MI5. Spooks S05 E01 - Gas and Oil. Part 1

  • 3 months ago
00:00...the UK's principal fuel depot right behind me.
00:03Police are saying that this is, without question, a terrorist attack.
00:06The emergency services...
00:08Oh, my God!
00:09There's just been another huge blast, and we've seen another explosion.
00:12Where's my mummy?
00:14Keep us safe.
00:16Promise me you will.
00:23There is real fear that more explosions are imminent.
00:26Experts are already saying that the scale of damage will have an enormous impact
00:30on the supply of fuel and energy to homes and businesses throughout Britain.
00:33Interpol and the United Kingdom's intelligence service, MI6,
00:36have joined forces to apprehend an Al-Qaeda terrorist cell based in Holland.
00:41The cell is believed to be behind the recent attacks on Britain...
00:49But the question has to be asked, is Britain now becoming totally ungovernable?
00:53Well, we're fighting a war on terror, and we are losing that war
00:56because the government mishandled the crisis.
00:58And six...saying they would like the prime minister to resign.
01:01The push through legislation...
01:02There's been a new breed of terror...
01:04New major fuel depots...
01:05We're under attack...
01:06An increase in prices...
01:07I mean, how...
01:08Terrorist attacks...
01:09Totally ungovernable.
01:11There's mummy coming home.
01:12Where's my mummy?
01:24I don't believe it. Adam's back.
01:31Miss me?
01:32No, no, we hardly noticed your absence.
01:35Good to see you, Adam.
01:36And you.
01:37Are we going to do this?
01:40This story the press have picked up on, get ready Britain, Jakarta's coming,
01:43it hasn't gone away.
01:44No, the phrase started appearing about three weeks ago on the internet
01:47and in papers in the Arab world, and now it's everywhere.
01:50It's got to be connected to the bombings of the fuel depots.
01:52The timing would suggest so.
01:53It's also the same threat that was sent to the prime minister's son, Rowan.
01:57While he's at university, Rowan's vulnerable.
01:59If anything happens to him,
02:00we'll lose the prime minister's leadership at the most critical moment.
02:03Joe stays with him on close protection.
02:10Are you sure you should be back at work?
02:12Four weeks away, and look at the mess you get into.
02:14Grim warning about what it will really be like when fuel supplies do run out.
02:18What's your take on it?
02:22You think it could be something different?
02:23No, no.
02:24Come on.
02:26It's just...
02:28It's not standard Al-Qaeda.
02:31Threats to the prime minister's son, Jakarta's coming,
02:34strikes a discordant note.
03:59He copped up with me.
04:02Look at his eyes.
04:19I'm at the Royal Eastern Hospital,
04:21where angry scenes are unfolding,
04:23as anxious people are turned away due to lack of resources.
04:25It's the third time I've tried to get my daughter seen by a doctor.
04:27You tell your viewers that.
04:29There's no petrol, supermarkets are running out of food,
04:32we're being attacked by terrorists,
04:34and where's the prime minister?
04:35He's on bloody holiday, probably.
04:37Sorry about the interruption there,
04:39but as you can see, this is clearly an issue that people feel passionate about.
04:42For now, though, back over to the studio.
04:44The agonising death of businessman Terry Miles
04:47has led to speculation within the intelligence services
04:50that biological warfare has already begun on mainland Britain.
04:53You can drop the death stare. It didn't come from us.
04:55Has it begun?
04:56We're waiting for the autopsy results.
04:58In the meantime, we're re-interrogating everyone picked up after the fuel attacks,
05:01and also using back channels to rule out any possible foreign state involvement.
05:05If it's biological, there'll be footprints.
05:07They've also picked up on this Jakarta is coming threat,
05:10It's taking on a life of its own. It's even appearing on walls.
05:12What's that about?
05:13It's about adding to the panic, which isn't hard
05:15when you consider that every single person with a cough or aching joints...
05:18Well, most of the population at this time of year.
05:20Yeah, is descending on their local hospital, scared out of their wits
05:23that they're going to die in agony, weeping blood.
05:25The press are also loving that little detail.
05:27Well, they shouldn't be. They're doing the terrorist's job for them.
05:29Now, I've gone on about this till I'm blue in the face,
05:31but they just keep whipping up the panic. The hospitals are close to collapse.
05:33Maybe your people should improve their media management skills.
05:36I'm going to do better than that.
05:38I'm going to the mouth of the sewer and talk to Paul Millington.
05:41It's a national crisis, Harry.
05:43You better remind Millington what we expect of him right now.
05:53Harry. Good to see you.
05:55And you. Don't get up.
05:57How's the life of the media mogul?
05:59Monopoly's commission treating you well?
06:01Well, Harry, I can't complain.
06:04I don't think you can.
06:06After they threw in a TV channel to go with the newspaper you were acquiring.
06:11You know that only three people have developed this bloody eye syndrome?
06:15So far.
06:17And yet hundreds will die
06:19because the panic is putting such pressure on health resources.
06:22The public has a right to be informed about the nature of the threat.
06:25But we don't want to make the situation worse, do we?
06:28We're not the government's propaganda arm, Harry.
06:32Well, I'm not asking you to mislead me.
06:34Well, I'm not asking you to mislead people.
06:36I'm simply asking for a little restraint.
06:38These editorial decisions, I don't interfere with those.
06:41I'm sorry, that's the sound of incredulous laughter being stifled.
06:44Unless I see a very good reason for doing so.
06:47And avoiding mass psychosis isn't a very good reason.
06:50You show me some evidence that we're not under attack from biological weapons
06:55and I'll pass it on to my editors.
06:58Do you want some tea?
07:03How the hell did they poison them?
07:04Each of the victims had a tiny puncture mark on the lower half of their body.
07:08It was consistent with a passer-by inflicting the wound.
07:10I wouldn't normally say that was good news, but at least it's not biological warfare.
07:13Smart terrorism, though. They knew it would cause mayhem.
07:15Shame then that the press decided to help them achieve their goals.
07:17We need to make sure that they plaster this news all over their front pages.
07:19Simple and stark, though, please. Doctors rule out biological warfare.
07:22Adam, you've been up most of the night.
07:23Can you slow down?
07:24Can you make sure that they also check the victims from the tube stations?
07:26It's being done.
07:27Then home.
07:28All right.
07:30The Prime Minister is working round the clock to introduce measures
07:34which will ensure that we defeat the terrorists who are attacking us.
07:38I would ask for greater understanding
07:40of the difficult situation that we face, both as a government and as a nation.
07:45I would just like to add that our latest intelligence
07:48is strongly suggesting that this is not biological warfare.
07:52So I would urge people to remain calm.
07:57The anti-terror bill has been defeated in the Commons, Adam.
07:59Half the government's MPs joined the opposition.
08:01Well, that was to be expected. That was full of holes.
08:03The Home Secretary is demanding inter-agency cooperation
08:06to get to the bottom of the recent attacks.
08:08We're to host the meetings here at Thames House.
08:10Put padlocks on all the computers and hide the stationary.
08:12Adam, it's Ruth.
08:13Ruth wouldn't allow me to make this call unless I added
08:16she thinks it's time you found someone permanent for Wes.
08:18I haven't got time to go look at...
08:19No, no, no, I'll do it, Adam. Leave it with me.
08:21Well, as long as you trust me, I'll do it.
08:23I'll do it, Adam. Leave it with me.
08:24Well, as long as you trust me to get the right person.
08:26I trust you.
08:27Get some rest.
08:32Why did you have to leave me?
08:40What's Millington up to?
08:41Look at the front pages of most of the red tops.
08:43I mean, this one.
08:44Some blonde I've never even heard of
08:45is having her breasts shrunk, enlarged or retreaded.
08:47I don't know which.
08:48Meanwhile, the news that we're not facing biological warfare
08:50is buried on page five.
08:51They could have stopped the panic and saved lives.
08:53Bloody Millington.
08:54He said if I gave him evidence, well, I gave it to him.
08:56Well, he's certainly not looking for a peerage.
08:59We'd better go down there. They'll be here.
09:05Hello, stranger.
09:06I was just calling to see if a check had cleared.
09:08Sorry, no.
09:09The Prime Minister is under siege.
09:11Nothing must happen to his son or he could break completely.
09:13Guard him closely.
09:14Right, I understand.
09:16OK, I'll call again tomorrow. Thank you.
09:19No joy?
09:20Bloody banks.
09:22Look, strange.
09:24You got the funny message again.
09:29Tell your detective, Rowan.
09:33Who's that?
09:34That is Michael Collingwood from MI6.
09:37Ah, yes, your counterpart.
09:38I'll say one thing for him, he can wear a suit.
09:41Straight back.
09:42Something common to men of his class.
09:44Who's that, Wigan?
09:45I don't recognise her.
09:47Well, she'll get the attention of the red-blooded males.
09:52And this is?
09:53Rosalind Myers. Pleased to meet you.
09:55That's Juliet Shaw.
09:57This cannot go on. We're getting hit after hit.
10:00We've had some considerable successes.
10:02Most of those involved in the attacks on the fuel depots have been detained.
10:05You, on the other hand, have had far less success. Your end, Home Secretary.
10:08If you're referring to the anti-terror legislation, Michael, I sweated blood to get that through.
10:11There's always an excuse. You've got problems with your backbenchers,
10:13you've got problems with Lords, problems with the opposition,
10:15problems in Cabinet, problems with the Civil Liberties Lobby.
10:17This bill was supposed to help us fight fire with fire.
10:19Sorry, but democracy can be bloody awkward sometimes.
10:21Yes, it can.
10:23OK. Let's not waste time with recriminations.
10:26You see, the problem is...
10:27I'd like you to interrupt me, please.
10:29Our task here is to plan inter-agency co-ordination.
10:32You see, the problem is we cannot defend the country
10:35unless you give us the weapons to do so.
10:37Are you listening to me?
10:39Have you listened to a word I've just said?
10:41Yes, I have, and I'm hearing the same thing.
10:43Have you listened to a word I've just said?
10:44Yes, I have, and I'm hearing the same old rubbish.
10:46That is enough.
10:47I don't give a damn what you think of me,
10:48but I hold one of the three great offices of state,
10:50and you will treat it with respect.
10:57Hasn't the Prime Minister's special policy adviser
10:59been doing some behind-the-scenes work
11:01with the more moderate opponents of the anti-terror bill?
11:03Yes, with only a couple of minor amendments,
11:05Gerry Horton thinks we can get through the measures we need.
11:07The cell that attacked the oil depot and the gas pipeline,
11:09they came from Holland.
11:11Does the Prime Minister have any intelligence on them?
11:13Chaff. Nothing significant.
11:16I want the mastermind of these attacks, and I want it dealt with.
11:19And that includes the threat to the Prime Minister's son.
11:28How's the Prime Minister really coping?
11:30The Cabinet's restless.
11:32Gerry Horton's really the only one who's keeping him going right now.
11:35And you.
11:36I wasn't there from the beginning like Horton was.
11:39Collingwood's a difficult bastard.
11:41He's an old warrior.
11:43I doubt if he voted for you,
11:45but his manner's always been somewhat aggressive.
11:47I'm relying on you, Harry.
11:49There are voices in Cabinet urging the PM to incautious measures.
11:52At the moment, Horton is a voice of reason,
11:54and there aren't many of those about.
11:56One more terror attack, and he'll be drowned out completely.
12:05Hello, Mr Horton.
12:14The death of the MP Gerry Horton may have been linked to images found on his computer.
12:18Police officers are refusing to confirm an investigation into a paedophile ring,
12:22but did confirm that Mr Horton was recently released on police bail
12:26after being questioned about images found on the hard disk of his computer.
12:31He was my godfather.
12:34It's horrible.
12:35It doesn't make sense.
12:37Gerry wasn't a paedophile.
12:39You know, I've known him my whole life, and he was not a paedophile.
12:43I just don't understand why nobody's getting up and saying something, you know?
12:47My dad could go on the television and just tell everyone it's not true and then it'd be fine.
12:51I don't understand what's going on at all, with everything.
12:57Harry, sorry to interrupt, but this has just come in.
12:59Six had high-grade intelligence on the Rotterdam cell.
13:02Knew it was planning a hit soon, knew it was likely to be Britain.
13:04Even mentioned the fuel depot as a possible location.
13:08But it was marked as a low priority.
13:11Who received this information?
13:13Came over from the Dutch to a desk officer at Six.
13:16She didn't sit on it. It went straight to Michael Collingwood.
13:19Chaff. Insignificant. You had him. He's a bloody liar, covering his mistakes.
13:22Something else that's a little strange.
13:24The Latin American specialists have seen Jakartaris coming before.
13:28Latin American?
13:29Ja. Viene Jakarta. Used in Chile in the 1970s to warn that a great massacre was coming.
13:34What's that got to do with an Al-Qaeda bomb attack in Britain?
13:36Michael Collingwood was based in Latin America around the same time.
13:40It could be that the similarity in phraseology is a coincidence, but that's highly unlikely.
13:44So, we had intel on the Al-Qaeda bomb attack, but did nothing. Turned away.
13:49And somebody is supplying Al-Qaeda with a highly sophisticated poison.
13:52Add that to the threats against Rowan and now Houghton's death.
13:56Somebody is running a parallel agenda.
14:01Somebody being Michael Collingwood.
14:04Except why?
14:05I don't know, but for now we keep Collingwood and his team under tight surveillance.
14:08I'll work on Ros. Keep her where we can see her.
14:10We'll invite her to some ad-hoc meetings on the grid to make inter-agency cooperation more...
14:15Exactly. Proactive.
14:16If Collingwood and his MI6 boys are helping Al-Qaeda, we need to find out the reason.
14:20Tread carefully. MI6. Don't take prisoners.
14:24Miss Myers, we've not been properly introduced. Adam Carter.
14:27Call me Ros.
14:28Here's your briefing.
14:30So, how's the state of Denmark?
14:32Pretty rotten, as usual.
14:33We're trying to find out if the French Secret Service had anything to do with Gerry Houghton's death.
14:36Sorry, but I'm not going to take a swing at that one.
14:38Really? Well, that's a shame.
14:39It could be a straight ball disguised as a curve ball.
14:42Yeah, or it could be out of bollocks, and I know which one I favour.
14:47You look very well for a man who's just had a stroke.
14:50You look very well for a man who's just taken a high-velocity bullet.
14:52And you look very well for a woman who's just uncovered a nest of informers in Baghdad.
14:55Good. We both look well.
14:57Listen, do you, um... Do you want to go for some dinner tonight?
15:00You don't waste your time, do you?
15:02Well, you know, you're a new kid on the block. We're bound to be intrigued by your reputation.
15:05Or you could just be trying to get me into bed.
15:07No, I'd have gone for the more direct approach.
15:09I think I'd be just as satisfied getting into your address book.
15:12Oh, I wouldn't be too sure of that.
15:14Seriously, the Arab world is my area.
15:17We should get together, see if we have any mutual acquaintances.
15:22Find a restaurant.
15:27There are circumstances when a country reaches a critical breakdown point.
15:32This point is approached, and the economy is screaming,
15:36and the centre ground is disappearing.
15:38And in concrete terms, when there is a crisis,
15:42and in concrete terms, when there is a significant external threat,
15:46which requires more energetic response from the security services.
15:51Now, how serious does this need to be?
15:54We believe that three major terror attacks by the IRA
15:59would provoke such a breakdown
16:02and require a different kind of government.
16:04At least temporarily.
16:06He made that speech at the Centre for Freedom Studies
16:08after the breakdown of the first IRA ceasefire.
16:10In 1996.
16:11So we're one attack away from a breakdown?
16:13Well, there shouldn't be another one.
16:14We've mopped up most of Al Qaeda's logistical units.
16:17What if Collingwood were to stage the last attack himself?
16:22No, that's not possible.
16:24This reference to centre ground...
16:28What about it?
16:30Gerry Howden was the voice of compromise on the anti-terror bill.
16:33Collingwood knows that in a time of chaos,
16:36the voice of compromise must be extinguished.
16:38I think he killed Gerry Howden.
16:42I think he wants the centre ground to disappear.
16:49We've been snooping around Six's central post box.
16:51What, you got in?
16:52Impossible, I'm afraid.
16:53We have done his profile of the most active delivery men.
16:55Michael Collingwood's team have been very busy.
16:57Good. Step up surveillance on them.
16:58Collingwood and Myers won't be the ones getting their hands dirty.
17:09We've got to drop our bombs.
17:11Roger that.
17:39Right, there's the pick-up.
17:40Number one, I need you to send over the ID as soon as you can.
17:42Copy that.
17:43Colin, stay on this guy.
17:44I need you to keep a close eye on him.
17:59Do you think the attacks are finished?
18:01Hard to say.
18:02Al Qaeda liked hit twice, they've done so.
18:05If there was a third attack...
18:06It would put the country under intolerable pressure.
18:09I'll tell you what concerns us.
18:11The way the gas companies hike the prices after the attack on the pipeline.
18:15You know who my father is?
18:18It wasn't a question, Adam.
18:19You know who my father is.
18:23Now you mention it...
18:25Yes, Sir Jocelyn Myers, yes, ex-ambassador to Russia, yes, on the board of Gasstream.
18:31But you'll have to ask him about price increases.
18:34You see, that's disappointing because I know it's considered cool to denigrate little foibles in one's profession,
18:39but I love my job.
18:41And show and tell's one of my favourite games.
18:43Well, you should practice more.
18:46Because you're rubbish at it.
18:55It's the babysitter, I'm going to have to...
18:57Never heard Harry Pierce call that before.
19:04Is he OK?
19:20Where's Colin?
19:21Er, he's got a pass for the day.
19:23He's on surveillance watching one of Collingwood's men.
19:30Enthusiastic about a goal celebration.
19:32Zebra three.
19:33Hello, Big Bear.
19:34It's tricky, this five across.
19:39That's strange.
19:41It's giving them access to flight numbers and airlines.
19:43Pretty sophisticated kit.
19:47Oh, my God.
19:49They're mapping the heavens.
19:55Malcolm, I've hacked into their computer and you're not going to believe this.
19:57They're focusing on two flights in particular,
19:59simulating taking them off the normal flight path.
20:02It's a dress rehearsal for crashing two passenger planes into each other over London.
20:07Malcolm, are you still there?
20:09Zebra three.
20:13Colin, can you hear me?
20:16What's wrong?
20:19Just lost Colin.
20:20Comms are down.
20:24Alpha One, what's your status?
20:25This is Zebra three.
20:28Hello, Zebra three.
20:37Spying on your own side.
20:40It's nothing personal.
20:41We're just keeping tabs on everyone and everything these days.
20:44Yeah, well, I suppose it figures.
20:47Not a hanging offence, but I imagine some risks will be slapped.
20:53That's a pretty impressive piece of kit you've got there.
20:55Is it the boss stock model?
20:57Well, there's no flies on you, Zebra three.
21:01My name's Colin.
21:04Well, it's a murky old world up there, Colin.
21:06CIA rendition flights, drug deliveries, ghost planes.
21:09Got to keep an eye on it all.
21:16Well, what happens now, Colin,
21:17is that we're going to have to let our boss have a quick chat with you.
21:19Well, he should really speak to my boss.
21:22Let's let him hear it from the Zebras, Matt.
21:33Enthusiastic about gold celebration.
21:35It's Robbie Keen.
21:41I must tell Malcolm.
21:44Who's he?
21:46He's the boss.
21:48I must tell Malcolm.
21:50Who's Malcolm? Is that your boyfriend?
21:58So it's not true you have to be gay to get into MI5 then?
22:02But are you gay, Colin?
22:03That's none of your business.
22:04No need to get touchy.
22:06Just messing about with you.
22:08You do seem quite on edge, Colin.
22:11Hello, Billy.
22:12Bursting for a piss.
22:13Been sat in that car all afternoon.
22:25Colin, get out of the car.
22:26Stretch your legs a bit.
22:28Please, just get your boss to speak to mine.
22:30Come on, Colin. Get out of the car.
22:40Come on.
23:41Easy, Colin.
23:42You look a bit lost.
23:43That's enough running for today.
23:52Drop these, Colin.
24:02I'm not strong enough to fight you.
24:04I was never any good at this running and jumping thing.
24:06I was...
24:07To be honest, I'm not really meant to be out in the field.
24:09It's just that we're very overstretched.
24:13Just get on with whatever it is you're going to do to me
24:16because I might be smaller and weaker than you,
24:18but you can hurt me,
24:20but you won't humiliate me.
24:25The problem is, Colin,
24:26the world is not made for small and weak people any longer.
24:29The problem is, Colin,
24:30the world is not made for small and weak people any longer.
24:46Oh, God.
24:47Oh, no.
24:48Please don't, man.
24:51Oh, God. Please.
24:55Please don't.
24:57Stand up for me, Colin.
25:02Don't make me hurt you.
25:03Don't make me hurt you, Colin.
25:05If you struggle, it'll hurt more, OK?
25:08You're doing really well.
25:10You're doing really well.
25:27You're doing really well.
25:28You're doing really well.
25:29You're doing really well.
25:30You're doing really well.
25:31You're doing really well.
25:32You're doing really well.
25:33You're doing really well.
25:34You're doing really well.
25:35You're doing really well.
25:36You're doing really well.
25:37You're doing really well.
25:38You're doing really well.
25:39You're doing really well.
25:40You're doing really well.
25:41You're doing really well.
25:42You're doing really well.
25:43You're doing really well.
25:44You're doing really well.
25:45You're doing really well.
25:46You're doing really well.
25:47You're doing really well.
25:48You're doing really well.
25:49You're doing really well.
25:50You're doing really well.
25:51You're doing really well.
25:52You're doing really well.
25:53You're doing really well.
25:54You're doing really well.
25:55You're doing really well.
25:56You're doing really well.
25:57You're doing really well.
25:58You're doing really well.
25:59You're doing really well.
26:00You're doing really well.
26:01You're doing really well.
26:02You're doing really well.
26:03You're doing really well.
26:04You're doing really well.
26:05You're doing really well.
26:06You're doing really well.
26:07You're doing really well.
26:08You're doing really well.
26:09You're doing really well.
26:10You're doing really well.
26:11You're doing really well.
26:12You're doing really well.
26:13You're doing really well.
26:14You're doing really well.
26:15You're doing really well.
26:16You're doing really well.
26:17You're doing really well.
26:18You're doing really well.
26:19You're doing really well.
26:20You're doing really well.
26:22I don't understand.
26:24How could somebody do that to Colin?
26:27Nobody would have dared do this without high-level authorization.
26:30They're telling us they'll stop at nothing.
26:33We keep talking about they.
26:34Who's they?
26:36We believe there's a conspiracy underway,
26:38which is using the terrorist onslaught as a cover for an attack on the government.
26:44Michael Collingwood certainly.
26:46Perhaps Millington has been putting his press at their disposal.
26:49They ignored intelligence about terror attacks,
26:51spread the panic,
26:52and took out the Prime Minister's closest ally,
26:54who was about to secure a deal on an important bill regarding homeland security.
26:58And now they've killed one of us.
27:01You know the last thing he did?
27:04It was an MP3 for Jobes.
27:05Very clever.
27:06He's got a tiny transmitter linked to the alarm system,
27:08warning her of an intruder.
27:09And if she's asleep,
27:10it sends a signal to her wristwatch,
27:12making it vibrate.
27:14Simple, but smart.
27:16That's how he does things.
27:20From now on, only routine business on the grid.
27:22Everyone needs to check their personal security.
27:24And, Zath,
27:25you must warn Joe immediately.
27:28They want us to know how confident they are.
27:31What are we going to do now?
27:32There's not much we can do at the moment.
27:33Because he wasn't important enough.
27:35We could take out one of theirs in return, but what would that get us?
27:39Our satisfaction will come from defeating their conspiracy.
27:41Now, shut up, you pompous old fool!
27:43He wasn't just some geek who did crossword puzzles,
27:45he was my bloody best friend!
28:01What do you think they want us to do next?
28:03I don't know.
28:04Well, I do.
28:06They've done this deliberately.
28:09They're expecting us to go looking for revenge and take our eye off it.
28:12But we're not going to play it by the rules that they set.
28:15It isn't a game.
28:16Yes, it is. That's exactly what it is.
28:17It's a big, elaborate game.
28:21And the question we always have to ask ourselves is,
28:23what do they want us to do?
28:25How do they want us to react?
28:33What do we do, Malcolm?
28:35The authorship.
28:36That's right.
28:37If we kill one of Collingwood's men in revenge,
28:39if we even kill Collingwood himself,
28:40then we'll have achieved nothing.
28:41We have to wait.
28:42We have to wait until we're ready.
28:44And then in our time, when we decide,
28:46we'll strike and we'll finish them once and for all.
28:49But until then, we have to act normal.
28:51We have to carry on as if...
28:53as if the hanging was a suicide,
28:55which the police report will inevitably say it was.
28:59They'll know we know.
29:01But we'll smile at them.
29:04And we'll carry on smiling.
29:06And if you can't deal with that, then you're no good to me.
29:10So smile.
29:14I can't.
29:18I can't.
29:27Would you have smiled at your wife's killers?
29:31Would you have smiled at your wife's killers?
29:33Would you have smiled at your wife's killers?
29:47I would have smiled at Fiona's killers if it had been necessary.
29:53Yes, I believe you would.
30:00That's good.
30:02Work on it.
30:06Right, Colin found something out in his van.
30:08We need to know what it was.
30:10This is one of those charity people.
30:14I'm Jenny.
30:16The new nanny for Wes.
30:18I was told to come at seven for a chat.
30:21Have I come at a bad time?
30:24Not at all.
30:31Not at all.
30:32I'm sorry.
30:33I'm sorry.
31:00Watch it.
31:03Watch it.
31:33Watch it.
31:52What's going on?
32:04Get out!
32:06This way!
32:15Wes! Wes!
32:18Hurry up!
32:32Come on, let's go!
32:56Okay, what's going on?
32:57You are not...
32:58I'm an officer of the British Security Services.
33:00I've been working undercover to protect you.
33:02Where's my detective?
33:03I've no idea.
33:04Who are those people back there?
33:06Possibly officers of the British Security Services.
33:08What is going on?
33:09There's a plot against the government.
33:11It's being fought on several fronts.
33:12You're one of them.
33:14What do they want from me?
33:15We're working on that.
33:17Where are you taking me now?
33:18Somewhere safe.
33:19Look, I don't want you to use your phone.
33:21So we're going somewhere where we can't be traced.
33:23Yeah, but I can call my dad.
33:24No. No non-essential communications.
33:26He's the Prime Minister.
33:27Look, I'm sorry.
33:28Right now that doesn't guarantee anything, Rowan.
33:36She's found a plot hole.
33:37That's all we know.
33:46I tell you what, I've got a better idea.
33:47Why don't you come over to mine?
33:50I'll make sure he's asleep.
33:51Okay, great.
33:52I'll see you then. Bye.
33:54Malcolm, email me Jo's location details, would you?
34:00The Prime Minister issued a statement
34:01dismissing the rumours about biological warfare.
34:04The company...
34:14Come in.
34:16How did you get into this?
34:17Into what?
34:18Your job.
34:19I was recruited.
34:20No, but why did you want to do it?
34:23It was exciting, I suppose.
34:24I like the thought of serving my country.
34:27Is that why it's our country?
34:29You know, is it the people trying to kill me?
34:31The people plotting against my dad?
34:33Well, maybe it's more of a personal thing, then.
34:35I don't know, it's home.
34:38I don't know.
34:39I don't know.
34:40I don't know.
34:42I don't know.
34:43I don't know.
34:45Fulfilling your promise,
34:46having certain freedoms and choices.
34:48It's like they're being eroded, aren't they?
34:51Bit by bit.
34:53Even my dad's...
34:55Oh, I don't know.
34:57No, what about him?
35:00He has to make choices, you know.
35:02That lead to the deaths of innocent people
35:04and families and children and things.
35:08He's the Prime Minister, Owen.
35:09He doesn't always get the easy decisions.
35:11I know, I know.
35:13It's just, it's hard to reconcile him sometimes.
35:16With the man who took us to the campsite and things.
35:20I don't know.
35:30Sorry to hear about your officer.
35:33Yeah, it was a shock for everyone.
35:34Especially with what's going on right now.
35:37Country's in a real mess.
35:38There are people who want change.
35:40It's not our job to change governments.
35:41Who said anything about changing governments?
35:43You know what's coming.
35:45Climate change, terrorism.
35:47Energy shortages that'll make what's just happened look insignificant.
35:51There'll be social and economic mayhem.
35:54And what will we do about it?
35:56Set up a parliamentary commission?
35:58Call in the ombudsman?
36:00You talk as if you share that view.
36:01No, but I don't think we can close our eyes to the threat.
36:04And the people that do hold that view hold it sincerely.
36:06They have the country's best interests at heart.
36:08Yeah, well, let's hope so.
36:12Is that your son?
36:15He's sweet.
36:17Some of the time.
36:18You're a good father.
36:20Some of the time.
36:22No, you're a good father.
36:24That's a very attractive quality.
36:29Better go and check he's alright.
37:00You still awake?
37:05I can't sleep.
37:07Sorry, it's not exactly five star accommodation.
37:11Is that why I can't sleep?
37:14I'm just trying to relax.
37:23Is he okay?
37:25He's fine.
37:37Here's your direct approach.
37:41Thank you.
37:57I can't.
37:58Yes, you can.
37:59No, I can't. It's the same perfume.
38:03My wife used to wear that scent.
38:05I'm so sorry.
38:06It's okay. It's just I can't.
38:07No, no, really.
38:08It's not that I don't want to or anything.
38:09I'm really flattered.
38:11Why don't you stay and have another glass of wine?
38:12We don't have to go.
38:13Leave me, Adam.
38:14You have nothing to apologize for.
38:41I'm sorry.
39:30Don't move!
39:31Drop your weapon!
39:32Stop this!
39:33Stay right where you are!
39:34Drop your weapon!
39:35Do not move!
39:36Drop your weapon!
39:37You should check your sources more carefully.
39:40Wrong cottage, boys.
39:42Take their car to pieces and have them brought back to Thames House.
39:45I think we need to talk about Colin.
39:50Since the last time we met, certain very unpleasant facts have come to light.
39:54In the early hours of the morning, an attack was launched on a cottage in Kent.
39:57The attackers thought that we were holding the Prime Minister's son, Rowan, there.
40:01The original threats to Rowan actually emanated from Michael Collingwood.
40:06Who we also believe was behind the murder of an MI5 desk officer.
40:09What nonsense is this?
40:11Jakarta is coming. A phrase you picked up in Latin America?
40:14Because, of course, only I have been to Latin America.
40:17The precise details of the cottage, however, came from another source.
40:21A source who stole my fingerprints from a restaurant wine glass
40:24and then turned up at my flat, fluttering her eyelashes, wearing my dead wife's perfume.
40:28Nice touch, by the way.
40:30I've worn that perfume since my 16th birthday.
40:32The location of the decoy cottage was only on my laptop computer.
40:36You stole those details and then accepted a get-out clause I gave you.
40:39I'm not going to sit here and listen to this.
40:41Whatever you're planning has got to stop.
40:43I'm planning the security of the nation. Do you want me to stop that?
40:46Bluster might work on the politicians, Michael, but you and I have been in this business for too long.
40:49OK, we're done here.
40:51Interagency collaboration is dead.
40:53Because of your absolutely outrageous suggestions.
41:03Telephone call, sir.
41:12I understand.
41:14Yes, everything's ready, my end will be ready to roll as soon as the news comes in.
41:18I'll tell him. Right.
41:24Chancellor, Paul Millington.
41:26I've just had a message from Michael Conningwood,
41:29I've just had a message from Michael Conningwood,
41:31who wanted you to know that the trip to Jakarta is now finalised.
41:37Last chance to pull out for all of us.
41:43There were people in that room I'd worked with for years, they just walked out on me.
41:45I can't believe he has such support.
41:47He was never going to admit the man we captured was one of his own men.
41:49No, he just needed to observe protocol for the duration of the meeting.
41:52Spare the blushes and call in to his superiors for instructions.
41:55That'll be him.
42:05He wants a meeting, with the Home Secretary present.
42:08Conningwood's not that Mr Big.
42:10He must have called in to somebody who got him to arrange this.
42:13Do we go?
42:16He's got nothing to lose.
42:28I think I've found something, Gulf.
42:35We've cross-matched DNA from skin tissue on the back seat to Colin.
42:38It was in that car. His fingerprints are virtually seared into it.
42:40Oh, God.
42:41Now, here's the thing.
42:42The two men that Colin was watching were Lee McKenzie and Steve Jensen.
42:46McKenzie was captured at the cottage, the other man we got there wasn't Jensen.
42:49He's still out there somewhere.
42:51We found a car pass down the back of the dashboard.
42:53From where?
42:54Southeast Air Traffic Control.
42:55What if this is the third attack?
42:57The third attack that Conningwood knew would send the country over the edge.
43:00Adam and Harry have gone to the meeting with Conningwood.
43:47Hello, Harry.
43:50My daughter has greatly enjoyed your hospitality.
43:52The final piece in the jigsaw.
43:54Corporate power.
43:55The rules are different now, Harry.
43:57They changed the day a British government accepted Guantanamo Bay
44:00and admitted the torture chamber as an instrument of state policy.
44:03But that wasn't enough for you.
44:05Britain needs a new kind of leadership.
44:07Sea levels are rising. Oil's running out.
44:10Terrorists are going nuclear.
44:13Do you really think this current system is capable of dealing with that?
44:16Spare me the four horsemen of the apocalypse.
44:18This has nothing to do with national security, nothing to do with Al Qaeda either.
44:21This is a coup d'etat, pure and simple.
44:23Not so simple, actually.
44:25The transition will be managed quite carefully.
44:28And I hope that people don't notice the corpses.
44:30Victims of the attacks you allowed to happen.
44:32Yes, what's next, Michael?
44:34Well, hasn't Jakarta arrived yet?
44:36The third attack that will bring this country to its knees.
44:39Look, I think all of us around this table have children, even grandchildren.
44:42How can we look at what's coming and not tremble for them?
44:45Not take steps to ensure their safety.
44:47There is no reason to dismantle our democracy.
44:49I wonder why we fetishise democracy so much.
44:52It's a system that's a blink in the eye of history.
44:54It's a system which better men than you have died to protect.
44:56Well, I haven't seen anybody taken to the streets to defend it yet.
44:59And the argument against civil liberties has been fought and lost.
45:02That's not for you to decide.
45:04You're assuming that people will notice the difference.
45:06You're assuming that the British people actually care about abstract principles.
45:09Don't put up with anything as long as you're served up with a picture of Will Young in the shower.
45:12Insufferable snob.
45:14Pronouncing on the national character while warming your feet at the club.
45:17Since we've dispensed with the niceties of theoretical debate,
45:20let me give you an ultimatum.
45:22The Prime Minister has a week to accept new terms of government,
45:25which will be delivered shortly.
45:27During the time we've given you to consider your ever-weakening position,
45:31I give you my word there'll be no further incidents
45:33and I expect the same consideration from you.
45:54It was true about the perfume.
45:56I'd never have done anything so vulgar.
45:58Yes, you would.
46:00It was a gift for my birthday.
46:02From Daddy to his little girl, was it?
46:05I knew nothing about the murder of your officer. You have to believe that.
46:09I don't have to believe a single word you tell me.
46:25You think they'll stick to it?
46:29Bloody Harry Pearce.
46:31This isn't anything to do with his beliefs.
46:33He just loves a good fight.
46:35Don't be so sure of that.
46:37It frustrates me we can't convince him.
46:39Well, it's too late now. Everything's in place.
46:41The escorts know when to disappear.
46:43The escorts?
46:45You've just agreed to a week's cessation of hostilities.
46:47It's really of very little consequence.
46:48It is of consequence.
46:51It's beneath us.
46:53It's dishonourable. You gave them your word.
46:55You've let Adam Carter outwit you once already, Rosalind.
46:57Outwit me?
46:59That seduction routine was a stupid and amateur plan
47:01that underestimated the target in which I warned you was likely to backfire.
47:04You overruled me. I got you what you wanted.
47:06So don't you blame me if they set a trap for you.
47:08This type of decision is not within my brief.
47:10Michael has operational control.
47:16I've checked all new staff for airport control in the last month.
47:18And, um, one face jumped out.
47:22Collingwood's back?
47:24Yes. And?
47:26According to the rotor, he's working this afternoon.
47:28This is the third attack, isn't it?
47:30It must be. I'll try and get through to Harry.
47:34I'm on my way.
48:04I'm on my way.
48:06I'm on my way.
48:34I'm on my way.
48:46Filter in place.
48:48Stand by for re-route.
48:50Standing by.
48:56Re-route complete.
48:58Re-route complete.
49:04Control, Blue Wing 3-0-3 approaching Bovingdon's.
49:06Request further clearance.
49:08Blue Wing 3-0-3.
49:10Right spot to heading 1-3-0.
49:12Descent to 4,000 feet.
49:14Radar heading 1-3-0.
49:18Control, Eagle 4-7 on a Wellington 4G departure.
49:22Climbing to 1,000 feet.
49:24We're 3,000.
49:32What happened to high school?
49:46Stop the car.
49:48What's going on? Get out of there!
49:54Come on, come on.
49:58Adam? Julian, get out of the car.
50:00Get away from the vehicle.
50:02Just do it! Okay, stop the car.
50:04Stop the car now, please!
50:32We're getting reports.
50:34One of the cars returning from the meeting has been blown up.
50:40No news yet.
50:54Radar contact, Eagle 4-7.
50:56Climb and maintain 4,000.
51:00Eagle 4-7 climbing to 4,000 feet on heading 0-5-0.
