Hebrews 6

  • 2 months ago
00:00So in Hebrews 6, I'm going to go ahead and warn you that this is a difficult passage.
00:10It's twisted a lot of times.
00:11I don't know if you remember the sermon I preached probably about a year ago I guess
00:17about twisted scriptures that people like to twist.
00:22You know, they never twist John 3.16.
00:25That's obviously pretty simple to understand.
00:26They never twist anything in the book of John.
00:29The book of Hebrews is written by Paul the Apostle through the inspiration of the Holy
00:36And he is an intelligent person.
00:38So it is difficult.
00:41But in Hebrews 6.1 it says, therefore, anytime the Bible says therefore, it's there for a
00:49Leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on to perfection, not laying
00:54again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God.
00:59So if you go up to 5.12, which is where we were last week, what is it talking about?
01:07What's it there for?
01:08Well, it's therefore for when the time ye ought to be teachers, you have need that one
01:13teach you again, which be the first principles of the Lord, of course, of God, and are become
01:18such as have need of milk and not of strong meat.
01:23For everyone that uses milk is unskilled, is unskillful in the word of righteousness.
01:28For he is a babe.
01:32So just like this little baby, you can't give this baby meat.
01:34You can't do anything but feed a baby milk.
01:38And that's what it's all about.
01:39A lot of Christians, they can't handle the meat of the word.
01:42They can't handle the hard stains of the Bible.
01:45They're still, you know, just trying to figure out baptism and stuff like that.
01:49And that's what he's telling them is that, look, you need to move on to the strong meat
01:54of the word.
01:55And then there's some more difficult stuff, like some of the stuff we talked about last
01:58week, when the sermon on the names of God, that's a difficult sermon.
02:03The age of the earth, when we went through all the people in the Bible and figured out
02:08how old the earth was, end times prophecy.
02:11These things are meat of the word, but we need a little mixture sometimes.
02:15But that's what the therefore is there for, because we're reading it in chapters.
02:21We had chapter five, now chapter six, but the Bible was written as a letter or an epistle.
02:28And you would never break up a letter.
02:29You may have a thought here and a thought there.
02:31And if you picked up a book today, you would probably read, say, well, I'm going to read
02:35five chapters of this book and then put it down.
02:38Well, usually at the end of a chapter is the end of a thought.
02:41That's not the way it is with a Bible.
02:44The Bible is broken up in chapters and verses.
02:47So I can tell you, hey, go here, it's for a catalog to be able to find it and reference
02:54But what he's saying is, you know, the foundation of repentance from dead works.
02:58And I'm here to tell you the word repentance as always means what?
03:04Not turning from sin, but just changing your mind.
03:08The word repent, when the Bible says to repent to be saved, it's not talking about to quit
03:12sinning because nobody can do that.
03:15It's talking about changing your mind from whatever stupid thing you think you can get
03:20to heaven from by being a good person, by doing good works, doing dead works.
03:27Because I'm here to tell you, any works that you do that you think is getting you to heaven
03:31is dead works.
03:33There's no it's not live words.
03:35There's nothing they can do.
03:36Anything that you think you're doing to get yourself to heaven is dead works.
03:43And a faith toward God.
03:45These are these are small.
03:46These are very simple things of Christianity or look at verse two of the doctrine of baptism
03:53and laying on hands and resurrection of the dead and of eternal judgment.
03:57These would we would say these are the foundation of Christianity.
04:01You know, you have to believe on Jesus to be saved.
04:04After that, we understand the doctrine of baptism, not that it has to do anything with
04:10It has to symbolize the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ for us to understand
04:16that our body will be resurrected one day and understand that the laying on of hands
04:22and all these things are simple things.
04:27Look at verse three and this we will do if God permit.
04:31Now this is where it gets difficult.
04:32Verse four.
04:34It is impossible.
04:37Now the word impossible means what?
04:39It can't be done.
04:41It cannot be done.
04:42So once you think about that, everything I'm fixing to tell you is impossible for those
04:49who were enlightened.
04:50We're going to chop this verse up into pieces so you can understand it and have tasted of
04:56the heavenly gift and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost and have tasted the good
05:02word of God and the powers of the world to come, if they shall fall away and renew them
05:09again unto repentance, seeing they crucified of themselves the Son of God afresh and put
05:16him to an open shame.
05:18So a lot of people that I listen to and I listen to a couple of people on YouTube when
05:24I was coming to work this morning, and every single one of them got this wrong.
05:32And it's not because I'm some kind of genius, okay?
05:35It's not that, well Mark must have some kind of spiritual, no.
05:39It's real simple.
05:40Every single one of them said that these are people who were saved who lost their salvation.
05:48I mean, nobody can do that because the Bible says, let me just give you a couple of verses.
05:55Keep your finger there and go to John 3.16.
05:58What they're saying is these people were saved and they lost their salvation.
06:02Well the book of John says the word believe over 90-something times, and you don't have
06:09to go far in the Bible, but the clearest one is John 3.15, I'm sorry, John 3.15, what does
06:18it say?
06:19It says, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
06:24Now eternal means it never ends.
06:27So if you what?
06:28If you believe on him, who's that, Jesus, you should not perish, means you won't go
06:33to hell, but have eternal life.
06:36Then look at verse 16, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son,
06:41which is Jesus.
06:42Now whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
06:46Go to 3.36, he that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life, not will have, but
06:53has everlasting life.
06:54And he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on
07:01Go to John 5.24, verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth my word and believeth
07:08on him that sent me hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but
07:15is passed from death unto life.
07:17So the Bible's clear, is that the moment we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, we have
07:22everlasting life, and it is changed from death, going to hell, to life.
07:28Go to John 10.
07:32John 10.
07:34Look at John 10, verse 28.
07:40So the Bible's clearly saying that nobody can pluck you out of Jesus's hand, nobody
08:06can pluck you out of the Father's hand, nobody.
08:09Not the devil, not any person.
08:11Once you believe, it's done.
08:13It's a done deal.
08:15They get this wrong, folks.
08:17I don't know.
08:18I'll tell you the biggest reason is, they don't understand the reprobate doctrine.
08:23Because that's what this is talking about.
08:25Let me prove that to you.
08:28It says, impossible to what?
08:32For those who were enlightened.
08:35So we got five places right here.
08:37First, they were enlightened.
08:40They have tasted the heavenly gift, were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, tasted the good
08:46word of God, and tasted the powers of the world to come.
08:50So we see three tastes, one enlightened, and one partaker.
08:57So first of all, let's think about tasting.
09:00So let's say I had some sour milk up here.
09:02I don't.
09:03I don't feel like throwing up.
09:04But let's say I taste it and I spit it out.
09:06Now who thinks I'm going to throw up because I just taste it?
09:10Not going to do it.
09:11But if I drink it and taste it and swallow it, it could make my stomach sick and make
09:16me throw up.
09:17Just because somebody tastes something does not mean that they take it in.
09:24Let me prove that to you.
09:25Keep your finger there and go to Matthew 27.
09:31So people will tell you, well, the Bible is saying that if they taste the good word
09:37of God, if they taste the gospel, if they taste the heavenly gift, which is heaven,
09:42this is evidence that these people are saved.
09:46Let me prove that to you from the Bible.
09:48Don't take my word from it.
09:50I want you to see it in black and white in the Bible.
09:54I want to prove to you that just because somebody tastes something does not mean that they take
09:59it in.
10:00Matthew 27, when Jesus was on the cross, verse 32, and as they came out, they found
10:06a man of Cyrene, Simon, by name, him they compared to bear his cross.
10:14And when they were come unto a place called Golgotha, that is to say a place of a skull,
10:19look at verse 34, they gave him vinegar to drink, mingled with gall.
10:26And when he had tasted thereof, he would not drink.
10:32So they took vinegar and they mix it with gall.
10:35What is gall?
10:36It's nasty.
10:37It's nasty stuff.
10:38It's poison.
10:39They're trying to make Jesus drink vinegar with gall to make him sick.
10:49That's what they're trying to do.
10:50Go to Psalm 69.
10:51We'll see where this is prophesied because this was prophesied in the book of Psalm that
10:57Jesus was going to drink vinegar.
11:00So people will look at this sometimes and say, well, either Jesus did or he didn't.
11:04Let me tell you, there's two different times when Jesus was offered vinegar.
11:07One time it was vinegar with poison.
11:09The next time he just drank vinegar.
11:12You get a Psalm 69, verse 21, it says, they gave me also gall for my meat, is where it's
11:24talking about, that was mixed with vinegar, and in my thirst, they gave me vinegar to
11:31All right.
11:32So now go to John 19.
11:35Keep your finger in the e-braise.
11:36We're going right back to it.
11:38So in John 19, John chapter 19, verse 28, and after this, Jesus, knowing that all things
12:03were now accomplished, this is right before he dies, that the scripture might be fulfilled,
12:11saith our thirst.
12:12And what happened?
12:13Now there was said a vessel full of vinegar, and they filled a sponge with vinegar and
12:19put it upon hyssop and put it to his mouth, and therefore he had received what?
12:25The vinegar.
12:27The first time he tasted it, but he did not receive it.
12:33Next time he received it and said, it is finished, and bowed his head and gave it to
12:37the ghost.
12:38So just because you taste something does not mean that you receive it.
12:44So the way the Bible is showing us here from the Bible is that you can taste the heavenly
12:50You can taste the good word of God.
12:52You can taste the powers of the world to come, but that don't mean that you take it in.
12:58That does not mean that you receive it.
13:02The next part that it talks about, this is, it's talking about enlightened, enlightened.
13:10So what does enlightened mean?
13:11It just means understanding.
13:12It means that somebody gives you an understanding.
13:16Let's say you came up to somebody and you said, hey, I've heard about this guy named
13:20Santa Claus.
13:21And you say, and they say, okay, well, let me tell you about him.
13:25And they say, well, Santa Claus, he comes on Christmas Eve, he goes to all these houses,
13:31and somehow, magically, he goes in less than 24 hours around the whole world to every child.
13:38And he does that.
13:39And you say, well, how does that happen?
13:40Well, he rides on a sleigh with reindeer, and he lands on the roof, and they come down
13:46the chimney, and he throws toys and stuff and put them in people's, in children's, in
13:52the rooms for them to see the next day.
13:54And you say, well, how's that be?
13:56And they try to keep explaining it.
13:57And you say, I understand.
14:01And they say, do you believe that?
14:04Now, see, I've been enlightened about who Santa Claus is, but does that mean I believe
14:11These people were enlightened.
14:12They tasted.
14:13Now, this is the one that trips people up, partakers of the Holy Ghost.
14:18You say, well, no, wait a minute, Mark.
14:20I was with you until now.
14:22Anybody who's saved, they are partaking of the Holy Ghost, right?
14:26The moment somebody believes on the Lord Jesus Christ, do they not have the dwelling
14:30of the Holy Spirit inside of them?
14:32Well, if this was true, this is true, but if the partaker of the Holy Ghost was part
14:38of salvation at this point that they're talking about, it wouldn't make any sense.
14:44But let me tell you, what people are forgetting, go to John 16.
14:51That is true.
14:52The Holy Ghost does enter inside of us.
14:54The moment that we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, we have the dwelling of the Holy Spirit.
14:58He's there to show us all truth and knowledge.
15:02He's there to show us what is the truth.
15:04When you come to church, the Holy Spirit shows us and says, hey, that's the truth.
15:09This is right.
15:10But what people forget is one of the things that the Holy Spirit does.
15:18John 16 is where we're turning to.
15:21Let me just show you a couple of places of the Holy Spirit doing things to unsaved people.
15:30John 16, verse 7 says, nevertheless, I tell you the truth, it is expedient for you that
15:35I go away.
15:37And what Jesus is saying, it's better for you if I go away.
15:40For if I go not away, the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, will not come unto you.
15:46But if I depart, I will send him unto you.
15:48And when he has come, he will reprove the world of sin.
15:54Now, do you think the world is talking about just saved people in the world?
15:57No, it's not.
16:00When it's saying he will reprove the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment
16:06of sin because they believe not on me.
16:10Those are not believers.
16:11Well, why is the Holy Spirit doing that?
16:14I thought the Holy Spirit, well, let's keep reading.
16:16Of righteousness because I go to my Father and you see me no more.
16:21Of judgment because a prince of this world is judged.
16:25Which is who?
16:26Who's the prince of this world?
16:29So what is it teaching here?
16:31It's teaching that the Holy Spirit pricks people's heart.
16:36It reproves people.
16:38When you go to somebody that's unsaved and you say, hey, can I show you in the Bible
16:43what the Bible says and you can decide for yourself and you show them John 3.16.
16:47I'm sorry, when you first start in Romans 3.23 and it says, for all have sinned and
16:52come short of the glory of God, then that's reproving them.
16:56The Holy Spirit inside of you is reproving that person and saying, this is you, pal.
17:02And then you show them Romans 6.23 and it says, the wages of sin is death.
17:06Means that our payment for sinning is hell.
17:10That's reproving them.
17:12The Holy Spirit inside of that person is pricking their heart and saying, this is you.
17:16You better listen.
17:17You better listen.
17:18That's what it's talking about.
17:20The person in Hebrews 6 is who?
17:23It's not the saved person that's losing their salvation because that's dumb.
17:29Who is this?
17:30This is a person that is not saved and they're partaking in the Holy Ghost.
17:37Maybe they're at church, maybe a friend, maybe somebody and the Holy Spirit is pricking
17:41their heart and pricking their heart and saying, no, I don't want to believe.
17:44I don't want to have anything to do with it.
17:46I don't want to know.
17:47I don't want to know anything about that.
17:49That's what it's talking about.
17:50Go back to Hebrews 6.
17:51Go to Acts 7.
17:52Let me just prove that a couple more places because the Calvinist will tell you, brother,
18:05once the Holy Spirit gets hold of you, there's nothing you can do.
18:09You're going to be saved.
18:10Well, that just don't make sense and I'm going to show that to you why it don't make sense.
18:16Out of Stephen's own mouth, look at Acts 7 verse 51, Acts 7 51.
18:28You stiff neck and uncircumcised hearts and ears, ye do always what?
18:35Resist the Holy Ghost.
18:37He's telling these Jews, look, you always resist the Holy Ghost.
18:41As who?
18:42Your fathers did.
18:43And so do ye.
18:45Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted?
18:48And they have slain them which showed before of the coming of the just one of whom ye have
18:54been now the betrayers and murderers who have received the law by the disposition of angels
18:59and have not kept it.
19:01Go to Romans 8.
19:15Romans 8.
19:26So these people in Acts 7, he's saying you always resist the Holy Ghost.
19:32Now, the Calvinist will tell you, they'll say, well, there's nothing you can do when
19:36the Holy Spirit's got a hold of you, brother, there's nothing you can do.
19:39You will be saved.
19:40Well, that don't make any sense.
19:43And that's the other part.
19:44They get mixed up on Hebrew 6.
19:46They think as long as somebody is alive, they've always got a chance to be saved.
19:53And that is not true.
19:55It's not true.
19:56It's not true.
19:57I'm going to show that to you further.
20:03Romans 8.38.
20:05And this is just to prove when somebody talks about losing their salvation, I just, these
20:10are verses that come to my head.
20:13For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor
20:18powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, but nor any other
20:24creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus
20:31our Lord.
20:32Folks, that pretty much covers it.
20:33There's not one, well, what about this?
20:36I mean, Paul covers it pretty much through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, go back
20:39to Hebrew 6.
20:46So let's keep reading.
20:48Have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the world to come.
20:52If they shall fall away to renew them again unto repentance, seeing they crucify to themselves
20:58the Son of God afresh and put him to an open shame.
21:02Go to Romans 1 because this is pretty much a parallel passage to Romans 1.
21:09We understand Romans 1.
21:10A lot of people don't.
21:12They think Romans 1 is also people who lose their salvation, that God turns them over
21:18to a reprobate mind because of bad things they did.
21:22Folks, it's further than the truth than they think.
21:24Look at Romans 1.21.
21:27We gotta hurry.
21:28Because that, when they knew God, that sounds like enlightenment to me.
21:33Does that mean they're saved?
21:36They just knew God.
21:37They knew who God was.
21:39They said there's this man named Jesus Christ and he died on the cross for everybody's sin
21:45and they say, well, I know that.
21:48And I know a guy right now in Thomasville, Georgia, that he wanted to hear the gospel.
21:54I took the time to show him the gospel and I told him, he says, well, that's just too
21:59I don't believe that.
22:00He was enlightened.
22:01He tasted of the good gift.
22:03The Holy Spirit was probably pricking his heart, but did he believe?
22:08He's gonna die and go to hell.
22:10It's not because he lost his salvation.
22:11He's not saved.
22:15And they knew God.
22:17So when they said, hey, this is God, this is Jesus Christ, he died on the cross, they
22:21glorified him not as God, neither were they thankful, became vain in their imagination,
22:27and their foolish heart was darkened, professing themselves to be wise and became fools.
22:32The most foolish people are the ones that say, there is no God, and changed the glory
22:36of the incorruptible God to an image made like a corruptible man and to birds and four-footed
22:42beasts and creeping things.
22:44Verse 24.
22:45This is number one.
22:46If you don't have this written in your Bible, I want you to take a one and circle this.
22:50Wherefore, God also gave them up to uncleanness.
22:54Who gave them up?
22:59This is the first time.
23:01God gave them up to the lust of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between
23:06themselves who changed the truth of God into a lie.
23:11What's the truth of God?
23:12That Jesus died on the cross for everybody, and all you have to do is believe, and worshiped
23:16and served the creature, cats, dogs, squirrels, more than the creator, who was blessed forever,
23:24Put a two right here.
23:25Then verse 26.
23:26For this cause, God gave them up unto vile affections.
23:31What does vile mean?
23:34Disgusting love.
23:35We just went through the disgusting love month just a couple days ago, which by the way,
23:41I found out that in San Francisco, they were having some kind of queer fag pride parade,
23:50and while they were doing that, they were doing lewd acts in front of children.
23:56God bless America.
23:57For this cause, God gave them up to vile affections, for even their women to change the natural
24:02use into which that was against nature.
24:04What is against nature?
24:05For women to be with men and to have children.
24:09That's against nature.
24:10For them not to do that.
24:11It's women with women.
24:12That's homos.
24:15And likewise, in the same manner, they're saying, also the men leaving the natural use
24:21of the woman.
24:22What's the natural use of the woman?
24:23For a man to procreate with a woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with
24:29men, working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves the recompense of their error
24:38which was me.
24:40Number three, number 28.
24:43And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to
24:48a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient.
24:53Folks, I'm here to tell you, what is not convenient?
24:57A dude with a dude.
25:02A woman with a woman.
25:03That's not convenient.
25:04I mean, even you can go out there and you take two cats, and if they're two male cats,
25:09they ain't doing nothing.
25:11Because it's not natural.
25:12It's not natural affection.
25:16Animals are smart.
25:17Smarter than people.
25:19Being filled with all unrighteousness for an occasion, then it just starts listening.
25:26Haters of God.
25:27Make sure you understand that.
25:28These people hate God.
25:29No, they love Jesus.
25:30I know a guy who used to be a homo and he said he loved Jesus.
25:34He is lying.
25:37The Jesus he loves is not the Jesus of Leviticus 20, 13.
25:41It's not the Jesus that says if a man lies with another man, both of them should be stoned
25:44to death.
25:45If a woman lies with a woman, they should be stoned to death.
25:48That's not the Jesus that they believe in.
25:50They believe in the long-haired, dress-wearing, homo-loving Jesus.
25:54That ain't the Jesus of the Bible.
25:57Because if you told him, hey, the Jesus of the Bible says you should be stoned to death
26:00and we should kill you right now.
26:01You know what he would say?
26:02That ain't the Jesus that I believe in.
26:04And that's the Jesus you've got to believe in.
26:06The same one that died on the cross.
26:09Look, this is meat of the word.
26:11People don't like to hear this.
26:12They want to say, no, no, we're supposed to love everybody.
26:16I'm not supposed to love a hater of God.
26:19I'm supposed to love a hater of Mark.
26:22I'm supposed to love the people that hate me, but the people who hate God, they spit
26:26three times, they hate Jesus Christ, they hate him.
26:29They don't want to hear anything.
26:30That's what the Bible says is when they get to a point, they don't want to even hear anything
26:34about God.
26:35I don't want to hear anything about God.
26:37And God says, you know what?
26:38I'm going to give you up.
26:39I'm going to give you over.
26:40I'm going to give you up.
26:41And he's going to say, you're done.
26:44That's what it's saying.
26:45Look at Hebrews 6.
26:46Go back to Hebrews 6.
26:48Taste of the good word of God and the powers of the world to come, if they fall away, to
26:54renew themselves again unto repentance.
26:57What does renew mean?
26:59To be restored.
27:02To be restored from a previous state.
27:04That's what it means.
27:05So let me give you this idea.
27:09It's impossible.
27:11It's impossible for somebody who has tasted the good things of God, they've listened to
27:18the gospel and they say, no, I don't want to hear it anymore.
27:22I hate this.
27:23I don't want to hear it anymore.
27:24I'm done with it.
27:26God says, you're done.
27:28That's what it's saying.
27:29It's like in Romans 1.
27:31That's why Calvinism is so stupid.
27:34You can resist the Holy Spirit.
27:36People can get to a point where God says, I will not prick your heart anymore.
27:42And I can tell you what they look like.
27:44It's the military that's wearing fag dress clothes.
27:48It's the people in San Francisco.
27:50It's men with men.
27:51It's women with women.
27:52It's all these other pronouns and all these purple haired and pink haired looking people.
27:58That's what it is.
27:59That's how you can determine Hebrew 6 or Romans 1 is by looking at them.
28:05Not all the time.
28:10That's how you identify them.
28:13You say, well, I don't like this sermon.
28:15It's the Bible.
28:16That's why people, they don't like this idea.
28:18They don't like the idea.
28:19Oh, no.
28:20As long as you got breath in your body, I heard a preacher say, as long as you got breath
28:24in your body, Jesus can save you.
28:28Or this don't make any sense.
28:29Romans 1 doesn't make any sense.
28:31How can God give you up to a reprobate mind and then reject you and then take you back?
28:38It just says it's impossible.
28:41So if it's impossible for somebody to lose their salvation, guess what?
28:46Every single person that ever tells you you can lose your salvation, which is wrong.
28:51They always say you can get it back.
28:52Well, then this don't make any sense.
28:54No, it doesn't.
28:55It just says it's impossible for them to come back.
28:59That's what it's saying.
29:00To renew themselves.
29:01Let me tell you, when somebody is trying to help Jesus out, and they say, well, I don't
29:05believe that just believing on Jesus is good enough.
29:08I believe I've got to do something else.
29:10They're crucifying Jesus again.
29:12He don't need to be crucified.
29:13He's done it once.
29:15He's having to deal with the shame again.
29:17That's what it's saying.
29:18These people, when they say that they want to come back, they're trying to re-crucify
29:24It can't happen.
29:27They have been rejected by God.
29:30I've run out of time here, pretty much.
29:32I can show you in Jeremiah 6.30 and look it up for yourself, where it says that people
29:38who have been rejected, the word reprobate means rejected by God.
29:43That's what it means.
29:44For the earth which drinketh it, and now let's just take the small verse and take all that
29:50other stuff out and just say, for it is impossible, and then go to verse 6, if they shall fall
29:57away and renew themselves again.
29:59It's impossible for them to renew themselves.
30:01That's what it's saying, if they get to that point.
30:06For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh off upon it, and bringeth forth herbs
30:10meet for them, by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God.
30:16But that which beareth thorns and briars is rejected, and nigh unto cursing, whose
30:20end is to be burned.
30:21I can show you in the Bible, where it talks about thorns and briars, where they take them
30:25and burn them.
30:28But beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation,
30:33though we thus speak.
30:34For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love, means that he still
30:39remembers your labor of love and your work, which ye have showed toward his name, in that
30:45ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.
30:49And we desire that every one of you do show the same diligence to the full assurance of
30:53hope unto the end.
30:57That ye be not slothful, means lazy, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit
31:03the promises.
31:04For when God made a promise to Abraham, we've talked about that plenty of times, because
31:10he could swear by no greater, he swore by himself.
31:13He's saying he swore by himself, God did.
31:16People like to swear to God that this happened, he swore to himself that guess what, you will
31:21be a great leader of nations.
31:25Not the nation of Israel, not those people out there that spit three times and say Jesus'
31:29name, not those people that think that Jesus is burning in hell right now and burning doo-doo,
31:34not those people.
31:35But the nation of Abraham is a nation, a spiritual nation of all believers, that's what it's
31:40talking about.
31:42Saying surely blessing I will bless thee and multiply I will multiply thee.
31:46And so after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise.
31:51For men verily swear by the greater, and an oath for confirmation is to them to the end
31:56of all strife, wherein God willing more abundantly to show unto the heirs of promise the immutability
32:04of his counsel.
32:05What does immutability mean?
32:09If you can't mute something, you can't change it.
32:12It's unchangeable.
32:13Look at verse 18, that by two immutable things in which it was impossible for God to lie.
32:21That's the first one.
32:22Did you know it's impossible for God to lie, it's impossible for God to sin, it's impossible
32:27for God to lie.
32:29That's the first unchangeable thing, it means that it can never change.
32:32And what is one of the things he promises, eternal life.
32:36Can't change.
32:38A strong consolation who have fled from refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us, which
32:46hope we have as an anchor.
32:48There's your other, there's two immutable things, the first is it's impossible for God
32:51to lie.
32:52The next thing is, is that we have hope which is an anchor of the soul, steadfast and sure,
33:02which is inner thin within the veil, whether the forerunner is for us enlightened, even
33:07Jesus, made in high praise forever after the order of Meshulzadek, and next week we'll
33:13talk about Meshulzadek, who he is.
33:16And this is what we're trying to, this is what I want you to get out of this, that there
33:20is people, there are people walking on this planet that they have doomed themselves to
33:29being saved.
33:30They can't do it.
33:31God can't do it.
33:32It's impossible.
33:34There are people out there walking on this earth that have made it impossible for them
33:38to be saved because they have doomed themselves for something.
33:42Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer.