal my heart?
18:49Iskender soup.
18:51If you really want me to forgive you, we'll have dinner together.
18:55Don't say no.
18:57You're not giving up, are you?
19:00I'm not giving up.
19:04All right.
19:06I've got the car at the door.
19:14Thank you.
19:16You're welcome.
19:20Thank you.
19:25It's incredible.
19:27The soup is just like my mother's.
19:30I'm glad.
19:32The recipe?
19:35Excuse me.
19:37Tell me, Osgur.
19:39Hello, Ekrem. Good evening.
19:41You told me to let you know if I saw anything suspicious.
19:44That's why I called you.
19:46What is it?
19:47Miss Jamur.
19:49She's at the port with Mr. Bedri.
19:51I don't know. Something's not right.
19:53I wanted to let you know.
19:55Just a second.
19:57I don't think anything's wrong.
20:00Must be work.
20:02No, my friend.
20:04It doesn't look like work.
20:06It looks like a date.
20:08Osgur, I'm a married man.
20:10I don't care what they're doing.
20:12I've got things to do.
20:14May I?
20:17Of course.
20:37It wasn't serious, was it?
20:42It was a matter of the port.
20:43The port.
20:47Why here and not in Istanbul?
20:57Because I thought...
21:01To start a family...
21:05It's better to stay away from all the bad.
21:09I don't want any more sadness.
21:10It's time to forget and start from scratch.
21:13We'll be very happy here.
21:15Do you understand?
21:18What about the port, Aslan?
21:20All the debts, my consultation.
21:22We just paid the clinic's rent.
21:25Don't worry.
21:27Don't worry. I'll take care of everything.
21:30Do you know what I'm going to do?
21:33I'm going to find a good manager.
21:36And I'll put him in front of the port.
21:39I'll go and come back.
21:41I'll go and come back to Istanbul.
21:43Just for a while.
21:45I can't split up.
21:47I'll find a job in Smyrna.
21:49A very nice job.
21:51Something you can work for a good price.
21:54My nephews will live with us until Leila gets out of jail.
21:59Leila will also come when she gets out.
22:02We'll all be together.
22:04You and me.
22:06Our son.
22:10Jan Jan, right?
22:12I didn't like that name.
22:14I have to admit it.
22:16I wasn't convinced of Jan.
22:18I think we can think of another one.
22:20We'll think of another one.
22:22We have to find a better one.
22:24We'll talk about that.
22:26We'll talk about the important thing.
22:29Well, what's the important thing?
22:33Your mother.
22:35What do we do with her?
22:38My mother will continue to live with my aunt.
22:43Aslan, I...
22:45I may never be able to forgive your mother
22:48for all the things she has done to us.
22:51But that's another matter.
22:53Aslan is your mother.
22:55And I don't think she's in good health, Aslan.
22:59It's the first time she feels she's lost you.
23:02She must feel a lot of pain.
23:04She'd rather die than lose you.
23:06You can't leave her.
23:12I understand your point of view.
23:14But I know her better.
23:16I'm the son.
23:20her son.
23:22And she raised me.
23:24I know her well.
23:26I've always been...
23:29her trophy.
23:31She's always treated me like an object.
23:34Do you understand?
23:36She loved me.
23:38She loved me in her own way.
23:40She loved me.
23:42But in a toxic way.
23:44That's not love.
23:46She really loved me.
23:48A lot of pain.
23:50She always tells me,
23:52I can't live without you.
23:54I'd die for you.
23:56Do you realize how it's always been?
23:58If you don't pay attention, she manipulates you.
24:00She becomes the victim.
24:02She tries to make you love her.
24:04But she hurts you more
24:06because she wants to feel
24:08that you love her.
24:10That's dangerous.
24:12It happened in the old house.
24:14I thought I was going to die.
24:16But no, it wasn't true.
24:18I thought...
24:20something serious was happening to her.
24:22But it was just a panic attack.
24:24That was all.
24:26I was a child.
24:28I ran up to her and hugged her legs.
24:30Don't die, Mom.
24:32Don't leave me.
24:34You have to live, Mom.
24:36Please, Mom, don't die.
24:38Tell me the same thing.
24:40She tells me she loves me
24:42and that she can't live without me.
24:44She takes advantage of my love for her,
24:46but that's not love.
24:52It's an obsession.
24:54It's not healthy, you know?
24:57She's obsessed with me.
25:02That's why I had to cut her off
25:04once and for all.
25:06This has to end.
25:08This has to end.
25:20My son won't leave me.
25:27My son loves me.
25:32He always has.
25:39Aslan, I have to tell you something.
25:46When you talk about her,
25:48your voice doesn't sound indifferent.
25:50There's anger.
25:52There's pain.
25:54There's resentment.
25:57It's normal.
25:59Of course you love your mother.
26:01And it's normal that you're worried about her.
26:03Let's think about moving to Urla,
26:05okay, Aslan?
26:06What? Think about it?
26:08No, it's final.
26:10It's done.
26:12We have to do it for our future, okay?
26:14Maybe you didn't like the house.
26:16You can tell me.
26:18If you don't like the house, tell me.
26:20Of course I do. I like it a lot.
26:24And also,
26:26I like you a lot.
26:28But there are things to be done.
26:33Listen to me.
26:37Why don't you keep telling me things
26:39about the dream you had that day?
26:41Wonderful idea.
26:44Tell me.
26:47We could...
26:51see what the room of this house is like.
26:54Aslan Soykan.
27:06Excuse me.
27:08Could you bring another plate for my friend?
27:11No, no. It's already full.
27:13Of course not.
27:15You have a big wound in your heart.
27:20I assure you I don't hold a grudge against you.
27:23So don't worry about that.
27:26Do you hold a grudge against someone?
27:32I do.
27:37My mother.
27:42You said it was serious.
27:44Do you want to tell me?
27:48There's something I've been suspecting for a long time.
27:53And Aunt Julia dropped something and...
27:57Let's see, this is a pretty long story.
28:02I don't want to bore you.
28:04This is a date. Tell me something.
28:06This is a date?
28:08I thought it was to cure you.
28:14Why did you break that cream?
28:19I knew you wanted to know.
28:22No, let's see.
28:24I don't understand.
28:26What kind of idiot would let a girl like you escape?
28:31Your dear Aunt Julia...
28:33said something horrible to Crem's family.
28:37We've never been good to her, so...
28:40Julia tried to stop us from getting married.
28:43In the end, it didn't end well.
28:47But I think she did us a favor.
28:52Well, you know those things happen.
29:02What's this?
29:04I think I've stained myself.
29:06Here, right?
29:08Let's see.
29:11I don't see anything.
29:15Pedri, can you tell me what you're doing?
29:19I saw it on the internet.
29:21Where did you say?
29:23On the internet.
29:31Okay, if this ends well...
29:40Elif, welcome.
29:42Thank you, Crem.
29:49I think we can get up now.
29:53It's late. Let's go to bed.
29:55Come on, get up.
29:57Okay, let's go.
30:00Come here.
30:02Lean on me.
30:09How strange.
30:11They shot me at Aslan's wedding and him at mine.
30:14They shot you at his wedding?
30:16That's right.
30:18In the chest.
30:22This is a union symbol.
30:24He has three, but it doesn't matter.
30:26You're together because he's your boss, right?
30:31I'll take your shirt off.
30:34And these two bad guys?
30:36Echo, Echo, Echo, I'm Echo.
30:38Your husband.
31:01Your lips.
31:04Your eyes.
31:10You're beautiful.
31:15And you're very drunk.
31:17I hope you don't forget this tomorrow.
31:21Of course not.
31:23Don't forget.
31:24Don't forget.
31:26And I'm not going to forget the Sarma either.
31:31Can I confess something?
31:33You'll see, I didn't do the Sarma.
31:40You lied to me?
31:42No, not at all.
31:44I went to the restaurant next door and I chose them myself.
31:47So you chose them with these little hands?
32:45I'll see you tomorrow night.
32:50If you're not right,
32:51And you're right. I'll tell you everything.
32:56The house will be auctioned off in two days. I'm going to buy it. I've made up my mind.
33:01In that house, I became Julia Soyka. I will flourish again, even if they want to destroy me.
33:21I don't want anything special. We'll have something simple. Okay?
33:31Yes, don't worry.
33:35I'm going to buy a house.
33:38I'm going to buy a house.
33:41I'm going to buy a house.
33:44I'm going to buy a house.
33:47I'm going to buy a house.
33:49I'm going to buy a house.
33:57I'm serious. Really.
34:00Don't worry. Listen to me. We'll talk tonight. Okay?
34:07See you later. Bye.
34:10How are you?
34:13How did you sleep, my princess?
34:16I slept like a baby.
34:19Don't worry when we have kids.
34:22I'm sure we will.
34:28Have you told everyone about Urla?
34:31Yes, they already know.
34:34We're going to have dinner together tonight, as a farewell.
34:38Okay. What about your mother? Do you think she knows?
34:42I don't know. We'll find out when we get there. We have to go.
34:45Cielo, get dressed.
34:48Hurry up, Cielo.
34:50I would like to remind you that the stake is worth 120 million.
34:54And that each bet must be worth at least one million more liras.
34:58The auction begins. Good luck.
35:14Anyone else?
35:22150 million. Anyone else?
35:25I'm out. Good luck to the winner.
35:30Anyone else?
35:35What is he doing?
35:37You said they would stop at 150.
35:40That's what we agreed on.
35:41I think something's wrong.
35:44151 million.
35:57Anyone else?
36:00180 to one.
36:02Chari, how much can we raise?
36:05We can't pay that amount. We don't have any money.
36:08190 million.
36:12205 million from contestant number three. Anyone else?
36:18No one else?
36:22Anyone else?
36:39Thank you.
37:10The ultimatum you gave me is over.
37:13From now on, do whatever you want.
37:17I won't tell my son anything.
37:20You tell him whatever you want.
37:23Why, Enedret?
37:25Why is it so hard for you to accept your past mistakes?
37:30I've paid the price for my mistakes for 30 years.
37:33The worst thing has been to waste those 30 years for this to happen.
37:3930 years.
37:42I gave it all for my son.
37:45Because I thought I'd make him a good boy and have a good future.
37:50He won't be a Soikan or a Kurosade.
37:53And I raised him just for that.
37:56I was the one who raised him.
37:59His mother was the only one.
38:01His mother was the only one who was with him.
38:04Do you know what will happen if you tell him the truth?
38:07That then he won't want to be with his mother either.
38:10And he'll be alone in this world.
38:12Not at all.
38:13He won't be.
38:15On the contrary.
38:17He'll have his father and also his grandmother and his sister.
38:22Do you really think he's going to accept you as a father?
38:26I raised him.
38:27I know exactly how he is.
38:30If you tell him the truth, you'll also end up losing him.
38:33You'll lose him.
38:36Is that what you want?
38:38Well, you know it.
38:40I haven't made mistakes.
38:42The moment I found out, I tried to get close to the kid.
38:47Now I'm by his side.
38:49What have I done wrong, Negrete?
38:50Tell me.
38:52And all the suffering you caused me.
38:58Where is all that?
39:03Are you going to lie to our son about what you and I know?
39:13You abandoned me first.
39:16You closed the door in my face.
39:18Don't you remember that?
39:26Let's go.
39:36Let's explain that to him, too.
39:40Let's see if you have the courage.
39:43Shout it to his face.
39:46Tell him, I'm your father.
39:56I'm your father.
40:12Thank you, Mr. Bulent.
40:14Good luck.
40:26Thank you.
40:32She is my wife.
40:36I'm glad to meet you.
40:40I'm sure you'll give me some advice on how to renovate the house.
40:47It doesn't matter.
40:53We've known each other for many years.
40:55At least you'll send us some flowers.
40:58Hey, don't send a hitman.
41:19I've got you cornered.
41:21Julia, I'm Cano.
41:25You're finished.
41:29Do you remember?
41:32Do you remember the abuse?
41:35Your unstable husband?
41:39And the children you took from their childhood?
41:45Now I've taken everything from you.
41:55This is over.
41:59You're finished.
42:02It's over.
42:06Do you hear me?
42:08It's over.
42:25It's over.
42:55It's over.
43:10I didn't see anything.
43:12Don't worry.
43:16You'll see.
43:19Do you know why I haven't told you?
43:21Why haven't I told you?
43:25I suppose you have your own balance in which you value
43:30which truths and lies you should tell and which you should hide.
43:41What I did to you is not comparable to what you've done to me.
43:47It's the truth.
43:51I don't want to lose my son right now that I have him with me.
44:00But I don't want you to lose him either.
44:21I don't want you to lose him either.
44:51I don't want you to lose him either.
45:21I don't want you to lose him either.
45:51I don't want you to lose him either.
45:52I don't want you to lose him either.
45:53I don't want you to lose him either.
45:54I don't want you to lose him either.
45:55I don't want you to lose him either.
45:56I don't want you to lose him either.
45:57I don't want you to lose him either.
45:58I don't want you to lose him either.
45:59I don't want you to lose him either.
46:00I don't want you to lose him either.
46:01I don't want you to lose him either.
46:02I don't want you to lose him either.
46:03I don't want you to lose him either.
46:04I don't want you to lose him either.
46:05I don't want you to lose him either.
46:06I don't want you to lose him either.
46:07I don't want you to lose him either.
46:08I don't want you to lose him either.
46:09I don't want you to lose him either.
46:10I don't want you to lose him either.
46:11I don't want you to lose him either.
46:12I don't want you to lose him either.
46:13I don't want you to lose him either.
46:14I don't want you to lose him either.
46:15I don't want you to lose him either.
46:16I don't want you to lose him either.
46:17I don't want you to lose him either.
46:18I don't want you to lose him either.
46:19I don't want you to lose him either.
46:20I don't want you to lose him either.
46:21I don't want you to lose him either.
46:22I don't want you to lose him either.
46:23I don't want you to lose him either.
46:24I don't want you to lose him either.
46:25I don't want you to lose him either.
46:26I don't want you to lose him either.
46:27I don't want you to lose him either.
46:28I don't want you to lose him either.
46:29I don't want you to lose him either.
46:30I don't want you to lose him either.
46:31I don't want you to lose him either.
46:32I don't want you to lose him either.
46:33I don't want you to lose him either.
46:34I don't want you to lose him either.
46:35I don't want you to lose him either.
46:36I don't want you to lose him either.
46:37I don't want you to lose him either.
46:38I don't want you to lose him either.
46:39I don't want you to lose him either.
46:40I don't want you to lose him either.
46:41I don't want you to lose him either.
46:42I don't want you to lose him either.
46:43I don't want you to lose him either.
46:44I don't want you to lose him either.
