Handy Manny S02E35 A Night With Abuelito Canine Case

  • 3 months ago
00:00Unlike with Abuelito.
00:07Okay, that's in. Now you twist that right there.
00:11And perfect! Okay, she's done.
00:22What's going on, guys?
00:24We just finished working on Fix-It.
00:30We gave her a bigger radio antenna.
00:33Now we can hear more radio stations.
00:36Ah, that's a good idea.
00:44Here is a special weather announcement.
00:46A major storm will reach Sheetrock Hills tonight, bringing heavy snow.
00:51Una nevasca! A snowstorm is coming!
00:54Oh, I love when it snows!
00:57Me too! You can play in it and roll in it and woo-hoo!
01:04And it's a lot softer when you fall.
01:09Hola, Handyman's Repair Shop. You break in?
01:12We Fix-It!
01:14Hola, Manny. It's Abuelito.
01:16Did you hear about the big storm that is coming?
01:19Oh, Abuelito, si. We just heard about it.
01:22Well, I have a window that won't close.
01:24And with all that wind and snow on the way, ay, ay, ay.
01:28Don't worry. We'll be right over to look at it.
01:31Oh, gracias, Manny. Gracias.
01:35Okay, Abuelito needs our help.
01:37Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho.
01:45Hop, hop, jump in.
01:47Come on, let's go.
01:49Hop, hop, jump in.
01:51Si, vámonos.
01:53Hop, hop, jump in.
01:55Don't go too slow. Keep up.
01:57Let's get to work.
01:59We're happy now.
02:09Oh, Mr. Lopart, do you need help with that?
02:13Thanks, but I'm fine, Manny.
02:15What are you making, Mr. Lopart?
02:17Si, it smells delicious.
02:20It's hot chocolate.
02:22And this little machine makes fresh marshmallows to put into the hot chocolate.
02:26Oh, I love marshmallows.
02:29Oh, so do I, Pat.
02:31But we have to fix Abuelito's window right away, remember?
02:34I'm sorry, Mr. Lopart. We'll get some hot chocolate later.
02:37And marshmallows.
02:39Fluffy and I'll be waiting for you.
02:47We'll just make some extra marshmallows so we can have some for the tools when they get back.
02:59Oh, I made it. Seems a little noisy, Fluffy.
03:08Oh, dear.
03:12Oh, dear.
03:21Hi, Manny. Hi, Tools. Did you hear the news?
03:24Yes, Kelly. It sounds like una nevasca grande. A big snowstorm is coming.
03:29All this talk about snow is making me cold.
03:34Well, I have just what you'll need to stay warm, Rusty.
03:41Hey, these are really warm. Thanks.
03:45You're welcome. So what can I get for you?
03:48We're going to fix Abuelito's window and might need some new weather stripping.
03:56Here you go.
03:57Gracias. And thanks for the earmuffs.
04:01Hola, Manny, Heramientas. Thank you for coming so quickly.
04:07Sorry for the mess. I am putting things in boxes to store away. I have been packing all day.
04:13Oh, we can help you pack up the rest of your boxes after we fix the window, Abuelito.
04:18Oh, gracias. That would be a big help.
04:23Here is the window.
04:25Here is the window. It just won't close all the way.
04:28Don't worry. We'll fix it, Abuelito.
04:31I know you will, Squeeze. Just let me know if you need me.
04:39Something is definitely making the window stick.
04:46I think a piece of the frame is broken.
04:50I think a piece of the frame is broken.
04:53Yes, you're right, Stretch. Pad?
04:56Ready, Manny?
05:03That did it, Manny. All fixed.
05:06Yes, but this weather stripping is old. Let's replace it and make sure it will keep out the wind and noise.
05:13New weather stripping. Coming right up.
05:20Excellent, Tools.
05:22We did it!
05:24Well, your window closes nice and tight now, Abuelito. You don't have to worry about any snow or cold air getting in.
05:31Oh, maravilloso, Manny. Heramientas.
05:35Now we can help you finish packing up those boxes.
05:39Oh, look. It's snowing. Inside.
05:43It is?
05:45There it is.
05:47Oh, look. It's snowing. Inside.
05:50It is?
05:52There it is.
06:04Packing boxes sure is a lot of work.
06:07I know, right?
06:10Packing boxes sure is a lot of work.
06:14Si. I don't think I could have finished them without you.
06:18Thank you, Manny. Gracias, Heramientas.
06:21Manny, look!
06:25Oh, no. The storm is already here.
06:30But how are we going to get home?
06:33You can't go home.
06:35You can't go home. You'll stay here until after the storm is over and go home in the morning.
06:41Yeah, Abuelito's right. We can't travel through such a big storm. We'll just have to sleep here tonight.
06:47A sleepover?
06:54I think Pat's so tired he's already asleep.
06:58Here, Manny. Here is a pillow for you and one for the tools.
07:03I can't wait to sleep. Watching all that snow fall made me tired.
07:11Abuelito, do you have a softer pillow? This one is a little hard.
07:17I like a really hard pillow.
07:19Si. Me too.
07:21I'm so tired any pillow's good.
07:23Not for me. I like a soft pillow.
07:26Ay, ay, ay. I don't think I have that many different pillows.
07:31Don't worry, Abuelito. One more soft pillow will be fine.
07:39Manny, where do we sleep? There's no bed.
07:43Let's just sleep on the couch. I fall asleep on the couch all the time.
07:48You fall asleep anywhere, Pat.
07:51I have a better idea.
08:01Wow. The couch turned into a bed.
08:04Si. Abuelito has a couch bed for when people come to visit.
08:09Here you go, herramientas. This is a soft pillow, but not too soft.
08:14Good night, everyone. Buenas noches.
08:17Um, Abuelito?
08:21Do you have another blanket? I like a snuggly one.
08:25Si, of course, Dusty. A snuggly blanket.
08:29And a warm one. I like a pink one.
08:34Okay. So a snuggly, warm, pink blanket. Anything else?
08:46Thank you, Abuelito. De nada, Manny.
08:51Good night. Buenas noches. Sweet dreams.
09:00It's kind of dark in here.
09:03We're all here with you, Rusty. Just go to sleep. You'll be fine.
09:17Manny, I think that fish on the wall is making noise.
09:21Tools, we really have to get some sleep.
09:24Maybe you're right.
09:33Thanks, Manny.
09:35Much better.
09:38Good night, Tools.
09:40Good night, Manny.
09:42Good night, Tools.
09:44Good night, Manny.
09:46Good night, Tools.
09:48Good night, Manny.
09:50Good night, Tools.
09:52Good night, Manny.
10:00Ay, caramba!
10:02I don't think it was the fish.
10:04Maybe it's the wind from outside.
10:07No, I think it's coming from the hallway.
10:12It sounds like it's in the bedroom.
10:14Oh, no. It's probably something scary.
10:23Oh, it's just Abuelito snoring.
10:28Dusty's right. He must be very tired, too.
10:34We should be okay now.
10:38Okay, let's get to sleep.
10:41Bueno. I'll be dreaming in no time.
10:46We'll never get any sleep.
10:49Si. And I will miss all of my beauty rest.
10:52I can't be this beautiful without my beauty rest.
10:56Maybe we can soundproof the doorway for the night.
10:59Soundproof the doorway?
11:01Si. Maybe we can find enough stuff to fill in the doorway
11:05so we won't hear his snoring.
11:07What kind of stuff, Manny?
11:09Well, we could start with some of this broken glass.
11:13Well, we could start with some of these boxes.
11:16That should keep some of the noise out,
11:18and the rest will just have to be creative.
11:24Let's get going and fix it right.
11:26Twist and turn.
11:28Make it tight.
11:29Trabajamos juntos.
11:31We work together now.
11:34Cut it, measure, and pop it flat.
11:37Bend and twist.
11:38Just like that.
11:39Each of us has a special job.
11:42We work together.
11:43Todos juntos.
11:44We can fix it right.
11:50It's quiet, Manny.
11:52It worked.
11:53We can't hear Abuelito.
11:55All right. Now can we get some sleep?
12:12Good night.
12:24Canine Cakes
12:32I hope Elliot's happy with his skateboard.
12:35I'm sure he will be, Squeeze.
12:37We did a good job fixing it.
12:40We'll be doing those nose grabs again in no time.
12:43Nose grabs?
12:45That sounds like it hurts.
12:47No, Pat.
12:48A nose grab is a kind of skateboarding.
12:53Hey, what's up with them?
12:56I don't know.
12:57I hope everything's okay.
12:59Maybe they need our help.
13:01Let's find out.
13:02Carlos, where are you, Perito?
13:06What are you going to do, my poor little Carlos?
13:09Don't worry, Mrs. Portillo.
13:11We'll find him.
13:12Find who?
13:13Is somebody missing?
13:15It's my sweet Perito.
13:17My sweet doggie, Carlos.
13:21Carlos is missing?
13:23He disappeared from my backyard and now I can't find him.
13:27Officer Pete is helping me look for him.
13:30Maybe we can look for him, too.
13:32Yes, we're happy to help, Mrs. Portillo.
13:35Gracias, many gracias, tools.
13:37That would help me a lot.
13:39I remember what good detectives you are.
13:42You helped me find my missing socks.
13:44And with all of us searching, we're sure to find Carlos.
13:49Officer Pete, what's your location?
13:51Excuse me for a second.
13:54So, where have you looked, Mrs. Portillo?
13:57Let's see.
13:58At mi casa, my house, and in the bushes.
14:03Great news!
14:04The police station just got a call from Sherman's shoe store.
14:07Sherman found a lost dog.
14:09Maybe it's Carlos.
14:11Oh, that would be such a relief.
14:14Come on, let's check it out.
14:16Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho.
14:24Hop, hop, jump in.
14:26Come on, let's go.
14:28Hop, hop, jump in.
14:30Si, vámonos.
14:32Hop, hop, jump in.
14:34Don't move too slow.
14:35Keep up.
14:36Let's get to work.
14:38We got it all.
14:44I'll be right with you.
14:46Oh, hi, Manny, tools, Mrs. Portillo, Officer Pete.
14:51Wow, so many customers today.
14:54Actually, we're here because you called the police station.
14:57We understand you have a lost dog.
15:00Well, um, no.
15:02You see, I found a lost dog outside my shop, but then he sort of, well, ran away.
15:08Ran away?
15:09Ay, caramba.
15:10Yeah, you see, I gave him this old shoe to play with, and he seemed pretty happy.
15:15But when I turned my back to help a customer, he ran out the door.
15:19What did this doggy look like?
15:21Oh, well, um, he was cute and small, not a lot of hair.
15:27He was wearing a dog tag, but I was so busy I didn't get a good look at it.
15:32Oh, and he had pretty big ears for a small dog.
15:36Yep, that's him.
15:38Look at these shoelaces.
15:40They've been chewed.
15:42Si, that's mi perrito.
15:45Carlos loves to chew on shoelaces.
15:48And mis muebles, my furniture.
15:51Carlos, of course.
15:54I'm sorry, Mrs. Portillo.
15:56I should have known it was Carlos.
15:58That's okay, Sherman.
16:00I'm sure we'll find him.
16:02Claro que si, of course we will, Mrs. Portillo.
16:04Thanks for your help, Sherman.
16:06Come on, tools, let's keep looking.
16:09See you later.
16:12Carlos, sweetie, come to mama.
16:18Carlos, where are you?
16:21Any luck finding him?
16:23No, I haven't found any clues either.
16:29How about you, Pat?
16:31No clues here.
16:33Can someone help me with this pink shoelace?
16:38Pat, this is the shoelace from Sherman's shoe.
16:41See, it's the same color.
16:44And it's been chewed.
16:47Good detective work, Dusty.
16:49Where did you find this shoelace, Pat?
16:51Right here, on the sidewalk.
16:53And there's another piece of shoelace in front of Kelly's store.
16:57Maybe Kelly knows where Carlos is.
17:00Come on, let's find out.
17:08What is that?
17:10Maybe Carlos is under there.
17:12Or a mouse.
17:14There's only one way to find out.
17:22It's only fluffy.
17:29Thanks for giving me a hand with that heavy box, Mr. Lopart.
17:33Oh, you're welcome, Kelly.
17:35We Loparts have arms of steel.
17:38Hi, Kelly.
17:39Oh, hi, Manny.
17:40Hi, Tools.
17:41Hi, Mrs. Portillo.
17:42Hi, Officer Pete.
17:43Can I help you with something?
17:46We're wondering if you've seen my beloved Perrito.
17:49We're wondering if you've seen my beloved Perrito, Carlos.
17:52He's missing.
17:54Oh, no.
17:55I'm sorry, Mrs. Portillo.
17:57I haven't seen him.
17:59Oh, have you checked at Cassie's pet store?
18:02I know my fluffy could spend hours in front of Cassie's store window.
18:06Carlos does like her squeaky toys.
18:09Well, it's worth a look.
18:11Let's check it out.
18:13Good luck.
18:14See you later, Kelly, Mr. Lopart.
18:20Cassie hasn't seen my little Perrito.
18:23Not even peeking through the window.
18:26Now what do we do?
18:28We've got to think.
18:30Where else could Carlos be?
18:34Something smells.
18:37It isn't me, is it?
18:42It's a barbecue.
18:44Do you know what this means?
18:47No, silly.
18:48Dogs love the smell of food cooking.
18:51So, if we follow the smell of the barbecue, we might find Carlos.
18:57Good thinking, Dusty.
19:00Carlos can't keep away from the smell of a barbecue.
19:04Come on.
19:05My nose tells me the food is this way.
19:10Hola, Senora Ayala.
19:11Oh, hola, Manny.
19:14Hola, Manny.
19:15Enamientas, Senora Portillo.
19:17Officer Pete, is everything okay?
19:20We were just about to ask you that.
19:22You look a little confused.
19:25I seem to be missing a salchicha, and I don't know where it went.
19:29Oh, no.
19:30First a missing dog, then a missing salchicha.
19:34What's a salchicha?
19:36A salchicha is a hot dog, Todd.
19:38And I don't understand.
19:40I had four on my plate, and then I went inside for some mustard,
19:44and when I came back out, there were only three salchichas.
19:48Carlos must be nearby.
19:51He loves hot dogs.
19:53Right, Mrs. Portillo?
19:56Hot dogs.
19:57And socks.
19:58Thanks for your help, Mr. Ayala.
20:00Sorry about your hot dog.
20:03That's okay.
20:04I'll make another one.
20:07A hot dog bun!
20:09It's half chewed.
20:13Oh, Carlos!
20:19Hey, there's Abuelito.
20:21Maybe he has seen Carlos.
20:24Hola, Abuelito.
20:26Hola, Manny.
20:27Hola, Enamientas.
20:28This is a nice surprise.
20:30Gracias, Abuelito, but we're actually looking for Mr. Ayala.
20:34We're actually looking for Mrs. Portillo's perrito, Carlos.
20:37Have you seen him?
20:39No, I have not seen any dogs today.
20:43Are you sure, Abuelito?
20:45It looks like there's some doggy paw prints on your porch.
20:50Ay de mi.
20:52Lo siento.
20:53I'm sorry.
20:54I'm sure my little Carlos didn't mean to make such a mess.
20:59That's okay, Mrs. Portillo.
21:01I was thinking of repainting the porch anyway.
21:04Come on.
21:05Let's follow these prints.
21:10I don't see Carlos anywhere.
21:12Do you?
21:13No, but look at this.
21:15The paw prints end here.
21:18How will we know which way Carlos went?
21:21Maybe he ran across the grass.
21:24Or down the street.
21:25Or maybe he went back to Abuelito's house.
21:29I don't think so.
21:30I have a feeling.
21:32Isn't this where Chulo lives?
21:35Si, this is Chulo's house.
21:38And Carlos loves to play with Chulo.
21:41I wonder...
21:49Case closed!
22:00My perrito!
22:04Well, Dusty, it looks like you were right.
22:07Carlos was with Chulo.
22:09Good job, detectives.
22:11I think this canine case is solved.
22:16There we go, Carlos.
22:18Home at last.
22:20Mil gracias, tools, money, Officer Pete.
22:24Thank you so much for helping me find him.
22:27I don't know what I would have done without your help.
22:30I'd like to say thanks, too.
22:32That was some pretty smart detective work back there.
22:36And I'd like you to have this Honorary Detectives badge.
22:44I had better get back to the police station.
22:46Duty calls.
22:48Adios, Officer Pete.
22:50Well, I guess we better be getting back to the repair shop.
22:53Right, Manny?
22:55We can't leave yet.
22:57We have one more mystery to solve.
22:59We do?
23:01We need to find out how Carlos escaped from the backyard in the first place.
23:05Do you have any idea, Mrs. Portillo?
23:08Well, Carlos was in the backyard.
23:11I closed the gate and went inside to get a magazine.
23:14And when I came out, he was gone.
23:21Mystery solved!
23:24Wow, she's good.
23:26She is good.
23:27The answer is right here.
23:29The latch is broken on the gate.
23:31Don't worry, Mrs. Portillo.
23:32We can fix it with a few supplies from my truck.
23:35Gracias, Manny.
23:38Let's get going and fix it right.
23:41Twist and turn.
23:42Sneak it tight.
23:44Trabajamos juntos.
23:46We work together now.
23:49Cut it, measure it.
23:50Tap it flat.
23:51Bend and twist.
23:52Just like that.
23:53Each of us has a special job.
23:56We work together.
23:57Todos juntos.
23:58We can fix it right.
24:03Oh, a shiny new latch.
24:06Gracias, Manny.
24:07Gracias, herramientas.
24:09That makes me muy contenta.
24:11Very happy.
24:13Aw, we're happy too, Mrs. Portillo.
24:16Now we'll never have to look for Carlos ever again.
24:19Right, Carlos?
24:23Oh, no!
24:25Not again!
24:33Come here, my little perrito.
