Sueños de Libertad - Capítulo 102

  • 2 months ago
00:06No mejor otro día por favor
00:09vas a tardar más tiempo en convencerme de que me vaya que en que desayunemos juntos
00:21Luis hola Jaime
00:24necesito que me digan lo que está pasandote así
00:27De verdad que no te puedo decir nada ya te lo comentaré más adelante
00:31y me tengo que quedar conforme
00:33Catalina lo sabía
00:36Lo sabía y no sólo me perdonó
00:40sino que me pidió que nunca me desentendiese de él
00:43yo también
00:45mantendría el secreto
00:47Gracias pero esto
00:49esto no te lo voy a perdonar
00:51¡Que quiero salir! ¡Quiero salir!
00:53Está bien, está bien
00:55Ahora mismo le hablo
01:00El señor va a salir a pasear y ha visto que la cantera de la parte sur estaba abierta
01:04No, no, no por favor
01:06Hay que avisar a la guardia civil
01:08Pero ya no estás para caminar, llámales tú y Jesús y yo mientras vamos a buscarla
01:18¿Mercedes? ¿Mercedes?
01:20No, por favor, por favor
01:22Por favor, por favor
01:24Está viva, está viva
01:26¡Mercedes! ¡Mercedes!
01:50¡Mercedes! ¡Mercedes!
01:52¡Mercedes! ¡Mercedes!
01:54¡Mercedes! ¡Mercedes!
01:56¡Mercedes! ¡Mercedes!
01:58¡Mercedes! ¡Mercedes!
02:00¡Mercedes! ¡Mercedes!
02:02¡Mercedes! ¡Mercedes!
02:04¡Mercedes! ¡Mercedes!
02:06¡Mercedes! ¡Mercedes!
02:08¡Mercedes! ¡Mercedes!
02:10¡Mercedes! ¡Mercedes!
02:12¡Mercedes! ¡Mercedes!
02:14¡Mercedes! ¡Mercedes!
02:16¡Mercedes! ¡Mercedes!
02:18¡Mercedes! ¡Mercedes!
02:20¡Mercedes! ¡Mercedes!
02:22¡Mercedes! ¡Mercedes!
02:24¡Mercedes! ¡Mercedes!
02:26¡Mercedes! ¡Mercedes!
02:28¡Mercedes! ¡Mercedes!
02:30¡Mercedes! ¡Mercedes!
02:32¡Mercedes! ¡Mercedes!
02:34¡Mercedes! ¡Mercedes!
02:36¡Mercedes! ¡Mercedes!
02:38¡Mercedes! ¡Mercedes!
02:40¡Mercedes! ¡Mercedes!
02:42¡Mercedes! ¡Mercedes!
02:44¡Mercedes! ¡Mercedes!
02:46Come, come here.
02:50Where have you found him?
02:51A couple of kilometers from here.
02:52On the way to the hole.
02:54This kid looks very bad, doesn't he? We have to give him stitches.
02:57He's a high school kid.
02:58But that could infect him, Luz.
03:00Darling, let's let the doctor erase the work.
03:04How is he?
03:05He's breathing well.
03:06It seems that there is no broken rib.
03:08Thank goodness.
03:11His pulse is weak.
03:12He must have suffered a low blood pressure.
03:14That's why he fainted.
03:16And he seems dehydrated, doesn't he?
03:18We have to act quickly.
03:19We should move him to his room.
03:20It will be more comfortable there.
03:21Of course.
03:22Can I do it?
03:23Stay with your wife.
03:28Luz, do you need Jesus to go to the pantry for something?
03:31No, I have everything I need in my suitcase.
03:33Let's go.
03:34Begoña, your mother is here.
03:37Begoña, your mother is here and she's fine.
03:40You need to rest that wound. You are not in condition.
03:43But I'm a nurse. Can I help?
03:45Begoña, please, I'll let you know when she's stabilized.
03:48Yes, listen to her, darling.
03:50We'll take an infusion while the doctor takes care of everything.
03:54Let's go.
03:55Let's go.
04:06I'm his wife, Claudia.
04:08It was the first time I took over.
04:09I'm starting to forget things.
04:10What do you want me to tell you?
04:12I would be willing to take her for a walk, Carmen.
04:14Of course.
04:15I don't need a man to live.
04:17Especially not a liar and a scammer like him.
04:20Calm down, Carmen.
04:21One of my people was arrested for leaving her house.
04:25I'm telling you, Tassio doesn't report me to the Civil Guard because of the account he has.
04:29But come on, if they want to put me in a well, I don't care.
04:32Claudia, I don't care.
04:33I'm tired of going through what...
04:34Carmen, please, calm down.
04:35You're making excuses.
04:37Sometimes we have a lot of people.
04:40But are you listening to what I'm telling you, Claudia?
04:43My husband is a whore.
04:45The boss stole him.
04:46Or something worse, I don't even know.
04:48Carmen, I already know.
04:50But I've seen him very badly.
04:52And I think he's really sorry.
04:55Let's see why.
04:56If not, he's going to be out there burning the bills.
04:58I don't know.
05:00I've seen it like that.
05:02Of course.
05:03If he doesn't want to talk about it, it's because he's completely drunk.
05:07That's what worries me, Claudia.
05:09Drunk, why?
05:10And what about?
05:12I don't know, Carmen.
05:14But he's going to be a whore.
05:16And I don't think he's going to eat again.
05:19He's really sorry.
05:21How can I be sure of that?
05:23Do you know?
05:24Because I don't.
05:25Ask Mateo, he'll tell you.
05:27Look, there's no one here.
05:34Please tell me what's going on with Tassio.
05:36Because I can't take it anymore.
05:38Carmen, calm down.
05:39All I can tell you is that your husband needs your support right now more than ever.
05:44But did you get to talk to him?
05:48Carmen, I can't tell you anything.
05:50God told him that.
05:51Mateo, for God's sake, what are you talking about?
05:53Leave Monselva.
05:54Carmen, honey, he can't tell you anything.
05:56You'll have to trust Mateo.
05:57And also Tassio.
05:59Listen to me, Carmen.
06:01Your husband is a good person.
06:04And he's not acting in bad faith.
06:06You have to trust him.
06:18Thank you.
06:35I appreciate that you've come all the way here.
06:37I would have gone to the factory, but there's been a problem at home.
06:40Well, the truth is that I didn't want to come.
06:43But if I hadn't, I would have had to explain to my boss why I didn't go to the boss' call.
06:47I see.
06:50You tell me what you offer him, that I have to do things in La Colonia.
06:52You see, Maria del Carmen came to see me yesterday to give me back the money I gave you.
06:57She even told me that you had burned some money.
07:01Look, I'm going to give it back to her as soon as I can.
07:03I didn't call you to tell me that.
07:09I wanted to thank you.
07:14For not telling your wife the truth about the relationship that unites us.
07:19You could have done it perfectly.
07:21I could and should do it, Mr. Damián.
07:22The truth is, I would be saving myself a lot of trouble with her.
07:24I know what you suspect.
07:25A vulgar thief is what I think I am.
07:27I've been putting up with the looks and reproaches of the woman I love for two days to protect you.
07:32And I don't even know why I'm doing it.
07:33Because I should be considered by someone who is only worth a handful of bills.
07:36I'm sorry. Now I understand that giving you that money wasn't right.
07:41I didn't expect that from you.
07:47We're going to miss you a lot around here, Mateo.
07:49Well, let's see if you're going to miss me more in the end.
07:53And why is that?
07:55I wanted you to be the first to know that I have rejected the idea of ​​leaving La Colonia.
08:00Come on.
08:02And why?
08:03It wasn't the time.
08:04So, if the diocese wants, I'm going to share the pastoral work with Don Agustín.
08:10Well, let's see.
08:11If they also want to take their so-called resignations and leave you alone once and for all.
08:15I know, Claudia, that you have your reservations with Don Agustín.
08:18Man, like Panón. It's just that I'm not clean.
08:22Let's see, I know.
08:23But, look, I've talked to him and he's confessed everything he's done to me.
08:30He's very sorry.
08:31He's been sorry before. Don't you think this has a limit, Mateo?
08:34Well, maybe.
08:37But I don't know.
08:38Will it be the effect of having regained faith?
08:40That I like to think about forgiveness, regret and second chances.
08:47Come on.
08:48I'll see you later.
08:49Come on.
08:50I'll see you later.
08:59Innocent of me.
09:01I was expecting an impossible.
09:03That you gave me the place that belongs to me in that house.
09:05Next to you at the table. Like one more son.
09:07But I see that you are not even capable of inviting me inside to tell me all this.
09:10That's what you're asking me.
09:11Yes, it's ridiculous, but it's fair.
09:13It's not ridiculous and it's fair.
09:15I can't do anything but give you the reason.
09:17It's not going to happen.
09:18No, I have to assimilate it.
09:20I was born a bastard and I'm going to die a bastard.
09:22Look, I don't think there's much more we have to say.
09:24Tassio, wait, wait.
09:27I need time to think how the hell to do it.
09:29I can't go into the house all of a sudden and let go that you're my son.
09:34What other way is there to do it?
09:36I don't know, I'll have to prepare them in some way.
09:39Wait, find the right moment.
09:42The right moment for whom?
09:44For my family, Tassio.
09:48Don Damián, I'm also his family.
09:50And he's not taking into account my needs.
09:54I understand your disappointment and that you think I'm not up to the circumstances.
09:59And you're right.
10:01But I'm still getting the idea.
10:06I need time to adapt.
10:10To get to know you, so that you know me.
10:13I already know you, sir.
10:14No, you know the boss.
10:17But not the father.
10:22We'd need to have some time.
10:25Just the two of us.
10:27Father and son.
10:30Tightening the knots.
10:32Without the outside noise ruining everything.
10:38What do you say, son?
10:39What do you say, son?
10:45Maybe this is what I needed to hear from you.
10:47From the very first moment.
10:51Thank you for giving me a chance, son.
10:55Thank you, really.
10:56Thank you.
11:08I feel so guilty.
11:09But honey...
11:11I should have stayed in your room from the moment you walked in.
11:15And I should have watched you so you wouldn't leave the house.
11:20No, Begoña.
11:21If someone feels responsible for what happened, it's me.
11:25Why do you say that?
11:29Because I wanted to please you at all costs.
11:31And I thought it was a good idea to bring Mercedes home.
11:34And maybe I shouldn't have done it.
11:36I don't know, I let myself be carried away by illusion.
11:38Especially by the illusion that I knew I was going to do it to you.
11:41But I didn't think that a sick person with those characteristics...
11:44would need such special care.
11:46I'm really sorry.
11:48You don't have to feel it, Jesus.
11:50How could we have known this could happen?
11:53We should have assumed it.
11:54And the worst part is that...
12:00Nothing, it's the same.
12:02What? Don't talk, Jesus. What?
12:04Well, I'm terrified by the idea of thinking that...
12:07that it could happen again, but with worse consequences.
12:10No, no, no. It won't happen again.
12:12I'm going to devote myself to her full-time.
12:14Come on, I'm going to watch her from sun to sun.
12:17Honey, it's an honor that you want to take care of your mother.
12:20But you can't leave everything aside.
12:23Julia and I need you.
12:26And you have a job that you love.
12:29Honey, your mother is in a delicate state of health.
12:32And she requires constant care by professionals who know about those cares.
12:39Are you insinuating that it would be better if I went back to the sanatorium?
12:43I know what I would do if I were my mother.
12:46But it's your decision.
12:47And whatever it is, I will support you.
12:51I'm coming.
12:56Doctor, come in.
12:58Luz, how is she?
13:00The pulse is good.
13:01It seems to me that she is recovering from dehydration.
13:04Good. And the gap?
13:05It's more superficial than I thought.
13:07Well, I'm going to see her.
13:08She's asleep, Begoña.
13:10She was very nervous while I was healing her and I had to put a sedative on her.
13:14My God.
13:15Don't worry, she's fine.
13:16She's fine.
13:19Luz, I want you to be honest with me.
13:22I've always been, right?
13:25Do you think my mother should go back to the sanatorium?
13:29Begoña, I know how important it is for you that your mother is at home and trying to recover the lost time.
13:35But I would be being selfish.
13:37And thinking about what is good for you and not what she needs.
13:40She will be controlled there.
13:42Besides, you can go see her every day.
13:44I'll go with you.
13:48Would you do that for me?
13:54I know what to do.
13:56Are you sure about my life?
13:59As much as it hurts me that we separate, it's best for her.
14:04Do you want me to call the guards?
14:07Yes, please.
14:08I'm going.
14:15Thank you.
14:26Are you still freezing?
14:27What do you want me to do?
14:29With the mess I've had all morning in the house.
14:39Thank you.
14:41Hey, hey.
14:43You're sparing my life with your eyes.
14:46Since when did you know?
14:48About what?
14:49About Tassio.
14:51That he's Damian's son.
14:52No, no, don't get confused. I found out a while ago.
14:54Oh, really?
14:56If you hadn't had a foot in the other neighborhood, you wouldn't have had the temptation to tell me.
15:00And you would have stayed quiet, like a fox.
15:02Look, the secrets are not about who listens to us, but who tells us.
15:06What do you mean by that?
15:07What you've heard.
15:08That I haven't committed a sin.
15:10And I'm going to tell you more.
15:12There are things that are not easy to explain.
15:15Look, I don't agree with what Damian did.
15:17I think it's an absolute lack of respect for his children's mother.
15:21But at least he has had the guts to confess it.
15:23Because he had no other choice.
15:25He was between the sword and the wall.
15:26You say that?
15:28I could have told you anything else about the factory,
15:30or another matter that wouldn't compromise him so much.
15:33But I can't.
15:34Dina, you should take into account the gesture he has made.
15:37And take out something that happened a long time ago.
15:40But how am I going to take it out, Isidro?
15:42She was my sister.
15:43She didn't deserve to be deceived.
15:45And he deceived her.
15:46And he had a son with another woman.
15:48And do you know if Rino tells you about her?
15:52Apparently, yes.
15:54He told her and she decided to forgive him.
15:57You see,
15:59I don't know if I should tell you.
16:01He told her and she decided to forgive him.
16:03You see.
16:05And if your brother goes to Págila,
16:07who are you to get angry at his name for that?
16:12Or are you angry about something else?
16:16I can't believe it. Why didn't he tell me?
16:19She was my sister.
16:20We told each other everything.
16:22I thought there were no doubts, no distrust, no secrets.
16:25We want us to meet the closest people,
16:28and one day,
16:29you realize that they are absolute strangers.
16:33And isn't that a shame?
16:36More than a shame, a disappointment.
16:39But tell her.
16:41Your sister is no longer here with us.
16:44And even if you feel you have a debt to her,
16:47you shouldn't pay it to whoever is taking the right steps.
17:00Who is it?
17:02María, it's Jaime. Can I come in?
17:05One moment.
17:12Come in.
17:19Excuse me.
17:21Andrés told me you were up to no good and asked me to come see you.
17:25For a simple scream.
17:26A simple scream.
17:28Well, a simple scream can be complicated,
17:30and in your case, it wouldn't be convenient.
17:33Well, I don't know if it's a scream.
17:35Maybe it's a cold.
17:38Let me decide that.
17:41I'm going to take your temperature.
17:42Put this under the armpit, please.
17:52Thank you.
17:53Give me your arm.
17:57The pulse is not accelerated.
18:00Let me check something.
18:03Open your mouth.
18:06Open it.
18:11It's not inflamed.
18:15Give me the thermometer, please.
18:27I get up at the last hour of the day.
18:30Half past three.
18:34Everything is normal.
18:36I don't know, maybe it's something to do with your pregnancy.
18:40It would be convenient if you called your gynecologist to get out of doubt.
18:44Or not, even better.
18:46Give me the phone, I'll call him.
18:48No, why?
18:50Well, so he can call you as soon as possible.
18:52Or maybe he'll stop by today.
18:54I'm sure that if a colleague asks him, he will accept.
18:56No, no, no, really.
18:58No, no, I don't want to compliment you.
19:00It's not necessary.
19:04Maria, what's going on?
19:06And I would appreciate it very much if you stopped lying to me,
19:08which is the only thing you've done since I crossed that door.
19:13Well, now we just have to paint.
19:16And we can go back to normal.
19:20Are you listening to me?
19:23That if you're listening to me...
19:26Yes, yes, sorry.
19:29You know you can count on me for anything, even if I don't live in this house anymore.
19:33Thank you very much.
19:35Hey, could you take a look at Father's file?
19:39Was there anything interesting?
19:42They were formulas, many of them unfinished.
19:45Nothing worth it.
19:47What a surprise.
19:49Father was obsessed with work, right?
19:52He barely had friends.
19:55Well, he did have some.
20:01Like Mario Garcés.
20:04Mario Garcés?
20:09The topographer?
20:11The same one.
20:12Yes, yes, I remember him, yes.
20:15He was in charge of preparing the land when the factory was expanded, right?
20:19That one.
20:20Yes, yes, yes.
20:21I didn't talk to him much because it was when he was in the boarding school, but...
20:25They were good friends, right?
20:28Yes, yes, yes.
20:30He was from Madrid.
20:31He didn't know anyone in Toledo and he came home for dinner every night.
20:36I see.
20:37Yes, he was a good man.
20:38He taught me how to use his instruments for measurements.
20:44There was one with crystals.
20:47Very curious.
20:49It would be a prism.
20:50Yes, I suppose it would be a prism.
20:52I don't know, it's been so many years that I don't even remember.
20:56And what about him?
20:59Well, I don't know, I have no idea.
21:02I think they lost contact, but I don't know why.
21:06He didn't even come to his father's funeral.
21:09No, no, no.
21:10He didn't even send condolences.
21:13Well, maybe no one told him.
21:16I see.
21:18Maybe he didn't want to find out.
21:20And his mother didn't...
21:21Why are you so worried about this man now?
21:23No, no, no.
21:24It's nothing.
21:25It's just that his father's formulas were written in many invoices and receipts
21:29and it turns out that many of them have the name of Mario Garcés.
21:32The thing is that, well, I remembered him.
21:34Nothing, it doesn't matter anymore.
21:38Anyway, I have to go to the lab, I have things to do.
21:41Very well.
21:42See you at dinner time.
21:45Thank you.
21:46You're welcome.
22:11Yes, I'm her husband.
22:13Who is it?
22:20My husband wants us to continue living as a married couple.
22:23You know, that...
22:25that everything remains the same, intimately.
22:28And you don't like it?
22:30It's not the same.
22:31I'm pregnant.
22:34That's why I told him I was sick.
22:36That's why I told him I was sick.
22:40So that he doesn't get close.
22:43And are you going to continue with the flu the rest of the pregnancy?
22:46At some point Andrés is going to suspect.
22:47Well, I hadn't thought about it, really.
22:51María, look, in your state you can live a normal life.
22:54On an intimate level, I mean.
22:57Yes, the baby is protected.
23:00Okay, I agree.
23:02I think you should tell your husband.
23:06Is he going to understand?
23:08I don't know, Jaime.
23:10What I think you shouldn't do is lie.
23:12That's going to complicate things.
23:15It's okay.
23:17It's okay, I'll talk to him.
23:20You could keep the secret from me until I do.
23:23As you say, it's better if he finds out about me.
23:28Okay, I'll tell him it's nothing serious.
23:31But don't take too long.
23:32Thank you.
23:46I could go pick up the paperwork, Rosa.
23:49Thank you.
23:56Marta, can I talk to you for a moment?
23:59What is it?
24:00Can I talk to you for a moment?
24:05Is your father okay?
24:07Yes, he's fine.
24:09I just need to ask you something.
24:14Do you love me?
24:18Why are you asking me this now?
24:20Because I've talked to your husband.
24:23Why didn't you tell me you had an agreement
24:25so that each of us could live our lives?
24:26I don't know why Jaime had to tell me...
24:28Because he wants to help us.
24:29Help us.
24:30Of course.
24:31Marta, he's doing it for you.
24:32He's doing it for us.
24:33I don't know why you're so reluctant.
24:34He hasn't done me any favor, much less telling you.
24:36Marta, I don't understand you.
24:40I refuse to be condemned to live from the outside in.
24:44To be constantly intimidated because they find out about us.
24:49To live a half-life.
24:50Because that's what we would do.
24:51Live a half-life.
24:53It's what you want.
24:54Last time you didn't settle for the crumbs.
24:58Before everything about your husband showed up,
25:00we were willing to do it, weren't we?
25:03What has changed?
25:06To see disappointment in Jaime's eyes.
25:09And to live all his initial resentment.
25:12And he's the best person I know.
25:13So imagine if my family, the company's workers,
25:15found out about it.
25:17We'd go to jail.
25:19I'm terrified of the idea.
25:20Well, I'm willing to go through all that.
25:23Yes, it's obvious that my wife and I
25:25are very sorry to have to bring her back, but...
25:30It's true.
25:31These are patients who need to be treated by professionals like you.
25:35And in specialized centers like yours.
25:40Tomorrow morning, we'll be there with Mercedes.
25:42Thank you for everything.
25:43Goodbye, Doctor.
25:50You seem satisfied.
25:51I haven't taught you that it's very ugly
25:53to listen behind the doors like a coward?
25:56What good did it do to you that Mercedes got lost?
26:00I'm sorry?
26:01You had the perfect excuse to send her back to the sanatorium.
26:05You're a miserable person for thinking like that about me.
26:08You can say whatever you want, Jesus.
26:11But it's clear that you needed to please Begoña
26:13so that she'd forgive you.
26:15And that's why you got Mercedes out of the sanatorium
26:17and brought her home.
26:18And now that you've gained her compassion,
26:20you're sending her back to the hills.
26:22Very good.
26:24A perfect plan from a sick mind.
26:26Andres, you know that your opinion attracts me to Alpairo.
26:29The only one I care about is Begoña's.
26:31And Begoña knows
26:32that I'm only interested in her well-being
26:34and Mercedes's.
26:38Doctor, are you leaving?
26:41I don't have much to do here anymore.
26:44I'm sorry.
26:45I don't have much to do here anymore.
26:48When you go upstairs,
26:49you'll find your mother-in-law a little confused.
26:51It's normal. She just woke up.
26:53Thank you. I'm going upstairs to see her.
26:55Excuse me.
27:09Is everything okay?
27:11I've heard you arguing.
27:13Luz, call me crazy,
27:14but there's something that tells me
27:15that what happened with Mercedes wasn't a good thing.
27:21I'm afraid we'll hurt each other.
27:24And that we won't live up to your expectations.
27:27That we won't give you what you need again.
27:30Marta, why are you so determined
27:31that everything has to go wrong?
27:34Why can't you just look forward
27:35without thinking about tomorrow?
27:38There's only today.
27:40That's a nonsense more typical of soap operas
27:42than of real life.
27:43We should learn to live like they do in soap operas.
27:45And what do we do?
27:46Do we run away in a white corset,
27:47on a stormy night?
27:48Marta, please, don't laugh at me.
27:49No! I'm just trying to make you see.
27:51No, no.
27:52All I see is that you're giving me excuses
27:53and excuses and excuses and more excuses.
27:55And that can only mean one thing.
27:58And that's that you don't love me.
28:00At least be brave.
28:02And look me in the face.
28:04Look at me and tell me.
28:10How can I not love you if you're already part of me?
28:13If I live to see you.
28:15If I feed off of remembering your hugs
28:17and I'm going to sleep thinking of your smile.
28:20If I haven't told you about Jaime before,
28:22it's because I couldn't even imagine being with you.
28:26I think I don't know how to be happy.
28:27I've never been happy.
28:28That's enough, Marta.
28:29I don't want you to tell me anything else.
28:31I don't care about anything else.
28:34All I want is to be with you.
28:36That's all.
28:38That's all you needed to tell me.
28:50You don't know how much I've missed this.
28:56Marta, living together is also living.
28:59And that's what we're going to do.
29:02Without fear.
29:04You and me together.
29:06Do you remember?
29:10You and me.
29:19Do you think Jesus could open the door to Mercedes?
29:22He behaved in a very strange way.
29:24Don't tell me that after what we know he did,
29:26you don't think he's capable of it.
29:28Do you have any proof of it?
29:29Unfortunately, I can't prove it because I didn't see it.
29:31Well, then forget it.
29:33And don't tell Begoña anything.
29:36Do you know, Luz?
29:38I feel like an impostor.
29:40Why do you say that?
29:43I stayed in Toledo to protect Begoña.
29:45And I'm still getting it.
29:47And Jesus has it at his mercy.
29:49Andres, don't let yourself be carried away by despair.
29:53Because then Begoña would be her luck.
29:57She needs you firmly, serene.
30:00Looking out for her.
30:02But without taking any false steps.
30:20How did the day go?
30:22It's like any other day.
30:23They're all the same.
30:30Hey, Carmen.
30:35You first.
30:37Tell me what you were going to say.
30:40That I love you above all things, my love.
30:43That I don't want to lose you, okay?
30:45That I know you're distrusting me.
30:46Pasio, stop.
30:48Look, I...
30:50I don't know what the hell you're up to with Don Damián.
30:53And I'd lie to you if I told you I didn't care, because I don't.
30:56And I'd lie to you if I told you I didn't care, because I don't.
30:59I don't care.
31:01Of course I care.
31:02You know you're hiding something from me.
31:06You don't know how many times I've tried.
31:08You don't know what the hell it is.
31:10I'm very sorry, Carmen.
31:13After talking to the boss and Mateo...
31:19I came to the conclusion that you're protecting Don Damián for some reason.
31:26Just answer me one question.
31:29Whatever it is.
31:31What you can't tell me...
31:36can be forgiven.
31:39Promise me your son won't be ashamed of his father.
31:43I swear to God.
31:49I believe you.
31:50Are you telling me the truth?
31:54I want to believe you.
31:55I need to believe you.
31:57Because I love you.
31:59And because I don't want this to get out of hand.
32:04It hurts to know we have secrets, but well...
32:07I guess I'll have to settle for it and...
32:10trust you.
32:12Above all, trust you.
32:14Come in.
32:17Are you also here for the ophthalmological test?
32:21Have you told Fina about the deal we reached?
32:31I know you told me not to meddle.
32:36I don't want to meddle.
32:38I don't want to meddle.
32:40I don't want to meddle.
32:41I know you told me not to meddle, but...
32:45It was hard for me, but that's the way it is,
32:47knowing how you feel about each other.
32:50I don't know, what do you want me to say?
32:52Well, now I'm the one who wants to tell you something.
32:57Thank you.
33:00Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
33:02Thank you for not listening to me.
33:05I don't know, I thought it was totally incoherent.
33:09Your words didn't match.
33:11With what I saw in your eyes.
33:13I guess it's hard to hide,
33:15although we should try harder.
33:18Does that mean that Fina and you...
33:23Well, I'm glad you've finally decided to leave behind
33:25what kept you from giving you a chance with her.
33:27It was fear.
33:29A logical fear, given the circumstances.
33:32You don't know what it's been like
33:34to hide all this.
33:36To live in secret.
33:38You're Marta de la Reina.
33:39The safest woman I know.
33:41No, you know that a lot of that safety is just a facade.
33:44And if anyone knows it, it's you.
33:46I feel safe when I follow in the footsteps of others,
33:49when I know I'm doing what others expect of me.
33:52But when it's about being myself,
33:54or fighting for what I want,
33:56enjoying life...
33:58I don't know.
34:00I panic.
34:02Marta, life is sometimes a challenge.
34:05And it's hard.
34:06And it's hard.
34:08Sometimes we get carried away by inertia,
34:11even though we know it's not what we want.
34:14And it's not what makes us happy.
34:17That's why I couldn't face talking to Fina.
34:20I was afraid of the real possibility of being happy.
34:24I'm not used to it.
34:28I'm very sorry I was part of that problem.
34:32In the end, you ended up being part of the solution.
34:37I'll always be grateful to you.
34:43I want us to continue having each other when we grow old.
34:49Well, you're going to start a new phase now.
34:52And you're going to be fine.
35:02Luz, come in, please.
35:03Mrs. Marta, sorry, I didn't call.
35:05No, don't worry. We were talking about everything.
35:08By the way, the postman saw me coming up
35:10and gave me one of your letters for the dispensary.
35:13It seems important. It's from the General Hospital of Madrid.
35:16Yes, it's one of the results we were waiting for.
35:20Results of what?
35:22Eva, a consultation we did with a specialist
35:26about a factory worker.
35:28An unusual case.
35:30If it's important, open it now.
35:31No, no hurry.
35:35I'll let you work.
35:37Let's see if we can get good news for the worker.
35:42And if not, remember that we will support you
35:46in whatever is possible.
35:48I'm sure that good man will appreciate your words.
36:02I'll leave you alone so you can read it.
36:05I'm going to attend to some patients.
36:11get an umbrella. It looks like it's going to rain.
36:14Of course.
36:32I'm so excited to get home.
36:36It's raining so hard.
36:44I've only sat down to eat.
36:47I can't wait to go to bed.
36:51What do you think about going to bed?
36:54I don't want to go to bed.
36:57I don't want to go to bed.
37:00What do you think about taking a shower?
37:03Like we used to do when we were newlyweds.
37:06We didn't go out until we were all wet.
37:13You know what?
37:18I was cold because of the rain.
37:21Who is Ernesto?
37:23He's the one who gave you the watch, right?
37:27What did he tell you?
37:29Just that I should ask you about him.
37:37your face of fear
37:40has confirmed my suspicions.
37:46You know, Gemma?
37:48I don't know.
37:50You know, Gemma?
37:52I've spent a lot of time
37:54making conjectures.
37:58I was afraid of the worst.
38:02Now I know that the course of
38:05cutting and making was
38:07an excuse
38:09to see your lover.
38:10No, he's not my lover.
38:13He's just a man
38:15I've seen a couple of times.
38:17A man?
38:20And what was your intention with that man?
38:23Of course not what you imagine.
38:28What do you want me to imagine?
38:31He's a man I met by chance
38:33and he took me to expensive places
38:35and introduced me to important people,
38:36but it was for a moment...
38:37Gemma, stop it. Stop it!
38:38Stop it, please. Stop it.
38:40Stop it.
38:43Because I also want
38:45to go to expensive places
38:46and have another life.
38:47But I don't have it.
38:48But what I can't think of
38:49is going with another woman.
38:50It was just a silly thing, Joaquín.
38:52I swear, a silly thing.
38:55I swear.
38:57Look me in the eyes
39:00and tell me nothing happened
39:01between you two.
39:10My God, Gemma.
39:14My God.
39:16No, Joaquín.
39:17It was just a kiss.
39:18No, it was just...
39:19Listen to me. Listen to me.
39:20It was just a kiss.
39:21Leave me alone, please.
39:22He gave me the kiss.
39:23I swear.
39:24And then I left him.
39:25And then I told him
39:26I wasn't going to get anything else.
39:27Okay, okay.
39:28I promise.
39:29Shut up! Shut up!
39:33How do you want me to believe you?
39:36I swear I'm telling you the truth, Joaquín.
39:38I'm telling you the truth.
39:39Nothing happened between us.
39:40I swear.
39:41You have to believe me.
39:42Do you know what happened?
39:48You've lied to me so many times
39:49that I don't believe you anymore.
39:52I swear.
39:53Joaquín, please.
39:54I'm telling you the truth.
39:56I swear.
39:57It didn't mean anything.
40:18What a...
40:19What a night.
40:20I'm not going to lie to you.
40:22I'm still disappointed in you.
40:24I always had you
40:25for a good husband,
40:26loyal and fulfilling.
40:28And knowing that you were unfaithful to my sister
40:30has disillusioned me a lot.
40:33I know.
40:35I was wrong.
40:37But it was a difficult time and I...
40:39At this point,
40:40the reasons that led you
40:41to have that adventure
40:42are no longer the same.
40:44I prefer to stay
40:45with the good things
40:46of our marriage.
40:47You mean...
40:48I can't forget
40:49that you made her very happy,
40:51that you took care of her,
40:52that you didn't leave her
40:53for a second
40:54when she was sick,
40:56that you cried bitterly
40:57on the day of her death
40:58and the following months.
41:02I loved her with all my soul.
41:04You can't doubt that.
41:07That's why you told her the truth.
41:10I had to do it.
41:11I had to.
41:14She was my wife
41:15and I felt dirty
41:16being by her side
41:17and keeping that secret.
41:19It didn't have to be easy
41:20for her to fit into something like that.
41:24It took her months
41:25to talk to me again.
41:29Months of enduring
41:30a lot of pain alone
41:31without sharing it with anyone.
41:33It wasn't easy.
41:38I've been going around
41:41since yesterday
41:42asking myself
41:43why she didn't share it with me,
41:45why she didn't tell me.
41:48And I think I know now.
41:51She wanted to turn the page.
41:54And she did.
41:56Never again in the following years
41:58did she reproach me for that.
42:01Not even when we argued.
42:03And look,
42:04she had many chances
42:05to do it all this time,
42:08but she never brought it up again.
42:10Because she forgave you.
42:12She forgave me, yes.
42:15So I'm nobody
42:16to keep alive
42:17something she wanted to bury forever.
42:21Does that mean
42:22you forgive me too?
42:24As my sister did,
42:26I wouldn't bring it up again.
42:30But I can't promise you
42:32that I won't use it
42:33as a weapon
42:35if at some point
42:36we fight over a matter of loyalty,
42:38Damián de la Reina.
42:39Wasn't that the answer
42:40I was expecting from you?
42:42I'm sorry
42:43I didn't live up to your expectations,
42:46but now you know me a little better.
42:48I didn't have you
42:49as a spiteful woman.
42:50I'm not,
42:51but I have a memory.
42:54And when something hurts me,
42:56I can't pretend it's nothing.
42:59In that,
43:00my sister and I
43:01were very different.
43:03I don't like secrets.
43:06I hope that from now on,
43:08it's clear to you.
43:11Then I understand
43:12that it's a forgiveness
43:13with conditions.
43:14The condition is
43:15that you don't deceive me.
43:21Rest well.
43:26Good night.
43:38Good night.
43:47My God, you were right.
43:49The one that's falling.
43:52I'm going to change my clothes
43:53because I don't want to catch a cold.
44:02I can't believe
44:03you haven't seen the results yet.
44:08They're not good, are they?
44:11The tumor has grown
44:14and it can't be operated on.
44:19That can't be.
44:21Have you talked to Dr. Rucha?
44:26There's nothing else we can do.
44:28Just prepare for what's coming.
44:34blurred vision,
44:37It'll get worse until...
44:41That's not going to happen.
44:42Do you hear me?
44:43We'll find another specialist
44:44wherever it is.
44:46Even if we have to go out of Spain.
44:48Someone can do something.
44:51Look at Isidro,
44:52what's happened to him.
44:53You've got him already,
44:57Luz, Isidro's case
44:58is different from mine
44:59and you know it.
45:01All I want
45:02is that you don't give up.
45:04Don't lose hope.
45:08We're both doctors.
45:11And you know,
45:12even if it were operable,
45:14it's not like
45:15removing an appendix.
45:18I know.
45:20Few people survive
45:21an operation like this.
45:23And if you do,
45:24you face devastating consequences.
45:26But you'd be here.
45:29At what price?
45:31Don't throw the towel
45:32without trying everything,
45:35I don't want to spend
45:36my last days
45:37going from doctor to doctor.
45:40I don't want to waste
45:41the little time
45:42I have left
45:43in the waiting room
45:44of a hospital.
45:46I want to do something more
45:47than talk about my illness.
45:49Do it for yours.
45:51No, I want to do it for me.
45:55You told me
45:56the time had come.
45:58Would you accept my decision?
46:04I do.
46:08That day has come.
46:13I want you to know
46:14that I'll be with you
46:15until the end.
46:26Thank you for this.
46:28Thank you.
46:34Thank you.
46:44It's burning.
46:45It's burning.
46:46Let's see.
46:47Let's see if it cools down
46:48by blowing on it.
46:51It would be good for you
46:52if it was warm,
46:54You're so warm.
46:55Take it.
46:56I'm cold inside.
46:58Of course.
46:59Who would have thought,
47:01to go out naked?
47:02It's still cool
47:03in the morning.
47:06What's wrong?
47:07Didn't you have time
47:08to get a coat?
47:09Were you in such a hurry?
47:10This morning?
47:13Don't you remember
47:14that you went out alone?
47:16Of course I remember.
47:20I was going to pick flowers
47:21for you.
47:23For me?
47:26The ones that were
47:27next to the road
47:28the other day.
47:29The ones that smelled so good.
47:34But I got lost.
47:39I couldn't find you.
47:42Don't worry.
47:43You're here now.
47:47But I'm afraid
47:49that something similar
47:50could happen again.
47:53What about me?
47:58That's why
48:00Luz and I
48:02have thought that
48:04maybe it would be better
48:05for you to go back to the sanatorium.
48:14Do you want me to leave?
48:17No, no, no, mom.
48:18I don't want you to leave.
48:20You want me to go back to the sanatorium?
48:22They'll know how to take care of you there.
48:24And they'll prevent you
48:25from getting hurt.
48:28You're a liar.
48:31Why do you say that?
48:33Because you promised me
48:34that you wouldn't leave me alone.
48:37That we would always be together.
48:42You're right, mom.
48:45You're right.
48:46I promised you.
48:47And you don't know how much it hurts me
48:49not being able to keep my word.
48:52But I didn't know how to take care of you
48:53the way you deserve.
48:56I let you get lost
48:58and I put you in danger.
49:00That will be with me for life.
49:04But I'm fine now.
49:06Tell me.
49:08But you'll be better there.
49:10You'll be better with Eva, your nurse.
49:12And with Dr. Salinas.
49:17Mom, don't worry.
49:19I promise you
49:20that I'll call you every day.
49:22And I'll go see you with Julia
49:23so you can see how she's growing.
49:25It won't be the same.
49:27I know.
49:31I know it won't be the same, mom.
49:32I know.
49:33I know.
49:36I'm so sorry.
49:50I'm so sorry.
49:53I'm so sorry.
49:59It's obvious
50:01that Mario was missing his father's company.
50:04It's obvious they were good friends.
50:08Do you think this is the kind of thing
50:09you write to a friend?
50:12Is it serious, Doctor?
50:14It's not serious.
50:15You can bleed a little
50:16in the first months of pregnancy.
50:19We have to be vigilant
50:20to rule out any problems.
50:22I've told you everything
50:23that happened with Ernesto.
50:26That's enough, Gemma.
50:30He's my son.
50:32You can't imagine
50:33how much I want
50:35to hear his voice again.
50:38This is the first shotgun
50:39my father gave me
50:40when I was a kid.
50:42And I want you to have it.
50:45It's not easy for me either
50:46for you to leave.
50:47I also need you by my side
50:48and I want to make up
50:49for lost time.
50:53We're sending an innocent
50:54to prison
50:55and that's a crime
50:56we're all accomplices in.
50:58You know that too
50:59and you've kept quiet.
