• last year
00:00So we're still in Hebrews 11. I thought we finished up on number 20, verse 20, but I
00:09had to listen to Hebrews 11 from last Wednesday, and we ended up in verse 11. So we got a lot
00:17of stuff to go through, so we're going to get with it. The last thing we talked about
00:24was Sarah and the faith she had as an old woman to have a baby. So look at verse 12
00:33of Hebrews 11. Therefore sprang there even of one, and him as good as dead, so many as
00:42the stars of the sky and the multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea, sure innumerable.
00:49These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off,
00:57and persuaded by of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and
01:03pilgrims on the earth. So I want you to keep your finger there and go to Romans 4. So the
01:12faith that they had, talking about Sarah and Abraham, is that they left Romans 4. They left
01:21the country they knew, they left their family, to a country that they had no idea. Now we're
01:29not talking about a physical country, we're talking about a spiritual country. But they
01:33didn't know that. You've got to understand when God's telling them that your seed is going to be
01:38more than the sands of the sea, more than the stars in the sky, they don't think of anything
01:44spiritual. They're thinking of something physical. And as a human being, I'm sure they're thinking,
01:50we don't even have a kid. I mean, how can we have any seed? How can we have anybody come from us
01:56when we don't even have any children? That's the faith that it's talking about. But look at Romans
02:014 verse 13. For the promise, this is talking about Abraham, that he should be the heir of the world
02:09was not to Abraham or to his seed, talking about Isaac, through the law, but through the righteousness
02:17of faith. For they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void. So this is another verse that
02:24proves if it has to do with your physical seed, then faith is void. And we're talking about a
02:31whole chapter of faith here. And the promise is made of none effect. Because the law worketh wrath.
02:39For where no law is there is no transgression. So if there was no law, if there's no laws in the Old
02:47Testament, if there's no do not murder, do not commit adultery, you can't sin. In fact, that's
02:53the whole purpose of having the laws. It's not to make sure you obey these laws to go to heaven.
02:59That's what the people will tell you, you got to obey these 10 commandments. The law is to show us
03:05that you're a sinner. It's a schoolmaster, as it says in the book of Galatians, is to show you that
03:11you need a savior is to show you that you cannot keep the law, you cannot repent of your sins, you
03:16cannot do all that you realize that, hey, I'm a dirty, rotten, filthy sinner, and I can't keep the
03:21law, I have to have a savior to save me. Therefore, it is a faith that it might be of grace to the end
03:30of the promise might be sure to all the seed, not to that only which is of the law, but to that also
03:39which is the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all. As it is written, I have made thee a
03:49father don't want Abraham of many nations before him whom he believed even God who quickeneth the
03:58dead means made the dead alive and call up those things which were not as though they were who
04:04against hope believed in hope that he might become the father of many nations according to that which
04:11was spoken so shall thy seed be and not being weak in faith he considered not his own body now
04:20dead when he was about a hundred years old neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb
04:27he staggered not of that promises through God through unbelief but was strong in faith
04:34giving glory to God and being fully persuaded that he had promised he was able to perform
04:40and therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness. Go back to Hebrews 11.
04:48So the Bible clearly telling us that he was seeking a country he was looking afar off
04:55at the promises he did not see them but he's looking afar off.
05:01Verse 13 says that they all died in faith not having received the promises that's what it's
05:08talking about just like in Romans 4 saying that their bodies were dead now they weren't physically
05:13dead they weren't spiritually dead but you'll have to admit most people would look at a 90 something
05:18year old person and say that guy's fixing to die and that's what the Bible's saying is that
05:23as far as him doing something for the Lord you look at all these other prophets they're young
05:28as far as him doing something people would look at him and say man that guy's gone
05:33he's 97 years old he can't do nothing for God and that's what it's talking about that in faith
05:40he was dead to other people but God still used him it's just an example of
05:44we may not know who God can use he can use anybody
05:52now I want you to keep your fingers there in Hebrews I want you to go to John 8
05:57John 8 so we constantly talk about the people in the Old Testament they're looking forward to the
06:07cross and this is a good example this is a good verse talking about this this is one of my favorite
06:13ones in the book of John the book of John to me is my favorite gospel out of the four just because
06:20of the boldness because of the boldness that that the apostle John records as Jesus talks to people
06:27like when he's talking about it so look at John 8 48 then answered the Jews and said to him say
06:37we not well that thou art a Samaritan and hast a devil so you gotta understand the Jews are the
06:42southern group from Judah Jerusalem is a capital city Samaria Samaria is the capital city of
06:50Israel and most people in Samaria were seen as devil worshippers in Israel uh the Jews
07:00and Judah in the southern kingdom were thought to be more spiritual so they just automatically
07:07says he's from Samaria he's a devil and Jesus answered I am not a devil but I honor my father
07:14and ye do dishonor me and I seek not my own glory there's one that seeketh and judges remember I was
07:21telling you Sunday that the antichrist he's going to show you his glory Jesus never does that he
07:29he never uh who uh tells people hey I'm Jesus I'm God he always says he's doing the father's will
07:37not his own will barely barely I say to you if a man keep my saying he shall never see death
07:45then said the Jews in him now we know that thou hast a devil Abraham is dead and the prophets
07:52and thou sayest if a man keep my saying he shall never taste of death so they're giving an example
07:57of the prophets and Abraham being physically dead but that's not what Jesus is talking about
08:03he's talking about a spiritual life a resurrection a uh a spiritual reborn and never dying so now
08:13they're saying hey we know you're a devil because you're saying that Abraham would never die if a
08:19man keep my saying he shall never taste of death are thou greater than our father Abraham is what
08:25the Jews are asking which is dead and the prophets are dead which make it thou thyself Jesus answered
08:32if I honor myself my honor is nothing again not taking glory for himself he's always lived another
08:40father it is my father that honoreth me of whom you say that is you say that he is your God
08:50yet you have not known him same thing today over there in Israel they don't know him
08:55but I know him and if I should say I know him not I shall be a liar unto you he's saying I
09:03should be a liar just like y'all are because you don't know him but I know him and keep his saying
09:09keep his saying your father Abraham look at his verse rejoice to see my day and he saw it
09:18and was glad so he's literally telling him hey I saw Abraham Abraham saw me he saw Jesus when
09:26he came and and all the old testaments that was talking about Jesus coming as the savior to the
09:31world he rejoiced at the day that he came why because all the old testament saints were waiting
09:39for Jesus to come to be the lamb slain because they're looking forward to the cross we're looking
09:44back at the cross they were looking forward they knew that the blood of goats and bulls was never
09:51going to save them they were looking for the savior Jesus Christ to come on this earth as a
09:56baby in Bethlehem's manger and then to be sacrificed about 33 years later that's what they're doing
10:02that's what he's saying he rejoiced to see my day then this is my favorite part then said the Jews
10:07unto him thou art not yet 50 years old and has thou seen Abraham there's no way you saw him this
10:14is my favorite part Jesus said to them verily verily I say unto you before Abraham was I am
10:21and if you go back to Exodus 3 14 what happens uh the burning bush when when Jesus who's in the
10:29burning bush talks to Abraham and he says who should I say it sent me he said I am sinning so
10:35what is it he's saying I am God now look at the next verse then took up that they up stones and
10:42cast at him but Jesus hid himself and went out of the temple going through the midst of them and so
10:48passed by why because they think he's blaspheming by saying he's he is God go back to Hebrews 11
10:55that's the best example in the whole Bible where Jesus says that he is God you got to go back to
11:00Old Testament see what I am means other than that you won't see what God what Jesus says I am God
11:08but that's where he does um back to Hebrews 11 verse 14 for they had been uh such things declared
11:17plainly that they seek a country and truly if they had been mindful of that country from whence they
11:23came out they might have had opportunity have returned so you can go to Revelation 21 and you'll
11:30see the country they're talking about is the spiritual country the the spiritual Jerusalem
11:37in heaven we don't have time to do that by faith Abraham when he was tried offered up Isaac when
11:46he had received the promises offered up his only begotten son of whom it was said that in Isaac
11:52seed shall be called accounting that God was able look at his verse able to raise him up even from
12:00the dead from whence also he received in a figure keep your finger there and go to Genesis 22
12:09see when we talk about Abraham this is what people think about they think about the faith
12:14that he has and he had great faith I mean for him to wait that many years for a son
12:19and to take his only son and to sacrifice him was a big deal but um I'm just going to give you a
12:29quick synopsis of the story we've done this before but basically God tells Abraham hey go up on this
12:37mountain and uh sacrifice an animal so they go up and they're going up the um up there they got
12:44all their servants and their animals and they're going up there and I want you to see a couple
12:50things in this verse number first I want you to see in verse uh verse two it says and he said
13:00take thy son thine only son Isaac so the first thing he calls him his only son he's going to
13:07say that several times to that's to foreshadow what God the Father is going to do he's going
13:14to give up his only son the Lord Jesus Christ um and look at verse four and then on the third day
13:24now I'm telling you the Bible just doesn't put stuff in by coincidental why does he say on the
13:30third day Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place afar well because Jesus what did he do he
13:35rose on the third day in verse five I want you to notice this and Abraham said unto his young men
13:42abide you here with the ass and I and the lad will go yonder and worship and look at the next part
13:48and come again to you so he's telling them I'm coming back just like it says in Hebrews he had
13:57a vision or figure that he was going to be brought back to life that whatever happened that his son
14:05Isaac was going to be brought back um and then you know Isaac says hey we we got all the stuff
14:14we got all the wood we got the altar where's the animal look at verse eight God will provide
14:19himself a lamb for a burnt offering so they went both of them together so he's he still has faith
14:26that God's going to provide that lamb even while they're up on the mountain um so you know the story
14:34he goes up there he puts Isaac on the wood he ties him up he takes a knife and he's fixing to
14:40sacrifice him because nobody's told him to stop and then right then the angel tells him to stop
14:46and when he does look at verse 12 and he said lay not thine hand upon thy land
14:51lad neither do anything unto him for now I know that thou fears God seeing thou has not withheld
15:00thy son thy only son for me again that's the second time it's mentioned that Abraham lifted
15:06up his eyes and look behold him a ram caught on a thicket by his horn where ram is what it's a male
15:12lamb Abraham went and took the ram and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son
15:18and Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah Jireh as it is said to this day in the mount of
15:24it shall be seen and the angel of the Lord came unto Abraham out of heaven the second time and
15:30said by myself have I sworn said the Lord for because thou has done this thing and has not
15:37withheld thy son thine only son that in thy blessing I will bless thee and in multiplying I
15:43will multiply thy seed as the stars of heaven as the sands which upon the seashore and thy seed
15:49shall possess the gate of his enemies and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be
15:54blessed because thou has obeyed my voice goodbye to hebrews 11 that's a lot of faith a lot of faith
16:10verse 20 by faith Isaac blessed Jacob
16:13by faith Jacob blessed Jacob when he was dying blessed by both sons of
16:21Esau concerning those things to come by faith Jacob when he was a dying blessed
16:26both the sons of Joseph and worship leaning upon the top of his staff
16:31so you can write this down in verse 20 I'll put down uh Genesis 27 verse 22 39 through 40 you'll
16:39see that that's where first Isaac who's an old man he can't see he blesses Jacob who deceives him
16:46with and acts like he's Esau then after Jacob leaves and he gets the blessing then Esau gets
16:53some other kind of blessing as well verse 21 um if you remember the story um all the the children
17:03of Jacob uh Joseph becomes a slave unto Potiphar's house or into the Egyptians and while he's there
17:15Jacob right before he dies he blesses Joseph's two sons while right before he dies that is found
17:24in Genesis 48 8 through 20 we don't have time to go through it and then by faith Joseph when he
17:31died made mention of the parting of the children of Israel and gave commanding commandment concerning
17:37his bonds now I thought this was interesting so go to Exodus 2 Exodus 2 just right after
17:43uh Joseph dies he dies in Egypt remember the story um he's the second one in charge he's
17:51right below Pharaoh the king of Egypt and then as Pharaoh dies they they get into where they're in
17:58bondage so look at Exodus 2
18:08I'm sorry Exodus 10 I don't know what's at Exodus 2 Exodus 10
18:19no just just forget everything I said Genesis 50. I don't know why I put 23 before 22. I'm having a
18:27mental block here Genesis 50 verse 24 I'll get it right in a minute
18:35Genesis 50 last chapter in Genesis verse 24 and Joseph said unto his brethren I die and God will
18:43surely visit you and will bring you out of this land and to the land which he swore to Abraham
18:49to Isaac and to Jacob and Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel saying God will surely visit
18:56you and ye shall carry up my bones from hence now I don't know how many times I've read the book of
19:03Genesis I don't remember reading that and Joseph died being 110 years old excuse me and he embalmed
19:12him and was put in a coffin in Egypt so I was trying it took me a little bit to find it but
19:18if you'll go to Exodus 13 you'll see where that was that prophecy was done so right as
19:25right after the Passover right before they leave Moses grabs at the bones of Joseph look at Exodus
19:3413 why is that important I don't know was it important enough for God to tell Moses to do that
19:40look at Exodus 13 verse 17 and it came to pass when Pharaoh had let the people go
19:47that God led them not through the way in the land of the Philistines although that was near for God
19:53said lest perventure the people repent when they see war that means change their mind when they
19:59see war and they return to Egypt but God led the people about through the way of the wilderness of
20:04the Red Sea and the children of Israel went up harnessed out of the land of Egypt look at verse
20:1019 and Moses took the bones of Joseph with him for he had straightly sworn the children of Israel
20:16saying God will surely visit you and you shall carry up my bones away from him we saw that in
20:22Genesis 50 I thought that was pretty neat go back to Hebrews 11 I don't remember seeing that I you
20:29know I guess it's a thing when you do a Bible study and you start looking at stuff sometimes
20:35you miss it I miss that why God wanted him to take his bones I don't know but it must
20:43have been pretty important for him to tell him that verse 23 by faith Moses when he was born
20:48he had three months of his parents because they saw he was a proper child and were not afraid of
20:53the king's commandment that is in Exodus 2 1 through 2 it just basically says that he they
21:01because the pharaoh was wanting to kill every baby that he she decided anyway she's going to
21:10have the baby not worried about what they said by faith Moses when he was called to years refused
21:17to be called the son of pharaoh's daughter choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God
21:24than to enjoy the pleasures for a season
21:29esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches and the treasures in Egypt for he had respect
21:35and to the recompense of rewards you got to understand at this time you know for 400 plus
21:42years the Hebrews are building monuments temples just all these buildings because they had all
21:52this wealth to put all this stuff in because the Egyptians were wealthy you know whether they stole
21:59it or whatever and what it's telling us is that he esteemed the reproach of Christ what's the
22:05reproach of Christ that when he died on the cross he was reproached and he realized that the riches
22:12in heaven are greater than the riches on this earth and that that's a pretty big deal he carried
22:21more about being saved he cared about the afterlife than he did care about what happened
22:27on this life by faith he for he forsook Egypt not fearing the wrath of the king for he endured
22:35as seeing who is invisible so he's saying the who's invisible he's talking about the Lord
22:41through faith he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of blood lest he that destroyed
22:48the firstborn should touch them um let's see where's that at if you will go to exodus 10
22:58keep your finger on Hebrew go to exodus 10
23:03that's where the Passover is found right
23:07let me exodus 12 exodus 12 is the Passover i'll get this right in a minute exodus 12 verse 21
23:22you got to remember none of this was happening at this time they didn't have the Passover so
23:27look at verse 21 God's going to explain it for the Lord would pass through to smite the
23:32Egyptians and when he sees the blood upon the lentil and the two side posts the Lord will pass
23:38over the door and will not suffer the destroyer to come into your houses to smite you and you
23:43shall observe the same for an ordinance to thee and to thy sons forever and there shall come to
23:48pass when you become to the land which the Lord will give you according to he as he has promised
23:53that he shall keep this service and it shall come to pass when your children shall say unto you
23:59what mean ye by this service that you shall say it is the sacrifice of the Lord's Passover
24:04who passed over the houses of the children of Israel and Egypt when he smote the Egyptians
24:09and delivered our houses and the people bowed the head and worshiped and the children of Israel went
24:14away and did as the Lord had commanded Moses and Aaron so did they now today in the New Testament
24:21we don't worry about the Passover we're not going to go get a lamb and even if you want a lamb I've
24:25eaten lamb before we're not going to eat it during the Passover that the Jewish holiday but I do want
24:31you to understand the reasoning behind this is pretty important because if you have a door
24:41first of all Jesus said I'm the door you know the way the truth and life then nobody comes
24:45through the Father but through me so there's a door but if you take the blood let's put on the
24:53two side posts and smear the blood there in the side post and above the top guess what that makes
25:02a cross is that coincidental no I don't think so so that's the idea again we're not going to go
25:11and get a lamb and eat a bunch of herbs and stuff like they did or unleavened bread but that was to
25:18show that it was a holy day and if you go all the way back to it when Jesus died what happened
25:25he died on Thursday night Friday night was what it was a Passover because they're preparing for
25:31the Passover Saturday was a Sabbath and then he rose on Sunday so all those days were were rest
25:37days to show that there's nothing for you to do for your salvation it's all through God it's nothing
25:42but rest that was the picture that was what was supposed to be but now people say you know I'm sure
25:50when they build the temple they're gonna go back to doing the Passover go back to Hebrews 11.
25:58I know I'm going kind of fast here verse 30 or verse 29 by faith they pass through the red sea
26:06as by dry land when the Egyptians are saying we're uh we're drowned go to Exodus 14.
26:17Now I've heard uh so-called I guess smart people they call them so smart but they're not
26:28they would try to explain the things in the Bible as things that are just naturally occurring
26:36for instance they'll say well that's not the red sea it's the reed sea um I don't believe that
26:44you can look at any map and you can see the red sea the Bible just told us that
26:50the holy spirit's telling them to go to the red sea not the reed sea God knows how to spell trust
26:57me uh Exodus 20 or Exodus 14 verse 21 I want to read these 10 verses to you this gives you an idea
27:04of what happened so when you hear people try to talk about this they just don't believe the Bible
27:10and when you don't believe the Bible you're not saved look at verse 21 and Moses stretched out
27:15his hand over the sea and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night
27:21and made the sea dry land and the waters were divided so you got to picture this I like to
27:27read the Bible and picture this you got this group of thousands and thousands and hundreds
27:33of thousands of people they're walking this journey and they come up with this big ocean
27:37a big sea I mean you think about when you go to the beach if you went to the ocean and you said
27:42whoa how are we going to get across this thing you go to Atlantic Ocean go to Pacific Ocean you know
27:47you know you go to the ocean and you try to figure out you know you probably walk in there a little
27:51bit and walk up there and eventually it's going to be underwater well that's what happened here
27:57and they're probably thinking what are we we're going to die here at the sea
28:01but Moses by faith what does he do he stretches out his hand and when he does it just opens up
28:10verse 22 and the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea listen to the wording
28:15upon the dry ground now I'm here to tell you folks you can go to the beach you can try this yourself
28:21you can take sand and you can dig it out and you can pour it on the ground and you know what it
28:26ain't gonna dry it's gonna be mushy it's gonna be squishy but the Bible tells us that it was dry
28:33ground and a water waters were a wall unto them on the right and on to the left so if you can
28:39think about uh you know you're taking a damming up a river or something where there's just this
28:47big wall and you gotta imagine I think about like when you go to an aquarium something I can't
28:53remember what aquarium we went to where you're walking through a hallway and there's animals
28:58there's fish and stuff above you that's what they saw they saw this wall of water and all
29:04these animals folks that is a miracle and to see that would be tremendous so you don't over
29:13don't just underbrush this stuff because this is a miracle and neat in my eyes and the gypsies
29:21pursued and went in after them to the midst of the sea even all pharaoh's horses his chariots
29:27and his horsemen and it came to pass at the morning watch the lord looking to the host of
29:32the egyptians through the pillar of the fire and of the cloud and troubled the host of the egyptians
29:36and took off their chariot wheels and they drove them heavily so that the egyptians said let us
29:42free flee from the face of israel for the lord fighted for them against the egyptians so they
29:49they're taking chase they lied they said we're going to let you go we're going to let you go
29:54and do your worshiping they lied they're getting in their chariots and they're hauling buggy to
29:59try to catch them and the lord said unto moses stretch out thine hand over the sea and the waters
30:04may come again upon the egyptians and upon their chariots and upon the horsemen so after all the
30:10hebrews get across the the red sea he closes it up but he waits until they get in there let's keep
30:18reading and moses stretched forth his hand over the sea and the sea returned to his strength when
30:23the morning appeared and the egyptians fled against it and the lord overthrew the egyptians
30:29in the midst of the sea and the waters returned and covered the chariots and the horsemen and
30:34the sea after them there remained not so much as one of them but the children of israel walked
30:40upon dry land in the midst of the sea and the waters were a wall unto them on the right hand
30:45on the left and the lord saved israel that day out of the hand of the egyptians and israel saw
30:51the egyptians dead upon the seashore and israel saw that great work which the lord did upon
30:57egyptians and the people feared the lord and believed the lord and his servant moses
31:04so if you can imagine as the egyptians are coming in you've got a group of hebrews
31:09they're almost on the end on the other side of red sea you got the egyptians they're coming in
31:15and as they're coming in the water is closing up but it's still dry while they're coming off
31:20until all of them get off and then boom drowns them all i think that's pretty neat uh goodbye to
31:28uh goodbye to hebrews 11
31:36that's a lot of faith by the wall by faith the walls of jericho fell down after they were
31:42compassed about seven days by faith the harlot rahab perished not with them that believe not
31:49when she had received the spies with peace go to joshua six
31:58joshua six
32:07to deuteronomy you get joshua
32:16joshua six
32:20two verse two the lord said unto joshua say i've given into thine hand jericho and the king thereof
32:30and the mighty men of valor so he tells joshua if you remember joshua took the place of moses
32:37moses could not go in the promised land because he did not uh he did not believe so god allowed
32:42him to die looking at the promised land nobody knows what his body is but then joshua took his
32:48spot uh i've given and he's given them jericho which is a wicked city for them to take and you
32:57shall compass the city all ye men of war and go around about the city once thou shalt do six days
33:05so what do they do they gather up they take the ark of the covenant they take i'm just i'm just
33:12going to paraphrase it for lack of time and they get all the priests together seven of them and
33:17they walk around with a ram's horn and they just go around there one time and they go sit back at
33:26the camp the next day same thing go around one time they do it six days blowing this trumpet
33:35and then the seventh day they're supposed to yell and they're supposed to yell and blow the trumpet
33:43and you know you got to think the soldiers are probably thinking why are we doing this
33:50what you know what is the purpose this is faith folks for god to tell you to do something
33:56that by your mind i mean if you told any uh general or something hey just walk around the walls
34:04and then go sit down walk around the walls six days you know they would probably get tired of it
34:09but what happens uh and go towards the end
34:19and verse 15 and it came to pass on the seventh day that they rose early about the dawning of
34:25the morning so to get up and right at daylight compass the city after the same manner seven
34:30times only on that day they can pass the city seven times and it came to pass came to pass
34:37at the seventh time when the priest blew with the trumpet joshua said unto the people shout for
34:44the lord has given you the city and the city shall be accursed even it and all that are there
34:49to the lord only rahab the harlot shall live she and all that are with her in the house because
34:56she hid the messengers that we sent so you can look it up in joshua too but what happens
35:02is that uh two spies come in and they're fixing to be killed there's you got to think about this
35:09they got these walls and they're sneaking up the walls into the city to check it out
35:14and while they're there some guards are coming around and they're looking around and she has
35:18them hide up on the roof and that's how she does it and so he tells them hey since you had the faith
35:26to protect us we're going to protect you and your family i mean she's a harlot she's a whore that's
35:31what she is she she's uh she's a prostitute for money is what we would call her but so she takes
35:38a red string and she puts it outside the door and that's why they save her but everybody else
35:44wiped out because when you see what happens is the walls fall on jericho and then they go
35:51inside the city and they kill everybody um go back to hebrews 11
35:59so uh verse 32 and what shall i say more so paul is saying what else shall i tell you i've given
36:06you all these examples of faith but then he tells us should i tell you of gideon of barack of samson
36:14of jephthah of david also in samuel of the prophets who through faith subdued kingdoms
36:23righteousness obtained promises stopped the mouth of lions it sounded like daniel
36:28quenched the violence of fire who was that a shadrach meshach and abednego escaped the edge
36:34of the sword out of the weaknesses were made strong wax valiant and fight and fight who's
36:39that as david turned to flight the armies of the aliens that's not et that's people who were from
36:46other places women received their dead raised not raised to life again who was that that was elisha
36:53elisha uh the lady said her son was dead he breathed on her seven times on this little boy
36:59and he he rose again and others were tortured not accepting deliverance that they might obtain a
37:05better resurrection and others had trial of uh cruel mockings and scourgings yea moreover of
37:14bonds and imprisonment they were stoned they were sawn asunder they were tempted they were slain
37:20with the sword they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins being destined destitute afflicted
37:26tormented so why did they do this keep your finger they go to first corinthians 15.
37:31the only thing they got was what a better resurrection what does that mean
37:39well i thought we were all going to be resurrected the same way we are as far as
37:43our knowledge but apparently some people are going to have a better resurrection
37:48or it wouldn't make any sense for us to say that look at first corinthians 15 35
37:54this is the resurrection chapter we're in there with faith chapter this is a resurrection chapter
37:58but some man will say how are the dead raised up and with what body do they come i had a guy one
38:04time he said well how can a body be raised up when it's already in the grave well that's what
38:08the resurrection is god can do anything thou fool thou which thou sowest is not quickened means that
38:15it's not made alive except it die so if you put a seed in the ground and you go plant a piece of corn
38:20in the ground first of all praying will grow because it's got soaked in monsanto but if you
38:26could take an old piece of corn back from 100 years ago and you could go plant it it's going to
38:30grow something but the idea is when the seeds in the ground the seed dies and the plant inside comes
38:38alive and that's what it's saying the same thing with our body our body's dead it's in the ground
38:42but when that new body comes when jesus comes in the clouds it's a new seed and that which thou
38:48sowest thou sowest not the body that thou shalt be but bare grain it shall chance weed or some
38:54other grain but god gives it a body as it has pleased him and every seed his own body who's
39:00that body it's gonna be a body like the body of the lord jesus christ not gonna look like this body
39:05it's not gonna have any problems it's not gonna have aches and pains it's gonna be a body like
39:10the body of the lord jesus christ all flesh is not the same flesh but there's one kind of flesh of
39:17men another flesh of beasts another of fishes and another of birds there are also celestial bodies
39:24and bodies terrestrial but the that means the ground but the body the glory of the celestial
39:29is one and the glory of the terrestrial is another there's one glory of the sun and another glory of
39:35the moon and another glory of the stars and one star different from another star and glory so you
39:41can go outside on a clear night and you can see one star is brighter than the other star you can
39:46see that the sun and the moon are brighter than the stars and that's what it's saying look at
39:50verse 42 so also is the resurrection of the dead it is sown of corruption it is raised in incorruption
39:57so it's saying the same thing as a star is brighter than this star the moon's brighter than this star
40:04that that's the same way that in the resurrection some people are going to have a brighter
40:09more glorious resurrection about hebrews 11
40:16and that's what it's saying that these people they didn't have anything they they you know
40:21they did what god told them to and they just trusted in god and some of them it worked some
40:28of them it did not uh of whom the world was not worthy so the world was not worthy to have these
40:35faithful people they wanted in deserts and in mountains and in dens and caves of the earth when
40:41verse 38 and these all having obtained a good report through faith through it to god because
40:50nobody god's not pleased without faith receive not the promise now what does that mean receive not
40:58the promise keep that in mind for a minute we'll finish the chapter god having provided some better
41:04thing for us that they without us should not be made perfect so what is the promise is it talking
41:10about the promise of salvation and what is it talking about well the last place i want you to
41:13go to is daniel 3 daniel 3 and this last part of this verse i kind of struggled with and the only
41:23thing i can come up with what's the prompt what is the promise they did not receive well let's look
41:30at daniel 3 and i think that'll explain it we talked about shadrach, meshach, and abednego
41:37but this is them daniel 3 verse 14 if you understand the story i'll give you brief synopsis
41:44i've got time nebuchadnezzar makes a image of gold of himself and he says when they play all
41:52these instruments you're supposed to bow down to them well there's three people that don't
41:56and shadrach, meshach, and abednego and he tells them hey did you not understand the law the law
42:03is whenever this happens you're supposed to bow down to them and they say we understood and this
42:08is where we're at in verse 16 shadrach, meshach, and abednego answered and said to the king oh
42:14nebuchadnezzar we are not careful to answer thee in this manner he's saying hey we're not answering
42:20you in a hurry we've thought it through verse 17 if it be so our god whom we serve is able to
42:30deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of the thine hand oh king
42:38he's saying look our god he's going to deliver us but look at the next part but if not but if not
42:46be it known unto thee oh king that we will not serve thy gods little g nor worship the golden
42:54image which thou has set up so what is he saying he's saying look god can protect us he can protect
43:01us we're confident in that but if he don't we still ain't worshiping him you're not going to push us
43:05into it so you know we need to think about that sometimes and that's what i think this verse 39
43:11and 40 saying that they did not receive the promise of being physically saved and or
43:18spiritually saved you know they might have prayed and said god help me through this help me through
43:23this help me through this and god didn't answer that prayer but we can read about it we can read
43:30about john the baptist you know he got his head called we can read about these other people uh
43:35steven steven was praying to the lord he saw the lord jesus christ himself at the right hand of the
43:40father as he was being stoned to death and he had a good report from god and god was well pleased the
43:47lord jesus christ stood up i want to just kick this can down the road uh if you go to verse 24
43:55this is in nebuchadnezzar the king was astonished and rose up in haste and spake so you got shadrach
44:00mishad and benneko they're in a fiery furnace and spake and said unto his counselors did not we cast
44:07three men bound into the midst of the fire then answered and said unto the king true oh king he
44:13answered and said lo i see four men loose walking in the midst of the fire and they have no hurt
44:20and the form of the fourth is like the son of god now all the new bible version niv to esv
44:28the new american standard they say is like a sons of the god little g so they're thinking
44:36it's some kind of weirdo buddhist little god little statue guy walking around but what does
44:41nebuchadnezzar says i see the fourth he looks like jesus christ and i'm here to tell you that jesus
44:46christ was in the the fiery furnace was shadrach mishad and benneko and he was protecting them
44:52from being burned that's what the bible says that's the difference in some of these new bible
44:57versions they take out jesus christ until matthew uh jesus is all throughout the bible because it's
45:02all about jesus so hopefully you got an idea that it's all about faith anybody who tells you that
45:10the people in the old testament hopefully you've got an idea of two days two uh two weeks of sermons
45:18that just tells you that ain't true it's because of faith now we see their works
45:24now we see their work but god sees their faith let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer