Handy Manny S03E39 Fearless Rusty Dog Fountain

  • 3 months ago
00:00Fearless Rusty!
00:06What game should we play?
00:09We should play hide and seek, or tag, or checkers.
00:13Well, those are games you guys already know.
00:16But it can also be fun to use your imaginación, your imagination, and make up a whole new game you never tried before.
00:23I know! Let's guess who will be the next person to call us.
00:28Now that sounds like a fun game, Felipe.
00:32Mrs. Portillo!
00:34Mayor Rosa!
00:35Maybe Sherman!
00:37What if the phone never rings, and we stand here forever?
00:46Hola, Handyman's Repair Shop. You break it...
00:49We fix it!
00:51This is Manny.
00:53Buenas tardes, Manny. It's Marty from the magic shop.
00:57Hi, Marty. What can we do for you?
01:00Well, the pole that holds the drapes in my magic shop is falling down. Can you fix that?
01:06Yeah, that is something we definitely can do. We'll be right over.
01:10Thanks, Manny. See you soon.
01:15Let's go, tools. We've got work to do.
01:23Hop, hop, jump, game!
01:25Come on, let's go!
01:27Hop, hop, jump, game!
01:29Sí, vámonos!
01:31Hop, hop, jump, game!
01:33Don't go too slow!
01:34Keep up!
01:35Let's get to work!
01:37Ni rápido!
01:45Hola, Mr. Lopard.
01:47Oh, hello, Manny.
01:49Oh, are you going to the magic shop?
01:51Oh, are you going on a picnic?
01:53Yes, it's such a beautiful day, Fluffy and I decided to have our lunch in the park.
01:58That's a great idea, Mr. Lopard.
02:00Where are you off to?
02:02We're doing a repair at Magic Marty's.
02:05And maybe he'll show us some magic tricks.
02:08Ah, well, you know, I'm pretty good with magic myself. Mysterioso Lopard, they call me.
02:17You can do magic?
02:19Oh, sure, sure, I have loads of tricks I can do.
02:23Okay, Squeeze, pick a card, any card, don't let me know what card it is.
02:31Look it over, everyone.
02:36Okay, is the card a seven?
02:40Nope, it isn't.
02:44A six, an eight, gotta be a ten.
02:49Okay, forget that. One last trick, let me show you how I shuffle the cards.
02:54I do it real fancy, it's called the Lopard Shuffle.
03:06Maybe we'll try this later, Mr. Lopard.
03:12Alright, pick a card, Fluffy, no peeking.
03:17Hey, Fluffy, come back here. Is it a five?
03:28Aw, Manny, Tools, thanks for coming so quickly.
03:31You're welcome, Marty.
03:33Marty, can you do a trick? Please, do a trick.
03:36Squeeze, we came to do a repair, remember?
03:39That's okay, there's no rush. There's always time for some magic.
03:45Nothing up my sleeve, and then, presto!
03:51Rusty, it's only a pretty fan.
03:54But it came out of nowhere, that was scary.
04:04Come on, Manny, I'll show you the problem.
04:07That was fun.
04:09I hope he does some more magic.
04:11I hope he does some more magic.
04:13I love coming to magic, Martys.
04:20See, the curtain won't stay up.
04:24Hmm, the bracket that holds the rod is broken, but I don't have a new one with me.
04:29We'll have to go to Kelly's.
04:31Hey, Marty, can't you pull a bracket out of thin air?
04:35Well, I can't do that, but I can make a birdie magically appear.
04:41No, stop!
04:48Oh, Rusty, it's just a birdie.
04:51I know, I wish there was some kind of magic to make me not so scared all the time.
04:58Maybe there is.
05:02Sure, we just need some special magic dust.
05:08Abracadabra, abracador, make it so Rusty's not afraid anymore.
05:19How do you feel, Rusty?
05:22Do you feel braver?
05:24Um, you know, I think I do, yeah.
05:29Okay, come on, Tools, we have to go to Kelly's.
05:34You know, Rusty, there is no such thing as magic spells.
05:39You are not going to be any different.
05:42I don't know, I think I'm starting to feel a little bit braver.
05:49Ooh, soccer, I'd like to try that.
05:53Rusty, you don't like soccer.
05:55You're always afraid of getting hit by the ball.
05:58I know, but maybe I could do it now that I have the magic spell.
06:05Hey, someone, could you catch the ball before it goes into the street?
06:18Thanks, Rusty.
06:20You're welcome.
06:21You know what, I think I'll bring the ball back to you.
06:25Hey, wow, I think I'm playing soccer.
06:38You beat us, Rusty!
06:40Way to go!
06:46Did you see how I dribbled the ball down the field and no one was able to stop me?
06:52Yeah, we saw.
06:54I was really good.
06:58Run away, skateboard!
07:02I got it, Steven.
07:04Cuidado, Rusty, be careful.
07:07I think this magic is really working.
07:17That was awesome!
07:21I don't believe what I'm seeing.
07:25Wow, that was amazing, Rusty.
07:28How did you do that?
07:32It was just magic.
07:39Hola, Manny.
07:40Hi, Tooth.
07:41Buenos dias, Kelly.
07:43Hey, how you doing, Kelly?
07:46Wow, you're in a friendly mood today, Rusty.
07:49That's because I played soccer today.
07:52That's because I played soccer today.
07:54And I scored a goal.
07:56And then I rode a skateboard.
07:58Wow, that's great, Rusty.
08:01It is.
08:03But we still have a broken drapery bracket to repair at Marty's.
08:07Do you have a new one for us, Kelly?
08:09I do.
08:10It's in the closet on the top shelf.
08:12Just tell me which box it's in, Kelly, and I'll get it for you.
08:16Rusty, I don't know if you want to go in there.
08:19The shelf is high up and the light bulb just burned out.
08:22Luz! Luz!
08:25No thanks, Flicka.
08:27But I think I'd like to do this on my own in the dark.
08:30It'll be more of an adventure.
08:37Do you see it, Rusty?
08:39It's in a small square box.
08:41Got it, Kelly.
08:43Thank you, Kelly.
08:50Now I'll help you with that light bulb.
08:54Magic. It's magic, Kelly.
08:58Did you see how I jumped into that scary dark closet and got the part we needed?
09:03And then I went back in and went high up and changed the bulb for Kelly.
09:09Oh, Rusty. We saw. We were there.
09:15Buenos dias, Pepe. Como estas? How are you, my nephew?
09:19Muy bien, Tio Manny. But my plane got stuck up there.
09:23Oh, que lastima. That's too bad.
09:26But I'm sure we can help you get it down.
09:29I'll get it, Pepe.
09:34Uh, Rusty, be careful.
09:42Oh, yeah!
09:46How's he gonna get down from there?
09:49I don't know. I'm still not sure how he got up there.
09:56Oh, yeah!
10:00He's flying!
10:02I can't look.
10:04Oh, yeah!
10:08Way to go!
10:13Gracias, Rusty.
10:15Nah, it was nothing.
10:23Oh, Manny, I was wondering what took you so long.
10:27Well, thanks to your magic spell, Rusty was able to bravely help some people along the way.
10:32Okay, tools, we've got a job to do.
10:38Let's get going and fix it right.
10:41Twist and turn.
10:42Make it tight.
10:43Trabajamos juntos.
10:46We work together now.
10:48Cut and measure and tap and flap.
10:51Bend and twist.
10:52Just like that.
10:53Each of us has a special job.
10:56We work together.
10:57Todos juntos.
10:59We can fix it right.
11:02Thank you, Manny, and thank you, tools, for another job well done.
11:07De nada, Marty. You're very welcome.
11:09And thank you, Marty, for that magic spell.
11:13How long do you think it will last?
11:15Well, I didn't really put a magic spell on you, Rusty.
11:22A lot of magic is done by making you believe it's magic.
11:27Sometimes, believing in yourself is the only magic you need.
11:32Wait, wait, wait.
11:33You mean there was just regular me on that skateboard going fast?
11:37And on that plane?
11:38And, and, oh.
11:41It's okay, Rusty.
11:43You should be proud of yourself.
11:45You did all those things without magic.
11:48I did?
11:49Yeah, I did.
11:52That's right.
11:53That's right.
11:54There was a brave wrench inside you all along.
11:57You just had to believe in yourself.
11:59Yeah, I am brave.
12:02I really am.
12:05What was that?
12:09Well, I was brave before.
12:11Did you see how I jumped on those ropes?
12:13And then I skated?
12:15And, um, you know.
12:23A bug fountain!
12:41Manny, the puppies won't leave us alone.
12:44They won't stop licking us.
12:47Let me help you.
12:53Over here, Manny.
12:54Aquí, aquí.
12:55Get it all.
12:59And they lick you because they like you.
13:03Well, could you ask them to like us a little less?
13:07I think it's fun.
13:09It's a lot of work taking care of perritos, puppies.
13:12They have so much energy.
13:19How soon did you say Ronaldo was coming?
13:23Ronaldo should be here any minute.
13:25It was nice of you to puppy-sit for him this morning.
13:29Well, I say it'll be a pleasure to get back to work.
13:33Actually, Colonel, I'm planning on taking a hike before we get back to work.
13:38A hike?
13:40I decided I'm going to hike at least twice a week up Sheetrock Hills Trail.
13:45Walking is very healthy.
13:47Can we go, too?
13:50A hike would be bueno.
13:52Of course you can come.
13:54Exercise is good for everyone.
13:56And up in the mountains, the air is muy fresco, very fresh.
14:00I could even measure how far we hike.
14:04That sounds like a great idea.
14:10Hola, Handy Manny's Repair Shop.
14:12You break it, we fix it.
14:14This is Manny.
14:16Hola, Manny.
14:17Hola, herramientas.
14:18It's Reinaldo.
14:19Buenos dias, Reinaldo.
14:21Buenos dias, Manny.
14:23I'm sorry I'm late picking up mis perros, my dogs,
14:26but my assistant Baker is still not here yet.
14:30No hay problema, Reinaldo.
14:32The dogs are fine.
14:37In fact, the two of us and I are going on a hike.
14:40How about if we take Galoshes and her puppies with us?
14:44That would be great.
14:46I'm sure Galoshes and the puppies would love a hike.
14:49Thank you, Manny.
14:50Gracias, tools.
14:51I'll be by in a couple of hours.
14:55Okay, vámonos.
14:57Let's go.
14:58Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve.
15:07Hop, hop, jump, leap.
15:09Come on, let's go.
15:11Hop, hop, jump, leap.
15:13Si, vámonos.
15:15Hop, hop, jump, leap.
15:17Don't move too slow.
15:18Keep up.
15:19Let's get to work.
15:21Mi rapido.
15:28Hola, Mr. Lopar.
15:30Hello, Manny.
15:31Hello, tools.
15:32Where are you headed?
15:33We're going hiking up Cheap Rocky O's trail.
15:38Well, before you go, maybe the dogs would like a little treat.
15:42A treat?
15:43That's right, Felipe.
15:45I'm branching out and making doggy treats.
15:48Be right back.
15:49Don't go away.
15:53Take a look.
15:54I had them made special.
15:56Hey, they look like you.
15:59They do look like you.
16:03That's the special part.
16:05I figured with this handsome Lopar face on the biscuits,
16:08they'd be a sure winner.
16:28Can we give you some help?
16:31Thanks, Manny.
16:33I've got it.
16:34I'm just happy to know the dogs like the treats so much.
16:39Fluffy, those are for dogs.
16:44Oh, for cats, too.
16:47This is great, Manny.
16:50Yeah, it's beautiful out here.
16:5352 feet, 53 feet, 54 feet.
16:59How long is this going to take?
17:01The whole hike up and back takes about half an hour.
17:0530 minutes?
17:07That's not long.
17:09That's forever.
17:12You can do it, Rusty.
17:14It'll be fun.
17:15Hey, Manny, do you want me to walk one of the puppies?
17:19Sure, Squeeze, but hold tight to his leash.
17:22Can I have a puppy?
17:23I want a leash.
17:25Can I hold one?
17:27Well, be very careful.
17:35We have it all under control.
17:38Careful, guys.
17:39Puppies can be a lot to handle.
17:41Let's get going.
17:48Remember what I said about puppies having extra energy?
17:53He sure did, Manny.
17:55Yeah, they're so much better than us.
17:58They're pulling us up the trail.
18:00Or pulling some of us into a tree.
18:04Can somebody get me down?
18:10It feels so good to get your heart pumping and your muscles working.
18:15Right, Tools?
18:18See, Manny?
18:24We made it.
18:27Good job, Tools.
18:29Hey, Manny, did you bring some water?
18:32I'm thirsty.
18:34The dogs look thirsty, too.
18:37And the dogs look thirsty, too.
18:40Well, with so many hikers that go up and down this trail every day,
18:43I'm sure there's una fuente, a fountain nearby.
18:49There it is, una fuente de agua, a water fountain.
18:56Is it broken, Robert?
18:58Oh, Manny, hi.
19:00Yes, it is broken, and Sunshine and I are thirsty from the hike.
19:05Hmm, that's too bad.
19:09Well, let me look at it.
19:11The fountain handle is missing.
19:13And the bubbler is cracked.
19:15And it looks like the water isn't getting through these old pipes.
19:19Wait, I have an idea.
19:21We'll just pull a hose up from the repair shop to the top of the mountain.
19:25And that way people can drink from it.
19:27Nice idea, Pat.
19:28But that would take a very, very long hose.
19:31I have a better idea.
19:33We can fix it.
19:34We just need to head back down the mountain and get some parts from Kelly.
19:38And then everyone can have water again.
19:41Wait, we're going to come back up?
19:46Come on, Rusty.
19:47It's only a short hike.
19:49But we did it already.
19:51Don't you think all these hikers would appreciate a working fountain?
19:55Oh, okay.
19:59Come on, tools.
20:00We just need a few things from Kelly's.
20:02And we also need to call the mayor.
20:04Manny, does the mayor have to know every time you hike up Sheetrock Hills Trail?
20:09No, Pat.
20:11La Fuente de Agua is owned by the city.
20:13So before I fix it, I need to call Mayor Rosa and make sure it's okay.
20:17Hey, can you ask the mayor if she'll fly us back up in a helicopter?
20:23Wait, wait, wait.
20:24A helicopter?
20:26Trust me.
20:29Once you get your muscles strong, exercise becomes easier.
20:32And you'll want to do it more and more.
20:35I don't think so.
20:43Hola, Mayor Rosa.
20:44It's Manny.
20:45¿Cómo estás?
20:46Bien, gracias, Manny.
20:48I am good.
20:49What can I do for you?
20:51We went for a hike today up Sheetrock Hills Trail
20:54and saw that the fountain at the top was broken.
20:56We'd like to fix it, but I know it belongs to the city.
20:59So I wanted to make sure it was okay.
21:01Oh, Esa Fuente.
21:03That fountain is very important to the hikers in town.
21:07It would be great if you would fix it.
21:09Then that's what we'll do, Mayor Rosa.
21:11We'll get right on it.
21:12How do you turn these things off?
21:15I see they haven't lost any of their energy.
21:18Maybe we'll just find another way to keep them busy.
21:21Hola, Manny.
21:24Hola, Renaldo.
21:25Hi, Renaldo.
21:26I brought you some pretzels
21:28to thank you for taking good care of my perros while I finished baking.
21:33I thought you were going for a hike.
21:35We already did.
21:37Well, it looks like my perritos had a good time.
21:40Actually, we're going to Cali for some supplies
21:43and then hike back up the mountain.
21:45La Fuente de Agua is broken and we're going to fix it.
21:49That's great.
21:50Everyone will really appreciate that.
21:52I wish I had more time to hike.
21:55Okay, come on, everybody.
21:57Thanks again, Manny.
21:59Thanks, Tools.
22:04Hola, Manny.
22:05Hi, Tools.
22:06Hi, Kelly.
22:08Hiya, Kelly.
22:09Hi, Kelly.
22:10Can I help you with something?
22:12We need a really, really long hose.
22:16No, we don't.
22:18That was just your bright idea before we decided to fix it.
22:23Fix what?
22:24La Fuente de Agua.
22:26The water fountain at the top of Chidwon Hills Trail.
22:29Ooh, I love that trail.
22:31And I know that fountain.
22:33Well, it's broken and we need a few parts to fix it.
22:37We'll need a new handle, a bubbler, a spigot,
22:40two rubber tubes and some pipe.
22:43Ooh, let's see if I have all that.
22:46You always have everything.
22:48Hmm, a spigot and a bubbler.
22:52Then you probably need one of these, too.
22:55Gracias, Kelly.
23:05You know, Manny, this time the hike was easier.
23:09Yeah, it sure was.
23:12See, Dusty?
23:13The more you exercise, the easier it becomes.
23:16And the more you exercise, the healthier you'll be.
23:20Okay, everybody, let's fix this fountain.
23:25Let's get going and fix it right.
23:28Twist and turn.
23:29Make it tight.
23:30Trabajamos juntos.
23:33We work together now.
23:35Cut it, measure it.
23:37Top it flat.
23:38Bend and twist.
23:39Just like that.
23:40Each of us has a special job.
23:43We work together.
23:44Nada juntos.
23:45We can fix it right.
23:48Good job!
23:51Well, the people get to drink from the fountain,
23:54but what about the dogs?
23:56Don't worry, Turner, we're not done yet.
24:01This is going to be a new and improved fountain.
24:05What a great idea!
24:08I think the dogs think so, too.
24:12The puppies still had so much energy left.
24:15I thought they could use another hike.
24:17And I thought it would be nice for me to take some time for a hike, too.
24:21Muy bien, that's great, Renaldo.
24:24And if you're thirsty, there's now a place for you and your perritos
24:28to have a nice, fresh drink of water.
24:34We like it!
24:35Hey, leave some for me!
24:47Manny and the tools are always busy fixing things for their friends and neighbors,
24:52so it's important that I always have just what they need to help them get the job done right.
24:58Today Manny needs five screws to fix a rocking chair.
25:02Can you help me see if I have enough?
25:05Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco.
25:11Five screws! Great work!
25:14Now Manny has just what he needs to get the job done.
