When to Disobey

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00:00So the title of the sermon today is when to disobey.
00:05When to disobey.
00:06Now I'm not talking about parents, I'm not talking about people in authority.
00:09But if you go to Romans 12, there is a time to disobey what the world tells you to do.
00:17And this comes straight out of the Bible.
00:20So there's going to be times in life when things are in complete contradiction with
00:28what God says.
00:30And I've got four things that I came up with just from what the Bible says.
00:35So in Romans 12, verse 6, I'll get there myself, Romans 12, I'm sorry, verse 16, not 6, be
00:54of the same mind one toward another.
00:56Condemn not high things, but condescend to men of low estate.
01:01What is condescend?
01:02That means bring yourself down to, you know, don't be this uppity person.
01:08We should lower ourselves, not in morale, but towards people so that we can show them.
01:17You know, when you go to somebody and you act like you're high and mighty and stuff,
01:21they're not going to listen to you.
01:24So we should lower ourselves, not our standards, not our morale, not anything like that, but
01:30not acting like you're some kind of uppity person.
01:33Be not wise in your own conceits.
01:37Recompense no man evil for evil.
01:38So here we see in Romans that through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Paul is telling
01:43us several things to do.
01:46What is recompense no man evil for evil?
01:52He done wrong to me, I'm going to do that to him.
01:55That's what it means, is when somebody does you wrong, that you're going to get them back.
02:00That's what it's saying, not to do that.
02:02Provide things honest in the sight of all men, if it be possible, if it be possible
02:09as much as life in you, live peaceably with all men.
02:13Folks, this is our goal in life, is to live peaceably with all men.
02:20Yes, we should do what the world tells us.
02:22We should do what the government tells us, until it goes against God's word.
02:29Go down to Romans 13.
02:33Now this is straight out of the playbook of what the government is going to try to use
02:38to make you do the things that I'm fixing to tell you that you don't have to do.
02:43They're going to tell you this verse, in fact this is Hitler's favorite verse that he used
02:48to try to get people to do what he told them to do.
02:51Look at verse one, let every soul be subject unto the higher power, for there's no power
02:56but of God, the powers that are ordained of God.
03:00Whosoever therefore resists the power, resists the ordinance of God, and they that resist
03:06shall receive to themselves damnation.
03:09So just reading this off the bat, it sounds like if you resist the United States government
03:15when they tell you to do something, that you're going to receive damnation.
03:19That's what it sounds like, and that's what it says.
03:22It's saying that God has ordained Joe Biden and Putin and all these people into power,
03:30and if you disobey them, then you are disobeying God.
03:33But let's keep reading.
03:35Verse three, for rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil.
03:41Will thou then not be afraid of the power?
03:44Do thou that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same?
03:47For he is the minister of God to thee for good, but if thou do that which is evil, be
03:53afraid, for he beareth the sword, not the sword in vain, for he is the minister of God,
03:59a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
04:04Wherefore, ye must needs be subject not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake, for
04:11this cause pay ye tribute also, for they are God's ministers attending continually upon
04:17this very thing.
04:18Render therefore to all their dues, tribute to whom tribute is due, custom to whom custom,
04:24fear to fear, to whom fear, honor to whom honor.
04:29So if you take the whole verse, the verse one through seven in context, what is it saying?
04:34It's not saying, hey, do anything the government tells you to do.
04:37No, what it because God's ordained them.
04:40God put these people in charge of you.
04:42Now, what it's really saying is that if you decide to go out and commit murder or some
04:48other crime that is against God's law and against that nation, guess what?
04:54You better be expected to get punished.
04:56And when you think, oh, well, I'm doing this and you're, I don't have to obey.
05:00You have to obey God.
05:01What is really saying is that God has ordained these people to punish wrongdoers.
05:08So if you go out there and decide to do wrong and it's murder or rape or robbery or you're
05:14a thief or whatever, then you get punished or you get whatever happens to you.
05:18You should expect to get what is God, what is owed to you and you shouldn't resist it.
05:24You shouldn't resist it because God has ordained them, not for you to do everything they say,
05:31but he has ordained government.
05:32Folks, this is the only reason government is supposed to be here is to punish wrongdoers.
05:39That's the only purpose.
05:41It's not to tell you what to do, what to wear, what to drive, what to do when you drive a
05:46car with a battery.
05:47Don't buy a drive one with gas, not to do this.
05:50That's not what it's supposed to do.
05:52We're supposed to live peaceably with all men, but this whole sermon is when you can't.
05:58Number one, pride in your country.
06:00Go to John 18.
06:03Pride in your country.
06:04What does that mean?
06:06There's going to be a point in time where there's nothing in a Bible that says anything.
06:12There's no rewards for you to have pride in your country.
06:16They're going to tell you, hey, if you don't love America, then leave it.
06:21Love it or leave it.
06:22That's what they'll tell you.
06:24Let's see what the Bible actually says.
06:27There's nothing wrong with this place, but what happens when the place you live in becomes
06:33more wicked every day?
06:36Should we have pride in that?
06:37Let's see what the Bible says.
06:40John 18.36.
06:43This is straight out of Jesus' mouth.
06:47Jesus answered, my kingdom is not of this world.
06:52Yes, we live in this world.
06:54We live in the United States.
06:55I live in the United States.
06:56I live in the state of Georgia.
06:57I live in the county of Irwin.
06:58I live in the city of Osceola, but this is not my world.
07:02And when you get that in your head and realize this is not your world, just like Jesus said,
07:07you're not going to fight for it.
07:09You're not going to fight for whatever.
07:11If my kingdom were of this world, what would happen?
07:16Then would my servants fight that I should not be delivered to the Jews, but now is my
07:21kingdom not from hence.
07:22He's saying, if this was my kingdom, my disciples would be fighting for me in the streets, but
07:30they're not because this is not my kingdom.
07:32His kingdom is in heaven.
07:34And look, you may not like this, but this is just the God's going to have us choose
07:40at some point in time.
07:41Go to James 4.
07:45James chapter 4.
07:46See, I mean, do you really think the disciples love the Romans?
07:54I don't think they did.
07:55They love them.
07:55They want to be saved.
07:57But do you think they had such a great time?
07:59Do you think when they lived in Babylon for 70 years under captivity, do you really think
08:05that they love being there?
08:09Do you think that the Babylonians were just great people?
08:12No, they weren't.
08:13They did a lot of wicked stuff.
08:15That's why God sent a more wicked country to destroy him.
08:18Look at James 4 verse 13.
08:23Go to now ye that say today or tomorrow we will go into such a city and continue there
08:31a year and buy and sell and get gain, whereas you know not what shall be on the morrow.
08:37For what is your life?
08:38It is even a vapor that appeared for a little time and then vanishes away.
08:44For you ought to say, if the Lord will, we shall live and do this or that.
08:49But now you rejoice in your boastings as such rejoicing is evil.
08:54Therefore, to him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him, it is sin.
08:59So the Bible is saying that our life on this earth, I don't care how long you live, 70,
09:0475 years, 80, 90, whatever.
09:06It's a vapor.
09:08It's just a teeny, tiny, itty bitty little fraction of a fraction of a fraction of your
09:15So why do we get all, and that's what the Bible is telling us here.
09:19Why are you getting all boastful about it?
09:21Why are you worried about what you're doing on this earth?
09:23Because it means nothing in the big realm of things.
09:28Go to Matthew 17.
09:32So I just learned the other day, and this isn't the reason for this sermon, but I learned
09:37the other day that the United States of America, your tax dollars, when you buy stuff, when
09:45you do taxes, $6.5 billion last year, tax dollars, not just anything else, went into
09:54child trafficking.
09:56Did you know that?
09:58Child trafficking.
09:59And this year, we're going to break the record, it's going to be $7.3 billion.
10:04They take children from South America and these other places and they bring them up
10:09and they have them for child labor, sex slavery, whatever it is.
10:14That's what the United States is about, folks.
10:17You know, so if you want to wrap yourself in red, white, and blue, just think about
10:21There's people who spit on our flag every day.
10:24Because why?
10:25Because they see the heartache and children being abducted and taken away and being used
10:32for disgusting, filthy things.
10:34That's what they see.
10:36Not only that, they see a nation that comes in there and steals stuff from people all
10:43the way back.
10:46That's what they see.
10:47There's nations out there, they don't want the United States there anymore because they're
10:52tired of the oppression.
10:54Look at Matthew 17, verse 24.
10:58But does this mean we quit paying taxes?
11:00There's going to be people that get on the internet and say, hey, quit paying your taxes
11:04so the government can't use the money.
11:05But let's see what the Bible says.
11:07Look at verse 24.
11:08When they came to Capernaum, they that received tribute, this is the same thing as taxes,
11:13tribute, came to Peter and said, does not your master pay tribute or taxes?
11:18He said, yes.
11:19And when he was coming to the house, Jesus prevented him saying, one thing is out, Simon,
11:24of whom do the kings of the earth take customer tribute, of their own children or strangers?
11:30Peter saith unto him, of strangers, Jesus saith unto him, then are the children free?
11:37Now, that doesn't mean that if you pay taxes, you're a stranger.
11:40What he's saying is, just pay the taxes.
11:44If it keeps you out of jail, this is not something you need to disobey on.
11:48You can't control what the money's being done with.
11:51Did you know that?
11:53You can't do it.
11:54Why get yourself in prison for something that Jesus is telling them to do?
11:58Look at verse 27.
11:59Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them.
12:02He's saying, don't offend them.
12:04Go thou to the sea and cast a hook and take up the fish that first cometh up.
12:09And when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a piece of money that take and
12:13given to them for me and thee.
12:15Well, you know, that's what he told Peter to do.
12:18And that was a miracle in itself.
12:19I'm sure you can go out to this river or you go to this pond and you're not going to find
12:24no money in the fish's mouth.
12:26Not enough to pay the taxes of today's time.
12:29But so what is God telling us?
12:30He's saying pay the taxes.
12:32You can't control it.
12:34You can't control it.
12:36But he's taking of strangers.
12:38And again, this is another example that this is not your land.
12:42You are a stranger on this land.
12:44Just do what they tell you to.
12:45Go to Matthew 6.
12:47Matthew 6, verse 22, keep this in the mind of people when you see people now, I'm not
13:01telling you that everybody does this, but make sure you understand.
13:05Look at verse 22.
13:06The light of the body is the eye.
13:09The light of the body is the eye.
13:11If therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
13:18But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness.
13:24And therefore the light that is in thee be darkness.
13:26How great is that darkness?
13:29So I did a sermon.
13:31I don't remember how long ago it was about evil people doing good things.
13:36Wicked people, satanic people doing good things.
13:38One of them was Martin Luther King Jr.
13:40He was a reprobate.
13:43He hated people.
13:44He acted like he was a preacher.
13:46And everybody sees all the good stuff he did.
13:48But what they don't realize is the real reason that he was killed was because he's fixing
13:52to make a mockery of what he was doing.
13:55Sleeping with men, men with men.
13:57He committed more adultery with men and other people than anything else.
14:02That's in the 60s.
14:03So don't tell me that thing's new.
14:05But that's what you see is the eye of darkness.
14:09The whole body is.
14:10And look at verse 24.
14:12No man, no man can serve two masters.
14:17For either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will hold to the one and
14:23despise the other.
14:25You cannot serve God and mammon.
14:28So there's going to be a point in time where you have to decide which one you will serve.
14:33Will you serve mammon or the wicked things that the United States stand for, the money
14:40that is being given to them, and you're just loving your country?
14:43Folks, you've got to make a decision.
14:46And if Jesus came to you and he asked you that, what would you tell him?
14:52Number two, vaccinations.
14:54Go to First Corinthians.
14:56Folks, I'm just here to tell you there's another one coming out.
15:00I don't know if you realize this, but there is another, it's called the bird flu.
15:07They're having some kind of group meeting in, I believe it's October, trying to have
15:15some kind of seminar on what to do with this bird flu.
15:18Nobody knows anything about it.
15:20Here's the truth.
15:21The bird flu, guess what?
15:23100 years old.
15:27It's 100 years old.
15:28It's been around for 100 years and it's in birds.
15:33But they're going to tell you, oh, this can migrate or mutate from this to you, to animals,
15:39to whatever.
15:41Look at First Corinthians 3, 16.
15:43And people are going to believe it.
15:44They're going to line up.
15:45They're going to pay them money to get the vaccination, just like they did with COVID.
15:49And people just do it out of stupidity.
15:51Look at verse 16.
15:52Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you
15:58the moment you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ?
16:01You have that indwelling of the Holy Spirit inside of you.
16:05And he's living in the temple of your body.
16:08If any man, if any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy.
16:17For the temple of God is holy.
16:19Which temple ye are?
16:23Uh, go to, uh, Leviticus 11.
16:28So Leviticus 11, Leviticus 13.
16:30These are the two places that pretty much explain vaccinations.
16:37What God is against.
16:38And I've preached this before, so I'm not going to labor on it too much.
16:42But I want you to understand Leviticus 11, Leviticus 13.
16:45You can read it.
16:47Uh, starting in verse 32 in Leviticus 11.
16:51And upon whatsoever any of them which are dead.
16:54So the whole chapter of 11 talks about the animals they can eat, what they can't eat,
16:59what is an unclean animal, what is a clean animal.
17:01All that thing's done away in Christ, folks.
17:04They told Peter that he'll rise and eat.
17:06So go have you a pork sandwich.
17:08Uh, the other day I had pork and lamb together.
17:11That had been an abomination back then.
17:13But I had them on the same grill.
17:16Ate them at the same time.
17:17Uh, but all animals are okay.
17:20But this is when it was not.
17:22And whatsoever any of them are dead that fall, it shall be unclean.
17:25Whether it be any vessel of wood, raiment, or skin, or sack.
17:29Whatsoever vessel it should be.
17:30Wherein any work is done, it shall be put into water.
17:34And it shall be unclean to the even.
17:37So shall it, so it shall be cleansed.
17:40And every earthen vessel wherein any of them falleth, whatsoever is in it shall be unclean.
17:46You shall break it.
17:49So any of these animals, when they die and they touch anything, it's unclean until the
17:52evening time.
17:53But if it's in an earthen vessel made out of clay pot or whatever, you gotta bust it
17:57up in pieces.
17:59Because it's no good.
18:00You can't clean it.
18:01Of all meat which may be eaten, that of such water cometh, it shall be unclean.
18:06And drinketh, it shall be drunk.
18:08And every vessel shall be unclean.
18:10And everything whereupon any part of their carcass falleth shall be unclean.
18:15Whether it be in the oven, or ranges, or pots, it shall be broken down.
18:18For they are unclean, and it shall be unclean unto you.
18:21Nevertheless, a fountain or pit, for there is plenty of water, shall be clean.
18:25It shall touch that their carcass shall be unclean.
18:28And any part of their carcass shall fall upon the sown seed.
18:31If you get the point, it's saying anything that this dead body touches is unclean until
18:35the evening.
18:36And if it's something you can't do anything about, you just gotta throw it away.
18:39You just gotta burn it, blow it.
18:41You just gotta take care of it and get it out of there.
18:44That's dead things.
18:45Go to Leviticus 13.
18:47The next thing in verse 1 is in the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron, saying, When a man shall
18:53have in the skin of his flesh a rising, a scab, or bright spot, and it be in the skin
19:00of his flesh like the plague of leprosy, then he shall be brought unto Aaron the priest,
19:06and unto one of his sons, or unto one of his sons a priest.
19:09So Aaron or his sons are supposed to look at this guy and look at his skin, and if he
19:13sees a scab or a bright spot or whatever, and he decides, hey, you got leprosy, guy,
19:20what has to happen?
19:21Well, he's unclean.
19:24Now look at verse 3.
19:25And the priest shall look on the plague on the skin.
19:27And when the hair in the plague is turned white, and the plague in the sight be deeper
19:31than the skin of his flesh, it is a plague of leprosy.
19:34And the priest shall look on him and pronounce him unclean.
19:36If the bright spot be white in the skin of his flesh, and in the sight be deeper than
19:41the skin, and the hair thereof be not turned white, then the priest shall shut him up that
19:46hath the plague seven days.
19:48So there's your quarantine.
19:49There's nothing wrong with quarantine, folks.
19:52There's nothing wrong with you being sick.
19:54You got whatever, and you stay at home for five to seven days.
19:58Nothing wrong with that.
19:59That's biblical.
20:00That's what the people with leprosy are supposed to do.
20:03Look at verse 5.
20:04And the priest shall look on him the seventh day, and behold, if the plague in his sight
20:08be at a stay, and the plague spread not in the skin, then the priest shall shut him up
20:13seven more days.
20:14So you're literally seeing people with signs of leprosy.
20:20Now what is not being said, hey, you around Joe Blow, who was around Fred, who was around
20:25so-and-so, who was around so-and-so who was sick, you got to stay home.
20:31Do you feel sick?
20:33Do you feel symptoms?
20:34You run a fever?
20:35You know, whatever.
20:36These people had leprosy.
20:39And what the Bible is showing us here, if you're sick, stay home.
20:44But if you're not sick, and you don't feel sick, don't stay home.
20:49That's pretty simple.
20:51Not if we track you, and you're around so-and-so.
20:54Folks, that's garbage.
20:56And what the Bible is showing us here is there's two things you should be avoiding because
21:00your body is a temple, and it's dead bodies.
21:04You know, you should be playing around with dead bodies.
21:07I don't care if it's animals, people, whatever.
21:10Another thing you should avoid is diseases.
21:14We should stay away from diseased people who have diseases.
21:17We should quarantine ourselves.
21:20Well, every single vaccine out there, from the beginning to the end, are made from one
21:27of these two things.
21:29Vaccines are made from dead animals, dead cells, or diseases.
21:33They're from dead chicken cells, dead monkey kidney cells, aborted babies, dead embryos,
21:40propylene glycol, antifreeze.
21:42Hey, let's put that in our body.
21:43That ought to help.
21:44Peanuts, mercury.
21:46You know, mercury is a poison to your body.
21:49If you get too much mercury, you will die.
21:53But we're going to put it in your body in a shot, and that's going to be okay.
21:56Embalming fluid, that's for dead people.
21:59You know, when somebody dies, they take the blood out of them, they put embalming fluid
22:03so the body doesn't stink, so you can see it at a funeral in a carcass.
22:08That's what they're telling you to put in your body while you're still alive.
22:12Live viruses, inactive viruses, partial viruses, and what they'll tell you is, and they're
22:18going to tell you about the bird flu, is they're going to say, well, this is going to allow
22:21your immune system to kick in.
22:25No, it's not.
22:26It's going to cause you to get the disease and possibly die.
22:30I don't know.
22:31But you've got to understand something.
22:34All viruses, every single one, I don't care if it's cold, flu, whatever, is made by man
22:41in a laboratory.
22:43It's made by man.
22:45It's not made from God, because if you think about it, diseases that are bacteria, that's
22:51something that has grown.
22:53That is something that has grown.
22:55Leprosy is not a virus.
22:58It's not a virus.
23:00It is bacteria.
23:01If you just read the Bible, you'll see that God created things, and people can get bacterial
23:07infections, all these other things, but if it's a virus, made in a laboratory, made in
23:12a laboratory.
23:15Just like I told you, the bird flu is over 100 years old, and I just want you to take
23:21the time to look at your arms, look at yourself in the mirror when you get home.
23:26Do you have feathers on your arms?
23:28Do you have a beak on your face?
23:30You're not a bird.
23:31It's not going to affect you.
23:33They're lying to you, trying to get rid of meat.
23:35Number three, and this is pretty much the reason for this sermon, the military draft.
23:40The military draft.
23:41Go to Deuteronomy 20.
23:44So what's wrong with that?
23:46Well, let's see what the Bible says.
23:48Folks, they're going to bring in a military draft.
23:50They've already done it in several European countries.
23:53They're going to make it between 18 and 26.
23:55Men and women in the United States are going to have to be drafted to fight for their country,
24:03and you may say, well, what's wrong with that?
24:05Well, the Bible tells us.
24:07We'll see what the Bible says, and that's what is when to disobey.
24:11There's going to be a point in time where you may have to say, and people are going
24:15to call you chicken, and what's wrong with you, you draft dodger, but are you right
24:20with God?
24:21That's what the question is.
24:22Look at Deuteronomy 20 verse 1.
24:25See, God has all the answers.
24:27We just got to find them.
24:32Is it okay to disobey?
24:35Look at verse 1.
24:36When thou goest out to battle against thine enemies, and seest horses and chariots, and
24:40a people more than thou, be not afraid of them.
24:43For the Lord thy God is with thee, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, and it shall
24:48be when you are come nigh unto battle, that the priest shall approach and speak unto the
24:53people, and shall say unto them, Hear, O Israel, ye approach this day unto battle against your
24:59Let not your heart faint.
25:01Fear not, and do not tremble, neither be ye terrified because of them.
25:06For the Lord your God is he that goeth with you to fight for you against your enemies
25:12to save you.
25:13Now, the priest and all these guys are telling them, hey, you're going to go to battle.
25:19There's going to be more people than you.
25:21They're going to be bigger.
25:21They're going to be stronger.
25:22They're going to look at that.
25:23But you've got to understand, God is with you.
25:26And he's encouraging them, saying, don't be scared.
25:29Don't be fearful.
25:30But look at verse 5.
25:32And the officers shall speak unto the people, saying, What man is there that hath built
25:38a new house, and hath not dedicated it?
25:42Let him go and return to his house, lest he die in the battle, and another man dedicate
25:48So what is he saying?
25:49Hey, we want you to fight.
25:51We don't want you to be scared.
25:52But if you have a new house, don't go.
25:58Let's keep reading.
25:59So that's the first reason.
26:00If you got a new house, and you hadn't dedicated it, I don't know what that means.
26:04I don't know how long that takes.
26:05Don't go to battle.
26:07And what man is he that hath planted a vineyard, and hath not yet eaten of it?
26:14Let him also go and return to his house, lest he die in the battle, and another man eat
26:18of it.
26:19So first, it's saying, if you've got a house, and it's not dedicated, don't go to battle.
26:24If you've created a vineyard, a garden, this is the word of God, folks, and you've not
26:30eaten of it, don't go to battle.
26:33And what man is he that hath betrothed a wife, and hath not taken her?
26:38Let him go and return to his house, lest he die in the battle, and another man take her.
26:43Keep your finger there, and go to Deuteronomy 24, because it gives us a little bit better
26:49Look at verse 24, I mean 24 verse 5, verse 5, what does the Bible say?
26:59When a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go to war.
27:07Neither shall he be charged with any business, but he shall be free at home one year, and
27:13shall cheer up his wife, which he hath taken.
27:18So the Bible's clear.
27:19It's saying that for one year, you shouldn't even go to war.
27:23You see all these people in these movies, you know, where they're freezing to go to
27:27battle, they're freezing to go be sent off to war, and they get married right before
27:33That's not what the Bible says, folks.
27:36Go back to Deuteronomy 20.
27:39So what else?
27:40And the officer shall speak further to the people, and they shall say, what man is there
27:50that is fearful and fainthearted?
27:54Let him go and return to his house, lest his brother's heart faint as well as his.
27:58And it shall be when officers have made an end of speaking unto the people, that they
28:02shall make captains of the armies to lead the people.
28:05What is he saying?
28:06That God is saying, look, if you've made a new home, stay home.
28:11If you're planting a new vineyard and you haven't eaten of it, stay home.
28:14If you have a new wife, stay home.
28:16If you're scared, stay home.
28:21Well, later you'll find out that the reason is because if you're fearful, and the guy
28:25next to you is kind of fearful, it kind of spreads.
28:29And God didn't want that.
28:31And he didn't want anybody that didn't want to be fighting for the cause, whatever it
28:35is, fainthearted.
28:35That's what that means.
28:37That you don't believe what they're fighting for is the reason.
28:39It doesn't have anything to do with anything.
28:43You don't want to be there.
28:45Not a chicken.
28:47Some people just don't believe in it.
28:49And if you don't, don't go.
28:52That's literally what it's saying.
28:54But keep reading.
28:55What are they supposed to do when they do go to battle?
28:58When thou comest not into a city to fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it.
29:02And it shall be if they make the answer of peace and upon thee, then it shall be that
29:07all the people that is found there shall be tributaries unto thee, and they shall serve
29:12So they come into a city and they say, hey, we want to be friends with y'all.
29:15That's what they do.
29:16That's not what happens today.
29:19We want your, we want your oil.
29:22We want your gold.
29:23We want your diamonds.
29:24We're going to kill you and take them.
29:26And if it will make no peace with thee, but will make war against thee, then thou shall
29:31besiege it.
29:32When the Lord thy God has delivered it into thine hands, thou shalt smite every male.
29:42Not every person, not every woman and child, old people, every male.
29:50What are they supposed to do to women and children?
29:52We're looking for verse 14.
29:53When the women and the little ones and the cattle and all that is in the city, even all
29:56the spoil thereof shalt thou take unto thyself.
30:00So they're taking the women and children and they're, I don't know what they're doing
30:04with them, but they're not supposed to kill them.
30:07So what we see today, you know, over there in Israel, they're over there killing more
30:14women and children than any body else.
30:17Not men.
30:22It's what the Bible says, folks.
30:25Number four, church gatherings.
30:28Church gatherings.
30:29Got a Hebrew 10.
30:32See, when this lockdown comes up and all this stuff, you know what they're going to say?
30:37Well, you don't need to go to church.
30:40You don't need to meet.
30:41That's what they said in COVID, right?
30:43Don't have gatherings.
30:44Don't have big gatherings because we don't want this disease to spread.
30:48And there's churches all over.
30:49They shut down, right?
30:50They had live feeds and stuff.
30:53And now there's churches out there.
30:55They're not open anymore.
30:56Nobody goes.
30:58It's intentional.
31:02Look at Hebrews 10, 22.
31:05Let us draw near with a true heart and full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled
31:11from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.
31:15Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering, for he is faithful.
31:20That promise.
31:21Let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works, not forsaken the assembling
31:27of ourselves together as a manner of some is, but exhorting one another in so much the
31:33more as you see the day approaching.
31:35So it's saying not to forsake the assembling.
31:37This is assembling together.
31:41Go to Ephesians 4.
31:43This is literally a commandment to go to church.
31:57Ephesians 4, verse 11.
32:02Folks, these next verses are the purpose of the church.
32:07There's five purposes for the church.
32:11Look at verse 11.
32:12And he gave some apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers.
32:19Now, there's no apostle here because there's nobody seen Jesus in his resurrected state.
32:25So there's a church I go by every day and it says Apostle Jones.
32:30Well, he ain't 2,000 years old.
32:33For the perfecting of the saints.
32:36That's the first thing.
32:42Not sinless, folks.
32:43Don't get this stupid.
32:44What's the reason?
32:45Perfecting, making the completion of a saint, making you more complete.
32:52For the work of the ministry.
32:54That's the next thing.
32:56What's the purpose of the church?
32:58For people, the work of the ministry.
33:00For people to get saved.
33:01The people learn more about the Bible.
33:04Maybe you got somebody at work and they don't go to church and you might be the only light to them.
33:10They may say, well, you know, what about these vaccines?
33:14You know, is it right for me to do that?
33:15Well, let me show you Leviticus 11 and 13.
33:19Maybe for that, that's the work of the ministry.
33:22To shine the glorious light of the gospel and for us to teach people what the Bible says.
33:28Maybe it's somebody saved and they're just not sure.
33:31They're thinking, well, they're saying if I don't do what the government says, I'm wrong against God.
33:37And you say, look, no, here's what the Bible says.
33:43For the edifying of the body of Christ.
33:45What does edifying mean?
33:47Means to encourage somebody.
33:51To encourage the body of Christ.
33:54So when you come here and you explain to them, hey, I had a prayer request and it was answered.
34:00That might be something to edify somebody else in the church to say,
34:03you know what?
34:04Their prayer was answered.
34:05Maybe mine can too.
34:08Or maybe you explain or you describe about somebody getting saved by you showing them the gospel.
34:14That may edify or encourage somebody else to say, well, I'm going to do the same thing.
34:19When you come and you sit in these chairs, Wednesday and Sunday, you don't realize it,
34:24but it edifies, encourages me to do the best job I can to try to bring the word of God and truth
34:32and knowledge.
34:33It edifies us when, you know, people think, well, what's the big deal if I don't come?
34:36Well, if you don't come, somebody else might say, well, they're not coming.
34:39I ain't coming either.
34:41It's contagious, folks.
34:43It's contagious.
34:44And the fourth thing is knowledge.
34:48Don't we need knowledge?
34:50Look at verse 13.
34:51Do we all come into unity and the faith and knowledge of the son of God and to a perfect
34:57man and to the measure of the statue of fullness of Christ that we henceforth be no more children
35:03tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the slight of the hand,
35:10a slight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie and wait to deceive.
35:15But speaking the truth in love may grow unto him in all things, which is a head even to Christ
35:24for whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by the that which every joint
35:31supplieth according to the effectual working in the measure of every part making the increase
35:37of the body into the edifying of itself in love.
35:41So not only that knowledge.
35:44Why do you need knowledge?
35:45So you don't fall for the stupid stuff of the world.
35:50The stupid stuff of the world.
35:51Well, God said this.
35:54Jesus said Jesus loved almost.
35:56No, let me show what the Bible says.
35:59So you have knowledge.
36:00And so that you'll understand what the Bible says.
36:03And you don't have to listen that garbage because you're going to hear.
36:07You just say, no, stupid.
36:09And the last reason is obedience.
36:11Go to Malachi three.
36:15Why obedience, Mark?
36:16Well, we just I just showed you that it's part of obedience is the Bible says not to forsake it.
36:23But there's another reason.
36:26See, I know several people that I work with.
36:29If you ask them what they've done with their tithes and their time because they don't go
36:36to church, they don't die.
36:38They would tell you nothing.
36:42Now, I'm a firm believer.
36:44If you don't give God 10% of your time, you don't give him 10% of your time.
36:49He's going to take both of them away.
36:52And I've seen that in my own life and other people's lives.
36:55Well, they did give 10% of maybe they gave 10% of tithes, but they didn't give 10% of
37:01You know what?
37:01God made him sit at home.
37:04Not working.
37:05Maybe they had a trip plan to go hunt or something.
37:08They couldn't do it because they're sick.
37:10I've seen it, folks.
37:11But let's just see what the Bible says.
37:13Malachi three, verse seven.
37:17Even from the days of your fathers, you're gone away from mine ordinances and have kept
37:23not and I'm sorry, have not kept them return to me and I'll return and you said the Lord
37:28of hosts.
37:30But you said, where and shall we return?
37:32So the Bible is clear.
37:33When you turn back to God after you're saved, this has nothing to do with returning from
37:38your sins.
37:39It has to do with you being saved and you don't want to do anything for God.
37:43When you turn back to him, he turns back to you.
37:45That's just simple.
37:48And he said, how can we return?
37:50And he says, will a man rob God?
37:52And you say, rob God?
37:55Yet you have robbed me.
37:58But you say, where and have we robbed thee?
38:00In tithes and offerings.
38:02And if you remember what is tithe, 10% of what you get, 10% of what you get, what is
38:08It's free will, something that you decide over and above the 10%.
38:14So let's say you want to round it up or you say, hey, I got blessed this week with a lot
38:18more money than usual.
38:20I'm going to give an offering.
38:22That's what it's talking about.
38:24And you say, well, why would I do that?
38:25Well, look at verse nine.
38:27You are cursed with a curse, for you have robbed me, even this whole nation.
38:32Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that they may be meet in mine house and prove
38:39me now wherewith.
38:41So this is, I told you, we don't test God, but he gives us a test right here.
38:47And he's saying, I'm telling you, prove me, test me right now.
38:52If I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall
39:00not be room enough for you to receive it.
39:02He's saying, look, you want to test me?
39:05You think you're robbing me?
39:07Well, guess what?
39:07If you give me tithes and offerings into the house of the Lord, he said, I will open up
39:12the windows of heaven and you won't even know what the blessing is.
39:17And I'll rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your
39:22Neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, said the Lord of hosts.
39:28And all nations shall you be blessed, for you shall be a delightsome land, said the
39:33Lord of hosts.
39:34So not only that, he's saying, look, if you try, if you, if you went and do 100% of your
39:40salary, it's going to be harder for you to pay your bills.
39:43That's what he's saying.
39:44I'm going to rebuke the devourer for your sakes.
39:47The people, your, your bill collectors, your, the people that you have, your bills, you'll
39:51be, it'll be, I promise you, you will eventually, it will be easier for you to pay your bills
39:57with the 90% that you get than the 100% that you try to do.
40:02This is a promise from God, folks.
40:04He's testing us.
40:05And that doesn't mean the first week you say, all right, I'm going to get 10%.
40:09It's kind of hard because God tests our faith.
40:12And by faith we do it, but it's a reason for us to be obedient because if there's no church,
40:20what are you going to do?
40:21You're going to do, what are you going to send the money?
40:24And it's not about money, folks.
40:26Don't get me wrong.
40:27Y'all know that I have nothing to do with the money.
40:30I have nothing to do with, it's to, to make this place work is to make the electricity.
40:34You're enjoying the air conditioning.
40:36You're enjoying the coffee.
40:37You're enjoying the drinks.
40:38You're enjoying the drinks.
40:39You're enjoying the festivities that we have.
40:42That's where that money goes to.
40:44It has nothing to do with me.
40:46God supplies me with all my needs.
40:49So what I want you to understand is that there's going to be a punishment.
40:54All right.
40:55Go to first Peter four.
40:57If you do these things and you say, well, I'm not, I'm, you know,
41:00cause I'll tell you as long as I'm up here,
41:03straightaway Baptist church is never going to close.
41:05I don't care what it's about.
41:07We'll still meet.
41:09They bring up vaccinations.
41:11They bring up lockdowns.
41:14They just might have to lock me down.
41:15I don't care.
41:18That's really why this church opened up.
41:20If you think about it, because churches are closing down and where's the faith people
41:26were asking, look at first Peter four, but there's going to be consequences.
41:31Don't think that the world's not going to get, is going to let you get by with this.
41:36Cause it ain't happening.
41:37You will get punished.
41:39You will.
41:40You might have to suffer.
41:42If you just, if we decide to meet, we may have to suffer.
41:45If you decide to definitely, if you decide to dodge the draft, you will have to suffer.
41:50They'll probably put you in jail.
41:53If you decide to not take the vaccines, you may lose your job.
41:57You may lose the things you have.
41:59If you decide to, to, to not enjoy, be involved in the things of America, then people's going
42:07to talk about you.
42:08There's going to be suffering.
42:09There always will be.
42:10But let, let me just give you some encouragement about the suffering that you may enter.
42:15First Peter four, 12.
42:18Beloved thing, not as strange concern the fire trial, which is to try you as though
42:24some strange thing happened unto you.
42:26So the Bible is clearly saying, Hey, don't think it's so strange that you're being tried.
42:31Jesus was tried.
42:32All the disciples were tried.
42:34Paul, all the apostles, they were tried.
42:37So when you think, man, why is this happening to me?
42:39Don't think that because why, but rejoice in as much your partakers of Christ's sufferings
42:46that when his glory shall be revealed, you may be glad also with the exceeding joy.
42:52So the one thing I remember about act 16 is that when Paul and, and, and, and silence,
42:58they get beaten for preaching Christ.
43:01They're rejoicing in the jail and say, what good?
43:05I mean, why are they rejoicing?
43:07They're rejoicing because they were worthy to receive punishment for Christ to suffer
43:13for Christ.
43:13And that's hard to understand.
43:15And that's hard for us to do, but I believe at some point in time, we will do it.
43:19But what it's saying is that you're partakers of Christ's suffering.
43:23Jesus Christ suffered for us.
43:24He had a crown of thorns put on his head.
43:27He was beaten.
43:27He was spit on.
43:29He was punched.
43:30They put nails in his hands.
43:32They made him carry his own cross.
43:33They put nails in his feet.
43:35He was whipped with a whip.
43:37And that's why, how he suffered for us.
43:40Now, what it's saying, the little bit of suffering you're doing, it's not really that big a deal.
43:43You're not dying for somebody.
43:45You're not dying for the world's sins.
43:47If you be reproached, means hated, for the name of Christ, happy are ye, for the spirit
43:54of glory and of God rests upon you.
43:57On their part, he is evil spoken of, but on your part, he is glorified.
44:02So what it's saying, when people are approaching you and say, ah, he's a Christian, you know,
44:06he's just doing what God tells him to, is what he says.
44:10Ah, he's nothing.
44:12When he's speaking evil about God and Jesus Christ, you're being lifted up because of that.
44:19When you see Stephen, and he's being blasphemed, and they're talking about him right before
44:24they're stoning, God's getting the glory.
44:26We need to understand that.
44:28On your part, that's where you're going to get rewards.
44:31But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or an evildoer, as a busybody
44:38in other men's matters.
44:40So what it's saying is, not to suffer, like we talked about in Romans 13, because if you
44:45do that, they're going to punish you, and you've got no leg to stand on before God.
44:50If you go out there and murder somebody, and they put you in jail or prison, or they kill
44:54you, you've got no leg to stand on.
44:57But, let none, but yet, I'm sorry, yet, if any man suffers as a Christian, it means that
45:04because of Christ, you lose your job because you take a stand and you say, hey, I'm not
45:09going to do that, I'm not getting this vaccine, and they say, all right, well, then you've
45:13got to get out of here.
45:14Well, here's what the Bible says, or they tell you, whatever it is, whatever you decide
45:19not to do, and it's for Christ, or what the Bible says, do not be ashamed.
45:26Do not be ashamed, but let him glory on this behalf.
45:31It means that you should glory.
45:32You'd say, hey, I'm being obedient to God.
45:34I don't care what you say.
45:36People are going to talk about it.
45:37They're going to call you a draft dog.
45:38They're going to tell you whatever.
45:40You're disobedient or whatever to the world.
45:43You're breaking the law, but are you right with God?
45:48Now, are you going to suffer?
45:49You might.
45:51You may lose everything you have, but there's plenty of people who went to jail, went to
45:58prison for believing in God and doing the right things, and they always, always, always
46:04come out smelling like a rose.
46:08For the time has come that judgment must begin at the house of God, right here.
46:13And if it first began at us, what shall the end of them that obey not the gospel of God?
46:18And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?
46:24Wherefore, let them that suffer according to the will of God, commit the keeping of
46:29the souls to him and well-doing as unto a faithful creator.
46:33So what we need to understand is that when you're doing right and you're obeying God
46:40and it's not obeying man's laws, you're good.
46:45You may have to suffer for it.
46:46You may have something happen to you, but this is the time to disobey.
46:50When your parents tell you to put your phone down or whatever, that's not the time to
46:54disobey, even if you don't believe in it.
46:57We're talking about disobeying the government and there being consequences and them saying
47:02if you do this, this is what's going to happen.
47:05And you say, I don't care because I'm going to be right with God.
47:09You may have to suffer, but you will be right with God.
47:13And that's all that counts.
47:15When it comes down to it, folks, as Christians, what is right is doing right.
47:20First John 4, 7 through 8 says that God is love.
47:25And because God is love, guess what?
47:29We're supposed to obey him.
47:31You know, it's funny when you tell people, hey, once you believe in Christ, you won't
47:37never go to hell and you don't have to do anything to rectify that.
47:41And they're saying, what, do you mean to tell me you just live like you want to?
47:45Well, technically, yeah.
47:47But what they don't understand is when you love somebody, when you're a small child,
47:53you do what your parents tell you to keep from getting beaten, keep from getting punished.
47:57But at some point in time, you should decide to do what your parents tell you because you
48:03love them and you want to please them.
48:05Same thing with God.
48:06That's what God has put parents in charge of children to show that's the way he works.
48:11He wants us to obey him, to obey his commandments first, maybe to keep from getting beaten,
48:18but also because we love him and we want him to be pleased with us.
48:22People don't get that.
48:24So when you're right with God, guess what?
48:26He's pleased.
48:28And that's what it counts.
48:29That's when you get to heaven.
48:31It's not that you did this or did that.
48:34And the Bible says clearly you love God.
48:37You prove that you love God by keeping his commandments.
48:40Let's bow our heads and add a word of prayer.